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4galacticenergyharborblog · 6 months ago
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capt-mactavish · 15 days ago
yeah, im pretty aware that vikings weren't from scotland, and that viking!soap is inaccurate. however, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_universe_(fan_fiction)
hope that helps
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starry-hughes · 9 months ago
here you go hateful anons! this is all not real!
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mariaann · 6 months ago
Fanfic has always been around - Shakespeare is a prime example - but yes the modern stuff that's been referred to that way starts in the Star Trek fandom....
For newbies like myself (to the world of fanfic), when did fanfic start? I was living under a rock and didn't know it existed. Maybe this is a dumb question, but did Mulder and Scully inspire the beginning, or was it around beforehand?
Are there specific guidelines and "rukes" to enter into the fanfic writing genre? It's a great way to get people writing and enjoy writing while tapping into their creative side.
Hi, fanfic newbie here, too! :DDDD
I'm not aware of the origins of fanfic, either; but I do know the Star Trek fandom helped it really take off. Pretty sure there were dedicated fan clubs, fanzines, and fan conventions that shipped Kirk and Spock. Also pretty sure they were the first popular (or first?) slash pairing.
I know @amplifyme was involved in the 80s era fanfic zine culture-- highly recommend asking her what it was like then-- and most of the philes here were participants in The X-Files broader fandom (or the fringes of it) during the 90s. The fandom loves to be asked questions; and they love to read, so you'll be right at home in their inboxes, too.
Here's a fanlore link I found detailing the history of fanfiction-- thought you might like it~. Might check it out myself later. :DD
And lastly, I know and follow no rules. XDDD However: @today-in-fic is a great person to tag-- that way, your work gets around. And a drabble is 100 words exactly, while a ficlet is any sort of short fic. (Or is it below 1000 words? Dunno.) ...That's all I got.
If anyone has other resources for anon-- fanfic code or loose rules or history-- please, feel free to chime in~.
Edited to add: The community uses / to denote a ship/relationship (ex. Mulder/Scully) and uses & to denote a familial/friendly/platonic relationship (ex. Mulder & Frohike.)
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mandbpresents · 3 years ago
The History of "My Immortal" with Rose!
Hey Fangirls! In this episode, M and Bea interview Rose, the tumblr famous fandom academic that wrote a college final on “My Immortal.” They get into the history of the infamous fic, how certain fic could/should be classified as internet folklore, and a surprisingly large amount of Warrior Cats fanon!
  fic!Club: “War,Children” by Nonymos
  Rec Corner!
Rose: “It Came from Planet Slut” LockedTombMemes
  Bea: “just one mistake (and i lost you forever)” by Lilithiumwords 
  M: “Something smart to do” by kianspo
  Rose’s socials: 
Tumblr: https://daphneblakess.tumblr.com/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rachel_redrose 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rose_crowned/ 
Rose’s My Immortal Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJs0BCHCNPI 
  Ms.Scribe video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_DZd78WLQY 
  Support M and Bea on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/fangirlsanonymous?fan_landing=true 
  Visit the podcast’s website at https://fangirlsanonymous.com/  
  Have Questions? Comments? Jokes? Email M and Bea at mandbpresents@gmail.com.
  Hosted by M and Bea
Music by Gabe Jensen
Produced by Miranda Sherrell
Edited by Miranda Sherrell
Consulted by Erica Bravo
  Copyright Disclaimer: under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. 
  Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
Check out this episode!
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jamandtoast86 · 3 years ago
How Old is Fan Fiction?
Prompted by a fan, somewhere on the web, who felt that fanfic was invented in her twenty-five-year lifetime. I can't even..
No warnings. Exposition of the safest kind.
According to a Wikipedia article[i], it is possible to argue that, initially, fan fiction grew out of readers who met to talk and write about the fiction of H.P. Lovecraft in the late 1800s.   In reality, humans have been making up songs, plays, and stories based on the work of others for millennia.  The common culture of myths and legends that humans share is fertile ground for making up stories with existing characters or circumstances, and sharing them, verbally, or in writing. The phrase fan fiction dates from 1936[ii] and fanfic from 1968[iii], both according to Merriam-Webster Online.
Fans of Lovecraft, and onward, were sharing those commentaries, questions and fanfic via APAs, Amateur Press Associations.  Distribution to like-minded fans, was gradually facilitated by typewriters and carbon copies, spirit duplicators, or Gestetner, and, eventually,  photo-copiers.  These were the tools available to ordinary fans.  Oh, and letter mail to get them to readers. These became fanzines[iv]. 
Even professional writers paddled in the waters of other universes.  the Wikipedia article cites The New Adventures of Alice by John Rae in 1917.  In Textual Poachers,[v] Jenkins mentions T.H. White[vi], Mary Stewart[vii] and Marion Zimmer Bradley[viii] all of whom wrote several reinterpretations of the legends surrounding King Arthur. Slightly more recently Leslie Fish[ix] published a fully novel length, The Weight, taking on the Star Trek (original) universe.  There are literally many thousands more examples of short and long pieces of fiction, art and music, inspired by someone else’s creations.
The glaring difference between then and now has everything to do with computers, the internet and the web.
The personal home computer dates from the late seventies, but was largely unaffordable until roughly a decade after (depending on your family’s affluence).  Wikipedia quotes the magazine Byte which “…’in January 1980 announced in an editorial that the era of off-the-shelf personal computers has arrived”. The magazine also stated that "a desirable contemporary personal computer has 64 K of memory’’”[x] That seems laughable today when our phones have more capacity and functionality than those desktops did.  The adoption of TCP/IP by the US Department of Defense, allowed the beginning of small networks among government departments.  Later it was adopted by major universities and businesses, and we had the Internet.  Almost instantly we had groups of fans getting together by e-mail, and multi-person discussion groups. The next advance was development of hypertext transfer protocol (http) at CERN, followed by the web server and browser.  The search engine came soon after, and the World Wide Web was born.
Today we can have instant communication with anyone else who has a computer and internet service. We can research our topics, share ideas, ask and answer questions and, most of all create and share art, fiction, poems, and songs about the characters and themes we love.
[i] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_fiction downloaded 29 May 2022
[ii] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fan%20fiction  downloaded 30 May 2022
[iii] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fanfic downloaded 30 may 2022
[iv] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanzine download 29 May,2022
[v] Jenkins, Henry. Textual Poachers, Television Fans and Participatory Cultures. New York, NY, Routledge, 1992
[vi] White, T. H.  The Sword in the Stone.  London, UK, Collins, 1938
[vii] Stewart, Mary.  the Crystal Cave. New York, NY, William Morrow, 1970
[viii] Bradley, M. Z. The Mists of Avalon. New York, NY, Ballantine, 1982
[viii] Fish, Leslie.  The Weight Collected.  Chicago, T’Kuhtian Press, 1988
[ix] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_personal_computers#Home_computers downloaded 29 May 2022.
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threespiritstrio · 8 years ago
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Nazo saved sonic but was almost killed in the process. Sonic and his friends helped him out, but he became Mechonised. Now we all can only hope that nazo’s sanity won’t dissapear and that he’ll put his new self to good use. I’m planing on making a movie/series about this, it will be on my youtube channel at some point in the future. I’ll let you know what comes up with this stuff.
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earthmixsclowderofcats · 3 days ago
No one tell the rpf girlies about he socialogical coneo of performance of self
I need people to understand that they don't know these people irl, and therefore you cannot actually be a warrior on their behalf
And that assuming negative intent may in fact be being hyper defensive to the point to the point of becoming the aggressor
Also, I appreciate the inherent biphobia of that last sentence
You completely missed the point? People aren't being shitty towards you bc you think fkt might be dating other people. I don't do rps either but assuming the worst was shitty of you. Also I'm not getting the unbalanced fs you're talking about at all to me they look even more affectionate than usual?
I assumed the worst of what? I don’t even think FKt are dating other people???? I think Khaotung and First are dating each other RIGHT NOW and are de facto living together in Khaotung’s new house why would I be running a delulu circus about them??? otherwise???????????
That anon was literally hating on me for apparently suggesting that khaotung was disinterested in first (which I did NOT say) and ALSO making fun of me for putting them in BF/GF scenario in delulu land like they couldn’t even make up their mind over WHAT the offensive thing I said was. you think I have been in fandom for 15+ years not to recognize when people are mad at me over their own shit????
You’re not even into RPF but you are in my inbox because of what reason?? because you’re into people being bullied over RPF???? someone saying FKt MIGHT be in a period of flux over their fanservice dynamic justifies bullying for you?? This is the great stance you’ve come into my inbox with?
why are you doing this? Is this helping you? Was that anon your best friend? Is making a total stranger’s life shitty for 5 minutes something you enjoy?
trust me I DO NOT post every negativity I receive (not even half) but this level of pointless obsession over me is really concerning and I would like it to stop. I am capable of ignoring it as I do often but seriously I have to shame you guys once in a while or else it gets unbearable.
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2-many-ideas-help · 3 years ago
So, uh,
This exists.
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zenxenophilia · 7 years ago
What is My Immortal fanfic, I swear for a second you were talking about the song lol??
Oh my sweet anon let me show you the world!!!  
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sobredunia · 3 years ago
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horselover107 · 8 years ago
What is My Immortal?
Oh sweet summer child…
My Immortal is the most infamous fan fiction ever written. Supposedly it’s a Harry Potter fanfic, but outside of the name Draco and the occasional appearance of some characters which are misspellings of Dumbledore and Lupin, it has fuck all to do with the source material (well ok there’s also “Vampire Potter”). It stars Ebony Darkness Dementa Raven Way, a goff (frequent miss spelling of goth throughout) emo girl who has sex with Draco and “cries sexually”.
It is a ride. A misspelled, authors notes in the middle of chapters containing, ride. All of the author’s notes are even more misspelled than the actual content, and no one knows if the whole thing was a joke or not. Just that at some point while writing this train wreck, the author claims to have had a fight with her bff and “beta reader” (*snicker*) and the content becomes even more of a mess. It’s been pulled off of Fanfiction.net repeatedly for quality violations (…yeah) but it always makes it way back there and has been preserved by the interwebs in other places which will never forget.
It’s so notably awful it has a properly sourced wikipedia page
And on that note…
Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
“Hey Ebony!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was… Draco Malfoy!
“What’s up Draco?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
Read it here: http://imm.dh.obdurodon.org/read/
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foulserpent · 8 years ago
What is My Immortal and what's going on with the drama surrounding its author? I'm sorry I'm really confused it's all over my dash and you seem the most knowledgeable
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people were able to verify the authenticity of the fictionpress account and use what little info she gave to track down her tumblr, which is pretty well verified to the point that this is like. definitely it
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misplacedscotty · 8 years ago
I’ve been seeing lots of posts recently about ‘My Immortal’ and i had no idea what it was so i googled it and guys it has a goddamn Wikipedia page 
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biclarke · 8 years ago
my immortal is a fic of what fandom? what ship?
it’s probably the most infamous fanfic of all time tbh
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lundonrat · 8 years ago
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Immortal_(fan_fiction) just gonna let you all know about my favourite Wikipedia page
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