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cawfulkiller-blog · 7 years ago
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boy i love discussing plots with my good friend @valflame / @fairfriar
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cawbourne-blog · 8 years ago
@fairfriar as we left off at
At first, the mage was rather confused on why the priest was walking towards him. After all, he had never directly approached him before with such a look. In fact, it made him quite excited! When the priest reached out towards Henry and laid his hand on him, a painful shock traveled through Henry. It felt as if he just got hit with a bolt of a thunder tome. 
“Oh my, that was quite enlightening! It was a shock, that’s for sure. Nya ha ha.” The grin grew on his lips even wider. However, it was filled a bit more with a sadistic flavor to it this time. It was almost as if the touch of lightning awoken a ‘playful’ side of him. 
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“I hope I can take that as a challenge to a magic battle? I quite enjoy them, even if they can get a bit murderous. So if you do want to play, just warn me if I go to far okay?”
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sugarstolen-blog · 8 years ago
                                           fairfriar  /  ❤’d
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              ❛   you just prayed for a good 30 MINUTES to naga, padre...   isn't that a little bit too excessive?   ❜
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cawfulkiller-blog · 8 years ago
                                   @fairfriar is a good egg ~
                         There weren’t many reasons Henry had to actually talk            to Libra.  When he actually had one, he wasn’t super excited to            actually voice it.  It was a question he would have liked to find an            answer to himself, but every time Henry tried it came up frustrating            and pointless.
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                         The question was actually fairly simple: ❝ Have the            Gods ever actually answered your prayers?  I mean really, not just            something happened that you think the Gods might have done,            kinda. ❞
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quiveringshaft · 8 years ago
Well, well…
Quite the suggestive little scrape they’ve all but gotten themselves into, hm? An unruly bow stroking no one of a rogue and the only savory priest fit with hands to properly heal them amidst the quaking tides of an oh so perilous storm ever raging on a seemingly tireless battle.
Ah, too bad neither could indulge in soaking up that sweet healing factor just yet, oh no. With the brink of enemy forces still steadily marching he almost wonders if their failed attempt at a stalemate was met with the hand of an ambush at clever play.
Of course, with the insistent throb of his hip near forcibly pushing his own peak, he isn’t quite sure what leaves him more sore – the unsightly gash an unseen enemy’s hardened point mercilessly tore through his side some fleeting moments prior or the fact that he missed returning such an endearingly low blow in some would be good attempt to cover the priest and keep him alive. 
T'ch. Such a cowardly face deserved only the most harsh rearrangement, especially when the fool rammed into him and ran off before he could poke any holes in return. Oh, how he quivers with every intent to chase down the rat and tear him sweetly asunder by their tail, tattered back edged up along the first wall so kindly offering them reprieve. As the pain leaves him drawing daintily thin lines of breath just between half conscious and contently spent, he’s withered away to the insistent clench of muscles screaming their exhaustion.
Once the battlefield clears he would need to retrieve every last of his beautiful arrows having found release of their own so needily lodged within enemy flesh, entirely spent. Oh well. All the more to savor so when his moment finally comes he can take twice as much pleasure absolutely reveling in such a wickedly twisted turn of less than tasteful events. Surely, the wayward shepherds now separated from their happy flock have seen better days.
At least they’ve their lives on trembling hand. Most who lay scattered about no longer held firmly to such a claim. Pity.
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“Shall we pull out for now? Much rather make off with our skin and teeth still intact if nothing else.”
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murdermage-a-blog · 8 years ago
12 and 13!
uncommon questions! // accepting!
12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
most people mention henry’s extremely high pain threshold, but more odd than that is his heart rate, which edges on dangerously low at any given time. it’s usually low enough that people have trouble finding his pulse reliably, which leads to many a scare.
he tends to run on the cold side ; his hands tend to feel almost icy whenever someone touches him, a side effect of his low heart rate and bad circulation. he delights in sticking his hands on people’s sides and neck whenever they least expect it.
because he runs cold, he vastly prefers warmer climates and tends to freeze very easily in colder ones. any trips to ferox involve him bundling up a ridiculous amount or remaining inside and near a fire.
his forearms and hands are the least scarred parts of his body, but they are far from unmarked ; his hands look almost stained in various shades of grey, black and green from the dark tomes he uses, an after effect of the powers residing within them. every so often he has to take a break from them and use elemental tomes that are weaker than his usual hexes simply because using the dark tomes too often causes his body to be eaten away.
13. Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something?
it’s very rare nowadays that henry gets overwhelmed by anything. his tendency to flock to chaos means he’s used to seeing crazy things. as a child, though, he would often get overwhelmed and retreat to solitude for days on end ( it’s how he became friends with the wolf that was killed, and also a reason he was in trouble in mage school very often, as when overwhelmed he often avoided his studies. )
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maliiik-blog1 · 8 years ago
Sends you an A because why the heck not >:V
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours || ACCEPTING || @fairfriar
    repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ― would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
    grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ― unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― PEACEFUL ― calming ― badass ― flexible
    not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never[whywouldweomgods] ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex
    never in a million years ― worst of enemies ― enemies ― rivals ― indifferent ― neutral ― acquaintance ― friendly toward each other ― casual friends ― friends ― good friends ― best friends ― fuck buddies ― bosom buddies ― practically the same person ― would die for them ― true friends ― my only friend
    i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
    i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
    worst kisser ever ― terrible ― bad ― awkward ― just okay ― alright ― pretty good ― good ― makes me moan ― excellent ― exciting ― oh god they’re good ― i dream about it ― fucking amazing ― absolute perfection ― we haven’t kissed
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diurnarai-blog · 8 years ago
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   ❝W-what is this place?❞ The Archduke looked around but could not recognize anything in sight -the scenary was unfamiliar and the pain in his head was killing him, what a wonderful mess. He tried to remember how he ended up there but between him following the others and being lost there was only a blank.
❝Oh Gods above...❞ What did I got myself into? he finished in his mind. He wandered for a bit, walking alongside a dirt road he found nearby, eventually he'd encounter someone, right? And as his hope started to fade he saw a figure ahead of him, finally!
❝Um, Hello!~ Hello, excuse me!!~❞
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farmfaiire-blog · 8 years ago
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      ❝ I’ll be honest, I ain’t much of no service-goer, but my Ma would have my hide if’n I didn’t say a prayer at night. Y’know, like for the crops an’ good will and another day we’d be outta harm’s way. We ain’t got much, but what we got’s worth savin’, y’know.  ❞ Shrugging a little to give a dip in his shoulders, eyes glancing back to the other where he sat. Striking conversation was always the hardest part to the shepherds---and especially so with recent events of losing the exalt. Everyone was on high tension,  and no one wanted to talk about it.
      And yet, it was so hard to talk about anything besides what had happened. Straying away from the subject seemed harder than staying on it. But it did no good being quiet, either. It just made the camp all too eerie.
@fairfriar┇ starter call
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invisibleimpossibilities · 8 years ago
// Support page finally fully updated ♡ ! It’s almost doubled, I’m so happy to be surrounded by wonderful people!!
And a couple more tags. //
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knightsoathtohiscomrades · 7 years ago
tagged by: stolen from @fairfriar​ tagging: Anyone can do this
wealth  —
$  financial.  //  (wealthy)  /  moderate /  poor  /  in poverty ✚  medical.  //  (fit) / moderate  /  sickly  /  disadvantaged  /  disabled  /  not applicable ✪  class.  //   (upper)  /  middle-working  /  poor  /  slave  /  unsure ✔  education.  //  (qualified)  /  unqualified /  studying  /  other ✖  criminal record.  //  yes, for major crimes  / yes, for minor crimes  /  no  / (has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet) / granted amnesty
family  —
◒  children.  //  has one or more children /  has no children /  wants children  / (verse dependent) ◑  relationship with family.  // close with sibling(s)  /  not close with sibling(s) / (has no sibling(s)?)  /  siblings are deceased ◔  affiliation.  //   orphaned  /  adopted  /  disowned  /  )raised by birth parent(s))  /  not applicable ♡  romantic relationship.  // single / (dating) / engaged / married / it’s complicated
traits  +  tendencies  —
♦  (extrovert) // introvert // in between ♦  disorganized  // (organized)  // in between ♦  close-minded  // (open-minded) //   in between ♦  calm  // anxious //  (in between) ♦  disagreeable  //  agreeable //  (in between) ♦  (cautious)  // reckless  // in between ♦  (patient)  //  impatient  // in between ♦  (outspoken)  //  reserved  //  in between ♦  leader // follower  // (in between) ♦  (empathetic) //  indifferent  //  in between ♦  optimistic //  pessimistic  // (in between) ♦  traditional  //  modern //  (in between) ♦  (hardworking)  //  lazy  //  in between ♦  cultured  //  uncultured  //  (in between) ♦  (loyal)  //  disloyal  // in between ♦  (faithful //  unfaithful  //  in between
beliefs  —
★  faith.  //  (monotheist)  / polytheist  /  atheist  / agnostic  / it’s complicated ☆  belief in ghosts or spirits.  //  (yes)  / no / don’t know /  don’t care ✮  belief in an afterlife.  //  (yes)  / no  / don’t know / don’t care ✯  belief in reincarnation.  // yes /  no / (don’t know)  / don’t care ❃  belief in aliens.  //  (yes) /  no  /  don’t know  /  don’t care ❀  philosophical.  //  (yes)  /  no  /  sometimes
sexuality & romantic inclination  —
❤  sexuality.   /  heterosexual /  homosexual  / (bisexual)  /  asexual  / demisexual  /  questioning ❥  sex.  //  sex repulsed  / sex neutral / (sex favorable) ♥  romance.  //  romance repulsed /  (romance neutral) /  romance favorable ❣  sexually.  //  adventurous  / experienced  / naive / (inexperienced)  /  curious  /  inhibited ⚧  potential sexual partners.  //  (male) /  (female)  /  other  /  none  /  all ⚧  potential romantic partners.  // (male) /  (female) /  other  /  none  /  all
abilities  —
☠  combat skills.  //  (excellent)  /  good  / moderate /  poor  /  none ≡  literacy skills.  //  (excellent)  /  good  /  moderate  /  poor  /  none ✍  artistic skills.  //  (excellent) /  good  /  moderate  / poor  /  none ✂  technical skills.  //  (excellent)  / good /  moderate  /  poor  /  none
habits  —
☕  drinking alcohol.  //  never  /  (sometimes) /  frequently  /  to excess ☁  smoking.  //  (never) /  sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess ✿  other narcotics.  // (never) /  sometimes  ( formerly ) /  frequently  /  to excess ✌  medicinal drugs.  //  (never)  / sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess ☻  indulgent in food.  //  (never)  /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess $  splurge spending.  //  (never) /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess ♣  gambling.  //  (never)  / sometimes  /  frequently  / to excess
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cawfulkiller-blog · 7 years ago
this week’s munday meme | accepting 
▼ : Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
Oh yeah!  I’ve already talked about the main one with Henry’s smile before, though.  I disagree with that mostly because I think eng!Henry is more interesting and complex to portray than jp!Henry!  Easy as that.  Since that’s kind of a cop out, I’ll also say that I see Henry as completely asexual, which seems to be the opposite of popular?  I don’t understand why, in one of his supports he literally suggests he doesn’t know how babies are made.  As an ace person, it just is too relateable to not use.
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
Hmm hmm!  I haven’t been very good at replying recently because of finals, but I’m gonna promo the threads I have with Libra!  @of-invisible-ties and @fairfriar are both good leebs and Henry loves antagonizing both of them in one way or another.  If you like my shitty gremlin child being a shitty gremlin, keep an eye on those because Libra literally just turns Henry into this shitty gremlin.
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honorbourne · 8 years ago
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( bias list? pffft, more like a lame appreciation post! wow, so um, i never really thought i’d reach this far with say’ri?? i remember back in october of last year, i decided merely on a whim to play an obscure character in the fire emblem franchise... especially since i felt like i couldn’t do any other muse justice at the time and the fact i’ve been wanting to be a part of the fandom back while i had been an observer as an oc whom some of you might know by the url of unladylikc. 
true, now that i’ve been in it, i do recognize the fact that it is less than perfect, realistically speaking? but all the same, however, it will always hold a precious place in my heart for it is the first fandom i’ve ever really joined and where i met some of the most talented writers that i had the fortune of writing with. anyways, i had always been such an insecure little bean, that more often than not, i would question if i truly belonged here.
by now of course, i kinda know my doubts are unfounded and i want to thank everyone for sticking with me through thick and thin. like i have oftentimes been saying, say’ri is a difficult muse to play, yet you all put up with that, despite my initial portrayal being a shaky one. well, before i start delving into a long winded speech, i think i’m just going to get on with addressing/mentioning cool folks beneath the cut... though do keep in mind i’m just going off by memory here for this list, so forgive me if i forget anyone. )
@quiveringshaft !!
you no doubt probably saw this coming a mile away but omg, you’re so SO important to me. i wouldn’t have been here today if it weren’t for you. while i know we haven’t necessarily interacted ic on here yet, we talk enough ooc and have/had such entertaining interactions between our muses, that for better or for worse, you’ll probably be included in every bias list ever made by me.
if that isn’t enough to prove my undying love for you, as passionate as ten thousand burning suns?? YOU ARE MY OCEAN, MY STARS, MY MOON, the one who has easily been with me ever since the beginning. your wish is always my command cause i honestly strive to make you as happy as you made me. i could honestly look no further than you if i need to vent or release my inner sodium levels, lol, and to be honest, i’m glad you can easily confide in me when annoying things happen to you. it makes me feel important?? and so very proud!
not only that but we have been through a lot together. countless times already, our friendship has been put to the test over rather... unfortunate circumstances, but somehow, we managed to work it out each and every time. that to me says a lot about how strong our bond is! i’m so cheesy, i know.
@trceblade !!
GIDEON. i always feel like i somehow take you for granted?? like, you are just one of the most genuine people i know. not only do you make a point of worrying about me, you also listen to me and make it seem as though my problems are important to you as well. i am not used to being so cared about?? to this day, i am really glad we have met!
your portrayal of robin is just so unique and i love all the ideas you bring up, some of which has developed my say’ri into who she is as a princess, fighter and significant other. plus, we are part of each other’s canon? and it’s honestly sO GREAT. i always look forward to any headcanons you post and though it does take me a bit, i do quite enjoy responding to the threads we are writing.
needless to say, you will always be my m!robin.
@amnesiums / @faithled / @pridesought !!
/coughs ...i know you have other blogs but these are the ones i can only remember at the moment?? forgive me please, otl. we don’t usually talk much except over tags, but man, in case you couldn’t tell, i’m such a big fan of yours, nox!! by now, i’m pretty sure you follow me everywhere and i remember it would make my day each and every time you show up in my activity without fail.
PLUS, i really love how you play your muses and the unique spins you put into them. to this day, i respect you heaps and bounds for making your version of miriel autistic, something that made me feel valid as someone also with autism!! 
on top of that... can i say that wow, i’m super gay for your robin?? i’m honestly rooting for this say’ri x f!robin ship to set sail aND IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT. /clenches fist
@of-invisible-ties !!
i first followed you on my oc blog but never really expected you to ALSO follow this one, cause i imagined say’ri happened to be almost as easily forgettable as kellam. BUT OH, how you proved me wrong. never did i have so many threads with someone before and so much fun too.
for a multimuse blog, you had kept me easily engaged and i really admire the fact that you can play a vast array of muses and still keep them in character. I MUST ASK, what is your secret?? lol, jk, jk. not only that, but your au ideas and the other unique ocs you have are such a treat to see on the dash. keep staying awesome please!!
@nakanaai / @apotelesmc / @faeriecrowned / @penitentinq !!
there’s possibly another url of yours i’m forgetting, omg. still, it doesn’t change the fact that i’m eternally grateful i got to roleplay with you, cati?? i love the depth you put into all the muses you play and i’M SUCH A FAN of your content. whether it be with your writing, art, super creative ocs or whatnot.
you also made me feel super welcome in this fandom and though i imagine i must be a pain, you still write starters for me anyway. thank you very much for putting up with me all this time!
( basically everyone i enjoy seeing on the dash and that i look forward to interacting with one of these days if we haven’t yet already. know that i admire you lots and lots! )
@aphoticresidence + @futureastras ll @avecantoraazul ll @royal-botanist + @aim--and--reload + @emblian-remnant ll @zimmercalla + @riivoltella ll @exaltedswordsmaster ll @exduke ll @nesufuratu ll @corvoided + @extollcd ll @lady-ylisse ll @latrocinari + @songeant ll @sozckujin ll @troubadontcha + @solumventi ll @fifthnamed ll @bladesandbushido ll @hanzaiisha + @wclfbeil ll @kazesneedle ll @valianticemage ll @valiantdarkmage ll @wcrlds-strongest ll @wolfsxin ll @litanee ll @bewitchinqs ll @butlerbourne ll @bornxsteward ll @bonyarii ll @arthur-for-justice ll @aethrax ll @aeoelu ll @ofbeastbane ll @trxubadour ll @mitrikos ll @mienakyohaku + @northfaire ll @tacentpennae ll @beastofnohr ll @kageroichi ll @fairfriar ll @grimstalker ll @princepsmarmoreum ll @priestis + @vllagr + all your other blogs ll @ofthelace ll @ofshrinkingviolets ll @izanaisms ll @caligraqueen ll @cadavrc ll @caligraqueen ll @kiniro ll @xshadow-giftx ll @xixisms ll @narxkami ll @divincr ll @divinefate ll @lanskr ll @lady-ylisse ll @exaltstolen ll @sugarstolen ll @laceur ll @heiwanoryu ll @dang-zi ll @xshadow-giftx ll @spareprince ll @sagelyexalt + @nerochoros ll @armsthriift + @farmfaiire + @raiitension ll @voyager-of-chaos ll @youmaggots ll @irafatum ll @gentlexbloom ll @chariotofhoshido ll @fxdingtofoam ll @aeoelu ll @talentedseamstress ll @rcsesthcrns ll @icetribemaiden ll @saishuji ll @nyahahah ll @willbeshot ll @victorums ll @anna-making-a-killing ll @mercperfectixn ll @fellheaven ll @princess--cynthia ll @validus + @swcrdsman ll @valorandgold ll @blessedlancer ll @noblestson ll @rosannesarcher ll @awakenedprince ll @cvlier
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