#fandom falls over itself to be nice to snape bc he was sad and tortured and made mistakes and was ~complex~
tavina-writes · 9 months
Hello! Would you mind elaborating on your post about some people thinking of LQR as Snape? I don't think I have seen it (thankfully) and it confuses me because the characters are very different in basically everything I can think of (principles, methods, priorities), so I don't get where the comparison could even begin. Sorry if you don't actually want to talk about the subject, you can totally ignore this ask if that's the case. Have a nice day! (And happy belated new year!) 🐰💛
Hi Nonny! no worries about asking and happy new year too you too!
oh it was mildly a shitpost, but people talk about LQR and his teaching and whether or not he was a bad teacher and if he was mean to WWX in a way that uhhh strongly reminds me of the way that Snape? was a teacher? like in the "he was terrible and stifled creativity and he was a bad teacher who doesn't deserve to work with children and he was probably also a shitty guardian for his nephews" way + joking about how he's homophobic/"would qi deviate bc of [x]" (also there's a popular thing in fic where LQR is bitter about CSSR and takes it out on WWX) which! sorry there's no basis for this in canon and I hgggg. Is it bc there was no "always" is this why it's not sexy.
Like for all intents and purposes:
LQR was a good teacher. People WANTED to attend his classes it's not like the kids were STUCK there like this is some sort of potions dungeon. NOR was HE stuck teaching kids when he didn't want to.
Yelling at a student bc the student proposed necromancy instead of the many suitable options when necromancy is a huge taboo is not the same as yelling at Neville and making him cry or having weird racist opinions OR only being interested in some child bc you wanted to fuck his mom.
why would you slander Shufu like this.
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