#f2f: marley
marley-rose · 1 day
f2f ↔ marley & natalie
"How many scoops? If you don't give me an answer in the next two seconds, I'm defaulting to five," Marley joked, already scooping herself two scoops of vanilla ice cream and two scoops of strawberry. She lived for when at least one of her sisters would come over for ice cream night, nothing made her feel more refreshed than talking and laughing with Nat, Delilah, or Ellie. "Okay, five it is," Marley giggled when Natalie took too long. @privnatalie
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numberfivefinn · 4 years
closed starter for @nycswallflower​
As the night was dwindling down, Finn started to get a little worn out, not even having awfully a lot of time to let loose. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing though, because he did get to talk to a lot of people and seeing the bride and groom so happy was everything he really needed to be content with the night. However, he hadn’t taken enough time with the one person who probably needed at least half of his attention tonight - his actual date. Marley was such a sweet girl, the best in fact, and he was only hoping she had enjoyed being at the wedding so far, despite him not being there to make her feel more welcome. Hopefully, the others had done some of that work. “Hey Marls,” he said gently as he sat down next to her, a drink in his hand. “Sorry I haven’t been with you much tonight. It’s been crazy.”
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finnwiththelights · 4 years
Finn was sure he was never going to get used to attending fancy, big company parties, because he had already spent 15 minutes staring at the snack table without figuring out what half of the table was. “Oh hey, Marls. Do you happen to know what any of this is? I didn’t know there existed snacks that I wouldn’t recognize. I usually consider myself a snack master.” @msmarleyrose​
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dylan-donati · 5 years
Lunch Date // Dylan + Marley
Dylan took a sip of water as he looked through the lunch menu in front of him. He was out on a date with Marley, enjoying a little down time as finals were quickly approaching and he figured they could both use a little break. After a few minutes of looking he couldn’t help but look away from the menu and at Marley, giving her a smile. Dylan was really happy. He never realized how happy he could been since getting back together to with Marley and felt like things we going extremely well with them. 
“So what do you think of the menu? Anything sounding good to you?” he asked. He had his eyes on a couple tings but was just down to figuring out which one he wanted out of his narrowed down choices. “Do you want an appetizer or anything?” he said, his eyes stayed glued back on the menu. He couldn’t wait till it was officially summer and him and Marley would have all the time in the world together.  Once he picked his dish of choice he smiled at Marley again, closing his menu. “I swear I”m so ready to get away from campus and spend some time at home for a little bit.” 
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aquaevans · 6 years
Sarley F2F || Keep It Secret 9/18/18
Sam: was in his dorm working on his schedule for the year. It was going to be helpful for him to have everything written so he knew how to space his time out for things such as work, the center, clubs, homework, and other things. There may not have been much time to spare but he figured it wouldn't be so bad the more time went on. Looking around the dorm briefly, he thought about how weird it felt to be in such a big space by himself. He kept Mike's old room closed, not wanting to disturb it or just replace it. But Ari made him feel better as always, curled up beside him while he wrote in his planner. He didn't have to be at the center til later that afternoon so he had some time to do what he needed to do til then.
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numberfivefinn · 4 years
closed starter for @nycswallflower​
Finn caught his eye on an unfamiliar face at the party, much to his surprise as he assumed only close friends were invited. “Hey, I don’t think we’ve met,” he greeted as he extended his hand to the new girl. “Are you a friend of Kurt and Sam’s?”
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astonxjones · 3 years
Aston did her best to slip out of bed quietly without disturbing Marley before the alarm on her phone could go off, and showered. It was early enough that she could take her time and think, the image of Marley hitting the stage floor replaying on a loop since the night before. Dressed in just her underclothes and free of her shower cap, the switch crept back into Marley’s room and got back into the bed and cuddled up behind her before she had to get dressed for church. “Your sister is asleep on the couch.” She half whispered, suspecting Marley was awake as Aston had been much more stealth about leaving the bed than getting back into it. @thisrosewillnotwilt​
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dommexbritt · 3 years
Brittany plopped down next to Marley in the Barbie doll corner, carful to tuck her nightgown beneath herself. “Here.” She said passing over a glass of strawberry milk to her. Pink milk to match the night’s theme. Grinning and sipping on her champagne the blonde plucked a doll with dark curly hair from the pile. “What is the salacious drama in the dream house? I wanna join!” @thisrosewillnotwilt​
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solarmason-blog · 7 years
end up here | marson | 6/14
Mason: [Mason felt like everything was far away. It was apart from him, somehow; NYADA had faded into the dull background, classes into the white noise that accompanied his pressing loneliness. He’d told Madison he needed to get away--that he needed to stop seeing Ben out of the corner of his eye, stop hearing his laughter down the hall. He needed to clear his head. The woods felt better than the cabins, which were perfectly fine--he was sure they were more than adequate, truly, but like everything else, they felt unreal. But the woods--they were real. The birds, the little flowers growing along the path, and off it, and along the fallen trees. The sky above him. Everything was so green, and so quiet, and so still, it was almost like being home, if home also had a bunch of drunk, loud fraternity boys. Mason had been spending copious time away from his friends, away from the noise he couldn't follow anymore anyway. Why care, now? What was the point. He knew, logically, that Ben wouldn't want that. The letter had said be happy. The problem was that he didn't know how to, right now. So until he figured it out, he spent his time memorizing the hiking paths, and when he memorized them by Day 2, and had taken to the woods instead. The woods were clear and free and beautiful and real. Mason was sitting on a log; he wanted to find an opening, a field or something, so he could watch the sunset, but his legs were tired from all the walking he'd been doing and, if he was being honest, he was hungry. He was sure that food had started to be cooked back at camp. And yet he stayed there, because he thought maybe if he stayed in the woods, they wouldn't make him go back. Maybe they'd just forget all about stupid Mason Larch McCarthy, and he could vanish just as entirely as stupid Benjamin Thomas Blythe had. ...But Ben had told him to try and be happy, so vanishing was not yet an option, especially considering Madison left behind at NYADA. So he let out a breath and looked to the sky. It would be dark soon, and the stars were beautiful here.]
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the-ryderlynn-blog1 · 7 years
Comfort Cuddles || Ryley
It had been a while since the two had seen each other, since Scout’s party to be exact and though he had wanted to see her since then, he’d been a bit busy once getting back to the city. Besides, he felt comfort with how their relationship had been progressing so he didn’t feel the need to communicate with her 24/7, the frequent texting would suffice for seeing her in person for now. Well until she had asked him to come over to help in cheering her up from whatever it was that got her down. Given the few times her dad had been brought up in conversation and with the recent holiday, he had an inkling on what would be upsetting her. Quickly turning off the video game he had been playing, Ryder headed out towards Marley’s. Stopping once he saw a small market closer to her building, he stepped in and picked up a small bunch of sunflowers and a container of cookies. Within a few minutes, Ryder had made it to her building and was riding the elevator to her floor. He knocked on her door, holding the flowers behind his back so it wouldn’t be the first thing she saw. 
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dylan-donati · 6 years
Birthday Plans  // Dylan + Marley
Dylan looked around at everyone in the shopping center as he walked around looking at stores, basically following his best friend any where she went. He agreed to go out birthday shopping with Marley since her birthday party was coming up. Dylan wasn’t much of a shopper himself. He would usually spent a short time in a store, buy the clothing then go on to the next. It was strange being in a store for a longer period than he was used too. But knowing this was for Marley, there was no way he was going to say no. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into coming shopping with you. I’m probably not gonna be as fun or knowledgeable like your girlfriends but you know I’ll be honest.” It was true. Dylan had no problem telling Marley what he thought when it came to everything. “Alright so you lead to a store and I’ll follow although if I will suggest that you try and go into a few stores where there are clothes for me too. I mean it’s only fair.” he grinned.
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aquaevans · 7 years
Studying and Duets || F2F Sarley
Sam: was sure that between exams, work, clubs, and now the Extravaganza Rachel was organizing, that he was going to slowly lose his mind by the time December was over. Add that to once again having to tell the truth no matter what, it was a rough one. He thought he had been safe away from his room, until he ended up blurting out to a customer that she was crazy if she thought mixing water and oil-based paints was a good idea. His eyes had widened in horror, sure he was going to lose his job, but she only looked at him in understanding like she knew he couldn't stop himself from telling the truth. Any other person would have asked for a manager, but thankfully she took it in stride. But now it meant Sam was extremely cautious. Like now meeting Marley for studying. She had confided in him quite a bit but this was before the hex and he didn't want to risk asking her a question she did not want to answer against her will. He had found a quiet spot in the library where no one could disturb them. Normally, he would go to his spot that he usually went to but he didn't know if Quinn would be there and if so, didn't want to incur her wrath by bringing someone else there. It wasn't necessarily their spot, but he didn't want to create any unnecessary drama. Now he was just overthinking this. So instead, he found a spot that had comfortable chairs and plenty of space for them to work. After texting Marley to let her know where he was, Sam pulled out his Transmutation and Earth/Ocean Sciences notes to figure out which ones he should focus on first.
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longhornmarley · 4 years
Marley was sitting out on the balcony, enjoying the cooler night air with Ginny sitting next to her on the little love seat that was out there. She was rereading the letter her father wrote her and had her phone near while she decided if she was going to call him. She was pulled from her thoughts when the slider opened and she looked up to see who was joining her; it turning out to be Finn. “Hey.” She said softly and folded back up the letter.
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numberfivefinn · 4 years
“Wow, I can’t believe I’m spending Thanksgiving with the Marley Rose,” Finn teased as an attempt to lighten the mood as he wrapped his arm around the girl. He knew it was the first big holiday without her mom this year, and he wasn’t sure how she would handle it yet. All he wanted for her was for her to enjoy herself, but he understood if it was difficult to do so. “I’m especially thankful for you this year.”
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astonxjones · 3 years
“All packed.” Aston said as she entered Marley’s room. Having left it to the weekend she’d been getting the last of her things together most of the day. Now showered and getting ready for an early bedtime to catch a flight in the morning, Aston was looking forward to settling down. @thisrosewillnotwilt​
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dommexbritt · 3 years
Both hands on Marley’s waist they both pivot together in time with the music and Brittany, acting as her partner in the dance, watched the way the switch positioned her arms as they moved through the choreography to the end. “Perfect! It looks super good! I think señora Violeta is gonna be really impressed with dress rehearsal.” @thisrosewillnotwilt​
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