expansionarchives · 3 years
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Fanart from one of Simmon’s readers, depicting the Silverspoon creature he encountered before his ‘Cottage Account’ on March 14th, 2023.
Simmons loved the picture so much that he pinned it to his front page, but adding the addendum that the silverspoon was probably 8 or 9 feet tall, and “sort of strutted like it was on a runway.”
The post resulted in a lot of controversy, many claiming that Simmons was talking out his ass. But approxiomately 2 weeks later, a different Survival/Artist came out of the ‘Turbohio’ flux region leading one by the neck using a rope.
Once brought into the outskirts of Colombus, photos were sent worldwide and the existence of Extrafauna started to be taken seriously. 
By the by: Silverspoons became classified as Extrafauna camelopardalis. DNA testing reveals it is genetically related to common giraffes. 
Although how this came to pass is utterly unknown, it’s believed by some to have come from the same process that allows for Extrahumans.
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expansionarchives · 3 years
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Posted by Jacques Simmons on March 12th, 2023
I ended up sleeping in today, I’d never hung my hammock so high before and I might have been a little afraid to climb down. Regardless, I eventually did and packed everything up, hoping to reach a water source before evening. It was around 11 AM when I had eaten breakfast and began hiking, by the way.
Despite spending more than a month in the wilderness it still creeped me out how everything I saw the previous night, from the treetops, was now totally different. I got a closer look at that house from before, the windows were broken and the thing look really overrun so either it was abandonded or whoever lived there died in the chaos. Scary stuff, but I knew I’d find it eventually if I just headed North. 
With that in mind, I continued, sure to keep track of my compass and GPS so I wouldn’t lose my sense of direction. I think my GPS just confirms my suspicions, I can walk for an hour and it’ll say I haven’t moved at all, but then I’ll walk for 10 minutes and it’ll say I’ve moved 8 miles. Whatever’s going on with the wilderness right now, it’s in a state of uncertainty, like it can’t decide how long distance actually is. That and it only takes place at ground level, I heard the news of the helicopter pilots seeing the ‘distortion’ disappear once they got high enough as well, so I’m feeling confident in this theory.
Thinking I’ve solved the puzzle didn’t really do me much good, though, because things like distance on the ground are irrelevant. I just gotta trust that I’ll get there eventually, whether it takes a couple minutes or a couple days. 
Anyhow, I trekked through low grasslands for most the afternoon, I’d occasionally spot ground squirrels and seed-eating birds dart around the underbrush but beyond that things were boring. I wasn’t listening to music or the radio because I was looking for a stream or something, and wanted to keep my ears perked for it, and eventually--Around 5 PM I think, I heard it. The sound of flowing water.
My waterbladder had emptied and I had to dig into my emergency water bottle by that time, so once I knew it was it earshot I rushed towards it. I eventually made it to the shore of a clear stream, and quickly brought out my filter to refill my bladder as well as try for some fish. I didn’t manage to catch any, but I saw something better.
See the drawing I included with this update? Yeah. I had to draw this from memory, though, as the actual encounter was so short. If I ever get to see it again I’m whipping out my Ipad immediately. I was at the edge of the river when I suddenly heard this loud, lowish chirping sound. It made me think of like, the sound of a robin that was slowed down so that it was longer and deeper. I looked towards and sound and saw this weird thing.
What the hell is it? I had seen some weird stuff, like those table-shaped rocks from last week, but I had never seen an abnormal living creature. This thing looked like something from a videogame or comic book, but it was real flesh and blood! I’m so sad I couldn’t just snap a photo of it, so I just have to ask you guys to believe me. I couldn’t make this thing up if I tried.
It looked like someone had sliced a giraffe in half and covered it in kinda blue spraypaint. The thing was hairless, but had blue markings around its neck and legs. It also had hoof-like feet that stretched out, kinda resembling shoes. At the top of its long neck was a tiny head with ginormous ears that made the silhouette of a spoon. 
It had eyes at the sides of its head, and judging by the giant ears which it certainly used to hear things with, I imagine it’s some kind of large herbivore. Did this evolve somehow in the wilderness? I didn’t think for a second it was some cryptid or some kind of recently undiscovered creature, I knew it was something weird, and something that would only appear in this bizarre expanse. (It also concerns me as to what predators this thing was adapted to avoiding.)
Anyhow, the creature, which I decided to call a ‘Silverspoon’ based on its colour and head, stared at me for a while after making that call. I think it was gauging to see if I would cross the river to come after it. Giraffes in real life are pretty powerful creatures, so I gotta admit I was way more scared of that thing than it might’ve been at me.
I moved slowly, not wanting to startle it or anything. And watched as it kneeled at the river’s edge like a person and dipped its head in. Its neck was so long that its head was basically under the water. After it had finished its drink, the thing turned around and strided away, giving me a glimpse of its small black-tipped tail.
I almost wanted to cross the stream to go after it, but I didn’t want to go too far off course. At the same time I didn’t want to get my chest smashed in by a kick from those legs, so when I had finished my tea I packed up again and headed on my way back in the direction of that derelict house.
Right now I’m in a tree again, I feel like I’ve made good progress and I snared a rabbit for dinner. I’m thinking of making a tutorial series for preparing wild game once I make it back to my house, so tell me what you think about that.
Once I finish writing this update I’ll go to sleep and try to wake up earlier today. My goal is to reach that house by tomorrow, but that’s what I said 3 days ago as well.
If you or a loved one is trapped in the wilderness, remember to give emergency response as exact coordinates as you can. More and more teams are getting choppers together to extract people and put them into the big cities, so be sure to pack up your valuables and stuff for when they get to you.
Signing out, stay safe out there.
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expansionarchives · 3 years
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A Look Back at Bruno Rivera's Account at the Delaware River
Abrar Aly
Sat., February 13 2029, 12:27 p.m. - 6 min read
1. Bodies discovered in US flux region “Turbohio”
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North Yankee search-and-contact police continue operations along the Delaware, continuing to find lost travelers and uncontacted communities within the flux region. Picture taken at Delaware Fixed-Station 3. (SWNS)
The 'Rivera Account' is strong example of how hindsight is always 20/20. Despite the freak occurance in Prague, Rivera's description of what he saw as he went down the Delaware was mostly shrugged off as hallucination, madness, or simply a tall-tale. After the cataclysm that was the Expansion, I think it's worth looking back at Rivera's story to see what exactly he experienced. It could possibly be that the Expansion began far earlier than official records say, and other smaller, isolated events like this had happened to different people.
Bruno Rivera was a 43-year-old fisherman in New Jersey, who was boating across the Delaware River. On his way home, he began to see the roads and fields around him suddenly growing and stretching before his eyes.
This is regarded as the first real description of an Expansion Event, and it's commonly accepted that the Delaware Flux Region is the first to have developed--Rivera is possibly describing the gensis of the Delaware Flux Region. The only event similar at that time to what Rivera described was the 'Prague Disappearances' disaster six months earlier, but there was so little information at the time that the connection was never seen until much later.
"I turned east towards the Jerry Lees campsites, but in front of me the cleared out fields and roads had stretched away, like it had never been there. Instead, between myself and the land in front of me were sudden fields of grasses and trees, I thought I had lost my mind."
This is exactly how the flux appears when viewed from fixed regions. Space will change in front of you when you look away, as well as the appearance of extended forests and grasslands. It should be said that Rivera is lucky to have been on the Delaware, for if he stepped onto dry land we might never have heard of him again.
Later on, after the Expansion actually occurred, Rivera posted the following words onto his Facebook page, including exact GPS coordinates he retrieved from his phone. This was instrumental in him being rescued from the Delaware Flux Region.
Read more: North Yankee mayor celebrates first-year anniversary of new city
Search-and-contact leader Marissa Ali, pictured taking the accounts of a rescued explorer after they witnessed an alleged Extranatural event similar to Rivera's 'rising hill,' but was discovered to just have been the effects under a wild thicket of hallucination roses. (PA)
But what did he mean by this, exactly? A creature that rose out of the ground certainly matches the possibilities for Extrafauna, but Rivera never claims it was a creature. He simply says some kind of bulging shape rose out of the ground from the horizon, followed by a tall spire jutting out from its side.
Rivera goes on to describe an actual creature he encountered while continuing down the river.
"I continued down the river, hoping to find some kind house or road so I could get back to town. Until I was suddenly distracted by a loud chirping sound, like a large bird. I looked to my side and saw a terrifying creature, it looked like sort of, the front half of a giraffe. It had two legs, a long neck, blue skin, and a spoon-shaped head. The thing had small dot eyes and it made that long chirping noise again."
This is undoubtedly the first recorded account of an Extrafauna, and judging by how it was described, it was probably a silverspoon. Althrough, there has been no evidence of silverspoons appearing in blue. Regardless, the fact that a real Extrafauna had appeared 20 days before the official beginning of the Expansion shows us just how little we know of when the process actually began.
What other details have we lost either to accounts being buried under the media storm or simply the witnesses deciding to not disclose what they saw? Could it be possible that Extrahumans had been appearing already as well?
The menagerie of strange things that Bruno reports seeing mostly match the descriptions of other well-known phenomena attributed to the Delaware Flux Region, saving the few oddities that have not yet been recognized. As the manifestations of the Expansion are better explored, and understood, his report of what happened to him as he drifted lost on the Delaware has only been further corroborated.
Bruno Rivera is currently retired in North Yankee, and is being taken care of by his family. He has not responded to any lines of inquiry, instead quoting a statement he made two years earlier. "I don't wanna think about what I saw on that river anymore."
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