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फेसबुक ने अपने यूजर्स के लिए फेसबुक इस्तेमाल करने के नियम पहले ही बनाये हुए, लेकिन उन नियमों के बारे में लोगो को बहुत कम जानकरी होती है जिसके कारण यूजर्स गलती कर बैठते है, और अपना अकॉउंट ब्लॉक करवा लेते है।
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this is my personal blog
which means i’m going to say what i want on it, the other art blog on tumblr is for that and that alone. SO....if you don’t know, i will inform you now. My facebook and general online rules for myself and what I expect of others. 1. IT IS AN ONLINE FORUM for posting. THIS MEANS that your emotions and tone of voice and facial expressions etc CANNOT BE SEEN OR HEARD unless its all on a video or sound post. PLEASE ELABORATE as much as possible and be specific. AS I was taught/educated in the process of general etiquette and proper responses I treat the internet like writing a letter with the exceptions per application. IE emails are like letters, most facebook and immediate chat response places like i’m literally saying something via my typing so i must take the time to reply accordingly. I expect my own standards of proper sentences and words (NOT LEET SPEAK OR CHAT STUFF unless its a cell phone or the rule is speak in leet etc) so don’t do the same to me please especially if i asked you to stop or be coherent. those that are given exceptions know who you are and its cool. i generally forgive most typos anyways. 1.b since typos happen I understand this as I have typos lately with my smart phone when I post. BUT DO NOT get mad at me when I kindly correct your spelling on a well known word or show you proper grammer.....i do this so that you the poster know NOT to do this error in the future. 2. I do not preach to others, please do not preach on my wall to me. THIS IS SOMETHING TO BE DONE FACE TO FACE. Do not get mad at me for kindly asking you to not post something religious without explanation on my wall. 2.b the same goes for politics
3. This ties in with rule number one, if you want to share something PLEASE DO, but also PLEASE ADD a sentence or something FOR CONTEXT. if i get some weird picture that I have no idea whats going on, don’t get upset with me when I ask what is this about, because there was no explanation. EXAMPLE: sees some post i know a friend or family member would like, clicks share, types sentence “hey i thought of you when I saw this so I wanted to share!” 4. If I am offended by something I will do my best to follow this rule. move on from said post and breathe. count to ten if i need to. if i am still mad, get up and walk away from the computer or listen to music. if I AM STILL mad then its time to get off the computer for a while. if I ABSOLUTELY have to post on something that bothers me I do my best to be polite about it when expressing my displeasure. I know this is not easy in the middle of being angry or offended as there are so many more things worse to be upset about. SO I EXPECT OTHER PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME WITH ME. if you have to curse that is not going to help you much. (yes we all curse but cursing at me when angry isn’t going to help you specifically) 5. If someone has done something wrong, I do my best to tell or inform that person so that it doesn’t happen again. How is that person supposed to know then? SO, if i have done something wrong that has hurt or bothered you, TELL ME OTHERWISE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW NOT TO DO THAT? 6. I GET that face to face communication is difficult, thus why we have all these new ways to communicate without having to see each other. yet you would think with all that (texting, facebook, online, snap chat, instagram, skype other chat programs and such) YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO TELL ME SOMETHING AND INFORM OR UPDATE ME INSTEAD OF ASSUMING I GOT IT. MOST IF NOT ALL of these programs depend upon the user LOGGING IN TO OPEN UP AND READ IT as its not a display that opens up in front of their face. (most of us aren’t rich enough to afford google glasses or have the device that says near immediately hey you have a message) BASICALLY FUCKING tell me one way or another about something and if i don’t respond within the appropriate time line check back with me. this is NOT rude if you are checking, this assures I will go look for the message. SO DON’T GET MAD AT ME FOR NOT FUCKING KNOWING! these are my general rules. its not much, it isn’t not asking much either, common consideration as you would expect for yourself. so to certain people if you are going to watch me and jump my shit for anything you deem suspicious you have better things to do with your time and GTFO and please get over it. *yea i dun say get over it considering what i deal with via depression, however in this case, OMG stop wasting time spying on me and get a life* also....you’d be super pissed if i was that rude to you
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When you thought you were safe. From #FacebookRules comes this please , hoping that this is just urban rumor and that #instagram won’t become a shady platform as it used to when I started in 2011 . But just in case https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Z-uXgnlmr/?igshid=1cete1hxkck95
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You Ran Your First Facebook Lead Campaign - Now What
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Con @brunocendon de @facebook de camino al @mw_centre #facebook #facebookrules #mwc2018 (at El Corte Inglés)
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अगर आप फेसबुक पर प्रतिबंधित दवाइयों से लेकर नशीली चीजों जैसी कि गांजा, अफीम, चरस इत्याद�� जैसी चीजों की खरीद फरोख्त करते हो इसके अलावा आर्म्स और बारूद की खरीद फरोख्त करना भी सोशल मीडिया पर गैर कानूनी है।
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