#eyre/strange fusion
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samayla · 7 months ago
If I were to describe Childermass as "Gilbert Norrell's baleful stormcloud of a steward," what would that bring to mind? I know what I mean by it, but I'm not sure that particular phrasing is hitting what I mean...
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gerec · 8 months ago
is there any jane eyre AU or pride and prejudice?
Anon, we have some truly amazing period aus in this fandom - you're in luck!
Jane Eyre AUs
The changeling; or, Charles Xavier (a Novel by a Lady) by aesc [1834] The changeling Charles Xavier, friendless and dispossessed of his fortune, arrives at Ironhill Hall to tutor the two children of the mysterious Mr. Lehnsherr. Or, the one where XMFC meets a heavily-revised Jane Eyre meets steampunk.
A Machine Without Feelings by sareyen
A Jane Eyre AU:
Small and measured but intelligent and determined, Charles Xavier is a child born into circumstances of hardship; his father died just after he was born and his mother remarried a cruel and hard man, who cast him out to boarding school when he was ten. After a difficult childhood, Charles found employment as a tutor at the grand Ironfield Hall, where he meets its master - the brooding and seemingly cold Mr Lehnsherr.
Charles is drawn to the enigma that is Mr Lehnsherr, but mysterious and frightening events begin occurring in Ironfield Hall, threatening to destroy everything Charles has grown to cherish.
i saw a blackened ruin by Red
Done on tumblr for a prompt I made myself, which was basically: a Jane Eyre fusion where Erik is Rochester and Charles is the Bertha Mason "wife in the wall." Pretty much that's the fic.
I Saw A Blackened Ruin (The Across a Distant Sea Remix) by significantowl 
Charles stands with his hand clasped in his husband’s long grip, smiling at well-wishers until his face aches. Until the crowds begin to thin, and the bells die away, and his ears begin to catch on the lonely cries of the gulls.
Pride & Prejudice AUs
First Impressions by sirona
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a spouse -- or the nearest set of curtains to hide behind, if you were to believe Mr Charles Xavier. Little does he know that he himself will soon put test to that very truth.
Fine Men of Fine Taste by velvetcadence
The Xaviers move into Westchester manor with a handsome guest in tow, causing quite a stir in the neighborhood. Miss Raven Xavier meets her match in Henry McCoy, and though Moira MacTaggert is a possible and pleasing suit for Mr Charles Xavier, there seems to be more than meets the eye in his strange friendship with the brooding Mr Lehnsherr.
Or, the one where Charles and Erik one-up Bingley and Darcy's rad bromance, and maybe level it up too.
A Pride and Prejudice AU.
Pride & Prejudice - Rip it from my hands by Synekdokee
“Say you forgive me,” Erik whispered, his breath warm against the skin of Charles’ neck.
Charles stood quietly by the window, looking past their reflections out into the yard.
“You made your feelings quite clear,” he said, stepping away from Erik.
Erik grasped his wrist hard, refusing to let Charles walk away.
Note: This one doesn't follow the plot of the book but it is EXCELLENT and I highly recommend it (beware the angst)!
Persuasion AU
No Longer in Silence by Black_Betty It has been eight years since Charles has seen Erik. Eight years since they parted under unkind circumstances and Erik went off to sea. The boy he once knew is Captain Lehnsherr now and they are as known to one another as strangers, and yet--Charles finds that eight years has done nothing to diminish the feelings he had when he was 16 and in love.
It's unfortunate then that Erik doesn't feel the same way.
(Persuasion AU)
Note: Throwing in an excellent Persuasion au for more Austen goodness!
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ao3feed-tomarrymort · 5 years ago
by Anonymous
Orphaned at a young age and abandoned by her Aunt Petunia, Harriet Potter has no choice but to accept the governess position at Thornfield Manor. After all, as her aunt always took such pleasure in telling her, she has nowhere else to go.
When she finally meets her charge, little Bellatrix Black, she decides there's nothing in the world that will make her leave. Not the girl's father, with his heavy gaze. Not the servants with their secrets.
And especially not the strange sounds at night, which no one else seems to hear.
Words: 1069, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Harry Potter, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Tom Riddle, Cygnus Black
Relationships: Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Additional Tags: Female Harry Potter, Female Tom Riddle, Alternate Universe - Jane Eyre Fusion, One-Sided Cygnus Black/Harry Potter, Female Harry Potter/Female Tom Riddle
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ao3feed--kylux · 8 years ago
Some Strange and Unnerving Events
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vYqAin
by for_autumn_i_am
A gothic horror AU loosely based on Jane Eyre, in which Kylo is a tutor and Hux is the master of Stormfield Hall. Also, there’s witchcraft.
Words: 12440, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Brendol Hux, Maratelle Hux, Millicent the Cat (Star Wars), (in human form), Phasma (Star Wars), Armitage Hux's Mother, Snoke (Star Wars), Anakin Skywalker, Dopheld Mitaka
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Jane Eyre Fusion, Gothic, Horror, Ghosts, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Passion, Eventual Smut, Byronic Heroes & Heroines, Everybody is a slut for poetry, No wife/husband in the attic, Murder Mystery, Irony, Fictionalised 19th century, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vYqAin
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samayla · 1 year ago
Gilbert Norrell strikes me as the sort of person who writes
Make list
at the top of his to-do list every day.
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samayla · 1 year ago
Do you know the problem with adding domestic fluff to Hurtfew Abbey?
Norrell is such a recluse that I have almost no details to work with, so I get sucked into researching topics like Regency Era tenant farm economics, the proper forms of address for servants of various stations, the education of children at the time, the seasonality of fresh produce in Yorkshire, and the particular social protocols involved for inviting your neighbors over to dinner when you don't actually like them or even really respect them, but you think you remember them having a kid or six, so you should make introductions for the sake of the child you just acquired.
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samayla · 1 year ago
Chapter 12: Unexpected Attachments
As grand declarations went, Mr Norrell’s was perhaps not the most impressive speech ever made, and yet Childermass felt quite sure he could have knocked Jane over with a feather just then. And Norrell looked scarcely less shocked at his own daring. So pale and so still was he, that he seemed nearly ready to bolt from the garden entirely.
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@majorxmaggiexboy @shygaladriel @bookhobbit @wolfinthethorns @kaethe-nicole @warsawmouse @cassandravision @mythopoeticreality @jmlascar @seriouslythoughguys @isawatreetoday @rude-are-food @the-stars-above28 @the-candor-shadowhunter
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Not a big update this time. More of a little bridge scene. But progress is progress, right?
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samayla · 2 years ago
Accidentally started a comparative study of Jane Eyre adaptations this weekend. We're on version 3 in two days.
I had dreams about Utterly Impractical last night, so guess what I spent two hours working on this morning...
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samayla · 1 year ago
Chapter 14: The Carriage
Mr Norrell’s carriage was entirely too large for the main hall, its presence seeming to shrink the space alarmingly. The grand oil paintings on the walls were nothing compared to the real, screaming, stamping horses at the base of the stairs. Or Davey, standing on the driver’s bench, arms flexing as he fought to wrestle the panicked beasts back under control before they did further damage. Lucas joined Davey as Jane watched, looking utterly ridiculous beside the horses in his neat, formal livery, like an actor who’d wandered on stage in the middle of the wrong scene in a play. The ornately patterned wood floor was splintering under the weight of the carriage wheels, and the whole carriage rocked and lurched like a ship at sea. Childermass leapt down and lifted Hannah clear, like a knight in a fairy story. And there was Mr Norrell, wig askew, hovering fretfully halfway up the steps, book in hand — though when he’d gotten it, and what he imagined he was going to do with it, Jane could not begin to imagine.
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@majorxmaggiexboy @shygaladriel @bookhobbit @wolfinthethorns @kaethe-nicole @warsawmouse @cassandravision @mythopoeticreality @jmlascar @seriouslythoughguys @isawatreetoday @rude-are-food @the-stars-above28 @the-candor-shadowhunter
Let me know if any of you would like to be added/removed in the tag list.
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samayla · 1 year ago
Chapter 13: A Troublesome Child
In spite of all Mr Norrell’s grand declarations and firm resolutions, and Childermass’s laughing assurances, and Hannah’s best efforts to smooth things over for everyone involved, the inhabitants of Hurtfew Abbey discovered in short order that Jane Eyre was indeed an exceedingly troublesome child. This was not through any fault of her own.  On the contrary, everyone in the household agreed that she was a very well-behaved, quiet, thoughtful sort of child. But the magic, which had so exhilarated everyone that day in the garden, was quickly revealed to be a much larger problem than even Childermass, with all his research and gossip-mongering, had supposed.
Keep Reading on AO3
@majorxmaggiexboy @shygaladriel @bookhobbit @wolfinthethorns @kaethe-nicole @warsawmouse @cassandravision @mythopoeticreality @jmlascar @seriouslythoughguys @isawatreetoday @rude-are-food @the-stars-above28 @the-candor-shadowhunter
Let me know if any of you would like to be added/removed in the tag list.
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samayla · 1 year ago
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As of today, there are more than 150,000 words in my Scrivener file for Utterly Impractical!
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samayla · 1 year ago
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I just made 25k!
To celebrate, I think I'll post the next chapter of An Utterly Impractical Magician! It's time to be decisive. I'm choosing the direction and just going with it.
I'll link it in a few minutes, when I have it uploaded on AO3!
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samayla · 1 year ago
It is half-past four in the morning; the neighbor's truck woke me up; I have the beginnings of a terrible headache... But my brain is in 1800s mode and buzzing with snatches of imagined letters from Jonathan Strange:
Strange to Segundus after Arabella's death: I can find nothing in my own few books, John, and Norrell will not so much as answer my letters - he does not even trouble himself to lie to me any longer. After all these years between us, I feel sure I am entitled to that, at the least! But I have hit upon a solution, I think: I have written to Mr Jeffries, who runs the Edinburgh Review, and asked him for an introduction to John Ashby. You may laugh at my folly, John! I know Jeffries has thwarted even Childermass in his attempts to find out his star contributor, but Ashby has long vexed Norrell with his extensive knowledge. You have read his work. Surely he will know something that can help me. I am convinced he is my last, best hope in this. I can only pray that the earnestness of my request will spark some compassion from one or both men.
Strange to Ashby (magician oc who publishes in the Edinburgh Review): Norrell is not known for inventing spells, and so he must have encountered the method in some book or another, and that gives me some hope. In short, sir, I wish to know whether you have encountered anything in your extensive readings that might be to the point.
Strange to Jane, from Venice: She is a charming young lady, and, to own the truth, she reminds me a great deal of you. You are both so lively and quick-witted, and though she lacks your experience, she has recently become very much interested in magic. I feel quite sure the pair of you would get on wonderfully, and the next time we are all of us in England, I shall of course make introductions.
Jane, in her reply: You write as though you are surprised! You did not notice while you were in London, perhaps - I know you were much taken up by business for the War Office, and anyway, your vanity does not tend in this direction - but a great many young ladies, both clever and dull, have recently become very much interested in magic. I daresay that, if you had helped Wellington to farm or mine his way to victory, you would find a great many young ladies suddenly enamored with the glory and romance of farming or mining! It is really you they admire, of course! And with all your passion and animation on the subject of magic, how could they not fall in love with it as well?
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samayla · 1 year ago
Woke up this morning from an intense dream about the final showdown in Utterly Impractical. I've had the whole thing blocked out for ages now, but guys - I actually saw it! Like watching a movie, only I was in it. It was almost exactly as written, and it was SO PERFECT!
but now I really do have to finish writing all the bits in between...
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samayla · 1 year ago
Did I tell y'all I wrote 3,486 words yesterday?
Cuz I did.
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Unfortunately, that means the Utterly Impractical update is going to be delayed again, as most of those words came from a rewrite of the next two chapters. And I still may go back to the original. Idek. I can't decide.
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samayla · 1 year ago
How's NaNo going for everyone? I'm sitting right at 7k (par is 10k), and I tripped and wrote most of that for Utterly Impractical instead of the Castle for Christmas fic. Whoops...
My biggest hang-up right now on updating Utterly Impractical is making sure my timeline is what I want. I have the next two chapters drafted, but the second one is steering me in a direction I hadn't planned on... Still trying to decide whether I want to go this route, and then how I want to pace the rest of this arc. We have two years to get through before the York Society pesters Norrell, and from there things progress very rapidly. I already know how to weave Jane into the Miracle of York, and Emma's arc, and I have such a fun dynamic planned for her with Drawlight and Lascelles! I just need to get there...
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