fancycaroline · 3 years
Febressuary ~ fanfic prompt ~ “Nice Jeans” / Ressler’s “Heart” Week
(NB: this super mini fic may not be for everyone, but all I’m going to say is that it is no worse than what the show has already subjected us to. Anyways, proceed with caution as you would, but don’t worry about anything worse than what you’ve already seen.)
Between Sleep and Awake
First, a deafening blow that struck with such force, he couldn’t tell where he had been hit. But looking down, he watched as a crimson blotch spread over his heart with the chaotic grace of a carnation in full bloom.
Vaguely, a succession of loud noises registered, muffled as if he was in a fish bowl. Voices became clearer as they approached, “Agent Zuma, Agent Ressler, I specifically told Harold not to let you or anyone in the Task Force follow me here..” A second voice said, “Rehmond, you cahn’t stay here. Weecha, get him out of here, NOW!”
Amidst the blur that permeated his vision, Red’s face came into focus, his eyes full of concern when they took in the bouquet blooming on his chest. His tone became softer, “Donald, don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t relish the idea of being in your debt in perpetuity…”
Suddenly, what had seemed like water all around him drained away instantly and his surroundings came into crystalline focus. The quiet street they had been surveilling gave the misleading impression that it would lead straight to a bridge that towered majestically in the distance, but they were actually far below and away from any significant traffic. Everything had been perfectly still at 4am, when they had arrived, and now, following that brief but explosive skirmish, the street was perfectly still once again. The violent perpetrators lay dead, and Ressler could now clearly see Weecha and Dembe, standing together in quiet tolerance of each other, looking on as Red bent over him.
High above, a ribbon of speckled sky had managed not to get totally crowded out by the tall row houses and mature trees lining the narrow street. The stars sparkled with unusual brightness and one seemed to drift gracefully down toward where the bridge stood and disappeared behind it’s stone arches.
Red was speaking in hushed tones to Dembe and Weecha, when suddenly a silver light all but obscured the bridge and stretched it’s rays to exactly where Ressler lay on the pavement. A luminous figure approached. She stretched out her hand in invitation and Ressler joined her with a warm hug. When they pulled apart Liz smiled up at Ressler and smirked, looking him up and down, “Nice Jeans.”
Ressler chuckled, marking the approval in her eyes, and replied, “You know they’re my favourite, rips and all.”
Liz dropped her gaze, blushing a little and biting her lip, “I never had a chance to tell you, but… they’re my favourite too.”
Ressler’s eyes saddened a little and a couple of pearly tears formed, “I figured we could make up for all those lazy Saturdays we missed out on.” Then it was his turn to look her up and down, saying, “I guess you had the same idea.”
Liz smiled her widest, dimpled smile, which he had loved since the day he had met her, and said, “Where I came from it’s all lazy Saturdays. With no consequences.” She added, a hint of humour playing about her eyes.
They both laughed lightly, neither able to hold back the tears now as they pulled each other close again. Liz rested her palm on Ressler’s cheek and he cupped her head, stroking her hair and letting it run through his fingers. They were speechless for a little while, their intense feelings overwhelming their ability to form coherent thoughts. So they stood their gazing into each other’s face, each drinking in the sight of the other.
Finally, with raw emotion, Ressler managed to utter, “I missed you.” Liz, her face streaked silver with her tears, replied, “I didn’t want this for you. But now, I’m just glad you’re here.” And then their lips met as they melted into each other in a profound kiss, the deep well of their mutual love finally flowing freely between them. Even when the kiss ended, they resisted letting each other go, showering a myriad of tiny kisses, peppered liberally, over their faces, as they gradually grasped the utter joy of finally having this moment together.
By now Red, Weecha and Dembe were deliberating over how best to handle the injured Ressler and the cleanup, and when Red turned around, he bent down, over Ressler’s limp form, “Donald!” He cried in a hushed tone. “Donald!” Dembe approached Red, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, “Rehmond, he’s gone.” Red bowed his head in grief.
Liz and Ressler had turned their heads at the sound of the alarm in Red’s voice, and now they looked on with pity. Liz, shaking off the somber scene, linked her arm with Ressler’s, and said cheerfully, tossing her head in the direction of the light, “Come on. I’ll show you around.”
Ressler’s mood easily rose to meet Liz’s and, without a second look back, he fell in step beside her, curling his arm affectionately around her neck and pulling her in for a loving kiss on the side of her head. Liz shifted her arm to wrap snuggly around him, and they walked together like that, arm in arm, disappearing into the light.
{Some other renderings of the original sketch, which incidentally, I first shared in this Tweet, where, if you are so inclined, you will see the original inspiration for the drawing. Of course when I saw the prompt “nice jeans”, my muse just went, oh yeah let’s do this. But it also works for Ressler’s “Heart” Week 😭 }
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{Another little edit I made for my Tumblr cover page, so I guess I was already kind of formulating this story in my head weeks before I found an opportunity to write it. Actually, I think how the gif turned out made me think of Liz and Ressler being in heaven together. My headcanon is that Liz IS alone, bc Tom went to hell 🤷‍♀️ Anyways, as shitty as losing Liz was for our Keenler hearts, at least we got 9.07.}
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~ Thanks for reading. I hope I didn’t ruin anyone’s day with this story. It’s an AU. I’m sure Ressler ain’t goin anywhere the show won’t go…
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