#extra large holiday card has a couple songs i like too and also
egberts · 5 months
HOT MULLIGAN MENTIONED!! do you listen to their other music or just like that one song a lot?
I listen to their other stuff too!! I just love that song sm. scratches a brain itch for me the way he comes in and delivers the words throughout the song
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Hogwarts! Seungkwan
anon requested: "i love your hogwarts scenarios! can you also do one for seungkwan? thank you!!"
all you have to do is imagine second year Seungkwan bouncing around the train
desperately searching for the “candy lady”
what an absolute cutie
until there’s suddenly a flaming wiggly shape in the horse carriage
freakin Boo Seungkwan at his finest acting like he’s kwon fire
a mess
at least he’s a cute mess
and his Hufflepuff self clinging to Vernon for help 
the both of them freaking out about an owl sized fire
and it takes a whole 30 seconds for them to realize there’s also a water spell like smh lol
halfblood so like he knew the houses and stuff
even though he didn’t look it, very very nervous on sorting day
after all, he was like a small halfblood wizard from a small island with a long generations of Boos behind him
not to mention he was second
“gosh couldn’t there be more Ahns born in our year” he whispers to Vernon
to which the latter raises his hands above his head
“I’m a Chwe so..” 
and approximately 17 seconds after the hat touch his head, Boo Seungkwan was declared Hufflepuff 
now who said Hufflepuffs can’t be funny, sarcastic, and loud
no one never after hearing this kid
legit the class clown, everything he does will go down in history
like that one time he got dared to superglue the potions professor’s things to his desk
“WHO DID THIS HUH?” that one teacher who looks hilarious when mad, trying to pry the chalk off the desk
and Seungkwans that bright kid who giggles while raising his hand
though whining while cleaning everyday for the next month, but happily singing trot songs loudly 
not really ‘best in the class type’ haha
so some teachers actually lowkey dislike him but they don’t wanna get pranked so
he’s really the ‘im good in every class if i study and take notes but i fall asleep one day and im FREAKED’
to which he figured this out in his first year
him panicking, running through the school blindly looking for Vernon 
probably passing Vernon multiple times, who was just bopping his head to a song blasting through his head phones
but this is how he meets Joshua, 
leaning up against the common room wall panting when he feels a light tap on the shoulder and looks up into an eye smile
“are you okay?” 
Joshua’s sweet soul who spends the rest of the night tutoring him, but Joshua does not do people’s work 
and Joshua’s like the only tutor Seungkwan will ever have that doesn’t make him wanna pull his hair out 
or roast them
but honestly Seungkwan has the biggest heart ever 
Christmas is the best time of year and don’t argue with him on this unless you wanna BOX
extra af and wears a Santa Claus hat the entire month which all the teachers ignore
and the get up he comes up with this year
lots of people went home for the holidays but not Seungkwan as he lives far
so that Christmas morning at breakfast waltzes in proudly wearing a Santa onesie
with a sack thrown over shoulder, filled with gifts
and Vernon next to him dying of laughter
the entire hall clapping excitingly and giggling as Seungkwan spreads his arms out 
“ho ho ho” 
through all the excitement ,,, leaves the sack under the table too busy arguing with Vernon and Minghao about who won the pie eating competition
you happen to have slightly over slept that morning
completely forgetting it was Christmas morning too focused on food
until your eyes meet the brightly decorated hall walking to your Gryffindor table and sitting down
happily swinging your feet back and forth until you accidentally kick something
quickly realizing omg it’s Seungkwan bag from last year
you weren’t really close to him, maybe had a couple conversations, 
that one time you guys were dying of laughter in class bc you caught him trying to stick sticky notes on Vernon’s back
but that’s it
being kinda nosy you can’t help but peek
its so cute
the bag’s filled with okay wrapped boxes, in vibrant red, green, blue, and yellow
secretly you take something from your bag, add a note, and drop it in
smiling to yourself, you pick up the bag and head to the Hufflepuff common room, where you knew his group of friends were spending the morning together 
from overhearing a conversation of course, they aren’t the quietest people lol
thankfully your eyes meet a panicking Seungkwan and his friends in front of the entrance
“Heyyyy Seungkwan”
“Oh! y/n~” his expression immediately changes to a happy one
“Merry Christmas!” you laugh, handing him the sack, making him realize you had it
he dramatically engulfs the sack into a hug making you giggle
“since it’s Christmas, i’ll let it slide, be more careful next time yeah?” you joke
he chuckles, “i will i will” 
he pauses, “oh? where are all your friends at?” 
tucking your hair behind your ears, you smile softly
“most of my friends went home for the holiday, and my one Slytherin friend,” you check your watch and laugh, 
“she’ll be sleeping for another three hours”
“omo omo omo, how SO, you shouldn’t spend Christmas morning all by yourself, do you wanna?” 
he turns back, unsure if he could invite a stranger 
before they can answer, you shake your head, “please Seungkwan, I’ll be fine” 
you grin at him, and feeling the holiday spirit, you give him a quick hug
“Merry Christmas you guys!” you call before skipping down the halls, 
not really thinking much of the hug, 
for now
“M-merry Christmas!!” he says after you 
“Oh! y/n~” Soonyoung mimics as soon as your out of sight
“stopppppp,” Seungkwan whines, shoving Soonyoung’s arm
“does little Seungkwanie have a crush already?” 
“come someone help me shove the cuties under some mistletoe” 
“LALALALALA I DONT” he protests
they chuckle, but leave it at 
and it’s time to pass out gifts, 
Seungkwan taking them out of his sack, handing them to each of his 7 friends present
then taking the last gift out, he notices a tiny something left
peaking to see if anyone saw, he pretends it wasn’t there stuffs the “empty” sack behind him
until he’s alone in his room and curiously opens the sack
“woah” he finds two chocolate frogs and a note
‘merry christmas seungkwan~ you always give people gifts, you deserve something too, thanks so much for always making history exciting hehe’
there he is sitting on his bed becoming shy with rosy cheeks all by himself
the next day
“VERNON” Seungkwan whisper yells, “what does y/n like?” 
“the heck?” he chuckles confused, “why?” 
shrugging not so casually, “just because” 
“wow the hyungs were just teasing, do you like her?” Vernon’s eyes budge out his sockets
he huffs, “nevermind” 
and walks away
while later that night, your walking upstairs 
“oh hey y/n! what do you like” 
you tilt your head at Vernon’s question
“uhhh just a friends asking” 
you quickly putting two and two together laugh, “i like chocolate frogs” 
the days go quickly and there’s one more day until class starts up again
so you and your friend decide to head to hogsmeade
just as you guys are about to step onto the carriage
your head turns to meet a large group of guys, 
“can we get in?” Seungkwan asks grinning
nodding of course, you smile
the conversation between the two of you is full of laughter, while Vernon who came along with Seungkwan and your friend made the occasional comments
when they weren’t paying attention, your friend nudges you
“hey do you like Seungkwan?” she whispers 
your eyes widen, “no!” 
but that question rings through your ears for the rest of the ride
and somehow
“i wanna go to the candy store” Seungkwan says
“ah im gonna go get a butterbeer with the hyungs” 
your eyes shake between them
and having a wild imagination and being quick witted, you think amused
‘did they plan this?’
“i’ll go” you say speaking up, but then checking with your friend about it
luckily she shrugs and says she has other friends she could meet before leaving
“i never said thanks for the chocolate frogs by the way!” 
“oh!” you laugh having pretty much forgot about it, “it’s no problem” 
“you know what, i’ll buy you some today!” 
you smile in thanks 
and feel this unfamiliar feeling in your heart
as he’s talking, your realizing so pretty his smile his
how he makes the best facial expressions, 
even him being one or two inches taller than you
and there it is again, that feeling in your chest
as if your heart is about to burst out from it’s safe place
upon entering the shop and without your approval, Seungkwan immediately buys 5 chocolate frogs
walking outside together now, 
“here” he hands you chocolate 
“cheers” you giggle accepting it then clinking the food together
“OH LOOK!” he points to something in your hand excitingly
chuckling at his cuteness, you raise your eyebrows, “you collect these then?” 
he nods vigorously 
“you can have it then” 
you take his hand in yours and dramatically set the card there
he gasps and bows he head, “i will protect this with my life” 
suddenly you both hear loud shrieks 
all his friends surround you guys, arms over his shoulders 
your honestly not really sure what happens then
but you remember saying goodbye and leave, laughing when you hear incoherent shouts
and that’s it sadly
until you stumble into the library with rolls of the parchment in hand with your friend
“OKAY, we must finish our homework tonight!” you say determined 
“YES! okay good luck!” 
maybe you guys set the goals a little two high
because two hours later your friend is asleep on the table with your about to follow after her
for the first time since in there, you look around
and become shocked when you see Seungkwan holding his hair in fists with two of his older friends next to him
he looks up and happens to make eye contact with you
you smile at him
but he starts to urgently motion you to come towards him while his friends stare
cautiously you walk over and introduce yourself to his friends
“y/n save me!!!” 
he grabs your hands holding them tightly
one of his friends tsk, “gentlemen should ask before holding a girl’s hand” 
“Jeonghan!” the other friend says in a scolding tone, but amusement seeping through his voice
Seungkwan immediately lets go of your hand and blushes, “it’s not-t-” 
“okay Kwannie,” the other friend smiles, a little mischievously in your opinion,
“y/n here, will give you a kiss on the cheek if you finish your work” 
for once your not quick to process things
“Joshua,” that Jeonghan guy mocks the Joshua guy’s tone from earlier
catching what they are saying, “i will~” 
an very obvious blush on your cheeks
“o-okay!” Seungkwan eyes you for a second but looks away, the red on his cheeks becoming redder
let’s just say his work might have not been accurate, as he ended up making the two of you escape them
dashing out the library
giggling you laugh, “if you hate it that much, i’ll have to help with your homework” 
he nods, “please” 
your eyes meet seconds too long
but neither of you look away
hearts pounding
and whether you gave him that kiss or not 
thats a secret ;)
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The Seventeen Hogwarts AU Series:
| S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino |
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midfieldfabray · 7 years
Us Against The World || Rachel + Maisie
WHO: Rachel Berry & Maisie Fabray
WHERE: On their walk back to ACup after Mae’s drumming lesson
WHEN: Saturday, October 21st
WHAT: A walk and a conversation about families, moms, and coolness.
Maisie feels like she’s way too old to have to hold a grown up’s hand, but she doesn’t complain because Rachel is her teacher, and you do what your teacher says. Like calling her just Rachel instead of Miss Rachel. Maisie is pretty good at following rules... most of the time, when she remembers. She doesn’t mind holding Rachel’s hand anyway, because if one of her friends saw her she could tell them Rachel is her drumming teacher, which is way cooler than saying she’s her mom or her babysitter.
 Normally, Maisie has many things to say when she’s walking with Rachel, but today she just has too many thoughts in her head. Not bad thoughts or anything, just thoughts. She got a new aunt, but her Aunt Sookie isn’t really new, she just didn’t know her until now. And that’s pretty weird. Like having to pretend she doesn’t know Miss Hudson’s name is Fiona, or how her mama won’t let her talk to Aunt Magnolia and Aunt Louise about Aunt Sookie because that’s their private life (but Maisie is pretty sure if Aunt Sookie takes her out to tea that makes her also Maisie’s private life). She sighs out loud. It’s a pretty big sigh. 
“Do you have a big family?” She knows that’s Rachel’s private life and she’s not supposed to ask, but Rachel never gets mad when she messes up in class, so she doesn’t think she’ll get mad now, either. “Families are pretty weird.”
Compared to Rachel's other drum and piano students, lessons with Maisie aren't any different except for one thing: drop off and pick-up. Every other student arrives to the studio space Rachel rents for lessons, usually with a parent at their side. But Rachel's come to truly enjoy Mae's exception to the routine, and their walks to and from ACup to the studio are some of her most interesting bits of the weekend. Because Mae can talking about anything and everything. She'll chatter non-stop as they traverse block after block, hands safely locked together, and honestly Rachel doesn't have to say much since Maisie easily fills the silence for them both. 
Which is why today it's quite noticeable when there's a stretch of silence between them. Mae hasn't said much at all since they left the studio, and Rachel would worry that she said something throughout their lesson to upset her except for the fact that everything went well. It's clear that Mae's been dedicated in her practice time at home as her skills continue to improve. Rachel figures she'll fill the silence after the next block by asking they should stop somehwere for a snack, but Mae beats her to the punch with an unexpected question. Rachel grins as she looks down at the girl, because anything and everything. 
"I don't have a big family." Rachel's aware of her father -- she carries his last name after all and Shelby's never hid the fact of who he is -- and there are grandparents down in Florida, though that relationship has been strained since Rachel was born. There have been a few visits and there's always a birthday card every year, but that's the extent. And since Shelby's an only child, there's no aunts or uncles or cousins to celebrate holidays with, which is also why Rachel and Shelby have some unique traditions of their own. "It's just my mom and me."
Rachel doesn’t have a big family. That’s nice for her, because sometimes Maisie wishes she had a big family but then she remembers the one day she slept over at her friend Annie’s house and Annie has six! siblings and Maisie’s head felt funny for a couple days after all the noise. So she doesn’t want a big big family, but sometimes she wishes it wasn’t just... 
 “Just your mom and you?” Maisie’s eyes widen, and she’s so surprised she lets go of Rachel’s hand for a moment but then she remembers she’s supposed to hold it all the time. “Like just me and my mom.” She points at herself. She knows Rachel knows already but she’s too excited to care. She’s never met anyone else who just had a mom and nothing else. She has a friend with two moms and many friends with one mom and one dad. She has friends who live with only their mom or their dad but they have another parent that they see some other times. But she’s never met anyone else like her, with just one mom. 
 “Do you like it?” Maisie feels a bit funny about a grown up having just the one mom. She always thought her mama would get married some time and she’d have two moms instead of just one. But if Rachel’s mom didn’t, maybe hers won’t either. “Being just you and your mom?”
The shift in Maisie's mood is tangible, and in turn Rachel swings their once again joined hands between them as she considerers her answer. 
 Rachel can't recall a moment where she begged her mom for a little sister or brother. She's always enjoyed that the attention fell directly on her and didn't need to be split between others. And though Rachel knows Shelby dated off and on as she grew up, nothing was ever serious enough that Shelby brought home a potential suitor. Their world remained just large enough for them both (and Rachel's talent), and Rachel did indeed like that. But things weren't always easy, at least financially, but they made it work. Shelby always found a way, and Rachel believes those lessons learned are only beneficial today. Could things have been easier if there was someone else to help out? Sure, but then everything about who they were would be different, and Rachel woudln't like that.
 "Growing up I always felt like my mom was a bit of a superhero because she did everything. Kids at school would always say how their moms were scared to do this or that and their dads refused to do such and such, and here I am just grinning to myself because my mom did it all." Rachel's certain Shelby's memory of such times would be different. That she would have been grateful for another set of helping hands throughout the years. "So I did and do like it because it's always just been me and mom against the world." 
 Rachel swings their hands a few more times and then asks, "What about you, Mae?" She's curious to know the answer, to know if there's something going on that caused Mae to ask the question in the first place. "Do you enjoy it just being your mom and you, too?"
Maisie talks to grown ups way more than any of her friends do. None of the kids at school or at dance have grown up friends like she does, like Miss April and everyone else at the coffee shop. Maisie likes it a lot. Grown ups are mostly smart and they’ve watched way more movies than she has. And sometimes they say things Maisie thinks but doesn’t know how to say. Like right now. “Me and mom against the world.” She grins after echoing Rachel’s words. Yeah, she likes that too. 
But she has to think for a moment before she answers Rachel’s question, because she doesn’t get asked it a lot. She just gets asked dumb stuff like does she wish she had a dad. But does she like it being just her and her mom? Her mama always says complaining is okay but whining isn’t, and she also says the difference is whether or not something can be done about what’s bothering you.
“Mostly, yeah.” She likes it most of the time. “I like being me and mom against the world.” She grins up at Rachel, because those are Rachel’s words for Maisie’s own feelings and she loves it when that happens. It makes her feel like her feelings are as grown up as the words. “I want a baby brother, cause they’re cute and I could play with him while mama’s at work.” Her mama works a lot. Maisie’s never alone, but she feels lonely sometimes even if she’s with everyone at ACup. 
And then there’s the other thing. She wishes Rachel could read her mind and say the words for her again, because she doesn’t know how to get them out sounding right. “I don’t want a dad or anything." That’s what everyone keeps going on about. It’s stupid. Her mama doesn’t like boys, so what does she want a dad for if her mama wouldn’t like him anyway? So she’d have to split time between them? She wants to be with her mama all the time. She just... “I like it when we go down to Savannah and I get home from playing and Aunt Magnolia and Aunt Louise are sitting together. And I liked it when it was bedtime for me but my mama and Fi- and Miss Hudson stayed up to talk and kiss.” It felt like in the movies. But nothing can be done about that, so she guesses she’s whining, and she shouldn’t. "But I mostly like it, like you."
"You'd want a baby brother even if he'd cry and poop and eventually want to steal your toys?" Rachel teases, though her laughter tapers off at Mae's continuing explanation. The picture she paints is rather somber, and Mae's earlier silence make more sense now, too. This is why Rachel knows the people Shelby dated never came over for dinner, or met them for a day out in the park or at a museum. Shelby always kept that part of her life separate from everything else, and Rachel supposes she's grateful because she never grew too attached to someone that didn't stick around, because they never had the chance to leave in the first place. 
 It's not really any of her business, Rachel knows, but she can't help but ask, "Do you worry that your mom's sad?" Because that Rachel can relate to. To being watched by the neighbor next door as her mom was out working a second or third job, and Rachel would color and create a coupon book for hugs and kisses and a guaranteed hour of silence. Anything to make her mom smile when she arrived back home too tired for a bedtime story or song.
“Yeah.” Maisie giggles even as she nods, because poop is funny and grown ups talking about poop is extra funny for some reason. She wouldn’t mind her brother pooping and crying and stealing her toys. She could change him and she’d be his big sister so she could make him stop crying, and she’s great at sharing so he wouldn’t have to steal them anyway. But then Rachel asks another question, and Maisie’s not laughing anymore. 
Does she worry that her mom’s sad? She doesn’t answer right away because she feels like that’s private life. She doesn’t know whose, though. Her mama’s, but her own too. So she thinks she can talk about it, since it’s a bit hers as well. “Yeah.” It comes out really quiet, almost like she’s whispering it. She worries a lot about that. “I worry it’s my fault cause she has so much to do.” Her mama works a lot. At the coffee shop, and then at home, too, and then she does laundry and helps her with homework and cooks. “I think maybe she’d like her own room. But she says I make her happy, and my mama never lies.” 
She looks down at her feet for a moment, and then back up at Rachel. “I liked it better when she was happy because I and Miss Hudson loved her. Now it’s just me.” She’s not even allowed to use the pointy knife on her own, so that seems like a job that’s too big for her. Making her mama happy all on her own. “Did you worry too? When you were eight?” She figures grown ups worry way less about things, and they’re way better at doing big jobs anyway. “When someone stopped loving your mom?”
"You're much more observant at eight than I ever was, Mae." And that's the truth. At that age Rachel was very much focused on whatever intrument she could borrow or her mom could buy. She was learning everything she could, and that didn't stop if her mom was out working another job or going on a date. Rachel's recognition of that sacrifice wasn't until a couple years later. "But you know that nothing's your fault, right?" Rachel paused for a few steps, searching for the right words. "And because moms are superheroes they /can/ do it all, but they're human, too, so they get tired and sad, they cry, but I bet your mom laughs a lot, too, because you do make her so happy." 
 While waiting at the curb for the walk sign to come to life, Rachel considers trying to explaining her own mom's dating history, but that not only does it seem too complicated, it also seems unnecessary. So instead, when they're feet start treking across the pavement again, Rachel reveals what she used to do. "I used to do things for my mom when I thought she was sad. I'd try to make her breakfast in bed. I'd write her a song. I'd make her coupons for five berry big hugs and ten berry big kisses."
Mae nods. She knows it’s not her fault. Not really. She worries, but she knows it isn’t. She didn’t do anything to make Fiona (she can say Fiona in her head) stop loving her mama. She loves Jessi now, so Mae figures she just likes her better. Jessi is pretty nice. She doesn’t think she’s nicer than her mom or prettier than her mom, but beauty is in the eye of the bee holder anyway so he makes the rules, not Mae. But if she did, she’d say her mama is the prettiest. Maybe after Elsa. 
“You wrote her songs!?” That is the best present. Her mom would love it. Maybe Maisie could do that, too, even if she’s not sure she knows any words that rhyme with mama, except for llama. “When my mom’s sad I ask to go play soccer together. I don’t really like soccer that much but she does.” Maisie doesn’t really like dirt. Or running. “I bet she’d like a song, though. Miss April says she should only sing in her heart cause she’s not very good at it, but she loves songs. Maybe when I’m good at drums I can write one for her. And you can help?”
If possible, Rachel's gaze softens just a bit more as she looks down at the girl walking beside her. Rachel thinks most kids in general are kind, but there's a certain level of selflessness Mae seems to posses that Rachel believes is unique. Not every kid would suggest an activity they don't enjoy just to help another smile. 
 "Of course I'll help." Rachel squeezes the small hand within her own to emphasize her point. "We could even do a recording if you wanted." Over the years Rachel's accumulated recording equipment. She sets up her own makeshift studio when needed, usually when she has a solo gig and wants certain instrument or vocal tracks at her fingertips, and so she doesn't have to set up loops live. "You're a good kid, Mae."
"A recording.” Mae echoes, awed. A real recording. She’d be like Taylor Swift and Fifth Harmony. And her mama could listen to it even when Mae is at school or in bed. But she’s a bit more excited about being like Taylor, really. “Can we record two?” She thinks for a moment. “Well, three.” She smiles then, and she thinks her smile might be a bit cheeky cause she’s not just thinking about her mama anymore. “Mama’s song,” she counts on the fingers of her free hand, “Fly Me To The Moon, cause that’s her favorite, and then Never Ever Getting Back Together.” A beat. “So I can be like Taylor.” 
 But she smiles even wider when Rachel calls her a good kid. She’s pretty polite and well behaved, so lots of grown ups tell her she has very good manners. But it’s better when Rachel says it, because Rachel is extra cool. “You’re a cool grown up.” Maisie walks a bit closer, bumping Rachel’s hip (well, her leg, Mae’s not very tall) with her own. “I’m glad you have one mom like me. So I can tell you things.”
As Mae rattles off her grand plans for recording, Rachel's amusement grows and it shows in the way her smile widens. "Oh, I see. You want your own little EP then, Miss Mae. I think we can make that work." Rachel actually thinks they could probably put together something in time for Christmas, but she won't voice that just yet. She doesn't want to get Mae's hopes up if the timing isn't quite right. 
Her eyebrows lift a little at the cool grown up comment, but that's mostly because there's times when Rachel still feels like a kid. Not professionally, of course, even though she's still considered young in her industry, but toward life in general. But she supposes that in the eyes of an eight-year-old that she's a grown up, and if she can serve as some sort of example or inspirartion to Mae, Rachel will take on that role wholeheartedly. "We can have our own little club.”
An EP. “What’s an EP?” Whatever it is, Rachel can help, and Maisie practically skips next to her, clearly delighted. She likes being in a little club with Rachel, and she squeezes her hand a bit so Rachel will know. 
“I bet I’m the only girl at school who can record songs.” She’s the only girl she knows who plays the drums, too. Mostly they play piano and violin, if they play music at all. Nobody else has a piggy bank for a real drum set, and nobody else gets to be with a real drummer every Saturday and learn to play. “Did your mom have cool friends too when you were eight?” Mae’s does. She has Miss April to play RuPaul, and Sammy to play video games, and Santana to play Fashion Police, and Jessi and Blair to do sing-alongs, and Puck to give her the highest piggyback rides, and Rachel to teach her drumming, and so many more. “I like that about being just us, too. Regular moms do older stuff, like going to the office. I get to be at work with my mom and meet her friends.”
Though Rachel can easily just say that an EP as just another type of record, she doesn't believe in simplifying explanations for kids unless absolutely necessary, so as they continue to walk, she takes the time to describe what differentiates a single from an EP and an EP from LP. "So if we only did the one song for your mom, we'd produce a single, but since you was three songs, you'll have an EP."
As they near ACup, Rachel navigates them two blocks over. Since it feels more like a beautiful summer than an autumn day, Rachel believes they should sample the flavors of the ice cream shop there. "Just between you and me, Mae, my mom was sort of a regular mom. Her coolest friend, who was really more a colleague, let me borrow instruments to learn and play. But don't misunderstand. While my mom is cool, your mom's cooler."
Maisie nods, accepting the explanation. An EP has more than one song, and a single has just the one song. She likes learning new things, and she especially likes learning new things about music. But not in a school way. In a rockstar way. She likes school music too, don’t get her wrong, but she loves rockstar music even more. It’s way cooler. And none of her friends know real musicians like she does. 
“I didn’t know regular moms could be single moms.” Just divorced moms or married moms. “So you had your own Rachel when you were my age?” She grins, mostly kidding cause Rachel is super cool and Rachel’s mom’s friend doesn’t sound that cool. She doesn’t think colleagues get to be cool, just probably office people and lawyers. Ballerinas and rockstars probably don’t have colleagues. 
 And then Rachel says something that makes Maisie stop pondering the difference between grownup friends and grownup colleagues. “You think my mama’s cool?” She almost giggles, cause that’s funny. Her mama’s not very cool at all. “I don’t think so. She’s just a mom. And then she’s a barista and she writes on her laptop. That’s not very cool.” She thinks for a moment, and then concedes, “I guess she’s a bit cool when she scores a goal.”
"But just think of everything you just listed off, Mae. Your mom's not just a mom, and she's definitely not a regular mom. Plus we already established that she's a superhero, and if you ask me, superheroes are part of the upper echelon when it comes to coolness quotient. Just not as cool as musicians," Rachel kids. "How does a scoop or two of ice cream sound to you?"
Mae giggles, amused, because it’s not polite to tell a grown up she’s wrong. But Rachel is definitely wrong. She thinks maybe Rachel likes coffee a lot, and that’s why she thinks being a barista is cool. Her mama isn’t a real superhero, it just sounds nice to say, just like she didn’t really make her out of clay, it just sounds nicer than saying she doesn’t really know for sure. It’s not lying, it’s kinda like make up for the truth. Maybe that’s what Rachel’s doing, so Mae doesn’t say anything.
“Good!” It’s a bit weird to eat ice-cream when they’re already doing Halloween crafts at school, but it’s mostly warm outside so she figures it’s ok. “Ice cream is the best.”
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cheriedevis3-blog · 7 years
Purposeful Lovely Skin Treatment
Diane Ong possesses a wonderful passion in managing customers associating with advertising, financial and finance, eCommerce and also online help. Simply puts, significant use digital medical record always keeping is actually to gain both the patient and also their health professional. With purposeful work you get therefore involved in this that time passes without your understanding it. The end result of your working from this factor is actually lesser in comparison to performing the work. Health insurance EHR Incentive Program-Entitled professionals, qualified medical centers, as well as CAHs (Vital Access Healthcare facilities) should reveal the purposeful use of certified Electronic Health and wellness Record innovation in exact year from their involvement in the program. This indicates that even though you may possess constructed large networks of links via your social networks platforms, you are going to just ever have the capacity to correspond along with these people everyday; you will definitely certainly never have the capacity to develop any sort of purposeful hookup with all of them. With significant job, you have the tendency to operate more difficult compared to ever before, however with a lot more fulfillment in comparison to you ever assumed possible. This is actually one thing that men don't speak about yet 'STEER THEM WILD' when they acknowledge that and experience along with in you. Humans are actually assorted as well as sophisticated and that is splendid; nonetheless, when our team cultivate a far better understanding from ourselves, we are much better readied to enjoy a relevant live. I purchase to have a successful cinquain, not unlike various other verse, the artist has to select his terms thoroughly as well as design a sincere as well as significant rhyme. If you adored this information and you would such as to get more info concerning yellow pages residential directory uk; http://www.ibalestrieridifirenze.it/, kindly check out our own site. Referring to relevant food items opens up a door that lets individuals in, as well as watching these tales is actually just a privilege. That is useless to say at the starting point, I have to not write greater than 300 phrases hereof", given that FIVE HUNDRED words might be actually the minimal required. One more instance will remain in committing to memory the lyrics of the songs or even in remembering tales that you might possess reviewed in the past. Whatever type of job you do-whether you're independent, benefiting another person, or one thing in between-if freedom, difficulty, as well as a relationship between attempt as well as incentive exist, that's my idea you have a better chance from creating your job purposeful. Yet he never revealed this. I understand a few of you were actually given paintings by him as presents. Some folks find definition by lining up along with relevant triggers", commonly those with socially accountable or even service-oriented plans. Make use of usual common sense when utilizing a purposeful title including how properly the name collaborates with your surname and also whether the title are going to be convenient and also pronounceable in a daily sort of method at the same time. Recognizing and hooking up with the right individuals, along with who you can develop meaningful relationship, is just one of the principal reasons for constructing a productive, equally helpful system. A. Bob needs to know if the weight management for his group on the chocolate-only diet plan is actually agent of weight-loss in a huge population of middle-aged males. Giving a truly one-of-a-kind educator gift really isn't as hard as this appears if you quit thinking of presents as things," and as an alternative consider just what might be purposeful to the instructor's life. Some brand names have managed to damage without their business constraints that exist in sectors including financial solutions and also energy, as well as current trustworthy, meaningful marketing approaches. Couple of discovered that the situation through which words function depends on the personal meanings from these words. Songs is actually an important component in everyone's day to day lives as well as the fans of this particular denomination find tranquility as well as dedication through the gatherings of performers or even bands that conduct Christian tunes. In just a few quick years, musicians here were creating several of optimum works of art in the Muslim world, including several of the absolute most ornate and also attractive craft as well as calligraphy in the Koran. This is actually quick and easy and fast, and also the memory cards are personalized, therefore could upload one of your youngster's drawings over the gift memory card and compose a personalized note. I carried out certainly not essentially have to provide palm composed details every day, yet kind words regarding why I was actually grateful to know all of them can have been actually shared a lot more regularly. Thus, whatever factors in the direction of applying and sourcing EHR software application's that ideal provide one-of-a-kind necessities of unique practices while likewise being actually compliant along with the CMS directed on Licensed EHR Modern technology for accomplishing Meaningful Make use of criterion bench-mark. Graphics and also terms can aid you in bearing in mind things through carrying pictures in your head as opposed to merely words or amounts. This year, our holiday season presents could be phrases from accurate recognition which will definitely have genuine effect on our connections and make our holiday one to remember. What gay males wish in a partnership is actually to become completely comfortable along with their sexual partners that agree to justify techniques in public. Once you open the globe of relevant infant titles, you could have trouble shortening simply the right label for your child. A research from the online earnings- and also benefits-tracking company PayScale found that, of all line of works surveyed, physicians rated their jobs as the most relevant. Instead you see whole words like canine, or maybe whole key phrases like frankfurter", frozen yogurt", or even United States of The U.S.A.". To puts it simply, significant use of digital medical record maintaining is actually to gain both the patient and their health professional. With significant job you get therefore engageded in this then passes without your understanding it. The outcome from your work at this factor is actually lesser compared to doing the work. Medicare EHR Reward Program-Entitled experts, entitled healthcare facilities, as well as CAHs (Crucial Accessibility Medical facilities) have to reveal the meaningful use accredited Electronic Health File innovation in very year of their participation in the system. His objective is actually in order to help as lots of folks as achievable, achieve comparable or better end results as well as to show them exactly how they could know their full capacity, both individual as well as professionally and in order to help all of them live a meaningful lifestyle, where they are satisfied with all regions. A straightforward guideline is that the closer the link in between the contributor and also the outcomes, the extra meaningful the info. Medicaid EHR Reward Program- Entitled professionals as well as entitled health centers could qualify if they embrace, use, upgrade or even reveal the relevant use of accredited Electronic Wellness Record innovation in the 1st year of their involvement, and continue revealing that in the adhering to years from involvement too. Xmas was actually celebrated through delivering presents like cigarette lighter in weights, expensive ash holders, and also festive containers from one's preferred company. The aim listed here is actually to become significant and also desirable to make sure that employees will certainly make the effort to review them. The Havas meaningful Brand Index, which tracks the viewpoints of over 50,000 people on 300 brand names around 14 markets, exposes that the leading 10 companies in the Mark outshine their peers in the securities market as well as enjoy better development roads, both in regards to market capitalisation and label market value development. Though DC songs are actually likely to permit you to approach all of them at a pub without being severe or as well cool, individuals that often be most receptive at pubs are not always people you wish to have a relevant partnership with. Some skin specialists declare that Meaningful Beauty could certainly not reverse the effects of sun damage in spite of item cases. This will definitely make your poems a lot more purposeful as well as enable you to experience much better regarding your work.
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15 Factors That Influence celebration's Long life.
The Wonder Of party.
Caring for a senior, whether as an expert caretaker or as the spouse or adult child of an elderly that requires treatment, takes a lot of power any time of the year. For that reason, the video games as well as activities used at this party should depend on the variety of guests that are welcomed. Even more were stuck when driving coming into the city of Bethel, NY where it was being held. As an example, the event host could remove musical notes or saxophones from card supply paper as well as connect them with each other using string or ribbon. Despite where the celebration is being held, the place must be established well prior to the invites are mailed. In addition, frequently individuals conserve cash on these things by buying the products and other supplies beforehand at warehouse store while they are on sale or throughout off-season. Take into consideration that a lot of visitors will certainly drink 2 each hour for the very first couple of hrs and then one per hr after that if you are preparing on offering alcoholic drinks. Simply look for your party theme to discover pictures of hundreds of children birthday celebration events, cakes, designs, crafts, food and more. There is nothing brand-new concerning the possibilities of an attorney or event launching confidential information. Formal or enjoyable, trendy and also elegant, party decorating concepts could be classified numerous methods. She has actually come to be the web's leading authority on picking the best possible party materials with brilliant styles. Se intendono invitare un numero molto meno di ospiti, potete scegliere price il inviti Coastline Party te stesso. All the host needs to do is have a stock of craft materials handy and established them out at a table. We invited pals over with their kids, household with the cousins and also started holding our Ring It and Sing It Brand-new Year's Eve event. By event day, all you have to do is choose a good outfit, greet your guests and also mingle! You might wish to organize an event that is a step or two extra innovative than just obtaining great deals of people together with lots of noise and lots of food and wine. The campus has lots of trainee organizations to get involved in for whatever your rate of interests could be. There are additionally adequate opportunities to work on university whether it remain in the dining halls, as a resident assistant, serving as a tourist guide for UGA, or even as a bus vehicle driver. Plus, she creatively supplies info on celebration prefers, party planning free offers, activities as well as party products Use her ideas for a remarkable party. Simply water the grass both the morning prior to the party and lightly the early morning of the event. Frequently Anniversary celebration visitors will take pleasure in playing a selection of games or printable activities that are interactive. Therefore, games such as Memory Tray, Charades and different kinds of trivia games are preferred.
This Is Why This Year Will certainly Be The Year Of celebration.
Little additions to your attractive video game party city coupons 2017 printable (sites) If you are at house, candle lights, red table cloths and songs are all ways to set the tone. You can be tossing a birthday event or possibly a party to celebrate a brand-new work or promo. Mumbai - Individuals who recognize with the city's event society merely take into consideration mosting likely to this city for new year events. If you do not feel like taking every person to andquot; sin cityandquot; you can still utilize the Las Las vega motif any place you intend to, as well as transform your celebration right into a large adventure for your guests without making them relocate from the city you remain in. Adding gambling enterprise video games and also designs will make your day additional and also extremely surprising fun for you as well as every person you welcome. Rental fee a club or a celebration area that has plenty of open area, or if you have a large garden, that is ideal too. Right from the invites to the event prefers, these on the internet shops will certainly serve to fulfill all your requirements and also requirements. The party was started in 1971 by firebrand preacher Ian Paisley, and equally as Sinn Fein has very strong links to republican paramilitary teams, the DUP has solid, historical connect to loyalist paramilitary groups. The idea that fits most completely into your Dora the Traveler celebration would probably be a treasure hunt of sorts. I like card celebrations as well as going-to-the-show type celebrations and outdoor events; I have the tendency to release of business mixer kind things. Party ... Gail Leino provides details on enjoyable at the holidays with a Halloween party celebration She has totally free Halloween parlor game, activities, pumpkin patterns, hand-made costume ideas, cost-free celebration invitations, favors, designs and also party materials. So, while a conventional Christmas party is insufficient without a proper Christmas pudding or eggnog, it would additionally seem bare without the appropriate designs. Although a dream lingerie party could be thrown practically anywhere, if you have the funds consider renting out a hotel collection.
7 Tips To Stay clear of Failure In party.
Everybody automatically thinks about wedding celebration prefers however I frequently assume that anniversary party supports are a lot more important because they stand for the love, time, initiative as well as more of a pair that has remained together with thick as well as slim. These activities and games in addition to event materials and decors will all contribute to the Under the Sea celebration parlor game that are discovered online can likewise be printed beforehand and also utilized in a selection of methods for the party.
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