#extension drill rod
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techoenterprise · 1 year ago
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Buy Drill Rods From India's Best Manufacturer | Techo Enterprise
If you are looking to buy drill rods, Techo Enterprise is the best choice. ✔️ Call 98304 25937 ✔️ Live Chat With Us ✔️ Call Us Today .
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twinliches · 10 months ago
my family is fucking addicted to macgyvering and it's becoming a problem. every time something in this house breaks, instead of doing the sensible thing of replacing it or calling someone qualified to fix it, we all group around the offending object with a manic look in our eyes and everyone gets a try at fixing it while being cheered on or ridiculed by the rest.
it's a beautiful bonding activity, but the "creative" fixes have turned our house into a quasihaunted escape room like contraption where everything works, but only in the wonkiest of ways. you need a huge block of iron to turn on the stove. the oven only works if a specific clock is plugged in. the bread machine has a huge wood block just stapled to it that has become foundational to its function. sometimes when you use the toaster the doorbell rings. and that's just the kitchen.
it's all fun and games until you have guests over and you have to lay out the rules of the house like it's a fucking board game. welcome to the beautiful guest room. don't pull out the couch yourself you need a screwdriver for that, and that metal rod makes the lamp work so don't move it. it also made me a terrifying roommate in college, because it makes me think i can fix anything with enough hubris and a drill. you want to call the landlord about a leaky faucet? as if. one time my dad made me install a new power socket because we ran our of extension cords
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agdrilluser · 28 days ago
Whether you’re creating foundations for skyscrapers or extracting minerals, the right tools can make all the difference in efficiency, precision, and cost-effectiveness. Two key components that contribute significantly to the success of rock drilling operations are thread button bits for rock drilling and extension drill rods. These tools work together to deliver exceptional performance, making them a must-have for demanding projects.
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pixel-is-blooming · 1 month ago
Frienduary - If Only
"Your name is Khameleon."
A little girl, ghostly pale, looks up at the woman before her. Her new caretaker. The only face she has been introduced to since she was plucked from the nest.
Li Mei—her voice sharp with authority, yet not unkind—extends a short, slender rod toward her. It is unfamiliar, an extension of something she does not yet understand.
"By the will of Delia, your life is to serve your empire," Li Mei intones. "To protect our Emperor and Empress, and their family--with your life."
"My life?"
Khameleon, as she's now to be known, glances down at the rod. It feels heavy in her hands, despite its unassuming form.
Li Mei does not move, her patience as firm as steel. "You will be trained--extensively, comprehensively. You will grow into your Saurian heritage and skills. And this weapon," she gestures, "will allow you to be more than just yourself."
More than herself.
And so, Khameleon trains.
She learns alongside Princess Mileena. The rod Li Mei had presented her with is enchanted, transforming to mimic the weapon of whomever she chooses. And so, Khameleon and Mileena's sessions are filled with the clash of steel and the flash of twin sais. When they finish, she watches as Mileena and Tanya bump shoulders, but she does not comment. She merely observes.
Kitana has more charismatic flair than her older sister, and favours bladed fans. Khameleon studies her, mirroring the princess’s poise, her calculated grace. She absorbs the way Kitana moves, the way she commands attention without force--only presence.
She does not learn anything of Sindel’s techniques. The Empress, regal and distant, regards her with dark, unreadable eyes. When Sindel grants her a place among the Umgadi, it is without warmth, without acknowledgment beyond duty.
"Do not take it personally," Li Mei tells her. "Sindel does not grow close to her guards. Neither should you grow personal with her family."
And yet, Khameleon is trained to be more than a guard.
Khameleon becomes a decoy. A shadow cast in the shape of the royal daughters. She is trained to take on their posture, their mannerisms, their very presence. A reflection, prepared for the worst-case scenario. She would play their part in a battle if ever there was a need.
But the palace is secure. The need for a decoy never truly arises, and only ever occurs during drills.
Then the Emperor is murdered.
Li Mei is cast out of the Umgadi.
Khameleon does not react. Does not waver. She witnesses Mileena and Kitana break down, watches Sindel steel herself and become a single ruler of her people. Khameleon cannot provide support--and cannot even comment of it. She only steps forward--silent, watchful, ever-adaptable--and takes her place as Tanya’s second with pride.
Because she is more than herself.
She is Khameleon.
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penguinotaku · 2 years ago
Vampire Cars 2 Au
TW for canon-typical violence, gruesome deaths, vampires eating and car sexy times
Basically Cars 2 rated R with vampirs
Through one way or another, the majority of the European WGP racers became vampires (Raoul, Max, Lewis, Francesco and for some reason Long Ge is there). They formed their little vampire support group in secret after the Tokyo party after they discovered they were vampires. Raoul fills them in on the lore behind vampire cars.
Donor cars to each of them were either loving relationships made before the WGP (Raoul and Shu, Lewis and Jeff), or during the race out of convenience that might become love (Max and Nigel, Long Ge and Vitaly, and with much reluctance Francesco and Lightning)
The remaining WGP racers that are not vampires or donors (Rip, Carla, Miguel,Frosty, Flash, and Memo) are brought into the loop and agree to keep the conditions a secret from Miles. Rip is terrified at first (New Rearendia is full of stories of fuelthirsty vampire cars) but does come around to help.
Raoul died to come back as a quite feral vampire (nurses quite a grudge against the lemons that killed him before the WGP)
Max just woke up as a vampire and on fire as he forgot to close his curtains from crashing after three straight days of engineering
Lewis and Francesco however were more subtle in their transformations.
Teeth started getting sharper,internal temperature started dropping to single degrees Celsius, sunlight causes rapid rusting and eye sensitivity increases along with other senses. Racing fuel isn't cutting to fill them up and they are starting to eye a little more hungrier at some of the American racers.
All of the vampire cars can smell that something is off about the Allinol but can't quite exactly name why. Also tastes odd when they feed from donors who used Allinol
Meanwhile C.H.R.O.M.E are still investigating the lemons and Allinol along with La Béte du Alsace tha wiped out an entire lemon family
La Béte is none other than Raoul, still in his berserker hunger state before Shu found him and calmed him down. Okay maybe the Hugo familicide was after Raoul calmed down.
Lightning and Mater get dragged into the vampire cars support group one day and both of them think that this one extensive kinky roleplay that Europeans cars are into
Leland gets uncubed ala Christine and goes on a rampage on the lemon's oil drill as a new vampire car. His beacon is reactivated and Finn is starting to have hope for his love
Rod Redline is spared from his death when Grem and Acer are brutally devoured by a peckish Raoul. They had interrupted his quickie with Shu in the bathroom after Mile's speech and were spared from his piss kink and Mater's subsequent humiliation.
He is further confused when La Béte du Alsace kisses him with his vampire fuel, helping him significantly recover and escape the lemons pursuing him.
Holley stumbles upon the scene out of Hostel, only with vampire Raoul tearing out Grem's engine and feasting on it. Luckily she maintains her composure as she confirms she's with Finn to the American spy.
Meanwhile during the bathroom fight, Mater's toilet troubles are loud as hell which is convenient hiding vampire car eating lemons noises .
The exchange happens without a hitch and Holley returns back to Finn shaken but still determined. Then when Mater is accosted by the lemons, she's the one who fends them off. She now knows that Mater isn't the American spy, but still needs his expertise in the machinery.
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talesofthedm · 1 year ago
House of Healing
Play through #2, I'm 100% taking notes for fanfic writing purposes (the NOTES are 10k words. I love this game), and I just got to the House of Healing in Act 2 again. Love that area, demented as hell. Anyway, here's that section with some minor artistic liberties (I have to make my Tav a MC somehow, plus we need more soft Astarion).
Tav is Freya (she/her), Gloomstalker Ranger/Assassin Rogue who's traumatized as hell. There isnt any physical description for her in this section.
Goes without saying major spoiler warning for Act 2.
The leathers of his gloves were soft and warm—thrumming gently with magic—as it cupped either side of her face. “Darling, look at me. Can you look at me?” He pressed his forehead to hers, making sure she had no place to look but his eyes. “Love.” Something about that name startled her, broke her out of whatever trance she was bound to just long enough to focus. He dragged his thumbs across her cheeks, smoothing away tears. “We’re going to get you out of here, alright? We’re going to get you out of here. We’re going to get you someplace safe and we’re going to get you cleaned up, alright? Can you say something, do something, anything so I know you can understand me?”
TW: Violence, body horror, PTSD, mentions of self-harm, death
“The objective of the scalpel, sisters, is to soothe. For the scalpel, indeed, is an extension of Shar.” The dull light glinted off his mirror and lenses, the purple sheen of them not dissimilar to the mirrors they found in the Sharran temple. A means of reflecting Shar’s radiance—of allowing her to watch such a blessed performance in her name. He was the priest. He was the clergy. He was the prayer and the offering itself. Malus was the altar, the operating room the church.
“See how the patient reacts when I but stroke the right nerve. Hear its comfort. Hear the very melody of mercy.” He raised a clawed hand—a contraption of bloodstained bronze or rusted metal. Repurposed forceps that had been turned and ruined and bastardized from a tool of healing to a cause for pain. Even to him—his hands sawed clean off below the wrist and metal rods forcibly drilled through the bone and into both his radius and ulna. Without medication, if the surgeon’s logs Freya had found previously were anything to go by. “Pray, sister, show us the extent of your beneficence.”
The man—it, as the surgeon had called them—gritted their teeth but could do nothing to stop the pain. Wrists bound in metal and legs held firm in stirrups. Bound and useless and forced to endure such pain as a dull blade ripping across blood spattered skin from hip to naval without so much as a splash of ale.
“Stop. Stay your hand,” Malus corrected with all the gentle, loving kindness of a grandfather. “For it slaps where it should stroke. We can hardly hear the patient’s sighs of solace.”
Freya should have punctured her ears when she had the chance.
A joke—a horrible horrible joke by a handful of bastards who had seen her fall apart once upon a time that now left her laughing and sobbing all at once. The bastards had seen her freeze. They had seen her crumple to the ground. Useless. She was then as she was now.
What they hadn’t seen was Thomas cart her off, all the patience in the world as she shuffled away with frozen limbs on uneven cobblestones. They hadn’t seen the way he nestled her into a corner where she would be safe and protected at his back while he took the time to rip through whatever made that noise that sent her spiraling in the first place… she couldn’t even remember. The bastards had only seen the she was helpless, stuck back in a distant moment as her partner did the job they were both to do.
And she was back there again, stuck in the furthest recesses of her mind. Frozen and cold and crying. The smell of burning oil. The sickening, glowing heat of the oven at her back. The screams—gods the screams. Incoherent and mindless and and—deafening— and— trapped.
Within her own body.
She was trapped within her own body in the worst way. Not there, not present, but stuck watching and suffering as her mind split in two and forced itself to watch two separate scenes unfold. One of past, one of present.
And Thomas wasn’t even there to console her.
“Perhaps it is our unexpected audience that makes you quiver.”
The pieces of her that remained in the present, stuck watching the scene unfold, could feel the others at her back. Waiting. She was a leader and one that should charge forward and command the room and stop this madness—either by blade or equally sharp tongue.
“Come. Step forward. You are no sister, but that matters none. Every student is welcome.”
She could hear Astarion’s voice, a long off echo drowned out by the ringing of her ears. There was anger. Disgust. A familiar voice that parts of her fleeting sanity hung on to for comfort despite every primal part of her whispering of the danger. She could feel the way the darkness shifted—the way her partner’s body shifted. Shoulders hunched as if to lunge forward with claws and teeth like some sort of wild, desperate animal. “He’s just as mad as Cazador,” he whispered.
The warm leather of his glove wrapped around her arm, forcing his way forward. She was staring at his back, blocking the image from view. His broad shoulders tensed—but not the way she would associate with a desperate animal. The side of his boot slid into hers, forcing her to take a step backwards and away from the scene. Protective.
“In my experience,” he spoke in careful, even tones. “Torture is usually more pain and less proselytizing.”
“Behold, sisters, the very face of ignorance—one who mistakes tenderness for torture.”
She could hear him swallow—his pride or his fear, she did not know.
“Go on. Acquaint the face of ignorance with the true object of our studies.”
The sisters stepped forward, one foot stomping along the broken tiles of the operating room as if it was more dead than the rest. “Absence,” she drawled, as if deep within a trance. Broken and lost—something Freya understood too well in the moment.
“Absence,” Malus praised. “No other word captures the heart of Shar so very perfectly.” He bent down, low over the operating table and out of Freya’s view. “It is the scalpel-led journey that leads from pain—” A single bronze finger crested over the top of Astarion’s head, the dull light of the operating lamp providing an exaggerated, eye-catching gleam. The tip of it drove down, sharp as any scalpel. “—to peace.” Again, the curved tip of what could only be called a finger raised up only to be brought down.
It wasn’t Astarion’s fault—he didn’t know. It wasn’t the sight, or the blood, or the horror, or anything that was within his control to stop. It was the sound. The sound of screams. Of blade delicately slicing through skin. Of talon-like claws teaching in and popping out the eyes of a hapless victim. If he had known, perhaps he would have commanded Shadowheart to curse her with deafness. Or punctured her eardrums himself.
“See?” Malus called. “What is the light of eyes but the cancer that causes one to witness the laceration of being.
“If light is the symptom, then darkness is the cure. For in light there is presence, but in darkness there is absence.”
“In light is presence; in darkness, absence,” the sisters echoed.
“But you: look how the succor of Shar eludes you. See how painfully present you remain… We do not wish to see you suffer so. Let us cure you. As the very presence of Shar has cured your friend.”
Astarion was slow, careful. Another press of his boot, another hobbled step back. Freya felt her back warm as she was pressed into Karlach. What would have otherwise been a comfort from the gentle giant only made it worse.
She was warm. Burning. Stuck listening and melting behind the stove while echoing screams filled the room and cooking oil filled her nose. Stuck behind a burning over in the dusty corner of a kitchen trying to hide.
There was a long silence, the rogue weighing his options. How many could he take? How many could he slaughter before they even blinked? How long until they went after Freya and deemed her in need of a cure that only they could administer? To be down one was one thing… but for her to be helpless was another. “The sisters aren’t ready.” A hint of desperation. A hint of fear. He couldn’t hide behind flippant remarks or alluring charm—that wouldn’t work here. “They’ll make me sick instead of curing me.”
 “Their incisions are, as yet, still streaked with imprecision—that much I must concede.” Malus’ words were laced with sorrow—disappointment. Not in the sisters, but himself. His own teachings had yet to fail, but had not yet succeeded. “How to steady their hands, I wonder…”
“They need a better subject to practice on first.” There was a calmness to him, Astarion. One she hadn’t heard, not in this way. A sickening, stomach curling, fantasy that had yet to come to life but he would take it where he could get it. “Not a student, but a master.”
“Yes… Yes. I see now. By example I must edify and quell the light that blinds us.” There was no malice in his actions, only name. Not even as his claws reached once more over his head and tore down into the man’s chest. A single incision, a single strike that pierced the heart and left it spurting in a final attempt to save its own body’s life.
Freya saw the body roll from the operating table, dull and lifeless and still in the most unnatural of ways.
“Come, sisters,” he commanded. “Soothe me.”
Her only saving grace was that there were no screams. A cure where there was no ailment, only the driving grunts and tearing of skin with dull blades that she could pretend was not there. Only a fountain of blood, spraying and spurting and decorating her hair in a delicate veil.
And then it was quiet.
She wasn’t sure exactly when she had crumpled to the floor, or when Astarion had taken a knee at her side, or when Karlach had lovingly rested her hand against her shoulder.
“Freya,” he whispered. “Freya, darling. It’s over now.” She was stuck staring into empty space—his shoulder, she thinks. Not that she could tell, the world was shifting sideways and upside down and right side up and mocking her with its summersaults and backflips—it could move, but she could not.
The leathers of his gloves were soft and warm—thrumming gently with magic—as it cupped either side of her face. “Darling, look at me. Can you look at me?” He pressed his forehead to hers, making sure she had no place to look but his eyes. “Love.” Something about that name startled her, broke her out of whatever trance she was bound to just long enough to focus. He dragged his thumbs across her cheeks, smoothing away tears. “We’re going to get you out of here, alright? We’re going to get you out of here. We’re going to get you someplace safe and we’re going to get you cleaned up, alright? Can you say something, do something, anything so I know you can understand me?”
It was an eternity in and of itself, fighting herself. In the end, all she could manage was a few stray tears and rapid blinking of her eyes and a hard swallow.
He pressed his lips to her forehead in something that couldn’t quite be called a kiss, more of an acknowledgement. “Alright, I’ll accept that.”
Astarion stood, slowly and carefully as if any sudden movement would startle her and send her reeling back into whatever distant thoughts had her trapped there. He looked down, offering both his outstretched hands. “We’re going to stand and we’re going to walk out of here, alright? All of us.”
Freya’s arms felt limp and swollen and useless, as if they were replaced in some hack surgery by a pair of sausages. Still, she managed to raise them, to put her hands in his. She managed to stand, albeit with all the grace of a drunken fawn. She managed to take a few, shaky steps on her own, too, even if she was leaning all her weight on her new hunting partner.
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lepreuxchevalier · 7 months ago
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Magnus Williamson, Dauphin de Viennois et Le Héritier Presomptif du Royaume d'Aquitaine and his shieldbearer, a Greuthungi savage from beyond the charted frontiers of The Known World whom he personally named Joe Allen Hayes were sitting by the fireplace of his personal apartment at Oberlin Castle, strategically situated at the base of a mountain junction within the northernmost frontiers of Margrabia Mazowsza, sipping hot cups of Xicolatl infused with massive amounts sugar imported all the way from the distant continent of Chupayotl across the great oceans separating The New World from The Civilized World, while wearing a tunic and pantaloons crafted from the most luxurious and sumptuous Khashabarii silks imported by Erizen and Ashuryan silk merchants all the way from The Caliphate of Khashabar, richly dyed with the heraldic liveries of The Aquitainian Monarchy, embroidered with gilded thread, and encrusted with shining emeralds imported from the gem mines of Das Königreich Schönbrunn. This eight foot tall tower of muscle and wrought iron was a dour, stoic, cold man of few words who never seemed to laugh, flinch, or even smile throughout the entire decade that he had served as a household retainer within the personal coterie of Le Dauphin de Viennois. Dauphin Magnus was curious to learn more about Hogriket Jotunheim from beyond the charted frontiers of civilization that allegedly birthed this seemingly voiceless, expressionless, and stone cold pillar of manly might and chainmail. Magnus was curious to learn specifically about the so-called Björn Stormson, the dreaded and infamous High King of The Twelve Tribes of The Greuthungi who inhabited this godsforsaken, barbarian, heathen kingdom that was only mentioned in the hushed murmurs of Mazowiecki traders and navigators operating within the continent of distant Maharaj. That exact same High King of Jotunheim who had recently sacked, plundered, and pillaged the whole expanse of Rus'skaya Tsarstvo under Rod Vojvodin Bol'shogo on their trajectory towards the northwestern periphery of The Empire of Mankind Secundus. Impatient in tolerating the prolonged silence and the monotony within the confines of his aesthetically Spartan quarters any further, Le Dauphin of Viennois and Le Héritier Presomptif du Royaume d'Aquitaine broke the seemingly uncounted hours of this unbearable silence and boredom between him and his most trusted retainer as the fireplace chimney billowed ash and smoke into the winter sky of Polnocnej Marchia.
"Of all the warlords and princely generals of repute that dominate the battlefields and court intrigues of this blessed world, I am equally curious and trepidatious to seek any who I honestly cannot outmatch in single combat. Maybe not Edward Fitzroy, Titular Duke of Huntington. From what my father's official emissaries and personal heralds tell me, that young man has been drilled and educated extensively by The Emerald Legion's world renowned quartermasters and drill sergeants at my family's summer residence at Chateau Lafleur, the boy has already demonstrated the battlefield temperament of a Norscan Baresark in Angels' Garb. A fine mix of skill and fury so very much emblematic of a holy and righteous angel of death and retribution, or the fist of an angry, vengeful god king eschewing his divine judgement upon the sinful and the faithless of the whole world. Nor perhaps Trothus VI, Blood King of Norsca. From the equally chilling and unsettling reports I gather from travelling heralds proliferating news of his alleged Slaughter of Dimashq, his equally unspeakable and unimaginable atrocities and war crimes transacted towards it's most unforntunate resident citizenry is the residue of my very worst nightmares. A truly monolithic and umbral avatar of madness and insanity incarnate, and hell let loose."
"The aristocratic, noble, feudal princeps and magnates collectively and officially represented within my father's royal court at Le Palais de Fontainebleau and Chateau LaFleur are fundamentally far too vain and arrogant. Vasily Vojvodin, Tsar of Rus'skaya and Grand Prince of Bolshoi is unapologetically and explicitly far too bloodthirsty and mentally unstable. Conrad Von Buchenauer, Herzog von Solingen is simply too austere and conservative. Boleslaw III "Chobry," Margrave of Mazowsze is paradoxically far too frigid, arid, and cerebral to truly enjoy the thrill of the joust and the duel, despite having rightfully earned his sobriquet "The Brave" in the battlefields of Northern Mazowsze. Friedrich I, König von Middenland and Albrecht Von Biermann, Markgraf von Brannenborg have irredeemably grown too adamantly stubborn, intolerant, and inflexible from consistently defecating more-or-less the exact same nonsensical and obscene blasphemies, heresies, and infidelities of their damnable creed originally drafted and published by that perfidious heretic Karl Von Luxembourg, Ph.D at Die Universität Wörtzburch in Das Herzogtum Solingen. Adriano Martini, Il Console-Eletto de La Repubblicca Serenissima di Toscana and Il Presidente Offiziale Della Lega Olympica is a Machiavian snake who cowers in the shadows like a sewer rat, spinning his intricate and labyrinthine web of intrigues and schemes within The Holy Sept at Romulus, Cosmopoleis simply by leveraging his "elected" suzerainty over the baronial and knightly houses who form the cream, core, and bulk of the ruling class of aristocracy and nobility in La Serenissima, rather than daringly and courageously bringing the full might of his honest steel and his force of powder against his enemies in righteous, glorious battle. And everyone knows about my personal and direct confrontation with The Crown Prince to The Reigning Khashabarii Caliph traditionally seated at that bloated expanse of a megalopolis known as Beshabilit, when he idiotically threw himself, head first, at the vanguard of a seemingly and equally numberless and uncountable mass of unwashed, untrained, unskilled, undisciplined, and ill-equipped Erizen and Ashuryan tribesmen upon the mighty bastions of Oberlin Castle, without using any siege guns or even simple windlass artillery pieces to help him breach the outer curtain. However, for reasons that continue to confound and disease me, in equal measure. Even after months of thoroughly obsessing and agonizing over the same predicament. Björn Stormson as The Hogkunung of The Greuthungi has finally arrived upon the northwestern periphery of The Empire of Mankind Secundus at the forefront of an equally mighty and terrible horde of godsless, barbaric, unwashed, heathen savages from beyond the charted frontiers of civilization. Leaving nothing but blood, desolation, and misery since their initial sighting beyond the northernmost frontier of the Rus'skayan hinterlands. Should Polnocnej Marchia and Oberlin Castle be en-route of their path of conquest and devastation, could I singlehandedly spare the lives of all the men under my personal command and my direct supervision, as well as those of the local population under my protection by coming to a direct resolution with him in single combat?"
Cold Sweat condensed over Le Dauphin de Viennois' right brow as he witnessed in horror and disease at the barely contained dread, anguish, and torment quietly expressed within Joe Allen Hayes' tortured and tormented eyes. This grizzled and bloodied veteran of over two dozen pitched battles, sieges and countless minor skirmishes whom he had never known to fear or dread any foe on the field of battle, regardless of their individual strength or their collective numbers. Over two minutes after staring blankly in horror into the empty void of the blazing fireplace in Dauphin Magnus' Quarters, The Former Greuthungi Baresark finally broke his agonized and dreadful silence in an equally blood curdling and cryptic fashion.
"I fear no man who treads upon the face of the blasted earth, my lord. But I am unsure if daemon is strong enough a noun to describe the full power, horror, and terror of that twisted thing who calls himself The High King of Jotunheim. Regardless of whether you directly confront his presence on the battlefield or as a guest at his mead hall feasting and drinking in the presence of the council of his Jarls and Huscarls, he is not a human being at all, but the living, breathing incarnation of slaughter and Tartaros. Only the mythical and blessed demigods described within the holy scriptures of The Canons of The Old Gods and The New Gods, or the archangels of Hyperion as the highest echelon of divine emissaries to The King of The Heavens and The God-King of The Canon Pantheon of The New Gods can hope to best The High King of Jotunhem in single combat."
"You're lucky I don't truly fear the wrath of the gods. For if I truly did, I would have had you burned at the stake for this heresy and blasphemy of the highest order." Begrudgingly uttered Le Dauphin de Viennois, uncertain of the ultimate fate or the eventual destiny of the peoples of The Civilized World.
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xiamen-solid · 5 days ago
Acrylic-Based Substances and Related Production Technologies
PMMA, commonly referred to as acrylic or organic glass, is a significant early innovation in synthetic polymer materials. This versatile substance exhibits remarkable optical clarity, robust chemical resistance, and exceptional durability against environmental factors. Its characteristics of easy coloration, superior machinability, and aesthetic appeal have led to its extensive adoption in architectural applications. In commercial display applications, Acrylic displays are typically categorized into three primary types: cast panels, extruded sheets, and injection-molded plastic components.
Common sheet types include transparent sheets, dyed transparent sheets, opal white sheets, and colored sheets.
Acrylic sheets can be categorized into cast and extruded sheets by production method. Based on transparency, they are divided into transparent sheets, translucent sheets (including dyed transparent sheets), and colored sheets (including black, white, and colored sheets). Performance-wise, they are classified into impact-resistant sheets, UV-resistant sheets, regular sheets, and special sheets such as high-impact sheets, flame-retardant sheets, frosted sheets, metallic effect sheets, and light guide sheets.
Acrylic is available in sheets, rods, tubes, and various finishes such as glossy, semi-glossy, matte, and frosted, with standard thicknesses of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30 mm, etc.
Acrylic products include sheets, rods, and tubes (typically round), with surface finishes such as glossy, matte, and frosted, and thicknesses ranging from 1mm to 30mm.
Similar plastics related to acrylic include: Foam PVC (Sintra), PVC, PS, HIPS, PC, PETG
Types of Acrylic
Colorless Transparent Acrylic: Common in everyday life, colorless and transparent acrylic has outstanding light transmission, higher than that of ordinary glass. It is durable and not easily broken, performing better than glass in certain aspects.
Colored Acrylic: This type of acrylic is colored and transparent, with a softer light transmission compared to colorless transparent acrylic. Available in various colors, it is ideal for decorative purposes. Based on light transmission, it can be divided into transparent-colored, translucent-colored, and opaque colored types.
Pearlescent Acrylic: Made by adding pearlescent or fluorescent powder to regular acrylic, it features vivid colors and high gloss. Even after heat-press polishing, it retains embossed patterns, offering unique artistic effects. It can be used for making letters, animal shapes, trademarks, and decorative items.
Characteristics of Acrylic
Its light transmittance is comparable to glass, but it is only half the density.
It is less fragile than glass. Even when damaged, it does not form sharp shards, reducing the risk of injury.
Its wear resistance is close to that of aluminum, and it resists corrosion from various chemicals.
Applications of Acrylic
Acrylic display stands are widely recognized and used in many retail industries for their excellent display performance. Applications include cosmetic display stands, jewelry display stands, digital product display stands, mobile phone display stands, high-end wine display stands, and high-end watch display stands.
Surface Treatments
Transparent Clear/Transparent
Processing Techniques
Polishing (diamond polishing, fire polishing)
Silk-screen printing
UV printing
Injection molding
Acrylic Manufacturing Process
Material Cutting: Use a saw machine to cut acrylic to the required size to avoid material waste.
Engraving: After cutting, engrave various complex patterns, text, or logos as required by the shape of the acrylic product.
Drilling: Acrylic can be drilled directly using a desktop drill press, following the processing drawings.
Edge Finishing: After cutting or engraving, the edges of acrylic sheets are often rough and need further smoothing using a vertical single-shaft woodworking milling machine.
Polishing: After cutting, engraving, and drilling, the edges are still rough and need polishing to prevent injury. Different polishing methods are used depending on the product.
Paper Removal: Acrylic sheets come with a protective paper layer that must be removed before bending and silk-screen printing.
Heat Bending: Acrylic can be shaped into different forms through heat bending, which can be either overall or partial.
Silk-Screen Printing: Use UV printing machines to display brand logos or promotional texts as required.
Bonding: The bonding process is done manually and requires strict control to ensure the product is free of misalignment, bubbles, and weak bonds. Common bonding techniques include butt joints, vertical bonding, 45° angle bonding, and surface bonding.
Assembly: Combine the parts to complete a finished product.
Packaging: After final quality inspection, the product is packaged for shipment.
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aesterionsteelsllp · 5 days ago
ASTM A350 LF2 Flanges Physical Properties
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ASTM A350 Lf2 Flanges Are Suitable for Use Down to –20 (Lf1,) –50 (Lf2) and –150 (Lf3.) the numeric values are in deg. Fahrenheit, Carbon Steel A350 Lf2 Flanges Contains Up to About 1% Carbon and 1.65% Manganese and Other Elements Are Present in Quantities Too Small to Affect Its Properties.Sa350 Lf2 Flanges Forging Temperature is 900 – 1200 °c.
Flange Wn A350 Lf2 Has Moderate Strength and Impact Toughness and is Used Extensively for the Manufacture of Flanges and Fittings, and Applications Which Require Cold Temperature Service Where Corrosion Resistance is Not Essential. Blind Flange Lf2 is Readily Weldable by Any Technique. It is a Flange That Does Not Have a Hub or a Bored Centre. It Has the Face Thickness of a Flange, Similar Bolting Pattern and a Matching Face Type.
A350 Lf2 Welding Neck Flange Has Very Good Machinability, Dependent on Condition, and Operations Such as Turning, Sawing, Milling, Broaching, Etc. Can Be Expert Satisfactorily by Using Standard Machine Tool Manufacturers With Recommended Feeds and Speeds. It Consists of a Circular Fitting With an Extending Rim Around the Circumference. It is a Machined From Forging, It is Typically Butt Welded to a Pipe. The Rim Has a Series of Drilled Holes That Allow the Flange to Be Affixed to Another Flange With Bolts.
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Aesteiron Steels LLP is an Indian based company active in the distribution and manufacturing of steel products worldwide. You can contact us for ready stock and sizes, for urgent deliveries please mail to [email protected]. We stock wide range of steel pipes, tubes, sheets, plates, round bars, billets, rods, flat products, pipe fittings -buttweld / forged, fasteners in all materials and shapes for industrial purpose. We supply all piping product globally along with mill and test certificates. We supply all piping material in stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, aluminium, copper and copper nickel and special steel grades, visit our Alloys section for detailed information. We also deal in hard to find materials.
for more information about specification, physical properties, and equivalent grades visit - ASTM A350 LF2 Flanges
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ananka-fasteners · 10 days ago
Grade B8M Fasteners: Properties, Applications & Manufacturer Details
Grade B8M fasteners are widely used in industries requiring high corrosion resistance and superior mechanical properties. These fasteners are manufactured from AISI 316 stainless steel, offering enhanced strength, durability, and resistance to extreme environments, including marine and chemical industries.
This blog will cover everything you need to know about Grade B8M fasteners, including their characteristics, applications, manufacturing process, and more.
What are Grade B8M Fasteners?
Grade B8M fasteners belong to the ASTM A193/A194 specification and are made from Type 316 stainless steel. These fasteners undergo carbide solution treatment and strain hardening, making them ideal for use in high-temperature and highly corrosive environments.
Chemical Composition of Grade B8M Fasteners
The chemical composition of Grade B8M fasteners includes:
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The addition of Molybdenum (Mo) enhances corrosion resistance, especially in chloride-rich environments.
Mechanical Properties of Grade B8M Fasteners
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These properties make B8M fasteners ideal for high-stress applications.
Types of Grade B8M Fasteners
Grade B8M fasteners are available in various types, including:
B8M Hex Bolts
B8M Stud Bolts
B8M Nuts
B8M Washers
B8M Threaded Rods
B8M Screws
Each type serves specific industrial applications, ensuring a secure and corrosion-resistant fastening solution.
Applications of Grade B8M Fasteners
Grade B8M fasteners are widely used in:
1. Marine Industry
Due to their excellent resistance to saltwater corrosion, B8M fasteners are extensively used in shipbuilding, offshore drilling, and marine structures.
2. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
These fasteners are ideal for applications in chemical plants, where exposure to acidic and alkaline environments is common.
3. Food Processing Industry
B8M fasteners are used in food processing equipment due to their hygienic properties and resistance to organic acids.
4. Pharmaceutical Industry
Used in cleanroom environments and pharmaceutical equipment where contamination must be avoided.
5. Power Plants
B8M fasteners are used in turbines, boilers, and nuclear power plants due to their high heat and corrosion resistance.
6. Construction and Infrastructure
They are widely used in bridges, tunnels, and buildings that require durable and long-lasting fastening solutions.
Manufacturing Process of Grade B8M Fasteners
The manufacturing of Grade B8M fasteners involves several steps:
Raw Material Selection: High-quality Type 316 stainless steel is used.
Forging: The metal is shaped into the desired fastener form.
Heat Treatment: Solution annealing is done to enhance mechanical properties.
Machining & Threading: Threads are cut using precise machinery.
Surface Treatment: The fasteners may be polished, coated, or treated for added durability.
Quality Control & Testing: Conducted to ensure compliance with ASTM A193/A194 standards.
Advantages of Grade B8M Fasteners
High corrosion resistance – Suitable for extreme environments.
Superior strength and durability – Ideal for heavy-duty applications.
Excellent temperature resistance – Performs well under high temperatures.
Resistance to chloride stress cracking – Perfect for marine and chemical industries.
Versatile applications – Used in various industries, from marine to construction.
Grade B8M fasteners are essential components in industries requiring high-strength and corrosion-resistant fastening solutions. Their AISI 316 stainless steel composition, coupled with superior mechanical properties, makes them a preferred choice in marine, chemical, food processing, and other demanding environments.
For high-quality Grade B8M Fasteners, it is crucial to source them from a trusted manufacturer and supplier. Ananka Group specializes in providing premium-grade fasteners that meet international standards and specifications.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What is the difference between B8 and B8M fasteners?
B8 fasteners are made from Type 304 stainless steel, whereas B8M fasteners are made from Type 316 stainless steel, offering better corrosion resistance.
2. Are B8M fasteners suitable for marine environments?
Yes, B8M fasteners are highly resistant to seawater corrosion and are widely used in marine applications.
3. What coatings are available for B8M fasteners?
They can be passivated, PTFE-coated, or zinc-plated for additional corrosion protection.
4. What industries commonly use B8M fasteners?
Marine, chemical, food processing, pharmaceuticals, power plants, and construction industries.
5. Where can I buy high-quality Grade B8M fasteners?
You can source them from Ananka Group, a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-grade fasteners worldwide.
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auroras-void · 2 years ago
I organize my hotbar differently depending on what I'm doing, it varies wildly and I'm not super consistent about it but there's usually a reason why I lay things out.
Generally though my most important heuristic is I tend to try to maximize flexible slots and inventory space for building materials and shulker boxes/crates over having lots of regular tools available to me. I keep those in a toolbox of some kind be it an ender chest box or a backpack or a literal toolbox.
For starters even in vanilla I play with tweakeroo so I try to only have one hotbar slot dedicated to tools. Even with that though I generally try to put away extra tools into a shulker box or a backpack.
Weapons come off my hotbar if I'm building something. Food typically goes in offhand. In modded I don't carry torches either because I usually have some sort of alternative way to spawnproof an area that doesn't rely on lighting. Like claimed chunks, megatorch, spawnproof beacon radius, peaceful surface, or no hostiles around campfires. I also usually play with creeper explosions off so sometimes I'll just tolerate having to fish out a weapon whenever a mob shows up, which is pretty infrequent if you spam beds around your workspace and keep extra on you and work on the surface.
What exactly does make it onto my hotbar really depends on the kind of infrastructure I have or the tools in my modpack. If I have some way to increase fist break speed for example tools might come off my hotbar entirely for some tasks. Slot 1 might become a mobility tool, or I might just go full creative hotbar. I also usually will keep some sort of access to storage, be it a wireless terminal or a stack of ender chests.
In modded whatever storage I can bind a hotkey to also usually becomes an extension of my hotbar. How I organize it depends on how it works though. Most common though is definitely a backpack bound to mouse4 that I keep absolutely *loaded* with any tool I could possibly need, by far my favorite way to organize things.
I can keep wiring, redstone, pipes, conduits, cables, shulker boxes, wrenches, hammers, wirecutters, multitools, spellbooks, torches, buckets of water and lava, ice, potions, mana, compasses, clocks, meters, maps, wands, scaffolding, computers, robots, swords, daggers, cutlasses, falchions, claymores, spears, halberds, sponges, lighters, gapples, spare picks, hoes, the one ring to rule them all, wings, rails, carts, railguns, explosives, jetpacks, meme items, nets, leads, gears, shafts, chains, wax, crafting materials, pulleys, grappling hooks, pearls, goggles, scuba gear, space suits, soul sand, magma, kelp, string, spyglasses, rulers, sextants, astrolabes, measuring tape, portal guns, gravity guns, spud guns, regular guns, animal feed, emeralds, beehives, asphalt, liquid concrete, monitors, blood sacrifices, shields, armor, hazmat suits, villager work stations, coal, oil, wizard robes, instruction manuals, severed heads of my enemies, case of loaded firework crossbows, precious jewels, barrels, drums, fluid tanks, cursed artifacts, note blocks, juke boxes, a 12 piece symphony orchestra, chisels, covers, fishing rods, facades, frames, valves, cranks, handles, miniature black holes, saws, server currency, law textbooks, dimensional rifts, bells, doors, arrows, tablets, ammunition, crafting blocks, cannons, chunk overload books, dyes, hard drives, warp drives, tridents bounce pads, medium amethyst crystals, wither skulls, crates, chalk, candles, totems, mud, bundles, half an ikea warehouse worth of furniture, anvils, remotes, cactus, batteries, generators, iron rods, buttons, levers, lamps, knives, myalite, notebooks, pedestals, item frames, debug sticks, barriers, end gateways, firework rockets, space rockets, beacons, missile rockets, slime, honey, ichor, coagulated blood, superglue, nets, cages, drawers, quarries, drills, cranes, planes, trains, automobiles, cutting boards, nuclear launch codes, blueprints, spell slates, fast travel, ladders, vines, rope, fertilizer, bonemeal, *anything* I can think of that I could even maybe possibly need some day I'll carry it there. Like I'm joking about way fewer of these than you'd think lol I'd say I've carried most of these in my backpack at least as a one off, and maybe the majority at least one time regularly before. (try to guess which of the weird ones I'm serious about lol)
Even in vanilla I always keep at least one shulker box that acts as a toolbox that I always fill to the brim.
Really everything is about flexibility.
Out of curiosity, does anyone else organize their Minecraft survival hotbars? This is how mine looks, for example, with slots 1-4 being my sword + tools, slot 5 being my bow, slot 6 being food, slot 7 & 8 being miscellaneous, and slot 9 being for torches. I'm not sure if this is standard, but it's how I've always done it.
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agdrilluser · 2 months ago
Rock drilling is an indispensable activity in industries such as mining, construction, and quarrying. Whether you’re creating foundations for skyscrapers or extracting minerals, the right tools can make all the difference in efficiency, precision, and cost-effectiveness. 
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kgrindustries · 20 days ago
DTH Rock Drilling Tools Manufacturers
When it comes to high-performance DTH (Down-The-Hole) rock drilling tools, KGR Industries stands as a trusted name in the industry. With a commitment to innovation, precision engineering, and durability, KGR Industries has positioned itself as one of the leading DTH rock drilling tools manufacturers in India. Our extensive product range is designed to meet the demands of various drilling applications, ensuring efficiency and reliability in every project.
Why Choose KGR Industries for DTH Rock Drilling Tools?
Superior Quality and PrecisionAt KGR Industries, we utilize advanced manufacturing techniques and high-quality raw materials to produce robust and long-lasting DTH drilling tools. Our tools are engineered for precision and optimal performance in various geological conditions.
Comprehensive Product RangeWe manufacture a wide variety of DTH drilling tools, including:
DTH Hammers – Designed for high penetration rates and durability.
DTH Drill Bits – Available in various configurations to match different rock formations.
Drill Rods and Accessories – Ensuring a complete drilling solution with enhanced reliability.
Industry-Specific ApplicationsOur DTH drilling tools cater to multiple industries, including:
Mining and Quarrying
Construction and Infrastructure Projects
Water Well and Geothermal Drilling
Oil and Gas Exploration
Customization and Technical SupportWe understand that every drilling project has unique requirements. That’s why we offer customized drilling solutions to match specific needs. Our expert team provides complete technical assistance, ensuring the right tool selection for maximum efficiency.
Durability and Cost-EffectivenessKGR Industries' DTH rock drilling tools are built to last, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Our products offer exceptional value by enhancing productivity and minimizing operational expenses.
Commitment to Innovation and Sustainability
At KGR Industries, we continuously invest in research and development to enhance our drilling tools' efficiency and sustainability. Our environmentally conscious manufacturing processes ensure minimal waste and reduced environmental impact while delivering top-tier drilling solutions.
Partner with KGR Industries for Reliable DTH Drilling Solutions
As a premier DTH rock drilling tools manufacturer, KGR Industries is dedicated to providing high-quality, durable, and performance-driven drilling tools for various industries. Whether you require standard DTH tools or customized solutions, we are your trusted partner for all drilling needs.
For more information about our products and services, visit our website or contact us today!
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mariaawilliams · 2 months ago
Streamlining Renovations: How Core Drilling Sydney Simplifies Cable Routing
Renovations to older buildings often present a unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to upgrading infrastructure. With the increasing demand for modern communication systems, security devices, and energy-efficient solutions, running new cables is often at the heart of any renovation project. 
Yet, routing these cables through existing structures—particularly those made of concrete, masonry, or steel-reinforced materials—can be tricky, time-consuming, and potentially damaging if not done correctly. 
This is where professional core drilling services come into play, offering a precise, efficient solution to create clean, circular openings that allow cables and conduits to pass through floors, walls, and ceilings.
What Is Core Drilling?
Core drilling is a specialised cutting technique that uses a cylindrical, diamond-impregnated drill bit to bore through solid materials. Unlike traditional hammer drills that can create uneven openings and cause vibration-related damage, a core drill creates a smooth, round hole of various diameters. 
Efficiency and Precision for Cable Routing
One of the primary advantages of core drilling for cable routing is its remarkable precision. Since the drill bit is guided and stabilised, it creates exact openings without cracking or chipping the surrounding material. This controlled process ensures that cables can be inserted and positioned quickly, reducing the time spent on rework or repairs. 
Furthermore, the neat, circular holes make it easier to run multiple cables side by side, maintaining a clean and organised cable management system inside the walls or floors.
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Minimal Disruption and Structural Integrity
A major concern in renovation projects is preserving the structural integrity of the building. Core drilling significantly reduces the risk of extensive damage. Producing minimal vibration and precise holes prevents the formation of unnecessary stress fractures in concrete or masonry. 
Further, because core drilling tools can operate in cramped spaces and at various angles, contractors can drill from nearly any direction. This flexibility means fewer demolitions, less dust, and shorter project timelines—leading to reduced costs and disruptions for both homeowners and businesses.
Adapting to Different Renovation Needs
Not all renovation projects are the same. Older buildings may contain multiple layers of materials, hidden rebar, or uneven foundations. Professional core drillers come prepared with various drill bit sizes, extension rods, and specialised equipment to handle even the toughest conditions. 
Improved Safety and Compliance
Building codes and regulations often require that cable installations meet certain standards. Core drilling can help achieve compliance by ensuring that every cable pathway is correctly sized and positioned. Further, the use of water-cooled core bits reduces dust and keeps the drilling zone safer and cleaner. 
Investing in Professional Expertise
While some might consider attempting cable routing with basic tools, the advantages of hiring a professional core drilling service are numerous. Experienced technicians can assess the building’s composition, determine the ideal drilling locations, and select the correct equipment. Their expertise helps avoid costly mistakes and ensures that the completed work supports a building’s infrastructure far into the future. Moreover, partnering with a qualified core drilling company provides peace of mind that the project will be handled efficiently, on time, and with the highest quality standards.
When renovating a building, proper cable routing is essential. By utilising professional core drilling Sydney, you gain a precise, efficient, and safe solution to navigate the complexities of modern infrastructure upgrades. 
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