#express astra residential
expressastra0 · 5 months
Experience opulence at Express Astra Luxury Apartments, Greater Noida West
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Experience opulence at Express Astra Luxury Apartments, Greater Noida West. Indulge in modern amenities, lush green surroundings, and unparalleled comfort. Your dream lifestyle awaits in our meticulously crafted residences. Welcome home to sheer luxury.
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eridanidreams · 1 month
Labor Day Lagniappe
tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, @therealgchu, @staticpallour, @artemis-crimson, @genesisarclite and @constellation2330
Because the muse is coming back, and I did some rewrites on a future chapter of Odysseus Gambit...
Working title: Never Tame Your Demons, aka "What Sloane Was Doing During Mankind Divided".
TW: canon-typical violence
Sloane stifled a yawn as David nattered on about his plans for getting votes to block the upcoming vote on the Human Restoration Act. He seemed to take it for granted that she was going to accompany him on a round of cocktail parties and formal dinners held for the express purpose of what were, for all intents and purposes, high-level diplomatic negotiations, and she was trying to figure out the most polite way to tell him that she’d rather chew her own arm off.
Abruptly, she stood, causing him to trail off. “What’s the matter?” he asked.
“Nothing,” she temporized; she flexed her shoulders, rolling and stretching, enjoying the crackle and pop as the tendons loosened up. “The bar downstairs—they serve ice cream, right? I’m craving something sweet.”
“Well, of course they do,” David seemed delighted at such a simple request. “I’ll call room service, get you whatever you like!”
Inwardly, Sloane groaned. David combined an almost desperate need to please her with the complete inability to listen to what she actually wanted. She couldn’t even yell at him about it. Well, she could, but it would be like kicking a puppy—a loud, yappy, insistent puppy that wouldn’t leave you alone and whose house you were crashing in. It was positively suffocating.
She pasted a smile on her face. “I appreciate the thought, but I need to stretch my legs. Think I’ll take a run down the stairs, get a little cardio in.”
“We’re on the forty-eighth floor,” David said, in a tone of mild protest.
Forty-eight floors of blessed silence; Sloane briefly wished they were twice as high. “In the Army,” she not-so-subtly reminded him, “That would be a warm-up. And a little exercise will make the ice cream taste better.” She headed for the door—she knew that if she let David get a word in edgewise, she’d never escape.
“Sloane—” He reached a hand out briefly, then let it fall back to his side.
“I’ll be back,” she said cheerily, and let the door fall behind her. One, two, three long strides down the corridor, and she finally allowed herself to really breathe. “That man is going to drive me fucking crazy,” she muttered. She paused in the atrium—leave it to Sarif to get one of the most expensive suites in the Apex residential towers, but even she had to admit it was a hell of a view. The Apex Centre was buzzing with activity. Tiny dark figures seemed to be setting up a cordon—security for the convention, no doubt—and, even as she watched, a VTOL landed delicately on the helipad. David really should be down there, she mused. When I get back, think I’ll call it an early night and free him up to do what he really wants to. Her lips quirked in a faint smile—nice to sleep in a real bed again—but it faded as she remembered just whose bed the last one had been.
Sloane sighed, leaning her head against the cool glass. Adam had told her to stay at his place just before he’d been called out. She’d thought it had meant something—he didn’t let people into his private spaces lightly—but it had never felt right. A persistent feeling of being watched had her spine in knots after a couple days; when one of Ad Astra’s spare apartments had become available, she’d moved on.
A week later, he appeared out of the wreckage of Růžička, grey with dust and ash, bleeding from a head wound. She’d just spent twelve hours arms-deep in human wreckage as triage had turned into field surgery. He’d walked right past her; she wasn’t even sure he’d recognized her. Days passed—no call, no message—and she had to wonder if he’d even remembered she’d been there.
Then Prague blew the fuck up.
The night of Rucker’s death, she gave the apartment over to a couple of terrified families who’d fallen afoul of the curfew. Even le Gruyere wasn’t safe; she’d had to destroy three police drones trying to smoke people out, and the ensuing game of hide-and-seek with the peckerheads had ended up with her spending an uncomfortable night in the Scar. After that, it hadn’t taken David much to persuade her to come out to London, to finally meet him face-to-face.
A little time, a little distance, and a couple solid nights of sleep later, Sloane was beginning to wonder if she’d overreacted. Adam usually kept clear boundaries between on-mission and off-mission, something she had no problem with, so why had her nose gotten out of joint? Not to mention… He’d just gotten blown up, idiot, along with a whole lot of innocent people; can you really blame him being a little off? Or for being focused on going after the guys behind it? She shook her head tiredly. Everything in her screamed that the whatever-it-was between them was ending, just as she’d known it would—but she’d promised to try to trust him, and she took her promises seriously. She was going to have to talk with him, at least once more.
She continued on to the nearest stairwell. Pointless downtime always screwed with her head; a good run was just the thing to clear her mind. She shouldered the stairwell door open, letting it fall shut behind her with a faint clang. One flight turned into two turned into four; by the eighth, she’d fallen into a comfortable rhythm. She hit a landing, already pivoting to head down the next flight—and saw the guy next to an open fire extinguisher box too late to avoid colliding with him. She bounced back from the impact; her unfortunate victim was knocked back into the wall.
She was framing an apology when something about his turn triggered hard-won instinct, and she flung herself to the side. The blast that would have taken her head off peppered the wall behind her with ragged little craters. Brain caught up with eyes, registering the threat: a heavily-muscled man wearing high-end tactical gear under a dark, hooded ballistic jacket. His face was hidden by a faceted gold mask, and the shotgun in his augmented left arm had a bore that looked like a train tunnel.
Quicksilver reflexes spun her away from a second blast, a stray few flechettes ripping into her cheek. Sloane’s lips curled in a snarl; she pushed off the stairs to bounce off the wall, hoping that the unexpected motion would throw her opponent off guard—instead, there was a flash of actinic gold, and his body slammed her into the wall. Augment-strong, the arm that wasn’t a shotgun hurled her across the small landing. Her head impacted hard enough to leave spiderwebs in the tempered-glass wall and make the world grey out around her. Dazed, she fumbled around for something—anything—that might buy her a few seconds. Her flailing hand landed on the fire extinguisher, and she flung it in his general direction. She got lucky—the pressurized cylinder caught most of the blast when his shotgun arm fired again, exploding in a yellowish-grey cloud of flame retardant.
A dim glow filtered through the haze, and even muzzy as she was, Sloane knew he was gearing up for another of those vicious, aug-enhanced charges. In sheer, unthinking reflex, she hit her cloak and rolled forward through the dispersing particulates—if only her head would clear! He blitzed past her like a miniature thunderbolt, his passage ripping the cloud to shreds. Still dazed, she was too slow to evade the nimbus of electricity surrounding him; while it wasn’t a true EMP, it was enough to crash her bioenergy reserves. Her cloak flickered, then failed entirely.
She stumbled against the far wall, hearing the snap-crackle as the electricity gathered again, and knew she couldn’t avoid him a third time… she barely had time to turn, throwing up her arm in a desperate, instinctive block. Sparks danced painfully across her augs—something smashed into her raised forearm, she heard a sickening sound somewhere between a crack and a squnch, and the next thing she knew, she was pinned half-prone against the wall by two hundred pounds of dead terrorist.
Sloane ached in every inch of her body, and she wasn’t sure how long it took before her thoughts unscrambled. “Fuck,” she panted, as she shoved the dead meat off her—the way his head flopped like a child’s rag doll told her what had happened. His chin had hit her arm hard enough, and at just the right angle, to snap his head backward and sever his neck. Less than half an inch either direction, and she’d have been the cooling meat instead; the gods of battle were fickle.
Her first order of business was to get back to full capacity. A biocell peeked out of his tactical gear, and without hesitation she slapped it into her forearm. The world shivered into sharp focus as the Sentinel cleared the concussion. Radar kicked in—no threats in the immediate area—and she frowned as her eyes fell on something lying in the shards of the fire extinguisher cabinet. A chill went up her spine as she recognized it: a remote-detonated demolition charge.
Somebody wanted this tower to come down hard and fast.
“Fucking shotgun arm better not have been your only weapon,” she muttered as she searched the body. Her fingers felt for an earpiece, but only felt the hard ridges of a subdermal mic. She yanked roughly at the ballistic jacket, revealing a shoulder holster with a machine pistol and two reloads. Without hesitation, she appropriated it. The jacket too, for good measure—it wasn’t great, but would protect her against anything up to a heavy pistol. He carried frag grenades and more biocells in a tactical pouch; in a flare of temper, she ripped off his tactical belt and slung it around her shoulder. She debated taking the mask, then decided it would be worth it for the element of surprise, and settled it on her own face. It was cool and heavy, and rubbed uncomfortably against half-healed wounds. But if she was lucky, it’d buy her time until the cavalry arrived, and speaking of the cavalry—she straightened to her feet and called David.
“Just listen,” she ordered before he could say anything, in the calm, authoritative tone she’d learned to use in a crisis. “Terrorists are setting up bombs in the tower. Highly trained, milspec augs. Call emergency services and then go barricade yourself in the bathroom. If there’s a structural failure, the tub will give you some protection.” It wouldn’t be much, but better than nothing.
“What?” he yelped, then—more quickly than she’d expected— “all right. Milspec augs setting up bombs in the tower.” He paused, then added, quickly, “Wait—why can’t you call?”
“They’ll listen to David Sarif,” she said. The part of her she usually kept tight-leashed—the predator—the killer—clamored to be released; it was almost a relief to cut it loose, shake it out and wrap herself in it like a well-worn uniform. Her hands ran over the unfamiliar gear, less to settle it than to settle herself, and her voice went cold and sharp. “I’m going to be busy.”
“Doing what?” he asked warily.
“Hunting,” the killer growled, and cut the connection.
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kilikina34512 · 8 months
Falling in Love Just a Little Bit
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I found a moment to write something for a holiday and had it done on time! There's a first time for everything! It's short and small and not what I'd originally wanted to do for the day of love, but I worked with my real life demands and was able to create this, so I'm happy. I hope it makes you just as happy as it makes me.
This story is inspired by this TikTok. Not sure why this scene below is what popped in my head as I watched it, but I stopped trying to understand how my logic jumps around long ago. Divider courtesy of @firefly-graphics. Make sure to check them out!
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Pairing: Loki x f!OC (Astra)
Summary: The mortal Loki can't help but admire puts him unknowingly further under her spell.
Warnings: fluffy cute
Word Count: 854
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Loki opened the door to his rooms at the tower and paused for a moment before continuing all the way in and closing the door silently behind him.  Bracing against it, he crossed his arms and enjoyed the show in front of him with a smirk on his face.  Astra, the housekeeper of the tower and a woman he was beyond enamored with, was dancing around his room.  Despite the fact he couldn't hear the song she was listening to due to her headphones, he was enjoying her melodic voice as she belted the words to the song in her ears.
"Would things be easier if there was a right way?  Honey, there is no right way," she crooned as she bounced and swayed her hips to the beat only she could hear.  It was then she spun and he couldn't fight the full smile that pulled at his lips as his heart tried to leap out of his chest.  Her long hair that looked as if it was made of moonlight swung with her movements, revealing her pale, heart shaped face.  Eyes he knew were a brown so deep it was almost black were closed as naturally pink lips moved to the lyrics.  Letting his eyes trail down from there, he noticed something that had him both anxious and amused.
Lifted near her luscious lips was the pummel of his favorite dagger, the one who's pair sat resting on his desk across the room.  With her small hand wrapped around the hilt, he stared as she used it the same way Loki had watched Stark wield the device they called a microphone at his parties.  The God nearly launched himself over to take it from her, fearful she might accidentally hurt herself, but he held back.  He had his magic, and if it appeared she was about to cause herself injury, he'd summon it to his own hand instead.
"And so I fall in love just a little, oh, a little bit.  Everyday with someone new.  I fall in love just a little, oh, a little bit," Astra continued, her voice just as hypnotizing as her body with is graceful sway.  It was everything he could do to keep the heart eyes out of his expression.  Her bouncing hips were enticing and he desired to rest his cold hands against them as he moved his body with her; a fantasy that he had many times.  He'd wanted to tell her numerous times how he fancied her, but after what he'd done there years ago, he couldn't bring himself to.  He, like with Mjolnir, wasn't worthy of her.
In the middle of the chorus she was singing, her eyes suddenly opened before she squealed.  The jump she made had him following through on his safety measures, his dagger suddenly appearing in his hand.  "What an interesting choice for a singing instrument, my little nightingale.  Of all things in this room, you chose one of my favorite daggers."  A bit of a stern look crossed his face as he continued, "A fairly unsafe choice, but I cannot say I was not entertained."
Pink that matched her shock-parted lips filled her cheeks and was spreading throughout her face, her embarrassment painted for any to see.  "Oh gosh, Loki!  I'm so sorry!  I know I shouldn't have... I was just... I just get..."  She couldn't seem to get the rest of her thought out, but this was not his first time peering unknowingly at the housekeeper.  He'd watched Astra around the residential area of the tower since she'd started working for Stark.  He knew there were times when the music seemed to capture her as if it had her in a trance.  When that happened, he enjoyed seeing her grab whatever was nearby that fit into her hand and she'd swing, sway, bounce, or jump along to her singing.  She always looked happier than he'd ever seen her when those moments happened, and he lived for spying on those moments.
"It is alright, dear," he comforted as he slowly stalked closer to her.  "I do understand that you were enjoying the song you could hear.  "It was quite fetching a sight you displayed.  I only came to claim my book before reading in the sitting room."  It was a lie, he'd planned to read in his room where he could be alone and undisturbed, but he would rather be bothered than disrupt her joyous daze the act of singing and dancing gave her.
With a snap of his fingers, he replaced the dagger in his hand with a novel from his shelf.  "Have fun, little nightingale," he called as he turned on his heel and departed the room with a new memory to enjoy when he was away from her.  What he missed when he left as Astra continued to hear the words "I fall in love just a little, oh, a little bit" in her ears was the longing in her gaze, the way her heart had sped up in his presence, or the thought about how true that one line was when it came to the God of Mischief in her eyes.
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propertiesupdates · 2 days
Express Astra in Noida
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Express Astra in Noida is a premium residential project offering spacious 2 and 3 BHK apartments. It features modern amenities like a clubhouse, swimming pool, gym, and landscaped gardens. With excellent connectivity and luxurious living spaces, it caters to contemporary urban lifestyles. For more info. you can contact on: +91 8448765360
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🌟 Welcome to Express Astra: Your Dream Home Awaits!
Discover Express Astra, an exciting new residential project by Express Builder. This under-construction development features a stunning collection of flats and apartments designed for modern living.
🏢 Project Details:
Total Floors: 26 Total Towers: 10 Total Area: 6.25 acres
Unit Types: Choose from spacious 3 and 4 BHK flats and luxurious duplexes
At Express Astra, you’ll enjoy contemporary designs, premium amenities, and a vibrant community atmosphere. With 10 towers soaring to 26 floors, there’s a perfect home for everyone.
Stay tuned for updates as we bring this vision to life! Your dream home is just around the corner!
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pramodjoshi421 · 24 days
Express Builders new project is in board – Express Astra
Express Builders is present new project - Express Astra in Greater Noida West. It offers 2/3 BHK apartments which are highly luxurious, comfortable ,24/7 power supply, Rain water harvesting system, Swimming pool and many more at your budget.
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For getting more info contact us.
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investoxpertblog · 2 months
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Express Astra Noida Extension is a premium residential development newly launched in the rapidly growing area of Greater Noida West. Its strategic location and remarkable features make this new residential project the finest in the region.
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expressastranoida · 2 months
Express Astra Premium Flats in Noida Extension
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Express Astra is in Sector 1, Greater Noida West. It is a premium under-construction project. The project offers a nature-friendly lifestyle with modern conveniences. It has top-notch facilities and excellent specifications.
Prime Location
Express Astra Noida Extension is just 25 minutes away from Connaught Place. It offers excellent connectivity. The metro network is easily accessible. The road connectivity is superb. The project links to major parts of the city. Indira Gandhi Airport is only 35 minutes away.
New Project in Noida Extension
Express Astra is spread over 6 acres. It is near major metro corridors. Retail and commercial spaces are close by. This ensures residents have everything they want. The convenience translates to significant time and cost savings on daily commutes. Express Builders Ltd is the developer. Everything is made keeping in mind the needs of the residents. Isn’t this an attractive investment?
UP RERA Registration and Specifications
Express Astra is registered under UP RERA with the registration number UPRERAPRJ479698. The project offers various floor plans:
2 BHK + 2 Toilet — 1150 sq. ft.
3 BHK + 2 Toilet (Large) — 1570 sq. ft.
3 BHK + 3 Toilet (Large) — 2005 sq. ft.
3 BHK + 2 Toilet (Small) — 1350 sq. ft.
4 BHK + 4 Toilet (Duplex) — 2325 sq. ft.
4 BHK + 4 Toilet (Large) — 2650 sq. ft.
These apartments are well-ventilated. They feature a Vaastu-compliant layout. All this promotes a healthy and harmonious lifestyle.
Express Astra has modern amenities. The construction is progressing as scheduled. Possession is expected by March 2025. The development includes beautiful landscaped gardens and water fountains. It also offers covered car parking and pre-launch benefits.
Customer Reviews and Growth Potential
Customer reviews highlight the excellent connectivity and premium features of Express Astra. Properties in this region of Noida Extension have shown significant growth. This makes it a promising investment. The development is surrounded by essential facilities such as ATMs, and schools.
More Opportunity
Investing in Express Astra Greater Noida West promises great returns. It also provides a secure and valuable asset. It is an excellent option for those looking to buy exclusive residential flats at competitive prices. Express Astra offers luxurious 2/3 & 4 BHK duplex apartments. These high-quality design duplexes are perfect for those seeking spacious living spaces. It is a perfect choice for homebuyers and investors alike.
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bricknwalls · 7 months
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atsgreensproject · 11 months
Express Astra Master Plan gives you significant development and creates beautiful homes, with lifestyle developments. The residential project makes it one of the best with promising features and specifications.
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investorhomz · 1 year
Express Astra newly designed multi story residential society has plenty of amenities. If you look the world class amenities of Express Astra then you will surely fall in love with project. 24 hours power backup and 24 hours water supply, club house, 24*7 security and many more features here.
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expressastra0 · 5 months
Discover Modern Living at Express Astra: Luxurious 2, 3, and 4 BHK Flats & Duplexes in Noida Extension 
Noida Extension, a thriving hub of residential and commercial development, welcomes a new epitome of luxury living: Express Astra. This modern residential project, crafted by the renowned Express Builders, promises an unparalleled living experience with its meticulously designed 2, 3, and 4 BHK flats and duplexes. 
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easydigitalseoking · 2 years
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realestate-update · 2 years
Express Astra, Residential Complex In Sector 1, Noida Extension
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Express Astra is a residential project located in Noida Extension, offering a range of modern amenities and spacious apartments at affordable prices. The project offers a perfect blend of style, comfort and luxury, making it an ideal choice for home buyers. With its prime location and excellent connectivity to major areas, Express Astra is a perfect place to call home.
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investoxpertblog · 2 months
Excellent Connectivity at the Flats at Greater Noida West
Flats At Greater Noida West have excellent position, only a short distance from Delhi, the nation's capital, and the adjacent commercial districts of Noida and Greater Noida, have drawn a lot of real estate activity.
Its attraction is further enhanced by its easy access to the Delhi-Metro network and close proximity to the growing IT and industrial areas in Noida and Greater Noida. The affordable prices, well-designed infrastructure, and plenty of contemporary facilities in Greater Noida West are the main factors driving the demand for residential real estate there.
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It is an inclusive location for homebuyers for buying Flats At Greater Noida West, offering a varied assortment of property alternatives that appeal to all economic ranges. In terms of commercial real estate, Greater Noida West is developing quickly into a commercial center.
Due to its advantageous location and pro-investment policies, the area is a top choice for businesses wishing to expand into the National Capital area. There seems to be a surge in interest in commercial spaces, which highlights the growing economic prospects in this field.
Top 10 Flats At Greater Noida West
Palm Olympia Phase-2
Spring Elmas
Gulshan Avante
Arihant One
Ace Aqua Casa
CRC Joyous
Civitech Strings
Express Astra
Trident Embassy Reso
Apex Aura
Given Greater Noida West's growing reputation as a major residential hub, purchasing apartments there is a wise financial decision. Compared to other areas in Noida, the Flats At Greater Noida West is reasonably priced, has great connection to major highways and public transportation, and has contemporary infrastructure. Purchasing apartments in Greater Noida West ensures a great future appreciation potential in addition to a comfortable and contemporary living. So, make your booking right now without any further delay.
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investoxpertblog · 3 months
Premium 2 BHK in Noida Extension: Perfect for Families
Noida extension ,a place which connects itself to the national capital Delhi, is becoming a great preference for investment these days because here people are getting good deals and  spacious places at very less prices than the others. Along with this ,these 2 BHK in Noida Extension  are located in a very prime location which is close to all the great malls ,hotels, schools ,hospitals ,stadiums, multinational companies as well as picnic spots.
Some of the popular projects in Noida are:
1. Palm Olympia phase 2:
Palm Olympia phase 2 is the newly launched residential project starting from a range of 88 lakhs only. This project provides facilities such as gyms, clubhouse ,meditation areas  and many more.
2. CRC Joyous:
CRC Joyous is a residential project providing you 2 BHK coming in the sizes of 2 BHK which are about 1040 square feet and 2BHK + study coming in size of 1225 square feet.
3. Express Astra:
Express Astra is a residential project which is providing you 2 BHK in Noida Extension with luxurious interior designs and unique architectural layouts. The location of this project is also at a very prime location which is close to all the essential places such as schools,entertainment areas ,hospitals, metro station and many more.
4. Trident Embassy Reso:
Trident Embassy Reso is a residential project which providing you 2 BHK apartments in Noida, being  located in sector 1 in greater Noida West .These well crafted apartments are very specially designed to upgrade your lifestyle starting from a range of 43 lakhs only.With all these options available and all these pointed facilities in this blog , we are very sure that you will be able to find your 2 BHK in Noida Extension .So ,contact us  to be a part of one of these mentioned societies now.
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