#fall harvest mustard
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#food#lunch#food inspo#crackers#havarti#pumpkin spice bellavitano#fall harvest mustard#cheese#turkey#pear#fall lunch
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Jesus Teaches in Parables
1 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea. 2 And great crowds gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat down. And the whole crowd stood on the beach. 3 And he told them many things in parables, saying: “A sower went out to sow. 4 And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them. 5 Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil, 6 but when the sun rose they were scorched. And since they had no root, they withered away. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. 8 Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 9 He who has ears, let him hear.”
The Purpose of the Parables
10 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” 11 And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. 12 For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. 14 Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says:
“You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive.” 15 For this people's heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.’
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. 17 For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.
The Parable of the Sower Explained
18 “Hear then the parable of the sower: 19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. 20 As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy, 21 yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. 22 As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. 23 As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.”
The Parable of the Weeds
24 He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, 25 but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. 26 So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. 27 And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”
The Mustard Seed and the Leaven
31 He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. 32 It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
33 He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.”
Prophecy and Parables
34 All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable. 35 This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet:
“I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.”
The Parable of the Weeds Explained
36 Then he left the crowds and went into the house. And his disciples came to him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field.” 37 He answered, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. 40 Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, 42 and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
The Parable of the Pearl of Great Value
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
The Parable of the Net
47 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind. 48 When it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers but threw away the bad. 49 So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous 50 and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
New and Old Treasures
51 “Have you understood all these things?” They said to him, “Yes.” 52 And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”
Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
53 And when Jesus had finished these parables, he went away from there, 54 and coming to his hometown he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? 55 Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? 56 And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 57 And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.” 58 And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. — Matthew 13 | English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Cross References: Genesis 18:6; Genesis 26:12; Deuteronomy 29:4; 2 Samuel 23:6-7; Psalm 78:2; Psalm 104:12; Psalm 119:70; Ezekiel 17:6; Daniel 3:6; Daniel 12:3; Zephaniah 1:3; Matthew 5:37; Matthew 8:20; Matthew 12:32; Matthew 13:1; Matthew 13:3-4; Matthew 13:44; Matthew 13:49; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 20:1; Mark 3:23; Mark 4:4; Mark 4:6; Mark 4:16; Mark 4:25; Luke 5:3; Luke 8:8-9; Luke 8:11; Luke 10:23; 1 Corinthians 15:42
Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables?
Key Passages in Matthew 13
1. The parable of the sower and the seed; 18. the explanation of it. 24. The parable of the weeds; 31. of the mustard seed; 33. of the leaven; 36. explanation of the parable of the weeds. 44. The parable of the hidden treasure; 45. of the pearl; 47. of the drag net cast into the sea. 53. Jesus is a prophet without honor in his own country.
#Jesus#teaching#parables#parables explained#Matthew 13#Gospel of Matthew#New Testament#ESV#English Standard Version Bible#Crossway Bibles#Good News Publishers
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From Amy Klutinoty:
The music you listen to.
The movies you watch.
The TV shows you binge.
The content you consume online.
Does it honor God?
These are all seeds you are sowing into your life. The harvest will reveal who or what you serve.
Sow wisely.
If a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough and a mustard seed of faith is powerful enough to move a mountain…then nothing is “too small” or insignificant to make an impact in our lives. Good or bad…it all matters. I’ll just leave it at that for those who have ears to hear today.
•Galatians 6:7- Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
•Matthew 6:22-23// The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
•Philippians 4:8- Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
•1John 2:15-17// Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
•Psalm 101:2-4// I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house; I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me. A perverse heart shall be far from me; I will know nothing of evil.
•Ephesians 5:11- Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
•Proverbs 4:23- Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
•1Corinthians 10:31- So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
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Nobody asked for my opinion, but here it is anyways: 'invasive' or 'aggressive' species are indictive of ecological disharmony
The occurrence of which IS natural, but always eventually balances out (unless artificially maintained)
Eventually, the plant/ animal/ fungi/ whatever will be predated on and population reduced in size, so it doesn't crowd out entire species or destroy entire ecosystems anymore. This can look like hogs eating large patches of fireweed, or black smut fungus infecting a cherry monocrop.
If left alone, garlic mustard takes approximately 10 years before it's population starts to die down (I'm not sure what leads to the degrowth), and I'm positive that with enough time, an animal or plant disease will move into or evolve to eat it in North America.
Every single species in every single ecosystem has been new or 'invasive' at some point in history. Why it's so important to manage them now is because civilizations have already caused ecological disharmony across the globe, and plenty of species are endangered. So instead of waiting for the destruction phase to pass, ecologists are attempting to artificially predate on these new species, and keep endangered and endemic species and ecosystems alive.
Because the food chain is being absolutely destroyed, and we rely on it for existence.
This is not to say that we should be cruel to invasive species- they are not doing anything wrong. They do not deserve to be curb stomped or shot or fucking tortured like too many people have proudly filmed themselves doing "for the environment".
And what a vast majority of ill-informed people are doing is falling into nazi ideology; they fetishize a specific "primordial" environment untouched by "undesirables", be it invasive species or select groups of people. Which is completely ahistorical.
Most humans have never seen an environment in harmony. Most humans have never seen real topsoil or rock lichen at work or 2000 year old trees.
Besides, the environment is always changing, it will always be changing. A swamp eventually fills and turns into a forest, which can be burned down by lighting, be colonized by primary species, and grow right back into a forest. It's called ecological succession.
Plants are supposed to be eaten and felled. When environments are overgrazed and exploited, they can turn into badlands and dust bowls, which are their own ecological niches, but ones that are hostile to mammals.
And whilst the tiktoker was slightly off, they were right that a lot of what is called 'invasive' actually just means "agricultural pest". Because we actively choose to poison the land with pesticides instead of eating insects like weevils and cockchafers simply out of habit, not bc we can't.
And we actively choose to use herbicides instead of companion planting because it's easier to harvest monocultures. It doesn't give us more food, actually it increases chances of famines
The system we have is fucking stupid.
If you wanna kill an invasive species, then at least eat it or use it in some way. Or kill to protect a specific plant or animal (not it's entire species; it's not possible or sustainable for such little people to do). If it's a plant, you should replace it (grow mycorrhizal fungi & mix it with compost + plant the seeds of a fast-growing native or naturalized species like dandelion).
Killing for the sake of killing.. well, it's really no better than European settlers shooting bison from moving trains.
#invasive species#pina.posts#im too sick to add links but in a few days i will!!#lmk if you want me to forward this post to you when i add links
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“When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy! Restore our fortunes, Lord, as streams renew the desert. Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.” —Psalm 126:1-6 (NLT)
“The Harvest is Coming” By Wendy Richmond (One Minute Devotions):
“In the dark, cramped room of hopelessness and despair, there remains a glimmer of light. Psalm 126 is a Psalm of hope for those who have fallen captive to despair. “Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy.” When the darkness seems to be closing in and all you can muster up is a mustard seed of faith, toss that seed into the soil of trust. God will do what is necessary to bring about the harvest.
With tears of despair, we water the seeds of faith until God brings about the harvest. In order for seeds to grow, time must pass. Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes with the morning (Ps. 30:5). Weeping will turn to rejoicing and sorrow to singing for those who wait.
Every one of us may fall captive to despair at some point. Don’t give up before the harvest comes. God has not forgotten or forsaken you when you are at your lowest. You are inscribed on the palms of His hands (Is.49:26). You may be in a season of planting in tears right now, but seasons change. Just when you think all hope is lost, the ground will break and seeds will begin to sprout. Take courage. The season of harvest is just around the corner.”
#psalm 126:1-6#bible verses#bible truths#bible scriptures#bible quotes#bible study#christian life#christian living#christian faith#christian devotionals#daily devotion#christian inspiration#christian encouragement#christian motivation#christianity#christian quotes#freedom in christ#bible teaching#keep the faith#make him known#one minute devotions#wendy richmond
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In the storied history of rock 'n' roll, how many classic albums truly have no weak songs? Even the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, ranked by many as the greatest album ever recorded, has one less-than-stellar track in "Good Morning Good Morning." The greatest records aren't necessarily the most consistent, but these 25 albums beg to be played from start to finish.
The 1960s remain perhaps the greatest decade in music history, with dozens of perfect albums solidifying rock as the sound of a generation. The '60s also saw plenty of flawless debut albums, such as the Jimi Hendrix Experience's Are You Experienced, The Doors' eponymous album and King Crimson's revolutionary In the Court of the Crimson King.
READ MORE: 15 Maligned '90s Rock Albums That Deserve a Second Chance
The grunge explosion of the '90s challenged the golden age of rock, with instant classics from the genre's own 'Big 4.' The menagerie of Nirvana's Nevermind, Alice in Chains' Dirt, Pearl Jam's Ten and Soundgarden's Superunknown represents a scene so explosive that it has never, and may never, be matched.
You'll see a small handful of 21st century albums in this list too, and if you don't see your favorite modern masterpiece, be sure to check our list of 25 Legendary Metal Albums With No Weak Songs.
See the full gallery of 25 Legendary Rock Albums With No Weak Songs below.
These legendary rock albums have no filler.
Gallery Credit: Loudwire StaffAC/DC, 'Highway to Hell'
Albert / Atlantic
AC/DC, 'Highway to Hell'
AC/DC’s Highway to Hell was the last album the band would record in the ‘70s and also the last with iconic singer Bon Scott. If their career had ended here, it would’ve been an admirable run. Of course, “Highway to Hell” was perhaps the biggest statement from the group yet, but let’s not forget about the other nine tracks here. “Girls Got Rhythm,” “Touch Too Much,” “Shot Down in Flames” and “Beating Around the Bush” all represent the band’s cheeky attitude toward the fairer sex while “Night Prowler” paraded their tough guy image.Alice in Chains, 'Dirt'
Alice in Chains, 'Dirt'
If the public at large still remained oblivious to the grunge community’s pervasive drug abuse, then Alice in Chains went ahead and told them all about it on 1992’s Dirt. Undisguised examples such as “Sickman,” “Junkhead,” “God Smack” and “Angry Chair” were terrifying and mesmerizing in equal measures, and similarly gloomy issues such as depression, war and mortality pervaded other key tracks “Them Bones,” “Rooster” and “Would.” All of which might have made AIC’s sophomore album a downer and a slump, if not for the haunting beauty of Cantrell and Staley’s vocal harmonies and the musical exorcism of their demons.The Beatles, 'Magical Mystery Tour'
Parlophone / Capitol
The Beatles, 'Magical Mystery Tour'
The Beatles have more iconic albums than, essentially, any band in history. However, even Sgt. Pepper's has "Good Morning Good Morning" and Abbey Road has "Mean Mr. Mustard." Magical Mystery Tour is remarkably consistent from beginning to end, boasting iconic stoner cuts "I Am the Walrus" and "Strawberry Fields Forever."David Bowie, 'The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars'
David Bowie, 'The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars'
The master of reinvention bowled yet another strike in 1972, creating his most iconic alter ego in Ziggy Stardust. Nobody can mess with Bowie's creativity, and Ziggy Stardust is, frankly, unfuckwithable.Deep Purple, 'In Rock'
Deep Purple, 'In Rock'
Shaking off the ‘60s, Ritchie Blackmore took his guitar and bashed down the door, rebuilding the framework from the moment the needle touched the record as “Speed King” sounded the proto-metal alarm. Top to bottom, In Rock is a treasure trove and deservedly puts the members faces on a redone Mount Rushmore on the cover. “Child in Time” was one of the first true hard rocking songs that saw wailing high notes enter the fold and establish the blueprint that would later become the heavy metal singing staple.Deftones, 'White Pony'
Deftones, 'White Pony'
After generating plenty of buzz from their previous releases, the music world finally caught up with Deftones on their 2000 album White Pony. The Terry Date-produced record became one of the defining albums of 2000, fully realizing the potential of the band’s atmospheric quiet-loud dynamic with great aplomb. The monster radio hit was “Change (In the House of Flies),” a creepy little ditty that put Chino Moreno’s vocal capabilities on full display.The Doors, 'The Doors'
The Doors, 'The Doors'
When's the last time a rock band released a perfect debut album? With The Door's eponymous LP, they instantly became '60s rock royalty and Jim Morrison was a definitive poet of the decade. Bookended by the classics "Break on Through" and "The End," there's zero room for fluff in this iconic album.Fleetwood Mac, 'Rumours'
Fleetwood Mac, 'Rumours'
It's one of the few albums with a perfect score from nearly every critic, and Fleetwood Mac were more than deserving. It wasn't until their 11th album that Fleetwood Mac created their masterwork, Rumours, giving the softer side of rock some devastatingly heavy emotional weight.Guns N' Roses, 'Appetite for Destruction'
Guns N' Roses, 'Appetite for Destruction'
After slowly working its way up the charts over the course of a year, Appetite for Destruction finally overtook the No. 1 spot on the charts and went on to sell over 30 million copies. Guns N’ Roses were branded “the most dangerous band in the world” with an attitude that was unrivaled. From the all-time opener “Welcome to the Jungle” along with timeless classics “Paradise City” and “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” the album is packed start to finish with. The raw attitude and fevered aggression is felt on “Out Ta Get Me” and “Nightrain” while “Rocket Queen” closes it out in impassioned style.The Jimi Hendrix Experience, 'Are You Experienced'
The Jimi Hendrix Experience, 'Are You Experienced'
Reaching back toward the glory days of rock, one of the most perfect albums ever recorded is the Jimi Hendrix Experience’s Are You Experienced. The psychedelic masterwork gave the world immortal cuts such as “Foxy Lady” (or "Foxey Lady" as it was sometimes stylized), “Fire” and “Are You Experienced.” It doesn’t even matter if you picked up with original North American edition or the original U.K. and international edition — you’re guaranteed an album with no lame songs.King Crimson, ‘In the Court of the Crimson King’
King Crimson, ‘In the Court of the Crimson King’
King Crimson are one of progressive rock’s charter bands, and their 1969 debut, In the Court of the Crimson King, is one of the style’s cornerstones. At the time, there was nothing more terrifying than the album’s first number, “21st Century Schizoid Man,” which married Greg Lake’s distorted voice, Robert Fripp’s dissonant guitar, and Ian McDonald’s honking saxophone (!) into a deeply paranoid, unsettling sonic maelstrom.Led Zeppelin, 'Led Zeppelin IV'
Led Zeppelin, 'Led Zeppelin IV'
Is there any better album side than Side 1 of Led Zeppelin's 1971 classic, Led Zeppelin IV? You start with the undeniable groove of "Black Dog" followed by the unabashed rock fury of "Rock and Roll," dig into folksy "The Battle of Evermore" with Plant and female vocalist Sandy Denny, then finish out the side with the legendary epic "Stairway to Heaven." But Zeppelin weren't done, with an amazing Side 2 that included "Misty Mountain Hop," "Four Sticks," "Going to California" and "When the Levee Breaks."Nirvana, 'Nevermind'
Nirvana, 'Nevermind'
That Nevermind ranks among the greatest rock records of all time goes without saying; but it also bears mentioning that Nirvana’s sophomore opus catalyzed a musical and cultural revolution like no other work of popular music short of the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper. A perfect storm of raw power and melodic sensitivity Nevermind and its complement of immortal tunes, led by “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” basically claimed rock and roll back for its original intended audience — disenfranchised youths — 35 years after Elvis set the example.Pearl Jam, 'Ten'
Pearl Jam, 'Ten'
According to some troublemaking observers, Pearl Jam crashed the grunge party thrown by Nirvana with the rather more classic rock-steeped (as opposed to punk-based) sound of 1991’s Diamond-certified Ten. But there’s no disputing the fact that the group composed of former Green River and Mother Love Bone members Gossard and Ament had more than earned its Seattle birthright. What’s more, now classic songs such as “Even Flow,” “Alive” and “Jeremy” (all released one month prior to Nevermind, incidentally) did just as much to codify grunge’s signature sound among the masses as Kurt’s creations, making Pearl Jam’s magnum opus a worthy cornerstone of alternative rock’s rising tide.Pink Floyd, 'The Dark Side of the Moon'
Pink Floyd, 'The Dark Side of the Moon'
Rock albums do not get more perfect than this. The Dark Side of the Moon still holds the record for longest number of consecutive weeks on the Billboard 200 chart with 927 (that's over 17 years!). The conceptual masterpiece must be listened to from front to back, with absolutely no exceptions.Queens of the Stone Age, 'Like Clockwork'
Queens of the Stone Age, 'Like Clockwork'
Queens of the Stone Age’s …Like Clockwork is the biggest creative step of the band’s two-decade history. Blending elements of rockabilly, dark blues, stoner rock and psychedelic experimentation. Though …Like Clockwork features guest performances from Elton John, Trent Reznor, Dave Grohl and others, the creative spotlight is placed directly on QOTSA, who created a timeless masterpiece with their sixth album. Birthed out of a near-death experience for Josh Homme, …Like Clockwork reaches classic Radiohead levels of artsy brilliance and mass appeal.Radiohead, 'OK Computer'
Parlophone / Capitol
Radiohead, 'OK Computer'
Yeah, "Creep" is good and all, but how about "Paranoid Android" and "Karma Police"? Radiohead's OK Computer brought '90s art rock to its zenith, giving fans a flawless record that made the band's first two records, somehow, feel like child's play.Rage Against the Machine, 'Rage Against the Machine'
Rage Against the Machine, 'Rage Against the Machine'
Rage Against the Machine's 1992 debut disc didn't exactly blow up out of the gate. In fact, it was almost two years before MTV picked up on the song "Freedom," the fourth single from the disc. But once they did, fans began to embrace the album as a whole. Songs such as the blistering anthem "Killing in the Name," the hard-hitting "Bullet in My Head" and the powerful "Bombtrack" helped make the band's self-titled debut a true masterpiece that influenced other acts for years to come.Rainbow, 'Rising'
Oyster / Polydor
Rainbow, 'Rising'
The crowning achievement from Rainbow came in 1976 with the release of Rising. Boasting just six tracks, the album is arguably pound-for-pound Ritchie Blackmore’s greatest work. His trailblazing riffing is found on “Starstruck” and “Run With the Wolf,” but his neoclassical efforts brought out the best in his writing. “Stargazer” is the quintessential Blackmore track, melding his influences into a towering epic with heavy orchestration and Dio’s magical lyricism and one of the most masterfully arranged songs in all of rock. “A Light in the Black” is a scorcher that somehow manages to follow “Stargazer,” bursting with power and ending the album on a devastating note.The Rolling Stones, 'Exile on Main St.'
Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones, 'Exile on Main St.'
Not even the Beatles released a more solid album from front to back than The Rolling Stones' Exile on Main St. "Happy," "Tumbling Dice"... just take your pick. The Stones didn't even miss a beat when they went country with "Sweet Virginia."Rush, 'Permanent Waves'
Rush, 'Permanent Waves'
Celebrating the first day of 1980, Rush released Permanent Waves to the masses. The follow-up to the other-wordly progressive Hemispheres, the group stripped down their approach considerably, infusing unforgettable hooks in “The Spirit of Radio” and “Freewill.” Rush still retained their progressive roots to the tune of “Jacob’s Ladder” and “Natural Science” and showcased their lighter side on “Different Strings.”Soundgarden, 'Superunknown'
Soundgarden, 'Superunknown'
After proving they could move millions of copies on their own terms with Badmotorfinger, Soundgarden proved they could streamline their thorny, inimitable songwriting just enough to do it again on an even larger scale, with the stunning Superunknown. Sacrificing none of their mold-shattering individuality, the quartet simply fine-tuned virtually every song here — “My Wave,” “Fell On Black Days,” the title track — into a potential single. And the tunes that were actually chosen as official singles, primarily the muscular “Spoonman” and psychedelic nightmare “Black Hole Sun,” went on to define the grunge era, even as it neared its conclusion and fell on black days of its own making.Van Halen, 'Van Halen'
Van Halen, 'Van Halen'
When Van Halen unleashed their debut album, the guitar work laid down by Eddie Van Halen quite literally set the world on fire. More or less redefining lead guitar playing in one album, the record is stacked with party-time anthems like “Runnin’ With the Devil,” “Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love,” “Jamie’s Cryin’” and the Ray Davies cover of “You Really Got Me.” Maybe David Lee Roth isn’t the best technical singer, but he oozes charisma and unbridled, reckless youth. Of course, nothing would be the same again after Eddie’s signature “Eruption” solo.Weezer, 'Blue Album'
Weezer, 'Blue Album'
With Weezer's debut album, Rivers Cuomo became the voice of every outcast toiling on a guitar in the parents' basements. Not one note on the Blue Album can be changed, from anthemic bangers like "Say It Ain't So" to tearjerkers like "The World Has Turned and Left Me Here."The Who, 'Who's Next'
Track / Decca
The Who, 'Who's Next'
Bookended by the classic and powerful opening and closing tracks, "Baba O'Riley" and "Won't Get Fooled Again," respectively, Who's Next is perhaps the Who's best studio album. The disc also features standout tracks such as "Bargain" and "Behind Blue Eyes."
Behemoth, 'The Satanist'
Metal Blade
Behemoth, 'The Satanist'
The Satanist is, very simply, a vile masterpiece; a wicked and nefarious plunge into the war between heaven and hell. From the iconic opening chords of “Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel” and the relentless double kick attack of “Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer,” to the classic rock solos and malevolent choral ambience of “O Father O Satan O Sun!,” Behemoth’s 2014 album sits in its own class entirely when it comes to 2010s metal. The Satanist will forever reside with pivotal albums such as Reign in Blood and Altars of Madness, immortalized in congealed vomit and callous ash.Between the Buried and Me, 'Colors'
Between the Buried and Me, 'Colors'
Between the Buried and Me’s Colors is the progressive act’s magnum opus as they severed ties with their metalcore contemporaries for good. The title is befitting as the album incorporates styles of music from well outside the rock / metal pantheon, entertaining country and polka moments amidst their mind-expanding technicality and Genesis-inspired, cinematic parts that seem to be the glue holding each track together as navigating these twists and turns can sometimes feel disjointed to the green listener. If you’re looking for a musical journey, punch your ticket with “Ants of the Sky,” “White Walls” and “Sun of Nothing.”Black Sabbath, ‘Master of Reality’
Black Sabbath, ‘Master of Reality’
On Black Sabbath's stoner classic Master of Reality, Tony Iommi took his riffing brawn to new depths, tuning down to C#, giving songs like the chugging “Children of the Grave” and the lurching churn of “Into the Void” a considerable boost. A threat to religion (“After Forever”) and red-eyed (“Sweet Leaf”), Black Sabbath exemplified rock ‘n’ roll’s perceived dangers with a crushing new sound they owned exclusive rights to.Death, 'Human'
Death, 'Human'
Human quickly became the gold standard of death metal, clocking in at just under 35 minutes but packing enough into its span to be heralded as one of the finest releases in the genre’s ever-widening canon. Technicality met brutality with deft balance on songs such as “Together as One” and “Suicide Machine.” Mastermind Chuck Schuldiner’s lyrics were venturing away from aimless gore, favoring the horrors of reality when pen met paper and his visceral voice conveyed their ugly message.Dio, 'Holy Diver'
Warner Bros
Dio, 'Holy Diver'
After impressive yet brief runs with Rainbow and Black Sabbath, Ronnie James Dio pulled off the hat trick with the Dio band, making his entrance with the vaunted Holy Diver. The title track and the synth-charged “Rainbow in the Dark” are the obvious standouts, but the rest of the album’s tracks aren’t far behind with Vivian Campbell unleashing a menacing riffstorm on “Gypsy” and “Stand Up and Shout.” The less aggressive but equally captivating “Don’t Talk to Strangers” captures Dio’s lyrical essence at its best alongside “Invisible.”Dissection, 'Storm of the Light's Bane'
Nuclear Blast
Dissection, 'Storm of the Light's Bane'
No band has pulled off such striking melody in black metal like Dissection. The Swedes’ Storm of the Light’s Bane is a cornerstone of the style, marrying sinister lead guitar work with the frozen tundra riffing upon which the demon rides on the heralded monochromatic album cover. If you want to show an outsider what malevolent evil is in sonic form, point to the mid-section of “Where Dead Angels Lie” and just about all of “Thorns of Crimson Death.”Emperor, 'Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk'
Candlelight / Century Black
Emperor, 'Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk'
While a good deal of black metal was dialed into bedroom production values and shock value Satanism, Emperor’s valedictorian nature manifested to author black metal’s most defining moment in the form of Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk. Hurricane-force riffs and thrilling synths cacophonously dance to the more philosophical and wondrous lyrics eked out as torn shrieks or elegant cleans. This album maintained the violent dissonance of Norway’s black metal instigators while presenting overtly complex and multidimensional arrangements and consideration and will never be matched.Ghost, 'Opus Eponymous'
Rise Above
Ghost, 'Opus Eponymous'
Ghost immediately made waves with their Opus Eponymous debut, initially released to little fanfare, but ballooned in popularity as word of mouth spread about this mysterious act. Playing a straightforward, Blue Oyster Cult-inspired hybrid of rock and metal, Ghost enamored fans with the honey-throated voice of Papa Emeritus I and their celebratory hymns of the occult. While the band has experienced unfathomed success since, tracks such as “Elizabeth,” “Ritual” and “Stand by Him” remain as powerful as they were in 2010.Gojira, 'From Mars to Sirius'
Listenable Records
Gojira, 'From Mars to Sirius'
Gojira’s signature sense of groove and progressiveness ultimately fall into the nebulous death metal realm, but the French quartet truly became a subgenre of their own on From Mars to Sirius. A potent album bursting with an onslaught of suffocating riffs seesaw with delicate, gorgeous atmosphere. “The Heaviest Matter in the Universe” says it all in the title, followed up by the all-time riffing frenzy found in “Flying Whales,” arguably the band’s best moment.Iron Maiden, 'Seventh Son of a Seventh Son'
Iron Maiden, 'Seventh Son of a Seventh Son'
Following Somewhere in Time, Maiden toned down the use of synthesizers, leaving them in tact for style over substance on Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. The loose concept record details a born prophet as introduced by the frenetic “Moonchild.” Spiderweb lead playing dominates tracks such as “The Evil That Men Do” and the back half of the dazzling title track while Bruce Dickinson is at the forefront of songs like the vocally daunting “Infinite Dreams.” The single “Can I Play With Madness” is the most straightforward song here, but to perfect effect offering a fun reprieve from the challenging work elsewhere.Judas Priest, 'Painkiller'
Judas Priest, 'Painkiller'
After releasing Turbo and Ram it Down, the last thing Priest fans expected was the piston-pumping Painkiller. The title track is one of the most devastating songs in the entirety of the metal canon with Halford’s piercing falsettos taking the backseat only while Downing and Tipton trade screaming solos. Be it the rock-steady, cruising pace of “Hell Patrol,” “Night Crawler,” or anything else here, in 1990, the Priest was BACK!King Diamond, 'Abigail'
King Diamond, 'Abigail'
No one tells better ghost stories than Kim Bendix Petersen — a.k.a. King Diamond — and with 1987's Abigail, the erstwhile Mercyful Fate frontman delivered his solo masterpiece. In longtime Fate bandmate Michael Denner and the fresh blood (no pun intended) brought by Andy LaRocque, the King found the perfect twin-guitar team to give flight on metallic wings to his gothic storytelling talents.Mastodon, 'Crack the Skye'
Mastodon, 'Crack the Skye'
As Mastodon’s stock continued to climb, they strayed from the more unpredictable and downright wild moments of Blood Mountain, authoring a new concept with a more concentrated progressive metal tinge on Crack the Skye. The record’s kaleidoscopic effect was felt from the opening moments of the mystical “Oblivion,” riding this wave through the rest of the album with heavier deviations in “Divinations” and moments of pure psychedelia on “Ghost of Karelia.”Megadeth, 'Rust in Peace'
Megadeth, 'Rust in Peace'
Armed with a new lineup now featuring renowned axeman Marty Friedman and drummer Nick Menza, Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine and David Ellefson went back to work to record their game-changing fourth album, Rust in Peace. With an already established affinity for technical thrills, the band didn’t just raise the bar, they built a new one entirely. The wild tempo changes from previous records found a new charm with more seamless transitions than erraticism. The opening combo of “Holy Wars… the Punishment Due” and “Hangar 18” signaled thrash was firmly in a new direction as the onslaught of serpentine arrangements and heroic solo battles continued on other standouts such as “Five Magics” and “Tornado of Souls.”Metallica, ‘…And Justice for All’
Metallica, ‘…And Justice for All’
Newsted or no Newsted, Metallica brought their compositions to a new level on ...And Justice for All, crafting more complex and innovative songs too good for a metal Grammy. There's no hint of weakness anywhere on Metallica's fourth album, even with no song clocking in at under five minutes in length.Morbid Angel, 'Altars of Madness'
Morbid Angel, 'Altars of Madness'
Survey a group of metalheads and ask them what the greatest death metal album ever recorded is and odds are you’ll find many who mention Morbid Angel’s iconoclastic debut, Altars of Madness. Like a death metal Tony Iommi, Trey Azagthoth commanded tectonic riffs to the tune of “Maze of Torment” and “Immortal Rites,” while David Vincent’s demonic barking blasphemed its way through nearly 40 labyrinthine minutes.Opeth, 'Blackwater Park'
Koch Records
Opeth, 'Blackwater Park'
Most Opeth aficionados consider Blackwater Park to be the high point of the band’s discography, seamlessly blending their opposing musical sides into a well-woven tapestry. Rather than contrasting the light and dark sides like before, the styles stepped on each others’ toes, allowing more breathing room in the composition, unfurling a new facet of this always evolving group.Pantera, 'Vulgar Display of Power'
Pantera, 'Vulgar Display of Power'
Following their brilliant and defining Cowboys From Hell, Pantera shed the last of their traditional metal sound in favor of the fully-fledged groove that changed the shape of heavy metal throughout the decade and beyond. Vulgar Display of Power is best known for the anthemic “Walk” and Philip Anselmo’s conquer-all attitude, but there’s plenty more driving this record as Dimebag battered listeners on “A New Level” and “Fucking Hostile.” The band’s sense of hooks were never far from reach, with opener “Mouth for War” showing they still held the trad metal aesthetics (not to be mistaken for sound) from which they were born.Queensryche, 'Operation: Mindcrime'
Queensryche, 'Operation: Mindcrime'
Operation: Mindcrime is a rarity in that it can be considered a truly flawless album in every aspect. The lyrics, music and Geoff Tate’s voice have a bombastic synergy that saw Queensrÿche reach their creative maximum in 1988. The story is a flashback from the character Nikki, who is a heroin addict manipulated by Dr. X, the leader of a revolution. Nikki is brainwashed by Dr. X and becomes an assassin for the radical group’s plans for social and economic change. Later, Nikki is conflicted by his actions after he gains affection for Sister Mary. In the end, he wakes in the hospital as the album comes full circle.Sepultura, 'Arise'
Sepultura, 'Arise'
Arguably the quintessential Sepultura record, the marriage of technicality with stuttered groove throughout Arise offered moments present in the band’s existing catalog and also hinted at their future development that would come on the hardcore-leaning ‘Chaos A.D.’Slayer, 'Seasons in the Abyss'
Def Jam
Slayer, 'Seasons in the Abyss'
Perhaps more vicious than even the lauded Reign in Blood, Slayer's fifth album, Seasons in the Abyss, brought the thrash legends back to full speed after successfully experimenting with slower tempos on South of Heaven. "War Ensemble" and "Dead Skin Mask" rank as some of Slayer's most brutal tracks, and Jeff Hanneman's work proves that he's the greatest riff writer in thrash history.Sleep, 'Dopesmoker'
Tee Pee
Sleep, 'Dopesmoker'
Okay, okay... so Dopesmoker is one long track, but there's no weakness to be exploited on this stoner masterpiece. The 12th fret on a Les Paul has never sounded so good.Suicidal Tendencies, ‘Lights, Camera, Revolution’
Suicidal Tendencies, ‘Lights, Camera, Revolution’
You can't bring Suicidal Tendencies down, nor can you find a weak track on the crossover thrash classic Lights... Camera... Revolution!. The album is Suicidal's true coming out party into the thrash world, trading Pepsi for funk thanks in part to Robert Trujillo.System of a Down, 'Toxicity'
American Recordings / Columbia Records
System of a Down, 'Toxicity'
System of a Down found success in the least likely of places. Spastic, abrasive, sometimes nonsensical and other times all too poignant, the quartet lit the fuse to the sonic powder keg that is Toxicity. “Chop Suey!” and its head-scratching lyrics found favor with radio, lighting up the airwaves and sending System of a Down on a massive upward trajectory. The title track and the rhythmic juggernaut “Aerials” furthered this momentum, all helping to propel Toxicity to a No. 1 debut on the Billboard 200 chart.Tool, 'Ænima'
Tool, 'Ænima'
Tool displayed their off-color brand of humor cut with spirituality and intelligence on the title of their sophomore record, Ænima. Combining the word ‘anima’ (a Latin word for ‘soul’) and the medical procedure enima, they dove straight into a worldly sense in their music, accented by Middle-Eastern drumming. The push and pull of the familiar grooves often take a back seat to palm-muted, delicate guitar work for a greater sense of dynamism as made evident by songs such as “H.” and the title track. New bassist Justin Chancellor displayed his chops on “Forty Six & 2,” one of the album’s most popular tracks along with the winding “Pushit.”
Filed Under: AC/DC, Alice in Chains, Deep Purple, Deftones, Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Soundgarden, The Beatles, Van Halen
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Lauryn SchaffnerUpdated: August 22, 2023
Do you remember the first time you heard "Man in the Box"? What it was like when the vocals exploded into a raspy, roaring frenzy when the chorus hit?
"Feeeeeeeeed my eyes!"
Layne Staley was one of rock's strongest vocalists, and perhaps one of the most underrated as well. Though Alice in Chains had their fair share of success during their prime, Staley seems to have become the lost voice from that era.
He was a tortured soul from the start, but a kind one nonetheless. Every account of the singer's personality is a positive one, like the time he let his eventual guitarist Jerry Cantrell live with him when he had nowhere else to go.
READ MORE: 5 Reasons We Love Alice In Chains' Layne Staley
Staley's onstage presence never appeared cocky, despite his vocal capabilities. Screaming Trees and Mad Season drummer Barrett Martin said, “Layne��s voice was so powerful that I could hear his voice coming off his body...Out of his chest [was] louder than what was coming out of the monitors.”
As we've unfortunately seen too many times with great talent, often comes great demons. It seems as if tragedy especially plagues musicians from the grunge era. First was Andrew Wood, then Kurt Cobain, then Staley, Scott Weiland and most recently, Chris Cornell.
Though Staley didn't take his own life, his story wasn't any less devastating. He had a rough breakup with a longterm girlfriend, who ended up passing away shortly after they parted. The media was not kind to him, so he isolated himself in his final years. He battled drug addiction throughout his career, and it eventually won. He died alone at 34 years old.
To celebrate the Alice in Chains frontman's life, we've compiled a gallery of photos from him throughout the years below. You can see Staley from his first band Sleze, to his glam phase, to his final televised performance with Alice when they played MTV Unplugged. There aren't many photos of him in the years to follow, but this is how we remember him.
Photos of the Alice In Chains legend.
Gallery Credit: Lauryn SchaffnerLayne Staley, 1985
YouTube - Johnny Bacolas
Layne Staley, 1985
SlezeLayne Staley, 1986
YouTube - Johnny Bacolas
Layne Staley, 1986
Alice N' ChainsLayne Staley, 1988
YouTube - ShirleyCobain
Layne Staley, 1988
Layne Staley, 1989
YouTube - seaofsorrow17
Layne Staley, 1989
Layne Staley, 1990
Annamaria DiSanto, Getty Images
Layne Staley, 1990
Layne Staley, 1991
Ron Galella, Getty Images
Layne Staley, 1991
Layne Staley, 1992
Jeffrey Mayer, Getty Images
Layne Staley, 1992
Layne Staley, 1993
Frank Micelotta Archive, Getty Images
Layne Staley, 1993
Layne Staley, 1995
YouTube - MadSeasonVEVO
Layne Staley, 1995
Layne Staley, 1996
YouTube - Alice in Chains
Layne Staley, 1996
See Loudwire's picks for the Top 66 Hard Rock + Metal Frontmen of All Time
Gallery Credit: VariousTop 66 Hard Rock + Metal Frontmen of All Time
Mark Davis, Getty Images / Karl Walter, Getty Images / Fox Photos, Getty Images / Paul Kane, Getty Images
Top 66 Hard Rock + Metal Frontmen of All Time
Click through the gallery to see our picks for the Top 66 Hard Rock + Metal Frontmen of All Time.66. Nergal (Behemoth)
Liz Ramanand, Loudwire
66. Nergal (Behemoth)
Behemoth’s fearless leader Nergal has a mission statement of taking his music and message of Satanism around the world. The Polish legends’ live act comes across more as a ritual than a traditional metal show, with Nergal at its crux. His vein-popping bark spews blasphemies as his wide-eyed gaze pierces fans, especially when serving communion to the ones at the barrier. His grand vision is translated across the studio, stage and highly artful music videos, making him one of extreme metal’s most revered assets up front.65. Bobby Blitz (Overkill)
Liz Ramanand, Loudwire
65. Bobby Blitz (Overkill)
Fronting one of thrash’s most consistent and prolific acts is Bobby Blitz. The Jersey boy gives Overkill every bit of their “put ‘em up” attitude with darting vocal phrasing and chest-beating lyrics. Resting a leaning mic stand against his shoulder, Blitz is too cool onstage, directing traffic with flurries of hand motions, igniting furious circle pits with high pitched wails across unrelenting riffage. Despite being in the back half of his 50s, Blitz’s quirky but convincing voice has shown no signs of wear.64. David Draiman (Disturbed)
Kathy Flynn, WickedGoddessPhotography.com
64. David Draiman (Disturbed)
Disturbed’s David Draiman is one of rock’s most enthusiastic frontmen, delivering empowering words with decisive performances. His signature mix of grit with a glimmering clean tone is one of the most immediately recognizable voices in the business. Whether it’s the hard enunciation on tracks like “Down With the Sickness” or the haunting cleans on the Simon & Garfunkel cover “The Sound of Silence,” Draiman’s power is undeniable.63. Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth)
Kathy Flynn, WickedGoddessPhotography.com
63. Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth)
Opeth mastermind Mikael Akerfeldt is equally lauded for his dual-threat voice as he is his brilliant songcraft. Though he no longer utilizes growling on new material, Akerfeldt was arguably the best to ever do it with clean enunciation amidst the gut-checked bellowing. Over the years he’s grown increasingly stronger on the clean side of his voice, beautifully haunting at times and remarkably calming at others. Akerfeldt’s sense of humor is a nice juxtaposition of the heady prog and his dry wit is on display every night onstage.62. Frank Mullen (Suffocation)
Photo By: Scott Kinkade
62. Frank Mullen (Suffocation)
Suffocation’s Frank Mullen is one of the most entertaining vocalists, slicing and dicing alongside earth-churning riffs with his infamous hand chop. He pioneered the death growl, never straying from his subterranean bellowing for a moment and weaves in and out of the band’s serpentine song structures and erratic tempo changes. His banter is top notch, delivered with a biting bit of sarcasm and spit-take moments, playing on the barbaric imagery of songs like “Thrones of Blood” and “Entrails of You.”61. Randy Blythe (Lamb of God)
Liz Ramanand, Loudwire
61. Randy Blythe (Lamb of God)
Launching himself off stage monitors and screaming like a starved banshee, Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe puts on an electrifying show. At times, he looks like Philip Anselmo at his peak, recklessly stomping around and contorting himself as he empties his lungs with his signature growling style. Blythe’s lyrics are often layered with meaning, sometimes personal and other times commentary, set against the band’s brand of melody meets brawny groove.60. Barney Greenway (Napalm Death)
Photo By: Kevin Estrada
60. Barney Greenway (Napalm Death)
Napalm Death’s Barney Greenway is a complete maniac onstage, barking out socio-political condemnations amidst flurries of seeming tantrums. Between lines, his hands are often flying in all directions, like he’s shadow boxing a ghost and honestly seems to get in a good cardio workout. His vocal style has been imitated by countless singers, but none manage to conjure the sheer maddening level of rage of Greenway either in the studio or onstage. 59. Chino Moreno (Deftones)
Raphael Dias, Getty Images
59. Chino Moreno (Deftones)
Chino Moreno is a man with plenty of light and shade in his vocal approach as well as his temperament onstage. The Deftones frontman is capable of crafting calm, airy moods against the band’s more ethereal moments, only to shatter the tranquility with high shrieks set to more jarring rhythms. Always an insightful lyricist, fans can spend hours dissecting Moreno’s true intentions, adding to the already dense nature of the Deftones’ music.58. Devin Townsend (Devin Townsend Project / Strapping Young Lad)
Liz Ramanand, Loudwire
58. Devin Townsend (Devin Townsend Project / Strapping Young Lad)
Devin Townsend is a remarkably unique character, now known for delivering thrill-seeking, comedic performances and a bit more of a lighthearted mood than his earlier days in Strapping Young Lad. Devy used to be downright terrifying in SYL with a whirlwind of mood changes, but ever since starting the Devin Townsend Project, he plays more of a ringleader than fiery preacher. Always delivering honest albums that align with his mindset at the time, Townsend can either be soothing with rest-on-a-cloud type meditative cleans or destructive with vocal cord-testing anger.57. Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots)
MJ Kim, Getty Images
57. Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots)
Late Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland was one of grunge’s defining frontmen. Initially employing his deep baritone croon, Weiland branched out as the band explored different sonic territories, demonstrating his versatility and adaptability. Known for wielding a megaphone onstage, the singer was impossible to take your eyes off, losing himself in slinky dance moves. He also went on to join a cast of former Guns N’ Roses members in Velvet Revolver, delivering new age classic songs like “Slither.”56. Geddy Lee (Rush)
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
56. Geddy Lee (Rush)
What can’t Geddy Lee do? The Rush mainman is not only responsible for laying down some of prog’s busiest bass licks, but some of the most ear-shattering high notes and daunting delivery. Additionally, he triggers samples and plays the synthesizer live all while locking down the other two roles with flawless execution. Lee uses a direct input live and often subs the traditional amplifier setup with something quirky like rotisserie chicken ovens or laundry machines, adding to the appeal of Rush’s live show.55. Klaus Meine (Scorpions)
Dominik Bindl, Getty Images
55. Klaus Meine (Scorpions)
Despite pushing 70 years old, Klaus Meine is still one of rock’s most active frontmen onstage. Always in motion, often running up the catwalk in tandem with his bandmates or shaking the tambourine, the Scorpions singer has been getting it done for over four decades. His distinguished beloved German accent has added even more emphasis to hooks on ageless classics like “Bad Boys Running Wild,” “Rock You Like a Hurricane,” “Blackout” and so many more.54. Greg Puciato (The Dillinger Escape Plan)
Liz Ramanand, Loudwire
54. Greg Puciato (The Dillinger Escape Plan)
A Dillinger Escape Plan show is a dangerous place to be for both the band and fans. At the front if Greg Puciato, an absolute wildman who is a blur the entire set, often monkeying around on rafters and anything else scalable. Blood is not uncommon as Puciato often ducks and dodges instruments whipped around by his bandmates and he regularly is found screaming into the mic as he’s passed along amongst fellow crowdsurfers in the audience.53. David Coverdale (Whitesnake / Deep Purple)
Ethan Miller, Getty Images
53. David Coverdale (Whitesnake / Deep Purple)
In 1973, few acts had the world in their hands like Deep Purple, so replacing an already iconic singer as a complete unknown would prove to be the ultimate test. David Coverdale was tapped as the band’s new vocalist, sharing mic time with bassist Glenn Hughes, and immediately captivated fans with the critically-acclaimed ‘Burn.’ His bluesy tone and overall grit was a perfect marriage for the band and he continued on after DP’s demise, forming Whitesnake, who went on to release a series of hit records of their own. Coverdale’s lyrical imagery was dripping with sex appeal, which he echoed onstage with sensual prowess as one of rock’s all-time greats.52. Chuck Schuldiner (Death)
Facebook: Death Official
52. Chuck Schuldiner (Death)
Death mainman Chuck Schuldiner possessed one of the most visceral, throat-ripping voices in death metal, adapting his style to fit whatever new alley he took the death metal machine down. Evil Chuck also had a fairly intelligible delivery without sacrificing any sort of grit, putting his imaginative lyrics at the forefront whether they were drenched in gore in the early days or wallowing in more cerebral realms as Death evolved.51. Serj Tankian (System of a Down)
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
51. Serj Tankian (System of a Down)
System of a Down’s Serj Tankian is one of the most unique frontmen across the metal and rock spectrum, seemingly flipping a switch between maddening rage in verses to operatic beauty in choruses. While System were complete game changers when breaking ground with albums like 'Toxicity,' Serj is also a well-respected solo artist harping more on the progressive and clean-sung aspects that made System so different.50. Jonathan Davis (Korn)
Alexandre Loureiro, Getty Images
50. Jonathan Davis (Korn)
Jonathan Davis is one of metal’s most energetic frontmen, putting conviction behind his every word. Korn’s lyrics are typically quite personal and dark, so Davis is bearing his soul as he clutches on to his custom mic stand. His voice varies between sinister and psychotic, feeding the music that tries mightily to reduce everything to rubble. 49. H.R. (Bad Brains)
Paul Hawthorne, Getty Images
49. H.R. (Bad Brains)
Bad Brains are pioneers of hardcore punk music, and their frontman H.R. is one of rock's most dynamic live performers. Check out early '80s footage of him throwing his body around the stage, and what you'll see is pure energy and fearlessness.48. Oderus Urungus (GWAR)
DRT Entertainment
48. Oderus Urungus (GWAR)
GWAR front-thing Oderus Urungus had to leave Earth to go back to his home planet Scumdogia, but his time spent here was as one of the most engaging metal frontmen ever. While the band’s music is greatly underappreciated, Oderus kept the focus on himself and everyone he wanted to and did kill. His personality transcended the band as he became an underground icon that was able to infiltrate the mainstream.47. Al Jourgensen (Ministry)
13th Planet
47. Al Jourgensen (Ministry)
Ministry mainman Al Jourgensen has collected some of the wildest stories in rock history all while pioneering industrial music. One of the most revered producers, Jourgensen would write the band’s music during bouts of consciousness and rigorously tour despite the challenges it presented him as someone who hates playing live. While Uncle Al was hardly ever sober onstage, he somehow pulled it together every night and delivered ferocious performances that gave the band a reputation as a must-see live act.46. Mike Patton (Faith No More)
Mark Metcalfe, Getty Images
46. Mike Patton (Faith No More)
Faith No More singer Mike Patton is one of rock's most eclectic frontmen, always leaving everyone wondering what he’ll do next. His stage attire is ever-changing and always raises at least one eyebrow as his dynamic range traverses the oddities and intricacies of Faith No More’s music. The unhinged vocalist can let his voice soar and croon with the best of them as well as unleash some downright terrifying and abrasive screams and howls. 45. Glenn Danzig (Misfits / Danzig)
Frazer Harrison, Getty Images
45. Glenn Danzig (Misfits / Danzig)
Glenn Danzig has fronted three noteworthy bands: The Misfits, Samhain and Danzig. Serving as the chief songwriter during his time in the Misfits, Danzig created horror punk and became one of punk’s defining icons. He furthered this and developed a bluesier style of singing as he ran through a variety of lyrics influences ranging from horror to sex. Danzig is a fireball onstage, never stopping to take a breath and constantly engaging an already raucous crowd to deliver unforgettable performances.44. Chris Cornell (Soundgarden)
Theo Wargo, Getty Images
44. Chris Cornell (Soundgarden)
Chris Cornell blazed trails with two of rock’s biggest bands, Soundgarden and Audioslave. The former is one of the biggest bands to break out of the 1990s grunge scene. His genre-defining voice takes the gritty grunge element and combines it with a tone that harkens back to some of the most powerful rock singers from the ‘70s. His work with Audioslave is equally impressive with his soulful voice dominating the beginning of the new millennium.43. Henry Rollins (Black Flag)
Jason Kempin, Getty Images
43. Henry Rollins (Black Flag)
Following a guest spot onstage at a Black Flag show, Henry Rollins was asked to be the revolutionary hardcore act's new frontman. His imposing stage demeanor was the perfect fit for Black Flag’s intensity and the band soon became one of the most menacing live acts around. Black Flag created a nervous energy live with Rollins taking on most of that responsibility. The feeling was that violence could break out at any moment, which couldn’t be more in line for a hardcore show.42. Tom Araya (Slayer)
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
42. Tom Araya (Slayer)
Slayer were one of those bands parents were terrified to see their kids listening to when they first came on the scene in the '80s. Things only got darker as the band delved more and more into the Satanic and sinister realms with Tom Araya dishing out controversy with his darting style. The singer-bassist has a palpable aggression that conveyed that Slayer said what they meant and meant what they said.41. Peter Steele (Type O Negative)
George De Sota / Referns, Getty Images
41. Peter Steele (Type O Negative)
Late Type O Negative frontman Peter Steele was inimitable. His dark sarcasm and raunchy sense of humor was one shared with his Type O bandmates, adding charming wit amidst the typical doom and gloom of the band’s music. Known for taunting the crowd (exemplified in the fake live album ‘The Origin of the Feces’), his interaction with fans was playful and ultimately one of gratitude behind his sly grin. Steele’s hulking stature was especially imposing, especially during the reckless Carnivore days.40. Marilyn Manson
Daniel Boczarski, Getty Images
40. Marilyn Manson
One of the most controversial frontmen ever, Marilyn Manson was a dangerous figure in the mid-’90s with incendiary live performances and lyrics that kept parents up at night. Always trying to turn everything on its head, few have made more waves than Manson, whether it was his intention or not. His sinister voice is chilling, rounding out the industrial tinge to his brand of metal. 39. Layne Staley (Alice in Chains)
Frank Micelotta, Getty Images
39. Layne Staley (Alice in Chains)
The Alice in Chains sound is so distinct because of Layne Staley’s crooning wail, combining elements of grunge and forging it in a metallic furnace to create one of the most dynamic groups to come out of the ‘90s. His lyrics dealt with addiction and depression, which was a well-documented part of the singer’s relatively short life. Staley has inspired countless singers and transcended quite divisive boundaries that existed between two genres at the time.38. King Diamond
Kathy Flynn, WickedGoddessPhotography.com
38. King Diamond
King Diamond is the complete package. He’s got the makeup, the stage design, horror concepts and possibly the most unmistakable voice in all of heavy metal. Every show and every album is theatrical from top to bottom, providing visuals in his shows to go along with the chilling music. After a lengthy hiatus due to back issues and a host of heart problems, King Diamond is back and tearing up the stage with his shows serving as a time capsule to those halcyon metal days.37. Rob Zombie
Frazer Harrison, Getty Images
37. Rob Zombie
Taking the idea of performing live means becoming a master of ceremonies. With his gritty voice and industrial flavored groove, Rob Zombie treats his shows like an event and it certainly comes across so when watching the singer tear through his set. While he takes tremendous influence from Alice Cooper, their co-headlining tour together proved that he truly sets himself apart as a unique frontman, even when placed side-by-side with one of his idols.36. Dee Snider (Twisted Sister)
Ethan Miller, Getty Images
36. Dee Snider (Twisted Sister)
Twisted Sister exist because of their persistence and unparalleled stage presence. Frontman Dee Snider can take a bulk of this credit, doing anything it took to make it. Playing over 2000 shows with the band before their first album came out, Twisted Sister were built for the stage. Snider is an absolute maniac who leaves everything on the stage, screaming his head off and running around with more energy than the sun. His lyrics are personal and positive, bringing even more fun to the band.35. Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam)
Samir Hussein, Getty Images
35. Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam)
Eddie Vedder’s voice helped define grunge and is at the forefront of one of the genre’s biggest bands. The singer is built for the stage, performing sets often consisting of 30-40 songs. This is quite a taxing demand to put on anyone’s vocal cords for just one night, much less years and years of touring. Vedder shows no signs of slowing down, going out night after night proving he is among the best in class as far as rock singers go.34. Joey Ramone (Ramones)
Gus Stewart / Redferns, Getty Images
34. Joey Ramone (Ramones)
Joey Ramone seemed like an unlikely rock star until he threw on a leather jacket and dedicated his voice to a microphone. Both were inseparable from Joey once he became the heart of the Ramones, leading the seminal punk rock band for 22 years. One of rock’s true icons, Joey’s voice barrels through countless punk anthems but was also characterized by a softer side which brought unparalleled warmth into the hard-nosed genre he helped create.33. Perry Farrell (Jane's Addiction)
Michael Loccisano, Getty Images
33. Perry Farrell (Jane's Addiction)
A true showman, Perry Farrell of Jane’s Addiction is an animal onstage, throwing down some strange moves to the band’s alchemical brew of alternative rock peppered with metal and psychedelia. Music like that certainly calls for a wild man behind the mic. Farrell can sing, scream, and shout always bursting at the seems with energy and unpredictability. 32. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)
Christopher Polk, Getty Images
32. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)
As frontman for Green Day, Billie Joe Armstrong has written some of the catchiest rock songs of all time. And when it comes to a live show, the singer turns into a circus ringleader, maintaining an energy that few can match onstage.31. Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Amanda Edwards, Getty Images
31. Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Anthony Kiedis invented a unique style of singing without even trying. The Red Hot Chili Peppers leader darts throughout a song, sticking the listener with rhymes brandishing the smooth flow of a rap or reggae vocalist and the energy of a rock superstar. Kiedis possesses an unteachable charisma and gravitational pull. You can’t help but admire his individuality and penchant for performance, drawing out a brilliant vocal blueprint no frontman has been able to replicate.30. Paul Stanley (KISS)
Paul Kane, Getty Images
30. Paul Stanley (KISS)
The ‘Starchild’ of KISS, Paul Stanley is one of rock’s greatest entertainers. His voice has filled arenas across the globe along with his infamous stage banter, that can sometimes be even more entertaining than the music, and that’s really saying something! Stanley is one of the band’s chief-songwriters, penning some of the most successful hits of all time across all of music. The unmistakable voice has a certain charm to it with its anthemic intentions that has the ability to connect with an audience.29. Corey Taylor (Slipknot / Stone Sour)
Raphael Dias, Getty Images
29. Corey Taylor (Slipknot / Stone Sour)
Slipknot have grown into one of metal’s biggest acts, which is staggering considered the extremity of the band. The Iowa natives have been relentless over the course of their career, putting on one of the most entertaining and dangerous live performances you can see. Corey Taylor’s visceral barks and clean sung hooks counterplay to give Slipknot depth in addition to him being an absolute madman onstage. He's also proven to be a great rock singer as frontman of Stone Sour.28. Zack de la Rocha (Rage Against the Machine)
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
28. Zack de la Rocha (Rage Against the Machine)
Zack de la Rocha is pure electricity on the mic. While fronting Rage Against the Machine he pummeled his audience with sophisticated street poetry perfectly weaved around some of rock’s all-time greatest riffs. Zack’s presence is intangible, supercharging his gift to make you listen and contemplate the meaning behind his every word. He’s the unchecked king of the rap/rock hybrid and can preach to an audience of millions with the silver tongue of history’s great revolutionaries. 27. Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
27. Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)
When you're in one of the biggest bands in the world and it all falls apart, it's hard to recover. But Dave Grohl didn't miss a beat when he went from drummer of Nirvana to frontman of Foo Fighters. He's now one of the biggest rock stars on the planet, and deservedly so.26. Till Lindemann (Rammstein)
Nick Laham, Getty Images
26. Till Lindemann (Rammstein)
Rammstein’s shows are downright dangerous. You’d be hard-pressed to find more fire at a controlled burn than at one of the German industrialists live performances. Hulking frontman Till Lindemann takes on the brunt of danger, affixing flamethrowers to his face, doing flips on stage with flames shooting out of his boots, and wearing giant metal wings shooting fire. Get the point? His low voice is tailored perfectly for the band, with a lovable accent and lyrics replete with comedic sexual innuendo.25. Ian MacKaye (Minor Threat / Fugazi)
Steve Eichner, Getty Images
25. Ian MacKaye (Minor Threat / Fugazi)
Not only did Ian MacKaye front two of rock’s most influential bands, he pretty much started the “straight edge” movement of clean living in the hardcore scene. As singer for Minor Threat, MacKaye was an early pioneer of hardcore music, while as frontman for Fugazi (who technically are still on hiatus), he took DIY to new heights by selling hundreds of thousands of albums via his own label, Dischord Records, and charging only $5 for concert tickets.24. Maynard James Keenan (Tool)
Frazer Harrison, Getty Images
24. Maynard James Keenan (Tool)
Maynard James Keenan is a songwriter’s songwriter. Possessing one of rock’s most dynamic voices, Maynard can be the most soothing, aggressive or distressing vocalist on the planet according to his mood. His live performances are just as captivating and schizophrenic, whether he’s fronting his own holy trilogy of celebrated bands; Tool, A Perfect Circle and Puscifer. Maynard’s lyrics are also some of the most layered and dissected in rock history, providing the bedrock for countless individuals’ personal philosophies.23. Ian Gillan (Deep Purple)
Jo Hale, Getty Images
23. Ian Gillan (Deep Purple)
Longtime Deep Purple singer Ian Gillan helped the band become the unstoppable force they were in the 1970s. Following the departure of Rod Evans after the band made a conscious decision to get heavier, Gillan was selected as his replacement and the band started their rock domination. Gillan’s gruff voice and ability to belt out some high screams like in “Child in Time” also kick-started what would become the definition of heavy metal vocals. 22. Roger Daltrey (The Who)
Andrew H. Walker, Getty Images
22. Roger Daltrey (The Who)
Sure, guitarist Pete Townshend is the Who's chief songwriter, but you need a strong voice to sing some of the most powerful rock anthems of all time. And Roger Daltrey has been the ultimate lead singer -- plus he twirls a mic like none other!21. Joe Strummer (The Clash)
Chris Moorhouse, Getty Images
21. Joe Strummer (The Clash)
As primary frontman for the group known as “The Only Band That Matters,” Joe Strummer helped lead the Clash to legendary status in just a few short years. The raspy voiced singer-guitarist provided the antithesis of the arena-rock crooners of the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, taking on sociopolitical injustices and delivering some of the greatest punk songs ever written.20. Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails)
Theo Wargo, Getty Images
20. Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails)
Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor is the complete package when it comes to evaluating a frontman. Reznor is a spectacle to behold live as his unbridled nervous energy brings conviction to the performance and presentation of his industrial mastery. He can tweak the knobs in the studio, is a multi-instrumentalist, and is the sole creative force behind the band. What more can anyone ask for?19. Johnny Rotten (The Sex Pistols / PiL)
Graham Wood, Getty Images
19. Johnny Rotten (The Sex Pistols / PiL)
Perhaps the most rebellious and rambunctious frontman on this whole list, Johnny Rotten was the face of the punk rock revolution of the late '70s. As John Lydon, he also has fronted the innovative post-punk band Public Image Ltd for more than 30 years.18. Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead)
Ian Gavan, Getty Images
18. Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead)
All Lemmy needs to do is walk onstage and the crowd goes absolutely wild. While other musicians are considered godlike, Lemmy is God. Rock’s most uncompromising musician has been the driving force behind Motorhead for 40 years, with an unflinching discography that sounds like, well, Motorhead! The band is its own genre and Lemmy’s gravely voice, dirty bass playing, and outlaw lyrics defines it all.17. Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
Ben A. Pruchnie, Getty Images
17. Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler is one of the most entertaining singers in rock. A jitterbug onstage, Tyler is always bouncing around and delivering his soulful and bluesy vocals over Aerosmith’s timeless brand. He could flip the switch going from energetic and charismatic to somber and beautiful. Just listen to “Train Kept a Rollin’” and “Dream On” back to back and you’ve got a pretty full spectrum representing Tyler.16. David Lee Roth (Van Halen)
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
16. David Lee Roth (Van Halen)
David Lee Roth is a man who needs no introduction. His legendary performances coupled with over the top flashy stagewear helped Van Halen set the world on fire. Whether it was doing split jumps over drum risers or martial art demonstrations with his katana, which once infamously whacked him in the head, Diamond Dave did it all. Roth’s unique voice is playful, perfectly suited for Van Halen’s feel-good rock ‘n’ roll. 15. Philip Anselmo (Pantera / Down)
Scott Gries, Getty Images
15. Philip Anselmo (Pantera / Down)
Pantera flew the flag for heavy metal in the 1990s, bringing a dominating groove to the genre. Philip Anselmo provided an intimidating presence vocally, with aggressive and angsty lyrics and his famed banshee-like howls. He was an imposing frontman, often jumping off equipment onstage, matching the intensity of Pantera’s music. Anselmo also experienced success with his sludge band Down and has been involved in several other projects, as well.14. Alice Cooper
Grant Lamos IV, Getty Images
14. Alice Cooper
When Alice Cooper started to perform live, he quickly gained a reputation for being a threat to society. He was beheaded onstage nightly, performed with giant snakes, and created a stunning visual show that would help set the bar for rock ‘n’ roll. Eventually branching away from the Alice Cooper band and retaining the moniker for solo purposes, Alice is still terrorizing stages around the world.13. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
Frank Micelotta, Getty Images
13. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain became the voice of a generation and brought rock’s most dominant movement of the ‘90s into the mainstream. Kurt’s incredible songwriting skill, iconic yell, highly experimental style and chaotic stage presence personified what the world was looking for in music at the time. Kurt’s compositions feel untouched by time and there has arguably been no rock star more influential despite two decades having passed since his death.12. Bon Scott (AC/DC)
Michael Ochs Archives, Getty Images
12. Bon Scott (AC/DC)
AC/DC legend Bon Scott helped define the Australian rock group with his energetic stage presence and nasal toned voice. His lyrics were full of tongue-in-cheek sexual innuendo and being a straight-up badass. Embracing all that is rock ‘n’ roll, Scott was fan's singer that had the ability to connect with so many at such a basic level through his music. He helped make the average rock fan feel like AC/DC were just like them with the same problems and the same outlook on how to have fun.11. Jimi Hendrix
Evening Standard, Getty Images
11. Jimi Hendrix
There is no master of the guitar like Jimi Hendrix, but what often gets overlooked is how captivating of a frontman Hendrix was. While his voice was nothing remarkable by technical standards, it is impossible to imagine anything else over Jimi’s music. The soulfulness of his voice was in perfect harmony with the acid-rock he created and brought out the best in his live performances. Also a showman, Hendrix famously lit his guitar on fire and played a guitar solo with his teeth.10. Brian Johnson (AC/DC)
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
10. Brian Johnson (AC/DC)
Following the passing of AC/DC legend Bon Scott, it seemed insurmountable for anyone else to front the band. When remembering Scott’s praise of Geordie singer Brian Johnson, the guys got in contact with him and brought him in to audition for AC/DC. A few days later he was accepted into the band and they went on to record ‘Back in Black.’ Johnson’s style is unmistakable and he propelled AC/DC to unimaginable new heights.9. James Hetfield (Metallica)
Christopher Polk, Getty Images
9. James Hetfield (Metallica)
How many frontmen can rock a stadium on an open platform stage surrounded by fans on every side? Who knows, but James Hetfield definitely can! Oh, and he does it from behind his guitar, too. His gritty style matches Metallica’s unhinged approach to relentless thrashing fury, which only gets more intense when the band plays live. Crowd engagement is paramount in metal, and few engage more than Hetfield.8. Axl Rose (Guns N' Roses)
Ethan Miller, Getty Images
8. Axl Rose (Guns N' Roses)
Guns N’ Roses wild man Axl Rose is one of rock’s most dangerous frontmen. The band debuted with one of the best rock albums in history with the incendiary Axl leading the charge with his wide-ranging voice and scathing lyrics. The band has lived on the edge from the beginning and Axl quickly gained a reputation as one of rock's most unpredictable live performers.7. Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath)
Frazer Harrison, Getty Images
7. Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath)
When Ozzy Osbourne responded to an ad for a singer, it turned out the other members of the band were his high school enemies. This unlikely union allowed Ozzy’s definitive voice put a stamp on the first true heavy metal band with Black Sabbath, but he didn’t stop there. The Prince of Darkness formed a solo band after his ousting from Black Sabbath and went on to enjoy one of the most successful careers of anyone not only in rock, but in all of music.6. Iggy Pop (The Stooges)
Simone Joyner, Getty Images
6. Iggy Pop (The Stooges)
Iggy Pop could very well be the best live performer on this whole list. Known as the Godfather of Punk, Iggy just about invented every daring thing you see a frontman do onstage, whether it's stage diving, crowd surfing or just performing with reckless abandon. He’s still going strong into his late 60s as both frontman of the influential band The Stooges and as a solo act.5. Ronnie James Dio (Rainbow / Black Sabbath / Dio)
Paul Kane, Getty Images
5. Ronnie James Dio (Rainbow / Black Sabbath / Dio)
Ronnie James Dio fronted not one, not two, but three of rock and metal’s greatest bands of all time (Rainbow, Black Sabbath and Dio) with a voice that could level a house all the way until the end. His lyrics were filled with fantasy, providing an escape to a world that almost seemed real. He helped shape heavy metal and influenced countless singers, but will never be replicated.4. Rob Halford (Judas Priest)
Ethan Miller, Getty Images
4. Rob Halford (Judas Priest)
Few singers possess the range of Judas Priest’s Rob Halford. The dynamic singer can provide a soft, low croon all the way to some of the metal genre’s finest screams. Halford is the Metal God and nobody is going to argue against that. He defined the heavy metal look with the leather and studs back in the mid-‘70s and is still in top shape to this day.3. Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)
Ian Gavan, Getty Images
3. Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)
Famed Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant was a unique entity at the time, employing higher singing that helped pave the way for what became the staple of heavy metal vocals. The often bare-chested singer helped the band lead an assault on crowds, bringing soulful performances and an engaging smile that reflected the energy of the seminal rock band’s music. 2. Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)
Karl Walter, Getty Images
2. Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)
Iron Maiden’s “air raid siren” Bruce Dickinson is a fountain of youth, showing absolutely no signs of age as Iron Maiden inch closer to four decades of pure traditional heavy metal. Dickinson is an athlete of a frontman, running wing to wing across the stage, never missing a note and seemingly never out of breath. Always trying to perform to the furthest person in the audience, he is the consummate frontman and more than deserving of this spot on the list.1. Freddie Mercury (Queen)
Fox Photos, Getty Images
1. Freddie Mercury (Queen)
Rock music has and will never see another frontman like Queen’s Freddie Mercury. The man had absolutely everything essential in making the perfect rock star. Mercury’s vocal and songwriting skills were at the very least, phenomenal. Perhaps no band in recent history can claim the number of true anthems that Queen were able to pen. Freddie’s stage presence was unmatched, his influence feels infinite and most importantly, he was an individual; a type of singularity that could trigger the Big Bang. Every musician has their weak spots, but Freddie never showed a hint of instability in his art. He was simply born to rock and he takes the No. 1 spot on our list.
Filed Under: Alice in Chains, Layne Staley
Categories: Galleries, Metal, News, Rock
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I got tagged by @mechamagica
barbie or oppenheimer -Barbie, I have little interest in learning more about the Bomb, I LOVE Nuclear stuff but that applies strictly to energy and reactors. (Molten Salt nuclear reactors are AMAZING) ketchup or mustard -Ketchup, gimme that Tomato crinkled fries or curly fries -Crinkled, especially if they got that seasoning salt, love a good THICC fry robots or dinosaurs-When I was young dinosaurs, but Im more into robotic stuff anymore silly hats or silly socks - Hats, easier to show off spring or autumn -Autumn, Fall, Halloween, Harvest, Pumpkin harry potter or lord of the rings -Lord of the rings lmao, even before all the shit with terf queen (and the whole I'm trans thing now) I had such a passing interest in potter vacation or staycation -I ain't gone anywhere in YEARS so. . . staycation I guess? ? ? day or night -NIGHT TIME IS THE RIGHT TIME TO BE WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE board games or video games - Board games, the tactile feel and pieces, easy house rules just give you something video games don't books or movies -I *wish* I could read books anymore my brain doesnt wanna focus on them and is spoiled by audiobooks but we'll technically say movies money or love - Love, anyone who knows me knows my stances on money as a thing. plus just. . . ITS LOVE BAYBEE!!!! milkshake or iced coffee - Milkshake, not a coffee person waffles or pancakes -Pancakes, flat fluffy fellas that soak up dat syrup and stack good chocolate or candy -Chocolate, easy beach or pool -Pool given I have one, and who wants to put the sand meme in here laundry or dishes - uhhhh dishes? I guess laundry always takes so long and I dont dirty enough dishes for it to really matter take-out or dine-out -uhhh take out, I havent eaten in a place in ages (assuming thats what you mean by dine out) fantasy or sci-fi - uhhhhh hard one. . . . right *now* Imma say Scifi cause Im more in that sort of realm of things. lays or pringles -Ruffles are technically Lays, and Ruffles *FUCK* but if we're just going on the chips themselves, Pringles for the flavors.
I'll tag @flingpossecule @velsim @kawaiidesuswag @pengwynevere @kalza @jamisunne aaaannnnddddd uhhhh @seeyouguyslater
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Easy From Seed Vegetables
The content of this blog post is from Home Garden Seed Association. It’s an excellent resource for home gardeners. They promote gardening from seed as the easy, natural and economical way to garden. Their website provides well researched and useful articles about how to garden from seed. Need inspo?
Beans, Beets, Cucumbers, Kale, Peas, Radishes, Salad Greens, Squash, Swiss Chard
Most of the vegetables typically grown in a home garden can be sown directly in the garden soil. These include salad greens of all kinds—lettuces, mizuna, arugula, spinach, and mustards—as well as beans and peas, root vegetables, summer and winter squash, and cool season cooked greens like kale and chard.
First, prepare the garden bed, loosening the soil and incorporating plenty of compost. Then, simply follow the guidelines below. In just weeks, your bountiful, delectable summer harvest will begin!
Left to right: Bean seedling, lettuce seedlings, chard seedling
Beans may be pole beans, or they may have a bush habit. In either case, wait until nighttime temps stay consistently above 50ºF to sow. For bush beans, poke seeds into the soil about an inch deep and 4 inches apart in rows that are about 1½ feet apart. Two sowings, about 3 weeks apart, will extend the harvest. For pole beans, be sure set up the trellis prior to planting time.
Beet seeds are actually clusters of seeds. Once danger of frost has passed plant them about an inch apart and ½ inch deep—and don’t be surprised if clumps of seedlings emerge. Thin them to about 2 inches apart when they are an inch or two tall, and again as the plants develop. When plants are 3 inches apart and plump enough for your purposes, you can harvest some at the baby stage, allowing others to enlarge.
Cucumbers will be set back by cold nights, so wait until nighttime temps stay above 50ºF. Sow 5 or 6 seeds, covered by an inch of soil, in a low mound, and thin to the 3 best plants as they start to develop. In a small garden, you can grow cucumbers up a trellis or fence.
Kale seeds can be sown in early spring, about 2 inches apart and ½ inch deep. Thin plants to about 12 inches apart when they are 3 to 4 inches tall, using the thinnings in salads. Begin harvesting outside leaves when plants have at least 6 sets of leaves. A second kale sowing in late summer will provide greens into the winter.
Peas, especially edible-podded peas, are a productive spring crop. They require some support, so plant seeds next to a fence or erect a structure to support them before planting. Sow seeds an inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart in early spring. Generally, no thinning is needed.
Radish seeds can be sown in early spring, spaced 1 inch apart and covered with ½ inch of soil. Thin them early to 2 inches apart to give them room to develop. Rather than planting a big row, sow small amounts a week apart for a continuous harvest.
Salad Greens, planted thickly in wide rows, can be harvested two or even three times. Make successive small sowings until the weather turns hot for a steady supply of baby greens. Beginning in early spring, broadcast the seeds so that they fall about an inch apart and cover with ¼ inch of soil. Firm gently and keep the bed evenly moist. Harvest with scissors when they are 4 to 5 inches tall, and allow the plants to regrow.
Squash will be set back by cold nights, so wait to plant until nighttime temps stay above 50ºF. Sow 4 or 5 seeds in a low mound, covered by an inch of soil, and thin to the 2 best plants as they start to develop. Summer squash, such as zucchini or patty pan, are tender and tasty when harvested young, no larger than 6 inches. If you have the space, you can also plant summer and winter squashes in staggered rows.
Swiss Chard seeds, like beets, are clustered seeds. Sow them ½ inch deep and 2 inches apart once danger of frost has passed. Thin the seedlings when they develop two sets of leaves and add the thinnings to salads. Final spacing should be 12 to 15 inches apart.
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It's been five months and my garden is finally producing tomatoes. I've been waiting. I toss them in my harvesting basket and toss a few overripe ones to my chickens. They eat them up before I'm done sorting through the plants. There are zombies outside my perimeter ever day. They're not trying to get in, mostly they amble around and bump into each other.
It's been six months and I've baked so much zucchini bread I think I'll be tired of it for the rest of my life. My chickens don't eat the tomatoes anymore and I've started to venture outside my fence. The zombies don't react to me, but I offer a few scraps every time I leave-just in case they want to know what I'm doing.
It's been a year and I'm so lonely. I dug the radio out of my storage room and tried to find a working station, but all I got was static. I put the radio out in the coop, my chickens seem to like the noise. The zombies don't seem to mind it either. They lounge around just outside my fence and hum along with the static. I wonder how long it'll take for them to get bored of it.
It's winter again and I have more than enough rations to get me through. The radio stopped working, but the zombies still hum like they did when it worked. Sometimes, I feel like they're trying to talk to me, but it's been thirteen months since I've talked to anyone so I'm probably making it up.
It's spring again and everything is growing nicely. I don't think the zombies like to be rained on so I build them a small shelter with sheet metal from my weapons shed. They liked to watch me build it, even tried to help me with it but it ended with me accidentally hammering a nail into one of them, so I established a no-zombie zone around me when I have the hammer.
The zombies started to talk-for real this time. Just little phrases they picked up from me. They talk to my chickens and each other, even sometimes to me. I can't help but smile when I hear one of them chitter, "Looks like you had a good night!" When I walk out of the house and hand over a few soft cucumbers. It's still spring, just eighteen months since the first zombie made the news.
I wake up and pick my oldest, still acceptable to eat watermelon, and cut it open. One half goes to my chickens and the other goes to the zombies in a large bowl. They gather around it and each try a piece. One of them shows me their teeth, a gesture I've started to see as a smile since most of their lips have rotted away, and takes another cube from the bowl. "Gooooood stuff," one of them says, mashing the melon into their teeth. The juice runs down her chin and soaks the faded, tattered, purple dress it has on.
"I'm glad you like it!" I say, turning into my garden. I harvest a few sunflower heads and throw a few to my chickens, fully expecting them to sit there for a few days. One of the zombies reaches his hand through the fence and opens his mouth. His bright yellow shirt has faded to a mellow mustard, stained with tomato juice, dirt, and your everyday, run of the mill zombie fluids.
"Wanna bite?" He asks, wagging his fingers. I nod and pick one of the heads up to pass through the fence. He takes it and offers it to the others around him, "Wanna bite?" He asks them, picking at the leaves.
Something whistles through the air and my friend with the watermelon soaked dress falls onto the ground. Everyone around her scatters and the trees surrounding them splinter from being hit. They shout to each other, "Diva down! Run for the hills!" One of them, the one in green overalls with patchy red hair, stares at me.
I look around for who was shooting and see a few men walk out of the trees, armed to the teeth with weapons I don't know the names of.
"Ma'am?" One of them asks, stepping on the hem of the purple dress. "What's your name?"
"You killed her," I say.
He takes another step and something cracks under his foot. He looks down and lifts his foot up from her rib cage. "It was going to kill you."
I shake my head and take a step away from my fence, "I don't know where you've been, but my zombies-my friends-aren't dangerous. I want you to leave."
Green Overalls walks out from behind the tree with her hands over its head. "Wanna see?" he asks, advancing on the armed man.
He raises his gun and fires without a second thought. It falls to the floor, teeth shooting out of his mouth.
Grey Pants-formerly White Pants-lumbers out into the clearing and bends down over Green Overalls. She pulls her into his lap and cradles him.
"I want you to leave!" I shout. "This is my private property and I do not consent to you being here!"
Grey Pants looks up. She gurgles, because his throat is decaying, "Leave!"
He shoots, and it falls on top of Green Overalls.
He looks over his shoulder and someone nearly two feet taller than me walks out from where he came, "Ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to come with us. Your mental state is questionable and we can't trust that you're not infected."
The tall man walks up to my gate and reaches his arm over. He undoes the latch and pushes the gate open. I back away until my back hits the greenhouse.
"Don't make this hard," he says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "It's been a really long day."
I hang my head and let him lead me out of my home. Away from my chickens, my garden, and my friends.
Yellow Shirt steps in front of us and puts a hand up, "You're being silly!" she garbles.
The tall man shoots him in the face and he falls on me, flesh sloughing off onto me. I scramble backward and fall onto my ass, Yellow Shirt's corpse moving with me.
It's been twenty months and all the zombies are gone. They didn't need to be, we could have lived with them. It's been twenty months and there's a new branch of the military that trapes through people's houses in search of zombies to kill.
When the zombie apocalypse came, you were prepared. What you weren’t prepared for was how quickly it ended.
#idk its almost 1am and i'm soso tired#but i was really inspired by this#let me know if you like it by rbing it lol#em writes#zombies#zombie apocalypse#writers#writers on tumblr#writeblr
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Basant Panchami 2025: Date and Significance
Basant Panchami, also known as Saraswati Puja in many regions of India, is a significant Hindu festival that marks the arrival of spring and honors Goddess Saraswati, the deity of wisdom, learning, and arts. The festival is celebrated with great fervor across the country, especially in northern and eastern India. In 2025, Basant Panchami falls on Friday, January 24. Let’s delve into the details of this auspicious occasion, its cultural significance, rituals, and traditions.
What is Basant Panchami?
Basant Panchami is observed on the fifth day (Panchami) of the Hindu month of Magha, which usually falls in January or February. The word “Basant” signifies spring, symbolizing new beginnings, rejuvenation, and prosperity. It’s a day dedicated to celebrating knowledge, music, and arts under the blessings of Goddess Saraswati.
Historical and Mythological Significance
Basant Panchami is deeply rooted in Hindu mythology and cultural traditions. According to legends:
The Birth of Goddess Saraswati:
The festival commemorates the day Goddess Saraswati appeared on Earth to bless humanity with knowledge and wisdom.
Brahma’s Creation:
Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, is said to have created Saraswati to bring order to the chaotic world. Her veena’s melodious tunes brought harmony to the universe.
Agricultural Importance:
The festival also marks the end of winter and the onset of the spring harvest season, making it important for farmers.
When is Basant Panchami 2025?Basant Panchami 2025: Date and Significance
In 2025, Basant Panchami will be celebrated on Friday, January 24. The Panchami Tithi begins at 10:38 AM on January 23, 2025, and ends at 12:14 PM on January 24, 2025. Devotees often perform pujas during the auspicious time, known as the Abhijit Muhurat, which ensures maximum blessings.
Significance of Basant Panchami
1. Spiritual Significance
The day emphasizes the importance of learning, creativity, and seeking divine blessings for wisdom and enlightenment.
It is an auspicious day to start new ventures, begin educational pursuits, or engage in creative arts.
2. Cultural Significance
Basant Panchami celebrates the arrival of spring, a season associated with prosperity, vibrancy, and growth. Fields of mustard bloom with yellow flowers, symbolizing energy and positivity.
3. Educational Importance
Students and scholars seek blessings from Goddess Saraswati to excel in their studies and overcome obstacles in their learning journey.
How is Basant Panchami Celebrated?
1. Worship of Goddess Saraswati
Homes, schools, and colleges organize Saraswati Puja, where idols or pictures of the goddess are adorned with yellow garments and fresh flowers.
Devotees offer yellow-colored sweets, fruits, and seasonal delicacies like khichdi and kesar halwa.
2. Dressing in Yellow
Yellow, symbolizing energy and vibrancy, is the color of the day. People wear yellow clothes, and the festival settings are often decorated with yellow flowers.
3. Flying Kites
In many parts of northern India, especially Punjab and Haryana, flying kites is a popular Basant Panchami tradition. The skies become a canvas of colorful kites, signifying joy and freedom.
4. Educational Initiatives
Children are introduced to learning on this day through a ritual called Vidyarambham, where they write their first letters under the guidance of elders or teachers.
5. Community Gatherings
Cultural events like music and dance performances are organized to honor the arts. Folk songs praising Goddess Saraswati are sung.
Regional Variations of Basant Panchami
1. West Bengal
Known as Saraswati Puja, the festival is a grand affair in schools and colleges. Students participate in the puja and offer their books and pens for blessings.
2. Punjab and Haryana
The festival is synonymous with kite flying. Families gather on rooftops to enjoy competitive kite battles.
3. Rajasthan
Yellow turbans and sarees are commonly worn, and the festival is celebrated with community meals and cultural programs.
4. Southern India
Though not as widely celebrated, the day is observed as part of harvest festivities, with special prayers for prosperity and wisdom.
5. Maharashtra and Gujarat
Families prepare sweet dishes like shrikhand and decorate their homes with rangolis made from yellow flowers.
Recipes to Celebrate Basant Panchami
1. Kesari Halwa
A sweet dish made with semolina, ghee, and saffron, offering a perfect blend of flavor and festivity.
2. Yellow Rice (Basant Pulao)
Prepared with turmeric, spices, and seasonal vegetables, this dish is both delicious and symbolic.
3. Kesar Lassi
A refreshing saffron-flavored yogurt drink to complement the festive mood.
Tips for Celebrating Basant Panchami 2025
Involve Children:
Engage kids in creating yellow-themed art, writing poems, or learning musical instruments.
Decorate Your Space:
Use yellow flowers, diyas, and rangolis to create a festive atmosphere.
Promote Literacy:
Donate books or organize educational activities in your community.
Fly Kites:
Participate in kite-flying events or organize one in your locality.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Why is yellow associated with Basant Panchami?
Yellow symbolizes energy, optimism, and prosperity. It’s also the color of mustard fields, which bloom during this time.
Q2: Is Basant Panchami only for Hindus?
While primarily a Hindu festival, people from various communities participate in its celebrations, appreciating its cultural and seasonal significance.
Q3: What should I offer to Goddess Saraswati during the puja?
Offer yellow flowers, sweets like boondi laddoo, and seasonal fruits.
Q4: Can we eat non-vegetarian food on Basant Panchami?
It’s advisable to avoid non-vegetarian food and alcohol on this auspicious day.
Q5: Can new beginnings be initiated on this day?
Yes, Basant Panchami is considered an auspicious day for starting new ventures, marriages, and educational pursuits.
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A Field Is Sown With Good And Bad Seed: At Harvest The Weeds Will Be Burned
24 He put-before them another parable, saying, “The kingdom of the heavens became-like a man having sown good seed in his field. 25 But during the men’s sleeping, his enemy came and re-sowed darnel between the wheat, and went away. 26 Now when the grass budded and produced fruit, then the darnel appeared also. 27 And having come to him, the slaves of the house-master said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Then from where does it have the darnel?’ 28 And the one said to them, ‘A hostile man did this’. And the slaves say to him, ‘Then do you want us, having gone, to collect them?’ 29 But the one says, ‘No, that while collecting the darnel, you may not perhaps uproot the wheat together with them. 30 Permit both to grow together until the harvest. And at the time of the harvest I will say to the harvesters, “Collect first the darnel, and bind them into bundles so-as to burn them up. But gather the wheat into my barn”.
The Mustard Seed: God’s Kingdom Will Start Very Small And Grow Very Large
31 He put-before them another parable, saying, “The kingdom of the heavens is like a seed of a mustard-plant, which having taken, a man sowed in his field— 32 which is smaller than all the seeds, but when it grows is larger than the garden-plants. And it becomes a tree, so that the birds of the heaven come and are nesting in its branches”.
Like Leaven In Bread, God’s Kingdom Will Permeate The World
33 He spoke another parable to them, “The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which having taken, a woman concealed into three measures of wheat-flour until which time the whole thing was leavened”.
Jesus Spoke In Parables In Fulfillment of Psalm 78:2
34 Jesus spoke all these things to the crowds in parables. And He was speaking nothing to them apart from a parable, 35 so that the thing might be fulfilled having been spoken through the prophet saying “I will open My mouth in parables. I will utter things having been hidden since the foundation of the world” [Ps 78:2].
Jesus Teaches His Disciples Using Parables
36 Then, having left the crowds, He went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Make-clear to us the parable of the darnel of the field”. 37 And the One, having responded, said—
Jesus Explains The Parable of The Good And Bad Seed Sown In The Field
“The one sowing the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 And the field is the world. And the good seed— these are the sons of the kingdom. And the darnel are the sons of the evil one. 39 And the enemy having sown them is the devil. And the harvest is the conclusion of the age. And the harvesters are angels. 40 Therefore, just as the darnel is collected and burned up with fire, so it will be at the conclusion of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will collect out of His kingdom all the causes-of-falling and the ones doing lawlessness. 42 And they will throw them into the furnace of fire. In that place, there will be the weeping and the grinding of teeth. 43 Then the righteous ones will shine-forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Let the one having ears, hear. — Matthew 13:24-43 | Disciples’ Literal New Testament (DLNT) Disciples' Literal New Testament: Serving Modern Disciples by More Fully Reflecting the Writing Style of the Ancient Disciples, Copyright © 2011 Michael J. Magill. All Rights Reserved. Published by Reyma Publishing Cross References: Genesis 18:6; 2 Samuel 23:6-7; Psalm 78:2; Psalm 104:12; Ezekiel 17:6; Daniel 3:6; Daniel 12:3; Zephaniah 1:3; Matthew 5:37; Matthew 8:20; Matthew 12:32; Matthew 13:1; Matthew 13:3-4; Matthew 13:44; Matthew 13:49; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 20:1; 1 Corinthians 15:42
#Jesus#parables#the Parable of the Weeds#parables explained#mustard seed#yeast#Matthew 13:24-43#Gospel of Matthew#New Testament#Disciples' Literal New Testament Bible#Reyma Publishing
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what to wear for thanksgiving outfit ... ?
What to Wear for Thanksgiving: Perfect Outfits for Every Occasion
Thanksgiving is one of the most beloved holidays of the year, bringing together friends and family to celebrate, share a meal, and give thanks. Whether you are spending the day at a cozy family gathering or attending a more formal dinner party, deciding what to wear can be a bit tricky. You want to look stylish, but also be comfortable enough to enjoy your meal and the company of your loved ones. If you’re wondering what to wear for Thanksgiving, this article will guide you through various outfit options based on your style and the atmosphere of the event.
Embrace Cozy Comfort with a Chic Twist
Thanksgiving is all about warmth, comfort, and indulgence, so it’s essential to pick an outfit that allows you to enjoy all the food and festivities without feeling restricted. The key is finding a balance between comfort and style. Here are a few options that will have you feeling both cozy and fashionable.
1. A Soft Sweater Dress
Sweater dresses are the perfect blend of warmth and style for a Thanksgiving gathering. They offer the comfort of a sweater while still maintaining a polished and elegant look. Choose a dress in a neutral tone, such as cream, rust, or beige, to reflect the autumn season. You can add a statement belt to define your waist and pair it with some knee-high boots for extra warmth. A pair of tights or leggings will keep your legs toasty while still looking chic.
If you want to add a bit of sparkle to your outfit, consider a dress with subtle metallic threads or embellishments. A sweater dress can easily be dressed up or down depending on your accessories. For a more casual gathering, you can pair the dress with a simple scarf, while a fancier event calls for bold jewelry and a sleek clutch.
2. Oversized Cardigans and High-Waisted Pants
If you prefer separates over dresses, an oversized cardigan paired with high-waisted pants is a great option. This combination is perfect for those who want to stay comfortable but still look stylish. Opt for a cozy, knitted cardigan in a rich fall color like burnt orange or deep burgundy. Pair it with high-waisted, wide-leg trousers for a sophisticated yet relaxed look. This outfit will allow you to move around easily while you mingle and enjoy your Thanksgiving feast.
For an added touch, tuck a fitted blouse or turtleneck into your pants before throwing on the cardigan. This layered look is perfect for staying warm and still looking chic. Add ankle boots or loafers for a fashionable footwear choice that won’t leave your feet sore after hours of socializing.
Add Seasonal Flair with Fall-Inspired Colors
Thanksgiving is synonymous with the autumn season, so it’s the perfect time to incorporate fall-inspired colors into your outfit. Think earthy tones like mustard yellow, burnt orange, deep plum, and olive green. These colors evoke the beauty of the changing leaves and the harvest season.
3. A Flannel Shirt and Skinny Jeans
Flannel shirts are a classic fall wardrobe staple, and they’re perfect for a laid-back Thanksgiving gathering. They’re comfortable, easy to style, and give off a cozy vibe. Pair a flannel shirt in plaid patterns of red, navy, and green with a pair of skinny jeans for a relaxed yet put-together look. Tuck the shirt in slightly at the front to create a more polished appearance or leave it untucked for a casual vibe.
You can dress up the outfit by adding accessories like a statement necklace or a cute beanie. Complete the look with ankle boots or sneakers for a casual yet stylish outfit that’s perfect for a Thanksgiving dinner at home or a small family gathering.
4. Midi Skirt and Turtleneck
For a more refined look that still embraces fall colors, consider pairing a midi skirt with a fitted turtleneck. Midi skirts are incredibly versatile and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Choose a skirt in a rich, autumnal shade like terracotta or deep green and pair it with a cozy, neutral turtleneck. This combination will keep you warm and stylish throughout the day, especially if you plan to be seated for long periods.
If you want to add extra flair to your outfit, layer a long cardigan or denim jacket over the turtleneck. Add a pair of ankle boots with a block heel to complete the look. This outfit strikes the perfect balance between sophistication and comfort, making it an ideal choice for Thanksgiving dinner.
Go for Classic Elegance with a Modern Touch
If you’re attending a more formal Thanksgiving gathering, you might want to opt for an outfit that’s a bit more polished. Even though Thanksgiving is generally a relaxed holiday, it’s always nice to dress up a little bit, especially if the dinner is held at a more upscale location.
5. A Classic Shift Dress
A classic shift dress is a timeless option for a Thanksgiving dinner that calls for a more formal outfit. Choose a dress in a rich jewel tone like emerald, sapphire, or ruby to stand out at the table. The shift style is forgiving and flattering on most body types, offering a streamlined silhouette without being too tight. The simplicity of the dress allows you to play with accessories, such as a statement necklace, a structured handbag, or elegant earrings.
If you want to add some warmth to the outfit, consider layering a sleek, tailored blazer over the shift dress. A pair of tights and classic pumps will complete this elegant look. A shift dress allows you to feel comfortable while still looking polished and sophisticated.
6. Tailored Jumpsuit
For something a little different, why not try a tailored jumpsuit for your Thanksgiving celebration? A well-fitted jumpsuit can be just as elegant as a dress, offering a modern and chic look. Look for a jumpsuit with a cinched waist or a belt to define your figure. Choose a deep, luxurious color like navy blue or maroon to embrace the fall season.
Pair the jumpsuit with strappy heels or block-heeled boots to elevate the outfit, and add a few layered necklaces for a touch of glam. This outfit is ideal for a Thanksgiving dinner where you want to stand out and look refined, but still maintain comfort throughout the evening.
Stay Comfortable and Stylish During the Feast
Of course, the most important aspect of choosing what to wear for Thanksgiving is ensuring you are comfortable enough to enjoy the food and festivities. Whether you opt for cozy knits or a more polished look, make sure your outfit allows you to move freely and enjoy the occasion.
7. Stretchy Fabrics and Elastic Waistbands
If you’re worried about your outfit getting too tight after indulging in a big Thanksgiving dinner, look for clothing that incorporates stretchy fabrics or elastic waistbands. Dresses with ruching, tops with stretchy materials, and pants with elastic waistbands can give you the flexibility you need to eat, sit, and move around with ease. Remember that comfort should always be a priority, especially when you know you’ll be feasting.
8. Layering Pieces
Thanksgiving can sometimes be a long day filled with various activities, from cooking to eating and socializing. Layering your clothes is essential for staying comfortable no matter what the day brings. A light cardigan or blazer can be easily thrown on or taken off depending on the temperature. A scarf can also add an extra layer of warmth and a stylish touch to your outfit.
Final Thoughts: Choose Comfort and Style
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When deciding what to wear for Thanksgiving, it’s all about finding the right balance between comfort and style. Whether you choose a cozy sweater dress, a laid-back flannel shirt, or a more polished shift dress, make sure your outfit reflects the spirit of the holiday—warmth, gratitude, and togetherness.
Above all, remember that Thanksgiving is about enjoying the time spent with loved ones and celebrating the things that matter most. Choose an outfit that allows you to feel comfortable and confident, so you can focus on making memories and savoring every moment of this special day.
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December has arrived in all its festive glory and ushered in an unusually chilly cold snap just in time to launch us into the holiday spirit! While conditions have seemingly ricocheted from one extreme to another, the range of produce on offer at our farmstalls is still redolent of the long stretch of hot, dry fall days that extended the backend of this year’s growing season well beyond its typical expiration. However, all good things must end, and it’s now last call for many tender field-grown greens and other warm season veggies until the soft rains and mild temperatures of spring coax them forth again. Let Us Enjoy Lettuce Lettuce is a shoulder season crop here in the northeast as this cool-weather-loving plant is typically grown in the spring and autumn. In the spring, lettuce bolts when it matures and reaches the end of its lifecycle, which is usually when daytime temperatures head above 75°F and nighttime temperatures remain over 60°F. In the fall, lettuce can withstand light frosts but needs protection from heavy frosts or harsh, freezing conditions. Lettuce is commonly used as a foundational base for green salads thanks to its versatility, mild flavor, crisp texture and ability to showcase a wide range of salad dressings. In contrast to loose leaf lettuce varieties, the leaves of head lettuces such as romaine, butterhead and iceberg form a dense rosette which develops into a tight, compact head like cabbage. If you’re a salad aficionado like me, the unusually warm and sunny autumn has let us (lettuce!) enjoy this refreshingly crunchy and hydrating leafy vegetable in a variety of delicious preparations for weeks longer than normal. If lettuce-anchored salads are non-negotiable during the cold winter months, you’re in luck as some of our small farms like Great Joy Family Farm, Newgate Farms and Sun Sprout Farm have built greenhouses to facilitate year-round production. The panels of a greenhouse allow sunlight to pass through and trap it as thermal energy to heat up the air inside and create a warm, regulated growing environment. The structure itself protects plants from extreme conditions such as wind, heavy rain, frost and snow. When sunlight is unavailable, supplemental heat from gas, propane or fuel is generally used to keep greenhouse temperatures above freezing. Ar-u-goo-goo for Arugula? Another highly popular salad green, arugula is a member of the Brassicaceae, or cruciferous, family that includes cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. This peppery mustard green is native to the Mediterranean region where it has been widely cultivated since Roman times. Like lettuce, arugula thrives in cool weather and is considered a cool-season crop. While it can withstand the recent light frosts in the field, its tender leaves must be protected from heavy frosts and snowfall by row covers or other frost protection measures. Arugula can be sown inside a greenhouse during the winter as it germinates well in cool soil temperatures and will grow in an unheated structure. Given the challenges of growing arugula outside during the winter, this spicy, tangy green will be harder to spot at our farmstalls after this weekend. Make the most of the last field-grown harvests by scooping up a few bags to make this goat cheese, arugula & pear salad: Ingredients Dressing:
2 tablespoons Sun Sprout Farm chopped shallot, (about 1 small shallot)
1 Sun Sprout Farm garlic clove, chopped
¼ cup Arlotta Food Studio extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons Newgate Farms honey or Maplebrook Farm maple syrup
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar or rice vinegar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
5 ounces Great Joy Family Farm arugula
⅓ cup Sun Sprout Farm thinly sliced red onion
1 Locust Grove Fruit Farm green or red pear, cored and sliced into 1/4″ half-moons
⅓ cup toasted walnuts
2 ounces SOVA Farms soft goat cheese, crumbled
2 ounces blue cheese, crumbled
½ cup mixed Guoz Garden microgreens, optional
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
Curb your Herb Enthusiasm While dried herbs can be at our fingertips all winter long, certain non-woody herbs lose their signature flavor, boldness and aroma when dried. Basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, tarragon and chives are just a few examples that will always taste and smell better when enjoyed fresh! Most herbs are delicate plants that require milder, temperate conditions to thrive outside in the field, so will rapidly disappear from farmstalls now that our “second summer” is over. If you stumble upon any lush bunches of field-grown herbs at the farmers market this weekend, grab them while you can and whip up a big green salad, whirl them into a pesto in your food processor, or finely chop them and toss them into an omelet. For more ways to enjoy fresh herbs, consult this handy link. While greenhouse cultivation will enable many of our farms to bring an assortment of fresh greens to the farmers market all winter long, supplies can be limited due to the competing demands and restrictive nature of indoor growing. We’ve been lucky enough to enjoy an extended season for a host of fresh produce, but now that the weather has finally turned, this weekend will be the last call for many tender field-grown veggies. Be sure to make the most of the ones you can find, and we look forward to seeing you at the market!
#downtoearthmkts#farmersmarket#eatlocal#shoplocal#buylocal#farmersmarkets#eatdowntoearth#localfood#agriculture#tender greens#arugula#lettuce#fresh herbs
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34 Thanksgiving Nail Ideas That Are Sure To Impress Your Loved Ones
Thanksgiving nails are all about embracing the warmth and coziness of the season, with rich, earthy tones and festive designs that reflect the spirit of gratitude and harvest. Deep shades of burgundy, burnt orange, mustard yellow, and olive green are perfect for capturing the autumn vibe. You can add intricate details like tiny pumpkins, falling leaves, and acorns using nail art pens or decals to…
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Stonecraft PUEBLO Mustard Yellow Serving Plate Vintage 1980s Made In Japan.
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