#fair warning i blab a LOT without really saying much lol
blu-oo · 1 year
Ok so I’m a complete sucker for buggy-shanks-roger pirates angsty time travel plots but I’ve noticed that it’s pretty much only ever Buggy (as far as I can recall) being the main POV/one to time travel. While i have absolutely no complaints about this (lol) i do wish we could see more with Shanks behind the wheel, especially since he’s still so mysterious he’s essentially a blank slate.
And im just imagining like:
shanks immediately just gunning to go. He WILL find a way to save his captain, he WILL make it so rouge and/or ace are safe, he WILL keep his relationships with everyone he lost touch with after his captain died, he WILL find a way to make Buggy not hate him anymore.
Except, shanks isn’t a naive little kid anymore. His captain is amazing, he loves him, but it isn’t until he’s back in time that he realizes this man he idolized was terribly flawed. He didn’t always think before he acted, he didn’t always do what was best for the safety of his crew. He didn’t always put his pride aside for the betterment of those who cared for him or the situation at hand. He didn’t listen when buggy was scared, ignored or even laughed at him, at his fear. Why would he do that? He knows roger wouldn’t let anything happen to them, but still, how had he never noticed that before-
He wasn’t too overly familiar with Rouge and her crew but they met up enough that shank’s starts to keep an eye on her and his captain, waiting for any hints of whats to come. He still has plenty of time before anything happens but he’s anxious, doesn’t know if he’ll be able to help them in time. So he decides to try putting ideas in their heads. A little “hey captain, if you ever have a kid one day I can’t wait to play with them and teach them how to sword fight!” here, and and little “our nakama is family! We can always count on one another when something super life changing happens!” there. But when he starts trying to drop hints, no one listens to him. He’s just a kid and no one is listening to him, why won’t they listen-
With his future knowledge, his already rapidly successful sword and haki training grows tenfold (despite having to reacclimate to having both his arms again and woah that’s trippy). And this is good! This means he’ll be even more ready to defend his nakama and their futures as certain events unfold. And everyone is excited for him, throwing prideful smiles his way, and he’s never felt so close, so connected and on equal footing (or as equal as a child could be) to the rest of the roger pirates. Except…
Except the already existing gap between him and buggy seems to become an ever growing cavern. Shanks has never been starved of praise and attention in this or his past lifetime, but now that he’s wise enough to not only look ahead but back, he sees his best friend standing farther and farther away from him. And now that he’s older, now that he’s reliving everything through a new lense, he realizes just how…lonely his best friend was underneath the brazen and cocky bravado. How for every praise he received, buggy got only mockery and impatient sighs. For every successful fight shanks took part in, buggy was told to keep back as to not get in anyone’s way. For every blinding smile he received from his captain, buggy got- and oh. Oh.
Beyond a certain age, Shanks never begrudged buggy’s lack of fighting spirit. He understood now that it wasn’t for everyone, and that buggy especially made do with clever tricks and conspiratorial luck. Shanks was shanks, and buggy was buggy and that was good enough for him. Too bad he seemed to be the only one who thought that. And finally, finally, things have started to make sense. He sees all of his interactions with buggy and the others, from both this new reality and from before, interactions long past and those still to come, and finally starts to understand. Shanks is a grown man parading around as a child, but buggy? Buggy’s just a little boy. Just like shanks used to be.
And if through his righteous indignation on buggys behalf, shanks starts to really perceive his own treatment by his former nakama? Starts to truly feel the weight of their expectations on his shoulders that has ALWAYS been there and is finally able to identify it? Well. No one said fixing the absolute clusterfuck that was the fall of the roger pirates would be easy.
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delos-mio · 6 years
Death of a Bachelor - Part 13
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A/N: lucky number 13! no real warnings beside a drunk and horny Logan and mentions of familial loss. hope you guys enjoy 🤗
The boys had left before you and Emily the next morning, looking to pregame before tip-off. Emily had driven the two of you to a small bistro nearby that you both loved and had a killer brunch. When you arrived, the rest of her bridal party had already grabbed a table, whooping loudly when the bride walked in. You knew most of these girls for ages, lifelong friends of your sister, so it was nice seeing familiar faces and not having to sit through the awkward getting-to-know-you that can accompany these types of gatherings.
“Miss maid of honor made it! It’s been too long.” Michelle was bringing you in for a tight hug and planted a barely-there kiss on your cheek. If you weren’t Emily’s sister, Michelle would have absolutely had been the maid of honor.
“Yeah. It’s getting harder and harder to find time to come out this way,” you laughed lightly before taking your seat.
Before you knew it, champagne was flowing and the chattering began. You were filled in on the troubles Alex had finding a new apartment after she broke up with her girlfriend. Cheryl’s kids were starting kindergarten in the fall. A whole mess of stories from women who were now wrapped up in spouses and families and careers. It was weird to think about all of them sleeping over in your parent’s basement or begging you to buy them booze while they were still under 21. You were zoning out, thinking about days long since passed, when your name being called out snapped you back to reality.
“So, Em tells us you brought a boy home with you,” Michelle said in a sing-song voice, waiting for you to fill in the gaps.
“I um, I did, yeah,” you said with a smile before taking a big gulp from your mimosa, not giving any more details than absolutely necessary. This was going to be a long day.
“Well, spill! Who is he? What’s he like? How’d you meet? Is he one of those rich, LA playboy types?” Gabby added excitedly. How’d she know? Had Emily blabbed or was that just a midwestern woman’s guess at what LA guys were like?
“Jesus, is this 20 questions?” you joked, or so the table thought. “His name is Logan. We…met through work. He worked for his family’s company and yeah. I don’t know. We just kind of hit it off,” you shrugged.
“They fell in love,” Emily corrected, earning you awes from the rest of the girls.
“Yeah, yeah that too,” you laughed.
“How long have you been together?” Michelle asked.
“Officially? I don’t know, I guess I haven’t really been keeping track,” you laughed. You hadn’t. Why hadn’t you? Things were such a whirlwind with Logan, you never thought to stop and think about when you really started seeing each other. It had been at least six months, you knew that much, but you’d been fucking for a while before that. Did it matter? Did Logan know? A new voice snapped you from your train of thought.
“I think you’re the first girl I’ve met who doesn’t know their anniversary!” Gabby’s tone was a bit judgmental, but you let it roll off your back, simply shrugging in return.
The rest of brunch went exactly as anticipated. It was nice to see so many people love and take care of your baby sister. You had a lot of lingering guilt about moving away, even though she had Elliot and always had what seemed like a million friends. After the bill was settled, you caravanned over to the bridal shop for dress fitting and what you expected to be a lot of down time while the other girls got fitted.
You were lounging on one of the couches, scrolling through work emails even though you said you wouldn’t, when a notification from Logan came up. He had sent you a selfie of him and the boys courtside at the Bucks game. One thing you and Logan had in common is that you making friends did not come easily. Seeing him with a very real smile on his face, a little glint in his eye, while he was with a group of guys he hadn’t met before made your heart swell. He was trying to learn and grow and be a little more open and his hard work did not go unnoticed by you.
Y: You look so handsome. And drunk.
L: I’m not drunj
Y: Oh you’re not drunj huh?
L: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh you cauhgt me
You laughed to yourself. Logan drunk and happy and carefree was a new one for you and you fully intended to enjoy it as long as you could.
Y: So I take it you’re having fun then
L: Great time. I love these guys they’re so cool
Y: I’m glad baby :)
L: Giannis is right here!!!! He’s so big in person
Y: Lol well he is in the NBA
L: I wish you wewr here
Y: That’s sweet Lo. But you have fun having boy time
L: But they’re not pretty like you
L: You’er so fuckjing pretty fuck
Y: Lol drunk Logan is a real charmer
Y: Love you too. Go have fun it’s almost my turn for my fitting
L: I wanna seeeeeeee
You rolled your eyes and locked your phone, rising to make your way to the fitting room to change. It had been a while since you’d seen the dress and it was the first time you were seeing it in person. You had to send over your measurements and hope for the best since you were out on the coast. But when you pulled the zipper up and took a look in the mirror, you were thankful there wouldn’t be much that needed altering. You stepped out to the pedestal in the middle of the room so the attendant could pin and mark all the changed that needed to happen.
“You look amazing,” Emily said sweetly as she came up beside you.
“Thanks, Em.” You smiled back at her as you were dismissed. Back in the fitting room, you took the opportunity to snap a quick picture in the full length mirror, sending it to Logan.
Y: I don’t look stupid right?
L: Babe
L: No you don’t look stupid you look like the most beautiful grl in the world
L: Holy shit
Y: Well then lol. Thank you Lo
L: Ok now one without the dress on
Y: You’re so bad! No!
L: Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?
Y: I’m always good. That’s why I’m going to change back into my clothes so you’re not opening dirty pics of me around a million other people
L: Pleeeeease please please
Y: Logannnnn
L: I’ll be so good forever and ever I promise let me see my sweet girl
You groaned. Why was it so goddamn hard to say no to him? You slipped out of your dress and hung it back up neatly, covering it in the garment bag. Before putting your jeans and V-neck back on, you decided to indulge Logan and took another picture, this time in just your bra and underwear in a completely exaggerated pose, annoyed at yourself for caving so easily. Without much more thought, you sent it over and quickly got dressed. As you took back your seat on the couch, now Michelle’s turn to try her dress on, you pulled your phone back out only to see several notifications.
L: Jesus Christ
L: God I want to fuck you so bad right now
L: I’m so hard please baby let me fuck you the second I get home
Y: We’ll see
L: Don’t tease me it’s not fair
Y: But it’s so much fun
L: What happened to my good girl
Y: She’s gone. I’m bad now haven’t you heard?
L: Fuuuuuck I need you baby
Y: Soon enough Lo. Now pay attention to the game
Just as you and Emily had walked in the front door and put your things down, you heard the commotion of drunk boys trying to get a key in the lock. Rather than going to help, you both waited to see just how long it’d take them to get inside. Finally, Elliot pushed the door open a little too forcefully and stumbled in. Logan was close behind, still upright but visibly intoxicated. Elliot draped his arm over Logan’s shoulder as they swayed into the living room.
“I love this guy,” he said sincerely, leaning in to kiss Logan gently on the cheek. The gesture made Logan blush and dare you say, giggle. You raised an eyebrow as you watched the two fawn over one another.
“God, you didn’t tell me they were this drunk!” Emily said, exasperated.
“Oh, come on. It’s fine,” you said. Logan slipped out from Elliot’s grasp sauntered over to you. He ran his hand along the side of your face and down your neck, his dark eyes darting from your face to your chest to where his hand fell on your skin. “Hi, baby,” you said quietly, only to him.
“Hi,” he slurred and smiled back. Logan leaned down to kiss you sloppily, his aim just slightly off. He tasted like whiskey and smoke. “Mmm, let’s go to bed.”
“It’s like 5pm, Lo.”
“I’m ready for bed,” he repeated, pulling you in close to him. You laughed a little and nodded, grabbing his hand and leading him back to your bedroom. Once inside, Logan flopped on the bed still fully clothed. You slid off your shoes and stepped out of your jeans, getting ready to lay down next to Logan. You had no intention of actually going to bed, but he didn’t need to know that. “I love your ass.”
You turned and looked over your shoulder; Logan was staring lovingly at your backside as you changed clothes. “You’re so drunk, baby.”
“Nuh uh.” He rolled onto his side and patted the spot next to him on the bed. You laid down beside him and he immediately pulled you into his chest, his long limbs flinging themselves over you. “You’re the best. I want you so bad, princess,” he slurred into the crook of your neck.
“Why don’t you take a nap and we can play later, hm?” you suggested, trailing your fingers down his spine.
“But I want to put my dick inside you now,” he whined, his voice growing heavy as he fought off sleep.
“Charming,” you laughed. “Sleep, baby.” Logan yawned then and pulled you in a little tighter, his eyes no longer able to stay open. Soon, his breathing slowed and his lips parted just slightly. That didn’t take as long as you thought it would. You carefully untangled yourself from him and rejoined Emily and Elliot in the living room.
“What have you been up to?” Juliet asked before taking a long drag of the cigarette between he fingers. Logan had gotten back from his trip to Milwaukee a few weeks ago and had been avoiding his family, even Jules, since he returned. Finally, he agreed to come over to the home she shared with William when he knew he was away on business with his father. “It’s been weeks since we talked. Is everything ok?”
“Everything’s great, actually. You know me- just fucking around, living a little bit. Trying to figure out how to be a good boyfriend,” Logan laughed.
“So you haven’t scared her away yet?” Juliet joked with a raised eyebrow.
“Not yet, thank god. I was telling Elliot that I’m afraid she’s going to figure out that I’m not shit and cut her losses. But she’s not skittish, that one. I just love her so much, you know?” he said with a fond sigh, lost in thoughts of you.
“Oh, yeah. We went on a trip out to Milwaukee. Her sister is getting married to him and he was a good dude. I was able to make friends without anyone knowing a single fucking thing about me. I got to just…exist. No expectations. No reputations to keep.” Logan paused for a second and chuckled. “All this time dad had me thinking people only wanted me because they really wanted him”
“Wow. I’m having a hard time picturing you in Wisconsin. I’m glad you guys had fun. And you got along with her family?” Juliet asked, skeptical.
“I did, yeah. It’s weird having people just take you in like that, no questions asked. Made me miss mom, if I’m being honest,” Logan said wistfully. It was hard to talk about her, even 20 years later. Logan was a mama’s boy through and through. She had loved him like he was the sun and the stars in her world. When she passed, Logan didn’t know how to handle it. He still struggled with it as a grown man. Some days he felt angry with her. Angry she left him here alone with his father, to look out for Juliet on his own. But then the anger would pass and he’d feel that same hole in his chest where she was supposed to be.
“You have family here too, Logan. You know I’m always here for you,” Juliet said.
“I just can’t stand the thought of spending a single goddamn second with dad or your dumbass fiancé.” Juliet passed the cigarette to Logan and he took another drag. “And wouldn’t you know it? You seem to always be with at least one of them.”
“Logan, come on. That’s not fair and you know it,” she huffed. “You can’t expect me to choose between my future husband and my brother.”
“Can’t I?” Logan turned to face Jules and crossed his arms. “He tried to ruin my fucking life! And you just…don’t care!”
“Of course I care, what the fuck?” Juliet spat back.
“Not enough to see what kind of sick fuck he is. Not enough to not marry him. Not enough to stick up for your own brother,” Logan accused pointedly. He knew Juliet was one of the few allies he had left and it probably wasn’t smart to isolate her like this, but he was tired of her not taking his side. She had no problem doing it with their father, so why couldn’t she see it with William?
“You’re being a fucking dick,” she said, tossing the butt on the ground and aggressively stomping out the burning end.
“Jules,” Logan said, much more gentle this time. “I can’t watch you throw your life away for someone like him.”
“Listen, I’m sorry about what happened. Really, I am. But you’re going to die old and bitter if you don’t try to move on with your life. You’re smart and charming and you have someone who really loves you. You can do whatever you want now, Lo. You don’t have dad breathing down your neck. I don’t have that same kind of freedom,” she said with a sad smile. Logan came over and wrapped his arm around Juliet’s shoulder, kissing the crown of her head before resting his cheek there.
“I promise you, I will get you that freedom. Just give me a little more time.”
“Please,” he asked, quiet but firm. He felt Juliet nod her head under him. A quick glance at his watch and Logan hugged her close to him. “I gotta take off. I’ll text you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she agreed. With that, Logan gave her one more squeeze goodbye before setting off for home.
When he came in, you were curled up in the corner of the couch, laptop out and glasses on. He loved the way you looked when you were laser focused on whatever you were working on. You looked up as the door closed behind him, a wide smile on your lips. As Logan approached you, his expression was hard to read; you thought he looked both worried and smitten somehow at the same time.
“How’d that go?” you asked, shutting your laptop. Logan plopped down next to you and you draped your legs over his lap.
“About how I thought it would,” he shrugged. “I just wish she fucking saw what I see in William.”
“I wish that too,” you said softly, reaching over to run your fingers through his dark hair.
“I think she’ll get the picture soon enough,” he said ominously, making you pull your face as you tried to decipher what exactly he was getting at.
“And what the hell do you mean by that?” you asked. Logan pulled you over to him so you were seated on his lap. He pushed your hair back from your face and gazed up at you longingly.
“Well, my darling, I’m going to throw dear old dad the retirement party he deserves.”
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