#f2f:jim 001
nicoinverona · 6 years
Questions || Nic x Jim
Who: @jim-ofalltrades-montague and @nicoinverona
When: Early December, 2018
What: After a conversation with the Commander, Nic calls Jim Montague in for questioning, trying to find some answers to the rash of fires. If anything, Jim furthers Nic’s belief that he had nothing to do with the fires, and that this is an act against the Montague’s.  Although the why still remains a mystery.
A part of Nic expected Jim to not show up at their agreed upon meeting time.  So much so that he'd already pre-emptively filled out paperwork for a warrant just in case.  He still wasn't convinced the man was explicitly involved in the fires, but the similarities to the man's past irked Nic and left him with some doubts.  And he didn't put it past the Montague's or at the very least, Lord Montague, to set fire to his own businesses to further his agenda.  Nic just wasn't sure what exactly that agenda would be at the moment.  But he also didn't expect Jim Montague to give him too many answers today, at least not about the current fires.  So that wasn't going to be where Nic went with his questions today.
Jim hated this whole thing. He should have expected it really, but part of him had hoped that for once the Montagues would be treated like the damn victims they were instead of the criminals. He'd had too many bad experiences with the Law in the past to even begin to hope this was a casual follow up questioning. Just to please himself, he showed up late to the agreed upon time, knowing that he had grease stains on his shirt from the motor repair he'd done earlier. He just hoped no one called him James. That was too much weirdness on top of the rest of the day. Stalking in, he tossed out his name to the receptionist, figuring they'd already have a nice padded interrogation room ready for him.
Nic was sitting at his desk when Jim arrived, late, but he supposed it was better than not showing up at all.  Hearing the other man's name, Nic stood up and waved him over.  "This way, Mr. Montague," he said showing the other man into a small office.  "Have a seat and we can get started."
Just being an office like this made Jim feel more unsure and angrier, as if the last decade hadn't happened. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he trudged along behind the officer before flopping unceremoniously in the chair indicated. "I'm surprised you didn't have the cuffs already out. Seems to be the usual method with Montagues these days."
"I recall mentioning that we were not charging you so, no, handcuffs are not necessary,"  Nic replied.  "If you need them to feel more comfortable, I'm sure arrangements can be made."  He raised an eyebrow at the other then.  "I'm willing to go a different route than the 'usual method with the Montagues these days' if you're willing to do the same.  By that I mean an attempt at a real conversation involving questions."
Jim just shrugged at the question, leaning back so the chair was tilted off the ground just slightly as he watched the man. Officer Ricci. There was a vague sense of familiarity about him - besides the whole seeing each other in the middle of a smoking building getting people out. The reminder of which had the healing burn on Jim's back itching and he shifted slightly to try and ease the sensation. "Fire away Ritchie."
Nic couldn’t help but laugh.  “Please, we both know in general the Montagues are far more we’ll off than a typical city employee; even a member of the Watch.”  He opened the file and looked at his notes.  “You were at the Halloween event.  I remember seeing you.  Were you at Ms. Lovell’s event prior to the fire as well?”  Nic was pretty sure he’d seen the other Dominant there too.
Jim had to admit, the fact that the man had laughed off the (albeit shitty) pun on his own name instead of getting mad had him raising slightly in Jim's estimation. The ones without the quick temper usually were actually trying to do their job rather than getting off on the power trip. But he'd wait and see. "Yeah." He'd put an order in at the event, they could get that information easily enough so there was no point prevaricating.
“After the fire on Halloween were you asked to or did you take it upon yourself to look into any other Montague holdings?”  Nic asked.  “And if so, did you find anything?”
Jim felt himself tensing again. It was the kind of question that should be simple but he felt like it was leading towards something in particular. "It's my job. Nothing out of the ordinary," he replied shortly.
“I know it’s your job,” Nic replied.  “I just wanted to confirm that and that it was done.  Although with this second fire, there is a shift in the investigation.”  He looked down to his notes.  “This isn’t the first fire you’ve been involved with either is it?”
Jim knew what he was referring to. Honestly, he'd known it was coming as soon as the man had called because of course they'd go back and pul that up - but that didn't mean he was going to make it easy. "Did you lose all your notes from the Apothecary fire? Yeah, I was still there too."
"No.  Just not making any assumptions here," Nic replied.  "And since I'm relying on someone else's notes from Sicily, I have a couple of questions for you.  You were there, correct and helped get people out like at the Apothecary?  And according to the report I see here, the cause was determined to be area kids getting into trouble?  Did you know those kids?"
Of course he'd known them. They'd been proving a point to him by attacking the inn at all, and his mother had been the one to deal with the worst of the consequences. "Area kids. Nice phrase for that."
"Would you care to elaborate on what you'd call them?" Nic asked.  "And how you knew them?"
"Firebugs. Assholes. Mafia wannabes. Rich kids with too much time on their hands and no conscience. I'm sure one of those will appeal to you." He was almost tempted to deny that he'd known them at all, but that wouldn't have worked a decade ago, and with what was in the report, there was no point being stupid. "As you mentioned, area kids. Kids run into each other. School happens. We weren't holding tea parties or any shit like that."
"I would think legitimate firebugs and I would find much, much more about them connected to other fires," Nic surmised.  However the other descriptors were hardly surprising.   Especially the mafia wannabes.  "You're a rare birth Montague aren't you?"
Jim had a lot of tender places in his past, and despite what it appeared, he'd been trying to stay on the civil line of difficult. But the surprise change in tack had his expression darkening as he stared at the Watch Officer. "What the hell does that have to do with anything?"
"You're the one that mentioned mafia wannabes," Nic said.  "It's not so unusual to think that perhaps the Montagues have made some enemies with the Mafia.  Either then or now.  I'm just looking at possible connections, and suspects for these latest two fires."  The Officer folded his arms over his chest.  "Like you said, perhaps it's not standard opperating procedure around here these days, especially with the new Mayor, but even with the last name Montague, and perhaps the obvious access you would have, I don't like you for the culprit.  But with this other fire, and some similarities, I'm just making sure there isn't a connection to you, that we're not overlooking."
Jim slowly clenched his fist as he listened to the other man talk. He knew he should be relieved to hear that the officer didn't think he was a likely candidate, but he knew better than to trust any statement given that easily. "The shit that happened back there wasn't about being a damn Montague and they've had plenty of time to cause problems since. And if they did, they would have made damn sure /I/ knew what it was about. I don't. If I did, that would've been fucking dealt with after the first fire."
"What was it about then?" Nic asked.  "You've got opinions, or ideas, I'd like to hear them.  Make me see that the fire then, and the fires now are different, despite the similarities of you being connected to them, and in the case of the Apocathary, saving people."  He looked down at the old file.  "Do you remember names?  Because the other thing we're looking at is these names at the Apocathary and the Adonis.  We are looking at connections to each other and to the Montague's to explain why their busineses, but it's a lot of really thin straws at the moment."
"They are fucking different. They're a decade apart and a country away, and considering the sheer number of fires that happen annually, that's pretty statistically important. But also, these two happened weeks apart from each other. Whatever started this, it's started now and it's not stopping. Each fire had literal fucking calling cards this time around I'd say that's a damn thick straw to connect them. But also, come on, look at the way those fires were set. Neither were actually designed to hurt anyone. The Apothecary had people in it, but the fire was in the basement and kept away from all the alcohol. That could have easily become an inferno, but it was a scare tactic. Second time around they literally waited until it was all empty. This is all flash and attention grabbing, it's someone trying to make a point. My guess is someone who feels the Watch hasn't done enough to clear the Montagues out of the city so they're trying to lead you by the nose. Which means looking outside the family is probably your best bet."
"Looking at how those fires were set are the main thing keeping the Montagues as suspect," Nic replied cooly.  "Set a fire that could have been a whole lot worse, and have Montague's in the building. " The Dominant left off the fact that Megan, who had been one of the injured was also no longer going to be a Montague as it turned out.  "Then one with no one around, but letting it go all the way down, and meanwhile it disrupts a service for the citizens of the city, puting people on edge and making them vulnerable. "  Not to mention the Adonis would be rebuilt undboutedly in some capacity.  Possibly bigger and better, which could have been needed with business booming.  It's unfortunate, but could be a good thing.   "The names link them for sure, apart from the locations themselves. But it's not clear why the names, and if they're just meant to throw us off.  If as you said it's just about getting the Montague's out of the city, which to be fucking clear,  isn't anyone's but the Princess purview, there is no need for the names.   Even our Mayor knows HE can't just get your crew out of here.  Which is why I'm sure he's cracking down on crime,  and chasing any involvement by your family.  Make Verona a less than hospitable environment."   He raised an eyebrow at Jim.  "Katerina died 5 years ago.  About half way between when that fire did and the more recent ones. So don't throw time at me like it's some magic clear all."
Jim let out a disgusted sound, rolling his eyes. "Right. Because it's so hard to believe that Montagues could actually be the fucking victims for once. It's our businesses getting burned down, our revenue we're losing, our customers, and now that there are two fires it's going to make people question pretty damn hard if it's worth it to go to anything run by Montagues in case there's yet another fire. We're just always the fucking villains to you aren't we?" He understood the man's point about time, but he wasn't sure how to explain it any better than he already had without going into way more detail than he had ever shared. "Look, if this was anything to do with those kids from Sicily, you can be fucking sure they wouldn't give a damn about whether or not people were inside those buildings. They didn't 10 years ago, and they sure as hell wouldn't care now. And if it was about me, there would be something recognizable in it. My name. My mother's name. Hell, even a name or a symbol that I'd recognize from high school. But there isn't. And this is a huge waste of time."
Nic scoffed.  "Honestly, yeah it is kind of difficult to see /some/ Montague's as victims at all.  Almost as difficult it is for me watch /some/ Capulets in a similar position."  He had enough reasons personal and professional alike to not see either as victims no matter the situation.  The Montague's wouldn't be the first to attempt insurance fraud afterall and some short term pain like Jim just described would easily be covered by new, better buildings, possibly bigger, and in a way increasing their business and revenues long term.   Instead he listened to the other go on about how there would be a sign or s sumbol that he'd recognize from high school if the two were connected, which was a fair enough point, but it wasn't also one Nic or any other of the Watch would know.  But something about the outburst made Nic give it some merit.  Still, it was something he'd look into himself as well, possible signs or symbols and look for them in connection with either fire.  But his gut still said, as it had when the Captain had him pull in the Montague Repairman, that this wouldn't result in a lead.  "A waste of your time, but you just knocked down two areas of suspicion we were pursuing.*  Nic jotted down a couple of more notes, crossing out a couple of things and then looked at Jim.  "Thank you for your time."
Jim sneered at the confirmation of what he'd said. But as soon as the officer said that he was finished he pushed himself to his feet and stalked off, not bothering to say anything else. What he wanted was to get out of this Watch station more than anything. Before he did something even stupider which got him arrested yet again. All he knew now was that he needed to get back home.
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livyromano · 6 years
Livy now regretted setting off to find a bar that had been recommended to her.  Maps on her phone had told her she had arrived yet she had wandered around and not seen it.  With her phone not helping to find her destination she knew she would either have to give up or ask somebody for help.  Building herself up for a social interaction she smiled to the next person she passed.  “Hi.  I’m really sorry to bother you.  Would you happen to know where Duchi is?  My phone seems unable to find it.”
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