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famedroleplay · 2 years ago
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REWARD: up to 12 points
DEADLINE: june 10, 2023 at 11:59pm edt  / june 11, 2022 at 12:59pm kst
fandom is integral to the essence of fame. without anyone listening or watching, celebrity would have little meaning, for better or for worse. for this round of task prompts, muns will delve into the idea of fans and fandom as they relate to their muse.
these task completions do not count toward any monthly limits and are optional.
FANS & FANDOM QUESTIONNAIRE — answer THIS questionnaire with an answer of at least 75 words per question. this will be worth 5 POINTS.
FAN COMMUNITY POST — write a post from the perspective of a fan posting to a fan community and submit it to the famedfeed blog to be published. examples of fan community posts can be found HERE and HERE. feel free to make this a general fan hype post, a post related to a recent claim, or a post reflecting your muse’s recent public image. this will be worth 3 POINTS.
FREE CHOICE WRITING — write a solo or headcanon that relates to an interaction (or multiple interactions) your muse has or has had with a fan. this may be positive, negative, neutral, or a mix of feelings and may take place while a muse is on schedule or off (keep in mind muses are contractually supposed to limit non-company-sanctioned interactions with fans, but this doesn’t mean they can’t secretly break that rule to some extent). this will be worth 4 POINTS.
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famedroleplay · 3 years ago
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task 12: fifth anniversary
reward: up to 25 points
deadline: may 21, 2022 at 11:59pm edt  / may 22, 2022 at 12:59pm kst
for our fifth anniversary, here are five tasks based around the number five, each worth five points, and which you’ll have (just under) five weeks to complete. 
these task completions do not count toward any monthly limits and all are completely optional.
please tag completions of this task with #famedtask12.
five development questions — answer this development questionnaire with an answer of at least 100 words per question. this will be worth 5 points.
five-track soundtrack — create a playlist of at least five songs inspired by one of the following prompts: 1) what songs would be on the soundtrack of a movie made about your muse’s life? 2) if your muse’s life was made into a jukebox musical, what would the song list be? 3) if your muse could have a playlist of songs play everywhere they went to set the tone, what would they be? each song on the playlist should include an explanation of at least 50 words. this will be worth 5 points.
big five personality traits — write a headcanon of at least 400 words about how your muse fits into the big five personality traits model of openness/imagination, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism/emotional stability. the wikipedia page for big five personality traits can be found here. tests for the big five personality traits can be found with a quick search, with some examples being here and here, that you can take for your muse, or you can analyze where they fit on the spectrum of traits yourself without a test. this will be worth 5 points.
it’s five o’clock (somewhere) — write a thread of at least six posts (a starter and five replies) with another muse taking place at 5 o’clock. this can be in the morning or in the evening and the time is the only dictated factor. muns have free range on everything else about the thread! this thread cannot double on another points prompt (ex. schedule thread or base online thread) and must be started after this task post goes up. this will be worth 5 points.
free choice writing — write a solo or headcanon that somehow relates to the number five! this could be your muse reflecting on where they were five years ago compared to now or a list of the five most important locations in their life — anything as long as the number five is involved in the basis of the headcanon or solo! this will be worth 5 points.
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famedroleplay · 3 years ago
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bonus task: new muse tasks
open to: new muses
reward: 10 tracker points
deadline: four weeks after muse’s acceptance into the roleplay
upon acceptance as a new muse into the roleplay, the following tasks may be completed for tracker points. this is to help muns establish their new muses and get a kickstart on points during the muse’s first four weeks in the roleplay. please do not post these task completions until your muse’s acceptance graphic has been posted to the main!
these are optional tasks. new muses are not required to complete them, although it is encouraged. please note that revamped muses cannot collect points for new muse tasks.
please tag completions of these task with #famednewmusetask.
1. answer the establishing questionnaire — answer the following questions regarding your muse. this is meant to help you think about the answers if they’re topics you’re not sure about, as well as to help introduce aspects on your muse to others through the dash! this will be worth 5 tracker points.
why did your muse become an idol?
what does your muse think of their company and their group?
is your muse on their first contract or their second? if they’ve renewed, what were their feelings around that at the time and what were their hopes for their second contract? if they haven’t renewed, what are their current thoughts on the end of their eventual first contract?
what are your muse’s goals, ambitions, and motivations?
what moments or people in your muse’s life are or have been the most impactful and/or the most important to them?
what are five of your muse’s favorite things? feel free to expand on why this is and/or how these became their favorite things.
what is one conflict, internal or external, that your muse is currently dealing with, has recently dealt with, or will need to deal with in the future?
if your muse has established career claims, what are their thoughts on their career so far? if they do not, how do they feel about not having individual activities yet? what would they like to do in the future, if anything? if they don’t have ambitions for individual activities, explain why.
2. fill out an official profile — some of you may already have one on your blog, but please fill out this profile template and post it for this part of the task. it should be written either as if by a marketing director at their company or as if by a fan compiling information from public appearances and statements, either way, feeding into their image and avoiding unattractive information. the answers do not have to be entirely factual, particularly sections like ideal type. this will be worth 2 tracker points.
3. three wanted plots —  create a post detailing three (or more) wanted plots for your muse. these can include established connections, first meetings, connections intended for ongoing development, plots that can be added to any existing connections you might have, plots that involve any points claim you’d like to make, etc. this post should include a description of the type of connection the plot entails and you’re also encouraged to touch on where you’d like the plot to possibly go and how it could potentially develop. each plot should include a description of at least one hundred words. this will be worth 3 tracker points.
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famedroleplay · 4 years ago
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restructuring task 3
open to: returning and new muses
reward: up to 8 tracker points or 20 additional ecp (please designate on task completion post which is being collected)
deadline: september 30, 2021 at 11:59pm edt
the following tasks are have been used in the group prior to the restructuring, but are being reopened for a month to help establish muses within the restructuring. you may complete these now for points, even if you participated in them before.
please tag completions of this task with #famedrstask3.
three wanted plots —  create a post detailing three (or more) wanted plots for your muse. these can include established connections, first meetings, connections intended for ongoing development, plots that can be added to any existing connections you might have, plots that involve any points claim you’d like to make, etc. this post should include a description of the type of connection the plot entails and you’re also encouraged to touch on where you’d like the plot to possibly go and how it could potentially develop. each plot should include a description of at least one hundred words. this will be worth 2 tracker points or 5 extra ecp. you may begin to write and post these as soon as your application is marked as approved on the app count, even before acceptances if you’d like.
three taken plots + threads — muses may also earn points for taking up to three wanted plots from the task (each with a different muse from a different mun) and having threads for them started by the deadline. these points can be collected only for points specifically listed in wanted plots post for this task, but don’t let this stop you from plotting outside of it too! each plot taken with a thread started by the deadline, up to three total, will be worth 2 tracker points or 5 extra ecp. Make sure to tag starters with #famedrstask2. please wait until after official acceptances to start threads!
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famedroleplay · 4 years ago
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restructuring task 2
open to: returning and new muses
reward: 2 tracker points or 5 additional ecp (please designate on task completion post which is being collected)
deadline: september 30, 2021 at 11:59pm edt
the following task has been used in the group prior to the restructuring, but is being reopened for a month to help establish muses within the restructuring. you may complete this now for points, even if you participated in it before.
please tag completions of this task with #famedrstask2.
fill out an official profile — some of you may already have one on your blog, but please fill out this profile template and post it for this part of the task. it should be written either as if by a marketing director at their company or as if by a fan compiling information from public appearances and statements, either way, feeding into their image and avoiding unattractive information. the answers do not have to be entirely factual, particularly sections like ideal type. this will be worth 2 tracker points or 5 extra ecp. you may begin to write and post these as soon as your application is marked as approved on the app count, even before acceptances if you’d like.
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famedroleplay · 4 years ago
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restructuring task 1
open to: returning muses only
reward: 5 tracker points or 10 additional ecp (please designate on task completion post which is being collected)
deadline: september 22, 2021 at 11:59pm edt
the following prompts should be completed with an answer of at least 250 words each. this can be completed only on muses being kept in the restructuring of famed, not new muses. you may begin to write and post these as soon as your application is marked as approved on the app count, even before acceptances if you’d like.
please tag completions of this task with #famedrstask1.
assuming your muse has changed in some way, be it internally or as a result of a change of the external factors around them, how is your muse different? these can be as small as an opinion on a song they hadn’t released previously or as big as a major change in their background.
what does your muse think of their company and their group?
is your muse on their first contract or their second? if they’ve renewed, what were their feelings around that at the time and what were their hopes for their second contract? if they haven’t renewed, what are their current thoughts on the end of their eventual first contract?
what are your muse’s goals and motivations?
what is one conflict, internal or external, that your muse is currently dealing with, has recently dealt with, or will need to deal with in the future?
if your muse has established career claims, what are their thoughts on their career so far? if they do not, how do they feel about not having individual activities yet? what would they like to do in the future, if anything? if they don’t have ambitions for individual activities, explain why.
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famedroleplay · 3 years ago
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task 11: past, present, and future
reward: up to 11 tracker points 
deadline: january 29, 2022 at 11:59pm est
as 2021 has come to an end and 2022 begins, the aim for this task is to take some time to consider the past year for your muse (whether you were writing them for all of it or just started writing them), considering where your muse is in the present, and looking forward to the upcoming year for your muse.
i encourage you to use these tasks to think ahead about development and wanted plots for your muse. maybe your muse wants to start journaling; feel free to start posting regular journal solos from your muse’s perspective. maybe your muse wants to become better at something; feel free to seek out muses that could help them with that to plot with!
these task completions do not count toward any monthly limits.
please tag completions of this task with #famedtask11.
past: meaningful moment — write a 400+ word self-para or a thread of at least eight posts to highlight one meaningful moment that happened for your muse in 2021. if you already wrote a solo/thread about the moment you want to write about, you can write expanding on another aspect of it or approaching it from a later perspective, like in the form of a journal entry by your muse reflecting on the moment after it happened. you can get creative with this as long as it answers the question of what one meaningful moment the muse would have experienced in 2021 was. this will be worth 3 tracker points.
present: where are they now? — make either a) an aesthetic with a 100+ word explanation, b) a playlist of at least seven tracks and a 100+ word explanation, or c) a self-para of 400+ words focusing on where your muse is now in some aspect, be that emotionally, personally, career-wise, in relation to others, or something else. this will be worth 2 tracker points.
future: muse’s goals —  create a headcanon post of 400+ words detailing goals your muse has for the next year. these don’t have to be career goals or goals they will actually achieve in the next year, but things they would ideally like to achieve by 2023. feel free to expand as much as the muse has thought ahead about how these goals might be accomplished. this will be worth 3 tracker points.
future: mun’s goals — create a headcanon post of 400+ words detailing your goals for your muse as a mun. different from the first part of this task, this can focus on things the muse may not know they want or things the muse may not want themselves at all such as development-based goals, but can also expand on goals that the muse is aware of, as long as both future parts (muse and mun goals) are not the same! feel free to include details about how you think you could make this happen or what obstacles might be presented in accomplishing the goal. this will be worth 3 tracker points.
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