#fallinlangya 2023
bitterflames · 1 year
Hello Langya friend - Your answer to question 4 was correct - Xiao Jingyan is the best! Full credit. For question 5 I noticed you are a Jingsu shipper, so, would Xiao Jingyan feel some angst about kissing MCS before the reveal?
omg, i love this question, thank you anon! i, uh, have A Lot Of Feelings about jingyan and his lin shu-related grief and how all of that colours his relationship with mcs and... for reasons i ended up writing out my response as an r/AmITheAsshole parody. as you do.
Posted by u/WaterBuffalo 3 minutes ago
AITA for still being hung up on my first love?
I (31M) lost my best friend/cousin/first love (it's complicated) to a tragic incident twelve years ago, and was convinced I would never feel the same way for anyone else. I'm basically married to my work anyway, so it's never really been an issue.
Until I met this guy (30?M) - I guess you could say he's a work friend? We see each other regularly; we practically live in each other's back pockets, and I don't think I'm being delusional when I say there's a spark there.
Except… I don't know why, but whenever I'm around him, my thoughts keep going astray. They don't look alike, they're opposites in every way - one was outdoorsy and full of energy, a little fireball even in the dead of winter; the other is a fragile scholarly type who's always cold. But all these little mannerisms he has, the way he clenches his hands in the hem of his sleeves, they remind me of my first love so much I think I'm going crazy.
And last night, one thing led to another, and I kissed him in the secret tunnel between our houses (don't ask). It was just a brief kiss, but I could tell he was into it - the way that he shivered and clung to me with those long, elegant hands, even called me by name (which he never does).
And then he left in a hurry. Since last night he hasn't returned a single one of my messages, and I'm alone with my thoughts, and worst of all I can't stop thinking - they even kiss the same way.
I know it's not fair on either of them. Not to the memory of my first love, or to my new friend. Maybe it's just wishful thinking; maybe I'm just seeing the ghost of a dead man in places where he doesn't belong, because I miss him so badly. I don't know.
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
10th day - Your favourite costume/costuming choice?
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
9th day - What are some of the funniest moments for you - either from canon or from the fandom?
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
17th day - Do you have a scene from the drama you wish Hai Yain included in the drama? Or one where you wish we knew details the drama couldn't show?
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
3rd day - A favourite location of yours, either from the novel or the drama? How about a favourite location for a character? (Or a few so that we get other replies but Langya hall.)
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
13th day - Do you have a favourite fanfic narrator out of the characters?
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fallinlangya · 1 year
2023 Schedule
September 15th: Last day of signing up for the event.
September 17th: Usernames of partners will be sent out through direct messaging, please have your DMs open.
September 20th: Send your first ask/reply by this date so I know that you have received all the information correctly and you still want to participate.
October 17th: End of the event, reveal to be sent to partners.
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
2nd day - What is something that canon listens about that you find fascinating (not necessarily wishing that it would speak more about it)?
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
16th day - Is there a scene you feel we were robbed in the drama? Like, the bridal carry scene or Mei Changsu giving Xiao Jingrui pointers on his sword technique?
(If you need inspiration, the differences between versions are detailed on the miraheze page.)
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
5th day - Who is the most transmigration suspicious to you? Or is there any character who would be fun to switch to a transmigrator?
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
1st day - What kind of conversations, fics, meta, fannish activity would you like to see more of in this fandom?
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Yu Xuanji - An Early Fall transl. He Fengcong
Gentle chrysanthemums are cherishing new colours. Mountains are distant in an idle evening's mist. Comes a cool breeze to startle the green trees And a clear tune comes to my lute's strings. A thoughtful woman embroiders at a table. Soldier-husband marches beyond the Wall. Geese are flying and the river teems with fish And a letter, she hopes, has been passed on.
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
18th day - This fandom wouldn't be the same without siblings. Share some thoughts about the siblings of great Liang.
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fallinlangya · 1 year
Fall in Langya Ask Meme
8th day - Any new friends you made because of this fandom? Any friends you got into this fandom?
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bitterflames · 1 year
Week 2 of Fall in Langya is underway! I am giving you a perfect score on your response to question 3 - Xia Dong and Mu Nihuang should indeed kiss! So let's launch into question 4 - who is your favorite character? I am thinking of saying "besides Mei Changsu" but I will leave it up to you!
thank you for encouraging my xia dong/nihuang agenda 💖 i love the glimpses of their friendship in the drama! also i'm a simple person who sees two warrior women together and thinks "ok but what if..."
as for your question! ok i DO love mei changsu, i won't lie, i knew going in he'd be the kind of protagonist i'd become absolutely obsessed with (does anyone come out of NiF and not have mei changsu in their brain rent-free, i ask). the complexity, the tragedy, the sheer charisma. the way he views himself as not so much of a person but the personification of the chiyan army's justice. the moments of all-too-human emotion that break through regardless.
but the one who really came out of left field and grabbed me by the heart when i didn't expect it was xiao jingyan. my poor sweet noble gaslit water buffalo prince, left behind to grieve twice over. so painfully honest and loyal even to his own detriment. the arc of him slowly opening up to trusting mei changsu even before he learns the truth fucks me up like you wouldn't even believe. (or maybe you might!)
tl;dr: i'm bad at expressing them but boy do i have a lot of feelings about xiao jingyan
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bitterflames · 1 year
Question 3 for the week and then a brief weekend hiatus - Dear Langya penpal, who would win in a fight? Xia Dong or Mu Nihuang? Please show your work XD
omg, anon, how can you pit two queens against each other like this? i love them both don't do this to meeeee
both are not to be underestimated but i feel like xia dong might win in a one-on-one sparring match. nihuang is a great commander but dong-jie is older and experienced and probably not afraid to fight dirty given her whole secret police deal. that said: my real answer is i think they should kiss.
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