#ezra and jitters sleepover extravaganza
The Way In || davey jacobs
another adventure from ezra and jitter’s sleepover extravaganza! i finished this the second time I got BLASTED and watched newsies and now its coming up for ya!
IN WHICH: Davey becomes infatuated with one of Bowery Beauties and finds his way into her dressing room.
Davey was buzzing with excitement.
It was a week after the rally in Medda’s theatre, the price of papes had gone back down, and now Davey had collected his thoughts enough to tell the girl he liked that he did.
Long before the rally - the very first night that Jack, Les, and Davey had hidden in the theatre from Snyder. Davey and Les had watched the show from the wings while Jack was investigating the pretty reporter in the press box. Davey had his eyes fixed on the Beauty dancing onstage. After she’d come offstage, Davey was breathing so heavily from being in the pretty girl’s proximity that he couldn’t even speak. All he could do was smile at her and hope she didn’t think it was a grimace. She’d changed out of her costume right there on the side of the stage - unstrapping her corset and quickly sliding into a button-up sweater.
Davey was lucky she seemed to this his floundering for words was cute.
“You... hi... show... you’re Davey, I’m beautiful...” Davey sputtered, trying to keep his cool as she slipped out of her leotard and into a long, dark skirt. She smiled at him and once she was dressed, reached up and kissed Davey on the cheek.
“Nice to meet you, ‘Beautiful’. I’m glad you liked the show.” Davey continued to flounder as the beautiful performer skirted around him. “My name’s Annabelle. It’s nice to meet you, Davey.” Davey’s eyes clung to her as she walked out of the stage door, snagging her purse and a long coat from a hook near the door.
Davey felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked down at his little brother, and by the time he turned back around to catch a last glance at the Beauty, she was already gone.
After that interaction, he’d always get to the theatre a little early to watch Annabelle perform before the newsies met. Sometimes he thought she might have seen him and smiled, but he convinced himself that he was imagining it. Davey didn’t have the courage to go talk to her, so he’d always just left the theatre without trying to meet her.
This time though, he was absolutely going to talk to her and just say “Hello.”
Davey made his way backstage, accepting greeting kisses from Medda before asking her where Annabelle was. She pointed him in the right direction with a wink and a knowing smile. Davey followed Medda’s directions to a pink door labeled “Beauties”.
Davey swallowed his fear and knocked on the door. To his surprise, the door swung open - no one was inside. He wandered into the pink decorated room and looked at the two mirrors. One was labeled “Anna”. He peered at her makeup brushes and some of the pictures surrounding her mirror. He didn’t get to look for very long before the dressing room door swung open again - in walked Annabelle. She faltered in her surprise.
“Hi...” Davey began. The Beauty relaxed when she recognized him, but still waited for him to speak. “I’m Davey. I’m of friend of Medda’s and a fan of you.”
“Hi, I’m Annabelle. I heard about the newsie strike. I suppose I’m also a fan of you.” Davey swallowed and forced his question out, nervous as ever, but reassured by her flirting.
“Would you want to get dinner sometime, Annabelle? With me?” She smiled but retained her surprise.
“I’d really like that.”
“Okay! That’s great.”
“Will you kindly get out of my dressing room? This costume is itchy.”
“Oh!” Davey exclaimed, immediately blushing profusely. “Yeah, of course, I’m so sorry.”
“Actually,” The Beauty stopped him at the door. “could you help me unhook this contraption.”
Davey blushed, but smiled, and helped Annabelle out of her corset. She pecked his cheek and sent him out the door once the last hook was undone.
Davey found his way out the stage door, where he was too busy smiling at his feet to notice the crowed of apparently every newsie in Manhattan. Jack stood at the front of the pack and looked up at his friend expectantly.
“I take it by the dopey smile, it went well?”
Davey couldn’t say anything. He blushed and looked down to hide his earsplitting grin and nodded. The newsies erupted into cheers, everyone surging forward to congratulate their brother.
Over the tops of newsies heads, he could faintly see a familiar, Beauty-ful smiling face. Davey nodded at Annabelle as she turned and made her way home. Davey watched her disappear between the concrete curtains of New York.
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“I’ll rephrase.”
- Katherine Plumber (Newsies 2017)
honestly iconic.
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