#expressing microaggressions against someone bc youre butthurt or w/e that im more epic than you
dyketubbo · 1 year
your bio just says "I have no friends or life outside the internet. also my dad left me"
don't worry you'll grow out of it and cringe about this phase looking back
normally i dont answer direct hate anons but this is really funny to me to so ill give a genuine response. just for you bby <3 anyways are you. are you aware that you literally just told a black girl that youre deciding her dad must have left her based on her bio 😭😭 yeah let me grow out of my melanin real quick LMAOOOOO. anon the tsa just had all of their racism and xenophobia leaked out to the public, xenophobia that resulted in ACTUAL CHILDREN being considered TERRORISTS for being born into certain ethinicity and religious groups, and youre busy pulling the "i bet you dont have a dad" card on some mixed girl running a minecraft roleplay analysis blog because she thinks people should stop being mean to some catgirl THAT HACKED THE TSA bc its queer in a way they dont approve of.
im really, so truly, definitely not lying, very sorry, but that is extremely immature of you and youre the one who needs to grow up if you think that your behavior is okay. being mean and hateful to people because youre upset that they dont agree that the queer community should be full of infighting and minorities oppressing each other when there are bigger things to worry about is.. fucked up! youre literally sending hate anons over this! thats really sad! imagine sending anon hate telling someone else theyll grow out of showing basic respect and kindness. lol. lmao
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