#face of adversity really resonates
Was already planning to watch a 40s film tonight, but hadn’t settled on which one yet until I saw your posts about Jack Benny’s birthday and decided to watch To Be or Not to Be in honor of the occasion. I REALLY enjoyed it and it was so fun to put the face with the voice since I’ve only been listening to the radio show until now. Super glad I watched it and thanks a bunch for introducing me to his work! :))
YESSSSS omg i'm so glad you enjoyed it! imho to be or not to be is the best of his movies (i'm also just a big fan of lubitsch's approach to comedy) and his chemistry with carole lombard is just so good
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tarotwithlucien · 2 months
𝓨ou in the eyes of your future spouse | pick a pile
Hello everybody! Welcome to my first PAP on this account – it's also the first time I've done one about "future spouse", so I hope you like it and that it resonates with you! ♡
┈─★ Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken seriously or used as a substitute for medical and professional advice. It's also a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you.
┈─★ How to choose: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the image that catches your attention the most – trust your intuition.
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── .✦ PILE 1
Shufflemancy: Moonlight/Sunrise - Rope and Ladder, It's Not The Same Anymore - Red Orange County, To - The Neighbourhood, Love Songs For The Haters - FLEECE & Maintain The Madness - The Jane Austin Argument.
Without a doubt your future spouse loves you – otherwise they wouldn't even marry you lol – and they are a protective partner towards you, so in general, they see you as someone they should protect and care for. Therefore, they can act as your knight in armor when you need it, as they are always ready to protect and defend you from all those who try to hurt you.
They also view your relationship dynamics as if you are the sun and the moon – for some of you reading this pile, you are more the moon and your future spouse is the sun or vice versa. Your future spouses see you as a beautiful and attractive person – as if you were a mermaid who mesmerizes them with your enchanting beauty. And one of the physical features they love most about you in general are your eyes because, in the eyes of your future partner, they shine in a way that they have never seen before with anyone. Not only do your eyes shine, but in your future partner's vision, you light up their entire life. Before you met and were together, they saw life in a gray way due to the adversities they faced on a daily basis and, thanks to you, they felt life gain more color, they felt love and it was as if their eyes open themselves up to everything they had never experienced before in their lives.
You probably met early and one of the things they love most is being able to look at old photos you took – whether it was when you first met, when you started dating or just photos of you together in general – and admire how you used to be and they probably compare themselves to the old version of themselves in the photo and it's really funny because you could be looking at your photos together and they laughs, points to their face in the photo and says something like “wow, I was weird ” and it’s a really cute moment between you two. They feels nostalgic in these moments and really misses that time, because unfortunately it doesn't come back and all that remains are memories – and fortunately they are good.
In the eyes of your future partner, you are going through a difficult time in your life. It's not just your partner who is a nostalgic person, you are too and you probably remember the times when your life was easier and compare it to the difficult life you have now – like when you were children, for example. They also see that you are tired and stressed about the way things in your life are – for example, you may work long hours at jobs you don't like just so you can pay the bills at the end of the month, you have to put up with people you hate and it even seems like you let people step on you so that problems don't occur (you can be people-pleasers too) and your biggest victory of the day is going home and sleeping, all while repressing what you're feeling and putting on a fake smile. Your future spouse is your family and they can tell when you are feeling bad and they think that you are being too hard on yourselves and that you may not want to admit it, but you need to seek professional help. So, if this is your case, don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help! This is destroying your mental health, pile one, please take care of yourselves!! Stop bottling up your feelings, process them, let them go, and then stand back. Do this for yourself.
Your future spouse knows you better than you know yourself – they know what to do or say to make you feel good and are careful about what not to do or say to avoid hurting you or making you feel worse. In their view, sometimes you can end up projecting your problems onto them, but they continue to love you regardless of your flaws – just be careful that this doesn't become a toxic trait that will affect your relationship. They may have met many girls/boys before meeting you, but none of these people compare to you! This whole time in their lives, they never needed anyone, they never felt the need to have someone by their side – on the contrary, they used to be the type of person who went out to a party/bar and flirted with people just to feel good/attractive. But, from the moment they met you, things changed completely and seemed to turn upside down. Just being away from you makes your future partner's heart sink. You make them feel good.
That was all, pile one! I hope you enjoyed it and that this reading resonated with you. Don't forget to take care of yourself and seek professional help if you need it, otherwise your future partner will hit you lol
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── .✦ PILE 2
Shufflemancy: Room - Ethan Tasch, Ode To a Conversation Stuck In Your Throath - Del Water Gap, Epiphany - Stained, 976-Evil - Deftones & Tulsa Jesus Freak - Lana Del Rey.
In the view of your future spouses, you are a person who doesn't like to fight in your relationship and who tends to avoid conflicts so as not to cause major problems. You may even end up staying quiet instead of taking a stand on something that bothered you and your future partners also think that you can't express yourself very well through words. It's okay not to want to fight in a relationship, because who does? But, you must understand that some conflicts are necessary and need to happen, so don't run away from them, position yourself and choose your battles well – you don't need to fight over stupid things either lol.
In the eyes of your future partner, you are a disorganized person – the type who leaves their clothes scattered all over the floor or easily forgets where their left their things because everything around them is just a mess – and they think this is just a reflection of how you are feeling inside and how your mind is going. In fact, they may think that your inability to communicate effectively in the relationship is due to problems such as depression or anxiety. Regardless of what your case may be, your future partners notice this and care about you, they accept you exactly as you are and they will not leave you in this difficult time. You may be facing mental health problems, which leave you tired and without energy to do basic tasks like tidying your room and that's okay, just don't forget to take good care of yourself and, if necessary, seek professional help as it will be very beneficial for you!
For some of you reading this pile, before you finally became a couple, you and your future partner were best friends and all this time they tried to convince themselves that you were just that, but deep down they wanted to be tying you to the bed 🤭. They really wanted you and things are no different now. You also seem to be a popular couple who attract the attention of other people wherever you go, as if you were a celebrity couple or just people who are very loved by others.
In general, your future spouse is very jealous and possessive of you, so they want to be the only ones who can touch you in this way and just imagining people other than them touching your body the way they love to touch you so much chills down their spine lol. Just like in pile one, one of the physical features they love most are your eyes and they love just looking at them. One of the activities they love to do with you is traveling – in fact, any time they can spend time with you makes them happy. Your future spouse is so cute, because in the moments when they notice you are down, they do everything they can to make you laugh or just smile. In their view, in moments when you're feeling bad, you tend to walk away just to calm down - and for some reading this pile, this could apply to your future partner.
That was all, pile two! I really hope you enjoyed this reading and that it resonated with you. Just like in pile one, don't forget to take care of yourself and seek professional help if necessary 😠
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── .✦ PILE 3
Shufflemancy: White Roses - Greyson Chance, Nervous Young Inhumans - Car Seat Headrest, I'll Follow You Into The Dark - Miya Folick, Uzumaki - Softcut & Dancing In The Moonlight - alt-J
Your future spouse is totally devoted and blind with love for you, pile three! In the eyes of your future partner, they can't live without you and they can't even imagine what their life would be like if they didn't have you by their side. It seems like from the first moment you met, just by looking at you, they felt attracted and didn't waste any time, they went to ask you out on a date lol. Just like the future spouses in pile two, your future partners are also jealous, the only difference is that they seem to be more jealous than the partners in the previous pile, because just seeing you going out, having fun with your friends without them around your side already makes them jealous.
The future spouses in this pile think that you still don't know all sides of them even though you are together. They may have red flags that you haven't noticed or ignore, so it's good to be careful. They may have addictions like alcohol or drugs, they may have bad habits, they may be overly possessive/jealous, controlling, aggressive or end up giving you the silent treatment or distancing you from them when you fight or there is a problem going on in your life as a couple – and maybe that's why you feel the need to walk on eggshells in your relationship to try to prevent your partner from acting that way towards you, which isn't cool. If for any reason you are uncomfortable, they disrespect your boundaries or you simply no longer want to be in the relationship, don't be afraid to walk away!
Because of what I mentioned above, your future spouses see you as someone who doesn't raise their voice in a fight, who doesn't point the finger in their face when they're wrong - they see you as someone who basically never showed their bad side to them. In their view, you understand them. Your future partners may also be individualistic and not have a black and white view of life – that is, they do not follow concepts such as “good” and “bad” and usually only do what is beneficial for them. Furthermore, they usually give back to others what they first received or what they think others deserve. But when it comes to you, it's different. It seems like they control themselves and use the power they have to give you what is good – they know they can affect your life, so they choose to affect it in a positive way. In my opinion they are weird, ngl lol.
Even though I think they're weird lmao, they would be willing to go through hell with you if necessary. They would be with you in times when no one else would be and they would be your refuge, ready to hug you and comfort you.
That was all, pile three! I really hope you enjoyed it and that the reading resonated with you. Be careful with emotional dependence, don't be afraid to set boundaries and, if necessary, let go of relationships that no longer serve you! Until the next PAP ♡
© tarotwithlucien - don't copy, redistribute or edit my content | DIVIDERS
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rosesdrop · 5 months
Pick a weapon
What do they like about you
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(Note: remember, this is a general reading so not everything is going to resonate perfectly, I might open personal reading services later, but for now, enjoy your reading ⭐❤💞)
Pile 1:
You have such luminous skin, there's possibly an age gap between you and this person, they like your resting bitch face, and how stubborn you are, such a gloomy mood that gives off adam's family and these sorts of gothic vibes, you've got sleepy eyes that are mesmerizing, and such a hard temperament, you're hard to please in this person's eyes, you make them so overwhelmed with all the kinds of moods that you carry within you, it makes this person have a hard time understanding you, you are always trying new things and it's just too much for this person, they have no idea where you get all this energy from. It could even be that you're from a different ethnicity and this person tries to understand you better, it makes them curious about you and they like it. Even when you talk it's too hard catching up with you, you're so expansive about all the topics in your conversation, you like to discuss all kinds of different subjects, this person adores that, they see how philosophical you are. They don't understand your mind, they're having such a hard time figuring you out pile 1 😂, it's such a struggle they're trying so hard, but they like it, the fact that you are bigger than the sun itself, how much you can overwhelm them and they get so burned out by your energy(I don't mean it in a negative way), the fact that you're not a force to be wreckend with. They just feel like you're too much for them to handle. You're most likely either a fire or an air sign. They mainly like your mood states , your emotional and temperamental center, it's so dramatic and entertaining. Your effect is just fatal on them, you're even making them have physical reactions upon how charged up they get around you, the reason for that could be that you have expansive energetic field, some of you could also have bigger and more curvier bodies. An additional message that I'm getting is that you get influenced by the moon cycles, you possibly get more energetic and lively that normal at night.
Pile 2:
You are very graceful in the way you talk, you may be sending blessings to people around you constantly and praying for others. They like your beauty, they find you to be just 'pretty'. They also like how wise you are, if you wear dresses this person likes seeing them on you, you are maybe on the shorter side and they find your height to be cute. Earth signs. They like how courageous you are, you can be so calm and steady when facing adversities and they find this so strong from you, you are the type of person that has a silent strength to them. You are so solid , so sure of yourself that it's hard to shake you. You always have the right sense of what to do. They like your smell, if you wear some kind of perfume they really like the smell of it. You could always be scoring the highest grades at any work you do, you're always so productive, and if you like cooking, you make the best food ever. This person sees you as self-reliant and self-sufficient, someone that doesn't like wasting much time on nonesense, and a person that keeps to themselves, and again, that makes them see you as very smart and wise.
Pile 3:
They like how sensitive you are to the environment around you, and how overly critical you are of everything, you might like crime movies that awaken your investigator side, to find clues and solve riddles. If you have green eyes specifically they like them, also how you put on your makeup. You're unapologetic in everything you do, you do whatever you want to do anyways, they're fascinated by that, it's like, you give the sense that you are elusive about what you want to do, especially the way you act about things, but you surprise them with the results, you may seem like you're just playing around at first impression but then this person gets impressed by the things you can achieve. You don't ask much from people. You're very unpredictable to this person, they think that you're a lucky and special person, unlike anyone else they've ever known.
Pile 4:
You're older than this person, or they like your maturity. They like how friendly you are, you give off this sense of familiarity to them and they feel welcomed and well treated in your presence and they respect you for that. You have an inspirational impact on this person, they take your words to heart, and they resonate with them, they give them space for creative pursuits and create space for new ideas in their mentality. If this person felt misunderstood and lost in the past you give them a new vision, a better one. The color black and gothic type of clothing fits you in their view, they think you're aloof and eccentric, you have a sharp mind but your ideas for them-they have a hard time organizing every thought proposed by you according to the actual situation, your thinking is superior for them.
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theleotarot · 7 months
How Your Person Of Interest Sees/Thinks/Feels About You
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Choose the image you are most drawn to or resonate most with… pile 1, pile 2, & pile 3 ✨
Pile 1
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(Knight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Three of Wands, Knight of Swords, The Unknown Card, Three of Swords, Mentor, Plane, & Thriving)
Hi Pile 1! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Your person of interest sees you as someone who is very hardworking in all areas of your life. Perhaps, right now you are pursuing a degree or job, or maybe you are working towards a goal that requires lots of resilience and financial responsibility. Your person sees you very successful as well. I am also getting this energy that they may think you are above them in some way, whether it be financially, emotionally, or mentally. I really think they do look up to you in every way regardless if you feel like you are struggling yourself or you feel like you can do better. They see you as someone who is very helpful to other people and the community. Your job or every day work may involve with interacting and helping people out, and this is confirmation that this is your pile! They might find you very funny and young at heart as well. I'm getting that some of you may not think you're funny, but your person definitely thinks that you are. I'm getting that you may be the type of person to also laugh things off when you feel scared or hurt, it's kind of like a coping mechanism, only for some. Besides that though, I really do think your person sees you as someone who radiates bright energy and that's why people and even animals enjoy being around you. Not only they see you as bright energy, but they also see you as someone who attracts very much positive things into your life, again, abundance, school, work, you name it. What your person thinks about you is that you have a huge future ahead of you, and you have the ability to achieve your goals if you just go for it. I believe that they also think that you are very good with your words. Again, I keep getting this energy from your person of interest that they do not think they are as good as you. Honestly, I feel like they are intimidated by your potential and success. I believe that your person is going through something difficult or heartbreaking. It may be because of a separation, insecurities, or any kind of past trauma, but it is unknown. I think that this difficulty they are facing has an affect on how they feel about you. I do think that their feelings for you are developing though. I think that this person just cannot show your their full interest or attention because they need to focus on themselves more. Even though they are facing their own difficulties, I do believe you cross their mind, and their feelings for you have potential in growing into something bigger within time. Overall, I feel like your person sees you as a light in their life. They really look up to your for your positivity and ambitions. I think that once they get their life together and feel better about themselves, their feelings for you will escalate and they will start to show how they truly feel.
Pile 2
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(Ten of Wands, Ten of Cups, The Fool, King of Wands, Eight of Swords, The Magician, Shape-Shifter, Flowers, & Transformation)
Hi Pile 2! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Okay pile 2, before I start your reading, I just want to say that this is the sweetest pile. 🥺 Okay let's carry on. Your person sees you as someone who carries or has carried a lot of baggage on themselves. Perhaps, you have struggled financially or educationally, or you have really struggled with your family or friend relationships. I also get this energy from you that part of your baggage has something to do with the fact that you always put others as a priority rather than yourself. You are always sacrificing yourself, even if it costs you your happiness. Even though you've been through so much emotional baggage, you continue to persevere through adversity, and your person of interest definitely sees this about you. They see how hard your life has been, yet you find the power to proceed with your life, and they find this absolutely inspiring about you. It's like, you have the choice to stay in despair and yearn for a better life, but you choose the opposite and make changes to your life to be happy instead. Your person sees that you have amazing grit and can also adapt to your environment, whether it be difficult or easy. They might also see you as someone who is very emotional and someone who wants to have their own family and children in the future. They can see you feminine as well. The way that your person sees you is very warm and precious. There are lots of pink and purple in your reading pile 2, so this means that your person sees you very delicate and they are really romantically connected with you too. I think they think you are confident in your actions as well, and whatever risks or actions you take, you are able to go through with it. I think your person thinks you're very playful as well. Even though sometimes you may feel stressed or upset about certain things in your life, your person knows that inside of you, at the very core of you, you are actually a very warm, delicate, loving, affectionate, and playful individual. I think that they believe that you deserve the best, pile 2, especially since you've gone through so much. They also think of you as a flower. Not only are they beautiful and delicate, but they're also a product of growth and transformation. Your person not only sees you for your beauty but for also all your hard work, tenacity, and sacrifice. Pile 2, I believe that your person has very romantic feelings for you, but they do not know how to come forward with it towards you. I believe that they want to turn your bond with them into something more, but they are intimidated at the same time. I think that maybe you have a chance to come forward instead, and this will save your person a headache lol because they feel for you so much. One more message I'm getting is that they see you as a butterfly. Again, you have transformed so much in your life. You may have felt stuck in the past and over worried, but you will grow into your wings and you'll be set free to fly. Your reading is beautiful pile 2. Your person deeply feels for you.
Pile 3
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(King of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Star, Seven of Cups, The Tower, Four of Wands, Servant, Unity, & Protection)
Hi pile 3! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Your person of interest finds you very, very attractive, and maybe even very addicting pile 3! I say this because The Devil card popped out twice in the back of the deck. You're quite appealing to them I would say. 😏 Anyway, I think you give off independent vibes to your person. You're very successful, and you're independent. You're not a loner, you're in solitude. There's a big difference between those two. I think they see you as someone who does not take bs either (I'm getting that some of you here are more mature so I can insert bs here lolol). I think they see you as someone very helpful to others. Maybe you are a people pleaser, for some? I just got that. Your person also might see you as quite mysterious. You may be more of the quiet type, and they are intrigued by you. They just want to know more and more about you. I get the feeling that your person also thinks that you may have a lot of people lined up for you in regard to romantic partners. Your person may think that they don't even have a chance with you because you're so hot lol. They do think of you as a star though. You radiate light in their life, and I think that they may admire you from a distance, and they keep their feelings to themselves at times. I think that when you or if you have conversations with them, they will feel very emotionally connected with you. Your conversations with them are easy, and they feel like they can open up to you about pretty much anything comfortably. I think this is what separates you from others. You just get them in a way that no one else does, this pertains to your conversations with them, as well as your looks. 😉 One random thing, I think they might like your hands lol. Your person's feelings for you are strong pile 3, it's a given here. I think they did not expect to be this attracted to you though. Maybe some people here are in a work or classroom environment with your person, and your relationship with them could almost feel "taboo" but they can't help but be so drawn to you. Another situation I’m seeing here is a friend dynamic. Just take what resonates. I think that your person does really want something more with you though. I think if you two were together, they would really make it known to the world that you are theirs and they would celebrate your love lol. They also feel very protective over you. Even if you are already strong on your own and independent, your person still wants to be the one to protect you at all costs and even be your knight in shining armor. I believe that your bond with this person does have potential to lead to something more pile 3, even if you do not talk to them, the both of you still have potential together. Overall, they are so attracted to you pile 3. Do you ever have that person that you like so damn much that they are ruining your life???!! Yeah, that's you to them. Lol.
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p1utofairy · 1 year
PAC: “all i need in this life of sin…” ⭐️🏆❤️‍🔥🍒
• the personality traits and overall aesthetic of your person.
disclaimer ✩: 18+ mature themes. take what resonates, leave what doesn't. i had fun doing this :) hope you all enjoy! feedback is always appreciated of course.
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pile 1 🪷 —
“lotus flower bomb, firefly. when i'm low, she take me high. i can teach you all the sounds of love.”
heyyy pile 1, let me just start by saying the energy is strongggg af my goodness. your person is definitely a go-getter! they say what they mean, and mean what they say. this is a person who has gone through a lot of hardships in life and has experienced a lot of setbacks, causing them to feel hopeless and discouraged. but on the flip side, they possess the strength to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and overcome adversity. your person may have a deep and/or commanding voice…it's one of the things you definitely are going to love about them. your person has a lot of structure, power and authority. they call the shots and you'll love it lol. they weren't always like this either pile 1, they had to grow into the person that they are now. this provider/protector role. also, i keep hearing that they are veryyy attractive. there's a detached vibe to them that intrigues people, it's like they can't fully figure out your person & your person likes that honestly. i heard "let's keep it that way." lol they do not like people all up in their business. your person may have prominent air sign placements in their chart. this is someone who is intellectually sharp, has a clear vision, and knows how to take on challenges with a levelheaded approach. they can be headstrong from time to time but they typically make decisions based on careful thought and precision. it used to be hard for them to see the brighter side of things, but you are a beacon of light for them. you bring out the energetic and adventurous side of them, they're gonna be all over you pile 1. they can't even control it…they're usually laid back and chill but you get them so excited and aroused i'm hearing LOLOLOL. with you by their side, they know that they can do anything. i'm now hearing i won by future ft. kanye west wowww they're definitely gonna feel so lucky to have you pile 1.
their overall aesthetic:
i'm getting certified lover boy vibesssss. your person might have a calm and composed demeanor, but deep down you really stir something primal in them. they want to impress you so badly, even when you two get into the relationship they still want you to feel like you're in the honeymoon phase (i'm hearing years) down the line. whatever you want, they'll get it. they're gonna treat you with so much care, devotion and respect. i feel like this person has money mhm they're gonna splurge on you. i'm getting spontaneous trips, fine dining, luxury gifts and lots of pampering. you may not always expect that from them, but it's something they want to do for you because they love you. i feel like their love language is quality time, gift giving and words of affirmation. i see 11:11 on the clock now that i'm wrapping up your reading, WOW. this is amazing pile 1.
other channeled messages:
the party & the after party by the weeknd, aquarius, unbothered, gemini, change, cancer, authority, hey daddy (daddy's home) by usher, fancy by drake ft. t.i. & swizz beatz, 11:11, get on your knees by nicki minaj ft. ariana grande
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pile 2 ☀️ —
“that's the way everyday goes. every time we've no control. if the sky is pink and white. if the ground is black and yellow. it's the same way you showed me.”
your person is an absolute gem, pile 2. i mean wow…i don't even know where to begin. i can feel their attraction and adoration for you 🥹 you inspire them so much. your person has a lot of complex emotions that they have to work through at times and they'll love how you'll always be willing to listen and give them the advice they need to carry on. i can see you two sitting really close together, faces nearly inches apart and your hand over their heart saying "i'm always here, you know that." you don't ever want them to hold back. i don't know why carmy and sydney from ‘the bear’ keep popping up in my head. (do y'all watch that show?) i'm seeing stolen glances, small smiles and hearing lots of giggling/laughter. you take their breath away pile 2. this person is not confrontational, they try to avoid conflict and discomfort as much as possible. if your upset though, they'll put their shit aside and make sure you're okay. again, idk if y'all watch ‘the bear’ but whenever sydney is upset/angry with carmy he'll immediately try to get to the root of the problem and ask her what's going on. your person does not want to fuck up the foundation they are working to build with you. they sometimes struggle with getting things started and leaving them unfinished, but with this relationship they want to see it all the way through. you have the natural ability to care for others and appreciate the beauty and value of life (i hear you romanticize life), and you inspire your person to do the same. they feel so blessed to have someone like you in their life. your person wants the whole 9 with you, they are willing to give you the world. you bring them so much joy pile 2 it nearly brings tears to my eyes.
their overall aesthetic:
i'm hearing that your person has the midas touch; everything they touch turns to gold. this is random but i feel like you're their first bad b*tch lol they've never had someone like you. i feel like their last relationship didn't end on the greatest of terms and they felt really down about it, doubting if love is even real. but you came along and shook things up! i feel like you both match each other's fly. they have a very clean-cut, simple yet effective style that you'll really like. possibly even tattoos. also, they're gonna be BIG on physical touch.
other channeled messages:
i know you by faye webster, carmy berzatto from the bear, you bring me joy by mary j. blige, leo, flirty, separation anxiety, broken, happy by ashanti, money, 222, honey by mariah carey
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pile 3 🌅 —
“i'm tellin' everybody you're mine and i like it. and i really hope you don't mind, i can't fight it. no, you know i cannot hide it 'cause i am so excited that i finally decided on you.”
heyyy pile 3, i'm getting major best friends to lovers vibes holy shit. thinkin bout you by frank ocean just came to mind. literally anything you say or do will have your person in such awe of you. i'm getting serena van der woodsen and nate archibald vibes (without the betrayal and cheating behind a friend's back lol) but there's an undeniable chemistry between the two of you. i'm hearing "the golden boy and the it girl" 🌟 you both shine so bright together. your person is very career-oriented and self disciplined, they've worked hard for everything they have. your person has a lot to offer you! i can see you two traveling to tropical places, trying out new hobbies together, and unlocking parts of yourself that you didn't even know were hidden. you're gonna take a leap of faith with this person because they're always so encouraging and reassuring that everything will work out just fine. you might be a person that likes to plan things out and have things in order first but your person? they're just like fuck it let's do it lol they're very spontaneous and that might catch you off guard at first, but you'll actually grow to appreciate their optimism as the relationship goes on. i can hear that quote from scarface, "the eyes chico, they never lie." they'll be so enamored by you. they have a very old-fashioned way about them, in terms of how they'll court you and show you off. (they might like those classic 90s/2000s mob movies idk) but your person is very generous, romantic and sweet. you're all they can think about and vice versa. you'll both be sprung hehe.
their overall aesthetic:
they love nice things. nice cars, nice watches, nice tux, you name it. i feel like because of how they carry themselves and how well-kept they are, they attract envious people/haters. they're not oblivious to it but they definitely try to pay it no mind. i'm hearing "fuck the haters!" lol they don't care. again, i feel like they're really going to love showing you off and claiming you loud and proud for the world to see. they're very confident and some of you may be a little shy but their energy is so infectious that you'll start owning your power even more. i love love love love it pile 3!
other channeled messages:
harry potter, ravenclaw, hufflepuff, the less i know the better by tame impala, adorn by miguel, daydreamin’ by ariana grande, you taught me how to live again, sweetest taboo by sade, pride by kendrick lamar, upper east side, video games by lana del rey, motorcycles, gemini, ibiza, loyalty, charming, power couple
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pile 4 🎇 —
"drop the roof and let the smoke clear. i got diamonds doin' toosie slides in both ears. dice rollin' on the las vegas strip tonight. slip that on and we might miss the fight.”
hiii pile 4! i know this is straightforward but right off the bat i'm hearing that you're gonna give your person hell LMFAOOO? paint the town red by doja cat keeps playing in my head 😮‍💨 especially the part that goes "she a bad lil' bitch, she a rebel. she put her foot to the pedal, it'll take a whole lot for me to settle." you have high standards (as you should!) and they will be met. i feel like some of you that chose this pile have really bold and assertive personalities and people may find it intimidating, especially masculine energies. it's funny cause i feel like your person does have a bit of an ego and it's gonna take a minute to really figure out how to navigate the relationship. your person is a BOSS, (a big boss i'm hearing) and they have a similar mindset to you in terms of not settling for less. they are assertive by nature and it's gonna catch them off guard when you're not submissive initially. they like to take control, but you also like to take control so that's where the friction comes in. i'm not getting that it's bad or toxic though. if anything, it turns them on. i will say, out of all the other piles this one has the strongest sexual energy 😅 very very spicy! this person likes to put the work in but if something/someone is boring them they won't hesitate to move on. they hate wasting time. but you? you keep them on their toes, it's neverrr gonna be boring! i feel like you're gonna make them love drunk. i'm hearing church by mariah the scientist which is a very sensual song. they feel so pulled to you, it's out of their control and it scares them. i feel a bit dizzy rn (your person is lowkey dramatic it's hilarious) you're gonna drive them halfcrazy because they love you so much. definitely hearing halfcrazy by musiq soulchild. “my minds gone halfcrazy cause i can't leave you alone.” YEAH, they're gonna be deep in their bag about you. they may need to step back for a minute to get their mind right but one thing they know for sure is that they want you. they want it all. i'm getting heavy scorpio vibes (maybe even 8h placements) but this relationship is going to be very transformative, passionate, hypnotic and exhilarating. you're gonna love how much they yearn for you even though they try to fight it. y'all know how much power you possess hehe just be careful of playing too many mind games with this person. they really do love you pile 4, it's just gonna take a minute to find a nice balance between you both. they may need a little reassurance from you.
their overall aesthetic:
i feel like your person is a bit cold and reserved, but that's going to draw you to them even more. you want to know what's behind the mask. i just thought of the scene in ‘the batman’ when cat woman and batman are on the rooftop and she strokes his face and asks “who are you under there? what are you hiding?” AH, that's exactly what this is! you have that enticing push and pull that neither of you can walk away from because it's just too good. you're not gonna find that with anyone else, this person is your soulmate. you or this person may have had previous relationships that just didn't satisfy you or awaken you like this relationship will. i just heard f&mu by kehlani LOL y'all will love to get them riled up just to kiss and make up. i feel like you both will say it to each other too, it's a consensual game you both like to play. you both will be very upfront and honest with each other as you get comfortable, which will bring you two even closer. your person does have a bruce wayne vibe going for them lol definitely not boring but very intelligent, neat, practical, a bit brooding and always prepared for any and everything. i just heard “the bat and the cat…it's got a nice ring.” AHHH.
other channeled messages:
been away by brent faiyaz, crew by gold link ft. brent faiyaz, spread thin by mariah the scientist, u are my high by dj snake & future, electric by alina baraz ft. khalid, maneater, popular by the weeknd ft. madonna & playboi carti, how to lose a guy in 10 days, awkward by sza, is there someone else? by the weeknd, 7 rings by ariana grande, famous, flashing lights by kanye west, trust fund baby, tall in height, nothing burns like the cold by snoh aalegra ft. vince staples, wild side by normani ft. cardi b
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novlr · 6 months
Hi, how do you write a healthy sibling relationship?
I have a really bad one and I want my characters to get along, but still fight sometimes
Any help would be great
Sibling relationships are the first and often the most enduring bonds we form in life. They shape our identities, define our roles in the family, and teach us how to love, fight, forgive, and grow alongside another person.
For writers, capturing the intricacies of sibling dynamics can infuse stories with authenticity, depth, and emotional resonance that keeps readers turning pages. Here are some tips for how to write healthy sibling relationships:
Make them unique characters
Establish each sibling’s unique personality and role.
Give each sibling their own distinct personality, interests, strengths, and flaws.
Show how their personalities complement and contrast with each other.
Establish the roles and dynamics between the siblings (leader, peacemaker, rebel, etc.).
Avoid stereotypes and allow the siblings’ personalities to evolve over time.
Develop each sibling’s unique voice and communication style.
Give them contrasting but complementary skills and strengths.
Develop their relationship over time
Show how the siblings’ relationship strengthens as they grow up and go through life changes. Maybe they grow apart for a while but then reconnect later in life.
Give their relationship a story arc, showing how their bond matures and changes over the course of the story.
Explore how the siblings navigate major life events together, like the birth of a new sibling, a family move, losing a loved one, or a parent’s divorce.
Depict milestones and rites of passage where the siblings support or challenge each other, like learning to drive, graduating high school, starting college or a career.
Show how the siblings’ communication and conflict resolution skills improve (or deteriorate) over time. Perhaps they learn to express their feelings more openly, fight more fairly, or establish healthier boundaries as they mature.
Give them shared history and inside jokes
Build strong backstories into their characters with shared childhood experiences.
Show them laughing over inside jokes and funny memories only they understand.
Use shared history to show their bond, even when they’re fighting.
Have the siblings reference shared childhood possessions or special objects like a beloved stuffed animal they both cherished or a secret hideout only they knew about.
Show the siblings using a private language, code words, or shared vocabulary that only they understand.
Have them reminisce about funny or embarrassing childhood stories.
Let them learn from each other
Show the siblings teaching each other important life lessons.
Have them learn from each other’s mistakes and successes.
Show how the siblings challenge each other to step outside their comfort zones and try new things.
Depict moments where the siblings offer each other wise advice or a fresh perspective on a problem, demonstrating how well they understand and support one another.
Show how the siblings inspire each other to pursue their passions and dreams.
Depict the siblings’ learning to appreciate their differences and see them as strengths
Show unwavering loyalty and love
Depict the siblings standing up for each other in the face of adversity or conflict. They have each other’s backs, no matter what.
Portray the siblings making sacrifices for each other’s happiness or well-being.
Show the siblings being there for each other during tough times, like heartbreak, illness, or failure. Highlight how they offer comfort, encouragement, and unconditional support.
Illustrate the siblings’ fierce protectiveness of each other. Show them defending each other against bullies, naysayers, or anyone who threatens their bond.
Depict the siblings forgiving each other after arguments or misunderstandings. Show how their love helps them overcome hurt feelings and find understanding.
Portray the siblings expressing their love and appreciation for each other through both big gestures and small, everyday acts of kindness.
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goodnightoilcountry · 4 months
you must like me for me - quinn hughes (a sneak peek !)
a/n: another fic idea i've had in my head for ages ! i started writing it the other day when i was sick and it's currently at 3k words. i'm CONFIDENT that i'll smash this one out quicker than my aho fic so it's the only reason i feel like i can post a sneak peak. but also let me know if you have any requests or ideas you'd like me to write about - i'd love to hear from you 🤍
summary: twelve months since the incident and you're ready to let yourself re-emerge into the public eye in the form of a hockey game. the plan was simple: appear, smile, leave unscathed. easy, right?
The theory of fight or flight has always fascinated you. In the face of adversity, no matter how complex the situation, millions of years of evolution still dictate that humanity will always revert to its oldest survival mechanism: to either assert and neutralize, or: evade and withdraw. 
What you’ve come to learn is that there’s a third strategy nestled between fight or flight, often overlooked because of its passiveness in comparison to its overt counterparts: to freeze. 
And that’s the instinct you’ve found yourself falling back on time and time again. As if you’re hoping to blend into the very fabric of the environment where you can pause amid the chaos, weigh the risks, and soundly determine the best course of action. 
The downturn? 
You’re left vulnerable and exposed the longer you wait. 
But it’s a tactic that you’ve grown familiar with, and it’s the one that’s currently in motion. 
“You can’t do this to her, she isn’t ready.”
“It’s been over a year, we can’t let her hide forever.” 
The commotion of voices being thrown around surrounds you but you’re too swept up with the memories and emotions battling out in your head. They’re leaving you dizzy and disorientated. 
One year. Had it really been that long? God. It feels like one month since you first signed your contract in front of a roomful of lawyers and high-powered executives. Back then, you were too naively charmed by the golden promises of stardom and fame that they were selling you. Promising that your talent for lyricism, bordering on poetry, would resonate with the hearts of girls who all seemed to unanimously share the parallel experiences of all things love and girlhood. That you needed a team that could provide you with the right connections and the right opportunities to get you there. 
And to their credit, they didn’t fail you. As soon as you signed your contract, the label had you in the studio effective immediately with the release of “your” song debuting four weeks later. 
“But I didn’t write this and it doesn’t really sound like me…” 
“Don’t worry about it, honey. We just need to get you on the charts and then you can write about anything you want. Trust us - this is how it all works.” 
And trust them you did.
Your song topped the charts for twelve consecutive weeks. The events that took place after your overnight success were a whirlwind. You released a music video. You did media interviews. You collabed with DJs to release remixes. You performed as a guest on endless TV shows. And when you were done, you thought that you would finally be able to sit down with your producers to start developing the library of ideas and single-line lyrics you had swimming around in your head. 
But they had other plans for you in the form of a studio album, and then rinse and repeat. You felt like you were a human cannonball: shot out, forced to perform carefully curated tricks, and to always stick the landing. 
Your team had done everything they could to meticulously craft your image; selectively allowing journalists to access certain stories whether it be about your work or your life. You were America’s Darling. Until you weren’t. 
A sharp trill of your name grounds you back into reality. You blink and recompose yourself, finding the same four people you entered the boardroom with, staring expectantly back at you. Your mom, your manager, Megan, your publicist, Bec, and sat opposite you across the insanely large table is the VP of your label, Joe. Their expressions are ones you’ve grown used to: sympathetic and slightly defeated.  
“Sorry, what was the question?” 
Megan sighs and shifts slightly in her chair to meet your front. “Darling, I know how hard this year has been for you,” 
Do you? 
“But it’s time for us to come back out. We need to face this.” 
In all the years you’ve worked with Megan, she has never offered you such softness in her voice as she has now. As a manager, a female manager in this industry nonetheless, she had been nothing short of headstrong, sharp, and commanding. Her confidence and demeanour never wavered and, if you were being honest, you were thankful that she held you to the same standard as the rest of your team. It equipped you with a thick skin, something that you wouldn’t have survived your young career without. And it leaves you to wonder where you would be now without her to guide you through this situation. 
“Megan is right,” Joe says. “The world hasn’t forgotten, you know.” 
It comes out so matter-of-factly that it feels almost accusatory. 
“You’re not the first celebrity to be wrapped up in a scandal and you certainly won’t be the last.” 
That line is enough to make your mom snap into a fury again. 
“A scandal? She did nothing wrong,” she chastises. “What that boy did is not her fault.” 
Joe’s impatience is growing evident with every turn of the conversation. As warranted as your mother’s protectiveness is for this particular circumstance, her resistance was stopping one of his biggest artists from bringing in the label money. You can tell he's trying his best to level his demeanour but you also know that the higher-ups are breathing down his neck. He's balancing it as well as anyone could.
“This wasn’t just any boy. And your daughter is not just any girl. The reality of the situation is that just because she wasn’t responsible for what happened, doesn’t mean we can simply erase her from it,” Joe breaks, voice raising ever so slightly.
“She cannot keep silent on this anymore and the longer we stretch this out, the more intense the backlash will be upon her,” he presses on. “With all due respect, we have been extremely patient and have afforded your daughter twelve months. But this is a business first and there is a contract to be upheld. We are giving you the opportunity to write the narrative or have it forced to be written for you.” 
“He’s right,” Bec interjects. She’s always had a good gauge of when to step in when tensions start rising. It’s what makes her such a great publicist - always mediating at the right time. 
“But we don’t have to rush either. We can take it slowly. Start off with a public appearance in a controlled environment. 
The juxtaposition of that sentence could have made you laugh. Controlled environment? If the last few years had taught you anything, it was that no public appearance was ever fully in your control. Your phone number had been leaked more times than you could remember; the media showed up at your house at all hours of the night; private family events were invaded by obsessed “fans”. 
Your mom was quick to make the same connection, “where could we possibly let her go that guarantees her safety?” 
“The suite at MSG has their security system locked down to a tee. We could place her in there with a few friends and guise it as a quiet night out to show their support. Maybe work with the organisation to show her on the scoreboard during a break, totally candid of course, and maybe meet with their guest of the night for some fan engagement. We don’t want the public to misconstrue the appearance as a total cover-up.” Bec rattles off like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
Megan and Joe start nodding in agreeance, chiming in with additional tweaks to the plan that’s now been laid out, and it becomes apparent to you that they’ve had this meeting before without you. Your requested input and presence on the matter was just an act of courtesy. But as vexed as you are with this realisation, you know it makes sense. You were tired of the pitied looks your family and friends gave you, afraid to broach the subject as if it would send you into a spiral. You felt like the public owned you; shunning you into silence with all your actions picked apart and psychoanalyzed everywhere you turned. 
You missed your fans who called for you every day, writing sweet notes of encouragement and rebuffing shallow attempts of hate accounts concocting false stories. You wouldn’t be half the artist you are today without them and they deserved more than just radio silence. And it’s this last thought that makes you believe it’s the only reason you say:
“Just tell me when.” 
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kolyasupremanxy · 1 year
Hey darling!
Would you may write a part 2 of the non sexual turn on things, but for Tetchou, Jouno and Tachihara? 💜
—Non-sexual turn ons P.2 !!
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐮𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨. 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐤𝐮. 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐳𝐨̄ 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff ( ? )
𝐀/𝐧: Yes of course !! (I don't really know their personalities so i think it's ooc, sorry!)
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—Tetchou Suehiro
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• Quiet Confidence
Tetchou is attracted to individuals who exude a quiet confidence. He admires those who are self-assured without being arrogant, finding their calm and collected demeanor alluring.
• Curiosity and Intellectual Curiosity
Tetchou is naturally curious and enjoys exploring new ideas and concepts. He finds it appealing when someone shares his thirst for knowledge and is eager to learn and discuss new things.
• Ambition and Drive
Tetchou is impressed by individuals who are ambitious and have a strong drive to achieve their goals. He is drawn to those who are determined and take initiative in pursuing their dreams.
• Emotional Intelligence
Tetchou values emotional intelligence and finds it attractive when someone is in touch with their emotions and can empathize with others. He appreciates individuals who can understand and navigate complex emotions with grace.
• Independence
Tetchou admires independence in others. He finds it appealing when someone is self-sufficient and capable of standing on their own. He appreciates individuals who have a strong sense of self and are not reliant on others for their well-being.
• Mysteriousness
Tetchou is intrigued by individuals who have an air of mystery surrounding them. He finds it captivating when someone holds back just enough to keep him guessing, making him want to unravel their secrets.
—Jouno Saigiku
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• Resilience
Jouno is attracted to individuals who display unwavering resilience in the face of adversity. He finds strength in those who can withstand challenges and hardships without faltering. Whether it's overcoming personal struggles or facing dangerous situations head-on, their ability to persevere and bounce back captures his attention.
• Fearlessness
Jouno is drawn to individuals who possess an unyielding fearlessness. He admires those who are unafraid to take risks and confront danger head-on. Their courage and boldness in the face of uncertainty intrigue him, as he respects their ability to face their fears without hesitation.
• Intelligence
Jouno values intelligence and is attracted to individuals who possess sharp minds. He appreciates those who can engage him in intellectual conversations, challenging his thoughts and ideas. Their ability to match wits with him and contribute to stimulating discussions captivates his interest.
• Subtle Defiance
Jouno is intrigued by individuals who possess a subtle defiance. He finds it alluring when someone has the audacity to question his authority or methods without being overtly confrontational. Their ability to challenge him while maintaining a level of respect and tact resonates with his complex personality.
• Confidence
Jouno is drawn to individuals who exude confidence. He finds it appealing when someone carries themselves with self-assurance and conviction. Their unwavering belief in themselves and their abilities captivates him, as he is attracted to those who project an air of strength and determination.
• Loyalty
Above all else, Jouno values loyalty. He is attracted to individuals who are fiercely loyal and dedicated to their cause or those they care about. Their unwavering support and commitment resonate with him, as he believes that loyalty is the foundation of trust and camaraderie.
• Independence
Jouno admires independence in others. He finds it appealing when someone is self-sufficient and capable of standing on their own. He appreciates individuals who have a strong sense of self and are not overly reliant on others for their well-being. Their ability to navigate through life with autonomy and resilience intrigues him.
—Michizō Tachihara
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• Resilience
Tachihara is attracted to individuals who display unwavering resilience in the face of adversity. He finds strength in those who can withstand challenges and hardships without faltering. The sight of someone pushing through difficult situations and refusing to give up ignites a fire within him, drawing him closer to them.
• Determination
Tachihara is captivated by individuals who possess unwavering determination towards their goals. He admires those who set their sights on something and relentlessly pursue it with all their might. Their unwavering resolve fuels his own ambition, making him feel a sense of kinship with them.
• Independence
Tachihara is intrigued by individuals who value their independence and refuse to rely on others for their own well-being. He finds the idea of self-sufficiency and self-reliance incredibly appealing, as it resonates with his own desire to be in control of his life and destiny.
• Fearlessness
Tachihara is drawn to individuals who display fearlessness in the face of danger. He is captivated by those who confront their fears head-on and refuse to back down, even in the most perilous situations. Their courage and audacity inspire him, making him want to stand by their side and face any challenge together.
• Intelligence
Tachihara is attracted to individuals who possess sharp intellect and quick thinking. He finds intelligence incredibly alluring, as it adds an extra layer of excitement and challenge to their interactions. Engaging in stimulating conversations and witnessing their strategic planning makes him feel a sense of exhilaration.
• Confidence
Tachihara is intrigued by individuals who exude confidence in everything they do. He finds self-assuredness incredibly attractive, as it reflects a strong sense of self and belief in their own abilities. Their confidence inspires him to embrace his own strengths and strive for greatness.
• Mysteriousness
Tachihara is drawn to individuals who have an air of mystery surrounding them. He is intrigued by their enigmatic nature, constantly yearning to unravel their secrets and discover what lies beneath the surface. Their elusive persona keeps him on his toes, making his pursuit of them even more thrilling.
• Passion
Tachihara is captivated by individuals who possess a fiery passion for what they love. He is drawn to their intensity and dedication, finding their enthusiasm contagious. Witnessing someone wholeheartedly pursue their passions ignites a similar flame within him, making him want to explore his own desires.
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Hello and welcome to my essay on why Bulletproof Heart is the most transgender MCR song
First of all, my credentials: -I am trans -I have a Danger Days special interest and this album consumes many of my waking thoughts. (i mean, bulletproof heart url, lmao) -I am obsessed with queer interpretations of songs, especially when I can relate them to my personal experiences
Second of all, a short disclaimer that a lot of this is going to be how I personally interpret the lyrics. If you interpret them differently, I think that's great, and at no point am I claiming to have the sole true interpretation. I'm just having fun.
Next of all, the actual song. Bulletproof Heart on a surface level, is about running away from a suffocating town with someone you trust, and it's about hope and resilience in the face of adversity (and running away from the cops). Just starting with this surface level, you can already start to see why this song could resonate from a trans perspective, but I'm gonna dig further into it.
Gravity don't mean too much to me / I'm who I've got to be. The literal opening to the song and I've already got things to say about it. "I'm who I've got to be" stands out to me. It's not a matter of running away due to wanting to become someone new. It's about running away to start new as the person that you actually are. The line about gravity feels fairly self explanatory. Nothing can hold you down or stop you from running towards this goal, even the laws of physics.
Run away like it was yesterday / And we could run away / If we could run away, run away from here The desire to get out- the desire to run away to somewhere new where nobody knows who you used to be. That's something that resonates with a lot of trans people, myself very much included. The thought of running away to a place where nobody knows your deadname or what you used to look like, or potentially even that you're trans in the first place is something that sounds really appealing, especially to trans kids stuck in an unsupportive place.
I've got a bulletproof heart/You've got a hollow point smile./ Me and your runaway scars got a photograph dream on the getaway mile. I know that in my experience, it was really hard to get close to people as a young, mostly closeted trans person. It's easy to have a lot of walls up when you're afraid of being hurt or ostracized or seen differently than the other people around you. However, sometimes you meet people that break through your walls. They share your dreams of getting out. They've been hurt too, and they get you on a level most people don't.
Let's blow a hole in this town! / And do our talking with the laser beam. / Gunning out of this place in a bullet's embrace / Then we'll do it again. No more putting up with passive-aggressive comments to keep the peace. No more constantly explaining yourself to people who don't actually care. Just you, someone you care for, and the open road in front of you, off to wherever you're starting over. It feels good. It feels freeing. You'd do it a million times over.
(Okay now for the part I've been waiting for. I'm talking about both prechoruses at the same time)
How can they say / "Jenny could you come back home?" / 'Cause everybody knows you don't / Ever wanna come back.
The papers say / "Johnny won't you come back home?" / 'Cause everybody knows you don't / Wanna give yourself up.
Yes. I know this can be read as two separate people, Jenny and Johnny, being told they should come back "home," but they don't want to turn back to a place where they couldn't be themselves You can't "come back" without "[giving] yourself up". However, have you considered that they pack a massive transgender punch if you think about them as one person?
Jenny only having her name used when people are trying to get her to stay- get her back before she's "too far gone," but once they realize they aren't getting her back, the mask slips and the true colors of the people "back home" show themselves once she's already gone and they can't keep her there anymore.
Johnny running away and not even having his name acknowledged as he disappears forever. It's only used in the papers as a last ditch attempt to get him back. It won't work though. It's too late, and he won't turn back. He won't give himself up.
I'm shooting out of this room. / Because I sure don't like the company. / So stop your preaching right there / 'Cause I really don't care / And I'll do it again.
This goes back to the idea of "you don't have to put up with people being stupid and bigoted just so you can keep the peace." If it's not bringing you joy, get out. Tell them to shut up because you're not interested in their justifications for hatred.
Hold your heart into this darkness. / Will it ever be the light to shine you out? / Or fail and leave you stranded. / I ain't gonna be the one left standing. / You ain't gonna be the one left standing. / We ain't gonna be the ones left standing. Showing yourself to the world proudly, walking with certainty towards the unknown. Maybe you're left lost or blinded, but maybe you light the way forward for yourself and others. Even if you aren't the last one standing, you did something and it mattered, no matter how many or how few people it mattered to. Even if nobody knew, it still mattered.
In summary, this could be read as a generally queer song, but to me personally, it resonates more with my trans experiences than anything else. It's a lovely song about being yourself, defying societal expectations, and running away from places that make you feel suffocated in your own skin. And I think that's pretty transgender, and also pretty cool.
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slasherloony · 2 months
hello 👋
could you write headcanons on what fictional crushes would slashers(you can pick any) have? like perhaps the reader introduced their favourite film/book to them and they were like yeah i like that character too!
btw i think you writing is really good and i wish you all the best x
Heyyy loonies!! I chose sword art online, an anime my sister in-law and brother watched, for this request. If you do not want sao for this request feel free to comment a different one and I'll wright it!!💖⚔
Slasher Headcanons: Fictional Crushes from Sword Art Online
Jason Voorhees:
Jason isn't one to express his feelings openly, but when you introduce him to "Sword Art Online," he finds himself drawn to Asuna Yuuki.
Her strength, resilience, and unwavering loyalty remind him of the qualities he admires. He respects her bravery and her willingness to fight for those she loves.
While Jason might not understand all the nuances of the virtual world, he feels a connection to Asuna's protective nature and her determination to survive.
Michael Myers:
Michael is a man of few words, but you notice his interest piquing when Kirito, the protagonist, is on screen.
He admires Kirito's lone wolf persona and his incredible skills with a sword. The fact that Kirito can handle himself in dangerous situations resonates with Michael's own abilities.
Although Michael is not one for expressing affection, he respects Kirito's strength and independence.
Bubba Sawyer (Leatherface):
Bubba is fascinated by the colorful world of "Sword Art Online" and is particularly taken with Silica.
Her kind and caring nature, especially towards her dragon familiar, Pina, strikes a chord with Bubba. He sees a bit of himself in her desire to protect and care for those she loves.
Silica's sweetness and bravery in the face of danger endear her to Bubba, and he often finds himself smiling whenever she appears on screen.
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms is captivated by the elegance and grace of Asuna Yuuki. Her poise and strength in the face of adversity remind him of qualities he deeply admires.
He’s particularly taken with her relationship with Kirito, finding solace in the way she balances strength and vulnerability.
Brahms appreciates Asuna's dedication and loyalty, traits that he values highly in his own life. He often imagines himself as a protector, much like Kirito, fighting alongside her in the virtual world.
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icedax · 2 years
I think people arent understanding min’s chapter, like at all. While also widely relatable, this game is specifically about the 2nd gen asian american experience. Min’s chapter isn’t simply about the ability of racial minorities to be racist to other minorities. It’s about how the experience of being an asian american born to an immigrant leads to a specific pain, which often manifests in the kind of racism/ignorance we see in min. “I suffered in silence so they should too.”
It’s the myth of the model minority in action, one that she is shown internalizing from her dad: the model minority myth offers to asian immigrants the idea that if they don’t make trouble and aim for success within the parameters of (white-dominated, patriarchal, culturally Christian) American capitalism, they’ll be rewarded by the system - and part of that means rejecting solidarity with other minority groups, which results in the kind of antiBlackness and other forms of divisive racism found in asian communities. This issue is culturally specific to asian american immigrants - this particular attitude of “putting your head down and suffering in silence” is many older asian immigrants’ response to the adversity & racism that they faced in America. Min’s dad embodies this very clearly - he states explicitly in the game that when people discriminated against him for his accent and culture, he simply worked harder instead of causing a problem, and he tries to force Min to adopt the same mentality. 
Min’s chapter is both a wider commentary on the asian community and character growth. BS outlines incredibly clearly that Min’s own aggression was in survival to her immigrant dad’s own aggression, which was in response to a hostile racist world he had to learn to survive in. Her aggression is often shown in a generally positive (or humorous) light, protecting herself and her friends, but in this ch, it’s shown how misdirected it can become. And when she decides to break that cycle by the end of the end of the ch, it’s a great show of growth for her.
As an asian american to an immigrant dad and being within these communities, min’s ch resonated deeply. Older asian people can be incredibly racist and conservative, but it’s not in the same way a white person can be racist and conservative. It’s its own brand, which developed in response to the particular forms of anti-asian racism they’ve faced, and I really applaud brianna’s willingness to tackle such an uncomfortable and often ignored subject within her game, especially with a main lead character. 
I’m frustrated because i have yet to see anyone provide any specific criticism of how brianna handled the ch that isnt some flavor of “it made me uncomfortable because I like min,” and how unnecessary they felt it was. I think it’s complicated because a lot of online activism stresses the importance of centering the feelings of the victim, and min’s chapter is centered on her feelings, not ester’s. But it’s from a certain pain min experienced herself as a victim of racism that leads to her hyper-aggression in response to being called out. I think its an experience worth talking about, and it’s absolutely not excused within the text.
to paint this as brianna making her beloved character a racist for no reason is a gross misrepresentation and simplification of what literally happens within the text of the game, and potentially shutting down an important subject just on the basis of it being uncomfortable. it’s irresponsible and unproductive. she doesnt owe you a digestible and agreeable character in her game talking about her own experience as a 2nd gen asian american.
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the--artist · 2 months
I’ve decided to just start a series where I rant about my favorite characters and why I like them (emphasis on “I” as this is just my opinion) and why I like them.
Sooo, I thought I’d start with my favorite character - Donna Beneviento from RE8.
I want to preface this saying that Donna is maybe the only character I can actually relate with personality-wise. No, I don’t kin her(high school me probably did 😓), but she’s one of the only characters who i actually feel like I understand her at a deeper level. Donna is elegant, respectful, and quiet on the outside, but timid and scared on the inside. She’s always been afraid. Either being afraid of kids seeing her scar, to people seeing her through Angie. When faced with adversity, Donna turns to herself inward: for example, turning towards playing with dolls instead of friends. On a general level, I resonate with this a lot and I’m so happy to have seen a character like this.
On another note, I really love her quiet, but intentional presence in the back when we meet the four lords. Angie, Angie, ANGIE is always in your face - arguably the first lord we meet in that scene (excluding Karl Heisenberg before). Angie is definitely loud - and with her scary white color palette - sticks out. Donna is pretty much in the back all by herself and some people haven’t even caught onto her presence at that point. After racketing Ethan, Angie heads back to Donna and that’s when we finally notice her. The cloaked, hidden Victorian goddess, Donna Beneviento is sitting in the back.
Speaking on her design, I LOVE her design. I’m a sucker for pale skin + dark outfit/dark skin + light outfit combo. This light/dark motif in character design really highlight the character’s haunting, but mysterious look. This design choice is a really good idea for her and adds a “haunting, tragic” feel. The pale skin contrasting to her dark hair and outfit makes her feel like a ghost! This is evident more in Donna’s portrait. I LOVE masks or face coverings, and with Donna her veil gives her such a mysterious look. Why is she hiding her face? When we bump into her portrait we see such a beautiful lady, so why is she hiding her face?? Only when we finally see her face when Ethan kills her can we see her scars. A once beautiful and normal women is now scared and hurt - what a tragedy - which cause her to hide her face. Once we lean about Miranda’s experiments, we feel even more bad for her as she was mentally underdeveloped. In some ways, implanting the Cadou gave her cool hallucination powers, but absolutely destroyed the timid, traumatize Donna. A once sweet girl has now been turned evil.
Basically, I’m a sucker for a conservatively dressed/modest goth who covers their face.
On to Donna’s doll motifs. As a doll collector and horror enthusiast, her being a doll maker really spoke to me. Seeing her display dolls everywhere around her home make me feel like at home. I genuinely enjoy seeing the dolls make her so happy!
I won’t go on about my theories and understanding of her backstory, but she’s genuinely one of the most interesting and intriguing characters I’ve ever seen. She’s shrouded in so much mystery and so much is left to the player to theorize about. The notes we find around the game as well as her actions are incredibly vague but purposeful. I have spent hours thinking about it and how this connects to her. There is sooo much duality in her. From her crest, to her outfit, split personality (idk much about this), colors, actions, and behavior. There is so much to unpack to understand how Benvienoto’s mind works.
Anyways, I’m leaning towards writing an analysis on Donna. Tell me if you’d be interested..
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auronira · 6 months
Being someone who is allo (just learned about the existance of this word) and cis, I want to talk about the hot topic of Alastor being shipped romantically and sexually by the fandom of Hazbin Hotel.
I understand that the topic I'm about to delve into may require some patience and open-mindedness. As a young individual seeking understanding, I implore you to hear me out before forming any judgments. English isn't my first language, so I apologize if my expressions seem weird, also it may take a while to get what I am saying here, I took a lot of time to get my point across so please give me a little bit of your time - especially if you are aroace or anywhere among that spectrum.
First of all, being cis and allo is obviously one of the most comfortable shoes you can wear within society. I am aware of that.
For instance, as someone who enjoys immersing myself in various forms of media such as books, movies, and video games, I often find characters and narratives that resonate with my experiences. This familiarity allows me to connect deeply with the stories and derive genuine enjoyment from them. I've never had to grapple with the challenges of feeling unseen or misunderstood in this regard, and for that, I am privileged.
Contrastingly, I recognize the struggles that members of the LGBTQ+ community often face. The need to repeatedly explain one's identity and preferences, the constant battle for visibility and acceptance – these are realities that I've never had to confront personally. My identity has always been accepted without question, and for that, I'm grateful. However, I'm eager to learn and empathize with those whose journeys differ from my own so please try and be patient with me.
To my fellow cisgender and heterosexual individuals who may be unfamiliar with what I'm about to explain: Consider the concept of "comfort characters" and why they hold such significance in our lives. For me, growing up, Katniss Everdeen served as my comfort character. Reflecting on her impact on my childhood development, I realize the profound influence she had. During a time when I was grappling with personal challenges that I wasn't yet ready to confide in my family about, my connection to Katniss provided solace. Through her character, I found the strength to envision myself facing adversity head-on, overcoming obstacles with resilience. It may seem trivial to some, given that she's a fictional creation, but the bond I forged with her played a pivotal role in shaping my identity.
I believe many of us can relate to forming such deep connections with fictional characters as we navigate through the complexities of adolescence and young adulthood. These characters serve as guiding lights, offering solace and inspiration during times of uncertainty. Even if you haven't personally experienced such a connection, I encourage you to consider the profound impact that representation can have on shaping one's sense of self and belonging.
Representation matters because it validates our experiences and identities, providing a sense of visibility and validation that is essential for personal growth and empowerment. Just as we find comfort and inspiration in the characters we admire, so too do marginalized individuals deserve to see themselves reflected in the stories they consume. It's through diverse representation that we foster empathy, understanding, and inclusivity within our communities and society as a whole.
Representation matters because it gives people characters they can relate to and admire. But not every character needs to be relatable for everyone to like them. For instance, I really enjoyed watching the relationship between She-Ra and Catra in the show She-Ra. Even though I'm straight, I can imagine the profound joy it brought to members of the LGBTQ+ community who could see themselves represented in a meaningful way. They relate to those characters differently than I do, and that's totally okay. Sometimes, fans want to see their favorite characters in certain ways, even if it's not exactly how the creators intended them to be. They create their own ideas about the characters to feel a deeper connection. While it's natural to want to connect with characters, it's also important to respect the original story and the creators' intentions.
While it's natural to seek characters with whom we can personally identify, it's equally important to appreciate the diversity of perspectives and experiences that representation brings. It's through this diversity that stories become richer and more inclusive, resonating with a broader audience and fostering empathy and understanding across different communities.
So what does that mean for aroace people when it comes to Alastor?
For this to understand I'm just gonna try and picture myself in a different pair of metaphorical shoes, but when it comes to being ace they may not even feel like shoes at all, but more as if you are running barefoot over the nastiest lego pieces in existance.
Imagine going to a bookstore and struggling to find something that aligns with your tastes. Maybe you spend hours searching, only to come up empty-handed. Perhaps you end up settling for whatever book is popular at the moment, feeling left out because there's no variety that speaks to you. Or maybe you turn to the internet, hoping to find your perfect book match online, but even that proves to be a challenge. In the end, you might resort to reading fanfiction because there, at least, the chances of finding representation are higher.
This struggle isn't limited to books but extends to movies, TV shows, and everything else. Constantly feeling like you don't belong can be painful and isolating. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. Unfortunately, society can't change overnight, so we have to work with what we have for now.
The bottom line is, everyone deserves to see themselves represented in the media they consume. It's not just about personal preference; it's about feeling seen and valued in a world that often overlooks our differences. And until that becomes a reality, we'll keep pushing for change, one step at a time. Finally, there's that one character – in this case, Alastor – and for the first time, asexual individuals can feel that sense of connection I've been talking about. They feel seen and acknowledged, just as we all do when we find something or someone we can relate to. This is what books, TV shows, and video games are all about – providing us with enjoyment and a sense of validation, especially in a world that can be tough.
Representation of diverse sexualities in media isn't just important for LGBTQ+ individuals; it's beneficial for everyone. It helps broaden our understanding of each other and breaks down barriers without anyone having to change who they are to fit in. This is the power of art and the stories we consume – they have the ability to blur the lines between people and foster greater empathy and acceptance. Ultimately, it's about making everyone feel like they belong and have a place in the world.
I'll be honest – I don't really think about labels much anymore. I've found that they can sometimes divide people even further, which isn't what I'm about. It's not that I have anything against labels in general; I just personally don't dwell on them. However, I do recognize the subtle influence they can have on me, even though I consider myself quite open-minded.
I've come to a point where I've found peace in the idea that everyone should just be allowed to be themselves, as long as they're happy. I didn't actively choose to be straight; it's just who I am. And I don't expect anyone else to have to "choose" their sexuality either – they should just be able to exist and be happy. I've reached a mindset where I don't really give much thought to someone's sexuality when I see it portrayed in media. They're just who they are, and I'm just who I am. But I understand that for many people, having those labels is important for representation and visibility. Perhaps, initially, society needs those divisions in order for certain groups to feel seen and acknowledged. And while I may not personally identify with those labels, I can still appreciate their significance to others. At the end of the day, it's about acceptance and understanding, regardless of labels.
Returning to the topic of Alastor, now that there's this ace character, the fandom takes him and sometimes decides to change him to fit their own desires. It's similar (I guess) to the disappointment some feel when an author keeps a protagonist's appearance vague, only for fans to imagine them as the perfect, conventionally beautiful princess. This can be hurtful to people who don't fit that idealized image because they ask themselves "would the story be any different if she would be smaller, or chubby, or (insert whatever you want)?"
What's crucial to recognize here is that some fans might struggle to accept Alastor's sexuality because they feel like he has to be different for them to enjoy certain content without feeling guilty or needing to justify their actions. Our minds often try to protect us with such a mindset so we can feel good about ourselves and our choices. For some, that means trying to impose their beliefs on a character so they can comfortably engage with them in their own fanworks.
It's important to acknowledge that everyone interprets and engages with media differently. However, it's also important to respect the creator's original intentions and the representation they've provided. Trying to change a character to fit one's own desires can be disrespectful to both the character and those who identify with them.
Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between creative freedom and respecting the integrity of the source material.
Here are two key considerations that both sides should bear in mind, (if I even have the right to say anything as someone who is clearly underqualified when it comes to topics like that as a cis and allo):
On one hand, it's important for ace individuals to understand that people often enjoy engaging with characters in various ways, including through shipping and fanfiction. Characters may take on different traits or orientations in these creative outlets, and that's part of the fun and freedom of fan culture. However, when it comes to representation in canon material, it's crucial not to impose personal viewpoints onto characters solely for the sake of recognition. While it's acceptable to explore different interpretations in fan works, it's essential to respect the original portrayal of characters, particularly regarding their sexuality.
Reflecting on my own feelings on this matter, I've realized that I don't necessarily take issue with individuals changing the sexual orientation of straight characters in fanfiction. However, I become uncomfortable when there's an attempt to forcefully alter the canonical identity of a character. This discomfort arises from a sense that being straight is portrayed as incorrect or undesirable. This realization has deepened my empathy for the struggles faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community in seeking authentic representation in media.
This also brings me to the main point – the same principle applies to ace individuals when the community tries to forcefully change a character's sexuality, refusing to acknowledge their ace identity as portrayed in the show. Finally, ace individuals have a character to look up to who is even quite popular, only to see that representation invalidated or ignored because some people refuse to accept it – essentially, refusing to see them.
This kind of rejection can make ace individuals feel as though they need to conform to certain expectations in order to be considered "interesting" or "popular," just like Alastor. It's confusing and disheartening to see a character's identity denied or dismissed, especially when it's a rare instance of representation that could provide validation and visibility for ace individuals.
It would be VERY confusing for me, making me feel like, despite getting represented, I would not be enough.
I'd like to take a moment to clarify that while I enjoy engaging in fan works involving Alastor - some even portraying him romantically or sexually with another character, I wouldn't want him to be portrayed differently in the series. Changing his character in the serie itself in such a fundamental way would completely ruin the essence of who he is for me, much like what happened with characters such as Wednesday, Sherlock, or Loki. Despite my love for these characters, I felt that some of them should have remained as they were without delving into romantic or sexual storylines, as it would feel out of place, just as it would feel strange to me if Alastor suddenly showed romantic or sexual interest in anyone.
It's important to recognize that enjoying fan works doesn't necessarily mean wanting to alter the original outcome of the show or the character themselves. Sometimes, it's just for fun, without any deeper implications.
I don't have a definitive conclusion or a perfect solution to make everything peaceful – I'm not sure such a thing even exists. However, I believe that listening to each other and trying to understand one another, despite our differences, is crucial. I can only imagine how deeply hurtful it must be for ace individuals to see so much fan art of Alastor that conflicts with his established sexual orientation, but recognizing it as people having fun and drawing a line between canon and fanon is as important as it is for those who engage in such content to understand why ace individuals might feel upset about it, and to recognize that their feelings are just as valid.
We need to communicate with each other respectfully and without hostility.
I'm open to listening to anyone who might feel offended by anything I've written here – my goal in sharing these thoughts is simply to foster understanding and empathy. I never wanted to hurt anyone with my words, sorry in advance if someone feels triggered because of this.
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 5 months
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NAME: Saru-mun
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : IMs or Discord. Definitely not tags I am horrible at them and sometimes forget to even read them. Sorry!
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Cyno is the overlord of the blog, with my Sephiroth sideblog as the strongest second. With that said, I have many other muses from other fandoms. Currently they are on a by-request basis, but I might throw them in the dash if the mood strikes!
BEST EXPERIENCE : This is tough because it cannot really be replicated on Tumblr, but group roleplay on FFXI and FFXIV is where my heart is at. I truly miss roleplaying the game story with a colorful cast of friends.
- Trivializing my character's challenges. I do not mind writing with powerful characters with all sorts of abilities, but if you go out of your way to make your character effortlessly rid mine of his problems or adversities he's currently facing (such as insta-healing him when he's down for the count), I won't be happy. Make sure your character's actions have a greater purpose than just showing off what he or she can do.
MUSE PREFERENCES: Canon filler. This is the words I use to describe plotting and writing events that can believably fill holes in a muse's canon timeline without contradicting the lore. I also love to write story divergences that may result from canon filler plots! Overall, I am a sucker for going back in time and tell the story of our characters from their childhood and upbringing.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Both~ Memes are great for icebreakers, and often get the juices flowing to plot bigger stuff!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Both! The length of my replies varies with the pace of the scenes. Combat and arguments are quick paced and will therefore create shorter replies. But if your muse does or says something that will kick mine into deep self-reflection, you can expect a multi-paragraphs post.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : I find that inspiration strikes me best late at night, just before bedtime. Not good for my 9-5 working schedule but what can I do? xD
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Not much. Some muses have certain aspects in their story that resonate with me personally, but it's never a 100% relatable situation. Experience taught me that the best way to keep IC and OOC separate is to write muses as far removed from yourself as possible, and I try to stay true to that lesson.
Tagged by: @grislyintentions (there ya go you stalker!) @shouga-nai (here it is!)
Tagging: @azure-steel, @soldier-lodbrok, @charlatanry
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thunder-shadow · 2 months
It’s really fascinating when you think about how much Earth has been through.  He went through a lot of phases and exprerinced a lot of stuff since he was created. The impact Hypothesis from being a hot ball of lava and magma to gaining his first life form and being a pale orange dot, the first ice age covered in complete ice and snow, Pangea and the dino era, the asteroid that killed the dinos- that made the Earth hot and covered in smoke and gas thus blocking the Sun rays from entering the Atmosphere and being covered in eternal darkness, the second ice age and then finally the Earth we know Today. But in spite of going through mass extinctions and Catastrophic/Apocalyptic disasters, Earth still manages to retain life. Life didn’t just manage to survive but thrives as well. Being the only planet that got to not only attain life but sustain it for this long in the face of all the challenges and adversity is magnificent. Not to mention the diverse habitats and ecosystems. Earth is just so beautiful and cool. Not to mention all the secrets we haven’t discovered yet, years f history yet to be uncovered, too bad we humans have the habit of destroying everything that’s good. 
Anyway, this is mostly a rant about why Earth is my fav character, with Luna being my second- ofc can’t have Earth without Luna they’re a package deal. I saw the ask from your twitter and thought I’d say my reason, maybe you might resonate with it. Ofc the Solarballs Earth character despite being a jerk has a lot of layers and complexity. He isn’t just a black or white character, which makes him so great. It also being our home planet, also plays a factor. He also just has a lot of angst potential, coupled with his depression, BPD, suicidal thoughts/tendency, the constant pain from earthlings, abandonment issues, etc.
And I love how you characterise Earth in your fic, although it may not always be in line with his canon personality, it’s still close enough to how he’d act. Also the earthlings interactions in you Ghe fic, need more of that. Love you fics,  infinite kudos <3
(Ignore me always sending you long asks, it wasn’t supposed to be this long. I always get carried away when I’m excited)
lol ur fine with the long asks
i never feel like im characterizing any of the characters right no matter how hard i try 🤷🏼‍♀️ but i still try and write them despite the anxiety it gives me 😭😭
and yess he's been through sm..... i love him sm 😭😭
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czartedition · 2 months
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PERSIST This week everyone who participated in the Umbral Wings Dragon Tarot Deck is able to publicly reveal their full card art!
So here's the final art for my tarot card contribution, the Nine of Fire (Nine of Wands equivalent)!
This card speaks to standing strong in the face of adversity and exhaustion, ready to push through to the finish line. Upright it says that you are so, so close, and can be assured that good things are eventually coming if you maintain your position and keep trying. This absolutely resonated with me personally at the moment, so I'm really grateful to have been assigned something I could pour my honest state of being into. True to form, I struggled with aspects of this piece as well - but in the end, here it is.
I based my dragon design on a greyhound, as they too are made to endure less than ideal conditions before finding hope in the form of retirement to a loving home.
If you'd like this and many other wonderful dragon illustrations in the form of a beautiful foil-stamped tarot deck, there are still nine days left to grab a copy of your own.
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