#félix: did somebody say bruno?
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Do you think Félix is so insistent on telling Mirabel about Bruno because he doesn’t normally get to talk about his wedding? Like, Bruno “ruined” the wedding, and they aren’t allowed to talk about him, so do you think this is the only time he gets to talk about his wedding?
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heliphantie · 1 month
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“Bubo Marquez, what it is, dark magic?”
Local fauna enthusiast has discovered an exceptional specimen.
Local goddess of flora has inherited gene that makes one falling for nerds.
A lot to say about Bubo under ‘read more’…
Bubo! The man who was cut from the story and replaced by cactus:D
I believe real reasons for it is that his storyline would’ve been excessive for already crumped timing of the movie. Sure, in concept art his and Isabela’s couple looks like comedic stereotype, but then, underlying theme of the story is how deceptive surface picture in human relationships (and humans in general) can be. Aren’t Pepa and Félix embodying a cartoon duo cliché (a stocky man and tall, often spindly woman: Boris and Natasha, Popeye and Olive Oyl, Gomez and Morticia, you name it) as well, yet they have enough personality and chemistry to feel like full-fledged people in genuine relationship. And it’s not like Disney had problem with pairing statuesque confident woman with dorky/nerdy man just not so long ago: Captain Amelia and Dr. Doppler, Kida and Milo, Sgt. Calhoun and Felix Jr. … I’ve had written here my thoughts on this plot point as it appears in revealed animatic of scene: there is no much further context to it, but from what the scene discloses, it may create unfortunate impression of Isa’s character, as she seemingly tries to ditch her family and elope with somebody who can promise her future and allows her to indulge in her interests rather than maintain a respectable image she doesn’t want. Compared to her eventual storyline she appears more egoistical, and her feelings for Bubo seem self-centered too, as she only talks about loving what he loves in her. So, based just on that scene only, it could give Isa rather unsympathetic air and hurt her character arc (as it doesn’t reflect faithfully on cultural values it’s intended to portray). But her arc, I suppose, was intended to evoke sympathy after all, as, amidst all the comedy bits, the scene implies genuine and deep affinity between two (and, as another storyboard for epilogue shows, Isa’s happy ending did involve getting married to him). I guess it was decided that focus on sibling and intergenerational bonds was more pivotal for the message, thus any romance got sidelined as it was (even though different romance plot was squeezed in, it’s got even less room for development). /And, after all, love story is in the heart of the plot, it just deals with its consequences rather than blooming stage of it./
Back on the subject of stereotypes: well, yes, scrawny nerd type and model beauty together is an odd pair that may rise brows and ill suspicions in real life (presumably) and taken as joke in fiction, not particularly fresh too. But the catch in this particular case is, in all production materials and in the movie itself, it’s implied to various degree, Isa is a nerd too, by her nature. in concept art, she’s shown with books in hands (only her of all characters), and her song shows she’s knowledgeable of botany far beyond her typical repertoire, and it’s strongly implied the magical gifts stem from one’s deep inclinations. /It also stealthily upturns the presumed dynamics of three sisters: gorgeous one is really a Brain, while Luisa, a sensitive one, is Beauty, and finally, strongheaded and determined Mira (presupposed “Brain” of trio) is a figurative Brawn./ The scene from the animatic, in its turn, implies Bubo may be just as much into zoology (fearless in the woods and, that, I guess, why he has these animal urinе samples). So, romance or not, they apparently have something to see eye-to-eye and grow mutual affection over it. And the scene is quite essential in showing a gist of his personality: smart, brave, bit of eccentric, - enough to see him as likeable charismatic figure without needs to question what may be so charming about him. /Quite obviously, after he was cut, a lot of him went into final character of Bruno; he is basically just younger (well, not *smaller*) bespectacled Bruno sans all the gloom and drama./ Inner kinship under contrasting façades makes effectual portrait of a functional couple, I think.
Also, his name, which is likely a nickname, referring to his oversized glasses (Bubo is Latin and Spanish for “horned owl”.) Emphasis on eyeglasses again, like in case of Mirabel, a metaphor of “seeing beyond the obvious” through the movie. And owl is a symbol of wisdom, of course.
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TL;DR: In this house we respect Bubo Marquez. I’ve finally come to giving tribute to him, at last. (This is not the last you’ve got to see of him, I gotta warn you.)
All the butterflies are based on actual species that can be found in Columbia, even though I didn’t check on correct sizes and a habitat of each, sorry for that. Hey, it’s all magic after all.
The last, related to this piece of fanart of mine: Bubo is said to be an outsider from the big city who had arrived one day in Encanto, in my version he is, perhaps, born inside the village (like Agustín, who has ancestry from big city) and was a friend of Isa in their adolescence, but eventually left Encanto to see the world. Maybe he even suggested Isa to consider joining him, but she was adamant to stay… They said goodbye, their feelings for each other left unexpressed.
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foggyfanfic · 10 months
The Jorge Situation
Preview: Day ten (night): Crack opened up right in front of me, ran out to the courtyard to ask Casita what had happened. Casita had no clue. Leandra, I know it’ll be pre-coffee when you wake up and read this, but can you ask around to see if anything of note happened last night? Also, your dog is making that weird smell again, it’s worrying the rats.
5. Passing Notes
Day One: Technically this isn’t day one, I know that, but it is day one of taking notes so yeah. Anyways, five new cracks. Casita got really messy today when Amada and Camilo decided juice is for throwing at eachother, not drinking. Casita didn’t seem upset, but maybe Casita is just being very patient with them? They are only kids. Pepa’s hormones are playing havoc on the weather, so she has been trapped in her room all day, Could the cracks be responding to her frustration? Octavia stubbed her toe and said a bad word, one that I certainly didn’t teach her, Leandra doesn’t see what’s wrong with the kids saying bad words every once in a while. No matter how many times I tell her it’s rude, and could get them in trouble. Maybe the cracks happen when somebody in our family is rude? Or when we fail to live up to the miracle’s standards?
To Bruno,
As I said, I don’t want our kids growing up thinking words like “fuck” or “Asshole” should be used as weapons. I am very familiar with the “I only use those words when I want people to know I’m serious” philosophy, and I think it’s immature. If you’re serious then you shouldn’t be cursing, you should be speaking as calmly as you can manage! Stubbing her toe is the perfect time for Octavia to say “shit”, the only better way to use that sort of language is to compliment somebody. For example, “Holy shit! My husband is handsome as fuck”. See! Isn’t that nice, wouldn’t you rather our kids grow up to say things like that? Anyways, if you read this before you come back to bed, feel free to wake me. I worry about you crawling around in the walls all alone (because I love you a fuck ton).
In short, I’m completely correct,
Day two: Alright darling, I see your point, I still worry the kids might make trouble for themselves if they get used to using that sort of language. What about when Octavia goes to school? We need to talk to her about when those words are and are not ok. Anyways, one of the cracks from yesterday has sealed itself up, but two more have formed on the opposite end of the wall. Nothing happened that might have upset Casita today. No change with Pepa. Luisa had to get a healing arepa when she twisted her ankle. Is it more likely that her physical pain effected the cracks? Or Julieta’s worry? What about Agustín and Félix? Do they have any effect on the cracks?
To Bruno,
Yeah, you’re right, wake me up when you see this. Let’s figure out what we’ll tell her. About the cracks, if Agustín and Félix affect them, I probably do too.
Be safe,
Day Three: Casita in a good mood. No change with Pepa. No injuries in the family. Talk with Octavia went well. Cracks same as yesterday.
Day four: Same as yesterday (except we didn’t repeat the talk with Octavia).
Day five: Had surprise vision, saw Pepa’s newborn son. Asked her if she wanted to know the gender of her baby. She spent the next hour pacing back and forth, trying to make up her mind one way or another. She eventually decided no, I got up to leave, then because I’m the world’s most subtle person I said, “For the best, he was a happy surprise, right? Might as well keep it going”. By her own admission, Pepa is not sure if she wants to laugh or smack me. Says she’ll know when she wakes up tomorrow. Leandra did an admirable job of pretending she wasn’t amused by my being a total disaster. Agustín and Félix did less admirable jobs. All but one of the new cracks have closed.
To Bruno,
Maybe they were laughing about something else? Maybe they both just happened to think of a really funny joke right when you finished telling us what happened.
Love you,
Day six: Don’t patronize me. The joke was me, mi amor. Three new cracks, nothing of significance happened to cause them as far as I know.
To Bruno,
You’re not a joke.
Day seven: Tell Camilo that.
To Bruno,
Everything and everybody is a joke to Camilo.
Day Eight: That’s true. Two new cracks, no fucking clue why.
To Bruno,
Dearie me! Such foul language! Gasp! Shock! Horror! Whatever shall the miracle think?
I’ll pray for you,
Day Nine: “You’re not a joke” said Leandra, my supposedly loving wife, lying to my face. If you wake up and I’m gone, no need to wonder why. Unbelievable!
To Bruno,
This note is made even funnier by the fact that I woke up to you clinging to me like a lonely koala. You might not be a joke, but you are a true master of comedy.
Your biggest fan,
Day ten (morning): Woman, stop complimenting me, I’m trying to be annoyed.
To Bruno,
Have I ever mentioned how beautiful your eyes are when you’re annoyed?
Forever yours,
Day ten (night): Crack opened up right in front of me, ran out to the courtyard to ask Casita what had happened. Casita had no clue. Leandra, I know it’ll be pre-coffee when you wake up and read this, but can you ask around to see if anything of note happened last night? Also, your dog is making that weird smell again, it’s worrying the rats.
To Bruno,
I’m just going to write this here, that way we can come back and reference it. The only one who admitted to anything was Camilo, he snuck out to grab a snack and accidentally broke a plate. The poor thing was so worried he was in trouble, maybe the crack happened because he thought he was letting the miracle down. I took him to get a new plate and that seemed to help. Gabriel probably had a bad dream last night, you know how he gets; was extra clingy today, but also didn’t want to let any of the younger kids out of his sight. I’ll admit, I eventually redirected him to Pepa, hopefully it made her feel better to be doted on all day. I asked Julieta outright, since she knows about the cracks, confirmed nothing happened with her, Agustín, or Mirabel (other than the fact that Agustín fell asleep during Mirabel’s turn reading their book, so he slept in the nursery last night). Neither Luisa nor Isabela admitted to anything happening last night, Luisa didn’t seem to be hiding anything, but honestly, who knows with Isabela. Her poker face is pretty damn good. When I asked Dolores, she said “I was reading when it happened” so she definitely knows what’s going on. I’ll follow up with her later. Amada might, as well. But nothing happened with either of our daughters. Asking Pepa was inconclusive, she’s so frustrated with her gift, and going stir crazy that she just sort of unloaded everything. I’m going to organize the kids into getting her another (non-pool related) gift, we’ll see if that affects the cracks.
Day eleven: I have marked and measured each crack, but otherwise left them alone to prepare for your experiment.
To Bruno,
It’ll be two more days, had to give Luisa enough forewarning.
Day twelve: Marked and measured cracks. Going to bed at a reasonable time for once. Would have a much easier time writing this if a certain someone wasn’t leaning half her weight on my shoulders.
To Bruno,
Stop writing and come to bed.
Day twelve continued: Actually, now might be the perfect time to start writing my memoir. I will title it “My wife just bit me”.
To Bruno,
And I’ll do it again!
That’s a threat and a promise,
Day thirteen: More measuring, the experiment is tomorrow, right?
To Bruno,
Considering you wrote that after midnight, knowing I wouldn’t read it until this morning, I have no idea if you meant tomorrow as in today, or tomorrow as in tomorrow. Either way, the kids and I all worked together to bake Pepa a cake. The cake didn’t turn out great, and the frosting melted when Pepa rained on it, but it definitely lifted her mood. Looking forward to reading about the cracks.
Day fourteen: All the cracks I’d measured are gone, but new ones popped up. I am so confused. Going to hold off on taking notes for a while, unless this is helping clear things up for you?
To Bruno,
It is not. This whole thing is weird and makes no sense. I have enjoyed “passing notes” to you though. We don’t get to spend as much time goofing off together as we used to.
Day fifteen: Have officially decided to only take notes if something noteworthy happens that I need you to know about before breakfast. (And yeah, you’re right, there is a distinct lack of goofing off in our lives. Tragic.)
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sailorwritesstuff · 3 years
Hello! Could you please write some headcanons for Bruno Madrigal x reader where reader finds out they’re pregnant but Bruno ended up hiding away before his s/o could tell him the news, so he ends up hearing his s/o raise their child in the Casita, wanting to be there but also be afraid of messing things up? What would things be like after he returns? Thank you so much! I’m sorry if this request was complicated, btw!
Bruno getting reader pregnant and not knowing
Bruno x gn reader. (with an afab body cuz...ya know. )
Plus a bit of Dolores fluff.
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I wrote this entire thing and then I remembered that the asker wanted him to not know they were pregnant so I rewrote it and I'm just going to post the other version later Because it's really angsty but also really cute.
it was kinda hard to write ngl. there wasn't much I could write from Bruno's point of view.
warnings: Vomit mention But nothing too detailed. + It's kind of sad 😕
The week leading up to Mirabel's gifting ceremony with very hectic and busy. Which for a young Dolores who still hadn't been used to her ability was overwhelming. So for majority of the week while everyone else was doing preparation you and the lowest went out to sit by the river.
You brought a blanket and some snacks and just listen to the stream.
But for Dolores it seems she had been listening to something else.
She taken a liking to pressing her ear to your stomach and falling asleep that way nearly 4 weeks ago whenever she got frustrated.
So when she did it by the river it didn't really strike you as odd.
You didn't mind and everyone else in the family thought it was adorable.
Dolores didn't talk much as a kid So it was nice to see that she was bonding with somebody without having to come out of her comfort zone.
But as The week went on Dolores began getting more clingy.
And that worried Pepa.
She would sit next to you at dinner practically shooing her Tio to another seat.
and she would ask you to sit with her when she went to bed just so she could hear the soft heartbeat of the baby.
when the day of the gifting ceremony came Alma came and knocked on Bruno's door we're the two of you slept and asked Bruno to look into Mirabel's future.
He did what his mama asked of him but he was in a bad mood after. deep in thought So you left him to his vices.
However as soon as you stood to leave the room you got hit with your first wave of morning sickness.
rushing to a bathroom, pass the nursery and pass Dolores.
She was upset that you want past her and didn't say good morning and huffed before heading to breakfast.
after vomiting up dinner from last night (Mira's favorite Because it was her day) you too made your way down stairs for breakfast
in the day went on like it had for the last week you took the lowest to the river and the two of you sat until it was time for you to head back for Mira's gifting.
For the first time in a while Dolores rushed to her mamá to grab her arm. and Félix ruffled her hair.
and Bruno found you moments later. "Mi Girasol, how was the river?" as you talked to him about the Dolores he smiled tightly.
in that moment he wanted nothing more than to give you your own little Dolores. a baby that was a mix of the two of you. but he couldn't. Because he was leaving.
"Girasol, im not feeling too well. I'm going to go lay down for a bit ok?" he kissed your forehead and told you he loved you.
And you didn't think twice about it.
that night the entire family watched in shock as Mirabel's door disappeared.
that night Bruno was nowhere to be found.
the next morning you searched until dinner. when little Dolores spoke to the heart beating your stomach for the first time at the table.
It went unnoticed by everyone but you And you zoned out for a bit trying to think about what this meant for you. are you pregnant? or is Dolores just being a weird kid?
your question was soon answered as isabela leans closer to her cousin and whispers rather loudly "Why do you always listen to a stomach? What does it sound like?"
and Delores looks her dead in the eyes and simply says "duh there's a baby inside. i can hear it. It sounds just like the women in town."
that night both you and Bruno cried. because you were apart. and you were having a baby.
months later you had your baby a girl you named her Brielle Madrigal (with a Br like Bruno)
and Bruno sometimes would leave little gifts for her around la Casita at night
things like small socks he made with scrap fabric, pretty stones he found wandering around in between the walls,etc.
eventually you moved out of Bruno's Tower and into the nursery with Mirabel.
You had even considered leaving Casita entirely but it wouldn't let you.
It seem like just months ago you were happy and now everything was spiraling and you were stuck in a place that reminded you so much of him
his outline on the family tree from where his face had been scratched out
surrounded by people who wouldn't even let you bring up his name and whispered about their fears of your daughter being "truly his child."
And Bruno had to watch for 9½ years. as Brielle grew up. She learned to walk, And she learned to talk, and she got her gift. the gift of painting things into existence.
and She moved out of the nursery leaving just you and Mirabel. the two outcasts. until Antonio joined a bit later.
as Bruno lived in the shadows, wishing he could be there for it all. He thought about coming home so many times he played out every scenario in his head. But he decided that if he came back you wouldn't want him anymore Just like the rest of his family. So he didn't.
he kept a journal where he wrote about it things he thought, letters to the two of you he would never send, Baby names of children the two of you may never have.
until Mirabel found him.
when he came back the two of you just stared each other. he'd been gone for 10 years and neither of you knew what to say.
but 9 year old Brielle looked at him determined and for a moment she looked a lot like her cousin Mirabel.
"hi Papa." She offered her little hand out for him to shake. "im Brielle."
and he cried like a baby. hugging the two of you close.
For nearly a whole week he didn't let either of you out of his eyesight due to pure paranoia that you would disappear
The two of you slowly begin building your relationship back up and eventually you moved out of the nursery and back into his tower after Casita was rebuilt.
You are both very thankful for the lack of a lot of stairs now.
it didn't take long for you to be pregnant again.
put this time Bruno was here to stay.
spoiler: It was twins. 2 boys.
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calswildflcwer · 2 years
Arranged Marriage ! ~ Part Three
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Pairing : Bruno x fem!reader.
Warnings : No comfort fic, sadness, pain, a lot of cursing, bad relationship with mother and sister, yelling, a LOT of time skips in this chapter, readers death - I’m sorry.
Plot : You’ve been best friends with Pepa ever since you were able to talk. Your family had always been close to the Madrigals. You and Bruno had been dating for the past two years, however, your mother and his mother are about to put a whole halt on your relationship by arranging a marriage between Bruno and.….. Your sister?!
Pronouns used : he/him for Bruno, she/her for reader.
Note : I am not a Spanish native and I don’t know any Spanish, all Spanish nicknames mentioned in this story are translated from google. If anything is wrong PLEASE let me know and I will correct it.
Info : Bruno will start at age, around 25ish and reader will be around 22.
Bruno taglist : @nervoussubjectappreciator, @soumya-13
|| next || part three ||
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“Tia (name)!” “Tia (name)!” “Tia (name)!” Your name was being yelled all through the house.
You frowned as you walked in, getting tackled by the kids as you walked through the door. “Woah, woah, what’s going on?” You asked, glancing down at the frantic faces of the kids.
“Tia Roxanna has gone into labour!” Isa shouted. You frowned before being dragged into the living room where you saw your older sister in pain.
“(Name), thank god you’re here! We need your help! We’ve sent Luisa to grab the medical staff but we don’t know how long it’s gonna be before they arrive.” Pepa said, panicked as she raked her fingers through her hair.
“No! I don’t want her delivering my baby!” Roxanna shouted in pain.
You stared down at your sister before closing your eyes, “Look, it’s fine by me if you don’t want me delivering the baby but by the time the doctors get here, it’ll be too late.” You told your sister.
You turned on your heel and began to head out of the door, “Wait…” Roxanna shouted. “Help me, please.” She mumbled.
You turned on your heel, shrugging your cardigan off as you approached your sister, “Okay, get me some towels. Get the kids out of the room. And somebody grab my pressure cuffs from my bag.” You ordered out. The adults ran about around you as Félix and Agustín ushered the kids out of the room.
You glanced around, “Where’s Bruno?” You asked.
“He’s out in town with Luisa.” Pepa told you as she handed the towels to you.
You nodded, placing the towels under your sisters legs as Julieta handed you an apron and some latex gloves, you pulled the apron on over your head and pulled the gloves on as you thanked the older woman before turning your face as your eyes flickered to meet your sisters. “I’m scared.” She whispered as she stared at you.
Her breathing was speeding up, she was beginning to hyperventilate. Her hands were waving. You took a deep breath, “Roxanna.” You began. “Roxanna!” You yelled but it didn’t stop her hyperventilating. “Roxy!” You snapped. Her eyes snapped to meet yours, you hadn’t called her that since you were a child, you couldn’t say her full name properly so you always called her Roxy from when you were two up until you were seven.
“You haven’t called me that since you were…” She began.
“Seven. I know.” You nodded as you gripped her hand. “Look, you’re panicking. That’s normal, so we need something to calm you. To keep you grounded.” You said as you stared at the older girl.
“Like what?” She asked you.
You thought for a second, “Memories!” You told her, nodding. “Remember when I was five and you were seven and that little boy kept pushing me over in the schoolyard, can you remember what you did?” You asked as you pumped the pressure cuff.
“I… Uhm… I pushed him off his tricycle.” Roxanna said.
You nodded, “And when I was eight and you were ten, and that same boy pushed me off my bike in the street, what did you do?” You asked.
“I… I punched him.” She replied.
“And when I was thirteen and you were fifteen and that boy chased me around the school playground and wouldn’t take no for an answer, how did you stick up for me that time?” You asked.
“I… Um… I, uh, I chased him around the park with a stick and set abuelo’s dog onto him.” She chuckled.
“And when I was seventeen and you were nineteen, and that guy decided to come onto me when I told him that I wasn’t interested, you did what?” You smirked.
“I broke his nose.” She smiled. “Wh-what about when you were nineteen and I was twenty one and that guy was trying to hit on me but was seeing you and so we both punched him.” She giggled.
You smiled, nodding your head as she began pushing. She squeezed your hand, gripping it tightly as she screamed out as you kept an eye on the pressure cuffs.
The room was soon filled with the cries of a newborn baby as the casita doors flew open, Luisa and Bruno sprinted in with the medical staff behind her as you grabbed the baby, “You’ve got a little girl.” You told your sister as Julieta handed you a super soft baby towel. It was one that belonged to Mirabel, you immediately wrapped the baby girl in the soft towel and cut the umbilical cord before handing the little girl to Roxanna, letting the doctors that were actually on shift take over.
You stood up, taking the apron off and washing your hands as you did, Julieta took the apron from you and began washing it as you grabbed your cardigan, “Thank you, (name). You know, I miss you so much. Those memories and everything, we used to have a good relationship. Why can’t we be like that again?” She asked.
You stopped at the door, glancing over your shoulder and staring at your sister, “Remember when I was twenty two and you were twenty four and you married the man I was in love with, not caring how it’d affect me?” You said, staring at her.
“(Name)…” Roxanna began.
“Look, Roxanna, you and Bruno broke my heart. You ripped it to shreds. You married him despite knowing my feelings. You killed me.” You whispered.
“But, you’re an aunt again.” Roxanna stated.
“No. No, I’m not, Roxanna. Let’s get one thing straight, that little girl is not my niece. As gorgeous as she is, she will always be a painful reminder of what you both did to me. I’m not her aunt, I’m nothing to her.” You told your sister, your eyes flickering to meet Bruno’s awestruck face as he stared at his daughter. You nodded slightly before walking out, you left the casita and left the family to bask in the knowledge that they had a new family member.
You were stopped on your way out, you lifted your head to see the matriarch of the family, “I’m so sorry, (name). If I’d have known about your feelings for mi Brunito, I never would’ve arranged the marriage with Roxanna. I can see how much this is hurting you.” Alma spoke.
You sighed, running a hand down your face as you stared at the elder, “You knew, Alma. You saw us sneaking around in the village plenty of times and holding hands. Just because we didn’t tell you, doesn’t mean you didn’t know. Plus, I know you were listening on the stairs the night that you announced the marriage when I blurted everything out to my father.” You sighed, staring at the older woman before you.
A guilty look crossed the elders face as she sighed, “Look, don’t even worry about it, Alma. Bruno made his choice and I’ve got to live with that.” You smiled. “Look, you should probably head inside. You’ve got a new granddaughter.” You told her as you patted the top of her arm slightly before walking away, taking one last glance over your shoulder and watching the elder walk into casita.
It was five years later, you were standing in the foyer, waiting for Lila’s ceremony to begin. That’s when you felt a tug on your dress. Your brows furrowed as you glanced down at the little girl who tugged at the fabric, “(Name), what if I don’t get a gift? Like Mirabel? Would papá still be proud of me?” She asked you. Her green eyes glossing over and becoming watery as she stared at you.
You crouched down, staring down at the little girl who you had barely spoken to in her whole five years of being alive, “Your papá will always be proud of you, gift or no gift. He loved you so much, Lila. He was always proud of you, niña.” You reassured the little girl.
“But mamá and Abuela have been talking and saying-” She began, worriedly.
“Don’t listen to what they say, cariño. Your abuela is a perfectionist and your mamá is just… Well, she’s complicated. Listen, niña, you’re a beautiful little girl and your father has always and will always be so proud of you.” You told her, cupping her cheeks.
She wrapped her tiny arms around your neck and hugged you. You let out a breath before holding the little girl close, “Thank you so much, (name).” She whispered, planting a soft kiss to your cheek before stepping out into the light. You glanced up, seeing Roxanna at the top of the stairs with Alma.
Lila turned to the faces of everybody before glancing back at you as you hid behind a nearby wall, “Go on, cariño.” You whispered. She closed her eyes, turning back to you as she did.
She held out her hand, fear emanating from her iris’s. You were the only person to let her know that not getting a gift would be okay. You were the only person who would willingly talk about Bruno, “Please, I need you.” She whispered as she stared at you.
You took a deep breath before stepping out into the light and grasping the little girls hand. Roxanna’s brows furrowed as she watched on, a scowl making itself present on her face.
Lila’s other hand gripped your dress as she hugged into your legs whilst the two of you walked together, you shared a look with Pepa as you passed, sending your best friend a smile to cease the worry in her eyes.
You let go of the little girls hand, sharing a warm smile with Alma at the top of the stairs, letting the candle do it’s thing.
Alma soon turned around, announcing Lila’s gift. The girl had gotten super speed, she had always been into running and sports and can often be found chasing her primo Camilo around the garden.
The party was soon well underway, her room was super spacious, filled with running tracks; meaning she had plenty of space to run. You stared around, a smile gracing your face as the little girl ran towards you as you swirled the red liquid in your glass. She skidded to halt in front of you, “(Name)! (Name)! Did you see that?! I got a gift! I got a gift!” She said excitedly.
You smiled, staring down at the excited little girl, “That’s great, niña. Your papá would be so proud!” You rejoiced with her, letting her drag you towards the dance floor where you immediately began dancing with Pepa.
Safe to say it was a great night, little did you know that somebody was watching from the walls and the pride shone in his eyes.
Bruno had been gone ten years, casita had fallen, Mirabel had disappeared, everything you knew had gone. You stood among the rubble with Pepa, holding in a cough. You were dying. The whole family knew. Julieta’s arepas only helped to delay the inevitable.
Horse hooves could be heard in the distance, followed by Julieta calling out for her daughter. The whole family soon appeared around the house, Mirabel was talking about fixing it up as you gripped onto Pepa’s shoulders in order to help you stand.
It wasn’t long until you saw Bruno, he was chatting with Lila who was now eleven. Getting to know his little girl. You stood, helping the others start the rebuild of the house. You were so glad that you had the love and care of the Madrigal’s, especially during this time. The whole family knew that you were dying.
The house was soon rebuilt, the whole family, including you, were pushed inside for a photo. You grinned despite the colour draining from your face. This had already gone on way too long. You watched as the family celebrated at the new chilled and laid back Alma as you headed towards the front doors, you took a deep breath as you sat on a small wall outside.
“Hola…” Somebody said shakily.
You turned your head, seeing the man that you hadn’t seen in ten years, a soft smile planted itself on your lips as you stared at him, “Hey. How’re you doing?” You asked. “Bet this is all kinda surreal, huh? Being back with your family and such?” You questioned.
He nodded, laughing slightly as he rubbed the nape of his neck. “I’m kind of nervous, to be honest. When I left here, the villagers weren’t all too happy with me, you know?” He sighed.
You ran your hand down your face tiredly, holding back a cough, you gulped slightly before nodding, “I get it. But Bruno, if doing visions makes you uncomfortable now, just tell Alma. I’m sure she’ll understand.” You told him, tucking a loose strand of hair behind the older man’s ear.
He caught your wrist, quickly noticing the vine that was crawling up your arm like a tattoo. He rolled your sleeves up and stared down at it, his eyes widening, “You have Hanahaki disease?” He asked.
You pulled your arm away, rolling your sleeve down, you shrugged, “It’s almost over.” You said simply.
Bruno stared at you, “What do you mean?” He asked.
“The vine is almost complete, Bruno. One more flower and I’ll be dead.” You told him with a shrug.
He glanced over his shoulder, staring back into the foyer where Lila danced with Roxanna.
However, it wasn’t long until you could no longer hold back the cough that was tickling in your throat, this was it, you were about to die. You took a final glance in at the foyer, watching your newfound family dance and laugh together as you coughed loudly from outside. A striped carnation falling from your mouth as you did.
Bruno caught your limp body quickly, he watched as the life drained from your eyes and the colour drained from your face. Tears falling down his face as he held you, “(Name)! No, no, come on, (name)!” He cried out. “No, no, no, come on, amor!” He whispered, leaning over your body. He rested his forehead against yours, letting his tears fall onto your face. Your eyes were closed, your breathing had stopped as Bruno cried on you. “Come back to me, amor! Please, come back, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry.” He cried out.
The only girl that ever loved him, the only person who never judged him, the only person who was ever there for him… Was gone. You were gone.
The rest of the family soon gathered behind him, tears falling from all of their eyes as they watched the scene before them. “Striped carnation…” Isabela whispered as she held Dolores’ hand, tears rolling down her face. “They mean ‘refusal’ and ‘sorry, I can’t be with you’.” She let the family know.
Alma quickly whispered something to Agustín causing him to gather the children and take them away from the scene. Pepa placed a hand on her brothers back as she knelt beside him, tears gracing her own face as she stared at him. “Hermano, she’s gone.” She said, tearfully. Glancing down at the bloodstained flower.
“No, she can’t be, Pepi! I loved her. I-I love her! She can’t be gone. She… She just can’t.” He cried out, lifting his head from your body momentarily before placing his forehead back against yours.
Pepa put her head down, letting her own tears fall as she placed a hand on top of your still warm one as she rested her head on her brothers shoulder, her own tears pouring down her face as the pair of them stayed holding you. Pepa causing the sky to open up and cause a downpour.
It wasn’t long before Alma approached her children, “It’s time to let her go, mis amores.” She told her children.
Pepa nodded, drying her eyes with the back of her hand, the sky around them not clearing up for even a second as Pepa leant forward, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Goodbye, mi amiga. I love you so damn much.” She whispered, stepping back from you and finding comfort in the arms of her husband as she cried into the crook of his neck.
“Brunito, it’s time.” Alma spoke again.
Bruno lifted his head, leaning down and pressing his lips against yours softly. Tears continuously pouring from the older man’s eyes. He stepped back, turning and wrapping his arms around Julieta as Alma spoke to one of the villagers about taking you to the funeral home.
Bruno glanced back one last time, still gripping his eldest sisters dress as he cried, bidding you farewell one final time, his lips quivering as he did.
“Adiós, mi amor. Te amo tanto.”
(Translation: “Goodbye, my love. I love you so much.”)
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~ Hey, my loves! So here is the final chapter of my no comfort fic, please do let me know what y’all think, angels! 😘 Stay hydrated, make sure you’ve eaten today, remember you’re loved more than you’ll ever know and stay safe, lovelies! Mwah! 💖
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