#f.f.:event 02
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arrogantfilmdirector · 4 months ago
Lila Draper had been trying to win at the carnival games at the Fall carnival, but unfortunately she wasn’t having much luck at winning at the carnival games. Lila Draper sighed dramatically, as she looked at someone who was nearby herself. “Oh, hi. Are you any good at these games? I still haven’t won at any of them so far.” Lila Draper said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters “Could you please help me out? I was just wondering. Thank you.” Lila Draper said to them.
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kindbows · 5 months ago
Blossom hadn’t found the drink that she wanted to pay for, so she sighed, and she started to walk towards the hang out area at the apartments where all of the people live in. She looks over to someone who is right nearby to her. “I guess that they are all out of those brand new Fall drinks. They were pretty delicious.” Blossom said, sighing a second time as she continued to look at that other person who was nearby her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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sparklesandsonicrainbooms · 4 months ago
“Hello, and welcome to the Canterlot High School’s Fall Carnival! My name is Rainbow Dash, and I am one of the six students who are in charge of this carnival! We have a lot of theme attractions, lots of Fall themed foods for you to try, and there is also a haunted house here, so I hope that you will have a good time here! And please let me know if there is anything that I can help you out with! Thank you!” Rainbow Dash says to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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tamarasmultimuseblog · 5 months ago
Leni Loud couldn’t figure out what the other person’s costume is. Leni Loud nervously approached the other person. “Hi, would you like to tag along with me into the Haunted House for the Fall carnival? And, uh, could you please tell me what your costume is? I, uh, don’t know what you’re dressing up as. My name is Leni Loud! What’s your name? It’s a pleasure to meet you! I hope that you’re having fun here!” Leni Loud said to the other person that she saw. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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kindbows · 3 months ago
"Oh, hi! I would love to help you out with that. I'm fairly good at these games though. What is your name? My name is Lyra Heartstrings. And it is a pleasure to meet you! And you're welcome." Lyra Heartstrings said to the other person.
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Lila Draper had been trying to win at the carnival games at the Fall carnival, but unfortunately she wasn’t having much luck at winning at the carnival games. Lila Draper sighed dramatically, as she looked at someone who was nearby herself. “Oh, hi. Are you any good at these games? I still haven’t won at any of them so far.” Lila Draper said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters “Could you please help me out? I was just wondering. Thank you.” Lila Draper said to them.
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kindbows · 4 months ago
"I'm having a fun time here. Thank you. And my name is Princess Stella. Uh, oh. I'm a fairy, and Princess. And it's a pleasure to meet you too, Leni Loud. I can accompany you into the Haunted House though. Do you know what your costume will be yet?" Princess Stella asked her.
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Leni Loud couldn’t figure out what the other person’s costume is. Leni Loud nervously approached the other person. “Hi, would you like to tag along with me into the Haunted House for the Fall carnival? And, uh, could you please tell me what your costume is? I, uh, don’t know what you’re dressing up as. My name is Leni Loud! What’s your name? It’s a pleasure to meet you! I hope that you’re having fun here!” Leni Loud said to the other person that she saw. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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kindbows · 4 months ago
"Well, I would love to. Ah, I'm dressed up as a superheroine. And my name is Princess Astoria Rapunzel. I'm the granddaughter of Princess Rapunzel. It's a wonderful pleasure to meet you too, Leni Loud! I'm having a fun time at this Fall carnival. It's really great! Do you know what your costume will be?" She asked Leni Loud.
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Leni Loud couldn’t figure out what the other person’s costume is. Leni Loud nervously approached the other person. “Hi, would you like to tag along with me into the Haunted House for the Fall carnival? And, uh, could you please tell me what your costume is? I, uh, don’t know what you’re dressing up as. My name is Leni Loud! What’s your name? It’s a pleasure to meet you! I hope that you’re having fun here!” Leni Loud said to the other person that she saw. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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sparklesandsonicrainbooms · 4 months ago
Wallflower Blush looks at the other person. "Oh, I'm, uh, so sorry. I wasn't sure if you were talking to me, or not. Uh, well, I'm dressed as a fairy. And my name is Wallflower Blush. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Leni Loud. And, sure, I can join you. It's, uh, just that I'm invisible to nearly everyone here." Wallflower Blush says to Leni Loud.
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Leni Loud couldn’t figure out what the other person’s costume is. Leni Loud nervously approached the other person. “Hi, would you like to tag along with me into the Haunted House for the Fall carnival? And, uh, could you please tell me what your costume is? I, uh, don’t know what you’re dressing up as. My name is Leni Loud! What’s your name? It’s a pleasure to meet you! I hope that you’re having fun here!” Leni Loud said to the other person that she saw. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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kindbows · 4 months ago
"Hello. My name is Blossom, and my costume is a superhero. Heh. It's a pleasure to meet you too, and no worries. I totally get it. Not everyone can tell what my costume is. And I'll join you, by the way. That would be a lot of fun if we went there together. I am having fun here, though. It's a great Fall carnival so far, and the games are a lot of fun to play too!" Blossom said to Leni Loud.
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Leni Loud couldn’t figure out what the other person’s costume is. Leni Loud nervously approached the other person. “Hi, would you like to tag along with me into the Haunted House for the Fall carnival? And, uh, could you please tell me what your costume is? I, uh, don’t know what you’re dressing up as. My name is Leni Loud! What’s your name? It’s a pleasure to meet you! I hope that you’re having fun here!” Leni Loud said to the other person that she saw. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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kindbows · 4 months ago
"I can try my best. Sure. You're welcome. My name is Princess Stella. What is your name? And it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope it's not rigged." Princess Stella walked towards one of the Fall carnival's games, and she gave it a shot. The person running it gave her a prize on her third try.
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Lila Draper had been trying to win at the carnival games at the Fall carnival, but unfortunately she wasn’t having much luck at winning at the carnival games. Lila Draper sighed dramatically, as she looked at someone who was nearby herself. “Oh, hi. Are you any good at these games? I still haven’t won at any of them so far.” Lila Draper said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters “Could you please help me out? I was just wondering. Thank you.” Lila Draper said to them.
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kindbows · 4 months ago
"Thank you for welcoming me here. My name is Princess Stella. It's a pleasure to meet you, Rainbow Dash! Uh, do you know if there will be a costume contest here? You're welcome." Princess Stella said to Rainbow Dash.
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“Hello, and welcome to the Canterlot High School’s Fall Carnival! My name is Rainbow Dash, and I am one of the six students who are in charge of this carnival! We have a lot of theme attractions, lots of Fall themed foods for you to try, and there is also a haunted house here, so I hope that you will have a good time here! And please let me know if there is anything that I can help you out with! Thank you!” Rainbow Dash says to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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fatesforgottcn · 4 months ago
"Did you try asking the manager, or an employee who works at this building? Maybe they can order more for us. And that was a great drink. I hope that they can refill them." Phoebe replied.
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Blossom hadn’t found the drink that she wanted to pay for, so she sighed, and she started to walk towards the hang out area at the apartments where all of the people live in. She looks over to someone who is right nearby to her. “I guess that they are all out of those brand new Fall drinks. They were pretty delicious.” Blossom said, sighing a second time as she continued to look at that other person who was nearby her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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arrogantfilmdirector · 4 months ago
"I was beginning to think it was a possibility. My name is Lila Draper. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Princess Stella. Wow. I've actually met Princesses before. Where were you originally from? And congratulations!" Lila Draper said to Princess Stella.
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Lila Draper had been trying to win at the carnival games at the Fall carnival, but unfortunately she wasn’t having much luck at winning at the carnival games. Lila Draper sighed dramatically, as she looked at someone who was nearby herself. “Oh, hi. Are you any good at these games? I still haven’t won at any of them so far.” Lila Draper said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters “Could you please help me out? I was just wondering. Thank you.” Lila Draper said to them.
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sparklesandsonicrainbooms · 3 months ago
"There will be a costume contest here. And you're welcome! And it is a pleasure to meet you too, Princess Stella. The information for the costume contest is in this paper." Rainbow Dash says, as she gives a piece of paper to Princess Stella.
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“Hello, and welcome to the Canterlot High School’s Fall Carnival! My name is Rainbow Dash, and I am one of the six students who are in charge of this carnival! We have a lot of theme attractions, lots of Fall themed foods for you to try, and there is also a haunted house here, so I hope that you will have a good time here! And please let me know if there is anything that I can help you out with! Thank you!” Rainbow Dash says to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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kindbows · 4 months ago
"No, not yet. But that's a good idea. Thank you. And I hope so too. I'll go ask them soon. And my name is Blossom, by the way. What is your name? It's a pleasure to meet you." Blossom responded to the other person.
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Blossom hadn’t found the drink that she wanted to pay for, so she sighed, and she started to walk towards the hang out area at the apartments where all of the people live in. She looks over to someone who is right nearby to her. “I guess that they are all out of those brand new Fall drinks. They were pretty delicious.” Blossom said, sighing a second time as she continued to look at that other person who was nearby her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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kindbows · 4 months ago
"I'm the Princess of Solaria. I was attending a school for fairies. I was from Solaria, and Magix. That's amazing! And thank you! If you need any tips, or help with winning, please let me know." Princess Stella replied.
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Lila Draper had been trying to win at the carnival games at the Fall carnival, but unfortunately she wasn’t having much luck at winning at the carnival games. Lila Draper sighed dramatically, as she looked at someone who was nearby herself. “Oh, hi. Are you any good at these games? I still haven’t won at any of them so far.” Lila Draper said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters “Could you please help me out? I was just wondering. Thank you.” Lila Draper said to them.
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