#fairy tail 100 years quest chapter 137
bumblebeehug · 1 year
HYQ chapter 137
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Sting and yukino are currently what every nalu fan wants for nalu🥲🥲
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GIRLIE’S ALIVE!!! or whatever a robot can be (?) maybe functioning is a better word for it
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they’re so cute🥹🥹🥹 lucy would do so well in edens zero, she gets along with the bots💓💓
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also, plot twist?? i mean i kinda prefer this outcome compared to getting another long fight where 15 new and 15 old characters get their turns, but i also really wanna see natsu fight a dragon again (though i guess it’s coming with ignia after this)
i feel like the dormant dragon thing will turn out to have a spin where he awakens, and the whole alchemy guild will probably create some trouble, but it would be nice if they found a low-key easy solution to sealing this dragon (WHILE building up for some trouble and angst between nalu so the final fight can be completely swarmed with nalu moments)
also cana wore some cute pants on the chapter cover
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jjingureum · 1 year
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evildeadfan102 · 1 year
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I read Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 137.
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