#factor 100 krem
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bakimlikiz · 3 years ago
Factor 100 Güneş Bariyeri Kremi Kullananların Yorumları
Factor 100 Güneş Bariyeri Kremi Kullananların Yorumları
Factör 100 güneş bariyeri kremin son dönemlerin en çok merak edilen ve en çok araştırılan güneş kremlerinden bir tanesi. Hiç şüphesiz ki televizyon reklamlarının bunda payı büyük. Bunun yanı sıra internetteki gerçek kullanıcıların yorumlarını merak edip hem kendim için hem de sizin için bu yazıyı oluşturdum. Bu yazıya Google üzerinden yapmış olduğunuz “100 faktör güneş kremi kullananlar, factor…
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janda-blog · 7 years ago
Sprawdź, czy wiesz jak chronić skórę dziecka latem. Test dla mam.
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„Kocham słońce, lato i plażę. Z lubością wspominam wakacyjne chwile z rodziną. Ta beztroska, radość i spowolnienie czasu… Kiedy dzieci były małe i za nic nie chciały zejść z plaży, świadomość, że są bezpieczne, że są dobrze chronione, pozwala także mi z radością korzystać ze słońca. Cieszyć się wakacjami.” Krystyna Janda
Oto kilka rozmaitych stwierdzeń i pytań dotyczących ochrony przeciwsłonecznej dziecka. Znasz na wszystkie odpowiedzi? Dla jego zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa, a także twojego spokoju. Kremy z filtrem mogą być niebezpieczne dla małych dzieci. FAŁSZ. Ochronne kremy na słońce dla małych dzieci nie szkodzą ani dzieciom, ani niemowlętom. Przechodzą one rygorystyczne badania w specjalistycznych laboratoriach oraz są poddawane wymagającym testom dermatologicznym. Należy jednak uważnie wybrać preparat, by był dopasowany do wieku dziecka. Poparzenia słoneczne, szczególnie te z wczesnego dzieciństwa, w przyszłości sprzyjają powstaniu zmian nowotworowych. PRAWDA, niestety...  Naukowcy ostrzegają: dwukrotne poparzenie skóry w okresie dziecięcym zwiększa ryzyko zachorowania na czerniaka w wieku dorosłym aż 10-krotnie! Zdaniem lekarzy latem lepiej jest wychodzić z dzieckiem na spacery rano do godziny 10.00, gdy słońce nie jest zbyt silne lub po południu po godzinie 16:00. Pamiętaj jednak, by zabezpieczyć skórę dziecka kremem z ochroną UV/IR/VL.
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Smarujemy kremem te części ciała, które są odkryte. Ubranko zabezpieczy przed promieniami FAŁSZ.  Około pół godziny przed każdym wyjściem z domu należy posmarować całe ciało dziecka kosmetykiem ochronnym, nawet pod ubrankiem. Preparat bezpieczniej jest nałożyć nieco grubszą niż zbyt oszczędną warstwą. Samo bawełniane ubranko zapewnia ochronę na poziomie równym zaledwie SPF 5-8 . Na rynku dostępne są ubranka z tkanin chroniących przed promieniowaniem słonecznym – znajdziemy je głównie w sklepach sportowych, a oznaczone są symbolem UPF: ultraviolet protection factor. Krem dla dziecka może zawierać filtry chemiczne TAK/NIE. U niemowląt poniżej 1. roku życia oraz alergików należy stosować kremy ochronne bez filtrów chemicznych. Dla najmłodszych oraz alergików najlepszy będzie kosmetyk o wysokim współczynniku ochrony przeciwsłonecznej (SPF 50+, SPF 30), z filtrami mineralnymi, które niczym tarcza odbijają promienie słońca od skóry. W przypadku starszych dzieci (powyżej 3. roku życia) filtry chemiczne, które pochłaniają energię światła słonecznego, przetwarzając ją na nieszkodliwe ciepło, są bezpieczne i dobrze chronią przed negatywnymi skutkami promieniowania słonecznego. Dziecko szybciej niż dorosły ulega poparzeniu słonecznemu PRAWDA. Delikatna skóra dziecka nie ma jeszcze mechanizmów obronnych, właściwych skórze dorosłego człowieka. Jest przez to szczególnie wrażliwa na działanie słońca. Do jej poparzenia dochodzi naprawdę łatwo – czasem wystarczy 15 minut na słońcu, by pojawił się rumień, a nawet pęcherze. Nad wodą słońce operuje mocniej PRAWDA. Dlatego trzeba pamiętać, że woda nie tylko nie zabezpiecza przed poparzeniem, a wręcz przeciwnie - promienie słoneczne przenikają nawet na 30 m w głąb (na głębokość 1 m dociera ponad połowa promieni UV), w dodatku od powierzchni wody czy piasku odbija się 20 proc. promieni słonecznych, które wzmacniają siłę operowania słońca. Pamiętaj, by po każdej kąpieli dokładnie wytrzeć dziecko ręcznikiem (kropelki wody na skórze działają jak soczewki, przyciągając więcej promieni słonecznych) i posmarować kolejną warstwą kremu. 15 minut dla witaminy D PRAWDA. Nie ma potrzeby wielogodzinnego plażowania z maluchem, by w jego skórze zsyntetyzowała się witamina D3. Wystarczy kwadrans z odkrytą twarzą i dłońmi, nawet jeśli dziecko spędzi ten czas w półcieniu, by odpowiednia jej ilość została przez organizm wytworzona.
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JANDA DZIECIOM Dzieci są dla nas bardzo ważne. Dlatego z wyjątkową pieczołowitością stworzyliśmy Luksusowy krem ochronny dla dzieci do twarzy i ciała SPF 50
To, co wyróżnia ten kosmetyk, to TECHNOLOGIA PEŁNEJ OCHRONY, aby przeciwdziałać:
poparzeniom słonecznym (nowoczesne filtry UVB)
uszkodzeniom głębokich warstw skóry, grożącym powstaniem niebezpiecznych zmian (nowoczesne filtry UVA)
uszkodzeniom naczyń krwionośnych i stanom zapalnym powstającym na skutek działania światła podczerwonego (kompleks przeciw skutkom IR i VL)
stanom zapalnym – powodowanym przez światło widzialne i podczerwone (kompleks przeciw skutkom VL i IR)
Produkt przeznaczony dla dzieci powyżej 3 roku życia.
Sposób użycia: Nano�� równomierną, dość grubą warstwą, na całą powierzchnię ciała dziecka. Najlepiej minimum 20 min. przed ekspozycją na słońce. Zaleca się ponawiać aplikację produktu minimum co ok. 2 godziny oraz zawsze po wyjściu z wody czy wytarciu ciała ręcznikiem.
Produkt bez kompozycji zapachowej. Aby działać bezpieczniej!
 Pamiętaj, że żaden krem nie da 100% ochrony. Dlatego w miarę możliwości chroń dziecko przed bezpośrednim, silnym działaniem promieni słonecznych i zawsze pamiętaj o nakryciu głowy. 
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amanjadejablog · 6 years ago
Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) Market Report | What are the key challenges to the Market growth?
“The Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market report is a complete research on the current state of the Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market with a focus on the regional market. This report presents the global Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market size (value, production, and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2013-2018 and forecast to ‘2025’), by manufacturers, region, type, and application. This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis.
This research is helpful for all the players operating in the market, including the well-established players and the new entrants. This intelligent study provides the definition, description, and the overall forecasts of the global market, considering the market segments and sub-segments, which includes the product types, technologies, end-users, industry verticals, and the key geographies. Moreover, the report also provides an in-depth analysis of some of the significant factors such as driving forces, challenges, and threats that will shape the future of the market. In addition, the report also includes the lucrative opportunities in the micro markets for all the participants to invest in the global Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market. Besides, the report describes the product offerings and the competitive analysis of the major players operating in the market.
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The report also presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.
The key players covered in this report: 
The major manufacturers covered in this report Asahi Kasei Group Chemoxy International Chevron Phillips Chemical Krems Chemie Chemical Services Jinan Laien Haihang Industry Hangzhou DaYang Chem
Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America Europe China Japan Southeast Asia India
On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into ? 98% ? 99% Others
On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including Precursor Solvent? Other
This report studies the global Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market status and forecast, categorizes the global Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions (India, Southeast Asia).
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The prime objective of this Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) research report is to define the size of the different segments and the geographies as well as to forecast the trends that are likely to gain traction in the following couple of years. This market research report has been designed to incorporate both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions.
The scope of this report centers on key market analyses, market drivers & challenges, and competitive analysis & trends. Research report examines each market and its applications, regulatory scenario, technological innovations, Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market projections, market sizes, and shares. Moreover, the Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market report examines the most recent trends, pipeline products and developments in the Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market. Complete profiles of leading organizations in the market are also mentioned in this report.
Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) market report highlights: 1. The Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) research report provides a detailed survey of the current and future industry trends so as to identify the investment analysis. 2. The industry forecasts, using estimated market values have been mentioned, till ‘2025’. 3. The Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) Market dynamics such as the drivers, restraints, threats, opportunities, and industry-specific challenges 4. Key industry trends across all the market segments and sub-segments, geographies, and nations. 5. Key developments and strategies determined in the market. 6. Detailed profiling of the leading competitors and the entrant market players. 7. Growth prospects among the emerging nations throughout the forecast period. 8. The Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) Market opportunities and recommendations for new investments.
In the end, It includes the methodical description of the various factors such as the market growth and a detailed information about the different company’s revenue, growth, technological developments, production, and the various other strategic developments.
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Thus, the Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) Market Report serves as a valuable material for all industry competitors and individuals having a keen interest in Cyclohexene (CAS 110-83-8) Market study.
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twelvebyseventyfive · 7 years ago
In Austria: tasting exciting older 1er cru wines from the Österreichischer Traditionsweingüter members
Michi Moosbrugger, chair of the OTW
Austria is making some wonderful wines at the moment, and this tasting was a chance to look back at some of the Rieslings from ‘Erste Lagens’ (which translates as ‘Premier Crus’) in the winegrowing area unofficially known as the Danube area, from the regions that are taking part in this exercise of delineating the top vineyards. It was presented by Michi Moosbrugger of Schloss Gobelsburg, who gave a very clear introduction to the project.
Winemaking in Austria is concentrated in the east of the country, with 18 specific regions. However, the vineyards can be divided into three broad growing areas: Steiermark in the south, then everything south of the Danube (including Burgenland, concentrating on red wine and some sweet wines), and then everything that is north of the Danube (focusing mainly on Riesling and Gruner Veltliner, the subject of this tasting). This Danube area is the most westerly, and it split into Kremstal, Kamptal, Wachau, Wagram and Traisental.
The main valley of the Danube is the Wachau, and then there are the side valleys: Traisen, Krems and Kam. The differences within the appellations are probably more significant than the differences between them. There are important differences between the lower ends of the valleys and the top, where winegrowing stops. It’s around 1-1.2 C, which is quite a lot.
Altogether the Danube area covers around 10 000 hectares of vineyards. (Austria in total is c 50 000 hectares, same as Burgundy.). In terms of planting, there is 55% Grüner Veltliner, 10% Riesling and 15% Zwiegelt (from the 2000s boom in red wine production).
Until World War II, most wines were field blends. The overall structure of Austrian vineyards was based on field blends, with many varieties mixed together. Everything was sold by village appellations, and very few single vineyards were mentioned on labels. After the war there was a dramatic change in Austrian vineyards, with a transition from field blends to varietal plantings, and wines were sold by grape variety. As people didn’t know what the future would bring, they decided to plant everything that they had in the field blends as single varietal wines. This began to be refined in the 1970s, and by the end of the 1980s only Grüner Veltliner and Riesling were left as significant plantings in the Danube area.
The current appellation system that is still under development began in the 2000s. It is a process that takes time, and all involved are showing the requisite patience. In 2002 Austria began with the first DAC appellation, and now there are some 10 of them, with more in the pipeline. In the Danube area a three-tier system has emerged: regional, village (Orstwein) and single vineyard (known as Ried), and within this single vineyard segment, the concepts of premier and grand cru vineyards are now being teased out. So far, Kamptal, Traisental and Kremstal are on board; Wagram is still developing the system for themselves; and Wachau is not yet involved.
In 1992 the Österreichischer Traditionsweingüter (OTW) was founded to help begin the classification of vineyard sites. There was a lot of tasting of wines, and consultation with geologists and scientists. In all, the process took 17 years to come up with the classification of the Erste Lagen (the premier crus). Now they are in a process of delineating grand crus (Grosses Lagen). This will take perhaps another decade, and then they will translate it into the legislation. The winegrowers are leading the process. ‘If we let politics into this game, a lot of shit will happen,’ says Michi. ‘We are taking a lot of time in order to do it properly. It’s a generational process.’
So the current structure is that there is an appellation system of region, village and single vineyards. Then, of these single vineyards, be Erste and Grosse lagen (the top 3-5%).
It is a thorough process. They have defined relevant factors for the classification, which they break down as content factors, economic factors and quality factors. Content includes historical records, subjective relevance (the individual grower’s assessment), intersubjective relevance (the collective assessment of the growers), varying relevance (the variance among the wines from the vineyard) and quantitative relevance (the number of producers making a separate wine from the vineyard). Economics include the price fetched for wines from each site. Quality factors include media and expert ratings for all wines out of the vineyard. The variation of these ratings and continuity are important, too. The producers also taste all these wines and this is considered.
All these factors go into an evaluation sheet, and a system has been built up to process the data. There’s an average score for each vineyard, plus the variances and the sorting. This helps produce the classification strength.
In all, there are 5400 vineyards in Austria, with 2500 single vineyards in the Danube area. So this is a lot of work, potentially.
In 2009 they started with 53 vineyards as the base. In 2011 they began a collaboration with the VDP (in Germany) and the STK Steiermark to try to harmonise the process. Now we are looking at 61 single vineyards (Rieden) which is 16% of the production area. In order to use the Erste Lagen classification you need to be a member or an associate  of the TGW.
Wachau roducers have their own classification that’s not based on vineyards, but instead on must weights after pressing. For the moment they aren’t joining. ‘I am on good terms with most of the Wachau producers,’ says Michi. ‘We are doing our thing and they are doing their thing. They are not doing a vineyard classification at the moment.’ This is a bit of a shame, because the patient way that this vineyard classification is being developed is a model for emerging appellation systems worldwide.
Malat Ried Further Gottschelle Grüner Veltliner 2012 Kremstal, Austria Nice density here with fresh citrus and pear fruit, with hints of pepper and a lovely mid-palate fruit sweetness. Has good concentration of flavour and fresh, mineral, citrus fruit on the finish. Lovely focus. 91/100
Birgit Eichinger Ried Kammerner Lamm Grüner Veltliner 2012 Kamptal, Austria Subtly waxy with a dense, mineral citrus core. White pepper and juicy acidity provide a supporting role with brightness, purity and focus. There’s a lovely sweet crystalline fruit core here. Very refined and nuanced. 93/100
Ehn Ried Langenloiser Spiegel Grüner Veltiner 2012 Kamptal, Austria Aromatic with a slight creaminess, as well as detailed tangerine and pear fruit. Crisp and complex with finesse and delicate, refined citrus fruit. This is pretty harmonious and really pretty. 93/100
Johann Topf Ried Strasser Offenberg Grüner Veltiliner 2012 Kamptal, Austria Fine and harmonious with a sweet pear and white peach core to the ripe fruit on the palate. Quite generous but not at all flabby with good acidity and a fresh, slightly citrus pithy finish. 91/100
Nigl Ried Senftenberger Pellingen Grüner Veltliner 2012 Kremstal, Austria This is lovely: there’s some tangerine and canteloup melon richness, backed up by crystalline citrus fruit, a hint of pepper and good acidity. There’s a lovely depth to the palate with nice precision and brightness. Attractive stuff. 92/100
Petra Unger Ried Further Oberfeld Grüner Veltliner 2012 Kremstal, Austria This has a lovely white pepper edge to the pear and melon fruit, with some citrus brightness. There’s a good concentration of fruit here, and a sense of harmony. Developing beautifully with some subtle toasty richness. 93/100
Ott Ried Feuersbrunner Spiegel Grüner Veltliner 2012 Wagram, Austria Harmonious with a mellow richness and concentration, showing pear and peach fruit overlaid on a citrus background. It’s dry, but there’s a sucrosity and generosity here that’s really appealing. 92/100
Bründlmayer Ried Langenloiser Käferberg Grüner Veltliner 2012 Kamptal, Austria Finely aromatic with some spicy pear and citrus fruit, as well as some peppery structure on the palate, under the fresh, slightly grippy fruit. This is serious and complex, with some fine toasty richness and a grainy, peppery finish. 93/100
Türk Ried Kremser Frechau Grüner Veltliner 2012 Kremstal, Austria Concentrated, fresh, vivid and very peppery, with lovely complexity and harmony. Tangerine, herbs and bright white pepper detail add interest to the palate. Finishes very lively and expressive. Lovely wine. 94/100
Karl Fritsch Ried Kirchberger Schlossberg Grüner Veltliner 2012 Austria There’s some toasty, nutty richness here, with a sweet fruit core and some nice development. Has warmth on the mid-palate and generous pear and melon fruit. Seems a touch sweet. 91/100
Jurtschitsch Ried Kammerer Lamm Grüner Veltliner 2007 Kamptal, Austria Lovely development here with toast and pepper detail as well as crystalline citrus fruits and a hint of herbiness. Harmonious and broad with a hint of pith on the sweet, long finish. Mature and very attractive. 92/100
Buchegger Ried Gedersdorfer Vordenberg Grüner Veltliner 2007 Kremstal, Austria Refined and peppery on the nose, with some lovely sweet citrus and pear notes. The palate is fresh and beautifully expressive with nice weight to the fruit. Showing some attractive sweet pear and melon fruit richness, but still very focused and fresh. 94/100
Leth Ried Felser Scheiben Grüner Veltliner 2007 Wagram, Austria Very fresh with youthful citrus and pear fruit, as well as some peppery detail. Bright and juicy with good acidity. So primary for a 10 year old wine, and really delicious. 93/100
Neumayer Ried Inzersdorfer Zwirch Grüner Veltliner 2007 Traisental, Austria From a screwcapped magnum. There’s a slightly plasticky, herby edge to the nose, and the palate is tight, pithy and primary. Lots of citrus pith here. Not very harmonious, but still youthful. 89/100
Sepp Moser Ried Rohrendorfer Gebling Grüner Veltliner 2007 Kremstal, Austria Complex, slightly smoky, and surprisingly youthful, with a fresh, juicy, herb and pepper-tinged citrus fruit core. Complex and bright with nice precision. Developing very nicely with a good future ahead of it. 93/100
Hirsch Ried Zobinger Heiligenstein Riesling 2012 Kamptal, Austria Beautifully focused with concentration and richness. Has lovely, concentrated sweet citrus fruit with hints of melon and honey, some spice, and crisp acidity. Really lovely wine, drinking beautifully. 94/100
Stadt Krems Ried Steiner Grillenparz Riesling 2012 Kremstal, Austria Fresh and intense with lovely citrus fruits. There’s some grapefruit pith adding a savoury detail, but the core is generous citrus tightly framed by keen acidity. There’s finesse to this wine. Harmonious. 93/100
Brandl Ried Zobinger Kobelberg Riesling 2012 Kamptal, Austria Taut, primary and fresh with a hint of pithiness and keen, dry citrus fruits. Has some herbal characters on the finish. Bright, linear, lemony and primary. 92/100
Stift Göttweig Ried Further Silberbichl Riesling 2012 Kremstal, Austria Pronounced tangerine, lemon and grapefruit pith here. Youthful and still compact and bright, with the fruit tightly furled and waiting to come out. Lovely purity. 92/100
Hermann Moser Ried Rohrendorfer Gebling Riesling 2012 Kremstal, Austria Lively and a bit spicy with crisp, focused citrus fruits. Linear but with a bit of crystalline fruit richness. Still compact and a bit backward, with keen acidity. A precise style with potential for development. 93/100
Weszeli Ried Langenloiser Seeberg Riesling 2012 Kamptal, Austria Fresh, bright, pure, vivid and lemony with keen acidity. Still primary and youthful, with lovely dense fruit, and yet a sense of lightness. Very acidic. 91/100
Fred Loimer Ried Langenloiser Steinmassl Riesling 2012 Kamptal, Austria Linear, pure and focused with taut, compact citrus fruit and hints of wax and herbs. There’s a lovely complexity to this wine, with some pithy bitterness on the finish. Give it time to open out and show its best. 93/100
Allram Ried Zobinger Heiligenstein Riesling 2012 Kamptal, Austria Delicate tangerines and lemons on the nose. Very harmonious and elegant on the palate with nice acidity supporting pretty fruit. There’s a precision and purity to this wine: it’s generous, but still tightly focused. Juicy, fine finish. Quite lovely. 94/100
Markus Huber Ried Reichersdorfer Berg Riesling 2007 Traisental, Austria Complex, spicy, lively and intense with hints of pepper and citrus zest, as well as a core of pure citrus fruits. Lovely purity and precision here with amazing focus. Still quite youthful with a bit of a sweetness to the fruit with a touch of development. Lovely wine. 95/100
Dolle Ried Strasser Gaisberg Riesling 2007 Kamptal, Austria Compact with nice dense citrus fruit, with a hint of honey and toast. Nice weight and balance here. Not as evolved as you might expect with a delicious weight to it. 92/100
Schmid Stratzinger Sunogeln Riesling 2007 Kremstal, Austria Fresh and bright with a good concentration of citrus and pear fruit. Pure and bright with some spicy complexity. The acidity is beautifully integrated into the wine. Very impressive stuff, with a fresh, linear citrussy finish. 94/100
Proidl Ried Senftenberger Ehrenfells Riesling 2007 Kremstal, Austria This is really fresh, with deliciously focused, pure citrus fruit. Some crystalline fruit complexity and richness. Delivers a pure, long stream of lemon and mandarin fruit that just keeps on going. Ageing beautifully. 94/100 
Wess Ried Steiner Pfaffenberg Riesling 2007 Kremstal, Austria Nut, spice, wax and pepper complexity here complementing the green apple and citrus fruit. Linear and delicious, and showing the first stages of complexity from the ageing process. Very appealing with a pithy, slightly bitter finish. 92/100 
Mantlerhof Ried Gedersdorfer Wieland Riesling 2007 Kremstal, Austria Generous with honey, nuts, spice and lemon curd flavours. Showing a bit of development here. Rounded but with good acidity and some spiciness. Very interesting. 92/100
Schloss Gobelsburg Ried Kammerner Gaisberg Riesling 2007 Kamptal, Austria Crisp, tight and expressive with lovely intensity to the bright citrus fruit. Intense, fresh and really complex with lovely acidity and a fresh, long lemony finish. This has a long way to go but is already showing some real complexity. 95/100 
Salomon Ried Steiner Kögl Riesling 2007 Kremstal, Austria Concentrated and with some density to the pithy, crystalline, lemony fruit. Has a brightness under the sweet fruit. Real finesse with a bit of development. 93/100 
Hiedler Ried Zöbinger Heiligenstein Riesling 2007 Kamptal, Austria Some nutty, waxy, slightly toasty development here along with some generous honeyed citrus fruit. It’s quite delicious in a broader style with a fresh lemony, spicy finish. Lovely. 93/100
Geyerhof Ried Oberfucha Goldberg Riesling 2007 Kremstal, Austria Marmalade and toast on the nose with a bit of apple and pear richness, alongside some spicy citrus fruit. Showing a little development, and drinking very well now. 92/100
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from jamie goode's wine blog http://www.wineanorak.com:/wineblog/austria/in-austria-tasting-exciting-older-1er-cru-wines-from-the-osterreichischer-traditionsweinguter-members For Fine Wine Investment opportunities check out Twelve by Seventy Five: http://www.twelve-by-seventy-five.com/
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