lady-daydream · 4 years
Fallout 4/Fallout New Vegas Companions as Hozier songs.
Arcade - From Eden / Sunlight 
Boone -  Foreigners God / Dinner & diatribes
Joshua - NFWMB / Talk 
Ulysses - It will come back 
Cassidy - Someone new / Moments silence 
Veronica - The Bones 
Raul - Shrike 
Christine - Nina cried power / Moments silence
Cait - Angel of small death and the codeine scene / Movement 
Curie - Wasteland, Baby!
Deacon - Take me to church / To be alone 
Danse - to be alone/ NFWMB
Piper - To noise making (sing) / Nina cried power 
Preston - Cherry wine/ Like real people do/ in the woods somewhere
Hancock - Angel of small death and the codeine scene / Almost (sweet music) / no plan 
Valentine - Jackie and Wilson 
Maccready - As it was / Nobody 
Ik there are some repeats but I just couldn't decide which character the songs fit more.... so I put them in both. I hope everyone likes this little random snippet of fallout. I am only a recent fan of Hozier. But I swear I have fallen in love with pretty much all his music. And I'm 99% sure he is an immortal being.
If you have any suggestions of what to do next, or disagree with my music choices, tell me what I could have done better or what song you would change .
Love you all xxx <3 and hope you all have an amazing day :)
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lady-daydream · 4 years
Fallout New Vegas Companions Reactions/Thoughts on Classical Music
As requested this ones for you @winged-light-collectors-posts , I'm sorry it took so long, I hope this is okay, the reacts aren't as long as I would have liked however I found that got stumped by a few of the characters. If I missed anyone please let me know. And also you seem like a lovely person and your love of classical music was really refreshing :)
Once again I apologise for spelling error, I am horrible at spell checking. If anyone has any imaginations or reactions from fallout 3-4 or new Vegas just comment or send a request. Hope you all enjoy and have an amazing day -Love you all <3
Btw if anyone cares I listened to Tchaikovsky 1812 overture with cannons, Clair De lune Ethereal remix, and chop in Ballade No.4 in F minor ethereal remix while writing 
Arcade: It wasn't the first time he had heard Classical music, due to some of the enclave radios having classical music paired to their broadcasts. Surprisingly, despite the memory of the music being attached to his past he enjoys it. Even commenting to you once or twice when he would recall his mum listening to certain songs when she was alive. He also preferred the soothing factor to classical which he found made it easier to focus compared to some of the limited other choices available. So whenever you both are resting or are setting up camp the both of you may be found relax doing your respected activities such as repairing weapons and reading while Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninov plays in the background.
Boone: He didn't have a strong opinion on what music the courier listened to while traveling with him. While serving he learnt that music of all different genres helped soldiers relax, or reminded them of happier times or just of home. Though he did wander from time to time what the genre of music said about a person.However he normally didn't think too hard about it or just didn't want to go down that rabbit hole of a thought process. Through travelling with you over time he slowly learnt to warm up to some songs, with calmer songs such as those by Chopin being his favourites though he would never tell you. And on rare occasions when you both are travelling and he can see the night sky, the classical music helps him relax enough to close his eyes even for a moment without his own ghosts haunting him.
Cassidy: Similar to Boone, she was indifferent to classical music. Though every so often while travelling with you she may comment  that it reminded her of a few mornings she had woken up in bars across the wasteland, with a hangover stronger than an radscorpions sting. She did find it annoying whenever the courier seemed to stop and become engrossed in the music, moaning how they were burning daylight. However when the both of you are drunk, the both of you may try and make lyrics to classical tunes, curses and dirty lyrics included until the both of you are rolling on the floor laughing on the ground like idiots or somehow turn certain sounds in the songs into drinking games.
Ed-e: The both of you enjoy classical music, the robot bopping along with the courier whistling along side. It always made you smile when you would hear happy beeping noises whenever a certain song would comes on the radio. After travelling for a while, Ed-e starts to play certain tunes himself, some of which he must have recorded while Whitley was in the room, as sometimes a person humming or a small mutter or comment can be heard. You knew how important Whitley was, almost like a father to Ed-e as after a while the mans comments blend into the music itself . However you wandered if Ed-e recorded the two of you listening to music similar to Whitley as sometimes while stopping to set up camp for the night Ed-e seems oddly quiet while the two off you listen to your pip-boy. However even if he was recording you didn't mind, you were more happy that Ed-e saw you as important enough to him to want to remember your times together.
Follows-Chalk: Neither of you had really listened to classical before meeting, and Follows-Chalk hadn't heard it at all. However while searching for a certain radio station while travelling with him you stumbled across the classical music station. Follows-chalk instantly loves it. Whistling some of the tunes he had heard while you travel together. Sometimes commenting on the differences between the music he had heard from the travelling singer when he was younger as well as some of the songs his tribe would sing. He would sometimes even teach you some in return for playing some classical music. He always has questions about the artists and their meanings, which you would often reply that it was up to him and how the music made him feel. And so sometimes when the both of you are travelling you may share what the music makes you both feel and think of, helping you both understand each other better.
Joshua: Listening to it was a kick from the past, as memories of listening to it while he was living in New Canaan with his family long before Caesar come flooding back the first time he heard or listening to it. He tried to enjoy the music as much as possible,trying to hold on to the more positive memories of his family- of his father and mother listening to it while doing other activities, memories childhood friends and the misadventures of kids all while having classical music in the background as they all got up to mischief. These memories did leave a smile that hurt as it pulled at burnt calloused skin. However through listening he was also reminded of the absences.The new Cannans destruction, of his family's and friend death. How his love of the music had dissolved as he got closer to Caesar and further away from his childhood and home. You notice he gets slightly quieter when you play the music and If you ask him if he is okay he will comment on these memories, not going into too much detail unless questioned further, respecting your one associations of the music don't need to be shared with his. After travelling a while, slowly he would try and dissociate the music with his memories replacing them with more positive moments while travelling you or just letting the sound of the music flow through him. On very rare occasion he might even ask you if he may offer to dance, commenting that he learnt from a few dances and events the town had in his youth. Mostly however, he is just glad he was able to listen to the music with you, using the calming music to just focus on the two of you and the peace the music brought him.
The King: On first listening he didn't like it. He didn't mind you listening to it if he saw it made you happy; however, he would always recommend songs from ‘the king” on holotapes he had. Both of you at first choose to respect each other's opinions. After a while though both of you made a deal. For every song he listened to of your preferred genre of music, you would listen to one he wanted you to listen to. So it became a routine. Whenever he knew you had a long journey he would slip you holotapes with songs such as ‘suspicious minds’ and ‘stuck on you’ and in return when alone The king would listen to the radio station you recommended. After a while you both soften up to each others music and as the both of you got closer you both associate certain lyrics and songs to each other, with the songs ‘Can't Help Falling In Love’ and ‘Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No.2′ holding a special place in both of your hearts. When things get more serious, he might even sing small medley of songs from either genres that you stated you like more, and would even nickname you his ‘symphony’ or his “song bird” if you try to sing any of the songs he likes. 
Raul: When you listened to classical music with him for the first time he laughed, sarcastically commenting on “isn't this music a little too old for you, boss?” or “Mi abuela would have loved you”. Plus if you enjoyed the music he didn't really mind. If the radio station had different regional classical music, Raul would happily translate any lyrics if need be if he recognised it, commenting of different memories of his family if the both of you were comfortable enough sharing.Unlike other companions he was able to educate you on some of the instruments used and just the basic knowledge he would have known before the bombs fell. Once or twice though if you are both relaxed (and if you have had a few to drink) you might ask him to dance to some of the more energetic classical songs. And though he will resort to comments about his knees can't handle dancing, and how “you are a few 100 years too late to be asking him to dance”. He still will dance anyway laughing at the joy you brought with you - as well as both of your dancing ability.
Veronica: ’”Didn't think classical music was your thing, but hey to each their own I guess- was told it helps focus, but idk.If I had someone playing a violin next to me I'm pretty sure I would have a difficult time focusing”. She had listened to music before meeting you, however much preferred learning pre-war information from long forgotten technology more than listening to it. As such whenever you are both listening she would randomly tell you small random facts about composers such as “.hey, did you know Edvard Grieg had a good-luck figurine. It was a little frog that he would pat before a concert- found that out on an old library achieve. wonder why he thought the frog was so lucky. - hey maybe I'm your lucky charm y/n”. However she wonders why classical music was associated with intelligence at the time since, anyone can listen to the music, so what made it so intellectual, or was it just that the skill it takes to play an instrument made it associated with knowledge.
Ulysses:He collects all pre-war music he can. He enjoys listening to just his surrounding and the silence that would sometimes bring. He also enjoys focusing on music and was surprised by how many classical music recordings he found while travelling. He enjoyed what each song means by its self but also how the music and the meaning behind it still remained even years after their creators and original audiences had died. He did sometimes wonder what message the listeners were supposed to take away however he knows that answer is one of many lost by time. At first he is rather hesitant about even bringing up the subject, due to you're association of destroying the traces of the old world, However through gaining his trust he slowly opens up about it and will let you sit and listen with him.He will sometimes ask you what you think the meaning is or what you think of the song and sometimes comment that he wonder if the creators would imagine someone like him listening to their music, a lone man sitting one the edge of a cliff, watching over the past while protecting the present from the threats of tunnelers and marked men or the significance their music would have on a person. When you join him, you normal listen in silence broken by occasional discussion. Allowing you both you be in your own thought. However even if it is just your presence next to him or you holding his hand or sometimes falling asleep resting against him, he is glad he isn't completely alone and that you understand, even if it is just a little bit, the importance the music is to him.
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lady-daydream · 4 years
Random things about being in a relationship with Arcade Gannon - Fallout New Vegas Imagine
This ones for you @vita-ante-acta who asked for anything to do with are best boi Arcade, who as you put it is definitely the cutest Gay in the wastelands <3. I hope this is alright :). Once again I apologise for spelling error, I am horrible at spell checking. If anyone has an imagines or reactions from fallout 3-4 or new Vegas just comment or send a request. Hope you all enjoy and have an amazing day -Love you all <3
Also side note idk why but I kinda get Arcade Vibes from the song Wasteland, Baby! by Hozier? just me? idk.
- If while travelling, the courier and Arcade step onto something that might aid    Arcade in this scientific study, the courier will happily sit and wait, and let him collect whatever data he needs. Even in the middle of night.
- People have learnt that when they see a focused blonde scientist knelt over a plant or piece of technology or documents, writing notes and muttering to himself, they should just continue on like they haven't seen anything. Those that have rude comments to say or outright insult him end up having a warning shot fired at them from a certain courier who is stood close by 
- The both of them ended up sleeping together originally out of convenience one evening when the courier was injured and arcade insisted that he keep an eye on them but that they also needed to rest. After that, it became a habit that neither of them complained about even after the courier was all healed.
- Arcade will read to the courier if they can't sleep. Though he thinks his voice and whatever he is reading will bore the courier. The Courier enjoys the comfort of it and the sound of Arcades voice, plus sometimes subconsciously Arcade will draw circles with his fingers on the couriers back while reading.
- Arcade is normally the one to fall asleep last. The courier seems to be able to fall asleep on command or due to being exhausted  from running around everywhere. It takes a while for Arcade's mind to stop overthinking and switch off. Though the courier's presence has helped him relax more.
- Both have a habit of overworking, so both try to stop the other from pushing themselves too far. Arcade will make sure the courier eats and actually gets treatment for the infinite amount of injuries they get on their travels. While the courier has learnt to recognise from Arcades body language when he needs to be pulled away from research and remind him to take breaks and rest 
- Arcade started to notice that the courier would start to use small pieces of Latin after being with him for a while, from just picking up phrases he says in his company. Once Arcade started noticing them doing this he would make a note to try and teach them and uses new phrases.
- The phrase “You're an idiot, but you're my idiot, so please don't do something that stupid again “ is used a lot
- Arcade quickly found out that the Courier was terrible at maths. Even simply maths takes them a while to work out, and they freeze whenever asked to do quick maths on demand. So every time it happens Arcade steps in and answers. He has tried to help teach them but it didn't stick.
- The courier does however have an amazing memory. If they have been to a place before, they remember directions, town names and faces very quickly. They are a fast muscle memory as well so when arcade taught them simple first aid, they picked it up with demonstration very quickly. This comes in handy when they travel together since Arcade didn't normally travel often and having someone who is confident while travelling is a comfort.
- The courier will steal his glasses from time to time just so Arcade can kiss them in order to get them back.
- One of Arcades fears is that he may not be able to defend the courier if they get seriously injuried while in combat. He knows the courier can more than handle themselves in a fight, but he also knows if he didn't have his laser gun at hand he isn't all that useful in a fight, not that he wouldn't die trying. The thought keeps him up at night but he has never told the courier 
- To the courier's surprise Arcade is stronger than he looks (Strength - 6), and he gets asked a lot but the Followers to help when heavy lifting is involved.Though he doesn't mind helping and being useful he will be sarcastic the whole time while doing it
-When it comes to telling you he loves you vs showing it, he is more of a showing you kind of person. When he gets flustered or doesn’t have a lot of control in a conversation his words get muddled. So he would make sure that the courier was patched up after a fight, and would leave notes reminding them he cared for them in their bag along side supplies he has snuck from them, so while travelling they could find it, along with hugs and kisses in private.
-  Both of them enjoy looking at the stars, however Arcade doesn't know any constellation- new world or old- meanwhile the courier from their years of travelling has learnt what tribes see in the sky along with an old world book on it that they keep on them. So the Courier while travelling with him at night will tell one of the many stories on the stars, which always makes traveling seem quicker and Arcade enjoys the Courier talking about something they are passionate about.
- Their first kiss happened when the Courier returned injured, Arcade began a tangent about how they should have been more careful and how he was worried, and midway through the courier kissed them saying “they got back here as soon as they could so they could see him again”. Arcade still continued his rant however had a blush all the way through and stumbled on his words more often.
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