#falûne Tav
wellthebardsdead · 6 days
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So I found two heads that fit my vision of Falûne perfectly but I love the first one in particular for two reasons-
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He looks so cheeky and-
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He sees through all your bullshit now Keldran!!!
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wellthebardsdead · 3 months
Falûne: *sighs pulling off his gloves showing bandages on all his fingertips* gods what a day.
Karlach: oh sweetie your hands, what happened?
Falûne: huh? Oh my nails bleed. *unwraps them to show the claws filed back so far to resemble human ones the nail beds been damaged* they’ll be fine in a few more days then I can enjoy not having claws for a couple weeks until they grow b-ba- Ow! Ow! Karlach that hurts!
Karlach: *putting the finger in a bottle of healing potion* good that means it’s working! Shadowheart! I need you!
*a few minutes later*
Karlach: our claws are like any animal with claws! You cut too far back and you’ll spill blood! Yours are raised and curled moonpie! You shouldn’t be filing back further than the point!
Falûne: *sniffling back tears as Karlach scolds him* f-father Keldran th-threatens to rip them out if I don’t th-though. He says only f-fiends and monsters have c-claws.
Karlach: do I look like a fiend or a monster to you lûne?!
Falûne: n-no k-Karlach you don’t.
Karlach: Well neither do you. From now on anything that bastard told you you about your body you run by me first!
Falûne: p-please don’t call him a bastard-
Karlach: fine. A racist bastard then. Just like everyone else who deems Tieflings as ‘foul bloods’ and fiends.
Falûne: … *stares at his newly regrown claws* … *whimpers as his eyes flash purple and his brittle horns splinter further* I-it hurts- what… what were we?… talking about?… my nails regrew already?!
Karlach: I?… oh… oh moonpie…
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wellthebardsdead · 3 months
Karlach: Dammon likes you, like, like likes, you~
Falûne: what? No he’s just very kind.
Karlach: oh come on moonpie I know you were sheltered and all growing up but you surely saw he was putting the moves on you? The way he took your hand and sat you down to fit your shoes? How he slid his hand up your leg as he lifted it into his lap, how he got the swoony bedroom eyes at you when he refused to let you pay~?
Falûne: I think that’s just how his eyes look, he gave you the same look when he refused payment for your engine.
Karlach: oh come on now just because he thinks we’re both sexy doesn’t mean he doesn’t fancy you more~
Falûne: *suddenly bright purple* I-I am a cleric of the moon maiden! An acolyte of her divine order and I dress modestly according to my status! I am not- s-sexy!
Astarion: I beg to differ~ I’d love to see what delectable little treats are hiding beneath that dull wrapper~
Falûne: p-perverts! The lot of you!! *storms off*
Falûne: SHUT UP!!!
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Raphael: *eyeing Mol up* she’s too young.
Korrilla: But Lûne always asked for a little sibling to play with, or just a friend.
Raphael: yes up until he was 14 but he’s in his 20s now. If she were closer to his age group I’d consider it but they’ll have nothing in common.
Korrilla: she needs a family though and you can easily turn her immortal, she’s got all the makings of a good devil like lû. Besides they get along and she looks up to him a great deal!
Raphael: I doubt she’ll willingly join us as family… I’ll need to ease her into the arrangement by giving her what she wants.
Korrilla: she’s a child what could she possibly want?
*10 minutes later*
Raphael: world domination.
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wellthebardsdead · 3 months
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“Falûne, our dear little pig keeper. A foulblood yes, but pure as a lamb.” - Father Keldran
Doodle of Falûne before his journey. Feeding the chickens and slopping the pigs before preparing lunch for the cloister, hoping one day he can join them, not as a servant but as a fellow acolyte. Hope, such a tease.
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Falûne: *sobbing uncontrollably and headbutting every wall in the house of hope he can get near, only making the pain in his forehead even worse but not knowing how to make it stop*
Raphael: *returns from baldurs gate and walks past the several panicked infernal debtors all trying to explain to him they weren’t the ones to make him cry* Nephew.
Falûne: *looks up at him and sniffles reaching his little hands up to be held*
Raphael: *picks him up and kisses between his horns, smelling serum like from a fresh blister as the tiny devils horns grow in faster than anticipated, just as his own ones did with every jagged point* shhhh, I’m here, I’ll make it all better. *Carries him back to the nursery and sets him in his lap as he sits down and produces a noblestalk ointment he’d bought on his outing* this may sting a little, but it’ll feel better. I promise.
Falûne: *nods and sits still, letting his uncle apply it around each horn and his whole forehead to ease the pain, the effects acting almost instantaneously, leaving the little cambion drowsy from the pain induced meltdown* mmmb…
Raphael: better?
Falûne: *nods and rubs his eyes before cuddling onto him*
Raphael: *sighs and hugs him back, letting him hold him until he quickly drifts off to sleep* Lû?… *checks he’s asleep before laying him down against the pillows and tucking him in*
Korrilla: *leaning on the doorframe* were your horns that painful?
Raphael: they were… only… I didn’t have anyone who cared enough about me to help me through it… unless you count the servants who held my face down in a bucket of ice water helping… *loops his tail with Falûnes much tinier one* I won’t let him go through this alone…
*a couple decades later*
Falûne: *horns still growing into a full crown of 6 curved and razor like Cania spires, trying so hard to remain composed and ignore the pain throbbing in his skull as he studies*
Raphael: *gently lifts his chin and applies the same ointment* suffering is not a virtue no matter what Ilmater would have mortals believe.
Falûne: *tears up and closes his eyes* d-does it ever stop?…
Raphael: some day it will… but today is not that day, and until that day comes, you’ll have me to take care of you.
Falûne: what about after that?…
Raphael: I’ll still be here. Even when you don’t want me around anymore.
Falûne: … *hugs him tight* I’ll always want you around uncle…
Raphael: *smiles and hugs him back* then I’ll always be here.
“How wonderful it feels to be wanted. I can only ‘Hope’ I made you feel wanted too…”
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Kar’niss: *surrounded by the harpers, visibly trembling as he holds out the lantern and his sword*
Falûne: oh for hells sake enough! He’s scared out of his mind! *snaps his fingers*
Kar’niss: *blinks and drops the sword and lantern in a panic as he suddenly can’t open his extra eyes* h-Hrrrn?!!! *feels at his face to see they’ve vanished* what- *looks at his hands as the chitin begins to simply slide off revealing fresh soft drow skin beneath* wh-what’s ha- *whimpers as his spider half suddenly buckled beneath him before detaching entirely* m-my legs! I can’t- what have you d-done?!
Falûne: *gently hooks his hands beneath his arms and pulls him out of the spider casing, revealing a perfectly functioning lower elven half* I cured you of your curse- now hold still and focus on this. *holds the artefact in his face*
Kar’niss: *whimpers as the artefact glows red hot and burns into his mind, piecing back together broken parts and revealing to him the truth of the absolute* no- majesty they lie- they lie- they… they tell the truth… they… help us… they help, me… *looks up at the devil* you… you’ll help, me?
Falûne: *puts the artefact away and pulls a blanket from his bag wrapping it around him* yes. So long as you help us in return… now we just need to find you some pants to hide that third leg.
Kar’niss: th-third?! *looks down at his legs* I am still cursed?! Where is it?! There’s only two! Where’s the other one!?
Astarion: oh dear, poor thing.
*a few hours later*
Falûne: please help! He’s in love with me!!
Kar’niss: *still unbelievably tall but otherwise a normal drow, clad in armour and holding Lûne off the ground by his waist* I’ll protect you, my prince, my majesty…
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wellthebardsdead · 9 days
Raphael: *sitting by Falûne’s bed, seething with incandescent rage as Isobel heals his injuries while Shadowheart heals lûne* Seven. Thousand. Souls… All forced into Falûne to feed the beast contained within him…
Shadowheart: I-is that what that thing was? That- thing he turned into… the hundreds of faces and bodies all withering away like sand as they screamed and clawed at his bones? Th-the eye the- the head? It was all of them and… what they did to him?
Raphael: yes… An Ascended fiend formed out of betrayal and agony… my own form pales in comparison to the sheer horror that made his… There’s no telling how he will react when he wakes, he could level this whole building, paint the walls with your blood, bring this city to the ground and the elderbrain with it, or-
Falûne: *opens his eyes and immediately starts weeping hearing the screams in his head and the pain in his broken heart* Astarion… astarion wh-why?
Raphael: *gaze softening* Simply pour his heart out instead… *loops his tail with his nephews and sighs* he won’t hurt you again… I won’t let him.
Falûne: *sobs and just weeps in unimaginable anguish, unable to even form words beyond a raspy cry as his final thread of hope snaps* he promised…
Raphael: I know… I’ve always hated verbal contracts…
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wellthebardsdead · 11 days
Falûne: *standing on the platform overlooking the city in the distance, baldurs gate just a days walk away* … *looks up at the moon and sighs sadly feeling the strange warm presence in his soul again, Selûne grappling with Mephistopheles himself to give Lûne her powers as an apology and save him before it’s too late*
“Heavy is the heart who sits alone with their thoughts. Heavier is the one who sits with the moon as company.”
Falûne: *looks back as Raphael approaches and leans against the railing with him to stare up at the moon* uncle… I was…
Raphael: reflecting on today… yes… *looks at the welt on his cheek from where Keldran struck him* what is on your mind, nephew?…
Falûne: …Father k… Keldran… Always said I should be grateful for his mercy. That he allowed me to live but… but these memories, th-the pain… the betrayal… it hurts so much… I’m reliving it every time I close my eyes… the beatings, the starving, the chains, the cellar, the… the closet… th-…the barn… it would have been a mercy to kill me instead… I wish he’d just killed me instead…
Raphael: As do I.
Falûne: *mortified surprise*
Raphael: I’d of had a chance to save you then… Appear at the place of your respawning. Take you far away where my father, or anyone, could ever hurt you again… *looks at him with genuine sorrow, followed by distain as he looks to the moon* but that’s why Selûne herself forbade him from killing you…
Falûne: *feeling that warmth in his soul shiver in panic as the truth is revealed further* She?… She didn’t want me- being reborn?…
Raphael: of course not. My father could have gotten you. And she certainly didn’t trust me enough to think I’d raise you to be good… her loyal Paladin turned priest was her best option of keeping you in a cage… Even if he did break his oath by turning to Shar to ensure it…
Falûne: …Do you think that’s why he hated me so badly?… because he broke his oath?…
Raphael: …Perhaps it was a factor but… Self righteous men like him who believe themselves to be holier than all who stand before them, Are in truth the most evil of all mortals… do not blame yourself for his lack of a heart, nephew… you’ll only wound your own further…
Falûne: …Thank you, uncle…
Raphael: don’t mention it… *smiles eyeing him up* you look good, by the way… those horns suit your face well…
Falûne: they’re… taking some getting used to… along with the wings but… I’ll get used to it… it’s me after all… I’m still… me… I’m still… Good.
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wellthebardsdead · 3 months
Falûne: *sitting at the little desk in his nursery reading* hmm…
Korrilla: *bringing him a snack* what’s on your mind dear?
Falûne: auntie what’s ‘Father’s Day?’
Korrilla: oh? That’s a day for mortals to appreciate fathers and father like figures.
Falûne: only mortals? Don’t immortals care about their fathers?
Korrilla: not, all of them, it’s hard to explain dear.
Falûne: …Can you take me to baldurs gate p-please? Don’t tell uncle!
Korrilla: I- why dear? I’ll get in a lot of trouble if I just up and take you from the house of hope without telling him.
Falûne: it’s a surprise!
Korrilla: *adding up the idea in his little head* …Alright, let’s get you dressed.
*a few hours later*
Falûne: *in his fanciest little outfit, holding Korrillas hand as she takes him to a flower shop, picking out a rose and a card after a lot of careful consideration and Korrilla guiding him to the right things* ready!
Korrilla: okay, let’s head bac-
Korrilla: *jumps and spins around to see Raphael storming towards them looking pissed off beyond words* b-boss I can expla-
Falûne: *runs up to Raphael and smiles proudly up at him holding out his gifts* happy Father’s Day uncle!
Raphael: …
Korrilla: …
Raphael: *leans down and picks him up, visibly trying not to cry as he takes the card and opens it, seeing a little scribble of him standing beside lûne holding his hand* oh- nephew… thank you.
Falûne: *hugs him tight* heee~
Korrilla: he wanted it to be a surprise, am I still in trouble?
Raphael: *voice cracking with emotion* no- no you’re getting a raise!
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wellthebardsdead · 25 days
Genuinely nothing makes me feel happier than imagining small little romantic moments between my blorbos.
Raphael dancing slowly with Lucy to no music after defeating the absolute.
Dammon carrying Falûne across a muddy path.
Wyll offering Clow his clothes and boots so he’ll have actual clothing to wear beyond his dance attire.
Solairen pouting as he’s dressed in nice relaxed clothes and made to enjoy hobbies outside of swinging a sword like painting or reading while Astarion and Raphael brush his hair and admire their handsome lover.
Wyrm sipping hot coco in taliesins arms as he reads to him.
Marigold laying beneath a big tree and eating fruit with Taliesin.
Steren gently unveiling Vivienne and removing his heavy coat and clothes just so he can hold him and enjoy his beloveds embrace without him being hidden from the world.
It just makes me so happy and I want it to be meeeeee!!!
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wellthebardsdead · 5 months
Haarlep: *was literally made for Falûne and came to the house of hope to seduce him and attempt to lure him back to Mephistopheles. Now standing naked before Raphael in his form seething with incandescent rage that he’s not only been tricked into a contract with the wrong devil but named by him too* YOURE NOT FALÛNE?! BUT I ASKED FOR THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE?!
Raphael: *getting dressed* I am the master of the house. Dear Lûny may be stronger than me by a mile, but he’s still my nephew and under my roof. Upon the throne of Mephistar he is the archduke and master of Cania but here he is my nephew and obeys the rules of the house. And now you, will too.
Haarlep: I was made specifically for him! Everything he’d desire my form was made for! Baalphegor designed me for him n-not you!! She-
Raphael: Made you to try and lure my nephew to my father so he may attempt at getting his throne back. Yes yes, you’re not the first of their schemes they’ve sent my way. So from now on, you remain in this room, you’re forbidden to leave this room, you’re forbidden to speak to him, you’re not even allowed to look at him. Am I cl-
Raphael: *shoves the incubus into the wardrobe and puts all his weight against the door* Lûny?
Falûne: *rubbing his eyes having thought he’d seen two of his uncle before he blinked* I was just wondering what- are you okay?
Raphael: yes nephew I found that missing scroll of summon beholder and unfortunately opened it- you may want to get out of the blast radius.
Falûne: oh. Okay. *walks off*
Raphael: *sighs and grabs a chair shoving it under the door handle* stay in there and think of what you’ve done… and stop pulling my tail I can feel that!
Haarlep: *yanking his tail aggressively* LEMMEOUT!
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wellthebardsdead · 8 months
Falûne: *getting ready for bed, reading his little book before putting it in his bag and curling up in his tent to sleep*
Shadowheart: *waits until she’s certain he’s unconscious before creeping over and picking the book from his bag thinking it’s a prayer book* okay selunite let’s see what lies your doctrine is filled with- *opens it up and immediately sees past the illusion of prayers to the text beneath it* what the?
The book on every page: I am good. I am not evil. I am a tiefling. I am not a devil. I am a child of the moon maiden. I am not a hell spawn.
Shadowheart: wh-what the fuck?
*literally the next day after Raphael turns up*
Astarion: Why did that devil call you nephew?
Falûne: I dunno. Maybe because I’m a tiefling?
Shadowheart: *more questions than answers and desperately trying to contain the urge to ask all of them* yeah that’s probably it-
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wellthebardsdead · 9 days
Dammon: When you have a big, strong, long, powerful hammer. Anything, looks like a nail. *smiles at Falûne* And I’m about to pound you like an anvil baby~
Falûne: o-oh my
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wellthebardsdead · 7 months
Raphael: *kicking and squirming helplessly in his fathers grasp, his one working wing slapping at his hand as he tries desperately to get free* NEPHEW! NEPHEW PLEASE!!! WAKE UP!!!WAKE UP-
Mephistopheles: *opens his maw wider to devour him* “You had your chance. Now Die!”
Falûne: *consumed by his fiendish powers after the seal containing them finally broke, transforming him into a cambion permanently, laughing as he watches his uncle thrash helplessly, only for his pleas to reach his ears… and then his heart, bringing him out of his mania* uncle?… *blinks finally coming back to his senses right as Mephistopheles drops him into his mouth* NO!!!
Astarion: okay let’s not panic! The portals broken but we can find a way in to save him surely-
Hope: There’s no way into the palace of Cania without one of his servants and Haarlep already took off running!
Yurgir: I can smash through the wall then!
Karlach: you got your ass beat by a tiny blue tiefling you’ll stand no chance against his grandfathers guards!
Shadowheart: well we can’t just stand around doing nothing!
Wyll: Gods damn it, I’ll summon mizora and renew my contract then if I mu-
Everyone: *shuts up as a circle of flames erupts before them, and Raphael limps through, bloodied, battered and holding a now unconscious Falûne in his arms*
Raphael: *glares at them all before snarling with a low growl* you’re all so very lucky he saved my life… you may leave here with the hammer… *hands him over to Karlach* on the condition you fucking listen to me next time on anything involving him or his powers.
Karlach: *looks around at the rubble that was most of the house of hope* if that was only a small part of the carnage moonpie is capable of, gladly…
Raphael: good, now get out… *looks to the door as his guards drag Haarlep back in by his tail kicking and screaming* I have business to attend to. *grabs a dessert spoon off of the table and stalks towards him*
Astarion: what the devil is he going to do with that?
Hope: you don’t want to know, come on this way let’s get you back to your realm… *looks at Falûne as the unconscious cambion lay in Karlachs arms* …Take care of him… he’s a good devil…
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wellthebardsdead · 9 months
Minthara: what’s your problem?
Astarion: …I want to fuck a priest.
Minthara: selunite?
Astarion: yes.
Minthara: blue tiefling?
Astarion: yes.
Minthara: looks good in the robes?
Astarion: yes.
Minthara: I understand.
Falûne: *a cleric to Selûne, quietly reading his prayer book* :3
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