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beauleifu · 2 years ago
Here are some memes for you cause you slay :3
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I will also use this as motivation to finish the chapter cauSE GODDAMN HES SO PERFECT
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imkeepinit · 1 year ago
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Assuming a reasonable amount of tax evasion (20 percent) the FairTax would increase the deficit by about $10.6 trillion over 10 years. In order to avoid increasing the deficit 10 years later, the FairTax would have to be set at 64.4 percent.
And in fact, that’s probably too low. Assuming that, as the FairTax proponents suggest, the tax would apply to purchases by the government, that would effectively force state and local governments to cough up hundreds of billions of extra dollars to the federal government every year. If government purchases were exempted, as is normal for sales taxes, the revenue-neutral rate would be 81.6 percent.
The point is that at a 30 percent rate, it’s reasonable to expect the FairTax to increase the federal budget deficit by trillions of dollars a year.
FairTax, the GOP plan for a 30 percent national sales tax, explained
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siliconpalms · 10 hours ago
FairTax Act of 2025: Will Trump Unveil a Tax Revolution?
Tomorrow, President Donald Trump will address a joint session of Congress in Washington, marking a pivotal moment in his second term. While not officially designated as a State of the Union, this speech will serve as a blueprint for his administration’s legislative priorities and economic vision for the year ahead. Key Topics to Expect Trump’s address is expected to touch on several critical…
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syriaccpataxaccounting · 6 months ago
Taxation Without Representation is Alive and Well
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fort1791 · 2 years ago
A repaired tax system
The tax system in US is wildly inefficient and by all rights, broken. The political left and right of the population all have their own ideas of how it should be used and what, to their way of thinking, is wrong with it. Long has it been my belief that the truth should be paramount in any discussion, facts the core of every investigation or deliberation, because without a clear, brutally honest…
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fashionfotorecccluse · 2 years ago
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Hoarding money, wealth, and dodging tax!
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witch-hattery · 1 month ago
So the tax plan works as follows:
Eliminate all existing federal taxes.
All of them. This is intended as a total reboot of federal taxes, so all the taxes that currently exist get eliminated.
2. Replace all the previous taxes with a single consumption tax
One tax to fund the whole government means you end up with a big tax. Kind of makes the cost of government more transparent however.
As a consumption tax, rather than a sales tax, it's only charged on finished products. So it's not added to the cost of ore going to the refinery, or the steel going to the car factory, only when the finished product is sold is tax added.
3. Cancel out the tax on necessities with an advance rebate.
This is the plan's method of not overly burdening the poor. Typically a sales or consumption tax would be regressive, but at the start of each month, each household gets a check, a paycard, direct deposit, or whatever equal to the poverty level times the tax rate. This is also called a "prebate." This was chosen specifically in opposition to exempting based on category, because for example if transportation was exempt, the rich could spent a ton of money on yachts, private jets, and limos and not pay any tax on it.
With the prebate instead, each family will get enough money to cancel out the tax on their food, rent, car, and other necessities, while the rich person's extravagant spending comes with a proportionate tax cost.
It's called the FairTax plan, and I consider it "Too good to actually pass." because it eliminates income taxes as a means of corruption and also ties federal income to how much luxury spending the general public does.
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citizenshipsolutions · 2 years ago
Talking About The #FairTax: Podcasts with Jim Bennett and Steve Hayes of @FairTaxOfficial
The problems that Americans abroad have with the U.S. tax system is that it is primarily an “income tax” system that taxes U.S. citizens on their worldwide income regardless of where they live in the world. The “FAIR Tax” is a consumption based tax. The consumption based tax would be applied only to sales in the United States. In simple terms: U.S. citizens abroad would no longer be taxed by the…
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Carmen On Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2hk7s6-tecn.tv-boom-the-income-tax-folly-and-out-of-control-spending-congress.html
Monday, April 10, 2023 At 8 PM ET On TECN.TV
BOOM! The Income Tax Folly and Out of Control Spending Congress
Steven L. Hayes / Chairman & President / FairTax® Official / Twitter: @FairTaxOfficial
TECN.TV Monday Nights at 8 PM ET…
The BIG Picture with Carmen Maria Montiel
Twitter: @Carmen4Congress
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wisdomfish · 3 years ago
Our Usual Sins and God's Unusual Methods
Once in the Promised Land, the Israelites have a constant tendency to depart from God. God repeatedly rescues them, but the people he uses are often not who you would expect. We see from the story of Ehud (Judges 3) the fairness of God’s judgement and his kindness to his people. No matter who we are, God can use us.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year ago
The discriminatory bills have passed in the House and moved to the senate. Express frustration to your Republican reps, but it's no longer in their hands and action on the bills that were passed should now be directed to the senate.
Ongoing bills and resolutions that are not yet up for vote:
H.Res. 786: Calling for an immediate deescalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.
H.R. 899: To terminate the Department of Education. - is not up for vote yet but there are a LOT of cosponsors. If one of them happens to be one of your reps, call them up and tell them to Knock It Off.
H.R. 25: FairTax Act of 2023 - same thing goes, this one's ultralibertarian nonsense about repealing the income tax and abolishing the IRS.
Currently with the Senate, not yet up for vote:
H.R. 5: Parents Bill of Rights Act: Generally seems normal, but the summary states:
Additional rights include the right [...] to know if their child's school operates, sponsors, or facilitates athletic programs or activities that permit an individual whose biological sex is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designed for individuals whose biological sex is female; know if their child's school allows an individual whose biological sex is male to use restrooms or changing rooms designated for individuals whose biological sex is female [...].
The bill provides for additional family educational and privacy rights, including by (1) prohibiting schools from acting as an agent of a parent for purposes of providing verifiable parental consent for a vaccination, [...], and (3) requiring schools to engage meaningfully with parents in developing privacy policies or procedures.
An elementary school or a school consisting of only grades 5-8 must obtain parental consent before (1) changing a minor child's gender markers, pronouns, or preferred name on school forms; or (2) allowing a child to change the child's sex-based accommodations.
I think if you follow me, you can probably agree that "telling the parents of a middle-schooler that they are asking a teacher to use new pronouns or a different name" is not safe for all students. While the bill DOES only say "on school forms," schools may be encouraged to play it safe by disclosing the information even when not on forms (e.g. how things went down with the Don't Say Gay bill in Florida).
I'm not entirely sure how to feel about just "we have to tell parents what our bathroom policy is," but I feel it's another area where people may try to push for "this means you have to tell us if there ARE any trans people" as well.
I'm also unsure of the vaccination thing and what it functionally means to act as an agent of the parent.
Suggested topics to call your reps about today, 1/30/24!
I’ve been doing two subjects per call recently; one is almost always about the events in the middle east, and then one is domestic policy. I’m including a bit of verbiage you can use as basis for what you say (if you agree with me), for a few of these.
Foreign Policy: Reinstate funding for UNRWA. While the claims made by Israel that employees of the relief agency were involved in Oct. 7th are troubling, this arm of the UN is currently providing food, water, shelter, and medical care to the 2.3 million displaced peoples of Gaza. It is especially disturbing and concerning that the many children of Gaza, who are already suffering due to this conflict, are now having this support revoked.
Warn Congress to reaaaaally think about whether a strong response to the incident in Jordan, currently attributed to an Iraqi group backed by Iran, if we're truly looking to avoid a wider regional war as claimed. There is already growing unrest in Yemen and the threat of another civil war, fire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, and now the situation with the Islamic Resistance. Caution them against an overreaction of the kind that the US has a tendency towards.
FOR THE SENATE: Urge your senator to put their support behind Bernie Sanders and his motion to restrict funding to Israel until a humanitarian review of the IDF’s actions in Gaza has been completed.
FOR THE HOUSE: Urge your representative to put their support behind Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s petition for the US government to recognize the IDF’s actions in Gaza as ethnic cleansing and forced displacement, and put a stop to it.
Domestic Policy
House of Representatives:
Expansion of the child tax credit. The House of Representatives is currently voting on whether or not to expand the child tax credit that was instated during COVID-19. This credit offers a return on taxes for individuals with children, but currently does not apply to families that are too poor to qualify. During COVID, this tax credit was expanded to include those families, and child poverty fell to record lows, but as it was a temporary measure, those children are getting left behind again. Given the effectiveness the expansion of this tax regulation showed in the past, it would be a net positive for the country as a whole to codify it more permanently.
Other things coming up in the next week if you think your rep might be receptive:
H.R. 6976: Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act: Vote no. This act is discriminatory and enforces harsher penalties on immigrants than in legal citizens. While DUIs are a significant issue, enacting stronger guidelines on a small portion of the population that is already at risk from discriminatory police action is not a solution.
H.R. 6679: No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act - Vote no or dismiss if possible. Terrorism is already considered a reason to reject immigrants. This bill is pointless peacocking. You have better things to do with your time.
H.R. 6678: Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act - Vote no. This proposed act is discriminatory and enacts unduly harsh sentences against minorities. The system already has punishments for fraud; this specific act is unnecessary.
H.R. 5585: Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act - Are you sensing a pattern? It's discriminatory! Evading law enforcement on a motor vehicle is already illegal, you do not need to ADD IMMIGRATION PENALTIES.
Abortion rights. Domestically, for the senate, push for abortion rights.
Specific things coming up in the next week if you think your Senator might be receptive:
H.R. 6914: Pregnant Students’ Rights Act - Call to ask that the resolution EXPLICITLY include abortion access, or otherwise vote against. This passed the house on strict party lines; other than a handful of abstentions, the vote was all republican for and all dems against. The text of the proposal is explicitly anti-abortion.
H.R. 6918: Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Act - same as above, it was very partisan in the house vote, though less explicitly anti-abortion in the text. Nonetheless, it focuses explicitly on protecting funding to "pregnancy centers," which are often anti-choice and dedicated to pushing patients towards keeping a baby they don't want.
DOMESTIC POLICY, BOTH BRANCHES OF CONGRESS: Border policy is currently being hotly debated and negotiated. A very strong policy in favor of the Republican party is the status at the moment. Even some democrats are in favor of it due to small border communities being ill-equipped to handle large numbers of migrants, and states usually removed from the situation getting migrants bussed in from Texas despite telling Texas to knock it off. Despite some Republicans saying that they have gotten everything they could want out of the current deal, the party at large is refusing to pass it as the politics of the debate are more useful to the coming election than actually passing policy. This is also causing delays in passing the federal budget.
I... don't actually want to tell anyone WHAT to think of the border policy since I do not have any real knowledge on the budget impacts and resources dictating the actual problems (nor the racism or xenophobia, that part is obviously bullshit). I can recognize that too some degree, there is a genuine issue of manpower and budget restriction impacting the ability to house and process immigrants.
However, DREAMers are not being considered in the current deal, the delays in the deal are impacting the federal government and threatening a partial shutdown, and people are STILL getting hurt and even dying at the border.
I would focus on protection for DREAMers, chastising the Republicans for deliberately delaying the budget in order to use the border as a reelection premise instead of actually working on the policy they claim to want (emphasize that they are going to lose votes for focusing on reelection at the expense of their people), and protection for children, parents with those children, and nonviolent migrants in general.
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aarkangel · 6 years ago
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What @cadburyuk pay in Corporation #Tax since the US bad-faith takeover :: not the #Quaker way #fairtax #fairness #morality in business (at Hunger Bites) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpkOeh3hl-O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h4matkzokq4j
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shadowpgsmartialartsgym · 6 years ago
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Thank you Bro Achoi for sponsoring us and thank you also Bro Zam @kickboxermy with the best price and good product quality..🙏👍😉 #Fairtax #mylife #yourlife #ourlife #pgsfightteam #pgsladiesteam #shadowpgsgym #pgsfightingsystem #shadowpgsfitnessgym #shadowpgstechnique #sparring #fitnessmotivation #shadowpgsfightingsystem #streekfightingsystem #nevergiveup💪 #ownstylemovements #fightingsystems #muaythai #padworkout #muaythaitechniqu #kickboxing #bodyfit #workouts #pgsmuaythaibodyfitness #trainingdays #bodyfitness #staminaworkout #fitnessclasses #muaythaiclass #personaltraining (at Kick Boxers Equipment & Supplies) https://www.instagram.com/p/BugjngVhFRl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tggw5wd71hcb
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helpwithredtape · 6 years ago
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Words & deeds must sync.  Who believes big tech co's mission statements when they don't pay their fair share of taxes? "Connecting the world." "The earth's most customer-centric co." "Make the best products that have a meaningful impact on people's lives." "Organize the world's information & make it universally accessible & useful."   Yeah, right...
Guess the Word?              Series 36 (4/7)                [pic: lucindafaye]
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factcheckdotorg · 2 years ago
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bestfoes · 2 years ago
the PRONOUNS of Madagascar
alex the LESBIAN
hans puffin
andy fairTAXES
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