#failhuman behaviors
eros-thanatos89 · 17 days
I’m currently in the midst of the (horrid) process of job searching. So naturally, I’ve utterly fucked my sleep cycle and routines (oops!).
I didn’t sleep at all last night, but am weirdly manically energized today (despite feeling constantly fatigued 99% of the time). Did I manage to accomplish anything productive vis-á-vis job searching?? Of course not! But did I start the new chapter of my lacho fic? Naturally! I even outlined it and kind of have a rough plan for the next one.
It is kinda nice to have at least a short term plan for writing rather than blundering along blindly as per usual.
But my priorities are clearly so out of whack. What’s more important: gainful employment or Lacho?? Clearly, gay cartel bois are winning this round.
I’m astounded by my own tomfoolery.
Much like my pookie Nacho, I’m out here questioning all my life choices…
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