vodika-vibes · 4 months
Hey !🌸🌸 can you please write something about
,, what made them fall in love with you“
It doesn’t really matter who it is about but since I’m a Wolffe fangirly it would be really nice to read something about him 🩷 and crosshair , Rex as well thank u 🌸
What Made Them Fall In Love
Pairings: Commander Wolffe x Reader, Captain Rex x F!Reader, TBB Crosshair x F!Reader, ARC Trooper Echo x Reader
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I added Echo to make the number even, lol. I hope you don't mind. Sorry this took so long! I hope you like it!
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Commander Wolffe
Your fingers tangle in his hair as Wolffe dances with you around the living room. The music is quiet and slow, and his heart beats steadily against the palm of your hand, which is resting on his chest. 
He gazes down at you with his mismatched eyes, and you offer him the warmest smile as you lean in and brush your lips against his with a content sigh.
“That was a heavy noise, cyare.” Wolffe murmurs as he leans in and bumps his forehead against yours.
“A happy noise,” You reassure, “I’ve never been so happy in my life.”
He chuckles, “I’m glad to hear it.”
The pair of you fall into a comfortable silence for a moment. “Wolffe?”
“Why did you choose me?” You ask, it has been weighing on your mind for a while.
He looks confused for a  moment, and then he smiles and cups your face with his hands, the dance slowing to a stop, “The first time we met, you punched someone for calling me a meat droid.” There’s something painfully fond on his face, “It was that fire, that passion, that drew me to you. But it was your heart that made me love you.”
You beam at him, “I love you too.”
He chuckles, his hands falling back to your waist, “Good. Now, I’m not done dancing with you. Come here.”
A giggle falls from you as he tugs you against his body, and you eagerly go with him.
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Captain Rex
“You’re back!” A delighted laugh falls from her lips as she throws herself into his already open arms.
Rex catches her with ease, lifting her up and spinning her around, before pulling her into a tight hug, “I am back.” He replies, his voice muffled by her hair, “Stars, I’ve missed you.”
Her arms tighten around his neck and she shifts to rub her cheek against his, “If you had told me that you were coming back, I would have prepared better!”
“I didn’t want to get your hopes up,” Rex replies, his arms sliding under her thighs to support her weight as he walks into the apartment and blindly hits the door control panel to shut and lock the door behind him.
She isn't paying any attention to that, though, as her hands are framing his face, and she’s scanning his face looking for any new scars or bruises. 
“I’m alright, sweet girl,” He promises, and she smiles down at him.
“Maybe I just want to look at my handsome man,” She teases, “I missed you so much.” She lightly rubs his cheeks with her thumbs, “Oh, but I don’t have any food-”
Rex’s smile softens, and he pulls her into a deep kiss. This, right here, is why he fell in love with her in the first place. Her compassion, her love, the way she wants him around.
He’d burn Coruscant to the ground if she asked him.
But for now, for now he’ll just kiss her.
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Crosshair’s gaze is soft as he peers up at her, his hand warm as it presses against her cheek. The sun of Pabu is hot, bearing down on both of them, but he doesn’t mind.
“You’re staring,” She says as she positions herself so that her head is hovering over his.
“I can’t help it.” He murmurs, “You’re gorgeous.”
“Well, you’re not too bad yourself,” She teases, leaning in and kissing him softly, gently. As though afraid that her lips would break him.
He loves that about her, it’s why he fell in love with her in the first place. Because she looked at him and didn’t just see the soldier, the sniper, the asshole. She saw the man who needed a little softness, and was more than happy to give it.
Crosshair smiles at her.
“I love you.”
She ducks her head, seemingly embarrassed about his words. “I love you too.”
“Enough to marry me?”
Her head snaps up, surprise clear on her face, and then warmth crosses her face, “Nothing would make me happier.”
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ARC Trooper Echo
Echo’s arm is tucked under his head as he lays on the couch. You’re straddling his hips, your hands resting on his bare chest for balance, and he’s grinning at you.
“Well, what do you think?” Echo asks.
You glance at his face, and then drag your gaze down to his chest. There’s his skeletal hand tattooed on the right side of his chest, his symbol, how people recognize him when he’s in armor. 
It’s not a new tattoo.
The new part is the delicate flowers twined around the skeletal hand. Flowers that you're named after. Lightly, you trace one of the vines of ivy, “You did this for me?”
“Partly, but mostly for myself.” Echo places his hand over yours and moves both of them so they’re resting over his head, “I like being able to look at my tattoo and remember you. Your voice, your smile, your eyes, your lips-”
Slowly, he pulls you down so that he’s able to catch your lips in a kiss. And that single kiss turns into two, three, four-
“I have loved you since the moment we first met.” Echo whispers against your lips, “Since the day you looked at me and saw me, and not just another clone.”
You smile against his lips and kiss him again. You could kiss him forever and never grow tired of it.
“I’ll spend the rest of my life making you happy, cyare.” Echo promises. “I swear it.”
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winniethewife · 4 months
This isn't goodbye, this is simply, "see you later" (Hunter x F!reader)
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Warnings: Season 3 spoilers, Angst with a happy ending, time skips, pregnant!reader,
Words: 1838
“I don’t want to go.” Hunter whispered in her ear as he held her close, the hallway to the med-bay thankfully empty as he embraced her gently, wanting to savor the moments he has before he runs off on another series of missions
“I know, but we both have a job to do.” She insisted running her fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him, trying to be stronger for the both of them.
The never had enough time, that was the main problem. How much time could he reasonably linger in the med-bay without anyone asking questions. Hunter spent as much time as he could near her. There was a war going on, they were both needed. That was enough to help her wait, to keep her patience. Hunter pulls her in closer, his lips a whisper away from hers.
“I don’t want to say goodbye, I’m not ready.” His low voice tinged with sadness. She looks into his eyes and softly sighs.
“Then don’t…Don’t say goodbye.” She feels a tear run down her cheek. She presses her lips against his for a brief moment. “This doesn’t have to be goodbye, it’s just...See you later.” Her words against his lips are bitter sweet, the idea was sweet but the reality of the situation was a shadow over the moment. The fact was there was no guarantee that they would ever see each other again.  Hunter knows this, she knows this, but in the moment they choose to ignore it. He closes the distance one last time to leave a lingering kiss, taking in the moment in as much detail as he could. The way she felt, the way she smelled, the way she tasted, the sound of her breathing. Taking in every bit of her, to keep with him as long as he needed to be apart from her. After an amount of time that felt infinitesimal, he pulled away from the kiss and gave her a sad smile.
“See you later.”
“See you later.”
After the war was over and Hunter was on the run with the rest of the batch. He frequently thought back to the days he would regularly head to the medbay on Kamino in spent the days and nights with her in his arms. He often wondered if he should have actually told her goodbye the last time he saw her. That was what was on his mind as they left what was left of Tipoca city on kamnino. He thought about what Tech had told him AZI had said. That all the essential medical personal had been sent elsewhere, and those that had resisted were eliminated. She wasn’t one to follow orders, she wouldn’t have just gone with the empire, no questions asked. He couldn’t sleep, every time he closed his eyes he could picture her lifeless body lying in the perfectly white hallways of the cloning facilities. It was too much to bear. He had lost too much in the last few days he couldn’t imagine losing her too.
“Hunter?” The quiet voice of Omega reaches his ears and he turns to look at her. She looked worried, He couldn’t blame her, she had been through so much in the last day.
“Omega…Can’t sleep either huh?” He asks attempting to sound as supportive as he can, his own troubles pushed from his mind. Omega looks at him and shakes her head. “C’mere then…” He helps the smaller clone into his lap and they sit together. Hunter pets her head softly and keeps his breathing steady in an attempt to keep them both calm. He looks down at the young clone in his arms. He has to stay strong for her. Despite every urge to break down, he has to be strong.
As the Bad Batch walked into Cid’s parlor after another successful job done,  Hunter swore he sensed something familiar, a comforting scent, a melodic voice, his heart stopped when he saw her standing at the bar, chatting with one of the other patrons kindly. He froze for a second, this couldn’t be really happening. He feels her name leave his lips without a thought and as she turns to look at him he knows its really her, she’s here in front of him. There’s nothing that can keep him from her now. He quickly makes his way across the mostly empty room to take her in his arms, she’s there, she’s real. He looks into her eyes, speechless. She looks back at him, with love and affection in her eyes.
“Hello again.” She says softly reaching to touch his face, tracing the lines of his tattoo on his face, the corners of her mouth turned up in a slight smile. She looked exactly like he remembered, not a scratch on her, not a hair out of place.
“How- How did you know? How did you find us?” He had a thousand questions to ask but he wanted to start there.
“Rex told me where to find you. I ran into him while trying to get me and a few others off of Kamino and somewhere safe. He was very helpful.” She explained as Hunter pulled her in even closer, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, taking in her scent, never wanting to escape it, never wanting to leave it again, He was home again in her arms. She smiled softly and begin to run her fingers through his hair.  “It’s Okay Hunter…I’m here.”
“You’re here….you’re really here” He doesn’t care that the rest of the batch is watching this interaction, he doesn’t even care if the rest of the bar is watching, he just cares that she’s safe, and with him.
Settling in on Pabu was like a dream come true, as she tried her best to make their new home as comfy as possible. Home. That was new. She smiled at the idea, a home for her, the batch, Omega. She was busy cleaning up the kitchen when she felt a familiar pair of arms around her waist. She sighs, holding back tears, letting Hunter hold her while she works. He sighs. He knew they had to go investigate, find out what Crosshair’s message means. She knew that he had to leave, and she had to stay. Hunters hand grazes over the very beginnings of a bump on her lower abdomen, where their child grew inside her. He felt that familiar tightness in his chest. He rests his head on her shoulder.
“This isn’t goodbye.” He says softly, his low voice tinted with the recognizable sadness.
“No, this is not goodbye. Its…see you later.” She replies, tears starting down her face. Hunter turns her in his arms, using his thumb to gently wipe away her tears.
“We’ll be back before you know it….I promise.” He mutters softly trying to comfort her. She laughs quietly, shaking her head.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She looks at him as a few more tears slid down her face. Hunter chuckled and leaned in to kiss her gently, holding her face in one hand and the other arm around her waist pulling her in close, taking in the feeling of her skin, her lips, her body, one more time. She pulls away and looks up at him.
“I love you Hunter.”
“I love you too Cyar’ika.” He meets her gaze and hope she knows how much she means to him. How much he wanted to keep the promise. His comm-link activates with a shrill noise shattering the silence.
“Hunter, its time.” Techs voice, interrupts the moment. Hunter sighs and turns to speak into the comm.
“Copy, I’m on the way.” He turns to her with a sorrowful sorrow on his face. “See you later.”
“See you later.”
The next months would be the hardest that they had ever dealt with. The loss of Tech, the capture of Omega, it would weigh on them heavily, trying every angle to try to find her. while Hunter and Wrecker were crossing the galaxy time and time again trying to find Omega, She was constantly at the makeshift communication center she had gotten together to try to reach out to anyone who might know anything. She was half asleep, resting her head on her palm as she rests her eyes, waiting for a message from someone…anyone. She jolts awake as she hears the sound of a ship coming in to land, a familiar sound, The Marauder. She stands up as quickly as she could. She hurried to the landing platform, thankful she wasn’t far from it. As she arrived she was quickly greeted by an enthusiastic Omega who rant to her, wrapping her arms as far around as she could with the growing belly in the way.
“Omega! I’m so glad to see you!” She exclaims as she manages to get down on one knee to let the smaller girl fully embrace her. As Omega held on to her, she looked up to see Wrecker and Hunter disembarking the ship, and shortly behind them…Crosshair. Her heart leapt at the sight. They were all together again. After Omega let go she carefully got to her feet Hunter quickly closing the distance to help her.
“Be careful, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He says helping her to her feet, and into his arms
“Hunter I’m pregnant, not incapable.” She jokes, He shakes his head as he laughs. they press their foreheads together, Hunter felt like he could breath, for now, everyone he cares about was safe, everything he needed was here, and for now that was enough.
She waited patently for Hunter to return from seeing Omega off. Their son now a teenager asleep in his bed in the other room, Wreckers snores coming in from the adjacent hut, Crosshair had just bid her goodnight and went home. She sighed, reading over the last message she had gotten from Echo, who was off helping the rebellion in his own way, the door creaks open and she looks up to see her husband. Tired from the walk from the cove. She sets the data pad aside and smiles at him.
“Did she do alright? She have everything she needed?” She asked him as he comes to sit by her side, letting out a soft groan as he moved.
“Yes, just like we taught her.” He said proudly. “I just wish she didn’t have to go.” She takes his hand in hers.
“I know…She’s so stubborn. I wonder where she got that from.” She looks him over. He lets out a chuckle.
“Yes, well, what else could we expect?” He sighs “I’m just not very good at saying goodbye.”
“Ah ah, it’s not goodbye…” She looks at him with a knowing smile and a glint of mischief in her eye, He shakes his head, putting his arm around her and pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
“I know, I know. It’s just simply see you later.”                                  
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
Mimi ❤️!! Congratulations on hitting 450 followers 🥳!!
If you'd like, could I suggest Commander Wolffe and the prompts: 18 and/or 35?
Awww @ulchabhangorm thank you, love!
I realized on my previous post, I didn't put a warning. Oops. Anyway, I'll include a warning this time.
Just Breathe
Warnings: anxiety, slight panic attack, mentions of death, broken finger, surgeries, medical procedure, kissing.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You took a deep breath, needing to calm down your mind. There’d been just too many injuries, too many bloody soldiers, too many you couldn’t save. It was just all too much. You just needed peace and quiet. Needed to remember you were more than just someone who stood by and watched soldiers die. 
Wolffe was looking for you, he knew in battles like this, you always suffered the most. You always made sure everyone else took the time to recoup, while you ploughed through the difficult carnage. He smiled when he saw you standing outside of the camp looking up to the stars, he loved the way the moonlight illuminated your face, your bright eyes that were full of sadness pulled on his heart strings.
“You shouldn’t be out here by yourself.”
It was the only reprimand he would give you on a day like this, he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you in close to his chest. 
“I know. I just … I just needed to breathe.”
He rested his lips on the side of your head, pressing a gentle kiss, “Hmmm, and did you?”
You swallowed the anxiety, fighting back the tears, “I think so…”
“Doesn’t sound like it”
A shuddering breath escaped your lips; you hated how much Wolffe really knew you, how much you tried to be strong. You turned in his arms and held him close, burying your face in the crook of his arm and shoulder, wanting to escape from the reality that was this world.
“It’s okay, cyar’ika. I got you.”
You simply nodded, letting your tears escape, and finally finding the comfort you had been so longing for, as you felt Wolffe bury his face in your hair, his breath on your neck, and his hand rubbing your back up and down. 
You shifted when you realized he kept his left hand elevated and away from you. You wiped your tears as you looked into his warm eyes that would always be your home.
“Wolffe, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He shook his head, ignoring the pain in his hand. He looked at his cyar’ika’s face which told him you didn’t believe him. He let out a sigh, he didn’t want you to be worried about him, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it, cyar’ika.”
“Now, I know there’s something wrong,” you pulled back and looked at him, holding out your hand for him, “Show me.”
“Cyar’ika, let’s worry about you. I can wait.”
“I’ll keep standing here, and not saying anything until you show me your hand.”
“Well, I can play that game too, cyar’ika.”
You nodded, and stood in front of him, hand raised, keeping your eyes locked on his, with an unimpressed face. You stood there staring at each other for a good ten minutes before finally he caved, “Alright, alright. Here.” He placed his left hand in yours, his glove was off, his middle finger  bent at an odd angle.
“Wolffe, your finger is broken!”
“Like I said, not a big deal.”
“I swear…” you started mumbling under your breath as you looked at his finger, “you need to thank the force, you didn’t have a pinched nerve or something. Otherwise, we would’ve had to amputate this, you do realize that!”
“As I previously stated, not a big deal” he smirked as he looked at you. He knew how much it drove you crazy, when he downgraded an injury, simply because he wanted to see how angry you got. Plus, it had the added benefit of making you stop thinking about your anxiety.
“Come with me,” you took his other hand in yours, interweaving your fingers. Shaking your head as you walked back to the med tent. Forcing him to sit down, as you tried so hard not to laugh at his best, ‘What did I do?’ face. You grabbed your supplies, pulling over a cargo crate so you could sit on it. 
“Just so you know, this is going to hurt, okay?"
“You always say that, but how can it hurt when I’m looking at the most beautiful face in the galaxy.”
You smirked as he tried to distract you, “Keep it up.” You challenged him, as you looked in his eyes and held on to his finger.
“What, you think, you can make me cry?”
“I don’t think. I know.”
“Not possible, my most beautiful cyar’ika. Your eyes are … AHHH! Son of a nerf herder!”
You laughed as you straightened out his finger and braced it, wrapping the splint around his finger. “You’ll have to keep this on for three to four weeks, and no strenuous activity for two weeks after.”
“Doesn’t really work on a battlefield, cyar’ika.”
“Hence the splint.” You smiled as you leaned forward pressing a kiss to his lips, “Better?”
“Mmm, I think I need a little more” he threaded his good fingers through your hair and pressed your lips to his again.
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s · 2 months
Requests, yay!! Thank you for blessing tumblr with your bright presence! ✨️
So, I was thinking... I'd like to request something with our handsome and beloved Crosshair and a female reader perhaps involving a cozy rainy evening in a coffee shop? I'm in a very big coffee and cozy mood and some fluff with Crosshair would maybe really hit the spot. One shot or headcanons would be alright, just wirte whatever you wish. I know it'll be lovely! And thank you again for doing this ✨️🩷
i had to ponder on it forever, but once i thought of the idea, the spring sprung fr.
hope you enjoy!! :)
Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,169 words
Warnings: talking of the war, army, battles, being away (only mentioned once or twice)
Description: A day out with Crosshair takes a sweet, and rainy turn.
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Rainy Days & Mochas
“You know it’s going to rain soon, right?”
Extending arms of oak trees hung above your head, crisp air nipping your nose as you looked above. Cinnamon, ochres, pecans, and crimsons fluttered above on the branches in the shape of leaves. Just beyond, through the autumnal rainbow, distant rain clouds could be spotted. 
You also spotted him.
“I’m ignoring the rain.”
Fortunately, the Batch had gotten a week of shore leave after months of being on the go. A never ending war in sight, always something to tend to, and also some droid army to take down. 
In the here and now though, there was a handsome sniper in your sights. One that was holding your hand and walking with you in this quiet autumn world. 
That in itself could demolish any thought of how quickly the week felt like it was drifting by.
“How can you ignore the rain if it’s getting ready to rain?” You questioned, smiling to yourself at the repetitive asks.
Crosshair’s warm chuckle rang out into the autumn touched park the pair of you were walking in. 
He had wanted to take you out today, spend time with you. Just be with you.
Despite how cold it was from the autumn air, your heart failed to be chilled. 
“I’m ignoring it because I’m focusing on you,” Crosshair said, turning to you. The softness dulled those hard edges you had seen on occasion. Late nights where he came to your apartment, seeking the comfort he would never have out on the battlefield. 
He was out of his gear for once as well, donning a ebony turtleneck, blue jeans, and that damned jacket that still sent butterflies through your stomach. It was tawny corduroy, fluffy white lining poking out of the collar. It smelt like him, warm oceanic musk, pine, and that hint of his polish he used on his beloved sniper. 
That jacket stayed with you, a token to remember him while he was away. For now though, you didn’t have to remember. He was here, and that’s what mattered.
“What’s got your mind in a twist, darlin’?” Crosshair asked, hands coming to cradle your face.
You looked to Crosshair, thoughts dwindling away. 
“Nothing. Just you.” You leaned into his touch, craving it. He smiled, coming close to pepper your nose with kisses.
Little pitter patters of water began to sprinkle on your shoulders, sending a chill through your spine.
It had begun to rain.
“I told you it was going to rain,” you stated, the simplicity of it amusing you. The weather began to pick up, the rain coming down faster, pouring from the sky.
“Crosshair!” You exclaimed, drops beginning to splash on your head.
“Let’s run!” He yelled, a smile tugging on his face.
He was already grabbing your hand, pulling you along as you ran through the park you had been enjoying. Giggles spilled from both of you, darting among rain and falling leaves. It wasn’t long before you came back to the streets of the city, making your way quickly across the road to a random business. 
Coffee beans?
Crosshair had pulled you two into a quaint little coffee shop, the smell of hot drinks and warm pastries tingling your nose as you both entered. 
You shook in laughter, cold splatters of leftover rain water hitting you as he had bent over to shake his hair of water. He stood back up, another warm smile greeting your eyes. 
“Sorry, darlin’. I suppose I’ll just have to buy you a drink to warm you up.”
He didn’t wait for your answer, already making his way towards the counter to order. You moseyed your way to a back corner table, taking off your jacket and settling into the worn booth seats. It was cozy, almost nostalgic in how warm and inviting it was.
“I love when you wear that sweater.”
Crosshair had returned, carrying a pastry bag, two coffees, and that lovey dovey look he always seemed to wear around you. 
He was referencing what you were wearing, an amaranth sleeved sweater, chunky and warm in the best way for the fall weather. You gave him a smile, giggling as he came to cozy up next to you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, pulling you into his side. Despite the rain pounding against the windows of the little shop, the cold didn’t reach you in Cross’s warmth.
“So… you come here often, darlin’?”
You laughed, the sound bouncing in the carefree atmosphere. 
“It’s my first time. How about you?”
You hadn’t missed how Crosshair had pulled the two of you into the cute cafe, knowing it was a hobby of his to taste different beverages from the beloved coffee beans. Iced, warmed, cream, no cream, he loved it all. He thought he was being sneaky, but you knew his antics.
“Ah, it’s my first time with my girl. Though I know for a fact this place has the best mochas this side of town.”
“This side of town?”
“What? I had to explore the other cafes and coffee houses.”
That made you both laugh. 
Crosshair reached forward across the table, bringing two russet orange mugs closer to you. When the mugs reached your eyes, foamy sweetness with little chocolate chunks decorating the snowy top of the drink appeared. Beneath, you had a feeling a hot caffeinated drink was hidden. You also noticed a warm chocolate croissant being taken out of the little paper bag it was in. 
You looked up, meeting expectant eyes. Crosshair always shared everything with you about his little hobby, describing the drinks in detail. It was like poetry, how the flavor swirled in his mouth, or how the sugar had almost been a touch too much. 
He was waiting for you to try it, and you could do with some more warmth. 
Not that you needed it, not with him.
You raised the cup to your lips, taking a sip of the hot drink. 
Decadent, sweet, but bitter. Somehow, it all worked together, creating a drink you actually loved.
“Okay, that is so good,” You mumbled, taking another sip, hand already reaching for the croissant. 
“I knew you would like it,” Crosshair murmured, arm squeezing you closer than you already were. He pressed another peck to your forehead, smiling against your skin. 
Your gaze turned to the window, noting how the autumn day had turned quite rainy and chilled. Thoughts of running home in the rain with Crosshair sprung to your mind, knowing you both would be soaked by the time you made it to your apartment. 
“Your mind’s in a twist again, darlin’,” Crosshair spoke, his warm smile making your heart stutter.
It was your turn to greet him with your smile, arms wrapping around him.
“Just thinking of you and the rain.”
His laugh rang out again.
How you could never tire of the musical sound.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll keep you warm.”
And you knew he would make good on that promise.
tagging the fabulous @moonstrider9904, as well as a few others! @nahoney22 @hellothere-generalangsty @eyecandyeoz @baddest-batchers @leenabb104104 @dalu-grantkylo @ladysaturnsdust
If any of those tagged, or anyone else is interested in being on my taglist, here is the form to fill it out, or leave your interest in the comments. You can also find my taglist form on my pinned post!
Taglist Form
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neon-junkie · 6 months
Private Affairs
Summary: Tasked with finding the General and the Captain, Dogma stumbles right into the midst of a private affair. To make things even worse, he rather enjoys the view… that is, until he's caught.
Word count: 4k
Tags: Established relationship, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Confrontation, Handjobs, Smut, Praise, Military ranks, Cuckolding, Virginity, First time, Dom/sub.
Pairing: Dogma x f!Reader x Rex
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Curiosity killed the lothcat, but satisfaction brought it back - or so, that’s how the phrase goes. And as satisfying as this sight may be, he knows that curiosity will be the death of him.
He shouldn’t be watching. He should not be watching, let alone enjoying the view, palming his hard cock over his under armour, his codpiece abandoned long ago. It’s not like he can help it, seeing as the poor man is a virgin through and through. It’s been drilled into his mind by the Kaminoan’s that sexual activity is strictly forbidden, but if his General and Captain can go at it, then it doesn’t hurt to watch, right?
The he in question is Dogma - a straight edge, punctual, and obedient Trooper.
Poor little Dogma was given the order to find the General and Captain, and inform them about the next stage in their current mission. They weren’t in any of the tents, nor in the surrounding area. The gunships were clear, leaving the Captain’s ship as the only remaining option.
The door was open, a clear sign that somebody was aboard, only Dogma wasn’t expecting to find them tucked away in the cockpit, kriffing like their lives depended on it. Better yet, Dogma wasn’t expecting the cockpit’s door to be wide open, welcoming just about anybody to catch them in the act!
Maybe this was some weird fetish that Dogma had been unintentionally roped into, or maybe they were too horny to shut the damn door!
Still, Dogma was the poor soul who had found you and your Captain going at it. He should have turned, ran, and never spoke a word; instead, Dogma caught himself mindlessly gorming at the action, like a Cadet discovering holoporn for the first time.
Not that Dogma has ever watched holoporn…
Dogma refuses to dabble in anything sexual. He will, on an extremely rare occasion, have a drink or two, but always manages to resist the urge to get drunk! He doesn’t smoke, nor do drugs, and only swears during life or death circumstances. All in all, he’s a total virgin, which would explain why his eyes are prying to a whole new level.
And when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, he felt himself hardening, causing his codpiece to bulge uncomfortably. It took him a lot of convincing to remove the armour, seeing as it was causing him discomfort, just like it took even more convincing to let him finally touch himself.
“Just do it to help the pain… or until it goes down… or until they stop… or-” Dogma told himself, biting down hard on his lower lip to prevent himself from letting out a moan. How wonderful it felt, jerking off to the sight of his General being kriffed, all by Captain Rex, of course.
Everybody had a hunch that something was going on between those two, but nobody had ever caught them! How funny it is that Dogma is the one to discover the truth, and kriff, the truth is that they have some really intimate sex. Rex has you pushed face-down over the cockpit’s dashboard, taking you from behind. Your legs are spread, arms behind your back, with Rex’s hand firmly holding them in place. The ‘slap slap slap!’ sound of skin against skin is echoing around the ship - a warning for those with prying eyes, although that hasn’t stopped Dogma.
Throughout moans and groans, you’re mumbling away. “G-gotta hurry up, Rex. Someone’s going to come looking for us soon,” you pant, and you’re met with a shrug.
Dogma feels himself tense up at your comment - are you aware that he’s there, watching you two? Does the force work like that? Or is Dogma awful at being stealthy?
Still, if you two are aware of Dogma’s presence, it hasn’t changed anything. You’re still kriffing away, eager to let out some frustrations, and relieve yourselves before regaining your focus on the mission at hand. The last thing that the squad needs is a sexually frustrated General and Captain!
By now, your ass and the back of your thighs have turned red from Rex’s armour pounding against you. The sight only causes Dogma to stir even more, biting his knuckles as he feels himself getting closer. Sure, he’s touched himself here and there, but refuses to make a habit out of it. Plus, it’s difficult to get the time and privacy when you’re a soldier, but the others seem to make do.
Better yet, you and Rex seem to manage it. How did this all start? How long has this been going on for? Dogma would never dream of approaching his General with sexual intentions, unless you came onto Rex?
And if you came onto somebody else, how would that go? Dogma finds himself picturing what things would be like if you propositioned him instead - uneducated, timid, and total virgin. He wouldn’t even know where to start, let alone how to touch you. Although, Dogma knows you’re the type who would be eager to teach him. Could he ever kriff you like that? Pounding you deep and hard, making you cum untouched like Rex is right now?
With that, Rex lets out a long and deep groan, slamming his cock deep and spilling inside of you. Dogma firmly grasps the base of his cock to prevent himself from climaxing when Rex pulls out of you, revealing your used cunt, dripping with his load. How he longs to be in that position, filling his General up like it’s nobody’s business!
Now, the issues really begin to arise. You and Rex have finished your business, and now that you’re distracted cleaning each other up, Dogma has the perfect opportunity to sneak away. He needs to get his ass out of there now!
Pulling his under armour up and into place, Dogma begins searching for his codpiece. He could have sworn that he left it between his feet, yet it’s nowhere to be seen! It doesn’t help that the ship is dark, and somewhat cluttered with your personal belongings, but it was right there, wasn’t it?
Rummaging around, Dogma walks straight into his worst nightmare. He bends down to retrieve what he thought was his codpiece, but after realising that nope, that’s not it, he bangs his head on an overhead pipe.
The sound is loud enough to be heard throughout the campsite, so undoubtedly, you and Rex overheard it! “Who’s there?” you question as you whip around, no longer sharing a few final kisses with Rex before exiting the ship to face your Troops. Instead, you’re darting across the cockpit to push a few buttons, lighting the ship’s hull within an instant.
And you’re met with an unbelievable sight…
One hand rubbing his bruising forehead, Dogma makes eye contact with you. The fear is apparent, given that all the colour has drained from his face, and he looks just about ready to collapse.
Rex speaks up before you can, simply questioning, “Dogma?”
No reply. He’s getting sweatier by the minute, so sweaty that his face tattoo might just melt away!
“Dogma?” you repeat his name. Before you can even finish your next sentence, Dogma begins begging for forgiveness. “What were you doin-”
“-I’m sorry!” He practically yells. “I didn’t mean to! I was sent to look for you two, and I just… it happened, alright?!”
Tears are threatening to spill from Dogma’s waterline. To him, this is the end of it all. No doubt, he’ll be blackmailed into keeping his mouth shut (not that it would open anyway,) then sent off for decommissioning.
“-Dogma, it’s alright!” you cut his apology short. “We’re not mad, okay?”
“I don’t believe you,” Dogma replies, firmly shaking his head.
“She means it,” Rex chimes in. “We’re not mad. Nothing is going to happen to you, understood, Trooper?”
Still as white as a ghost, Dogma sheepishly nods his head, begrudgingly accepting both of your reassurance. You might not decommission him, but you will certainly punish him, seeing as he was getting off to your little shenanigans.
Bridging the gap, you approach him. Dogma refuses to make eye contact, keeping his head down and arms at his side. He’s more than embarrassed - he feels like his soul has left his body, and you’re certainly not going to help him retrieve it. Or so, he thinks.
You look back at Rex, who remains in the cockpit, before turning back to Dogma. A hand comes up to gently cup his chin, forcing him to look forward, although his eyes remain down, refusing to look at you.
“Look at me, Dogma,” you order. It takes him a few seconds, followed by a large gulp of air, before Dogma can finally meet your gaze. His stomach is churning away, threatening to throw up his ration bars, all whilst his body begins shaking from pure fear.
“What were you doing?” you ask.
Dogma yanks his chin from your grasp, returning his gaze to the floor, yet he doesn’t run away. His body is failing him, glueing his feet to the floor, unable to escape this madness.
“Dogma,” you say his name, but with sternness. The Trooper in question ignores you, his fingertips fidgeting with each other as his nerves control his every movement.
After letting out a deep sigh, you fall back onto a method that you hate doing. Dogma is a soldier, and seeing as you’re his General, he has to follow your every order.
“Stand at attention,” you order. Automatically, Dogma snaps upright, his arms falling to his sides as his eyes look forwards, straight past you. It’s not eye contact, but it’s better than the whimpering state he was in before.
“To repeat myself, Trooper, you are not in trouble. No harm is going to come your way, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t be questioned. Understood?”
“Understood, General,” Dogma agrees with a firm nod. There’s still fear deep within his eyes, although you notice that his breathing is beginning to relax. It’s not much, but it’s progress.
“And Captain,” Rex chimes in. He’s moved from the cockpit, taking his place beside you and Dogma. Rex is essentially in the background, but his presence is known.
“And Captain,” Dogma corrects himself.
Rex lets out a soft, “good,” before letting you continue.
After sending Rex a scolding look, you silently browse Dogma’s form before speaking up again. “I want to know what you were doing, Trooper. Don’t skip out on any details.”
Dogma gulps. He lets out an uneasy breath, and with much difficulty, begins his confession. “Like I said before, the other Troopers ordered me to go and find you both so that we could go over the next stages of the mission. When I boarded your ship, I was completely unaware of what I’d find. The cockpit door was wide open, and I… stumbled upon you two…”
“That would be my fault,” Rex chuckles. “I got a little carried away, forgot to secure the area before diving right in.”
“You have such a way with words,” you sigh, earning another chuckle from Rex. “Do continue, Trooper.”
Dogma pauses once more, only this time, he makes eye contact. There’s a silent plea deep within his gaze, but you don’t let up. After a few seconds of silence, and accepting his fate, Dogma continues.
“I… you two… It was so… out there in the open, and I couldn’t help but watch. I know I shouldn’t have! But… I don’t know what came over me, I was so engulfed in it…”
This time, you’re the silent one. You raise a brow, questioning Dogma’s words. You’re well aware how straight edge he is, sometimes being called uptight by the other Troopers. But to become that engulfed in seeing people have sex? Has this man ever seen it before?
Well, what if he hasn’t? There must be a reason why the other Troopers tease him, calling him a virgin, and every other innocent name under the sun. Maker, has Dogma even seen boobs before?!
“Are you…” your words fall flat, and you put thought into how to word this. “Dogma, I know you don’t… do that stuff, but you have seen people having sex before, right? Holoporn, or something like that?”
Dogma’s colour begins to fade again, and suddenly, you understand why Dogma became so engrossed. “I don’t… uh, Kamino doesn’t have access to such things. We’re discouraged when it comes to… intimacy. I know the other Troopers tend to watch it, but I…”
“Interesting,” you sigh. Crossing your arms across your chest, you playfully bounce on your heels before straightening your figure. All this prying is rather fascinating, and dare you admit it, but it’s giving you… ideas.
“Tell me,” you speak up again. “What were you doing whilst you were watching your superiors having sex?”
“Superiors,” Rex repeats the word under his breath. “You don’t need to be that mean to him.”
“A little reminder doesn’t hurt,” you shrug, enjoying the sight of Dogma squirming from embarrassment.
Dogma’s lips remain sealed, but after giving him a look, they finally open. “Please don’t make me talk about it,” he begs, clasping his hands together in front of his chest.
“We need those details, Trooper,” you smirk. Rex remains silent, but he’s well aware how much you’re enjoying this.
A pained groan slips from Dogma’s lips, followed by a frustrated huff. “If you must know…” his words trail into a sigh, and Dogma scrunches his eyes shut before continuing. “I was touching myself! I know I shouldn’t have, but everything was so… much, and I couldn’t watch and do nothing about it!” To your surprise, Rex speaks up before you can. “You could have turned around, and walked away. Not only did you stay and watch, but you also pleasured yourself to it.”
“I know I should have walked away! But like I said, I’ve never seen that before… and… and-”
“That’s enough,” you end his sputtering with a gentle wave of your hand. Dogma watches as you turn to Rex, and silently make your intentions clear. His eyes flicker between you two, somehow talking without using words. The conversation ends with Rex shrugging before giving you a small nod, agreeing to something.
You return your focus to Dogma, who doesn’t hide his panicked expression. His demeanour worsens as you take a step forward, bridging the already small gap between your bodies. You’re mere inches from him, close enough to feel his short and uneasy breaths on your cheeks, them only worsening as more time passes.
For once, Dogma doesn’t look away from your gaze. He allows your eyes to meet his, seeing through every layer of fear that possesses his body. When you finally speak, Dogma is just about ready to pass out, but adrenalin keeps him going.
“Did you enjoy watching your superiors have sex?”
Dogma remains silent, but you don’t need verbal confirmation to know the answer. “I mean, you were getting off to us,” you coo.
To everybody’s surprise, your hand moves forward, and a palm is introduced to Dogma’s crotch. He gasps, his head falling down to look at the sight - you’re palming his soft cock through his under armour, all whilst you’re teasing him in a rather alluring tone.
“I know you enjoyed it, Dogma. That much is clear,” you continue, causing Dogma to look at you once more. “But I can tell that you didn’t get to finish, you poor thing,” you say with a soft click of your tongue.
“General?” Dogma pants, questioning what the kriff is going on. A minute ago, his knees were ready to collapse, falling to his pit of doom. And now, you’re causing his cock to harden, twitching away under the thin layer of clothing.
“Don’t interrupt her, Trooper,” Rex chimes in. Kriff! Dogma had totally forgotten Rex was there. His hands are clasped behind his back, chest puffed out, with a stern expression on his face. Is Dogma really going to stand here and allow his General to toy with him whilst his Captain watches? Is this what they silently agreed to moments ago?
“Eyes on me,” you order, your free hand coming up to draw his face back to yours. “Rex is there to ensure you stay in line. You are one of his men, after all.”
For some reason, Dogma catches himself nodding in agreement. He’s enjoying this, far more than he’s willing to admit, but his fully erect cock is telling you all that you need to know.
“How about you show me what you were playing with, hm?” you suggest, giving Dogma the opportunity to back out, if he wants to.
Instead, Dogma slowly frees his cock, letting it spring from its confinement. He lets out an embarrassing whimper when you wrap your hand around it, one hand lunging forward to grasp your arm, almost as if he’s scared about what’s in store for him.
“At ease, Trooper,” you order. Dogma can’t help but follow it, parting his legs whilst his hands clasp together behind his back. His back straightens for all of three seconds, slumping over as soon as you begin slowly jerking him.
“You’re so good at following orders,” you praise. Such a compliment never fails to drive Dogma crazy, and your words flow straight down to his cock. “But I still want to know what you were thinking about whilst you were watching your Captain kriff me…”
Licking his lips, Dogma mustered up the courage to speak. “I was thinking about… being in his position…”
“Don’t forget Rex’s ranking, Trooper,” you correct him.
“Sorry. About being in the Captain’s position, General,” Dogma corrects his mistake, earning a pleasing movement from your hand. Once more, he whines; there’s no point in holding back, not now that he’s in this position.
“Finding yourself in that position would be… almost unattainable, but not completely impossible. Rex is the one who you need to ask, not me.”
Dogma sends a pathetic pleading expression Rex’s way, but he’s met with a stern look. “I’ll think about it,” Rex responds. “As for now, your primary objective is making the General happy.”
“Yes, Captain,” Dogma agrees with an eager nod. His breaths are becoming heavier the more you play with him, and you question how long he was going at it before you caught him. The poor man could have been edging himself the entire time, and whilst you and Rex were only having a quickie, that’s far too long for an inexperienced man.
“If Rex doesn’t agree, I’m sure I can convince him to let you watch,” you tease the idea, dangling it in front of his face like a forbidden fruit. “I know you’d enjoy that, seeing as you’ve already done it.”
“I wouldn’t mind having him watch,” Rex says with a shrug. “But I won’t be gentle with you,” he directs his words to you, filling your mind with the idea. How wonderful it would be to have your Captain pounding the life out of you, all whilst innocent Dogma watches, cock in hand, so desperate to get his fill. He’ll take whatever he can get, and right now, that consists of you jerking him off in the hull of your ship.
“I know you’re already excited about that idea,” you tease.
“I am,” Dogma eagerly nods, and swiftly adds, “General,” before he can be called out on his lack of respect.
You smile, and whilst maintaining eye contact, you send a trail of spit down onto Dogma’s cock. It hits the tip spot-on, slicking up the rest of his shaft as you continue pumping him. Dogma’s knees threaten to buckle yet again, but he somehow manages to maintain his composure, hands still clasped behind his back.
With a hungry gaze, Dogma watches you jerk him off, his wet cock shining in the hull’s lighting. He’s never seen himself like this before - desperate, pathetic, willing to do anything for release. Dare he admit it, but he loves it. Maybe this is what he’s needed all along - a gentle hand to guide him. If only the other Troopers could see him now… Dogma may be a virgin, but who’s the one being jerked off by the General?
“G-general?” Dogma sputters, failing to meet your gaze. It’s disrespectful, but given the state that he’s in, you decide to go easy on it.
“Speak,” you grant him.
“Please… if it isn’t any hassle… please may I…”
“You may,” you agree with a nod. Dogma just about explodes the second that he’s given permission, spilling all over your hand, a few rogue drops meeting the floor below.
Falling out of line, Dogma finds himself resting against you. His forehead meets your shoulder, although he manages to keep his hand behind his back. He’s trying to be a good soldier - your good soldier, but any Trooper would fail to stay at ease when being milked by their General, even Rex!
Rather than scolding him, you help him through it. “It’s alright. You did so good for me, Dogma. What a good soldier,” you coo, allowing him one final round of satisfaction.
When all the wind has been knocked from Dogma’s lungs, he straightens his back - or attempts to, seeing as he’s struggling to keep it together during his post orgasm haze. Your hand moves away from him, and using the force, you summon a towel to clean yourselves up with. “That was fun, wasn’t it?” you ask whilst drying Dogma’s length.
“Very fun, General,” Dogma agrees with a nod. Even Rex chimes in. “You did a good job at maintaining your composure, for a first timer,” he jabs.
“Appreciate it, Captain,” Dogma responds.
Once dry, he tucks himself away. “We’re serious about that offer, just so you know,” you inform him whilst retrieving his long-lost codpiece.
“Y-you are?” Dogma stutters, and struggles to fix the missing armour into place, soon requiring your assistance.
“Yes,” you confirm. Once more, Dogma looks as if he’s about to pass out. Not only did he manage to worm his way out of decommissioning, but he was rewarded for his curiosity too! Dogma can’t help but question if you knew about his prying eyes all along, giving you the opportunity to bring him into the mix.
“But I haven’t decided on anything else, yet,” Rex butts in, putting Dogma back down into his place. Dogma keeps his gaze on you, dreading the expression that Rex possibly holds.
“Still, you can watch the action. And remember, Rex is a Captain; his performance is far higher than any regular Trooper. Don’t let it get to you.”
After a wink, you leave Dogma to it. Rex follows suit, retrieving his helmet from a nearby crate, and holds it snug under his arm. To anybody outside, you’re two superiors casually exiting a ship, ready to rally the men and discuss your next series of attacks.
Before your feet meet the earth, you turn back to poor Dogma. “Come and join us once you’re ready,” you order, leaving him to stand there and process what’s just happened.
No longer in his superior’s line of sight, Dogma takes a seat on a nearby crate, narrowly avoiding that same pipe from earlier that he banged his head on. A series of heavy sighs flow from his lips, and his mind spins in a whirlwind of confusion.
What the kriff just happened?
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203 notes · View notes
melymigo · 1 year
Don't make me tap the sign
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Please be kind to my boys; they have suffered enough.
606 notes · View notes
justaparsec94 · 1 month
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Summary: You have a pretty good thing going with the straight-laced Commander. But when feelings start to get thrown into the mix things get a little messy.
Pairing: Wolffe x fem!reader
Word Count: 4,969
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Minors be gone, Explicit
Author's Note: This is mostly just porn with feelings and a tiny smattering of plot. Written for the prompt: Topless and face down kiss on the shoulder.
You had told yourself that the last time had been just that, the last time. You’d promised yourself over and over again that it wouldn’t happen again, couldn’t happen again. Sure, the sex had been so mind-blowingly good that the thought of never having it again made you want to consider swearing off men for the rest of your life. But that wasn’t the point. The point was that he’d made it very clear that sex was all it would ever be. ‘No strings attached’ his gravelly voice had ground out against your ear as he had pinned you to the wall that very first time. And you’d wholeheartedly agreed, you didn’t need the messiness that came along with a relationship. You just wanted him. At first, it had been good, better than good, it had been great. But somewhere along the way, after all the amazing sex and between the backroom meet-ups, feelings had crept their way into the mix, much to your annoyance. 
You couldn’t even blame him, he was completely resolute in his decision to remain no strings attached. It seemed unfortunately that your heart was the traitorous one in this relationship and that was how you had come to the conclusion that the last time had been the last time. You knew yourself well enough to stop things before you went and did something completely foolish, like fall in love. 
At least, this is what you’d told yourself. 
You’d been prepared for his arrival at 79’s, heard through the clone grapevine that the 104th had returned to Coruscant. You’d practiced your strongest look in the mirror before your shift, ensuring your features could school themselves into cool disinterest. The speech you’d had prepared had been memorized. Short and to the point, no opportunity to improvise. A gentle rebuttal to let him know this thing between the two of you could no longer continue. You’d been determined to end it. 
Of course, you hadn’t really accounted for just how handsome he truly was in person. Your memory had never really done him justice and seeing him again had proved just how much bantha poodoo you were already in when it came to him. Your resolve had crumbled the instant he’d walked through the door, grey and white armour still in place, Kama swinging around his hips, the silver of his prosthetic eye glinting in the flashing lights of 79’s. Yup, you were well and truly kriffed. 
He hadn’t immediately come over to where you were serving up drinks at the bar, but your eyes, as usual, had followed him the entire time as he made his way around. As a Commander he was a notable figure, the men around him parted in respect, heads nodding in acknowledgment as he moved about the bar. He stopped every once and a while to speak with other clones but it didn’t take long before he was standing before you at the bar, the barest hint of a smirk on his face as your eyes connected. 
“What can I get for you, Commander?” You had been impressed with your ability to sound casual despite feeling as though you were about to crawl out of your own skin at any moment as his dark gaze swept over you.
“The usual,” The look in his brown eye had made it clear he was not talking about a drink. 
Your entire body had felt as if it was engulfed in flames as he looked at you. Fleetingly you’d remembered something about a speech, but all words were lost and you had given him an almost indistinguishable nod without another thought.  
And that was how you found yourself in your current situation. Two standard hours later, sitting on the end of your bed in your small apartment, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you watched Wolffe remove his armour piece by piece. Unable to let go of him despite knowing it would be the best before he completely wrecked you. 
It wasn’t just the intimacy though that had you unable to resist him, even though it was admittedly the best you’d ever had, it was the moments between and after too. The moments when you’d fall back in bed beside one another, satiated and panting. When the walls between you would crumble and you’d talk for hours about anything and everything as the night would wear on. It was those moments where you’d get him to smile, or pull a rare chuckle from him. When you’d look over at him and his gaze would be warm, his face relaxed, the stress of his life forgotten for a moment, and looking as young as he actually was. You loved those moments just as much, if not more than the intimate ones. You were falling in love with him. No matter how hard you tried to push it away it was undeniable. 
He was so beautiful. So much so that it was as if he’d walked straight off the screen of one of your favourite holo dramas. You drank the sight of him in greedily, the deep bronze of his skin, the strong slope of his shoulders, the dark hair covering the broad expanse of his chest, the lines of his abdomen trailing down in a v to his hips. No matter how many times the two of you had done this the sight of him never failed to make you flush. 
You stood as he slowly approached the bed, your dressing gown slipping from your shoulders and pooling around your feet in a silky puddle. His gaze was hungry as it roved over your body, the look making your insides squirm pleasantly. You were already wet with anticipation and you clamped your thighs together to create some friction as he stopped in front of you, so close that your chests were nearly touching. He was always so warm and his hand burned pleasantly against your skin as he reached up to touch you, trailing sensuously down from the base of your throat to your hip. His grip against your hip was firm as his eyes roved your face, as though he were searching for something in your expression. 
The look made you nervous, as though he could see the traitorous feelings that had been growing in you over the past few months. But you did your best to keep your features schooled despite the small part of you that reminded you this was a bad idea, that you had decided to put a stop to this so he couldn’t find out. However, that logical part was almost completely drowned out by the need coursing through your body. You wanted him so badly and in that moment you were willing to take whatever he would give you. 
“What do you want?” His voice was so low it rumbled straight from his chest, the sound sent a tingle through your spine. 
He always asked the question and your answer was always the same, “You.” 
He didn’t need to know that your answer had begun to take on new meaning over the past few months. 
An involuntary squeak left your mouth as he lifted you straight off the ground, your legs wrapped around his waist instinctively bringing your bodies even closer together. He moved until his knees hit the bed before he gently tossed you down onto it as though you weighed nothing at all. You landed with a giggle, heart racing in your chest as you grinned up at him. You only just caught a flash of his answering grin before he was on top of you, teeth nipping at your neck as his hands roamed your body. You felt yourself come alive under his touch, no one had ever made you feel the way he did. 
He spread your legs with a rough touch, slotting himself between your thighs as his hands moved to your knees to keep you in place. He leaned back slightly, his gaze dark and devouring as it roved your body. His look alone was enough to have you shivering as you were spread beneath him.
He leaned forward again, his mouth nipping at your ear gently as he spoke in that irresistibly rough voice of his, “You are so beautiful.” 
You shivered again as his one hand slipped up your thigh, moving achingly slow towards your core, “I couldn’t keep my eyes off you all night,” He continued as your eyes slipped closed, you bit your lip to try and keep a moan from escaping you as his hand finally dipped into your folds, “It should be a crime for you to look that good.” 
This time you were unable to stop your moan as his calloused fingers brushed over your clit, slowly and methodically. It took all of the strength you possessed to open your eyes once more to meet his gaze as he continued to explore every inch of you, “It was all just for you.” It was true, when you had chosen your work outfit for the night he had been the only one on your mind. And it had been worth it, you’d felt his eyes on you the entire night while you finished your shift. 
His gaze grew darker and a low rumble sounded in his throat at your words. The sound drove you wild and you tilted your hips, aching for him to touch you more, to build the friction between the two of you. You wanted him so baldly. No matter how many times the two of you did this that ache never seemed to lessen. Your need was nearly blinding and you panted with need beneath him. His pace remained the same despite it, slow and methodical as he slipped two fingers into your slick core, thumb rubbing against your clit as you mewled with pleasure.  
“Wolffe…” You whined as he brought you closer to the edge, though not enough to tip you fully over. It was maddening but at the same time, you never wanted him to stop. Your knees clamped around his hips, pulling him closer to you, determined to keep him in place but you weren’t strong enough to stop him as he leaned back, hand going with him and leaving you desperate. 
You pouted up at him, but he only smirked down at you, his brown and silver eyes winking in the light of the passing speeders outside. 
“Easy, darling,” He purred, which was enough to have you pressing your legs together once more, seeking the friction you had lost. He chuckled lowly at the sight of you writhing in front of him before he reached a hand out to your hip, gently guiding you up from the bed. 
“Flip over,” He rumbled, his hand squeezing you gently as your heart raced in your chest. 
You did as you were told, flipping over on shaky legs as he continued to guide your hips up until you were kneeling on the bed. You could feel the heat radiating off of Wolffe from where he was standing behind you. His length was long and hard against your thigh as he leaned over you, hand sliding gently across your skin and making you shudder. His fingers found your core once more, gliding over your entrance for a moment before his thumb found you clit. You gasped, hands gripping at the bed sheets as you leaned further into him, it was at once too much and not enough. He truly was going to be the death of you. 
You felt as if you were going to combust, lost in the sensation of his hand on you, the heat of him pressed against your back. You were rapidly climbing towards your release, desperate to tip over into pleasure. 
He nipped at the junction between your neck and shoulder, your back arching up into him at the sensation of his teeth against your skin. You moaned loudly as he slid two fingers inside of you, your cunt instantly clutching around him as the welcome intrusion. His thumb continued to work against your clit as he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting that spot that had you seeing stars. You felt as if your body was on fire, the sensations overwhelming and you panted, your breaths ragged as he continued his ministrations. 
“Wolffe…” You gasped as his thumb continued to massage your clit, his fingers curling and relaxing inside of you as you hurtled toward your release. Tease gathered in the corners of your eyes at the overwhelming sensation, you were so close. 
Your body was trembling beneath him, breathing ragged as you felt the slick of your cunt running over his fingers and down your legs. 
He pressed even further into you, every line of his body meeting yours perfectly as he continued to fuck you with his fingers, “That’s it, sweetheart, let me hear you,” His voice rumbled through his chest and straight into you.
“Wolffe…” You gasped, barely able to speak with how close you were. 
He chuckled and then suddenly he was nipping at your neck once more.
And that was all it took. The feeling of his teeth against you once more sent you tumbling over the edge and you came hard against his fingers. Moaning loudly, stars popping behind your eyes as your cunt fluttered around his fingers as your orgasm ripped through you. You tipped forward slightly as your limbs went limp with your release but as always, Wolffe had you. With his free hand, he wrapped a strong arm around your middle, keeping you upright as you rode out the waves of your orgasm. 
You moaned once more, eyes still squeezed shut as his fingers slid out of you. You instantly missed him but before you could even protest he had shifted once more above you and you groaned as you felt the head of his cock glide through your slick to nudge against your cunt. You had barely come down from your first high but the sensation of him pressing against you had your stomach tightening once more in anticipation. 
He pressed slowly into you, giving you the time to adjust to his size. You pressed back into him, groaning as his length filled you so completely, at the friction building in you once more. Your hands fisted in the bed sheets once more as his hands gripped your hips, guiding you slowly over his cock, almost torturously. 
He swore lowly under his breath, fingers tightening on your hips, pressing groves into your skin as you slowly met him thrust for thrust. 
You moaned, head tipping down towards your chest as your back ached up into him, pressing back to feel every inch of him. He moaned, your name escaping from between his teeth as a hiss before he pulled all the way out before slamming back in. The sound of his hips slapping against your ass filled the room, and your hold on the sheets tightened as his pace went from slow to fast in an instant. 
His body bent over yours even more, chest pressed against you, one hand still on your hip while the other slid around to slide up your body. His large hand engulfed your breast, rolling your nipple between his fingers as you gasped and panted beneath him. You had thought your first orgasm had drained you but you were quickly building to another as he thrust rapidly in and out of you, the head of his cock hitting you just right at this angle. 
Wolffe licked and nipped his way up your sweat-soaked spine, sending shudders through your body. You felt as if you were floating, every limb weightless as desired pooled in your abdomen. No one had ever made you feel the way he did. 
Your name fell from his lips once more like a prayer, his hips stuttering against you for a moment, hands pressing so hard into your flesh you knew it would leave a mark.  
Suddenly he pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder and somehow the gesture was more intimate than anything you had ever shared. It was as if a cold bucket of water had suddenly been poured over you. Your body tensed involuntarily as your thoughts went from focused entirely on your pleasure to all over the place. Your pulse raced beneath your skin and your throat contracted with panic as all of the feelings you had been trying so hard to bury rushed to the surface. 
You didn’t kiss. He was all tongue and teeth but he had never actually kissed you before. The two of you had come to some unspoken understanding that kissing would cross the no-strings-attached line. And up until that very moment, you both had abided by this rule. No matter how quick and innocent it had been it had left you completely unmoored. Your thoughts were reeling out of control, trying to find meaning in the gesture when logically you knew there likely wasn’t any. You so desperately wanted it to mean something. Your eyes blurred, stinging as your breath came out in a ragged pant. You weren’t sure who you were angrier at, him or yourself. 
Wolffe froze, clearly noticing the tension that had suddenly appeared in your body. He murmured your name, his hand gentle against your skin, but you barely heard him over your own raging thoughts. 
“I can’t -“ you finally managed to choke out, pulling away from him and rolling onto your back on the bed. Panic and embarrassment were flooding through you, your eyes burned as you looked up at the concern and confusion etched on his face. He rocked back to rest on his heels, the lines of his body holding the same tension as your own as he looked at you. 
“Are you ok?” His voice was so gentle that it made your heart break even more, “Did I hurt you?” 
“No, no of course you didn’t hurt me,” At least not physically and not intentionally. It was your own inability to remain casual that suddenly had you panicking at his touch, “I just can’t do this anymore…” 
His face was etched with confusion, dark brow furrowing above eyes that had tensed at the corners, “What do you mean?” 
“I thought I could do no strings attached. I thought I’d be fine,” You answered, unable to fully meet his gaze as your voice quivered. You steeled yourself despite wanting to do nothing more than run from the room and never see him again. But the damage was already done, the least you could do now was explain, no matter what the outcome might be, “But then you go and kiss me like that and I want more. I want you, all of you.” 
You looked up at him as you spoke the last word, searching his face for any sort of reaction despite being terrified of what you might find there. But his face remained as unreadable as always. His expression was impassive, as though you had made a comment about the weather and not essentially expressed your undying love for him. Your eyes began to burn as the silence between you stretched on unbearably long. Finally, it became too much for you to handle, the emotions inside you bubbling over as you reached up to press your hands to your face, covering your eyes as the tears pooled. You felt so embarrassed, so angry at yourself for being unable to keep your feelings for him under control. You wished a hole would open up beneath your bed and swallow you so you no longer had to experience his rejection. 
You took a shaky breath, pressing the heels of your hands into your eyes as you tried your best to get your emotions back under control. It was fine, you tried to tell yourself. You could survive this. Despite how much it hurt and despite how much you would miss him you could live without him. It was better in the long run, you tried to convince yourself, better to be hurt now than hurt even worse later on. 
The thoughts running rampant in your head were suddenly cut off by two large, calloused hands gently grasping your wrists. He pulled gently until your hands came away from your face and continued to pull until you were sitting upright in front of him. Despite your surprise at the fact that he hadn’t immediately run from the room you still couldn’t bring yourself to meet his gaze, you didn’t want him to see the tears that you knew were lingering in your eyes. 
“Hey,” He murmured softly, “Look at me,” he lifted one hand to gently rest under your chin, tipping your head up towards him. 
You had no choice but to meet his gaze, tears still threatening to fall from your eyes and your pulse raced beneath your skin. His expression was still impassive, giving away absolutely nothing of his thoughts. It made you even more nervous but you took a deep steadying breath, steeling yourself for whatever he was about to say. 
His face might not have been giving anything away, but as your eyes connected something was pooling in the depth of his brown eye that had your heart kicking into overdrive. 
He was silent for another long moment before he spoke, his voice a soft murmur, as though he were afraid to disturb the silence in your room, “You have me. You’ve had me for a long time.” 
He looked away after he spoke, as though embarrassed by his admission. But you couldn’t look away from him, stunned by his words. Was he actually saying that the entire time you’d been agonizing over your feelings for him he had been feeling the exact same way? 
Your mouth opened and closed a few times as you watched him, a hundred different things rushing through your head. Of course what finally came out was much less articulate, “You…what?”
Wolffe’s answering chuckle was a soft rumble as he turned his gaze back towards you, “You’re really going to make me say it again?” he grunted, dark brow furrowing as the corners of his mouth turned down. But there was a lightness in his brown eye that you had had the privilege of seeing only a few times before. To everyone else, Wolffe was stalwart bordering on grumpy but you knew there was a lot more lingering beneath his surface that he let very few people see it. It was just one of the many things you loved about him. Even if at this moment his aversion to outward emotional displays was driving you a bit crazy.
“I’m yours,” He repeated when it was clear you were just going to continue gaping at him silently.
You didn’t think it was possible but your heart rate seemed to pick up a notch, and your stomach tightened with the emotions that were rushing through you. You felt a flush creep its way up your neck and onto your face. But despite the emotional reaction you were having you couldn’t quite believe he meant his words the same way you did.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked finally, your voice barely above a whisper. 
He seemed to consider his words for a moment before he spoke, “You might have noticed that I’m not the best with words,” He grumbled, one brow quirking up as he looked at you, “And I was the one who insisted we keep it casual. I guess a part of me didn’t want to admit I blew it almost immediately. The other part was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same…” 
You shook your head, a sharp chuckle escaping you before you could stop it, “You stubborn ass,” Your voice was almost breathless as you moved so you were in front of him once more, knees touching, “Do you know how long I’ve been worrying about this?? I even prepared a breakup speech!”
Wolffe’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, a small smirk crossing his face, “Really? Well, let’s hear it then.”
“No!” You protested, moving again so that your hands were on him once more, slowly trailing up from his chest to rest on his jawline, cradling his face, “That speech will never see the light of day. I want you Wolffe, all of you. Only you.” 
He leaned into your touch, gaze softening once more, “C’mere,” He murmured as his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest. 
Without another thought you were kissing him, the space between your bodies disappearing as you straddled him on the bed. He moaned softly against you, his free hand coming up to cup the back of your head, pulling you closer as he gently nipped at your lower lip. You had pictured the first time you would truly kiss him a thousand times before, but none of your fantasies had ever come close the the real thing. You wanted him so badly that it was nearly overwhelming. 
His erection pressed against you as you licked at his lips before tangling your tongue with his own. Your kisses were needy, desperate. As though now that you had started you would never be able to get enough of one another. 
Desire raged in your core once more as your hands slid down from his face, slowly across his neck, and down to his strong chest, fingers tangling in the course hair that covered his pecs. 
Wolffe pulled away from you slightly, just enough that your eyes could meet, “Gods, I’ve wanted you for so long,” His grip on you tightened, leaving you breathless. 
“I’m yours,” You whispered back, repeating his earlier words. 
His gaze was dark and ravenous as he shifted slightly, his erection dragging against your hot and slick core. With a single easy motion, he sheathed himself inside of you, filling you so completely it left you gasping in his arms, head dipping towards your chest at the overwhelming sensation. 
He gave you a moment to adjust before he slowly began to thrust up into you, pressing kisses to your neck, jaw, lips, anywhere he could reach as you clung to him. 
You were rapidly hurtling towards an orgasm as your thrusts met his. His cock hitting that spot deep inside of you perfectly each time, your clit rubbing against the base of him with every thrust. You moaned, eyes closing as you gripped his shoulders, using them for leverage as your chest rubbed against his own. Your legs began to shake as his pace increased, thrusts turning desperate as you rode him. 
Wolffe’s head dipped to press a kiss just below your collarbone as his one hand snuck between your bodies to palm your breast. His other hand remained on your hip, guiding your thrusts, his touch almost bruising. 
You were so close it was almost unbearable, your heart fluttered beneath your skin, every inch of you feeling as if you were about to combust with each press of his lips against your skin. But you managed to open your eyes, finding his own lust-filled gaze looking back up at you as your hand trailed from his shoulder to his neck, tilting his head up towards you. 
He met you eagerly, lips crashing into your own as his thrust grew frantic. His tongue pressed into your mouth as you bucked against his hips and that was all it took for you to finally tip over the edge. Your orgasm was blinding, walls clenching sharply around his cock, as the waves of pleasure rolled through you. Every limb felt like a live wire and you tossed your head back with a moan, your grip on him the only thing keeping you tethered. 
Wolffe groaned, his thrusts losing their rhythm for a moment as your cunt continued to milk him as the waves of bliss overtook you. 
Your name was on his lips once more, a hiss of air as his hips stuttered before he came with a shudder, “Fuck, you’re perfect,” He groaned as he filled you.
You were both panting, chests rising and falling as you both rode out the waves of your combined pleasure. Wolffe leaned forward once more to kiss your shoulder, your neck, and your jaw before finding your lips once more. You raised your hands to drag your fingers through his cropped black hair as you met his kiss, pressing into him. 
He chuckled softly as he noticed your legs shake, and with a single smooth motion he wrapped his arms around you, leaning forward and then rolling you both over until you were lying side by side in your bed. You both lay there panting for a long moment, heat still pooled low in your belly from the lingering effects of your orgasm. 
Once your breathing had returned somewhat to normal you turned your head to look over at Wolffe, only to find he was already gazing at you. The smallest hint of a smile was on his face, which was essentially the Wolffe equivalent of a beaming smile. Your own face brightened before you rolled slightly to rest your head on his chest, instinctually his arm moved to wrap around you, pulling you closer as your limbs tangled together.
“You’ll stay?” You asked softly, your eyes beginning to grow heavy as the heat of his body seeped into your own. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” He replied lowly, you felt his response in his chest more than you even heard it, “Ever.”
And you believed him. You finally knew at that moment that his feelings for you were a reflection of your own. And you knew that he would do everything in his power to keep that promise to you. Forever. 
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ilcuoreardendo-fic · 6 months
Staring Contest
When you walk into the barracks to ask sergeant Hunter about some requisitions to transfer gear from the flagship Phalanx to the Marauder, the room, which had been eerily quiet, erupts in a raucous mixture of jeers and cheers, the sound practically vibrating the walls.
All in good fun. You can feel that in the Force. The battle had gone well and the troops were taking a moment to wind down from the adrenaline. Though through what means, you weren't entirely sure.
Looking toward the center of the room, you watch Deck shake his head and push away from a stack of crates set between him and the Bad Batch's sniper, introduced to you as Crosshair, who smirks like a tooka who's just gotten into the cream.
Next to you, Cerrix passes a couple of cred chips to Tech, who slips them into one of the many pouches on his belt, touches a forefinger to the bridge of his goggles, then swipes something on his datapad.
"That's five, zero," Tech says. "Who's next?"
From somewhere in the crowd of 7th Legion troopers, you hear an eager shout of "The commander!" followed by a wave of murmured agreement.
Every face in the room turns to you and if you were any less sure of yourself, you might find that intimidating.
Instead, you glance at Cerrix for an explanation. "What's going on?"
Cerrix rolls his eyes. "One di'kut bet another di'kut he couldn't out stare Crosshair and it's become a whole thing. You could win us back some money, commander..." Cerrix tone turns hopeful.
"Ha! These guys need all the help they can get." The boisterous voice you recognize as Wrecker's.
You look to Crosshair, who stands, arms crossed, rolling a toothpick slowly between his lips, sizing you up. His eyes are narrowed, calculating and you can practically feel the weight of his gaze on your skin. Something in it tweaks your competitive side.
"Hm." You hand your datapad to a grinning Cerrix. "Okay. I can do that," you say, as you head toward Crosshair, your men parting around you like water as you step up to the crates.
You take a cleansing breathe, letting it out in a soft chuckle as A'den, who you're half surprised to see in the crowd, leans close, whispers in your ear, "Get him, commander," before moving to hold up a wall, letting the rest of his brothers crowd in around you.
"Right," says Cerrix, "I've got eyes on Crosshair. Who's got the commander?"
"I do," the voice is warm and smokey. Sergeant Hunter; after your first meeting, you'd recognize his voice anywhere. He comes into view, standing just behind Crosshair, where he can watch your face throughout the contest. He gives the tiniest nod of his head.
"Okay," Cerrix continues, "first one to blink or look away loses. Draw is at four minutes on the timer." Cerrix motions to Tech, who taps his datapad and gives a thumbs up.
"No Force tricks," rasps Crosshair.
You smile. "I don't need Force tricks. Tech, start the clock."
And so it begins.
The weight you felt from his gaze when you were across the room is nothing compared to what you feel now, staring directly into Crosshair's eyes. His focus is pointed. When he's not tense or scowling, Crosshair's eyes take on a heavy lidded quality that seem to make the color of them darker, deeper.
All the clones have brown eyes.
And you've stared into many sets of them in many different contexts. Issuing orders before leaving for battle. Listening to stories in the mess or at 79's when you've been invited along. Sitting at bedsides in Med Bay. In dark corners of the ship, telling someone their brother didn't make it back. In the middle of firefights, choking on dust and wrapping the Force around you and the clones, who you can do nothing for except hold their hands...
But this is new. Different.
The last time you stared into someone's eyes this closely, for this long, they had been a lover.
With a soft sigh, you keep eye contact but let your vision take in the full, slightly out of focus, expanse of Crosshair's face.
He has the high cheekbones that all clones share, but they're more pronounced on his lean face. His jawline is narrow, chin strong. His lips are thin and between them he holds the ever captive toothpick.
You catch a teasing flash of his tongue as the toothpick rolls from one side of his mouth to the other.
It gives you an idea. You said you didn't need Force tricks. You never said you'd play fair.
You bring your full attention back to his eyes, notice one of his eyebrows has drawn up; it doesn't take the Force to know he's been examining you in much the same way.
Making sure to keep eye contact, you lean forward, place your left elbow on the stack of crates and rest your chin on your curled knuckles.
Curiosity flares in Crosshair's eyes, but he stays focused. Sharp. Assessing.
Until you slowly part your lips, as if you're about the speak. Instead of words, you let the tip of your tongue play along the inside edge of your lower lip and watch the subtle widening of his eyes. You can feel the control he exerts over himself to not break eye contact to look fully at your mouth.
You reach out with your free hand — slowly; he could stop you if he wanted to — and pluck the toothpick from his mouth. His lips part, you hear the slightest uptick of his breathing.
There's a low rumble throughout the room. Hushed conversation. Maybe constrained laughter.
You flip the toothpick, bring the end of it that had been between Crosshair's lips to the center of your own.
Your tongue slips out, curls around it and you tuck it up against the corner of your mouth with a sly smile that you know reaches your eyes.
Crosshair blinks.
Cerrix cry is instantaneous. "The commander wins!"
"Secret weapon?" Hunter says to him.
"We do tend to bring her out when we really need the win, on the battlefield or off."
You cast a sidelong look at Cerrix, one eyebrow raised. He doesn't even have the decency to look cowed.
You turn back Crosshair, who's arms remain crossed over his chest. His chin is tucked. He's still watching you.
You lean in close, balanced against the crates. "I told you I didn't need Force tricks."
"Perhaps," he reaches out, forefinger under your chin, thumb pressing into the sensitive skin just below your lip where his toothpick still sits, "we need a rematch. Without an audience."
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I...haven't done a reader insert ficlet in a long time and never for Star Wars.
But I just had this idea bubble up at random. It was an okay word workout and it let me think more about Crosshair's face. So, win.
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techs-goggles9902 · 1 year
Happy Thorn Thursday!
I love him so much I’m so sad he died the way he did!
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@every-rose-has-one happy Thursday!
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Whenever, Wherever
pairing: Fives x Reader, Torrent x reader (platonic)
This is a little gift for @the-bad-batch-baroness
Warnings: Fluff. Maybe a little suggestive towards the end. Kisses and cuddles y'all.
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The sassy lean against the wall ™️
You raise your comm to your lips. "Are we ready?"
Hardcase's hushed voice answers. "Yep. Target is in place. I wanted to watch but someone won’t let me out of the medbay.” Hardcase sighs.
Kix groans frustratedly in the background.
“‘Case, you got thrown twenty feet and you have a concussion. That’s plenty of reason for me to keep you here.”
“That might backfire on you, Vod.” Jesse snickers.
Kix echoes Jesse mockingly and Hardcase signs off with “good luck” while you peek into the mess hall where the rest of Torrent is.
The 501st are on a mission to Naboo, but temporary barracks have been set up to accommodate the troopers planetside, allowing them to enjoy the rich scenery and culture.
Dogma and Echo sit off to the side, having a conversation about something while Tup and Vaughn play Sabbacc with the very person that you came to see. Fives’ back is turned to the door as you slip quietly inside and make your way to the table, draping yourself over his shoulders.
With a smirk, you coo into his ear. "Hey there, stranger. Mind if I crash here for a bit?"
He turns to face you, cards forgotten on the table.
“Mesh’la? What are you doing here?”
You giggle. “Nice to see you too. Can’t I surprise my boyfriend?”
He smiles and tugs you into his arms, nuzzling his face in your neck and breathing deeply. Sure, it’s probably a dumb idea to go soft in front of his brothers, but they’re no one to judge either.
Besides, it is you; his cyar’ika.
“You came all the way out here to see me?” He asks, placing a lazy kiss to the side of your neck.
“Yeah, I did. Senator Amidala owed me a favor so I figured I’d come see you.” You say, gently tugging his hand so he follows. After bidding farewell to his brothers, the two of you retreat to a terrace away from prying eyes.
As soon as the two of you are out of sight, his lips crash against yours, needy and passionate. You return the kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair. He mumbles how much he loves you against your mouth, arms tugging you closer still. You’re inherently grateful that he isn’t wearing the top half of his armor, enjoying the warmth of his chest.
You couldn’t ask for anything more as you relax in your trooper’s arms and watch the sun set over the water.
You sigh contentedly. “I missed you.”
Fives tucks his chin over your head and squeezes you tightly. “Missed you more. This is nice.”
You hum happily in response, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“The senator got me a suite at a hotel. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I had I dunno, say...a bodyguard?” You smirk, relishing in the groan that rumbles through his chest.
“I’m afraid I’d be a little too preoccupied with something else to be your security detail.”
“The closer you are, the safer I am,” You tease.
“Well then,” He says playfully, picking you up easily. “Where exactly is this hotel?”
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starqueensthings · 11 months
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the nose scrunch has me CHOKKKEEDDDD
taglist: @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @starrylothcat @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @dystopicjumpsuit @freesia-writes @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @sunshinedaydream @clonemedickix @drafthorsemath @jediknightjana @moonlightwarriorqueen @starstofillmydream @mooncommlink @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @trixie2023 @clonethirstingisreal @rabbitstu99 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
True Love
Summary: Fives is a man on a mission. His mission? Remind his riduur that she’s the only one for him.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Word Count: 828
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, full disclosure, this was supposed to be the event request for @l0nesome-dreams but I only read the first part of the request and went, yes, ideas, and only realized I went off the rails when I finished writing it, lol. SO. That will be properly written at a later point in time. So, uh, have a random Fives story?
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The worst part of having a secret wife, is the fact that he can’t be as blunt to the people flirting with him as he’d prefer. The second worst thing is the fact that his brothers think that he’s lonely and needs help getting dates.
That leads him to this situation. Where an, admittedly pretty, woman is leaning into his personal space, and his mind is racing for what to say that won’t be too insulting, but also won’t out the fact that he’s a happily married man.
She leans further into his personal space, and Fives takes a half step back, keeping some distance between them. He glances at his chrono and his heart sinks. He’s late. 
His poor riduur is probably wondering where he is.
The woman leans closer to him, and Fives moves quickly to keep her from touching him, “Aww…you’re shy.”
“Look, I’m flattered, but I’m really not interested.” He says.
“Your brothers said that you would say that.” She smiles at him, it’s a pretty smile, but Fives really isn’t interested in her. “I can go as slow as you like.”
“Again,” Fives says slowly, “I’m flattered, but not interested.” He glances at the chrono one more time, maybe, if he’s quick, he can stop at the bakery that his riduur likes so much and get her a lemon bar.
The woman huffs, “Do you have somewhere to be?”
Fives grabs the chance with both hands, “Yes. Actually. And I’m late. If you’ll excuse me.” He almost makes it to the entrance of the Club before Rex flings his arm over his shoulder, “Son of a kriffing-”
“Where are you going, Fives?” Rex asks.
“Cap, Rex, I’m late. I have to go.”
“Oh? Have a hot date?”
Fives doesn’t answer, and he averts his gaze from his brothers, it’s a damned shame he isn’t a better liar, “I just have to pick something up before the store closes.”
“We went through all of this trouble to help you find a date, vod-”
“I’m not interested.” Fives blurts, “Not in her. Not in anyone you’ll ever pick for me. Rex, I have to go. I’m late.”
Rex presses his hand against Fives’ chest plate, “Late for what?”
Fives flounders, and then he sighs, “I was supposed to meet my wife half an hour ago, and if I leave now I can bring her a lemon bar from her favorite bakery to make up for being late. Can I go?”
“You’re married!?”
“Yes! Go.”
Fives pushes past his brother and out of the club.
He’s lucky, the bakery is still open when he arrives, and he’s able to get a whole box of the lemon bars his riduur prefers, before he runs home. He takes the stairs two at a time and impatiently keys in the door code before he stops in the front hallway.
Home smells like her. Like vanilla and flowers and everything good and nice in the galaxy that he never thought that he’d have. Home also smells like stew and fresh baked bread.
Fives quickly pulls his armor off, with one hand, and he heads into the kitchen. His riduur, his perfect beautiful Riduur, is still making dinner.
Thank the Force.
“I’m home,”
She turns and a bright smile crosses her face when she sees him, “Fives, welcome home.” She lays her spoon over the pot and turns to greet him with a hug, “You stopped at the bakery?”
“I know that I’m late-” Fives replies as he sets the box on the table, “So I stopped and got your favorite dessert.”
She giggles and presses a hand to her mouth, “I got a late start too, honestly. I’m sorry dinner isn’t ready.”
“Don’t be. I don’t mind.” He settles his hands on her hips and leans in to lightly press his forehead against hers, “Rex and the others dragged me to 79s.” He admits, “They think, thought, that I was lonely.”
“They set me up on a blind date,” Fives adds.
A glimmer of uncertainty crosses her face, “Was she pretty?”
“I suppose. I wasn’t paying attention.” He brings one hand up to brush her cheek, “I was thinking about you.”
She ducks her head, a blush crossing her face, “You’re a sap.”
“True.” Fives kisses her gently, “I had to tell Rex about you before he’d let me leave.”
“Oh, Fives-”
“It’s okay. I doubt I’ll get into much trouble.” He kisses her one more time, “Don’t you worry about it. You won’t get into trouble, I promise.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“I know. Don’t worry, Rex is reasonable.” He kisses her again and again, “Now, how much still needs to be done for dinner, and how can I help?”
“Um…a lot. How about you go shower and change, and you can help after?”
“Deal.” He catches her lips in one more kiss, “Love you, riduur.”
She sighs, a dreamlike smile on her face, “Love you more.”
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The Sweetest Constant
Pairing: ARF Trooper Hound x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sergeant Hound comes to your pet store needing supplies for his new K9. Fluff ensues.
Warnings: None. Hound is a perfectly sweet cinnamon roll who does no wrong and I am taking no questions.
Word Count: 2260
A/N: Written for the amazing @the-bad-batch-baroness! Hope you enjoy it lovely!
A few notes/translations before we start:
Centaxday - second day of the Galactic Standard Calendar week
Zhellday - fourth day of the Galactic Standard Calendar week
Besom - ill-mannered lout, unhygienic person, someone with no manners
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It was Centaxday the first time you met. The gentle jingle of the bell as the door of your humble shop opened brought you back from your daydream. You rose from your seat to greet the Coruscant Guard ARF trooper who strolled him. His armor was shiny and unblemished. The kit paint looked freshly applied. His kama possessed no blaster burns yet.
“‘Mornin’.” His warm baritone crackled through the vocoder of his helmet. You couldn’t see his face but you could hear a tinge of excitement in his greeting.
“Good morning! What can I do for you, sir?”
“Ahh no sir, please.” He waved a dismissive hand before it came to rest on the back of his neck. “Sergeant Hound. But just Hound is fine. Gettin’ my K9 tomorrow and I want to make sure she’s set.”
“You came to the right place, Hound! Have a look around and let me know if you have any questions.”
He bounced on the balls of his feet before he stepped away from you, his elation palpable. He had the energy of a child receiving their first pet and you loved watching this grown man trying to reel in the abundance of joy bubbling through the shiny white and red armor.
He tried to appear casual as he meandered through your shop eyeing various pet accessories, treats, and food. You watched him curiously as he ran his hands over a fluffy pink puppy sweater, with all the ardor of an expectant father. You’d only ever seen the Corries from a distance and you were slightly awestruck by his presence. Respectful yet commanding, he walked with a confidence that made him incredibly attractive even having not seen his face. And his obvious excitement about his new K9 may have been the most attractive thing you’d seen ever.
You cleared your throat. “I don’t mean to pry but what will your K9 be?”
He glanced over from the shelves of treats. “Massiff. She’s still a pup. We start training tomorrow.”
You circled around the counter, coming to stand to his right. Even through the armor he smelled wonderful, woodsy and fresh.
“These.” You pointed at a large blue box with a cartoon massif on the front. “These are my best selling massiff treats. Everyone who buys them raves about how much their pooches love them!”
He tilted his helmet toward you before taking the box from the shelf. “Thanks. Any other suggestions?” The lightness to his tone betrayed the smile hidden under the helmet.
You nodded and guided him around the store. Soon his arms were stacked high with collars, leashes, dishes, a training clicker, food, a bed, and the pink sweater, just the right size for a wee massiff.
You packed everything for him in a box and he informed you the GAR would be picking up the bill.
You slumped in your chair once he’d left, overwhelmed by how quickly you’d taken to a man whose face you’d never seen. A face, you’d assumed you’d never see.
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It was Zhellday when you saw him again.
The park near your shop was the ideal place for you to take your kima pup; minimal crowds, quiet, and slow paced. It allowed for a slow transition into socializing for your excessively anxious puppy. At least that was the case on most days.
“Grizzer! Grizzer! Stop! Heel! Grizzer, you besom!!”
You spun around, hearing the frantic voice accompanied by enthusiastic yelps quickly approaching you. You snatched up your bitty kima as he trembled like a leaf in the wind. The grinning massiff pup donning a familiar pink sweater came skidding to a halt at your feet. Not far behind was the slobbery pup's handler.
“I am so sorry about her! We just started training and she’s still excitable!” He huffed, catching his breath as he bent over to pick up the leash.
You blinked in disbelief at first. You hadn’t seen his face when he’d come to your store a few days prior. He’d been decked out in his entire kit last time. Today he only had on armor from the waist down and his kama. His broad shoulders and chest were accentuated by the skin tight black body glove with the Galactic Roundel emblazoned on it. Behind the warmth of his brown eyes was a spark that threatened to outshine the galaxy. Those same mesmerizing eyes studied you intently while a bashful blush darkened his ears.
His hair was shaved into a tidy undercut with the extra length tied into a bun in the back. He puffed, pushing the dark curls from his sweaty forehead.
“It’s okay. I get it. Puggle is still pretty excitable too. But…” you held up your own pup. “He’s a little smaller than…Grizzer was it?”
He looked away sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, Grizzer.”
“And you’re Hound, right?”
He chuckled. “You remember me.”
“I couldn’t forget a Corrie who bought his massiff a pink sweater. Looks great on her by the way.”
Grizzer danced around your feet with happy tippy taps and impatient whines. She looked from you to Hound and gave her butt an excited wiggle.
Hound grinned proudly. “Yeah she’s pretty cute. Pink is definitely her color. She loves those treats by the way.”
You beamed at his praise, delving into a hundred questions about how training was coming along and if he needed more supplies. Eventually you bid each other farewell for the second time and you prayed to the Force it wouldn’t be the last.
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Days turned into weeks. Whether it was the Force or something more intentional, you and Hound encountered each other with increasing frequency. Sometimes you’d see him on duty patrolling the park where you walked Puggle. Sometimes he was training Grizzer there, half clad in armor, often drenched in sweat under the exertion of handling his enthusiastic massif. If you managed to catch his attention he always gave you a friendly wave. And sometimes he showed up at your shop unannounced. It was always under the guise of making a purchase (always charged to the GAR). But his visits were becoming more frequent and accompanied by fewer purchases. Not that you were bothered. He was divinely handsome, charming, and sweet as chocolate covered camby berries. To say you were enraptured by him was an understatement.
He’d often spend hours leaning against the counter, his bucket casually resting next to him as he chatted with you about anything and everything under the Coruscant sun. He loved telling you about his brothers. Fox and his caf addiction and inability to decompress. Thorn and his penchant for chaos. Thire and his smart mouth that always got him into trouble. Stone’s endless patience and his refusal to engage in small talk of any kind. You loved seeing his face animate as he talked about them, his love and adoration for his brothers was apparent.
He was funny. You often found yourself laughing until you had tears streaming down your cheeks and both of you were gasping to catch your breath through fits of giggles. He was thoughtful as well, volunteering to help with heavy orders or reaching the top shelves. It was those times that your heart fluttered as if it were a butterfly trying to escape captivity. Especially when your hands would brush in passing or he would press into your back, caging you in as he lifted boxes over your head.
However, it was his love for animals that had bewitched you entirely. You’d watched him carefully tend frighted song sparrows and tookas in the park with no hesitation. He’d rescue cornered pikobis so they wouldn’t shed their tails. He even told you about the time he snuck an injured crown finch back to the Corrie Guard barracks and nursed it back to health during his off-duty time with the help of his brother, Stone.
He’d talk for hours about his precious Grizzer. His animated hands gesticulating wildly as he shared story after story about the trouble his “sweet Grizzy girl”- as he called her - would get into. Including the time the rambunctious pup invaded his brother Fox’s footlocker and chewed a hole in the rear end of his body glove. A hole that was only noticed when Thire made a snarky shebs joke at Fox’s expense when he’d taken his kit off for the evening. He laughed as he recalled Fox putting him on ‘fresher duty as payback.
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The more he visited you, the more your conversations flowed, and the more you realized you may be falling for him. And then one evening Hound stayed a little longer than usual. You both had been so consumed in each other’s company that it wasn’t until the beeping of him commlink that you both realized how late it was.
“Stang! It’s 1130! Fox is gonna kill me!”
“Kriff! I’m sorry Hound!”
“S’alright! Any punishment I get will be worth it.” The impish wink he shot you nearly melted you faster than the lava flows of Mustafar. “I’ll escort you home. A pretty lady shouldn’t be walking home in the middle of the night.”
He pulled his helmet on and waited patiently as you completed all of the closing tasks before guiding you out the door with a hand that only just ghosted the small of your back. The late night breeze cooled your cheeks that burned hot by just his presence. You found yourself glancing at him and staring just seconds too long. Long enough for him to catch you. You couldn’t see his expression behind the visor of his helmet but the light bounce to his shoulders had you assuming he was chuckling. The conversation in the shop was easy but now you were the only two walking through the little Coruscant neighborhood. The intimacy of walking so close that your hands brushed each other left you wanting for words. You wanted him to know. To know how you felt. You were dying to paint a masterpiece of your feelings on his very soul. And that thought terrified you.
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts you almost missed your apartment, stumbling clumsily to a stop. “This is me.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, disappointed that you’d wasted your time with him.
“Hmm.” He shifted his weight from leg to leg, tapping the toes of his boots on the ferrocrete.
“I’ll…see you around I guess? Thank you for walking with me. And spending the evening with me. I hope you don’t get in trouble for it.”
He pulled his helmet off, shaking his unkempt curls loose. He pressed a hand to the wall behind you, partially caging you in. His eyes locked on yours, holding your gaze with a cocked eyebrow and a smile that was far too alluring. Your eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips, swallowing thickly.
“Don’t worry ‘bout me, princess. I’m the baby brother. Pretty sure I could shoot the chancellor himself and my brothers would cover for me.”
You giggled, instinctively pressing a hand to his chest plate.
Glancing down at your hand and then back at your lips, he smirked, leaning in and stopping just short of your mouth, allowing his breath to fan across your lips. “There is one more thing though, before I get back to patrol duty. Been on my mind all evening.”
“What’s that?” Your breath was shaky as you instinctively leaned closer.
He closed the space between you, pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was soft and chaste while his hand remained anchored to the wall behind you. As he pulled back he allowed his eyes to travel along every inch of you, unable to conceptualize the euphoria he was wading through. You pulled him back, firmly this time. Your tongue teased his bottom lip, seeking entrance which he happily permitted. You swallowed his moan as his hand drifted to your cheek in soft caressing strokes.
When you finally separated, both awash in the glow of the evening and chests heaving heavy breaths, he spoke again. “I get off duty at 0600. I’ll be back and I’m taking you for caf.”
“Charged to the GAR?”
“If we talk about training Grizzer, I can write it off as a work expense.” He gave a cheeky grin.
“And what if I want to talk about you?” You cooed softly, tracing the outline of his chest plate.
“I can still tell Fox it was a work expense. Like I said, I’m the favorite. I’ll see you in the morning, mesh’la.” He slipped his helmet back on and started to leave.
He paused and spun back on his heel, lifting his helmet once more. He grabbed your hand and pressed one final kiss to it before jogging back toward his patrol route.
You’d never gotten ready for bed so quickly. But the sooner you fell asleep, the sooner you’d be seeing Hound again; an event that couldn’t happen soon enough. He was, after all, the sweetest constant you’d ever known.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette | AO3 Link
Original Post
His Princess (Jango Fett x F! Reader)
Just Breathe (Wolffe x reader)
One Meal (Hunter x reader)
The General (Cody x f!Jedi reader)
Our Dance (Din Djarin x reader)
Kayily'ika (Rex x reader)
Look at the Stars (Echo x Jedi reader)
I'm Here (Wrecker x reader)
The Only Reason (Crosshair x medic!reader)
Alone (Tech x Jedi!reader)
Can't Keep Doing This (Wolffe x F! reader)
Friends (Wolffe x F!reader)
Time With You (Crosshair x F! reader)
I Love You (Hunter x reader)
The Lullaby (Howzer x reader)
I'm Sorry (Hunter x reader)
Get Away (Hunter x f!reader)
See Me (Crosshair x reader)
Hang On (Tech x f!reader)
Promise (Crosshair x @kavecika's OC)
Too Close (Hunter x reader)
Just a Dream (Tech x F!reader)
The Job (Jango x F!reader)
The Return (Ezra Bridger x reader)
Not Your Fault (Hunter x reader)
Can't Lose You (Hunter x reader)
Encrypted Communication (Mayday x reader)
My Heart (Mayday x reader)
The Plan (Ezra Bridge x reader)
The Kiss (Rex x reader)
Warmth (Mayday x reader)
Misunderstanding (Echo x f!reader)
Never Abandon You (Wrecker x reader)
One More Chance (Howzer x reader) THANK YOU!!!
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m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s · 2 months
DUCKY! I love the idea of Crosshair calling his beloved Ducky. Not to project myself or to give a plot idea, I was chased by a duck when I was tree years old. It's a core memory of mine. Anyways, I just came to formally request something along the lines of Crosshair calling his female S/O Ducky because it feels like it would just be so cute!! ❤️✨
also did i like finish this and then forget to post it.
does it matter?
also, let me know if you guys would be interested in a part 2, because i really want to, and it would be so cool if someone requested it okay anyway here is the fic :)
Crosshair x F!Reader, pt. 1
Word Count: 1,637 words
Warnings: N/A, besides use of nicknames
Genre: Angst & Hurt/Comfort, but there’s no comfort at all, it’s just hurt
Description: An argument with Crosshair leads to a ducky conclusion.
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Lucky Ducky
You had to be an idiot to think this mission was going to go well. Idiotic. Out of your mind.
Magically, your alarm hadn’t gone off this morning. You knew for a fact you had set it last night, you even remember wishing Tech a “good night” before setting it. It was set, you were positive.
Funnily enough, the gear you had set out for yourself the following morning was also gone, strewn randomly around the ship. The rest of the Batch didn’t appreciate the messily placed gear, even though you knew for a fact you had set it all up for yourself.
Oh, and your pillow.
You knew exactly what had happened to your alarm, the gear, the pillow. Or better yet, who.
Who was also paired with you during this mission.
What Hunter was thinking, you’ll never know. Pairing you with Crosshair was a choice. A very, very, very idiotic choice.
Crosshair and you had never gotten along. For as long as you had been with the Batch’s chaotic family dynamic, Crosshair was an estranged member. Extremely estranged from you.
From the start, he had been pushing your buttons left and right, up and down, side to side. Jamming, breaking, everything he could do to annoy you, upset you, anything at all. Even though you could jab back, he still annoyed you to no end.
Like right now.
“Hurry it up, sweetheart. You’re holding me up,” Crosshair declared, paces ahead of you.
You had been trapezing with Crosshair through the grassy landscape. Mossy green trees towered above you, poppy reds, baby blues, and sunset oranges decorated the grass in the shape of flowers. The sun was high, clouds cradling the energy source. It should have been extremely relaxing.
“Holding you up, or holding you back?” You grumbled, trampling through some brush Crosshair had failed to hold back for you. You were positive he had done that on purpose.
“Both.” He responded, still walking ahead of you.
“Get over yourself, princess.” You commented, mood souring from how annoying the sniper could be.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Whatever, princess.”
An irritated sigh escaped Crosshair’s lips, helmet removed in the short spout of insults.
Maker, you couldn’t stand him.
Luckily, you were fast approaching the hillside you needed to keep eyes from while the rest of the Batch snuck into a base. It housed some tech thing you needed, and you and Crosshair were to “get along and keep watch”.
You could keep watch, but get along? That would be a stretch. Yet now, finally up here, it was a perfect time to confront him.
You two approached the top of the hillside, Crosshair preparing to settle in for the watch.
This was the time to strike.
“I know you messed with my stuff,” you mentioned nonchalantly, turning towards the sniper. He was getting his weapon ready, eyeing you with that annoying smirk he had.
“Not sure what you mean there, sweetheart.”
So annoying.
“I know you messed with my stuff! I know you turned off my alarm, and you moved my gear, and both sides of my pillow were warm!” You exclaimed, spinning to face him.
Anger was beginning to simmer in your blood, aggravation tickling the nerves of your already short fuse with Crosshair. A fuse that could spark at any moment, yet you knew if you reigned your emotions in for long enough, you could spark him when the time was right.
“Still not sure what you mean, sweetheart,” he sneered, body now turning to face you in response. His demeanor remained unchanged, but his eyes were starting to narrow.
“I know you messed with my stuff, Crosshair,” you remarked, the springy green landscape suddenly becoming interesting. If you played it right, you would be successful.
He just had to take the bait.
“You know, it’s wrong to frame people,” he answered, walking forward for a better scope on the hillside. You could give up now, but you felt persistent today.
And he had taken the bait.
“Well then I guess it’s wrong to say I’m a better shot than you.”
It was like his breathing stopped.
Time to push his buttons. Revenge for him messing with your morning.
“Well, I mean, it’s true. My shot has gotten better at the range. I would say it even rivals yours,” you commented, acting as if it was the simplest thing.
He spun to face you. A fiery flame burned within his eyes. Hell was waiting for you in those eyes.
Too bad hell didn’t scare you.
“What did you just say,” he snarled, weapon being abandoned. He strode up to you, yet you stepped back in sync.
You realized he wasn’t asking either.
He was demanding.
“Oh, just that my shot rivals yours, princess,” you repeated. A huffing growl broke through his teeth. He continued to prowl toward you, the fire dancing wildly in his eyes.
It was a strange tango you were doing. You, the prey, pushing buttons to no end, wanting to see the outcome. Crosshair, the predator, ready to rip you a new one.
Maybe if you just pushed a tad bit more…
“I mean, you just have to accept I might be a better shot, princess.”
“Stop. It.”
“It’s alright, it happens to the best-”
You never got to finish your sentence. Instead, you were screaming.
You had fallen off the hillside.
Or better yet, Crosshair had pushed you.
Instantly, you were tumbling down the hill at full speed, unable to stop yourself.
“Shit,”Crosshair mumbled, racing to the bottom of the hill.
You were no longer in a grassy landscape, you instead had landed in a bright cerulean blue pond. Blooming pink and white blossoms decorated lily pads along the edge, pond moss floating on the surface. A couple of reed bushes were hanging over the edge as well. Behind you, flourishing trees extended leafy arms out over the pond, providing shade.
It would’ve been a much more pleasant view if you weren’t wading in it.
Crosshair reached the edge, a strange sort of panic and concern plaguing his face.
For some reason, your heart twisted at the look on his face. Almost like it pained you.
Like he hadn’t meant to push you at all.
You waded closer to shore, sitting up in a shallower portion of the pond. Water pooled around you, and somehow the anger you were holding onto burnt out.
His expression didn’t make sense to you.
How could he look so… sorry?
Quack. Quack. Quack.
Your mind halted, eyes searching for all the noise. A quick look around you showed you the answer.
All around you, golden creatures had surrounded you. They were tiny, orange webbed feet paddling around you. Soft, fuzzy, cute. As you leaned your head down, it occurred to you what the adorable creatures were.
Baby ducklings.
Quack. Quack.
You almost hadn’t noticed the laughter that rang through the air.
Crosshair. Laughing.
The sound caught your ears by surprise, heart twisting once again. Strangely, the twist felt different.
“What’s so funny?!” You demanded, the little ducks still swimming around you in glee. Your eyes darted between the laughing sniper and the cute creatures, as if you couldn’t believe which was crazier.
“Nothing. It’s just- well…”
His eyes glistened with joy.
You had a feeling you weren’t going to like his next words.
“You’re just one lucky duck, aren’t you?”
You groaned, earning another round of laughter. You couldn’t believe it. Not only did he have the audacity to push you off the hillside, but now he was standing here, laughing at you.
A shout rang out from behind you, suddenly allowing you to be greeted by the sight of the rest of the Batch.
“What are you two… doing?”
Hunter had lost his yell halfway through, confusion clouding his expression at the sight. The rest of the Batch looked just at shock, all of them at a loss for what to say. They weren't sure what to question first, Crosshair laughing, you being surrounded by ducks, or how keeping watch had turned into this.
Quack. Quack. Quack.
“Well, Ducky here decided she needed some swimming lessons with her new friends,” Crosshair snickered, face plastered with that stupid smirk.
Oh, now he had really done it.
“Ducky?! You’re joking! Not only do you push me off the hillside, you laugh at me, and you give me a nickname?!” You screamed, shooting straight up. Your anger had suddenly returned, nerves fried with anger and pond water.
Crosshair’s smirk disappeared, laughter dying with it.
His face changed, becoming unreadable, yet his eyes held an unfamiliar guilt
“I’m going back to the ship,” you muttered angrily, eyes piercing Crosshair’s gaze.
You stumbled out of the pond, dripping like a wet towel. Pushing past Crosshair, you started trekking back towards the ship. Protests rang out from the others, but you ignored them.
Hunter was out of his mind for pairing you up with Crosshair, you were an idiot for thinking this mission could have gone well, and you were certainly idiotic for pushing his buttons just to get at him. Even if it had made you feel like you had the power in your court for once.
You weren’t idiotic enough to miss the guilt in his eyes though. That in itself made your heart do that ugly twist again.
Your mind was like the pond, splashed with confusion, guilt, and uncertainty. You were too distracted to even realize you were leading a line of ducklings behind you. It wasn’t even until halfway back to the ship that you noticed, eyes scanning the tiny line of creatures.
Quack. Quack. Quack.
You closed your eyes, sighing in exasperation.
Quack. Quack.
Some lucky duck you were indeed.
taglist: @padawancat97
also tagging the lovely @moonstrider9904, as well as a few others who I think would like to see this! @hellothere-generalangsty@nahoney22 @eyecandyeoz @baddest-batchers @ladysaturnsdust @leenabb104104 @snowlotr @thora-sniper @dalu-grantkylo
If any of those tagged, or anyone else is interested in being on my taglist, here is the form to fill it out, or leave your interest in the comments. You can also find my taglist form on my pinned post!
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in this house we love and respect all clones
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