#f2f: hunter01
ginandsmythe · 5 years
huntbastian ⇆ november 2nd
Sebastian lived for the weekend. After spending some of his freshman year on academic probation, he’d become better at dedicating more time during the week to his classes and keeping his grades in check, but when the weekend came, all bets were off. Class could wait. He wasn’t about to spend the best years of his life stuck in a library on a Saturday night. 
By this point in his college career, Sebastian knew who threw the best parties and which clubs and bars in the city had the hottest, gayest men. The men at Ginsburg could only keep him occupied for so long, so every so often he had to venture off campus for a good time. That was how he ended up at a house party two towns over. He’d heard about it from a friend of a friend and figured it couldn’t hurt to check out. 
After picking out a fitted shirt and jeans that showed off his best assets, Sebastian took a Lyft to the address he’d been given, knowing he would either be going home with someone else or bringing someone home with him. Either way, he didn’t plan on being in a state in which he could safely drive, not with the week he’d had. That was why it didn’t take long for him to down a few drinks as he flirted and danced with a number of men who caught his eye, none of them quite feeling worthy enough of him spending the entire night with them. 
It wasn’t long after his fourth drink that Sebastian started feeling lightheaded. He’d been drinking regularly since he was 14, so he knew how to handle his alcohol. It took quite a bit for him to get a buzz going, especially with the cheap college drinks that these parties always served, so he knew something was off. He nearly tripped over himself as he tried to get himself out of the overcrowded living area, the room spinning around him as he struggled to get to the door, the music too loud as he tried to focus on walking without falling and making an idiot of himself. He’d had too much to drink before, but never like this. Something was wrong. His vision blurred as he stumbled out of the room and into a nearly empty dining area, realizing he had no idea where the front door was. He’d sworn it was this way. Fuck.
“Hey there, Gorgeous. You okay there?” a man Sebastian had been dancing with earlier asked, the stranger’s grip a little too firm on his arm and the sound of his voice both muffled and too loud at the same time. 
“I’m fine,” Sebastian muttered, words slurring together as he tried and failed to pull away, hating how none of his muscles were working the way he needed them to. If he could just get away from this guy, he could get his phone out and order himself another Lyft. He had no idea what was happening, but the sinking feeling in his stomach was enough to tell him that this guy wasn’t going to help him.
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sigmasmythe · 6 years
hunter & sebastian ⇆ february 14th.
While Sebastian hated Valentine’s Day and had conflicting feelings about sharing his birthday with the lamest day of the year, he did love his birthday, a day dedicated entirely to him. He always made sure to have an amazing time, no matter what he did, though it usually involved him hooking up with a hot guy or two. It definitely had a strong start: he’d woken up next to Parker after an incredible night together, and then been surprised by Hunter with breakfast in bed. Honestly, the best gift had been seeing Hunter’s expression when he realized Sebastian wasn’t alone that morning. Well, that and the blowjob Parker gave him after Hunter left the room.
The second best gift was all of his fraternity brothers bringing a hot gay man to his party for his enjoyment. It was definitely the best gift they could have given him for his last birthday spent in the house, and definitely a selfless gift considering it was Valentine’s Day and over a dozen mostly straight men and filled the house with gay men for one man’s enjoyment. He was a few drinks into the night and had already made out with a handful of his gifts, though he wasn’t sure who the one was yet. He’d promised Parker that he’d be bringing him to bed later that night, though Sebastian had suggested they bring one of the guys with them so that they wouldn’t go to waste and Parker had been more than happy to agree. Sebastian didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky with Parker. He was hot, sexy, and incredible in bed. They always had a good time together, but neither of them cared that the other was hooking up with dozens of other people on the side.
Surprisingly, Hunter seemed to be having a good time too, and Sebastian did owe him some kindness considering he’d made him a birthday breakfast on top of putting up with his attitude for the last few months. He made his way over to Hunter, cup of half-finished alcohol in hand as he leaned over, a little too close to talk to the new pledge as he rested a hand on his bicep.
“So which one of these guys is from you?”
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f2f 001 ⇆ february 1st
Sebastian hated doing dishes. He’d always hated all forms of chores and cleaning, but dishes topped the list and he dreaded using anything in his cooking that wasn’t dishwasher safe. So the fact that he was spending his Friday night doing dishes by himself was the first sign that he wasn’t in a good mood. At the start of the evening, Sebastian had been under the impression that his husband would take care of the dishes since he’d prepared their meal or that they would at least do them together, but it was starting to seem that that wouldn’t be the case. The dishes definitely wouldn’t get left in the sink because he and Hunter ended up in bed by the end of the meal like had happened numerous times in the past, so it was safe to say that the night had gone downhill fast. As much as he hated touching dirty dishes, Sebastian needed something to distract himself from how annoyed he was, and with Hunter still not home, the dishes seemed to be his only option in keeping his hands busy.
They had planned to have dinner around 6:30 when Hunter was home and settled. The both of them had been busy with work for a while now, so to make up for the amount of evenings spent apart, they’d decided on a simple dinner at home together, which Sebastian had hoped would be followed up with something else considering he was making Hunter’s favorite. He started on dinner so it’d be ready by the time Hunter got home, but when 6:30 came around and he still hadn’t heard from his husband, he sent him a quick text to find out where he was. It was common that Hunter stayed late at work, especially over the past few months, but they had planned this dinner a while ago so Sebastian had hoped his husband would at least let him know if he was running late. He figured Hunter had just gotten busy at the end of his day and forgot to text him to let him know he was on his way home, but that positive way of looking at the evening became less and less likely as time ticked on.
By 7:00, the steak, potatoes, and asparagus were starting to get cold and Sebastian still hadn’t heard from Hunter. The wine would have gone warm as well, but Sebastian had already finished his third glass while waiting so at least that wouldn’t go to waste. He sent Hunter another text, this one shorter and less patient than the last. At the start of their careers, they’d both been understanding of the long hours each of them worked, but Sebastian didn’t think it was too much to ask that Hunter let him know that he wasn’t planning on making it for dinner. It wasn’t as though they desperately needed the money, so he didn’t think he was asking for much by expecting Hunter to not stay late for once.
At 7:15, Sebastian wrapped Hunter’s food in foil and put it in the fridge. He’d picked at his own plate, but wasn’t in the mood to eat so that ended up wrapped and in the fridge, as well,  the door getting slammed shut a little too hard in the process and startling both of the cats that had come out to see what he was up to.
By 7:30, he was showered and in his sweatpants and a long-sleeve shirt on the couch in the living room, trying to find interest in catching up on all of his social media on his phone while he waited for Hunter to get home. He’d run through at least six scenarios in his mind of what he’d say to his husband when he finally got to the apartment, but Sebastian never knew how conversations with Hunter would play out, even less so over the past few weeks.
A frustrated sigh left his lips as he pushed his fingers back through his damp hair, his heart heavy in his chest as he let his phone drop down on the couch cushions. He really hadn’t wanted tonight to turn into a fight; he’d been looking forward to having a romantic evening with Hunter and actually relaxing with him for once. If his husband had been home a little earlier, he would have come home to a Sebastian who was more hurt than he wanted to admit. Marriage had been a joke to him for the longest time. The idea of settling down bored him and his life wasn’t filled with examples of happy marriages. Even love was a foreign concept to him until he met Hunter, and while it had taken years for him to warm up to the idea of marriage, Sebastian eventually found himself down on one knee, asking Hunter to be a part of his life forever. There hadn’t been much question that they were it for each other, but Sebastian knew that Hunter wanted marriage, and the way he looked at Sebastian made him want it too.
Five years later and Sebastian was home alone in the kitchen, waiting for his husband to show up for the dinner he’d put together for the both of them. He half expected a younger version of himself to show up and tell him, ‘I told you so.’ Thank God he wasn’t the type to cry or get overly emotional because that would have really made him feel pathetic. Instead he just drank and slammed around a few cabinets as he put things away, his disappointment slowly turning into anger the longer he went without hearing from Hunter.
By the time he heard the key in the lock of the front door, Sebastian wasn’t sure he even wanted to speak to Hunter. He’d considered trying to go to sleep, but he was too angry to get a decent rest and a larger part of him needed Hunter to realize just how annoyed he was with him. He took another long sip of his wine, knowing he would need at least another glass if he wanted to get any sleep tonight.
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lawsmythe · 8 years
F2F ⇆ 001
Sebastian smiled to himself as he plugged his phone into the charger and left it on his nightstand, figuring he'd continue his conversation with Parker in the next ten minutes when he came over, not that he expected either of them to do much talking. Parker was great for fun and easy conversations, but his mouth was too talented for Sebastian to not spend a majority of their time together kissing. He didn't want to call Parker his boyfriend or anything like that, but this was definitely the closest Sebastian had ever come to having a relationship with someone. He couldn't even name the last time he'd gone this long just sleeping with one person, and though most of their time was spent fucking, he actually enjoyed Parker's company. Parker always made him smile whenever he texted him, and he definitely made Sebastian feel good about himself. What more could he ask out of the person he was sleeping with? Parker constantly gave him compliments and told Sebastian exactly what he liked about him. 
Though he hated to admit it, he could sort of see why Hunter was so into dating. While Sebastian loved the variety of sleeping around, there was just something about hooking up with someone who knew exactly what he liked. He and Parker hadn’t been together all that long, yet the other man knew exactly how to make Sebastian’s toes curl. They were compatible in more ways than one, and although Sebastian had no intentions of settling down, he didn’t mind taking his time with Parker and seeing how long they could keep this going. Unfortunately, Hunter didn’t seem to understand the concept of Sebastian and Parker just figuring things out together. Sebastian knew that his friend’s intentions were in the right place, but every time his friend questioned how serious things were or implied that Sebastian had feelings for Parker, it made him wonder if what he was doing was something he really wanted. It went against everything he had done in the past, and he didn’t need Hunter reminding him of that whenever he so much as mentioned spending time with Parker and enjoying it. 
He opened the door of his room as he walked out into the living room, smiling as he saw Hunter already there, sitting on the couch where Sebastian told Parker he'd let him fuck him. Without greeting his roommate, Sebastian climbed onto the couch, letting his body take up a majority of it as he spread out and rested his head in Hunter's lap, smiling lazily up at him as he reached up to run his fingers through his friend’s hair before dropping both of his hands to rest on his stomach. "Hey," he greeted as he waited for Hunter to start playing with his hair the way he liked. “Parker’s coming over soon so I wouldn’t get too comfortable if I were you,” he teased, leaving out the fact that he and Parker had every intention of fucking on, against, and next to the very couch they were sitting on.
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