#fairy grass is a really fun one :0
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catzgam3rz · 2 years ago
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Fairy: You kind of scare me… In a friend way. (Affectionate)
Grass: You deserve just. So much more attention. You’re so good.
:D!! This is so sweet!! Thank you! I promise I’m not scary or at least I don’t try to be ;w;
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gen4grl · 7 months ago
top 5 pokemon u wanna use on a team but haven’t? umm otherwise just top 5 pkmn lol
ahhh goodmorning!✨
my top 5 pokemon are
as for 5 pokemon i’m keen on using!
azumarill! really want to try out the huge power + adamant natured combo? also water and fairy are some of my favourite types :0
alolan exeggutor!!! just so stupid looking LOL and love the grass dragon typing :3
bronzong! no reason other than i was planning to use one on sooo many teams but always ended up using something else! steel + psychic typing is dope and recently have really come to appreciate a tanky defensive mon and their purposes on teams!
3 in 1 BUT umbreon, glaceon and leafeon are the only eeveelutions i haven’t used yet!
seismitoad! another example of a mon i planned to use so many times but always got replaced by something else! water/ground is my single favourite typing in the game!!! super fun to play around with
thx u for the ask!!! hope u have a fantastic weekend ✨🥺
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pixelatedrose · 5 years ago
A Fae(ry) Tale part 1
Part 0 | Part 1 | Next
Word Count: 1,738
Pairings: Losleep, TBA
Warnings: minor cursing, minor fighting, If there’s anything I missed or if you want me to tag anything, please please don’t hesitate to ask!!
Do you believe in the Fae? You’ve heard whispers about them lately…That writer, He talks about the Fae all the time, doesn’t he? You should listen a little closer to him. Something tells me these are not simple stories…
Chapter 1: An Unbelievable Believer and His Fool
  It was a bright sunny afternoon when Logan Sanders locked himself in his dorm room, studying the day away.
  “Heeyy!!” A preppy voice called from Logan’s doorway. He glanced over the top of his book at the slim girl who’d taken a liking to him for god knows why. “I’m having a party down by the beach in a few hours! You should totally come!”
  Logan arched an eyebrow at her and returned to his book. “And why, Missy, would I do that?”
  Missy huffed. “Be-cause, LoLo-” She pranced over to him and sat on the arm of the chair, interrupting his reading. “You’re, like, the hottest guy on campus. You gotta come!! Aren’t you at all interested in wooing some cute chicks?”
  Logan pushed his square frame up to the bridge of his nose and sighed, getting up and moving to his bed. “No, I am not interested in ‘wooing chicks,’ Missy. I still don’t see the point of me being there just to get sand and salt in my eyes.”
  “But you gottaaa!!” Missy whined. “You should have some fun every now and then, Logan!!” She sprawled out on his bed, placing her head so rudely in the center of his lap, once again, interrupting his studying. Her big brown eyes pleaded with him. “You never want to come to my parties, LoLo...Just this once..?? For me??”
  Logan rolled the tanned girl off the bed, her body hitting the floor with a loud thud. “No. Why would I do anything for you when you have done nothing but distract me from my studies?”
  Missy scowled. “Logan!! I thought we were friends!!”
  “You were wrong in your assumptions. I have few friends and you are not counted among them.”
  Missy all but screamed as she stormed out of the room, tears in her eyes.
  “Whoahohoo~! Logan!” A male voice trilled drunkenly from under the bed. Logan peered down to see one of his real friends, Remy, peeking out from under his bed. “That was a little harsh, don’t you think, babe? Like, Missy’s just tryin her best, hun.”
  Logan pushed his friend back under with his foot. He really didn’t have time to deal with Remy’s antics at the moment.
  It was no use. Remy popped back out like a whacka mole, this time crawling the rest of the way out. “You know she’s right about one thing though,” He crossed over to the mini fridge Logan had in his room and took out a coke. “You are, like, the hottest guy on campus.”
  Logan threw a small stuffed lion- a gift from Remy- at him who laughed, defending himself uselessly with his arms as it bounced harmlessly off his shoulder.
  “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!! But she was right about you getting out more, babe. It’s time you put that brick down and have a little fun!!” Logan glared down at his book, his gaze locking on a single word. Remy sat down in the chair Logan had been in before. “Hey, we don’t have to go to a big party, alright? I was thinking more...exploring the mall a bit. Hows about it, honey?”
  Logan tried to bury his consciousness further into the word he stared at. Finally he sighed and put the book down. “Fine. I suppose I could do a little shopping while I’m there…”
  “Yeesss!!!” Remy pumped his fist and left the room. I’ll be back to get you in, like, an hour, babe! AND DON’T YOU DARE PICK THAT BOOK UP AGAIN!!” Remy called from the hall.
  Logan shook his head. He didn’t know how he ever became friends with someone like Remy. Flamboyant and superstitious, Remy McBlaire seemed to be the very opposite of the cold, serious Logan Sanders.
  Logan placed the large book down on his desk and looked around his room before deciding to bring a small notepad and pen with him as he went down to the cafeteria to wait for his friend.
  So Logan admits that the trip wasn’t all that bad. Remy cooed and bubbled over star shaped earrings with a matching moon necklace before buying and wearing them all day, Logan got to restock on his crofters and decided to treat himself to a new tie, and together they got kicked out of a tea shop for pointing out that rock stone tea, was in fact, not a real tea.
  It was when they were grabbing lunch that things started going wrong. They decided that they would grab food and walk over to the nearby park to eat- Remy’s idea of getting Logan some sun.
  As they passed by the edge of the woods, Remy very suddenly stopped, stepping very deliberately around something.
  “Remy, what’s wrong? Is there something wrong with that patch of grass?” Logan asked.
  Remy shook his head. “No, but kinda yeah.” He pulled Logan aside and pointed at where a few mushrooms grew. “It's a fairy circle. Gotta stay clear of those guys, ya know?”
  Logan gave an exasperated sigh. “Remy, you know there’s no such thing as fairies. That’s a childish notion and you should really know better.”
  “Whatever! Maybe fairies aren’t real but the Fae totally are!”
  “Here we go again...For the last time, that ‘centaur’ you saw as a kid was just a playground toy!!”
  Remy huffed. “Not true!! He talked to me!! He said to go home before I got in trouble with the Fae!! I totally saw one of the Fae!!”
  Logan rolled his eyes and continued on toward the picnic table closest to the woods. “You were, what? Five? And it was in the middle of the night too. You probably just heard your parents calling for- oh I don’t know- maybe for you to come home?”
  Remy followed after him and scowled. “They started calling for me after the centaur told me to go home, babe!! I’ve told you this-” Remy cut himself off, stopping in his tracks.
  Logan was walking backwards, facing his friend. He cocked his head a little and asked, “What? Why did you-” 
  Remy seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in because he yelled, a little louder than needed, at Logan. “Stop!!”
  And indeed Logan stopped. He’d rarely heard his childhood friend so fearful. “Remy, what’s wrong?”
  Remy pulled Logan back towards him. “Boy you were about to step right into that fairy circle.” Remy pointed at the grass around the picnic table. Sure enough, There was a large circle of small mushrooms surrounding the table, circling all the way to the edge of the forest. It was big enough to contain another table or two within the circle, and Logan thought that it was pretty mesmerizing.
  But he just shook his head. “Remy you must get over your childish fear. It’s just a circle of mushrooms, they aren’t even remotely deadly ones.”
  Remy fumed. “It is not a childish fear, Logan! And I will not step inside that Fae circle!!” He gripped the moon necklace he had acquired earlier in the day, holding it tight.
  “Fine.” Logan stalked over to circle resolutely, ignoring Remy’s protesting. He stopped at the edge of the ring and looked down at the fungal sprouts. And with one motion, Logan kicked the ring, breaking the circle.
  “There,” Logan said, satisfied with his work. “Now there’s no ring and you should have no reason to be afraid anymore.” As he turned to look back at his friend, he saw the horrified look upon Remy’s face.
  His face changed from one of horror to fuming rage as he started storming towards Logan. “Logan, what have you done?!”
  Logan stared down Remy, pushing his concerns away. “Like I said, there’s no more ring so you-”
  Remy grabbed Logan by the shoulders. “Do you know what you just did?! Do you know what’s going to happen now?! Logan you idiot!! Now they’re gonna-”
  Logan pushed back on his friend. “Remy!! Stop this! There’s no need to be so afraid of something so unrealistic as fairies!!” He walked past Remy a ways, he didn’t like seeing him so crestfallen and scared, especially when it was all just illogical.
  “They’re not just fairies!!” Remy shouted. “Why are you like this?!” He put a hand on Logan’s shoulder, but Logan turned around, shrugging it off violently.
  “Why am I like this? Remy, You’ve been babbling about fucking fairies since we were five years old!! You’ve jumped over cracks in the sidewalk since you were seven, you’ve knocked on wood since you were ten, and you’ve refused to step inside a circle of mushrooms since you were four!! All because of stupid fairy tales and myths!! And you ask why I am like this?!” Logan had been slowly walking toward his friend, causing the golden eyed boy to slowly stumble backwards, stopping mere inches away from the edge of the circle. “Remy, why are you like this?!” He pushed on his friend’s chest, sending him stumbling into the broken ring of mushrooms.
  Now Logan swears what happened next was too quick for him to see. He will tell you that he didn’t see the horribly tall creature spontaneously appear inside the ring. And most sometimes he wishes he hadn’t seen what he’d done.
  In a sickening flash of smoky black and purple smoke- no not smoke...if Logan had to describe it, he’d say it was like sticky, tar-like mist.
  In a sickening flash filled with sticky tar-like mist, an enormous creature, at least seven feet tall, appeared within the circle. It was tall and had horns- or was that just fur? It had spikes along its spine- or was that just the spine itself? But its eyes...He remembers its eyes as if the image was permanently etched in his mind. A dozen glowing purple, green and yellow eyes spattered its face in an irregular pattern, the eyes varying in size and shape. It was a horribly twisted creature and Logan wishes he didn’t have to watch as it snatched up Remy as if he was a ragdoll meant to be played with, and then disappeared.
  It was all over in an instant and yet…
  Logan heard the echoes of a voice he never heard playing in his ear, a memory of a voice that had never pierced the air, “This is only the beginning of your punishment.”
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mdelpin · 5 years ago
In Search of a Dream - Chapter 2
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Slayers Week 2020 Prompt: Magic / Adventure Pairing: Gray x Natsu AO3 | Prev: Ch 1
Like many others, I’m not a huge fan of the Daphne arc, so I figured while I was messing with canon (yes, I know it’s anime only), I might as well change this up a bit.
Summary: Gray goes off in search of Igneel. After several months of chasing leads that get him nowhere, he happens upon a girl who claims she’s seen a dragon.
Gray figured the best way to start his search was to go to the place where Natsu had been found by Gramps all those years ago. Taking advantage of the fact that the dragon slayer had left on a job with Lucy and Happy, Gray had cornered the guild master and plied him with drinks.
He hadn’t missed the curious way Gramps had stared at him once he’d understood what Gray wanted, his brow furrowing as he tried to figure out what Gray was up to and how it tied into his never-ending rivalry with Natsu. Eventually, he recounted everything he remembered and even marked the spot on a map.
Having acquired all the information he needed, Gray decided to leave the next morning. It had been a while since he’d gone off on his own, and he was looking forward to it — the promise of a new adventure exciting him as it always did.
It took him three days of walking to find the forest Gramps had marked on the map. He examined his surroundings, but nothing really caught his attention, it looked like any number of forests he’d visited over the years. Gray explored as much of it as he could, trying to find anything that could be considered a clue to how Natsu had ended up there by himself so many years earlier.
He decided to camp for the night, carefully lighting a fire to cook his food. He found himself staring into the flames, his thoughts straying to Natsu. What must it have felt like for him to find himself here all alone? Had he been scared?
Gramps had mentioned that Natsu had refused to leave this spot, determined that Igneel would return at any moment, even though by his own admission, the dragon slayer had already been waiting for weeks.
He couldn’t help but be glad that the old man had worked his usual magic, convincing the stubborn boy to give guild life a chance. Gray didn’t even want to imagine how different his life would have been if Natsu hadn’t been a part of Fairy Tail, how different he would be if the annoying fire-breather hadn’t been there to challenge him at every opportunity.
Gray thought that was part of what his need to find Igneel was, Natsu had done so much for him over the years, and he’d never been able to repay him in any way that mattered.
He put out the fire, encasing himself in a dome of ice for protection while he slept. In the morning, he got ready to leave. On a whim, he used his ice to lift himself up in the air and look around, hoping to find something that maybe Gramps had missed, but there was nothing but trees everywhere he looked.
Disappointed that the forest had been a bust, he decided to walk to the next town to see if anyone remembered anything from when Natsu had been found or had heard about any dragons in the area.
He traveled to town after town, visiting libraries, searching official records, and talking to anyone he could find, following any lead that came his way regardless of how insignificant it seemed. But no matter how much he searched or how hard he tried, everything turned out to be a dead-end, or easily explained away.
Gray was beginning to understand Natsu’s frustration. Everywhere he went, he was ridiculed for his questions. It had only been a few months since he’d started his journey, but the constant disappointment was already getting to him.
Maybe the real question wasn’t whether Natsu should give up or not, but rather how he’d been able to continue his search for so long. More than ever, Gray wanted to find Igneel for his friend, but he was running out of ideas, and there hadn’t been a lead to follow in days.
He was currently in the city of Malba, eating lunch at a local cafe and considering his options. He wanted to keep going, but the truth was that he was almost out of jewels. He’d have to go home soon.
He also hadn’t exactly told anyone what he was doing or where he was going. Knowing Fairy Tail, they’d be sending out a search party soon, and he could just imagine who would be on it. As much as he wanted to see Natsu again, he was determined to have something to tell him first. Anything that would return that fire back into Natsu’s eyes.
Frustrated by his lack of progress, he decided to walk around and explore the city for a while. The idea of giving up didn’t sit well with him, but Gray didn’t know what else to do. He was surprised to find a magic shop tucked away in an area of the city that had clearly seen better days.
Gray had never really been to a magic shop before. He was a caster mage, and from what he’d understood, these places mostly sold magical items. With nothing better to do and welcoming a distraction, he decided to enter. If nothing else, maybe he could find Natsu a present for his birthday, which was coming up in about two weeks.
As he’d suspected, there were a lot of charms and magic potions, devices that could change your clothes or hair color, but outside of some prime prank material for Natsu, there wasn’t really much there to hold his interest.
Until he came across an area of the shop that seemed to thrum with magical energy. Figuring he had nothing to lose, he pushed the curtains aside and walked through. This room was much more interesting. Even though it was dimly lit, Gray could feel the power emanating from some of the objects encased in the display cases. The man who stood behind the counter nodded at him as he entered, but he was already deep in conversation with a woman.
Gray continued to explore the small room, fascinated by the displays. The case he was currently examining contained many trinkets - rings and lockets, masks that seemed to pulsate with dark energy - as well as different items that purported to be from mythical creatures. A feather from a phoenix, a horn from a unicorn, a stinger from the tail of a manticore, and many others that Gray had never even heard of.
“Daphne, we’ve been through this before, I can’t buy that from you,” the shopkeeper’s voice was laced with irritation, but he seemed to be trying to keep it in check.
“But it’s a dragon scale!” Daphne protested, “It must have some value. They were one of the strongest magical creatures, weren’t they?”
“There hasn’t been a confirmed dragon sighting in hundreds of years, I’m sorry for what happened to your city, but I can’t just buy an item I know is fake.”
“But I’ve seen it with my own eyes!”
“You saw a dragon?” Gray interrupted, excited by the prospect of another lead, “When was this?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Daphne turned to him, her eyes alive with excitement, “It was-”
“No, she didn’t,” the shopkeeper interrupted, “If you’re looking for magical items, I’m sure I can help you find something here that will suit your needs.”
Gray ignored him in favor of examining the woman. She looked to be about his age, with medium length black hair and big brown eyes that hid behind glasses. He couldn’t sense any magic power coming from her, but more importantly, he didn’t get the sense that she was lying.
“Can I see the scale?”
Daphne handed it to him, and Gray could barely contain his excitement. It was a large white scale that looked and felt incredibly similar to those that made up Natsu’s scarf.
“It was red at first,” she informed him, “but it lost all it’s coloring soon after.”
Gray could hear the shopkeeper muttering behind them and made a quick decision. “Can you take me to where you found this?”
” Yeah, sure.”
They left the magic store behind, then the city, walking towards the field where Daphne claimed to have seen a dragon in the sky some years earlier. Along the way she told Gray a story that he had trouble believing, but made more sense than anything else he’d heard during the last few months.
Daphne claimed she had been playing by herself in the field when she’d heard a loud noise coming from above. Surprised, she’d looked up only to see a large creature flying overhead. It had seemed ghostly, but she’d had no trouble identifying it as a dragon nonetheless.
The extraordinary thing was that she claimed that the dragon seemed to be trying to ram into something. Its terrifying roars rang louder with every failed attempt until suddenly it just disappeared from sight. She’d found several scales in the grass and had grabbed them to show her family, but when she’d arrived home, everyone in the city had disappeared. Well, everyone with magic anyway, Daphne had none.
She’d run to the next town to ask for help, but they hadn’t believed her. Everyone she’d told had made fun of her, calling her crazy and suggesting that maybe everyone in the city had left to get away from her.
Regardless, no one could explain what had happened to the people in her city, and soon it was nicknamed the City Without Sound. People would come to explore it, fascinated by the idea of a ghost town in modern times. Daphne had been left with nothing but the dragon scales, surviving on the jewels she got from selling items she found in the empty houses.
“Are you sure this is where you saw it?” Gray asked, not sensing anything out of the ordinary about the field.
“Of course, I’m sure!” Daphne snapped, “Do you really think I’d forget after what happened?”
“Right, sorry,” Gray excused himself, then he had a thought. “Do you remember what date it was?”
“July 7th of 778,” Daphne replied, peering at him curiously, “Why does it matter?”
Gray startled at the date, it couldn’t possibly be a coincidence, could it? Natsu had been abandoned on that same day a year earlier. He held the dragon scale in his hand and stared at it. It had to mean something, it just had to.
“I have a friend who was raised by a dragon. He was abandoned on that same day in 777, he’s been looking for his dragon ever since,” Gray admitted, handing the scale back. “I’m trying to help him find it.”
“I’ve seen it more than once,” Daphne suddenly admitted.
“What?! Why didn’t you say so before?”
“People already think I’m crazy,” Daphne shrugged, lying down on the grass and staring up at the clouds. “The first year after it happened, I came back here every day, but I never saw anything. When July 7th came around again, I was determined the dragon would show up. I managed to convince a few people to come so I could prove I wasn’t crazy, but when it didn’t show, things got worse for me. But I knew I would see it again, and I was right. The following year I heard the same sound and looked up to see the dragon once again. Everything was the same as before.”
“I raced home, hoping that everyone had returned, but - uhm, they were still gone,” Daphne’s pained chuckle tore at Gray’s heart.
He felt a strange kinship with this girl, he’d lost everyone in the blink of an eye too, and it had been horrible, but at least he’d known what had happened. Whatever took place here on that day had caused her to lose everyone without any explanation, which had to be worse. Still, there was something about what she had said that nagged at him.
And that’s when it hit him, she’d said everyone in the village had had magic, except for her. That was unusual. In general, only about ten percent of people on Earthland had magic.
“Take me to your village,” Gray demanded, determined that there had to be something there that would have caused this to happen.
Daphne considered him for a moment and then got up, shaking off the dirt from her clothes, “What is it you expect to find?”
“I don’t know yet,” Gray admitted, “but I get the feeling I’ll recognize it when I see it.”
“Do you think you can help me get them back?” The hope in her eyes made him pause, he didn’t want to make things worse for her if there was nothing he could do, but he could feel it in his bones. He was on to something.
He was right.
Even before reaching the city entrance, he could feel it. There was an enormous concentration of ethernano in the air surrounding them, more than what could be considered normal. His magic was buzzing inside him, begging to be let out.
“Daphne, do you think I could have one of those scales to show my friend?”
“I have no idea what’s going on, but you believed me when no one else did, and for that, you may have one with my thanks,” she handed him one of the scales. She looked down at the floor, her voice quivering as she asked, “Do you think they’ll ever come back?”
He didn’t want to give her any false hope, but he knew that if there was one person who knew a lot about dragons, it was Natsu Dragneel, and when they both set their minds to something, nothing ever stood in their way.
The dragon had first been sighted in 778, and Daphne had said that it returned every other year, which meant that if she was telling the truth - and Gray was convinced that she was - it was scheduled to return in a little over a week’s time.
And when it did, he and Natsu would be waiting.
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twomanyideas · 4 years ago
The Search for the Supreme Scent - Chapter 3
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A collaboration by @mdelpin and @oryu404​ with @x-thekid
AO3 | Ch 1 | Prev: Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Next: Ch 4
Chapter 3
“Hold your goddamned horses. I’m coming!” Natsu growled at the door as he slowly made his way down the stairs. He could smell Gray outside, but it did nothing to alleviate how pissed off he was at being woken up at the asscrack of dawn. That and the fact that he could tell that whatever brought his friend to his house wasn’t urgent as he didn’t smell any different than usual.
“What the hell do you want?!” Natsu snapped as he pulled the door open hard enough to shake the frame.
“Get ready, we’re going on a job,” Gray entered the house without waiting for an invitation and sat down on his couch, arms crossed over his chest.
“Come right in,” Natsu muttered in disbelief. He closed the door behind him and turned to face his rival.
“You couldn’t wait until the sun came out, or I dunno, I got to the guild?”
“Okay,” Natsu took a deep breath, recognizing when Gray was fucking with him and refusing to rise to the bait even though he was still exhausted from the previous day’s events. “Is this a team job?”
“No, this is an us job,” Gray rolled his eyes for emphasis, “as in, Erza demanded we do it together.”
Natsu thought about this for a moment. That wasn’t so unusual, although it had been a while since Erza had felt the need to send them on one of her get along jobs.
“Why are you both being so loud?” Happy asked, flying down from the second floor and landing on the couch, his eyes still puffy with sleep.
“Sorry, buddy,” Natsu apologized, “It looks like we’re going on a job.”
“But it’s so early,” Happy whined, “can’t we go later?”
“It’s okay, Happy. You can stay home if you want,” Natsu assured him, “I’m sure the Ice Princess and I can handle whatever it is.”
“Ugh, are you ever going to stop calling me that?”
“Are you ever going to stop calling me Flame Brain?”
“Point taken,” Gray grinned, lighting up his face in a most distracting manner.
Natsu stared for what felt like a second too long before massaging the back of his neck. “I guess I should go get ready then.”
He made his way back to his room, poking at his chest carefully to see how much his body had healed overnight. The claw wounds had mostly healed, but he could tell his ribs were still broken, although the pain was bearable. Even so, he hoped the job was nearby. Whether it was walking or a train ride, it was still going to put a strain on him.
Natsu grabbed his one-sleeved coat from his closet, not wanting to show his bandages to Gray or anyone else who might try to use it to their advantage. His pants and underwear were a little more challenging to put on, but he managed. A quick trip to the bathroom and he was ready.
To his surprise, Gray had prepared breakfast for all of them.
“I see you’ve made yourself at home,” Natsu muttered, munching on the coffee, eggs, and toast his friend had set out for him.
“I think the words you’re looking for are: thank you,” Gray deadpanned.
Natsu ignored him, asking instead, “So, where are we going, and why so early?”
Gray sighed in a way that let him know that whatever the job was, it was something Gray considered beneath them. “We have to go to Boundary Forest to find some strong-smelling flowers Ichiya needs for his parfum experiments.”
Natsu groaned. He didn’t dislike Ichiya, although he did find him a bit strange. But surely there was no reason why they couldn’t have gone later.
“Are you sure this isn’t some sort of ploy by Erza to get me to see the old hag?” Natsu asked, well aware that Porlyusica lived in Boundary Forest. “Cause I gotta tell you, she’s only gonna be more pissed off if we wake her up.”
“Nah, I think she just doesn’t want to deal with Ichiya. You know how uncomfortable he makes her. ”
“That he does,” Natsu chuckled in agreement, “But finding a flower shouldn’t take long, so why did you come here so early?"
"To make sure you weren't running off with the other slayers again,” Gray replied, but Natsu felt like he wasn’t being entirely truthful.
He suddenly remembered his friend’s outburst at the guild the previous morning and wondered if it was related to that. He could feel the outrage building again at the idea that Gray, who had grown up at Fairy Tail like most of them, no longer felt comfortable in his home.
“If you’re done stuffing your face, we should get going,” Gray announced, sticking the dirty plates in the sink on top of the pile that already sat there and making no effort to clean them.
Natsu rolled his eyes at the action but didn’t comment, and after making sure Happy didn’t want to come, they left, promising to go fishing later.
Boundary Forest - an area of luscious woods and fields near the old Fairy Tail guild building.
The walk to Boundary Forest had been mostly silent, each seemingly caught up in their thoughts. It was a comfortable silence, which was unexpected as they hadn’t really had a chance to talk since Natsu had shown up at the Avatar headquarters looking for Gray a few months earlier.
The sun had finally risen over the mountains as they reached the forest, bringing the sounds of the birds and other woodland creatures with it. It was a place they knew well, having not only played there as kids but also traveled through it on their way to other jobs.
Natsu’s chest had begun to throb, making walking uncomfortable, so he decided to ask Gray for more information to keep his mind off it.
"So, what's this flower supposed to look like?" Natsu asked as he sniffed the air around them. He smelled plenty of flowers- Boundary Forest was full of them- and as he tried to catch a trace of this supposedly unique flower Ichiya wanted, he was also on the lookout for the scent of nearby monsters.
So far, they had only bumped into a few green flutterers, which were a type of medium-sized bird often seen near the trails. They could be aggressive, but once they’d had a taste of Natsu’s fire and Gray’s ice, they’d given them a wide berth. “Erza said they looked like daisies,” Gray answered, straying from the forest path they were walking on to inspect a patch of wildflowers a few feet away. Natsu frowned at him, having no idea what daisies looked like. He knew roses, cherry blossoms, and of course, magnolias, but that was where his flower knowledge ended.
“Remember those flowers Laki used to pull the petals from when we were younger?” Responding to Natsu’s blank expression, Gray offered a half-assed description. “White petals. Round, yellow center. They’re pretty.”
Natsu’s thoughts immediately went back to what Wendy had said the previous day.
Gray likes pretty things.
Did that mean he liked daisies? And by extension, whatever the flower they were looking for was called, too? Natsu looked around, eyeing all the different kinds of flowers he could spot, wondering if he should take Wendy’s advice and pick some to give to Gray once they were done with their job.
What had happened at Worth Woodsea had served to reinforce that he didn’t want to have any more regrets. They were guild wizards who spent their lives fighting monsters or dark guilds to earn jewels, and while it was a fun way to live most of the time, it was also dangerous.
He’d lived with these feelings long enough. It was one thing when he thought that Gray and Juvia were together, but now that he knew differently, he refused to wake up one morning only to find that it was too late.
“The ones we’re looking for should have a-” Gray scrunched up his nose as he spoke the characteristic words of Ichiya, “wonderful parfum.”
“If you say sniff sniff, I’ll deck you,” Natsu threatened playfully.
“You mean you’ll try,” Gray retorted, looking annoyingly unconcerned, “Anyhow, you’re the bloodhound. They all smell pretty much the same to me.”
Natsu couldn’t deny that was true, so he once again set about trying to find the mysterious flower. None of the wildflowers stood out, so they got back on the path, walking over the wooden bridge and edging ever closer to Porlyusica’s house.
The smells were much more pungent there, no doubt due to the herbs the old woman grew for her remedies. Natsu wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Erza’s gonna owe me for this.”
“I wouldn’t push my luck if I were you,” Gray advised, “She’s still plenty pissed at you.”
Natsu caught the first traces of something different in the air, strong enough to overpower the herbs. He stopped, focusing only on that scent and trying to pinpoint its location. Once he was reasonably sure where it was coming from, he couldn’t help but groan.
Of course, it had to be right by Porlyusica’s house!
“Did you find anything?”
“I think so,” Now that he’d detected it, he couldn’t smell anything else. It was that strong. “Are you telling me you can’t smell that?” Natsu asked, amazed as always by how dull the human sense of smell was.
Gray shook his head, “About the only thing I can smell is you.”
Natsu tried not to let that idea take hold, knowing it didn’t have the same meaning for Gray as it did for him. He led the way, eager to find the flowers and be done. Maybe find a spot to sit for a little bit so they could get a chance to talk, and he could rest before the long walk back. “I think I know where they are. The smell is coming from over there-” Natsu pointed to a pair of large rocks in a small clearing.
The flowers’ scent was so overwhelming now, Natsu almost felt dizzy by it. There was no doubt in his mind that these were the ones Ichiya had requested, so he wasted no more time in getting to them. He waded through the tall grass and the weeds, hearing Gray’s footsteps following close behind him when suddenly the ground below his feet began to rumble. The rocks started to move, and for a second, it appeared as if they were growing, but then Natsu realized what he’d thought were rocks were something else entirely.
He stopped in his tracks, and Gray bumped into him, aggravating the pain in his chest.
“What’s the big idea?” Gray complained, looking around Natsu to see the two massive red golems that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. “Oh.”
All four of them stood unmoving, and for the first time in his life, Natsu- who was always looking for a fight- hoped the monsters would just walk away. He held his breath, willing Gray to remain where he was, but the ice mage was already moving into his molding stance, and a sense of dread consumed Natsu as images of the previous day’s events flitted through his mind.
He saw the golems pump their fists in challenge and readied himself for a fight.
“Ice-Make: Shield!”
Natsu was astounded to find an ice shield materializing in front of him seconds before Gray cast his attack.
“Ice-Make: Ice Geyser!”
Natsu couldn’t see what was happening very well through the shield, but he heard the familiar sound of Gray’s ice colliding with the rocky surface of the golems’ bodies, and their angry roars in response to the attack.
“Fuck,” Gray muttered, and Natsu felt the dread grow inside him.
“Ice-Make: Floor!”
Natsu stretched out his hand, melting the shield just in time to see the spell hit the two golems who, outside of being pissed, seemed utterly unaffected by Gray’s ice.
Any other day he would have been tempted to watch Gray figure out a solution as he mocked him for his lack of progress. But not today, not when Rogue’s cries were still so close.
“Fuck,” Natsu agreed, calling on his magic even as his chest reminded him this wasn’t one of his better ideas. His fire coated both his fists, and he peered at the monsters carefully, searching for a weakness he could exploit.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Gray managed to get out before both golems lunged at them with incredible speed.
Natsu heard Gray cast his Cold Excalibur but knew it would do nothing to protect him; it wasn’t that the golems were resistant to ice. It did not affect them whatsoever.
And with that knowledge, he was suddenly thrust into a wild panic. Wendy wasn’t there. If something happened to Gray and he couldn’t get him to her in time, which was likely given his broken ribs, he could lose him forever.
All rational thought left him, replaced by an all-encompassing rage he had no control over. Everything became simpler, and his senses sharpened even more than usual. There was only one thought coursing through his brain.
Natsu could feel his skin changing, hardening into scales all over his arms and face. Both the amount and level of power available to him increased exponentially. He immediately recognized it as something he’d only managed a few times before, but this was only the second time he’d done so without external aid.
He had entered Dragon Force. The only other time it had happened this way, Gray had also been in mortal danger.
Natsu wasted no time casting his first spell - “Crimson Lotus Exploding Lightning Blade!”
The words rang in the air as he charged at the golems, launching attack after attack until they were reduced to nothing but rubble at his feet. As soon as the threat was eliminated, Natsu collapsed where he stood. The last thing he heard before his vision faded to black was Gray screaming out his name.
A/N: The picture was made using the game’s Photo Mode which is really fun!
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saiilorstars · 5 years ago
Dhalloweek Day 1: A Hunting We Will Go
*** This is part of DearDescendants’ Writing Week. ***
Day 1 Prompt: Vampire
Rating: General audience; minor cursing
{The following OC is of my creation, everything else is part of the Descendants/Disney world.}
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
"What the hell is...Halloween?" Elle couldn't possibly be more confused, which really only made her more adorable in Ben's eyes. He'd just told her that Auradon Prep was going to host its yearly Halloween week-long fest.
She had no idea what he was talking about.
Ben couldn't help but laugh. Elle didn't appreciate it.
"You may be King of Auradon but I will not hesitate to kick your ass," she promptly said, hoping that'd be enough to stop his laughter.
Ben sobered slowly, much to her dismay. He straightened in his desk chair, eyes looking directly into Elle as if still considering that she was just playing with him and that she did in fact know what Halloween was.
She did not.
"How did you not celebrate Halloween?" he leaned forwards on his desk. "You used to live on the Isle of the Lost - Halloween is all about scary things, tricks and just scaring people."
"That's an everyday thing, Ben. Why would we only do it one time per year?"
"Alright," Ben raised his hands, indicating he'd get serious and explain to her the holiday. He pushed himself out of his seat and moved around the desk barring him from his girlfriend. "Halloween is the one day a year where everyone dresses up as something they like - a vampire, a ghost, a werewolf-"
"-basically anything but themselves?"
"Yes, although Audrey might not be celebrating Halloween then," Ben said in a thoughtful manner. The pink princess always went as herself for Halloween. "Anyways, there's some people who go trick-or-treating which is knocking on people's homes asking for candy."
"And then they play tricks on each other…?" Elle raised an eyebrow. Okay, that last part may sound more like the Isle of the Lost but she didn't understand the whole 'asking for candy' bit. Why would you do that? Why wouldn't you just steal it?
"Well, kind of...no one really does tricks here in Auradon. It's not nice," Ben smiled awkwardly. That was just too Auradon.
"Of course," Elle playfully rolled her eyes. "So then what else happens for Halloween?"
"The trick-or-treating and then a good old Halloween party is pretty much it. Auradon Prep loves Halloween too much to let it be just for a day. We have it the whole week."
"And what do we do during this week?"
"The first day we go as vampires. Bring your favorite vampire character to life."
"Sooo...all day we just go about pretending to be vampires?" Elle tilted her head, considering how foolish the idea seemed to her right now. Actually, if Mal was here she'd say…
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
"That's stupid," the purple-haired girl was crinkling her nose in disdain. She scooted backwards on her bed, until she could rest against her bed's headboard.
Elle was leaning against their dorm's door and was actually amused by her friends' different reactions.
Evie promptly pushed one of Jay's legs in order for her to sit on the edge of her own bed. Jay often liked making himself comfortable on the girls' beds with the excuse the mattresses were more mushy than his. "I don't understand it either," Evie admitted to Elle, but the dreamy smile on Evie's face indicated she was more open to it than Mal. "But if it means I get to design a vampire costume then I'm all for it!"
She got up from her bed and dashed for her sewing machine at the edge of the room. With a grin, Jay repositioned himself on her bed, hands behind his back and his back against the headboard.
"Sounds kinda scary," admitted Carlos who sat on the ground, back pressed against the chest of Elle's bed. He had Dude in his lap, one hand petting the dog.
"It's all fake, Carlos," Elle rolled her eyes at him.
"Sounds boring," Jay said in a tone that meant he was clarifying the truth. "Can you imagine what this soft Auradons are going to do for this holiday meant to be about scaring and tricks?"
"Oh, you know about Halloween?" Mal raised an eyebrow at him, shooting him a doubtful gaze from her bed.
Jay smirked. "When a subject interests me, I excel in it. And believe me when I say that we-" he made a gesture at their group, "-could make this vampire day a whole lot better."
"You got some ideas?" Elle pushed herself off the door and walked up to Evie's bed. Like Evie, Elle pushed Jay's legs further to the side in order for her to sit down.
"Yeah," Jay's smirk was widening. Oh yeah, he'd given this some thought. "It's just too bad I don't have any magic…"
Elle looked back at Mal, the purple-haired girl already rolling her eyes, then looked over to Evie who'd turned on her sewing chair. The girls all knew what they would eventually end up doing for this idea.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Without even trying, Evie was the sensation of Auradon Prep's first day of Halloween fest. She'd fashioned herself a black leather outfit meant to be her vampire costume. It consisted of black leather one suit with a plunging neckline. There was a glittery white blouse underneath, its ruffles poking through the plunging neckline. What really took people away was the long, brilliant red cape that flowed in her confident strides. Her blueberry-shade of hair was tied into a side braid with a couple curly strands left to frame her rosy face. Her lips were painted a brilliant red.
"You seriously had to dress up like that?" Mal was not the least surprised to find Evie completely engrossed with the costume ideas.
"Who said I couldn't have my own type of fun?" the blue-haired girl merely shrugged and smiled with red-stained lips.
"She looks good," Elle complimented as she, Jay and Carlos met them. They were being careful to look natural by Mal's locker.
"So are we doing this or not!?" Jay could care less about costumes. He'd done the bare minimum with his own costume, only going as far as slipping on a short black cape over his back and painting red streams at the corners of his lips to resemble blood.
"I'm not sure we should," Carlos admitted, once again appearing to be the only one out of the group to have some reservations about the idea.
"It'll be harmless," Mal assured him, though there was a wicked glint in her eyes when she yanked her spellbook out of her locker.
"I don't think it will…" Carlos mumbled, but no one paid him attention.
"Alright, so here's how this is going to work," Mal gave a light pat to the front cover of her spellbook. "It's quite simple, really. So simple that Evie didn't need to get her own grimoire and Elle doesn't have to use her necklace."
"So it really will be okay," Elle smiled at Carlos. They would never endanger Auradon...at least not anymore.
"Do it, Mal," Jay was eager to see the spell through. Wicked party here they come!
"I'm so ready," Evie set her hands on her hips and raised her head. She always loved a good party.
Mal skimmed through her spellbook until she found the page she needed. She pressed a finger to the required line and began to say out loud, "On Hallows' Eve there's always tricks, now give us a wicked vampire party, quick!" Her finger raised in the air and did its usual flicks side to side, commanding her powers to do her will.
Purple smoke shot down from the sky, enveloping the entire Auradon Prep land. The force of it - which wasn't planned at all - threw the group to the ground.
"Ooow that hurt," Evie was the first to groan. She had landed on her side and the cement was no place to fall so hard.
"Mal, what the hell?" Elle was rubbing the side of her head. She got herself a good smack against the cement too.
"Sorry, sorry," Mal sat upright and immediately sought out to find her spellbook.
"At least tell me it worked," Jay re-adjusted his beanie before getting up.
However, Carlos had beaten them to it. He was gazing out at the school's yard, eyes wide. "Uuh...guys…" His tone of voice drew the group's attention to what he was looking at.
And it was totally unplanned.
The sun was no more, for starters. It was dark out, night time when it was only noon. The bright green grass had died and turned an ugly yellow with some patches even missing. Fairy Godmother would never allow for such neglect of the school. There was an eerie light purple glow in the air.
But the worst part was the fact the students - their friends - had turned into the very thing they'd made fun of earlier.
"Did we just...turn everyone into vampires?" Carlos gulped.
Evie's mouth gaped as she came to stand next to Carlos, in front of the rail.
"Wicked!" Jay exclaimed, nearly laughing.
"Mal!" Elle quickly turned on the girl in question. "What happened!?"
"I don't know! More power than I thought, I guess," Mal awkwardly smiled. "Oops?"
"Just out of curiosity...what was supposed to happen?" Carlos asked.
"You know, the usual stuff," Mal shifted on her feet. Now that she was thinking about it, maybe the spell did exactly what it was supposed to. "It gave us a good vampire party…"
"With actual vampires!" Carlos flapped a hand at the yard.
"I thought they were just going to be like realistic vampires but obviously not vampires!" Mal exclaimed and stuck an index fingernail between her teeth. "Oops?"
Elle's eyes widened when she remember something - or someone - important. "Ben!" she cried and dashed for her boyfriend's dorm.
It took the others just 2 seconds more to realize what Elle had just thought of. They ran after Elle, though Carlos lingered behind to continue looking at the other students. However, one of the students spotted him and hissed, making Carlos flinch and jump backwards.
He ran then, as fast as he could.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Elle burst into Ben's room, calling his name over and over until he saw a figure by the window. "Ben, I'm glad to see you," she sighed in relief and walked towards him...only for him to hiss at her with prominent fangs. "Ah!" Elle jumped back, bumping into the incoming Mal.
"What - ah!" Mal had only a second before she saw the menacing Ben at the window.
"You turned my boyfriend into a vampire!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"Fix him!"
Before the two started to argue, they each felt a grip on their arms that yanked them back into the hallway.
"Real vampires mean real death," Evie reminded them both.
"That's kinda cool, though," Jay said, still smiling excitedly.
"No, no it's not," scolded Carlos. "I told you we shouldn't have done this! Now everyone here is a vampire! How do we turn them back?"
Mal raised a hand to stop them while she searched through her spellbook. She went back to the page where she'd gotten the spell in the first place. "Okay, so there's no real counter spell-"
"-what?" Elle's sharpness was enough to make Mal wince.
"But there is a way to reverse it. And I can make them no problem," Mal's grin was nervous as hell which, in turn, made the others a bit nervous. "C'mon!"
They followed Mal through the school, careful to avoid the lurking vampires who wanted nothing than to drink their blood. Once they bumped into Fairy Godmother herself and were scared to death by the woman's sinister grin.
Mal led them to the nearby forest just beside the tourney field. "We need to collect bark."
"Bark? What for?" Evie gazed at the tree trunks with a crinkled nose. She didn't want to peel any of that off.
"We just need it! Now do it!" hissed Mal.
Between the five, they collected bark from tree trunks and from the ground. They made just enough for each of them to have two pieces. Mal then used her spellbook again to fashion the bark into daggers.
"Are we...are we supposed to stab people with these?" Carlos raised an eyebrow at Mal. He would definitely not be stabbing anyone.
"They're enchanted," Mal rolled her eyes. "You throw them at any vampire and it'll just go through them as if they were ghosts. Then, it'll boomerang back to you so you can use it again."
"I like it," Jay tossed one of his daggers into the air, catching it swiftly with one hand. "Can I go first?"
"What if we're not good throwers?" Evie was examining her own daggers with a visible doubt on her face.
"Just aim it at a vampire and it'll go to them," Mal said, assuring Evie it was a simple task even if one never played a sport of any kind.
"And this will make everyone go back to normal?" Elle raised one of her daggers.
"Hopefully, yes," Mal nodded.
"Fine, let's get to it. I'm starting with Ben," Elle took the lead back to the school.
They crept back into the front yard and sure enough counted several vampires in the area.
"I think that one's Lonnie," Jay realized when he spotted a familiar brunette rounding a table with fencing gear left carelessly on the edge.
"And I think I just found Jane," Carlos sighed. Yeah, he'd been hoping he wouldn't have to see her like that.
"So what do we do?" Evie looked at Mal. "Are we supposed to just-" but Jay drew back an arm and threw a dagger at Lonnie. It went right through her back, freezing her for a minute until a purple smoke took her over. It cleared off in seconds and revealed a normal Lonnie. Jay caught his boomerang with no problem.
"It worked!" Mal beamed and was immediately subjected to her friends' collective looks. "I mean...of course it worked...cos I knew it would work…" Mal looked away to hide her expression.
"Alright guys, let's do it," Elle exclaimed.
"YEAH!" Jay charged forwards and chucked his daggers at two more vampires, getting them easily.
"What is going on?" Lonnie was left demanding as the group zipped past her.
"Just go hide!" Evie told her.
Carlos closed his eyes to throw his dagger at Jane, the menacing vampire already coming for him, and luckily got her through the chest. Like Lonnie, she was enveloped by purple smoke then reverted back to her normal self. Her blue eyes winked wide and fast.
"Why did I suddenly want to drink...blood?" she scrunched her face in disgust.
"Don't even think about it, just go to your room and stay there," Carlos ushered her towards Lonnie. "Go!"
Mal yelped when a vampire - whom she was sure was one of her art club friends - tried lunging on her. She threw her dagger and covered her face before he would reach her. When she heard a snap, she spread her pinky finger from her ring finger to see the boy landing right at her feet, back to normal.
"...hey Mal," he rubbed his forehead. "What happened?"
In another part, Jay laughed loudly when he daggered none other than Chad Charming. "I love Halloween!"
"JAY!" Elle roared from her spot. He was enjoying this too much. She shook her head and continued fighting her way towards the inside of the school. Ben was still inside and she needed to get there.
A prissy pink vampire jumped in front of her, scaring the hell out of Elle for a moment.
"You really do go as yourself," Elle blinked at Audrey's fluffly pink dress. All the princess did in return was hiss, as was her vampire nature. "Sorry Audrey." She threw her dagger at the girl's chest and had her back as Audrey in a minute.
"What the hell is going on?" Audrey looked around with fearful eyes. Her hands reached up to her face, fingers touching her lips. "And why did I really want to drink your blood?"
"Audrey, just go hide, please!"
Audrey didn't have to be told twice. Soon as she saw another vampire coming for Elle, she screamed and ran in the opposite direction.
Before the vampire got to Elle, Evie daggered it. She beamed when she saw the normal student in its place. "Yes!"
"Thanks, Evie!" Elle called before running off.
Elle fought her way into the school, taking mostly teacher vampires down in the hallways. She even had the honor of bringing Fairy Godmother back, though she ran away as soon as Fairy Godmother began to demand answers about the chaos.
Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to return the students and teachers to normal if she had no idea what spell Mal used.
Finally, Elle made it to Ben's room again. She crept in quietly and looked around for her boyfriend. "C'mon Ben, I know you least of all want to be some scary monster."
She heard a hiss behind her and whirled around to see Ben lunging for her. She cried and threw her dagger as hard as she could. It crossed his chest and trapped him in purple smoke. Just as she caught her dagger, he returned to normal.
"...Elle?" his hazel eyes blinked wide, much like everyone else who was reverting to their regular selves. "Did I...did I just attack you?"
Elle dropped her daggers and rushed to hug him, though before she did she checked him for those fangs. "All clear!" she happily exclaimed then threw her arms around his neck.
"...did I have fangs!?"
"Yes, but it was an accident," Elle promised. "And I can explain everything just as soon as we finish getting everyone back to normal."
"How about we do that right now?" Fairy Godmother's presence was enough to scare Elle even more than the vampires threatening to kill them.
"...we're so sorry," Elle almost whimpered.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
When Fairy Godmother learned the spell that Mal had used, it was easier to revert everyone back to normal in one go. Though if the group of teens had anything to say, it'd be that they'd gotten most of the students and teachers anyways. Although once Fairy Godmother threatened them with detention for their awful misuse of magic, no one dared to say a thing about their excellent daggering skills.
"Fairy Godmother, don't punish them," Ben came to the group's aid as he always did. The woman 'tsked' behind her desk, but she let the King continue making the argument. "This is their first Halloween ever. They didn't know what to do."
"It does not excuse the magic spell they cast over Auradon prep," Fairy Godmother gave the five teens in question the hardest look the woman could muster. "They put themselves in grave danger-"
"-that they also helped clean up," Ben reminded her. "And besides, it was definitely in the Halloween spirit. A lot of the students can't stop talking about it. They got to be actual vampires."
Fairy Godmother sighed. "We...we just can't let this happen again."
"Completely understood," Mal spoke up. "I'll have to study my Halloween spells a bit better."
"Or maybe not use them at all," the headmistress countered, but Mal hummed.
"...or maybe just study them a bit more."
If Fairy Godmother wasn't from Auradon, she would've rolled her eyes. "And Elle," she looked at the brunette girl, "You realize I'm going to have to call your parents about this."
"...yeah...I figured as much," Elle bit her lower lip. She was fairly interested in how her parents, the Queen and King of Avalor, would react to her Halloween scheme.
"Go on," Fairy Godmother made a gesture for them to leave her office. "And be safe this Halloween."
"Of course!" the entire group chorused as they filed out.
"Man that was wicked fun!" Jay said almost as soon as Ben shut the door to the office. "We hunted vampires! I love Halloween!" he laughed as he went on his way.
"He won't be talking about anything else for a while," Mal smirked, a tad proud in the end.
"You guys…" Ben sighed but there was a clear smile on his face. "What possessed you to do even try that spell in the first place?" he was close to laughing.
"Jay had the idea," Carlos said, shaking his head. "All to make Halloween more fun."
"It was supposed to just make the vampire costumes more realistic," Elle explained. "But the spell sort of went...in a different direction."
"Totally not my intention," Mal raised a finger as she clarified. "But it was kind of fun in the end, wasn't it?"
"It really wasn't," Carlos said his last words before leaving.
"I'm tired," Evie glumly said as she looked down at her heeled boots. "I need to go change my shoes."
"Are you all still coming for the party later?" Ben asked just as she and Mal were getting ready to leave too. "It'll be completely normal, though."
"I think that's the best thing right now," Elle patted his arm. "And you know what? I better enjoy it because once my parents hear about this...I'll be grounded until I'm 30."
"I guess I'll take you on our last date until you're 30, then," Ben kissed her cheek. She smiled and rolled her eyes.
Yeah, she better enjoy it.
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omoghouls · 5 years ago
Just curious,do you have any hc on how the usually caretaker ghouls(Mountain, Aether,Dew,Swiss,and the Ghoullettes(idk if you're comfy with the ghoullets?it's okay if you aren't!!!))would behave if they regressed?:v Btw,your art style rlly cute!!!;U;
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Omg tysm!!! And heck yeah I do nonny♡♡♡♡
With Mountain I see him as a fairly shy tiny? Like, he'll cling to his carer and take a lil while to warm up to the idea of playing with others; he'd definitely be tje outdoorsy babey, wanting to play in the church gardens, watch the ladybugs on the blades of grass etc♡ Since he's a bit lanky sometimes he feels kinda sad that he cant be picked up as easy as other tinys  ;^; but sitting him on your lap and indicating to him that he's to small to grab things or do certain things helps that self consciousness with that earth ghoul❤
Swiss and Dew and the most energetic of them all! What is sitting down? They've only heard of running and playing! These two, if tiny together can be s o  mischievious and get into anything and everything (sometimes it's just them giggling up a storm while babbling god knows what in ghoulish- then sometimes its them tag teaming to grab the cookies from the top shelf ♡)
 Swiss would be a v squirmy kit and loves music that he can dance to! I also see him as a kit who would really like to use kitchen equipment as musical instruments and mimic the other band ghoul's ♡♡
Dew is probably the most brattiest kit? He can and will get all stompy footed of he isnt allowed to climb dangerous stuff, but give him a couple minutes and his temper tantrum will be done and he'll come back and give his fire ghoulie hugs (probably not verbally apologizing but, you know he's sorry- doesnt mean he isnt going to try and eat things he shouldnt or take others toys tho) he likes to be carried but doesn't let others know because he likes to act like a """cool-kid""" 
Aether is a  s o f t i e of a tiny, he can be energetic like Swiss or Dew but, lil guy just likes to cuddle up and watch cartoons or listen to stories while getting head scritches. It's hard for him to regress (bc he feels like he has to be big all the time!) But, after a ritual it's easier to help him get into his tiny place, just baby talking him and praising him for being such a good kit throughout the day, you'll definitely have a baby beef lad just purring up a storm and hiding his blushy face♡ also, prone to getting huffy/pouty, mainly if he's playing with Dew and the fire ghoul is one upping him in everything, poor lil guy just gets upset and crosses his arms and pouts until someone pats his head and tells him that it's okay, then he bounces back😂
Omg the ghoulettes ;w;  now with them I see it as "when one is tiny, the other is carer" but there are absolutely many times where they are both small and they are inseparable!! 
Tall ghoulette l o v e s  soft toys, especially lion or cat plushies, you can bet she's always carrying around at least one of her cat plushies(and you better remember their names and life stories)! Not nessicarly a shy kit, she will be the first to introduce herself to another tiny and ask if they want to play with her, a very sweet ghoulie just wants everyone to be friends!! 
Small ghoulette is fairly similar but she's a bit more timid, she likes making friends but she does prefer being a lil cuddle bug and doing more quiet activities (like colouring or hands on activities ♡)
Those two together? Oh you cannot separate them, where one goes, so does the other! Nap together and sometimes speak for one another bc they know exactly which sippy cup or blankie is eachothers favourite♡♡ Always holding hands, lots of inside jokes, they aren't allowed to use glitter anymore because one time they thought about how fun it would be to put the glitter in their hair and be lil fairy's! Adorable as heck but, getting that glitter off them and the carpet is what got those kits banned from the sparkly fun :^0 
Aaaaaa hope this is okay nonny, it's always fun to write these lil hcs ❤❤❤❤
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tikki-tok · 5 years ago
Gengar, sylveon, audino, flabebe, phantump and azumaril!
Yeeeesssss fairy types!!! Now I’m gonna try to guess why you chose these if that’s ok!
Gengar - This is the one I’ve gotten consistently on all of the asks I’ve gotten fgkjhdfjk I am not the least bit offended though I love the big fluffy purple boy to death!!
Sylveon - I’ve spoken before about how much I love fairy pokemon, so that’s what I’m guessing. I love Sylveon though! It was one of the pokemon I had on my second playthrough of pokemon Y. I named him Devin!
Audino - I’ve always had a soft spot for Audino. It’s just such a cute and underrated pokemon. I loved finding them all over Unova, and they also helped the leveling up process so much. I would love to hear why you picked this though!
Flabebe - awwww flababey!!!!! I love Flabebe sm it’s such a cute pokemon and really has such an awesome design. This is yet another one I would love to hear your reasoning for!!
Phantump - Ooh spooky babey- I would guess that you picked this one cause I like ghost and grass types? It’s ok if you don’t have a reason though fkgjhfdkj I love Phantump!
Azumaril - :0!!! I love Azumaril! It was on one of my earliest teams for pokemon Y and it’s such a cute pokemon. I loved the fairy typing it got in gen 6. I approve of this choice!!!
This was such a fun list. Thank you for sending me this Misty!!
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atethewriting · 5 years ago
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“Tell me something I don’t know.” My new friend spoke, a shadowy but familiar figure looming behind him. I smile softly, pushing myself further up onto the land.
“Taeyong’s behind you!”
“I sure am!” The Soul-Gold Fairy smiled, his red hair shining in the light. I lightly shoved Johnny out of the way, holding my arms out towards the new items my friend was holding. Some were new, and others were just my favorite items. Taeyong sat down in front of me, ignoring the gaurd who was left completely confused. The red-head placed four items down in front of me. One of them was my stuffed animal that I demand he brings every visit. The other three were items that I’d never seen before.
“What’s that!!” I point to a box-shaped item that had a fabric covering and a tan inside. Taeyong smiled, opening the item (don’t ask me how, I still marvel at the magic he just performed). Inside were scripts of words, all jumbled together in sentences and paragraphs. I gasped, taking a quick breath and revisiting the item.
“A book,” He said in response, an innocent smile plastered onto his face. He showed me another item, this one was some sort of tool. Apparently it’s called a ‘hammer’. He then showed me how it worked. Interesting, very fun.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Johnny’s voice boomed, making the two of us shiver out of fear. Taeyong quickly revived his confidence, smiling cutely and giggling.
“I’m showing my friend cool stuff, what else would I be doing?”
“You know the rules.”
“Not many folk follow the rules anyways, and I didn’t want to worry Ten.”
The gaurd sighed, grumbling. I watched him give in. How amusing!
“Fine. But if I lose my job because of you I’m literally going to slaughter you and your little friend here.”
Taeyong giggled, turning his attention back to me and showing me the last item. It’s a sword! Or whatever!
“Sword!” I yelled, doing a victory backflip.
“Close. This is a knife. We use it to cut up food and such.”
I go back up to the edge, nodding and smiling.
“Swords are used to kill land crawlers! Ones who have done something bad! Kill one to spare many others!” I’m excited to know something beforehand, probably smiling like an idiot.
“Correct~ very good.” He gave me a pat on the head. I blushed softly, making grabby hands towards my stuffed animal. Taeyong hands it to me and I hug it tightly.
“What animal is this???”
“A mythical animal called a Bear. It’s apparently from a place called Earth, where flesh-eating beasts rule the world.”
“I’ve seen a bear before,” Johnny cuts in, shocking us both. “And Earth isn’t bad. Nothing like what you think. Humans are actually quite friendly, we’ve hosted a few before. They just don’t have any magic like us. And I’ve seen a bear when I visited Earth, myself. In a zoo, where they keep animals in enclosures. It was just sunbathing, having a good time.”
We both were in awe. Johnny’s seen a bear before!!!
“Apparently in the wild,” He continued, “Brown Bears only eat small animals and berries. And, there’s three main types of them on Earth. The Brown Bear, The Black Bear, and the Polar Bear. All three are very dangerous, and the Black Bear can throw up to 308lbs (140kg) casually with a single paw. It’s weird, because on Earth, humans say that if you come across a Polar Bear you should just give up without putting up a fight. Why would they do that? Are polar bears really that dangerous?”
The two of us shrugged before he continued once more, obviously very interested in this subject.
“My favorite Earth animal by far is called a Tiger. They’re large cats that can rip flesh to shreds in a blink of an eye. Their orange and black stripes intimidate me so much. Yet I just want to cuddle one. While I was on Earth, I watched a film about Tigers. They usually hunt alone, and their battlecries can be heard from over a mile (3km) away!!” He sighs in satisfaction, kicking his legs softly. “I wish I could do that...”
I took a breath and placed my bear back onto the grass, smiling up at Taeyong and then looking at Johnny.
“Can you tell me more about Earth?”
“Of course. What do you wanna know?”
“The land crawlers! What are they like?”
“Haha...well okay. If you insist. First of all, they’re called Humans. Their ears are abnormally round and they call their battles ‘wars’. They have kings and queens and presidents and prime ministers as their leaders. And, like us, they’re divided by kingdom. Humans lust for blood and destruction constantly, and don’t think before they speak. They don’t have wings or tails or crowns made of lime and lemons. And certainly no magic or mermen. It’s bland, yet exciting as well. They...they have these things..they’re small boxes that hold light sources in them, and apparently they can connect to other Humans oversea. They call them ‘electronics’ and ‘phones’. Some play music, some tell stories, and some do everything. Their art is exquisite and detailed, like a puzzle piece of their personality. Humans overall...I guess you could say they’re special. Oh! And their medicine! All herbal and lab-created. They have needles that inject the virus into their bodies to build up an immune system to the viruses. I actually had to get a few while I was there. Human disease is no joke.” He laughed. “But they are very welcoming. I swear they joked around saying ‘we come in peace’ acting like we were some aliens who were going to destroy them. I guess it’s an ongoing joke there. The woman who hosted us was very kind, her name was Katie.”
“Katie...” I repeated quietly, playing with the book. Taeyong yawned, laying down. “I wish I had legs...so I could go on adventures like that...”
“I know someone who can do that for you!” Taeyong spoke, smiling.
“No. No more of you in the woods.” Johnny protested.
“But she’s well known and a good friend of the King. I’m sure we can figure something out!”
“Who is she?”
“The January Witch Go Won” The cutie did a blep (oh my goodness he did a blep :0) as he spoke a name very familiar to me.
“I know her!” I blurted out, excited. “She passes through these woods all the time!! Noon every Thurs-Day!”
“But..today’s Thurs-day...?” Johnny tilted his head, checking his pocket watch. 11:59.
“Yes! And there she is!”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
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puropoly · 6 years ago
I must confess a sin: I,surprisingly,NEVER watched Pokemon..i know little things like some pokenames(very basic ones) but idk what is the show about(aside from catching pokemons)im interested since detective pikachu and i want to give it a try but im not sure where to start,they have videogames,animes,movies,more anime and more videogames,i asked my friends and they told me i can start from the videogames but others told me i must start from the anime,since youre a big fan i need your help :"0
did you say you need my help with
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Pokemon has left a deep impact in my mind due to it being my biggest interest when I was a kid and at times my only source of entertainment (sad childhood violin) so the reason I like it so much is biased by how much charged nostalgia it has for me. I’d like to recommend you start with the games, because they’re fairly entertaining, and because personally I don’t give a shit about the anime and had dropped it since I left elementary school so
I think it’s viable to start playing pokemon when you’ve grown up, specially if you’re into rpg sorta games and some sick monster designs.
I think the best games to start with are the fifth generation: Pokemon Black and Pokemon White. Every pokemon game has been launched in sets of two versions (red and blue (the first ones ever), gold and silver, ruby and sapphire, etc) and you can choose whichever you want to play depending on which legendary pokemon on the box you like more
Pokemon black:
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ya girl Reshiram
Pokemon white:
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Ya boy Zekrom
The reason I recommend these games specifically it’s because the region the story is set in is based in USA, therefore western culture we’re used to and the pokemon designs for this gen specifically are among my favourites. 
Pokemon games are mainly aimed at children and the couple last editions of them rely heavily on extremely easy and predictable gameplay, which as a teen/adult, gets boring pretty fast. I don’t consider it a defect, because it’s great that children can count with games as enthralling and personalized as pokemon, but if you’re looking for some medium level of difficulty in a game, pokemon BW I think it’s the best to start with.
And why do I say it’s personalized? CHECK THIS OUT: YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN POKEMON TEAM BASED ON WHICH ONES YOU LIKE THE MOST. AMAZING. FANTASTIC CONCEPT !!! you start by picking your starter pokemon, which are a set of three pokemon of each elemental type- these are the ones for pokemon black and white:
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snake whose smug aura mocks me (grass type), luchador pig in black underwear (fire type), and sad clown otter (obvs…my favourite, water type)
You get to pick whichever you like the most at the beginning of the game and they’ll be your pokemon partner FOREVER (unless you find pokemon you like better in the future, in that case you can deposit these sad losers in a box and never see them again) You can catch almost any pokemon in the game, and some of them are extremely rare and difficult to find (as it is the case for legendaries) Finding rare pokemon and trying to catch them are one of the things I like the most for these games, it makes you feel you really are exploring a strange fauna in look of some mytologic animal. It’s so much fun
Another reason I recommend BW to you it’s because, out of all the main pokemon games released until now, it’s the one with the most decent story. As I said before, pokemon is aimed for children and the story as well as the gameplay aren’t….complicated, to be frank. They’re preeeeeetty dumb most of the time. But this one has a set of very interesting characters with different values and morals they speak about and play out in the story. So it may be more interesting than, say the disaster that XY was (sorry if you like these games in particular, it’s respectable, but ya gotta admit the characters where dumb as hell AUGH I JUST HATE THE COCONUT HEAD KID OKAY)
The worldbuilding is neat and the wildlife areas are super exciting to explore. I guess the cities are too, but they’re not my biggest interest in these games. The only second thing funnier than catching pokemon is to make THEM FIGHT!! you find other trainers with OTHER pokemon and you make them fight using their attacks and advantages if they have it (for example, water type pokemon have advantage against fire type pokemon, because water eliminates fire, and fire type pokemon are strong against grass types because they can burn their leaves, etc etc. Some type advantages are easy to learn like these, but some others are hard to remember because they have no possible explanation other than preventing nerfing a specific type)
There are a total of 18 types in pokemon 
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(17 in pokemon black and white since fairy got introduced later)
No matter if you don’t like pokemon in general, you’ll have to like AT LEAST ONE, because there are pokemon for ALL TASTES. There are kickass, funny, cute, beautiful, HORRENDOUS styles for all types, pokemon designs are so varied and the universe is so diverse you have endless possibilities when creating your team and it’s super super fun
SO, getting into technical details: pokemon BW were released for the nintendo DS. If you own one, or a 3ds, these games should be easy to find at any store. If not, you can downlowad the game rom and play with an emulator (free, but you won’t have access to link battles or trades, which make it impossible to obtain certain pokemon ): that’s the only bad thing). I’d also say this method is illegal (as illegal as downloading music) but honestly? screw nintendo for NEVER benefiting south america in any way. We get the games and consoles with ridiculous taxes and prices, never have access to worldly events, and the nintendo eshop for latin america is A JOKE. Capitalism can eat my ass
If you read all of this you’re amazing, and persevering, and you’ll do well in your future. Or it means you’re trying to avoid pending work, which is also acceptable. But this is all for now, If you have any other doubts feel free to ask me!!!!!! have fun and GO CATCH SUM POKEBITCHES
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askthetotallynotsquad · 6 years ago
Boardwalk bros?
Ali: ya know it's okay so sure :3
Rich: *being calm and stuff and watching egg clam close to home*
Jeremy: Rich what the hell are you doing?
Rich: *sniffles bc it's s a d and he's c r y i n g* watching egg clam close to home-
Jeremy: *sits next to the Rich and hugs him bc they’re all dating??* it’s okay dude
Rich: *hugs the dolphin back* ThE nONMySTErIOus gUy WaS sO meAn aNd nOW hE'tH nICe (not the real plot of sffh- duh)
Jeremy: Rich calm down- it’s okay, isn’t it good that he’s nice?
Rich: weLL- yeah I geuth *calms up*
Jeremy: *holds the Tich bc hes v small*
Tich: I'm v small
Rich: ew go a singular way tich
tich: *:(* okayyy... *goes a singular way*
Jeremy: I- *cuddles the RICH* (idk how to feel typing this)
Rich: *cuddles the JEREMY*
Jeremy: oh my god you are so small it’s amazing
Rich: well
Jeremy: *kisses the Rich* (THIS FEELS WEIRD TO WRITE- but uh- here Jeremy x Rich shippers-)
Rich: *kisses the Jeremy* (I could care less so um \('_')/)
Jeremy: *puts a blanket over the Rich* sleeppppp- you be been crying too much
Rich: *sleeppppps*
Jeremy: *is still holding the Rich bc that’s what people do when they’re dating??* hhh *is playing with the Rich’s hair*
Rich: *slep*
Thunder: hello y’all
Rich: *is spooked :0*
Jeremy: *falls off the couch* OW-
Rich: *becomes a caterpillar because he makes a cocoon with the blankets :))))))))) <this is clearly a CATERPILLAR not a WoRm*
Jeremy: richie, what are you doing-
Rich: I am a c a t e r p i l l a r
Jeremy: a cute one
Rich: *:0* all pillarth are cute
Jeremy: you’re the cutest one * boop*
Rich: e
Jeremy: I’ll be right back *kiss owo*
-when Jermey comes back-
Jeremy: Rich...what are you wearing-
Rich: *epically wearing a crop top*
Jeremy: *v v v red* w-why-
Rich: becauthe I feel like it
Jeremy: wait- where did you get that-
Rich: the children's place
Jeremy: oh my god Rich- *picks up the rich*
Rich: *epically is a crop top god*
Jeremy: I don’t know how Michael and Jake will feel about this Rich
Rich: *puts on some epic sunglasses that are way to big for him* I could care less what they think *finger guns*
Jeremy: wow- hey those are my sunglasses-
Rich: overly too bad for you
Jeremy: oh well *puts the Rich down on the Jerems bed??* slep
Rich: no
Jeremy: yesssss *turns off the lights and puts the fairy lights on*
Rich: where is cat *:(*
Jeremy: nononono don’t be sad b- I’ll go get him! *runs downstairs*
Rich: *:((*
Jeremy: *comes back with the cat and sits on the bed* here you go Richh
Rich: *feeds cat a goldfish* here you go babyyyy boiii *uwu pats cat*
Jeremy: aweee *puts his arm around the rich*
Rich: *asleep holding cat who is also alseep In his hands uwu*
Cat: *bein heccin ADORABLE*
Jeremy: *fell asleep like on Rich*
Later: cat the whale
Cat: *licks rich's face*
Rich: huhh- *awakens* aweeee hi catt *:3*
Cat: *uwu*
Jeremy: *asleep with his head in Rich’s lap-*
Rich: *slowly gets up and goes outside to play with cat*
Jeremy: *awaken and puts on the Jakey D’s sweatshirt bc he can and walks outside*
Rich: *playing with the epic tiny whale*
Cat: *epically happy*
Jeremy: this is too adorable *takes a picture on his Polaroid bc aesthetic*
Rich: *doot gives cat a goldfish* good boy cat!!
Cat: *I n h a l e*
Jermey: Richie come hereeee
Micheal: *walks in the Jake bc they were being tops somewhere else 😎* Tf is Richie doing??? *confusion*
Jeremy: he’s being adorable with cat *still wearing the Jakey D’s sweatshirt*
Jake: nah b- I think you’re the adorable one right now *wraps his arm around the Micheal??? Sure??? Idk I’m not Micheal-*
Jeremy: Jake- I don’t think you’re getting this sweatshirt back anytime soon
Jake: eh- I’ll just steal Micah’s then
Micheal: why is it always my stuff!? *:(*
Jeremy: don’t be sad!! *hugs the michael*
Jake: *hugs both of them bc why not*
Jeremy: awe I love you guys
Micheal: Well what if I love you guys more?
Jake: Well what if I love you guys the most-?Richie! Come here!
Jeremy: Jake stooooop *leans on the jake*
Jake: noooooo *kisses his head?? Ok*
Jeremy: *hugs the Jake???*
Micheal: Did Richie die or something???? Richhhhhhhhhh
Jeremy: he probably took Cat on a walk, it’s okay
Rich: *teehee made a plan with cat so um yeah whispers* 3.. 2.. 1
Cat: *pretend bites rich's neck so it looks like he died*
Rich: AHHHHHHHHHhhhhh *pretend dies uwu*
Jeremy: OH JESUS CHRIST RICH *epically runs to the rich*
Rich: *even has fake blood and stuff cause he's really good at these kinds of things*
Jeremy: CAT WHAT THE HELL?? Rich come on..wake up..*actually sobbing bc hes v v v sensitive*
Rich: *gets up* YOU'VE JUST WALKED THE PRANK THIS IS A HIDDEN CAMERA SHOW THERE'S CAMERAS UH- *points to his phone* THERE!! *proud of himself :D*
Cat: *dances*
Rich: *hugs the jerem* teEhEE
Jeremy: *picks up the Rich*
Rich: ew heighth *clings onto Jeremy:0*
Jeremy: you’re only 6 feet off the ground- it’s okay babe
Rich: b u t th t i l l
Jeremy: *sits on the grass still holding le Rich* what about now?
Rich: better thank you very much
Jeremy: *le kiss* you’re welcome
Rich: so how do you feel about me being in a crop top *epic gaymer*
Jeremy: not gonna lie, it’s kinda hot
Rich: *blushy boye eek* i-i didn't expect you t-to thay that-
Ali: (bicycles- horray-?)
Jeremy: you asked me so I’m speaking the truth *kiss owo*
Rich: *kiss uwu*
Jeremy: kinky
Rich: you don't even know *;)*
Ali: (I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry)
Jeremy: *big blush boye* oh?
Rich: teahee
Jeremy: *picks up le Rich and walks inside* cuddles and movie- pleaseeee
Rich: y o th *snatches a blanket*
Jeremy: *puts le Rich down on le couch*
Rich: I mutht siat on your epic lap
Jeremy: go ahead *turns le tv on*
Rich: *sits on Jeremy's lap :0*
Jeremy: *wraps his arms around le Rich’s waist*
Rich: *epically puts on heathers but genderswap* love thith movie
Jeremy: you and your little heathers obsession
Rich: it'th a good movie okay?!
- latar -
Rich: *epically starts freaking out when jd explodes herself bc the fire and stuff*
Jeremy: you okay Rich?
Rich: mhmm *clearly not fine bc he's c r y i n g*
Jeremy: *turns le Rich around bc hes still in the jerems lap??* is it because of the fire..?
Rich: no I'm f-fine *still crying oh my orange juice*
Jeremy: *hugs le Rich* Rich, everything is okay now..
Rich: iM fINE *pushes germ (Jeremy) off him on my sticky cricket*
Jeremy: Rich, you’re crying-
Rich: no I'm n-not im fine. *turns away from Jeremy Oh my crunchy lightbulb*
Jeremy: Rich come on, we’ve all seen you cry before, we don’t like seeing you sad and you can talk to us-
Rich: *turns back to germ* WELL I DONT WANT YOU GUYTH TO THEE ME AS A CRY BB! *>:(* *runs off Oh my syrupy peacock*
Jeremy: Rich- we would never see or call you a crybaby-
Rich: *runs to his room shook door* ( he's way too dramatic and I don't care )
Jeremy: *knocks on the door* c’mon Rich..we don’t see you as a crybaby- you have emotions, it’s normal. And besides we know how fire makes you feel, it’s okay now, it’s all over, Jakes fine, Michael’s fine, I’m fine and you survived
Rich: I with I didn't-
Jeremy: Rich don’t say that..I love you..
Rich: that'th kinda gay-
Jeremy: rich just- open the door- I NEED to hug you
Rich: id rather not tho-
Jeremy: I know you’ll be looking for attention later then
Rich: try me! *>:)*
Jeremy: okay bye! *walks downstairs*
Later: eek
Rich: *walks downstairs* jeremyyyyy
Jeremy: *playing Minecraft* Rich it’s 2 in the morning what’s wrong?
Rich: I want h u g th
Jeremy: Rich what did I tell you earlier- shouldn’t you be sleeping?
Rich: n o. Altho I can't thleep with all the noitheth coming from Jake'th room
Jeremy: you can sleep in my room if you want *keeps playing Minecraft* they’re at it again, aren’t they?
Rich: I think-? I don't know. C u d d l e m e *sits down and wraps his arms around the jerem*
Jeremy: *puts his arm around le Rich* go to sleep shortie
Like 5 minutes Later: crunchy lightbulb
Rich: *asleep :0*
Jeremy: knew it *picks up le Rich and puts him in his room, down on his bed* (he put him in Jeremy’s room because he couldn’t sleep in his own)
Rich: *leeches onto a pillow* (cause that's what I do and if I'm rich then I geuss he does it too?? Idk)
Jeremy: *lays down next to le Rich bc they be dating*
Rich: *leeches onto Jeremy*
Jeremy: night Rich *le sleep*
Rich: *wakes up and makes chocolate chip pancakes cause they taste g o o d*
Jeremy: *walks into the kitchen half awake* Rich what are you doing-
Rich: making chocolate chip pancakes! *:D*
Jeremy: be carful- *yells as he’s walking upstairs* don’t hurt yourself!
Rich: *made pancakes and walks upstairs* Jeremyyyyyy I have pancakessss *:)))*
Jeremy: ooooo! I bet they taste amazing babe!
Rich: *sksksksksk gives the pan* heere
Jeremy: *v long kiss* thank youuuuu
Rich: *surfer voice* no problemo my radical dude *surfer stuff*
Jeremy: *picks up me rich* stop being so cute!!
Rich: *angeri* I'm nOT cute!!
Jeremy: I don’t want to fight with you right now- you’re adorable *kiss*
Rich: *v v v long kiss uwu*
Jeremy: wow Richie getting feisty *smirk teehee*
Rich: *red boye eek*
Jeremy: *picks him up, v v v long kiss*
Rich: *even redder boye but v v v long kiss*
Jeremy: *makes out with thy Rich oops*
Rich: *sister shook*
Jeremy: Rich- you have a um- *coughs* B O N E R
Rich: oH *voicecracks* uM *hides under a blanket* tHAth fUn-
Jeremy: wow, I never knew I was that hot
Rich: have you looked in the mirror?
Jeremy: *sits on thu bed* you’re the hot one Goranski
Rich: *sticks his head out from under the blanket* what do you mean, I'm alwayth cold- *smirks :0*
Jeremy: oh my god stop *cuddles thy Rich*
Rich: *tries to escape from thy jerem* Can i have pancaketh nowwww
Jeremy: yes shortie *smiles at thy rich*
Rich: *inhales his pancakes because why would he eat Jeremy's?* y u m
Jeremy: why don’t you eat me like that
Rich: *almost falls over* wHAT- *blushing mess*
Jeremy: *in tears laughing* YOU’RE SO RED-
Rich: wELL-!
Jeremy: *rolling on the floor* OH MY GOD RICH!!
Rich: *jwj*
Jeremy: awe I’m sowwy Richieee
Rich: pft- what wath that?!
Ava: (that was possession)
Jeremy: what was what? Did I dot something wronggggg
Rich: *kiss uwu* nope!
Jeremy: yes
Rich: whyyy
Jeremy: because I'm a bad boyfriend
Rich: why would you thay that-
Jeremy: I don't give you enough affectionnnnnnn
Rich: then give me affection-
Jeremy: *jumps on thy rich*
Rich: thith youre warm
Jeremy: why thank you
Rich: eek *$qúïřmş*
Jeremy: stop moving I want loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rich: *stops $qúïřmīñ*
Jeremy: hihihuhhdghegdb * h u g *
Rich: * g u h *
Jeremy: *:0*
Rich: *e m o r j y h t s e s s i k*
Jeremy: *kissesthyrich*
Rich: *kissesthyjeromebutitskissier*
Jeremy: are you trying to make out with me, again?
Rich: n o o o o o :o
Jeremy: lies
Rich: but do you want to make out with me again ith the quethtion
Jeremy: that's your own choice
Rich: *????*
Jeremy: you can if you want- *big blush man*
Rich: *skskskskkkskksksksks idk man*
Jeremy: wait- Rich, are you a vsco girl
Rich: ew no *makes out with thy germ*
Rich: *becomes hotter every seconday*
Jeremy: oh!-
Rich: *uwo*
Jeremy: you're a good kisser goranski *kiss owo*
Rich: *red bi* uno reverthe card *kiss uwuwu*
Jeremy: me? A good kisser? Oh please
Rich: oh reallyyyy? why would I kith you if you were a bad kither?
Jeremy: i- um- *v v v v v v red*
Rich: *;)))))))))*
Rich: *giggles* jeremy- um- you realize I'm on top of you right-?
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Author’s Note: 
I’m actually really excited about this story I started to write but I have 0 idea of where it’s going but I’m proud of it and want to share this little bit of what I have so far.
The woods behind my house are deep and comforting. Tall pines and ash trees reach up to the sky. I used to walk through the trees as a kid searching for fairy circles as the sun shone down in golden patches through the branches. Most of my friends who came over found ways to stay as far away from the woods as possible. They found it creepy and foreboding. Before I learned how to keep certain things to myself, I would blabber on and on about how there was nothing to be afraid of. They would roll their eyes and try to change the subject. By the age of 13, I finally realized no one wanted to hear about the god damn woods behind my house. So I learned how to keep my interests private. And if I couldn’t, I made it more palatable. Instead of exploring, I would simply say I enjoyed hiking. That was something people could understand. Coming to college made it easier. No one thought of me as the weird girl who was still going through her fairy tale phase. It was the easy way I could play up my childhood home that made the people around me fascinated rather than wary. I wasn’t an oddball but rather a storyteller. I thought so too, even though a small part of me still wanted there to be something magical, something supernatural about the woods behind my house.
I stared at the brightly lit meadow in the front of me. A spring breeze carried the smell of fresh earth and a hint of lilacs. I felt queasy, unable to shake the feeling that I was falling. Only moments ago I’d been heading home, walking past the last thicket of trees and now… I was somewhere else.
“Jamie? Jamie Quin?” The unexpected voice made me jump and trip over a tree root. I looked up at the imposing shadow in front of me. I put up a hand to block the sun. Morgan Faylinn, my classmate of four years, towered over me. I sat up slowly and stared. She was tanner than I remembered. Her blue eyes were narrowed and her black hair was pulled into a braid, giving her a severe expression. She continued to glare at me as she put out her hand. I took it and she pulled me to my feet.
“You need to get home.” Morgan told me as she turned on her heel and marched away.
“I was just in my backyard…” I trailed off. I stood and surveyed the meadow. The grass was up to my ankles and dotted with wildflowers. Purple, red, blue, white, orange, every color I could think of grew in patches all around. The tree branches were covered in golden light, making the leaves shimmer. I could hear a brook babbling in the distance. It was beautiful, but unnatural. I had never seen anything like it in the woods before. It was mostly pine needles and dirt that covered the forest floor, not lush green grass. The closest thing to wildflowers was the dandelions that would pop up in scraggly patches every summer. I heard Morgan trudging back toward me. I turned and she was motioning for me to follow her.
“C’mon.” She said.
“Wait, wait, wait. Do you know what’s going on?” I asked, walking up to her. She let out an exasperated sigh. She closed her eyes and began to take slow, even breathes. When she opened them again, she plastered on a smile, which looked more like she was baring her teeth at me.  
“I know I’m not explaining anything- look I’ll… I’ll tell you tomorrow... just not right now. Because we have to go.” She said. Her eyes darted back and forth. I’d never seen Morgan like this. At school she was always so calm, so above it all. There’d been a fight in the middle of the cafeteria and she hadn’t even looked up from her sandwich. If she was freaking out…
“Okay...” I said, slowly. Her smile became a little more natural.
“Great, come this way.” She began to walk into the trees and I had to race to catch up with her. I didn’t know Morgan that well, we were friendly at school, but nothing more. She had been someone I may have had a little crush on freshman year. She was aloof and no one knew anything about her, making her one of the most desireable girls in school. So, oddly, it made sense that she had shown up.
We crossed the meadow and went further into the thicket of trees. Strange fireflies flitted in and out of the branches every so often. They seemed to tinkle as they flew past. I watched them dive, pulling up just before they hit the ground.
“Shh!” Morgan said, stopping suddenly. I stopped walking immediately. It was silent for a few moments and then I heard dogs barking in the distance. Morgan pulled me into a nearby bush. She crouched low to ground, I followed suit. The dogs’ barking grew louder and I held my breath as I heard voices.
“...I can smell it!” A man was saying in a gruff voice.
“You better be right.” An oily voice replied. “We need that human alive.”
I looked over at Morgan to see if she looked as incredulous as I did. Instead she looked… scared. I started to panic, which made my breathing louder. I put my hands over my mouth.
“What makes you think she’ll even come?” Said a third voice.
“She has a… weakness for humans.” The second one replied. Morgan began to slowly stand up and beckoned at me to do the same. She jerked her head and began to walk backwards. I turned to follower her. I made sure to keep an eye out for stray twigs. The dogs’ barking grew distant and could feel my muscles relaxing. Morgan came up to a tree and sat down breathing heavily.
“Who was that?” I mouthed, not sure if it was safe to talk. Morgan shook her head and waved me off. I frowned. I began to walk toward her when I felt someone grab me from behind. I screamed in panic as Morgan shot to her feet.
“Don’t move, witch.” The man who grabbed me slid something cold and sharp against my throat. It was the only thing that kept me still, as my brain screamed at me to wriggle away.
“Don’t hurt her.” Morgan hissed.
“What and let you have all the fun?” The man behind me was the first one we’d heard. I could tell he clearly wasn’t in charge. My suspicions were confirmed when the second voice spoke.
“We have urgent business with you.” He said, walking past me. I could see he was middle aged, tall and dark haired. His pale skin looked ghostly in the bright sunlight. He looked as if he’d stepped right off the set of Lord of the Rings. His tunic was blood red and he wore a long sword at his waist. His black boots were shiny and looked as if he’d bought them recently.
“I have no business with you.” Morgan spat. The man turned and looked at me. He barely gave me a passing glance before flicking his gaze up to his conspirator.
“Kill her.” He said. My stomach lurched and braced myself for the pain of cold metal cutting into my neck. The air crackled with electricity and the man holding me dropped his knife. His grip loosened for a split second and pulled out of his reach. I stumbled and ran towards Morgan.
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readbythestarlight · 7 years ago
c2e19 reactions
“Yev”….? I’m crying what’s even in the bag??
Wtf Sam “his lung has collapsed he’s bleeding internally what do we do?!?!?!” stop the ads aren’t supposed to make me laugh
Save Yev 2k18
Goodbye Yev
Yev the gift-giving fairy is the best guest star
okay seriously tho Sam plz
It seems pretty likely to me that this whole “Lucien” thing has really shaken Molly, given that he seems more… cautious? Like most of the time he’s very devil-may-care, but he’s really serious about getting out of the city ASAP
one of them is going to end up in the right aren’t they
omg Jester and Beau
LOL Caleb giving Beau a boost??
Jester IMMEDIATELY casting inflict wounds on Beau
I don’t think Jester understands the concept of a brawl
lol Fjord
lol poor Jester
Laura and Marisha are having the BEST time and so am I
Beau trying to clean up Jester that’s so cute
I still don’t trust the Gentleman but I like him
I like that the Gentleman is giving them more than one options for jobs
Nott and Jester like “the OTHER guys were gonna give us…”
I like how they want the darkest table like they’re some kind of shifty bad ass people and not the biggest bunch of nerds to ever exist
Ashley/Yasha is being really quiet tonight. More so than usual.
Hupperdook? xD
“The Branson of Wildemount”
“is he moist” stooooooppp xD
Matt “you have a map for that stop asking me these silly questions” Mercer
“Schrodinger’s Horus?”
Caleb and Beau wanting to look in on Horus is cute
Oh I thought they agreed to do all of them
Caleb and his paper. He’s like me with notebooks.
“This has really WET our appetite”
“Don’t sweat the small stuff”
Nott plz
aw no more Pumat :(((((
that poor ogre has no luck lol
Caleb stocking up on the incense in case he has to bring Frumpkin back again
I’m gonna miss Pumat I hope we see him again soon
Caleb is so cute guys
also Caleb and Beau being sort-of friends is the one thing I didn’t see coming and I love it so so much
Yasha and Frumpkin awwwww
They should definitely have grabbed some supplies. Clothes. Food. Stuff like that. They are not prepared for this.
If they dog pile cuddle sleep in the cart tho I will be happy
Beau jumping on the chance to take second watch with Yasha
LOL Beau cockcblocked by Frumpkin. Cat-blocked.
“I like this stuff… grass and things, you know” Yasha please you’re so sweet and cute and pure I love you
Yasha and Beau are just. The best. They’re so cute and sweet and they’re killing me.
“We would share with everyone but yes of course we would eat them” omgggg Not
I want to hug Nott and help her understand that she’s not awful just because she’s a goblin. LET ME HUG HER.
Fjord plz shut up she’s run into kids before and nothing has happened
Give Nott all the bacon 2k18
Pocket bacon??? from how many episodes ago??
“It’s not a billowing column…”
Marisha laughs with her whole fully body and honestly it just brings me such joy?? i don’t even know
Buy some furs from this man please you will need them to be warm
lol Yasha acting like she’s gonna trade Frumpkin but then she’s like “no, no I can’t” and snuggles him
I haaaate when they fail perception rolls and we miss stuff i want to knowwww
she just collects them in her book and i cry because it’s so cute
here we go fight fight fight!
fights always make me both anxious and excited
Caleb with his spells that are less attack more made to help hamper the enemies and to help his friends. My fave.
Nott is so clever!
LOOK AT MY KIDS “modern literature” IM SO PROUD
lol Jester she’s so sweet trying to save Caleb!
Jester trying to save Caleb is killing me it’s so funny
I love the new abilities it’s so exciting!
Travis playing charades to get Ashley to rage lol
“you’re alive!! how did—????”
“haha funnyyyyy joke”
God they are all gonna miss Yasha when she’s gona again. Look at my girl being the heavy hitter and messing big ogre people up.
Caleb and his missiles just exploding goblins
“Can you fly?”
“Have you tried?”
“I just pull down my spiritual weapon and start licking it”
Guys have I mentioned that Yasha is my favorite?
Jesse Nott’s levels of self-hatred are hardcore too sad 0/10
Nott yet again making me cry plz stop Sam I can’t handle this emotion
“I wasn’t the torturer, I was the torturer’s assistant”
“yeah you’re one of us now” ITS FINE IM CRYING
“If you see goblin you should kill it on sight” Not no!
Alright I also demand we meet other nice goblins.
And LISTEN guys listen with Caleb last week and then Nott this week I’m gonna need like a week or two before we get into any more emotional stuff please and thanks
oh no
oh no it’s raining and thundering
No Caleb please don’t say anything to Nott I can’t handle
Oh okay just a very sweet offer okay that’s fine I’m fine it’s fine
SAM I’m both crying and laughing I hate you
I swear I get paranoid when it rains now because I don’t want Ashley/Yasha to leave.
Good episode. Good, good episode. Lots of humor, fun, action, and emotion. My feelings are all over the place and I love it.
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notspoondere · 6 years ago
May 2018 List Re-Review
I did this once before for fun and wanted to do it again. For the reference, the May 2018 analysis was here.
If you’re not familiar with the idea, in this post I will be highlighting statements where I made predictions about the shape of the format to come and scoring them based on how accurate they turned out to be, then tallying those scores at the end to see how well I did. Let’s get into it.
(Also, September 2018 list analysis is on the way. I didn’t want to do it at first but have received a request for it.)
Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King
Yep, this is Luster Pendulum.  He’s now Zoodiac Drident crossed with Apoqliphort Towers, and naturally he’s on the banlist again.  Feel old yet?
To continue on that analogy, I fully expect this deck to go the way of Qliphorts and continue to see play as a stun variant.  Note that nerfed Draco is still a better deck than Qliphorts, unfortunately.
Correct on both fronts: Qliphorts are still bad, and Draco is still seeing play as a stun deck with two variants, one using The Monarchs Erupt, and the other using Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries, both with the intent of winning by preventing your opponent from playing the game and drawing cards to beat them down once they can’t.
Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis
Woohoo, we won’t get Plant FTK!   With that, I have the feeling we’ll be getting the Aromage Link Monster next set, since that’s the card that enables this FTK.  Once again, a good hit.
Wrong: We didn’t get the Aromage link monster, but who cares. I’m not going to score this because this post isn’t really about my predictions about Konami’s product design, but rather the metagame.
Oh and we technically got a plant FTK involving Samsara Lotus. Whatever.
That Grass Looks Greener
I’ve been a 60-card player since around this time last year, and Lightsworn is my favorite deck of all time, so I’m sad to see this one go, but it was absolutely responsible for 60-card decks’ most unfair hands.  “Oh, you decided to drop Ash Blossom on my Lonefire?  Here, let me just mill a third of my deck real quick and end on Naturia Beast or Void Ogre Dragon with Fairy Tail - Snow and Shiranui Spiritmaster in the GY.  Oh, and you only have three cards in hand.  Sorry, not sorry!”
There’s nothing factually wrong about this since there’s no real prediction, but I would like to mention here that a totally different 60-card deck has seen play since: it turns out that there are some Pendulum variants that legitimately have 60 cards they want to play and wouldn’t have played Grass even if they had the chance. Shine on, you crazy diamonds.
Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter
This is the best card in Draco that isn’t named Master Peace, and is the sole reason for why I think the deck isn’t totally dead.  Return and Apocalypse are still absurdly strong cards going first and this card searches them. 
Correct: I don’t think anyone would disagree that this is still the scariest card left in that deck (unless you think it’s Rivalry, but Frogs and Altergeist play that too).
Gem-Knight Master Diamond
Here’s another “spin the wheel” hit; the Gem-Knight that actually burns is Lady Lapis Lazuli, but hitting this hurts the deck’s attempts to play legitimately, too. Problem solved, I guess, but at what cost?
They can’t make Calamities anymore, either, but that matters much less when they can’t actually kill you, either.
Wrong, unfortunately. Gem-Knight FTK has topped once since this hit happened. I don’t know how and I don’t really care. They should have banned Lazuli.
Chain Strike
And there’s a strange hit!  Chain Burn has been a nuisance since, well, the release of Chain Strike, and this hit is kind of out of nowhere, but who cares.  Chain Burn is dead if you don’t draw an insane hand.  Better now than never.
Correct, haven’t seen this deck since. Don’t care to either.
Semi-Limited Cards
Apoqlihport Towers
Ring of Destruction
I’ll take “Cards that have seen no play” for 800, Alex.
Though much weaker in a format with copious Extra Deck-based removal by battle, this card’s namesake lives on as a reference point for insurmountable boss monsters.
This card’s errata in 2015 addressed its infamous problems in tournament by preventing it from stealing games and forcing draws.
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Fairy Tail - Luna saw no play and Solemn Strike is still at 3.  Who cares.
Also Correct.
Grandsoil the Elemental Lord
The functional errata is effective already, though we won’t get it in print until FLOD: SE.   Elementsaber buff, though the deck really isn’t good anyways.
I don’t remember getting this spicy. Yeah, Elementsabers didn’t turn out great. Correct.
This is still a solid card, honestly.  I could see it seeing play again in decks that don’t need a Normal Summon, or if they finally unban Construct.  I don’t think that deck’s in the game right now, but it could be soon.
So Mathematician saw no play whatsoever, but I still think it’s because the right deck doesn’t exist; after all, Armageddon Knight is arguably more restricted than Mathematician, and that card does see regular play (in Gouki because it’s a Warrior, in Dinosaurs because it can send Overtex, and in Zefra because it can send Destrudo). All that really proves is that a monster which consumes a Normal Summon in order to send something generic to the GY is good enough to play, and Mathematician is definitely that, so I think we’ll see him come up again once a more useful Level 4 or lower target is introduced for a Type or Attribute that doesn’t already have a better alternative, or for ones that need three more copies of it (with Armageddon Knight, Dinosaurs have eleven cards that send Overtex to GY or search a card that does). For that reason, I’ll call this a maybe--ultimately, as much as I can try to demonstrate that it’s a good card, it depends on whether that deck comes to exist.
Atlantean Dragoons
Dragoons was tearing through boards years before SPYRAL Tough was, and honestly, there’s very little stopping it from doing so now with Light of Sekka in the game (Abyss-scale is a brick and chances are that you don’t run any spells that do anything more impactful than drawing two cards and fixing your hand).  This is kind of like when Charge of the Light Brigade came back to 3: It’s a fairly solid buff to a fairly solid deck.  Add onto that the imminent reprint of Moulinglacia and the new Mermail Link Monster, and the deck is looking like it’s soon to be in a very strong place.
Mermails have seen minor competitive play, but it is certainly stronger than before, and indeed, the deck plays Sekka’s Light over Abyss-scale. Correct.
Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior
This means virtually nothing compared to Dinomight coming back to 1.
Okay, hear me out.  Ignis was the deck’s best play going second since it grabs Heritage, which plusses off of disruption.  That’s fine, but:
Amano-Iwato stops your opponent from doing anything to stop you already.
You are going to search your spells with Diagram anyways, and you don’t need your opponent to be using effects on your turn to do that.
Heritage is still a disruptable card itself, and the proper play with Ignis is usually to let him hit the board and swing over him later in order to give the opponent Heritage on a turn when they can’t immediately use it.
For these reasons… yeah, Ignis doesn’t actually matter that much.  Draco would still be fine with Ignis at 1, and I don’t really expect that he’ll be run at more than 2 at MOST due to the way optimal ratios work with Card of Demise.
This is a pretty contentious portion of that post and I kind of regret being so bold. Actually going through and looking at what was right and what wasn’t here is a mixed bag because much of it plays upon theory that is half-true and ended up being half-followed. Let’s take a look.
Ignis is an important card in Draco.
Ignis is a good card in Draco, and the deck often plays two or three copies.
True Draco with Master Peace and Demise regularly played the same ratios of eight monsters in the Main Deck: 3 Amano/Boarder, 1 Ignis, and two Majesty and Master Peace.
The current incarnation of the deck plays roughly nine monsters. It has lost two of the previously available ones and gained a potential three more; not counting the other Dracos, this would account for 3 Amano/Boarder and Ignis, 2 Majesty, and 1 Dinomight, but about half of the lists I’ve seen play two Ignis and a sparse few play Dreiath and/or Metaltron.
Waterfall of Dragon Souls is a fair bit more popular now than it was then, too.
Finally, optimal ratios for Demise necessitate as few monsters as possible, but optimal ratios for Desires insist that you play more cards in triplicate than usual.
So with that said: I feel safe in saying Ignis can be justified at 2 or 3 copies, and I definitely feel safe in saying that he’s a worse card than Dinomight. Going off of this, I’m tempted to say I’m right, but my language was a bit too decisive and derisive (surely people would have played 3 Ignis even if it was demonstrably wrong), so I’ll say this was at least partially wrong and call it a maybe.
In the last section, I made a bunch of predictions about various decks; I’ll go over them each and judge how they should be scored. I’ll also tally this separately just to see how well I guessed how the format would pan out; these will not be scored twice if I mentioned them earlier.
Magicians nerfed.  FTK and Zexal builds murdered.  Pure deck is still viable.
Every other pendulum deck nerfed, though pure Metalfoes arguably lost the least. (Zefra didn’t use Astrograph at all, but really needed AFD.)
Magicians are still a tier 1-2 deck (is Gouki tier 0 or 1?). Pure Metalfoes actually really liked having Astrograph, though for what it’s worth, it is the only one of these decks that doesn’t need to play bad cards in order to make Vortex. Zefra also did play Astrograph, though at the time, the only Zefra player I knew complained that it took two slots in a very tight extra.  Maybe on this.
Draco nerfed.  Still viable, mark my words.
60-card is dead outright.  The best playmakers are still there, but Left Arm into Grass is no longer valid backup for Lonefire Blossom.  You may see 40-card Dino or Zombiesworn lists in the future given good enough hands, but there’s no good way to fit the Lonefire combo in 40 cards without bricking too often.
So this is a weird one. The Lonefire combo has seen play at least once in the form of a Gouki deck, but that follows a different combo route than the Lightsworn variant did and is demonstrably a worse version of that deck: it’s hard to get more explosive than Gouki already is, and it requires at least two more bricks. 60-card decks as we knew them are totally dead, so I’ll say this is correct.
Gem-Knight FTK dead.
As mentioned above, unfortunately wrong. Haven’t seen it beyond that one time, though.
Chain Burn, for some reason, also dead.
Haven’t seen it since. Correct.
Every deck that plays Destrudo into AFD is nerfed or dead.  I expect ABC and Zefra to survive through sheer power, though both lost much in consistency.
This is correct as it is obvious. Calvin Tahan would top with ABC in Nekroz format if it happened again today and Zefra will be better than the best rogue deck until they start losing copies of Zefraath or get horrendously powercrept.
Invoked are fine, though invoked hybrids lost AFD, I guess.
Invoked didn’t really do much but get power crept. I guess this is wrong? The one Invoked hybrid, AKA the deck with six field spell engines and nothing else, did lose this, but it also literally died. So.
World Chalice untouched.  If you think you’re good at this game, try this deck and realize how wrong you are.
I didn’t make an explicit prediction here, so no score, but I should mention that it did top at least once during this time. The only list I can find doesn’t use Knightmares to their full potential, but to be honest, the deck doesn’t entirely need them; it can still do an extra link and make the opponent discard four cards off of an opening hand Venus and any monster without Knightmare Goblin.
SPYRAL untouched.  Easily a top-tier contender.
Deck was really good for a while, yeah. Correct.
Burning Abyss untouched.  Still a solid deck with proper backrow.
Well goddamn, it turns out Burning Abyss is still a solid deck without proper backrow. Current lists run Sekka’s Light at three copies and more than a dozen hand traps. I’d like to call this a coincidental maybe, but I honestly felt at the time that Burning Abyss was only strong due to its ability to pack in powerful backrow without losing consistency, and in that regard, I was totally wrong.
Paleozoics untouched, though the worst part of their worst matchup is totally gone, and they’re very solid versus Altergeist.  Budget players, keep an eye on this deck.
Paleo Frogs were good for about half of the format and dropped off pretty hard. It’s not like what it does it bad, just that there are more counters to it. Also is indeed a budget deck. Still correct.
Neo-Spacians tier 1, obviously.
This dumbass one-off comment I made has come full circle because Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin saw regular play in a tier 1 deck, that being Gouki. It is played because it’s a level 3 Warrior that can mulligan your opponent’s hand of hand traps, and in that regard, it is absolutely unmatched. This card’s burn damage closed out the last game of the European WCQ in time. Do I deserve to be correct for this? You decide. I think so.
Trickstar ANYTHING
This deck has fallen off a bit, but Drollcarnation is still legal and the deck is still a threat based off of that alone.
Another funny one. This wasn’t that true early in the format, but so-called Kid Touch (Trickstar Sky Striker) ended up being a tier 1 deck for a couple of tournaments immediately after the implementation of the new end-of-match procedures, though not entirely because of them, and not entirely because of Drollcarnation, but both together ended up being an unbelievably scary combo: Trickstars could now make Link Monsters without drawing Scapegoat, and Sky Strikers could get even more consistent advantage while also ticking away with burn at a time where it matters the most. Correct either way.
Tallies after eliminating duplicates:
11 Correct
3 Maybe
3 Wrong
64.7% correct, 17.6% definitely incorrect. Pretty good ratio.
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labmousegirl · 2 years ago
Togepi- A reference to his nurturing personality, but unevolved due to his struggles making personal relationships (same reason SEKAI was born), it evolves over his key events
Raichu- He probably got a Pikachu as a kid because they were popular
Buneary- Both a reference to him wanting to be a star since Buneary was one of the OG contest Pokémon, but also a reference to Tsukasa being difficult at first since Buneary’s base friendship stat is 0
Ninetails- Vulpix was a gift from Emu when he first joined her at PXL, it evolves into Ninetails during the 88 ☆彡 event
(Galarian) Ponyta- Horse
Clefairy- Star motif Pokémon; his entire family raises them. Saki has a Cleffa as her partner. 
Torchic- Every member of the Ootori family inherits a Torchic when they’re born. Her brothers’ Blazikens have fully evolved since they use them so much, but Emu’s hasn’t evolved at all yet since she hasn’t had the chance to be active in the family business.
Flaaffy- I really like the idea of her having an electric type Pokémon because of how PXL lights up as a solution to the first WXS arc, and how it makes her less sad about the sky getting dark and the day ending.
Wigglytuff- A very dear Pokémon who performed and put on shows with her so she wouldn’t have to do it alone before meeting the rest of WXS
Drifloon- I think it’s a really good bittersweet Pokémon to acknowledge that Emu’s story really is centered around grief and mourning, but also in the aesthetic of something fun since she channels that grief into taking care of PXL
Bewear- This is her bodyguard in this AU
Mime Jr. - Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong
Glaceon- An Eevee she’s had ever since she was a child, but it never evolved because she stopped going outside and experiencing things. She didn’t know who she wanted to be, so neither did Eevee. It evolves the night of the Christmas performance, when she stands on stage and sings again for the first time, and Glaceon makes it snow out of joy. (Also those teals PERFECTLY match)
Cottonee- Honestly I just think it looks like her, but I think a grass/fairy type also fits really well (grass because of her name, fairy because of her love of fairytales). I think she’s had it since she was young and got it from her parents.
Goldeen- A gift from Rui when they were kids, an allusion to the side story where Rui talks about how Nene would try to talk to fish when she was younger because she wanted to be a mermaid princess.
Gorebyss- Acquired sometime during the mermaid event, I’m thinking as a gift from her idol since Gorebyss can only evolve when gifted.
Cherrim- Found during the island event, it helps her through her dilemma. They like seeing each other shine.
Pachirisu- She has at least two cards where she’s a squirrel– electric type for gamer reasons. She’s literally that one guy who swept a tournament with a Pachirisu.
Toxtricity- Look at it
Durant- Robots and bugs are his two favorite things, he would have an ant farm of these if he could
Magneton- Self explanatory, I feel as though this would be the Pokémon given to him when he was young, especially since his father works in robotics too.
Frosmoth- Evolves the same night as Nene’s Glaceon (since it can only evolve at night from high friendship), Nijiro Stories moment (”the voice singing next to me gave me the ability to grow wings”)
Mimikyu- A tie-in to his first event, he gets it sometime during Halloween; an allusion to him being a misfit but given unconditional love from his friends.
Lairon- Rui canonically trash dives in scrap yards so I think one day in his lonelier years he would find an Aron there and take it home and start feeding it scrap metal. Eventually it evolves and ends up being very helpful with heavy lifting.
Wonderlands x Showtime Pokémon team headcanons
the post broke so my explanations will be in a reblog
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crystalelemental · 7 years ago
Did you know there are 48 megas, and 2 primal forms?  I could've sworn there were fewer.  This is such a weird revelation.  Anyway, because there is a flat 0 chance of me shutting up enough to just rank them all, we're keeping the format. Based on my personal preference, top 15 and bottom 10 mega evolutions.
TOP 15: 15) Camerupt - I was never that big a fan of Camerupt, though I certainly didn't dislike it by any means.  So the mega was a welcome addition, and I think it's a pretty interesting one!  If there's any real flaw, it's that Fire/Ground still is not a good typing for something that is so slow and requires setup to run effectively.
14) Steelix - Mega Steelix looks awesome, but wow is it bad.  The excess defense does it few favors since it didn't need it, attack and special defense still are not impressive enough, and they gave it a weather-dependent ability.  There were so many different ways to take this mega that could've made it better, but I guess this is what we live with.  A really cool design with a poor competitive presence.
13) Pinsir - Not one of my favorite megas, but one I greatly appreciate because it became so relevant.  Pinsir is a beast to fight, and especially when Megas were first introduced, it was never a top tier enough threat to be well-prepared for, which...hysterically worked in its favor.  Pinsir's movepool is crazy good, and it got a lot of tools it wanted with the mega and its ability.  The only unfortunate part is, as always, Stealth Rock, and the requirement to boost.  Swords Dance is what really lets it blast through things, and with it, you lose a lot of coverage.
12) Absol - Similar to Steelix, Absol is a Pokemon I really like, and I was thrilled about its mega.   Its design is gorgeous, and Magic Bounce can always be fun.   Unfortunately...it suffers from being a mixed attacker, which hasn't worked since gen 3.  It lacks and form of bulk, 115 speed is good but not good enough when you have no hold item, and even with its special attack getting a massive boost, it's just not high enough to make it really work, while physical sets need to run Swords Dance if it's going to do anything other than late-game cleaning.  You're pretty locked in to a lot of move choices, and it's unfortunately now in a position of too awful for UU, but too good for RU.  Maybe some day that'll change...
11) Groudon - By now, I think people have a clear understanding that my preference between two Pokemon tends to favor the weaker.  When it comes to Kyogre and Groudon's conflict, Kyogre is the decisive winner.  So, of course, Groudon was my favorite of the two.  When the remakes were coming, things suddenly got turned around entirely.  Groudon now had a far stronger ability, a stronger typing, and enough raw power to blast through just about anything.  I love the turnaround.  Its also a pretty great design, seeming to be literally filled with the magma it embodies.  I know it's a nightmare who has ruined competitive forever, but I'm just so happy for it.
10) Beedrill - Similar to Pinsir, I adore Mega Beedrill for largely competitive reasons.  Its design is intimidating, but really, it's a situation where a mega went to the best possible option, and actually salvaged what some claimed was the worst Pokemon in competitive.  Much like Absol, it has almost no defenses to speak of.  Unlike Mega Absol, however, Beedrill went for the most min-maxed spread of stats I have ever seen, virtually eliminating its special attack stat in favor of a blistering 145 base speed, and even more ridiculous attack stat that got Adaptability of all things.  Combined with some great tools in Drill Run and Knock Off, Beedrill was set to be a real monster.  But then, even Gen 7 gave it gifts, allowing it to hit that 145 speed on the turn it mega evolves, allowing it to reject use of Protect and pack all its delicious coverage into one set.  This is exactly what mega evolution should be like, for a Pokemon that could not have deserved it more.
9) Venusaur - Venusaur is my favorite starter from Gen 1, and to my joy, I feel like it got exactly what it always wanted: the best possible tanking ability for a Grass type.  Eliminating half of its weaknesses outright, Mega Venusaur then got 120+ in both defensive stats to boot, creating an optimized tank that could be incredibly offensive with some recovery support, or an unbreakable wall.  Plus it just looks awesome.   This is exactly the kind of treatment that Venusaur deserved, and I'm so happy for it.
8) Lopunny - And you thought Beedrill's improvement was massive.  Just like Beedrill, Lopunny had no attempt to be a balanced improvement, and just invested everything into speed and attack.  It really does showcase the difference in mega philosophy between XY and ORAS.  The ability is what really makes it stand out, allowing it to cover everything in the game with just two moves.  The design is pretty good, but really, I'm just glad that Lopunny, of all things, got a serious power-up.
7) Altaria - Did I mention how much I love Altaria?  Because it got a mega, and go figure, it's one of my favorites.  It's a giant cloud with a bird-dragon inside. The design is so captivating, and the typing is divine.  I'm not a big fan of Pixellate as the ability, and stats are spread a bit too evenly for it to really be that fantastic, but it's done really well for itself.
6) Ampharos - And now we get into massive competition going forward. Ampharos just barely misses top 5, largely due to performance.  Its design is great, and a bit comical.  The power-up it got is massive, and it works wonderfully on Trick Room teams.  But...well...  Dragon typing was a mixed blessing, giving it a lot of resistances, but also giving it three new weaknesses to worry about, including the ever-critical Fairy typing.  Dragon Pulse being added is good, but without Draco Meteor there's far less of a potent hit-and-run tactic with Volt Switch, making it rely more on bulk.  It's an unfortunate case of having a lot of improvement, but also having some added changes that really hindered it as well.  But it does look great, and is a great choice on Trick Room.
5) Aggron - I've mentioned before that I love defensive play.  Not necessarily outright stall tactics, but bulky offense and nasty tricks. Mega Aggron embodies both, being a physical behemoth of a Pokemon, with an ability that cuts super-effective damage by 25%, as well as Thunder Wave + Iron Head to really just mess with things.  The mega form certainly has flaws.  Its special defense is certainly lacking, and its speed is just a bit too low now that paralysis got nerfed, not to mention the inaccuracy issue.  But its a great design and a great battle role for this wonderful evolutionary line.
4) Banette - Banette is...odd.  I really like the design of its mega form, as if the spirit is bursting out, and Prankster is an excellent ability, but it just feels...haphazard?  There's too much attack for it to play entirely like a defensive Pokemon, not to mention the lack of recovery is an issue.  Prankster allows for a lot of status play, but the options it really needs kinda force it into very few options.  Priority Destiny Bond is always fantastic, but by now everyone is familiar with what Banette does, so it's pretty easy to predict and play around.  I think a bit of extra speed would've helped it to really be a threatening physical attacker.  Still, I absolutely adore this thing.  There are so many threats I've taken out that would otherwise steamroll a team, thanks to priority Destiny Bond. Gen 7 speed mechanics also allows it to run Substitute, which I think is an even better option than most.   It's an obnoxious stall game you play with Phantom Force, but an effective one.
3) Gardevoir - A large part of me is disappointed this isn't #1, but I'm sure you'll understand why when we get there.  Gardevoir was the single biggest point of hype for me in the days before XY was released.  The reveal of Fairy type and what it did.  The reveal that Gardevoir got the typing.  The reveal that it was getting a Mega!  And look at that Mega design!  That's supremely classy, and the shiny form has a black dress just for added cool points.  Everything in this generation was so kind to Gardevoir.   Everything except its stats, anyway. Gardevoir would be another of my "embodiment of what a mega should be" options, if it weren't for the +20 to attack.  There is no variant of Gardevoir in the entire world that's going to use that.  +20 to defense would've been far more effective, allowing her to tank Scizor's Bullet Punch.  +10 speed and +10 anywhere else would've allowed her to keep pace with all the other megas that arrived with that speed tier in ORAS.  Gardevoir has since fallen to Borderline, and just...isn't as strong competitively as she should be.   100 is an awkward speed tier now, being just a bit too slow even among megas, and definitely too slow for something that can't hold an item.   It has massive firepower, but physical bulk is depressingly low, which, combined with the speed problem, means its not surviving long without team support like Sticky Web or Tailwind.  I swear, if they'd just re-allocate those 20 points in attack, Mega Gardevoir could be perfect.
2) Diancie - Diancie was a surprise to no one when it was officially revealed. Datamining is a thing, and the demos are notoriously bad about hiding that information, so we knew about Diancie almost as soon as the games came out. What we did not know, however, was that it got a mega.  And damn, what a reveal.  The mega form is gorgeous, among the prettiest designs in the entire game.  The stat spread also changed dramatically, emphasizing speed and power over defenses (although 110 defenses is still stupid good).  Magic Bounce was icing at that point, allowing it to avoid status entirely.  Diancie got everything it could want, but more importantly, it got something I think should be more common: a mega that functions different from the base form.  We'll talk about this a lot in the bottom 10, but I feel like megas, for Pokemon already doing well, should aim to be unique compared to the base form.   Diancie's mega is about the most different from its base form of any mega, and I adore that.  But, there's still one mega that's even better in my eyes.
1) Mawile - Behold, the ultimate lifeform.  Mega Mawile is, without question, the best mega.  It's a tiny little creature that's creepy yet adorable, the perfect mix of traits. Its power is beyond compare, in a fairly literal sense.  In fact, if it weren't for Psychic Terrain, I'd say it would still be Ubers right now.  Which is hysterical, because everyone expected UU when it was revealed.  Huge Power is a monstrous ability, and with the increased power from mega evolution, Mawile is now the strongest Pokemon in the game by raw numbers.  Access to Swords Dance also means it's power can skyrocket even further, or negate a Will-o-Wisp outright.  Some people even ran SubPunch, just to get around its most common answers like Heatran.  Sucker Punch got around its low speed, and made a mess of everything for standard attackers.  Even with the meta changing this generation, it sounds like the most that's happened is that many Mawile now run Iron Head instead of Swords Dance, just to destroy the fairies that are running around the tier.  Mawile is everything a mega should be.  Stats were perfectly allocated.  Ability was perfectly determined. At the end of the day, a small nothing at the bottom of competitive play became one of the biggest threats around, and that is exactly what a mega evolution ought to be doing.
BOTTOM 10: 10) Alakazam - I like Alakazam, and I like its mega, but you know what's dumb? Getting only +90 instead of +100 for your mega form.  That's dumb.  That's really dumb.  It also doesn't help that, without Lele around, I can't imagine Mega Alakazam is all that good, since its defenses are still frail as shit and you'd knock it out by sneezing in its general direction.  The mega form just also doesn't appeal to me all that much visually.  It's not bad, but it's definitely lower end for me.
9) Glalie - Talk about a Pokemon that could've used a mega but just missed its mark entirely.  Is Glalie still NU?  I imagine it is, since it has so very little going for it.  Ice type is Bad, no matter what, and Refrigerate did little for it, basically just allowing it to explode more easily.  When your mega's main draw is entry hazards and exploding, you know there's a big problem.  Its design is also...not good.  It's the same angry face on a block of ice, but now the mouth part is bigger.  It's underwhelming in every sense, but hey, I guess they at least tried?
8) Abomasnow - This is as good a place to being as any: many of the megas from XY are on the list, entirely because they do nothing different from their base forms.  Their ability is the same, and their stats are basically the same with a few increases across the board to make them identical, but with better stats and no hold item.  Abomasnow, I feel, got the worst of it.  Hail is already bad, Ice/Grass is a terrible typing with too many weaknesses, and its stats were not sufficiently improved to really make it threatening.  You require trick room for it to function at all.  It's at least a nice new tool, since most Ice types need Trick Room to function, but this is a Doubles-only benefit.  In Singles, it's just another Pokemon that requires too much setup to really function.  It definitely needed a mega, but one that did something different than what it got.
7) Latios/Latias - Listen, I love the Latis.  They're a fantastic duo.  In fact if they weren't, there's no way they'd only be #7 on this list.  I love their typing, their designs, and their hold item.  Which is where things start to go wrong.  Any mega would have to contend with Soul Dew, and almost hysterically, the obvious answer of "give the megas more speed" is the one thing they didn't do.  Instead, it's a 20 or 30 point in every other stat, turning Mega Latias into a supreme tank with no hold item, and Latios into a mixed attacker with no hold item.  The result?  Latias had a brief stint as a fantastic boosting wall with Stored Power, then immediately fell off, and Latios is stuck in its own eternal hell, as the base form is an excellent OU contender but the mega form is terrible and can't even fall to the tier below due to the base form's success.  Worse, their designs are bad.  I didn't think you could mess up with the color purple, but here we are.  It just looks off, and having the two share the exact same design feels lazy, even if they are meant to be "siblings" in a sense.  They deserved better than what they got.  Although, I do find it hilarious that the solution they had was to nerf Soul Dew.  Yeah, that'll make the megas relevant...  At least they were cool to ride around on, and served as a good introduction to Alola’s decision to remove HMs.  Which was the correct one.
6) Salamence - Pettiness.  That's all this is.  Mega Salamence is a mega that's almost too good, at least in Singles.  Intimidate in the base form means that massive defense stat is even harder to take on.  Without Ice coverage, you're done.  Base 120 speed, on top of access to Dragon Dance, means it's faster than pretty much everything.  Hell, it warped the meta so hard that Scarf Greninja became a thing.  And somehow never died off, despite being stupid. Salamence is a monster, and while the design is cool, the base form...really didn't need this kind of attention.  Salamence was already pretty good, and making it this ridiculous was honestly a bit of a problem.  It's one of the few times I agreed with Smogon's quick-ban decisions.
5) Charizard-X - In a similarly petty vein, I don't care for Zard-X.  I don't care for it, for the pettiest reason.  Why did Charizard get two mega forms?  There's no reason.  It's gen 1 favoritism pandering, that's all.  Sure, Charizard, you can get two megas while the other, more interesting starters only get 1.  We'll even make Blastoise' mega shitty, just for you.  It doesn't help that I like Zard-Y a lot better, so I have to see this as the one that should've been cut out.  It's just such a drain on resources.  This mega could've gone to anything else in the game.  Hell, if you really wanted to keep this one, then make Ninetales the mega with Drought. At least then she'd still have a use!
4) Mewtwo-X - Speak of the devil.  Mewtwo didn't need megas at all.  In fact, I'm a little pissed it got them at all.  Isn't the theory that megas in XY came from what Pokemon powered the cannon?  How would Mewtwo get a stone that resonates with it?  Regardless, the main issue is just that, like Charizard, it got two megas for no reason.  Again, just like Charizard, I see Mewtwo-Y as the correct mega form, so this one should not exist.  The end.
3) Scizor - The bottom 3 all have the same issue: being the same exact thing as their base form, and definitely not needing a mega.  Scizor was still a top dog at this point in the series.  It didn't need more power.  And what did they do? Gave it a mega that had minor stat increases across the board and took away a hold item, leading many at the time to insist that it was actually worse off than the base form.  With the rise of many powerful Fairy types that can still beat base Scizor, Mega Scizor has at least carved out a separate niche and maintained OU while Scizor dropped, but this does little to change my frustrations.  Mega Scizor has virtually identical abilities to base Scizor, and megas should function differently, or at least be a significant enough improvement that it feels distinct. Mega Scizor is neither of those things, and it bothers me tremendously.
2) Tyranitar - I think most people consider Mega Tyranitar worse than its base form.  This one really got hit by the lack of a hold item.  Assault Vest Tyranitar, in Sand, gets way more bulk than its mega form.  Choice Band Tyranitar has a lot more immediate damage behind it, and is a more effective Pursuit-trapper. Mega Tyranitar really just utilizes Dragon Dance more effectively due to a slightly higher speed, but with boosting being a requirement for most Pokemon, I don't feel like this is a solid enough niche.  It also retains exactly the same ability as base Tyranitar, giving it nothing to truly distinguish itself.  And all this, for a Pokemon that was already top dog.  Again, this could've gone to something that needed a mega.
1) Garchomp - What would you say is one of the most consistent top-tier threats in the game?  Honestly, probably Lando-T for me, but Garchomp isn't far behind, often picking up any popularity that Lando-T loses in minor meta shifts.  Garchomp is the toppest of dogs.  It did not need a mega at all, and should not have received one.  But it got one anyway.  It got one that, like Latios, is worse than its base form in pretty much every way.  Its ability is weather-dependent, so good luck with that, though at least it tried to do something different.  Its attack skyrocketed, but somehow isn't even as high as Mega Heracross.  But the loss of 10 points in speed really ruined what made Garchomp such a threat.   Boosting may be all-important nowadays, but Choice items have value for a reason.  Immediate power and speed has serious value, and Garchomp had a speed tier just above most common threats, including most XY megas.   Taking that away means now it has to worry about how many things will be guaranteed to outspeed it.  There may be a different story if Garchomp ever gets Dragon Dance, but if that happens it's probably going to Ubers anyway.  But the real takeaway is the question "Why would I use my mega slot on something that already OHKOs most threats it needs to KO, just for it to be slower and more prone to being KO'd itself?"  There are other options to consider, and Garchomp doesn't have any real utility as a mega.  There's no reason to use it over any other option, barring maybe Mega Latios, who might be even less useful.  Even Tyranitar can be argued to have some utility over this.  It is the embodiment of the problems with how megas were implemented, going to far too many threats that were already top-tier, offering insubstantial changes that did little to nothing or even hurting viability, and taking up resources from things that could've used it instead.
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