#fódlan magvel
Round 1 Masterpost
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[Image ID: The Round 1 Bracket. The matches are listed at the end of this post. End ID./]
Some housekeeping things for the tournament:
Double Elimination format (so there will be a loser's bracket)
Propaganda is allowed and heavily encouraged! Submit propaganda either through the notes of a match or in this blog's submissions box! Propaganda will be featured!
That being said, please be nice about the propaganda. Any kind of attack on an opposing sibling duo must clearly read as light-hearted, and absolutely no attacking other people (eg don't say things like "If you actually like so-and-so duo, you're stupid")
Please don't be mean if your duo gets sent to losers bracket or eliminated. Nobody likes sore losers.
Round 1 matches will open on Wednesday at the latest. Edit: They're open and hyperlinked!
Round 1:
Mercedes & Emile vs. Timerra & Fogado
Veyle & Nel vs. Leo & Corrin
Corrin & Lilith vs. Edelgard & Dimitri
Michalis & Minerva vs. Ike & Mist
Alfred & Céline vs. Hinoka & Sakura
Holst & Hilda vs. Diamant & Alcryst
Eirika & Ephraim vs. Triandra and Peony
Chrom & Lissa vs. Camilla & Elise
Lysithea & Edelgard vs. Clanne & Framme
Alear & Veyle vs. Nel & Rafal
Leif & Altena vs. Alfonse & Sharena
Xander & Camilla vs. Franz & Forde
Oscar & Rolf vs. Ninian & Nils
Julia & Seliph vs. Delthea & Luthier
Celica & Conrad vs. Karel & Karla
Lugh & Raigh vs. Pandreo & Panette
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theofficersacademy · 6 months
as much as I was looking forward to her, i’ve admittedly been hitting a wall with tethys atm. i’d love to take another stab at her someday, but until then i shan’t keep her hostage! ty all for welcoming her warmly, and many apologies to the partners i had plans with. in the meantime, could i please swap her out for/reserve dorothea?
Tethys has been dropped and is now available!
Dorothea Arnault has been reserved!
You have one week (4/7) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod Ree
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mordredbi · 2 years
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fevotinggauntletreal · 7 months
Year of the Dragon Opening Round - Match 8
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(pictured: a mage dragon icon from New Mystery of the Emblem; Myrrh in dragon form in Sacred Stones; Lilith in dragon form in Fates; a white dragon from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia; and the Wind Caller from Three Houses)
associated lore under the cut
archanean mage dragons, the tribe of Basilisk, are one of the dragon clans that once reigned supreme over Archanea. as the name implies, they're imbued with magical power, seen both in their magical dark breath and in their total immunity to magical attacks. some of them are known to have succumbed to the degeneration, but others have survived -- even those, however, have exclusively sided with Medeus and his allies. it is worth noting that their kind's original japanese name, "magic dragon", can also be read as "demon dragon", much like a certain Elibe dragon!
mage dragons also figure in Elyos, but none of those are known to have the ability to transform, so lmao,
white dragons are rare dragons which have only appeared in Valentia, guarding the Falchion in the depths of Duma's Temple. they may be conjured phantoms, rather than living creatures.
magvel dragons are few in number and don't really come in the same panoply of variants as dragons in other lands. their plight is having both monstrous forms and human hearts, which prevents them from living among humans and monsters alike. still, they fight to protect humanity, which earns them worship as Great Dragons -- at least, among the few humans who aren't instead rushing to erase their kindness from the historical record.
Lilith is the only known astral dragon, and as she descends from Anankos, it's not known whether she is definitely an unique species of dragon. in fact, to my knowledge, notoriously little about her is established at all,
the wind caller is the draconic form of Macuil, a Nabatean dragon who once fought alongside Seiros against Nemesis. since those days, however, he grew embittered towards both humanity and Seiros herself, and went his separate way from them. he now dwells in the depths of the Sreng Desert, protecting the treasures of an abandoned temple from human looters.
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crimson-flash · 26 days
“Marisa! Is that you?!”
Energetic scarlet eyes see a familiar flash of pink hair, and immediately the boy rushes up to greet her. “I can’t believe it! How have you been? How are big sis and the chief?”
He’s seen many familiar faces from Magvel, but out of all of them, few are as familiar as his stoic mercenary sort-of big sister. “Are you gonna be studying here too? Or maybe be an instructor? Ooh, you gotta let me show you around! I know all the best places for training, buying snacks, sneaking in naps, the whole lot! And because it’s you I’ll even give the tour for no cost, teehee.” He rambled on cheerfully, excited to see her again.
Tethys had told Marisa that Ewan was aboard for studies, but she didn’t expect them to end up at the same place. “Ewan, it’s been a while. It’s… good to see you.” After moving to Fódlan, it was difficult being in a place where she didn’t really know anyone, so it was a relief to see someone she knew well. 
She then proceeded to answer his bucket load of questions, “I have been fine. Just been doing what I’ve always done. Gerik and Tethys are fine, when I left there, Gerik was still running his mercenary troop, and Tethys is more famous than ever.” It’s been a while since she saw them herself. She’ll have to send letters later, “I’m here to study my swordsmanship, just like you and your magic, yes?” She recalls that during the war, Ewan was very proud of his magic and would constantly show it off to everyone, just like she was proud of her swordsmanship. “You can show me around.” Despite the terse statement, she was glad to get some help, the monastery was huge, and unfamiliar.
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detrasystem · 4 months
i neeeed to hear more about cornelia x valter! please!!
YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND......i went a little hogwild making braindump notes with this one because the more i dug into the lore of each game the more insane i went. but first here's the first line, because i forgot i wrote even that much:
Sometimes, she still can’t believe she got away with it.
and since all this will NOT be covered onscreen for the most part seeing as the fic i intend to write is going to be about Cornelia and Valter as like Already Married, here's the lore behind how that happened straight from my notes:
before the War of the Stones, Valter attacks civilians with Duessel’s cursed lance and gets exiled. this is around the time when Cornelia gets teleported to Magvel in an attempt to escape the conflict in Fódlan once and for all (after the events of 3H); she is Done with that nonsense and, after all she’s done As Cornelia on the surface, she refuses to return to the underground. she was probably assisted by Count Bergliez in this effort per that dialogue lore drop in Verdant Wind, but he didn’t go with her to Magvel—as far as i know i’m pretty sure Cornelia is the only one from Fódlan now in this crazzy fucked up world. anyway. because Cornelia shows up while Valter is stewing and formulating revenge plots, he now has something other than revenge and hatred to think about. and because Cornelia is Also fucked up and evil, she eventually becomes something More to him than something to kill. she eventually gets through to him, even, more than his bloodthirsty instincts, though he continues to have the call for endless strife pulling at the edges of his mind. it is all very lovely and it takes time, but they get married before the War of the Stones even starts and so all of that romantic buildup is NOT my business.
the fic itself runs more or less alongside the events of Sacred Stones, as Valter gets called back to serve Grado again, but this time Cornelia is there and this complicates things, both because he Cares about her and because she's decided she wants to try to un-curse him via crest experiment-adjacent procedures.
this is so much more than a crackship to me now.
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berglietz · 4 months
It is now that Valter realizes just how many people he has met.
Perhaps the number feels unimpressive given the context that Fódlan is not Magvel (even if still, said number is much larger than he is willing to count), but at this time last year, he had not known so many faces—especially of the student body of the Officers Academy.
He’s certain that is what the boy is—he seemed the right age for it, and no doubt: that was the uniform of the Academy. Vaguely, Valter remembers being asked for a spar; of the rest of the day, however, it all remains a blur.
(There is an image in his mind that says he would rather it stay forgotten.)
“ Child. ” It is his greeting, given that he’s forgotten his name (or perhaps he never learned it—nonetheless). One elbow rests on the other’s head, primarily as a way of cementing the difference in height. “ You recall, I’m certain, once asking me for a spar, yes? ”
In the fingers of his other hand, he holds a black feather, and lifting it into the air above them, he continues:
“ If you can take this feather from me, I’ll fight you. ”
Oh, great. It's this guy. Caspar's already scowling, and then the bastard has the gall to use his head as armrest…! He does remember asking for a spar. He'd been called a child then, too—spoken to like he'd inevitably lose. His blood starts to boil. "My name is Caspar, and I'm not a child." That stupid black feather dangles above his head, as if Caspar were an animal to be toyed with. Well, he's not an animal. He's a human being! With a pretty good standing jump! He leaps upward, arm outstretched to grab the feather… …And falls just a centimeter or so too short. "Ugh…! Why do I need the stupid feather to get started?" He growls, "If we start a fight right here, I could grab it out of your hand, no problem!!"
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soulcluster · 6 months
@armatization — eirika & seth
Fódlan was far from Magvel's shores. Eirika found herself missing home often, she had never been so far apart from her twin, but she'd also brought a piece of home with her. Her husband, in fact. To even be able to think of Seth as such made her giddy, but the ring was on her finger and each night she got to sleep at his side.
As guests, they'd also been granted a room at the monastery-turned-fortress. It pained her to see that war had sunk its claws here; her memories of the academy years prior were fond. Everything had been so peaceful, but none of them, least of all her, could not have imagined all that would transpire.
One of them, her husband, was seated on their bed now. Eirika moved toward the bed and crawled on it behind him, resting her hands on his shoulders.
"You must be tired after attending that war council with me." Her hands began to knead into his muscles, massaging where she knew he liked to be. She leaned over to press a kiss to his earlobe and then whispered, "I do not know what I would do without you, my dear husband."
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pavoninebow · 8 months
'Oh? Could it be?' She thought she'd spotted him, head and lance-point straight shoulders above the milleu of students wending their way to their little classes and avocations. Parting the crowd with the grace befitting a Princess and inheritor to the throne of Rausten (she only had to elbow three bystanders!) she clears her throat markedly, grabbing the attention of the Frelian prince.
'Why, so it is. The Fates continue to oracle true.' In a normal situation, L'Arachel would've leapt upon the chance to prove the reality of her pious determinism with relish, but for a moment her voice is uncharacteristically glum. Memories of exchange insults, and threatened batterings (that were, she felt entirely warranted, circumstances considered) left her lips taunt with a frown.
'Really, I know 'tis the fate of the great to play role model to their admirers - believe me, it does not go unappreciated - but must you continue to try and imitate my sanctified perfection?' She says, and there's an anticipatory glint to her eye. As if some (infinitesimally small, naturally) part of her had missed their battle of wits. Had missed him. 'What brings you here? Aside from the Gods' will, of course.'
[mun note: hello!!!! I LOVE INNES!!!! thank u for bringing him here. I offer u: a green nuisance.]
[ mod note: thank you for loving THIS green nuisance !! let them be dramatique together!! ]
“And a good day to you as well, L’Arachel."
Innes was not ignorant to the fact that he was amongst many of Magvel’s best, even in Garreg Mach— from Frelian spy networks to gossip in the courts, ’twas not as if the Prince was in any measure taken by unawares to see one certain priestess standing before him. Though perhaps it was my hope that the first person I met here was not her… “Shoving your way through the crowds and announcing your presence as the Princess of Rausten ever does— the Fates have given me little reason to expect anything else,” Innes remarked drily. “I imagine you have changed little, even in this foreign land?”
They’d once traded ripostes over the virtues of their respective homelands— from Rausten seafood to Frelian pegasi, much had been extolled; though he knew full well it would come with its own monologue about the ever-glorious wonders of this fantastical land that you understand only one of my peerless magnitude may do justice in introduction, perhaps it would serve some benefit for Innes to inquire how life in Garreg Mach— and Fódlan as a whole— fared.
“Do not be surprised that my intent in journeying here was not to become your starry-eyed acolyte; we both know how our homeland has fared following— all of that. It stands to reason Frelia needs nothing short of perfection at its helm, and before I become King, I hope to gain all I can from testing myself in halls as famed as these.” Reasons not unlike his usual motivation for affairs that concerned Frelia and being its crown prince— perfection if being generous, ego if being frank. “And what of you? Chasing some romantic storybook adventure, I presume?”
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airlock · 8 months
CYL8 Nerding - Internal Bottom 10
y'know, last year, the least voted character in CYL had just 2 votes to his name, so I thought this might be the first year we ever see a character get 0 votes!
this did not happen -- our least voted character this year has 1 vote. fucking incredible. anyway, shall we go all-in on this year's biggest losers?
AKANEIA #1: Dice, also Roberto (3 votes) #3: Reiden (6 votes) #4: we all still think of Luke as a small fry (11 votes) #5: Frost (13 votes) #6: Malledus (16 votes) #7: Boah (17 votes) #8: Roderick, also Belf, also Ymir (18 votes)
VALENTIA #1: Tatarrah, also Garth (3 votes) #3: Dolth (4 votes) #4: Barth, also Jerome (6 votes) #6: Grieth (7 votes) #7: Halcyon (11 votes) #8: Slayde, also Blake (15 votes) #10: Marla (16 votes)
JUGDRAL #1: Danann (3 votes) #2: Scipio (4 votes) #3: Hilda, also Halvan (8 votes) #5: Sandima, also Alva, also Perne (10 votes) #8: Munnir (11 votes) #9: Tristan, also Deimne, also Safy (12 votes)
ELIBE #1: Lundgren (6 votes) #2: Zelot, also FE7!Murdock (8 votes) #4: FE6!Merlinus (10 votes) #5: Desmond, also FE6!Murdock (11 votes) #6: Hellene (14 votes) #7: Barthe (18 votes) #8: Saul (19 votes) #9: Fargus, also Durban (20 votes)
MAGVEL #1: Riev (8 votes) #2: Hayden (11 votes) #3: Rennac, also Vigarde (13 votes) #5: Dozla (26 votes) #6: Fado (28 votes) #7: Caellach (33 votes) #8: Orson (41 votes) #9: Natasha (42 votes) #10: Tethys (43 votes)
TELLIUS #1: Muston (1 vote) #2: Bertram (3 votes) #3: Daniel and Jorge twinning it the FUCK up (4 votes) #5: Hetzel (6 votes) #6: Kasatai (8 votes) #7: Bastian (10 votes) (I'M ONE OF THEM. YOU ABSOLUTE DASTARDS--) #8: Ludveck (12 votes) #9: Izuka (13 votes) #10: Numida (14 votes)
YLISSE #1: Cervantes (14 mustache hairs) #2: Validar (16 votes) #3: Phila (17 votes) #4: Kjelle (24 votes) #5: Flavia and Basilio sitting under a tree, F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G (25 votes) #7: Mustafa, also Excellus (31 votes) #9: Brady (33 votes) #10: Yen'fay (37 votes)
TMS#FE #1: Teru & Garrick (8 votes) #2: Kuen & Excellus (11 votes) #3: Chikaomi & Lon'qu (12 votes) #4: Chouten & Pheros (13 votes) #5: Nobu & Gangrel (19 votes)
HOSHIDO/NOHR #1: Tarba (7 votes) #2: Zhara, also Lloyd (8 votes) #4: Fuga (9 votes) #5: Llewelyn (11 votes) #6: Funke (12 votes) #7: Senno (15 votes) #8: Hans (17 votes) #9: Daichi (24 votes) #10: Arete, also Kumagera (30 votes)
FÓDLAN #1: Tomas, also Gwendal (4 votes) #3: Lonato (5 votes) #4: Pallardó (6 votes) #5: Aelfric (8 votes) #6: Ludwig aka Duke Aegir (9 votes) #7: Solon (11 votes) #8: Kostas (12 votes) #9: Volkhard aka Lord Arundel (13 votes) #10: Grégoire aka Count Varley (16 votes)
ELYOS #1: Hyacinth (38 votes) #2: Seforia (68 votes) (god dammit I knew I should have voted for her--) #3: Saphir (74 votes) (I DID VOTE FOR HER THOUGH YOU ABSOLUTE--) #4: Lindon (97 votes) #5: Morion (142 votes) #6: Bunet, also Zephia (158 votes) #8: Marni (187 votes) #9: not Marni (201 votes) (ie Madeline btw) #10: Vander (215 votes)
ZENITH #1: Ganglöt (50 votes) #2: Hel (69 votes) (nice) #3: Ótr (77 votes) #4: Nótt (88 votes) #5: Freyr (91 votes) #6: Ylgr (94 votes) #7: Múspell (116 votes) #8: Reginn (121 votes) #9: Letizia (122 votes) #10: Gustav (148 votes)
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knighteclipsed · 8 months
a wild abandon.
a drabble: for valter’s dread fighter mastery. word count: 667 words
There is a fierceness to the axe—a strength, if one may, that is required of one to wield it. It was slow, heavy, and lacking in range—a commoner’s tool for menial tasks, repurposed for the battlefield’s needs. It was not made for killing at first, but if it could be mastered, it was undoubtedly strong.
That was Duessel’s weapon.
Likewise, there is a grace to the sword—a civility, as it could be ascribed, that its bearer would possess in choosing that for their blade. Light-weight, discreet, but sharp—a weapon as commonly used for warfare as it was for self-defense. It was a noble weapon, all things made plain, but undoubtedly polite. People were killing each other long before the first was crafted.
That was Duessel’s weapon also. Further: it was Glen’s.
There is a rawness to the lance—a wild abandon, that which you possess, that any master of the weapon must learn. From the very beginning, its purpose was to slaughter (on the offensive in intent), a translation from base hunting directly into war. Any coward could wield it, kept safe by the distance inherent—but one who knew the shaft; the cord; the steel could easily utilize it as something far more dangerous.
That was Duessel’s weapon as well. And Glen’s. And yours.
And perhaps, there is a utility to knowing other blades—to be able to switch to the most advantageous as the need struck—but there is an even greater strength to be found from sticking to just the one choice. Options in the form of tools could be taken away from you—but in limiting that, you learned to find advantages; to make them, if necessary, and that knowledge could not be taken. Those wits were all you needed.
So magic was unnecessary—its only advantage was in its ability to break past one’s physical defenses (and perhaps strike from afar), but you made up for that with speed, strength; you flew so quickly a mage couldn’t dream to escape. Again, magic was but a tool, and tools could be taken away.
Arrogance overtook you then, you recall—that observation alone could translate into practical knowledge; at the thought of wielding Thunder (her preference, of all things), you had expected an easy battle. Two failed castings were all it took to humble you.
Even if, by technicality, you had won—a success rate of one-third could be nothing more than unsatisfactory. (And so, you determined, you would master it—just as you have mastered the lance.)
So you clawed your way—through tomes—illusory battlefields—unfathomable circumstance—foreign magic—burning classrooms—to prove it to yourself. Because you are capable. Because you are strong.
Metal clangs—steel against steel—before you step back (and they step away), flipping your grip: to throw, forcing your target right where you want them; and there is where you catch him—when you suddenly dart forth, the speed and force it all knocking him to the ground; a hand at his throat; and in your free hand: the dark murmurings of Hades and the other side, death reflected in its glimmering stray dust like sunlight off a cursed blade.
“ Have I passed now? ”
Magic was a tool, after all—but in Fódlan, it was a tool you ingrained into yourself. Certainly, you could use a tome and learn its contents if you knew how to read it, but over the leather-back burdens of Magvel, here, magic was a tool you could not lose.
The proctor sighs (however he may mask it as exhaustion), before nodding: “Yes. You have.”
And it is only then that you free him—standing up to full height to first recover your lance (your extension of yourself, wild and raw and free). Whatsoever happened, it would remain your preference, no doubt—to disentangle the weapon from your core was neither wanted nor likely possible—but a supplement in magic did not hurt you. It weighed nothing; it was graceful; it was fierce.
And you were better than those two (the Sunstone and the Obsidian). This was simply another method by which to prove that.
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Winners Round 2 Masterpost
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[Image ID: The Winners Round 2 Bracket. The matches are listed at the end of this post. End ID./]
It's finally time for Winners Round 2!!!
Some housekeeping things for the tournament:
Double Elimination format (so there will be a loser's bracket)
Propaganda is allowed and heavily encouraged! Submit propaganda either through the reblogs/replies of a match or in this blog's submissions box! Propaganda will be featured!
Please tag propaganda with #propaganda when you reblog!
That being said, please be nice about the propaganda. Any kind of attack on an opposing sibling duo must clearly read as light-hearted, and absolutely no attacking other people (eg don't say things like "If you actually like so-and-so duo, you're stupid")
Please don't be mean if your duo gets sent to losers bracket or eliminated. Nobody likes sore losers.
Matches are open and hyperlinked!
Winners Round 2:
Mercedes & Emile vs Leo & Corrin
Corrin & Lilith vs Ike & Mist
Alfred & Céline vs Diamant & Alcryst
Eirika & Ephraim vs Chrom & Lissa
Clanne & Framme vs Alear & Veyle
Alfonse & Sharena vs Xander & Camilla
Ninian & Nils vs Delthea & Luthier
Celica & Conrad vs Pandreo & Panette
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theofficersacademy · 2 months
hey guys it's your resident clown here 🤡🤡🤡
life is starting to pick up again, so to ease the transition, i'd like to put Linhardt and Selena on semi-hiatus!! maybe this is unwarranted. maybe everything is fine. or MAYBE i'm going to explode upon impact with something within the next two weeks--who knows🤷❓
so anyways. (backflips)
Linhardt and Selena are on semi-hiatus until August 14th! Please remember to message the Masterlist once you return. Thank you!
- Mod Ree
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owainbradys · 2 years
Characters whose vanilla selves I wish would debut in feh this year
Archanea: Warren, Frey, Midia, Lorenz, Etzel, Arlen, Frost
Valentia: Jesse, Marla, Hestia, Nuibaba, Jedah
Jugdral: Diarmuid, Patty, Lana, Lester, Beowulf, Brigid, Ishtore, Édain, Saffy, Linoan, Amalda, Ralf, Aida, Bleg*
Elibe: Vaida, Isadora, Harken, Marcus, Brendan, Murdock, Nergal, Athos, Juno, Zelot, Lance, Sigune, Lot
Magvel: Ismaire, Morva, Artur, Vanessa, Syrene, Moulder, Garcia, Gilliam, Franz, Glen
Tellius: Lucia, Greil, Renning, Heather, Callil, Boyd, Lyre, Kieran, Ena, Gareth, Giffca, Ulki, Largo Almedha **
Ylisse: Kellam, Laurent, Pheros, Validar
Hoshido and Nohr: Scarlet, Sophie, Mitama, Reina, Yukimura, Izana, Fuga, Mikoto, Sumeragi, Anankos
Fódlan: Caspar, Dorothea, Leonie, Lorenz, Raphael, Alois, Manuela, Cyril, Rhea, Judith, Nader, Randolph, Matthias, Leopold, Waldemar, Thales
Zenith: Henriette, Freyr, Fafnir, Elm, Bruno ***
Cipher: Shade, Yuzu, Niamh
Aytolis: Darios, Lianna, Rowan, Velezark
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fevotinggauntletreal · 7 months
Year of the Dragon Opening Round - Match 3
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(pictured: haaa, let's go one by one... a Wyvern Lord's mount from Awakening; a wild wyvern from Mystery of the Emblem; a Malig Knight's mount from Fates; a Dragonmaster's mount from Radiant Dawn; a Wyvern Knight's mount from Genealogy of the Holy War; a Wyvern Rider's mount from Blazing Blade; a Wyvern Rider's mount from Three Houses; a Wyvern Knight's mount from Engage; and a Wyvern Knight's mount from Sacred Stones.)
you can still see like one little bit of the arena backdrop, ain't that something and a half
associated lore under the cut
wyverns are a staple of Fire Emblem worlds, almost always figuring as the war mounts of the renowned Wyvern Riders. sometimes, there's substantial lore behind it; other times, yeah, there are just huge flying lizards that people ride into battle, what are you gonna do about it?
a point of note is that modern fantasy tends to distinguish "wyverns" from true dragons, characterizing them specifically as two-legged, broad-winged, pointy-tailed, serpentine beasts. this distinction is first of all ahistorical, but in the context of Fire Emblem it's also the subject of some translation oddity. in the japanese text, wyverns are usually referred to as "flying dragons", and are not otherwise radically distinguished from other dragons in most settings where they appear. this also accounts for them having largely appeared as regular four-legged dragons in older titles, although newer titles have increasingly designed them to look more like the ideal "wyvern" form. it's likely that the "wyvern" terminology stems from Blazing Blade being the first internationalized Fire Emblem game, and Treehouse not quite wrapping their heads around the apparent contradiction of "flying dragons" still appearing in Elibe after the Scouring was supposed to have driven away all the dragons.
archanean wyverns are one of the dragon clans that once reigned supreme over Archanea. none are known to have survived the degeneration of dragonkind, but feral specimens thread the skies from Dolhr to the Mamorthod Desert. of particular note is that humans enslaved by Dolhr have managed to tame the bestial wyverns in the island and use them as war mounts; this proved crucial to a successful slave rebellion which led to the formation of the kingdom of Macedon.
jugdrali wyverns inhabit the rocky wastelands at the southern side of the Thracian peninsula, and have become the feared steeds of the Thracian mercenaries. their existance is odd when considering that the Jugdral games take place in the same universe as Archanea, but before the degeneration of dragonkind earnestly kicked in, and the fact that dragonkind doesn't generally dwell in Jugdral is an important factor in its backstory. it is thusly hard to tell if Jugdral's wyverns are at all supposed to be of a kind with Archanea's.
elibean wyverns are the only dragons generally known to have remained in Elibe after the Scouring (although other exceptions abound, such as the denizens of Arcadia). they used to fly over the entire continent, but since the Scouring, they've been confined to Bern, where they're used as war mounts.
the "wyvern knight mount" that appears in Sacred Stones marks a very odd point in the flow of the idea of what exactly our here wyverns/flying dragons are supposed to be. the English version of the game never distinguishes it from the original wyverns, despite it looking blatantly different. in Japanese, though the class that rides them is called "Wyvern Knight" (unlike the usual Dragon Knight that tends to get localized as Wyvern Rider), they are in text referred to as a term that could be translated either as "snake dragon", or "evil dragon". this is, in fact, the same term that would appear in later games and be translated as "Fell Dragon"!
the malig knight mount is described as an "evil dragon" that the Malig Knight is able to tame, and the japanese name of that class, "Revenant Knight", implies that they are undead dragons. to the best of my knowledge, though, nothing else is established about these mounts, including the extent to which they are or are not of a kind with regular wyverns.
and now for a lightning round of continuities where the most depth that wyverns get is being associated with particular locations: magvel wyverns are typical of Grado; tellius wyverns are ridden by the senatorial guard of Begnion, although a substantial force has defected to Daein; ylissean wyverns are typical of Plegia, and Rosanne in Valm also houses a substantial wild wyvern population; nohrian wyverns are, well, typical of Nohr; and although fódlanite wyverns are not typical of any particular region, the neighboring Almyrans are considered masters of wyvern warfare, and have in particular refined the art of wyvernback archery.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
Are there any future DLC emblem characters you're hoping for? Personally I'm holding out hope for Raven, Shannan, and Xander.
With only four characters added in wave 1 - and three of them crammed into one ring apparently - I'm going to try to be realistic about who I think might make an appearance in the later waves. As these are DLC characters I expect them to have zero plot relevance, and based on the whole turning red thing I kind of doubt we'll get any villains aside from Edelgard and her waifu factor.
Archanea: Caeda, although with potentially so few slots Tiki might be the only one here
Valentia: Alm
Jugdral: Seliph
Elibe: Eliwood and/or Hector
Magvel: probably no one since Ephraim looks to be bundled with Eirika already
Tellius: Tibarn or Elincia
Ylisse: Robin, possibly bundled with Chrom
Nohrshido: Azura and/or some kind of Hoshidan or Nohrian royal bundle...although I'm 95% sure Camilla will be in somehow for obvious reasons
Fódlan is already covered with the house leaders and I don't see anyone else being added, and excluding Caeda that's six possibilities I just named which would fill up the roster if each wave gets two new rings. Some of them are pretty dull, sure, but I don't see IS stretching too far for any of these.
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