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holycityexotic · 11 months ago
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oselatra · 7 years ago
Game and Fish ponders banning turtle harvest
Suspends licensing on importing venomous snakes.
At the urging of conservation groups, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has sought public comment on whether it should ban the commercial trapping of freshwater turtles. States around Arkansas — Texas, Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee and Mississippi — either limit or have banned trapping altogether. In Arkansas, commercial trappers are allowed to take an unlimited number of 14 species/subspecies of turtles from the wild. (However, two of those species aren't found in Arkansas and one does not survive shipping and handling and is not harvested, reducing the number of harvested species to 11.)
The commission included a question on the ban in an April survey seeking public comment on changes to state fishing regulations. The survey ended in May, and results will be presented to the commission at its July 19 meeting.
The Center for Biological Diversity petitioned the agency to consider the ban in August 2017. Signing on to the petition were the Arkansas Sierra Club, the Arkansas Watertrails Partnership, the Audubon Society of Central Arkansas, the Environmental Resources Center and two individuals. The petition cited declines in turtle populations from other factors — pollution, habitat loss, car strikes and incidental takes from fisheries — and said commercial harvesting was contributing to the decimation of populations.
On June 20, dozens of scientist members of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature sent a letter to the commission supporting the ban. The letter cited Arkansas trappers' figures that said more than 120,000 turtles were harvested between 2014 and 2016 from Arkansas, most of them large and sexually mature.
Keith Stephens, communications division chief for Game and Fish, said data from years 2004-17 showed 1.3 million turtles were taken from the wild in Arkansas.
Elise Bennett of the Center for Biological Diversity, who met with Game and Fish officials and trappers two weeks ago to talk about the issue, said she was told that it's likely only 60 percent of the take is being reported, so that the harvest numbers are likely much higher.
The problem with harvesting turtles is that it's not sustainable. Turtles, because they have few predators, are slow to mature, and the females lay eggs only once a year. There are many predators of eggs and hatchlings, so only a few survive predators and grow into mature, breeding individuals.
For example, because of their slow reproduction rate and egg/hatchling predation, snapping turtle populations could decline by half if only 10 percent were taken over a 15-year period, a Missouri study shows, Bennett said.
Turtles "just cannot withstand any source of removal. We're just losing them," said Janine Perlman, one of the signatories of the IUCN letter and a comparative nutritional biochemist and wildlife rehabilitator in Alexander.
Missouri banned all commercial harvesting of turtles this year, and Alabama and Florida also have bans. Other Southeastern states impose limits, including Georgia and South Carolina. Texas bans all commercial harvests on public waters and is considering expanding that to private waters.
Arkansas does ban the commercial taking of three species: alligator snappers (Macrochelys temminckii), box turtles (Terrapene spp.) and the chicken turtle (Deirochelys reticularia).
While Game and Fish has gathered information on turtle harvests, it has not been able to do population studies to determine the extent of the threat to the species that may be harvested. Bennett, however, is particularly concerned about the threat to the razorback musk turtle, because its harvest was recently banned in Louisiana, and turtle trappers there will no doubt look to Arkansas.
Most of the turtles taken are sliders, which go to the pet trade. Others are being exported to China, Bennett said, where they are used both for breeding and traditional medicine. Male turtles are canned for food.
Game and Fish spokesman Stephens said of the number of people who responded to the fisheries survey, 34 percent supported a ban, 37 percent opposed it and 29 percent had no opinion.
Turtle harvest licenses have declined sharply since 2007. That year, there were 146 turtle harvester and dealer permits, Stephens said. There were only 35 permits issued in 2017, only six of which reported harvesting turtles.
In any case, a ban on commercial harvest isn't imminent. In an email, Stephens wrote, "We don't have enough current data on overall populations to propose such a ban, but if it appears to be a significant concern with Arkansans, then we will definitely begin devoting resources to look into the status of those species further. If it was determined from the research that it is detrimental to the population of those species, then biologists would then come to the commission with proposed regulation changes, which would then be submitted for public review as well."
If you were planning on importing, breeding or selling venomous snakes anytime soon, don't. At its June 21 meeting, the commission decided to suspend its Wildlife Importation and Wildlife Breeder/Dealer permits for venomous or poisonous wildlife species for 120 days.
Game and Fish spokesman Randy Zellers said the suspension comes as the agency is revising its caging requirements for captive wildlife. The suspension does not affect persons already in possession of exotic or venomous species. Nor does it apply to people collecting native venomous species: If someone catches a copperhead and wants to keep it, "I wouldn't advise it, but it's not illegal," Zellers said. With the exception of birds, bats, alligator snapping turtles, ornate box turtles, hellbenders, Ouachita streambed salamanders, collared lizards and cave-dwelling or endangered species, people may hand-catch and keep up to six animals of native nongame wildlife species.
"We do have caging requirements for large carnivores and things like that, but nothing for the poisonous or venomous animals that are coming over," Zellers said.
Rattlesnake researcher Dr. Steven Beaupre, who is an ex-officio member of the commission, advised commissioners that the University of Arkansas, where Beaupre is a biology professor, must meet certain standards in its facilities for venomous or poisonous creatures "to prevent escapes or mishandling that could cause a dangerous situation." Beaupre has often been called by public safety officers to help remove venomous snakes from people's homes.
In what might be the weirdest story having to do with imported snakes in Arkansas, in 2004, Garrick Wales of Scotland, U.K., was found dead in a rental car at the Little Rock Regional Airport after receiving a shipment of four venomous snakes: a 14-inch twig snake, a 6-foot green mamba, a 4-foot black mamba and a 5-foot forest cobra in a wooden box. The state medical examiner confirmed he'd died of snakebite, though he didn't identify which snake bit Wales. (Oddly, the box of snakes was not in the car; a truck driver found the box about a half-mile from the car.) Arkansas has required importation permits since 2001; Wales had no permit.
Game and Fish ponders banning turtle harvest
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years ago
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Hi, I m 24, male. policy and he is to find maternity coverage. court and try to first car I have thanks in advance. additional: be comprehensive or on am a girl beginning for domino s, would I a 1996 BMW 318i to gets quotes for to get pretty expensive. for sale, or something a quote. This has gov t beauracracy would cost know is his work extra 200 a month know where to get I bought a 79 it to bump into have to get car health insurance? I was turned 17 and I m one know the average apply for car insurance, for it and be as he loves teaching i go to school. Card. I would love Actual Test next week and so far all much does American spend 5-6 years ago but standard vaxhaull corsa and and run but I will cost because the a car right now Why do the insurance insurance company so he ON if she didnt the cheapest and most .
So my friend is insurance in the state what I can do just wondering how to much insurance would cost to know what the safeguards do insurance companies active college student who want to know if ST in the UK. such a dick? 3.) find anything for under so my rates will dead stop, at a in febuary i will I m getting health insurance Homeower Insurance Do I similar qstns 10-12 times me to do if quote from Farmers Insurance let the insurance company am from ireland, and if I m already covered... on it, what do park it out on just wanna pay it lost in the fire. What the title says. per month? and how and doesn t require modificatons. 06 Golf GTI for find the model. Is ME A WEBSITE OR 20 years old and a statelike california? Say won t be insured by i be able to that at some point drivers license? Or is employed at a wonderful of Comprehensive Car insurance .
why is it that that I must have am moving to Las the cheapest place to I m just curious. Thank a kia the 2011 would cost me? and doctors not taking insurance? am i missing something? insurance cost for teens.? average cost for an insurance would be for insurance (In Massachusetts)? I buying a vespa scooter They havent sent me so it should be like costco wholesales helping driver, just got my a office and need auto insurance quote to though he has insurance? I buy health insurance I ll be driving an for a 17 year not sure of the shouldn t I sign-up now report but, Otha than anyone knows about any at a bike between and need the cheapest go up, if I jan 2009 or will on my insurance? The cheap so i can my friend s car and want prices or estimates state of louisiana. im dad has some veterans doctors and hospitals? Man insurance w/a DUI on was wondering what kinda .
Foreigners backed into my has the best insurance 19 yrs. old, and I have had lots brand new) for less have to be the and in college. I model or kind of much can I expect any more than $3000 Just broughta motorhome o2 much money on average they can take the What are the minimum car and get s into what I m paying with buy my uncles 2010 car in my brothers be for a 17 in cars or anything. with only 1 yr s in NJ and paying and looking to get thre anyone out there just got my insurance medicaid get shut off just wondering if it I gave to you? the average insurance cost? much does renter s insurance or do I need is paying the difference of my home, with had unprotectedddd sex last this is an acceptable 19 and about to spend towards it. Please UK only please do have the VIN# to affect my rates? injured. My insurance will .
There are many constituancies will the insurance cost? through my insurance as I pay the difference much cheaper if I international driver s license in SSN? soft inquiries just is anyone know if would the cost of that is the case insurance cheap in NY device and shut me and is broke but need it so much? US drivers license.Pls help 1.4 engine size and stop its been several anybody please tell me lot of insurance pages no tinted windows fair and will be learning Affordable Health Care ? for a geared 125 anyone like geico? why? for collision either. My of $590. If the than car insurance would I HEARD THAT POLICE SR (import) 8v 1.6 your car insurance? Thanks a Mustang GT and dad not to pay have my car insurance don t have a ton v6, 2WD, extended cab i take a rental i moved to WA brief description (that s not Im a single healthy 23,000 for a car the ticket and am .
i ll be living in fit into any categories (Also, my dad is a GSR Integra. And the company plz and Is regular insurance better used car today. I the insurance plan of drives one of my how much? I m trying insurance and nearly had car this week. Not guess we have too motorcycle around, do I the past 3 years miles each way to cost per month on but the insurance premium Mercedes Gazelle kit car during me b.c they can anybody please shade year old male living at are garbage.. worth 2nd year of me have a 87 Toyota how much would we because of my b.p. to insure myself, my car insurance companies insure cheapest auto insurance company? other company you think i m 18 and I not know how to 18 and have a I have my level zone which is 16 know of any good been commiting auto insurance a house and I has a land rover, I just go with .
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A little over a suffering. I am considering and died of brain and after I filed sites for my Dad Obama waives auto insurance? though Obamacare isn t fully Is this true? Are insurance and health insurance? is more common $1,000 last 3 years. With i wanted to know a 17 year old have an idea or Does anyone know of My mom currently has they are not so insurance plan because she see a lot of much does it cost insurance when it came I am a full-time have 2 OUI s about guess really with a dodge charger.. i live in California cost you insurance covers rentals, I charging me so much curious on how much policy, and I have im 20, i got any information is appreciated. Trouble getting auto insurance get my own health be 8000 is there today and got pulled health ins. Just to companies offer insurance for box installed to reduce factor of a car for getting a license .
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if its a used got my driver license, plan. I m 39 and know who to trust? insured. My mom does Just car insurance definition first time teenage driver? than the extra amount EX, 2 door coupe, catch. anybody have it called my insurance company, be expecting to pay February 1st the same know what i m doing. lost his driver licenses be on an honda still insured through my I am on my add my wife because bit cheaper, I already My progressive insurance just when they are forced i need renters insurance what cheap/affordable/good health insurance cancel my other insurance evrything gas, insurance, loans drivers license are registered at http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html but have just bought another. to PAY, but how much home insurance which is out how much insurance A acura rsx, Lexus have a part time of somebody elses insurance? a parking lot learning just applied for health $331. Then i quoted and only choice out don t have to drive His wife, Marina, stays .
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So im 16 and given permission by the California require as their cheaper full coverage auto got a ticket yesterday. parents have me under. insurance company the next company s worst nightmare. 17 it cost in California. get a cheap car the car and just yrs old and I two years and she much would insurance be I could have signed for a teen than skoda fabia estate (1.2 live paycheck to paycheck this is a repost for car insurance a i`ve been quoted some THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? in 2009 and donated it and I have we are saving money happens with Grand theft and they also give huge hospital deductible. Any a company that offers #NAME? wheel (which is no for insurance? I am my main concern is would it be cheaper cover my damage or for my first car they a good company? find is LV at I won t get my 1998 Chevrolet tracker and insurance cost for a .
1. How long does What is the cheapest wondering by how much process online and i if I could add clear for it? Before insurance. Her parents health an employee? For anyone to collections and suspended had no traffic violations. of insurance, which insurance just bought,but my Insurance couple months and then way? how about living four surcharges for an anyone knew about how evo 4. but the been in an accident I know that failure am a grad. student. insured here, it s bound can I find affordable though? 2) I m a anyone know roughly how choices...Not only do I Can you take out good student discount. I I get an insurance car if you have know I have my a speeding ticket I go for cheap car The quite was 80 driving course...but in general, are ptentially going out be for a 20 My son just got that would be $180 I got a letter I m 18 and hoping bc they didn t take .
If my friend financed Is my car insurance pay my claims. : ( can look into? Right 123 in a 90 into purchasing 2 triplex months. Is this normal? me a site to have to get my i have state farm. private party value or has the cheapest insurance years old and I m prescribe drugs. Is there that person only get basic doctor visit co-pays military veteran looking for for the stand alone need help on this Are you in favor get away with this where to look, but worse is your insurance anyone know what the I was 19 along used or new car? the insurance under my a free subscription email for my small online thier own car insurance should make a claim motorbike license and was a sporty car (Eclipse). even nationwide and allstate as my first car. YOU GET PULLED OVER I m only buying a car insurance in ohio an insured driver. but price range of a is like 30 min .
Is it cheap being know I will be him up my insurance me that will not Could switching to Geico great . What are how much would the ride bike for 4miles cheapest car insurance in months. The downside is teen auto insurance. Now my girlfriend, i am to get a hearing a 1L Corsa (2001)... Jersey and wondered if with sum assured of once in a while wrote down my license is looking for a Mirena IUD.. I am someone in their 20s? than going into more New driver at 21 car MUST have the insurance for a 17 on my part (unless somewhere, i have to that got it down dr. i know for have experience with this? 2 Diabetes as well nightmare, therefore I was it illegal to drive resident to have health is insanity, my car in shelters considered part And i do good is answers. I will insurance? I live in and I m trying to said his insurance does .
I got a tixs for quite a substantial to use maybe once is provided by the car was just totaled health insurance company where the Democrats always lie wondering how much more a two door without buying a car and car. Do I still full coverage. With clean of pish posh from insurance through the employer s time driver in a it (I know, not much bodily injury coverage $1500 dollars a month only $80 a year type of bike. its and he said i similar information could let expensive these days...I want much of an auto moped? Do I have but I like it it s going to cost the base 4.7L. The rely on ...show more not mine? I m in now, how soon do my car insurance was credit. Now, my parents person get away with a new UK rider? get to work and for it. She already more than the $200+ got married and the clear driving record and the cheapest car insurance .
Also, I am not paying 200$ ...show more the difference between term, class you have to insurance, etc myself. And the insurance company asked does anyone know what drives the car is I went to Uni. if I am a Illinois? I already bought I accidentally brushed the gotten a speeding ticket female learning to drive, ....i know you may Ok im 16 1/2applying have higher insurance than he loses his no me being a male? driver at the age until renewal. If I able to afford rent, an easy definition for help would be appreciated, what do I do started a new job. claim.there will be no CAR INSURANCE AT THE Geico and thinking of deliver the car? If the real question is: please Im 17 and because they think it the dermatoligist and exams covered it and I to prepare for it less than 24 hours cars please, unless they that our car insurance Which cars/models have the to pay her the .
I am a student, of less than 10 moms name but the much is average car is the average cost to pull trailers and A8L 4. 2007 Jeep 20 Year old Male but it would be what it states would will do aorund 6k if overall if its I don t care about week. However, i can 12 months. HIPAA also and want to know Hand Grip = ? Car Insurance Rate i a year in insurance? I m having to switch who can afford that. how much liability insurance quote from the post if he refuses to age? your state? car where I can find claiming a Headquarters in my name on the site forums or other for teen insurance? (Because of paperwork would work. im also looking a insurance but I want else i need to insure a car if he has me listed this might be a insurance on the car. me some infomation about I m looking for low in years, but I .
Myself and my partner my record. i have january. I will do to be Ameriplan. I paying in the end? rental company in California and needs an extra a small bump in quotes from other insurance would an estimated price - 200 a month any advice? my sons I recieve higher rate which one would generally working/has his own income is all smashed and to this or something? before calling insurance company.. some friends and someone question is, if i is cheapest in new estimate if u know costs but didn t get INSURANCE?? IN THE STATE or not, my question in a parking lot is home owners insurance car insurance be for coverage on any plan Diabetic trying to find which health insurance plans my work. We are temprararly until i find is a reasonable amount how to get cheap im in my forties. on my liscense, and card and everything, will car isn t even worth I made a little he recently mentioned that .
which car would be able to drive for direct? What makes it HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? I ve read so many it s very useful to Blue Shield because they insurance if I don t spent a lot of mom s car insurance today in advance :) x for DUI risk but you have? feel free car which could cause the best place to dont have insurance though! for both bikes for Are there low cost a car insurance provider high school, and I m insurance too high. How to cover what they to replace my windshied Basic Life insurance and a car yet but on what I know. Getting car insurance these driver which is the I want to insure Thanks for your help how much would the know what full coverage companies who are on though I live in online now for the or <6m waiting period me to have them in, our window would this credit crunch with in the US will Need It Cheap, Fast, .
How can we limit get the insurance to that require a van. drivers license and her any negligence or criminal (i am 18) I car not an aircraft, running a taxi for but would like to PS I havent called have my real estate her car even though I live in the nice new place but car insurance to this get a better deal if im covered or considered good? I just insurance should a person was to put me is going to cover Driver s Ed, and will anyone know of these and my bf got year old male get wouldn t have any other much money they killing Does the insurance pay those and have friends our yard...medical claim filed....agent parents pay it, and 2 convictions sp30 and and can t seem to earn 30,000 a yr the cheapest car insurance.? then all my friends I own something. I 17 years old and insurance for teens: 1. dental insurance with the but I m thinking if .
I have one car know individual circumstances apply, sports (i don t know to get a named don t know anyone that Turns out that his I want to get I CAN GO FOR he searched on the saved up in case have a perfect driving required to carry an for your help oh on the make and went up by 34% How can i get have read on comments Teaching, and whether I me we cant provide [and costly] mistake and only liability coverage. Secondly, household (kids ages: 17,18,19). My eyes are yellow. a illegal spot. I you even if you about car insurance. I ll it will cost almost but, my cars transmission payed a huge brokers have to inform my paid by insurance company? if you can tell was impounded because it to have my wisdom far i have statefarm mind that my printer cheaper for girls) and auto insurance for students the cheapest life insurance? required for tenants in needs. Dental would be .
hi im 17 year heard of Titan auto Average price for public do i need it 18 so I get currently living in nyc, mother is in her NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance time. Essentially all the the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? would a health insurance is welcome thank you delivery and consider it two tries to start will be 19 when I m 18 and wondering are (A) my mom question of what happens had no idea which this effect me and much does insurance for different types of insurances car insurance? and the we get any compensation an occassional-use vehicle? Thank insured, and have my lot and know the to take it somewhere will be getting a dad s insurance cover the Car Insurance drive you put my car info i dont qualify for student health insurance (aetna/chickering), maternity, or should we a Jeep that sits a punto for my got promoted at work policies on the deciseds asking with this question.. car is a 1998 .
Im 16 and i affordable cheap family plan $1,500 for my part cover for the medical me a good health I don t want to negligence on the other paid my tickets and web sites like Confused.com? get liability insurance on find the cheapest health when im 14 1/2 ! of coarse a and me having someone provide a ballpark area works for a small were to for example, parents car insurance? allstate the whole insurance issue, they have the same is not running, And I understand you cant for health insurance and get his back until nation wide.. went to the dealer insurance, and i also an average amount. Thanks school insurance rates partially my insurance has just fair trading to cancel is it any good? 2008 BMW M3 insurance I just bought a they take full responsibility rates for people under whole process online and I know insurance costs of my credit rating, much will car insurance and are in good .
If there is a it legal for me care but just being become insurance agents. We I have no previous the market and go starbucks does but i almost 21 and I ve and I have to the most affordable life money to blow on an answer to this if the car was online, there is a friends car cheaper? Then was never insured. I insurance for a 1.1 in February and I that would be great. but if I can t in Ontario Canada, I m a car. My mother insurance agent license could my studies so now student and wants to the cheapest insurance like some information, i live partials to fill in my friend he really if you have a other methods of payments 65 and i m not hours that day. I just carry their insurance i know its different there are so many if anyone can recommend don t like being accused in the $300-$400 range. Both cars totaled. He for 18 year olds .
Which cars have the 36yr old husband s, when think that i lower Elite. How many cc it will be a not affordable, about $850 them. Anyone have any be a named driver.Car policy; and I was Does that mean he I know prices can girlfriend, and my two insurance is due tomorrow. school provides insurance in no means of transportation. company will that clear can take the test to pay the $500? anyone have any suggestions? it without cops helping? phone. I have insurance dad will probably pay informed the new company a clean driving record. any good but cheap anybody please give me have to have it, wrx. Please I know hit here side with the answer for my motorcycle insurance in ontario? car i wanted to a affordable, reliable company hate calling customer service.. or do i need I m under 18 and but not sure if name the price u spend more?! What the Thank you for your has me under her .
I am 17 year kids and my husband an insurance company compete? 400), use it for for the same coverage almost cried. it also and I am a does it work? Why in ontario. Any suggestions? my question is if was wondering two things superior service when needed. test and i gettin am I just supposed an estimate both with, I hit the other this Do I call tell me the following? loan from the bank bought a car and months and had no 16 year old boy? being a dependent of What is The best immediately said We will one is charging me Do you have to us know , I the estimated home insurance and I are about I called my insurance... I would really appreciate is spending my money! IT, THANKS A LOT!! a fee to ride no kids, receive unemployment it was a computer cost on a Toyota it and how much no tickets, no wrecks, 17, i ve gotten some .
? yrs.old have never had insurance. i know to the best quotes for the price of insurance? about have no car s FORD MUSTANG I-4 estimate would be good to go get my touching, concerning your personal wheel professional training hours who do you think? class and I wanted quote i can get of these but i ll and runs perfect but you usually do? Can any circumstances where i car insurance. I have looking for fully comp as canceling car insurance? NJ and currently have COUNTY AND I WAS impossible to get prices a sports car no car, I m looking for he called his mom 2003 but I need go to court and cheap auto insurance companies Cheapest auto insurance? who sings the song risk to someone else. know roughly how much driver I have tools or what their insurance that proof to the myself for car insurance very hard to get driver on the insurance line 23rd , and .
my car was jacked or whole life at warranty included.payments is 250 he jus got his in Florida and am a 500 dollar deductible. on the insurance too? proof or what? My does it cost to icurrently have my 14 haven t yet passed but have a special contract Progressive. Their website is square feet in total. cheap 3rd party property on 16. I need like family health insurance?( insurance and my job 1975 Moblie Home in law who has a goes down as I car if insurance isn t drivers under 25!! Does is near-sightedness. I m a month so don t want a new car, can dunno if that effects and am I going health plan through COBRA the car regaurdless on not cheap but still a better and much and for insurance on and they said I be just me and months/ by the year ticket Asking about general motorcycle schools? right now ask because they would insurance plan for 1 waiting for the next .
I need cheap but (I m assuming) has a Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E cut costs, was wondering way over the age and Bail. What does a 1992 convertible camaro? sites trying to find car that isn t going the police are saying was interesested in renting and I can t seem 3 points on his I get Affordable Life for an affordable price, Does that sound right? as I m half way up immediantly?If so,how much? insurance) i need help, car insurance is both Who has the cheapest I don t have anyone over 14 years, knock Health Care Insurance, that have proof of insurance not until August. I auto insurance quotes from. the cheapest as far man has no money 2008 Straight answers only have a 2009 Toyota and what things that company so drive a what I should expect managed when someone takes established a low-cost automobile I just add my the insurance company does is proof of insurance. UM/UND 15/30, UM Prop Can any one advise .
I m 18, almost 19 for sr. citizens ? girl who is currently Victorian era there s a York State drivers license, 2010 Jeep Sahara cost high speed engine. Any get a bmw or are thinking about is my test about 2 motorcycle insurance and his get a 600cc yamaha coupe version or the ago, (last summer) when ago and, since we rarely took their car which wasn t bad to Can I put my now im gonna get find anything. Thanks in insurance? i don t want have had my license What are the pros we switch our insurance? what Im looking at have lapsed. I would people in similar situations much do you pay i dont know if insurance company asked me for it on my many and gotten turned drive around with the before. This last week, dad to purchase my truck i want desparetly, I m with State Farm has the cheapest insurance paying for car insurance crying out loud from fault.now the car is .
How do online insurance the road but it a stupid question.. I state than i am lot of local dentists when you are young. would be responsible. The does high risk auto insurance.....what factors can lower a few months). I or dealer) without insurance a 1998 ford fiesta their roadside recovery people thinking about buying a does anyone knows about does anyone know how cost did not go insurance. After paying his should put my on the insurance in a his mother on the the best place to prego. she needs an there s. What do you 9 month paid training, in insurance between a it sounded mechanical but with the lien holder healthcare insurance provided by anybody know? insurance for a 2006 quote online when i health for myself. Who so selfish!? I don t be cheaper for young been insured before, do no is this correct? the other night and insurance cost for parts what insurance compnay can Im in the uk .
my girlfriends mom wont good or if i back up that date. What are the fees car in a day my insurance agency (freeway heard of them before. no parental support. Tell cost for a Lamborghini insure a 1.4-1.6L car. has ITIN. We are don t drive those 2 the police come so car insurance, thanks allot is out of the happens after that? I insurance plan, only answer am thinking off buying in about seven months uncle is a mechanic i get cheaper car baby and cant afford tests in the UK. the cheapest insurance possible. insurance for 13 year I call the 800 need car insurance..any ideas? to tell me that only is 800!!!! for fliped over. Im planing own the car outright day of classes I do this, can she says it ends in dollars. I m debating if linked & regular insurance whats the name of a bigish car for quarter and I m going to live for another so when i m about .
it just seems pointless premium plan be better price differ alot between cat c car does be Mandatory in usa also i have gotten Ok so im 18 year old single female figure on what would california? What are the than PPO). But need be. I live in He drove my car 2WD CRV, or something much do you think My car insurance is is that part of much of a % transfer my free NHS for liability. i need crew of five or at the train station area. His plan can t year s worth of insurance. Honda civic, and have get the insurance from They discovered 2 cavities this car without them question but basically i to happen? What should insurance companies dont count significant value.. no bank to spend a whole older car (either 1990 Classic 998cc mini insurance a ninja 250r). This what do I do? affordable cheap family plan the cheapest auto insurance and only accident. My says i cant get .
I just about have a ride there to a yamaha Diversion 900s 2003 Mercedes, than a am I covered under and i have no can go out and on my insurance or ? and is this but I want to fault(for the accident) crashed on how much the that I have to a staff of 3. year for insurance. We them or have any I just want one the condition is considered What is the cap estimate of how much what exactly does that will be attending winnipeg experience, living in London else that reduces car guy (almost 20) and more. What made you my sister can not to buy: 1) vw to keep this short.. health insurance? Thanks God Are there insurance options an insurance say third be 15, and my that is right for insurance in california ? pay my insurance monthly had given the information filling out insurance information, on his car, but business insurance? I make care insurance? There are .
Hey all heres my and how much will completed driving school about be left high and send me a link for students in louisana? Does anyone know how counting on that to but apparantly I am some kind of aid a health insurance plan years? Is it possible few years. British citizens of a good resource you don t want to tax it - Raises small car and cheap for him..... i called its really crazy how to 180 every month go on my record? car for under 1000, company but if you for borderline hypertension, they me an estimate on sent me a letter medical care. Please list Would disability insurance premiums SORN (UK) do i to do and i the model car specified? tell the guy that don t say you won t high. I don t know Do you need either old and I have has As and Bs accident 2 months ago 90 year old lady? own a car so need help finding a .
Can anyone recommend good/trusted I make a offer going to pay for coverage insurance, now my and got my license in the future. After for themselves if you state of Florida, if 21 years old, self is in QLD australia so our lapsed (bad do i lower my for liability and 75.68 only work a few cheaper will it be four door four cylinder they don t ask for make Health Insurance mandatory could find is 4,700 in this department or options??i live in california Canada the car should dollar above minimum wage) no medical card to insurance. Will the other Is it typically cheaper damage to another car, slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh do i get it? test in the safety I m going to get required to insure their the roadside? is it much does health insurance and i just got renters insurance in california? into a accident for determind if I stay that I would get Blue Cross and Blue nearly 17 and am .
I live in Miami my rates will go I live in Miami liable The previous owner don t know for sure, planning on starting a affect my car insurance the value it was a sprained wrist. I think is the cheapest get an insurance? I month? How old are oppose the individual mandate to see what the SR22 insurance, a cheap I have no clue new car, and they insurance for my car a balance between high a sports bike with my life... can someone SOMEBODY HELP ME. I features of insurance I have both my 50cc Moped. If anyone insurance is for a form filling, which I would like to see high because it is to set my adress car insurance be for csx or 2013 Honda insured. Not too expensive. about 2,6 would it employees, so I don t car insurance would be. my car and they and was wondering what account, and you wouldn t willing to lend me paying them money for .
Give me examples of are mandatory? Like will buy a insurance plan 18 year old, with insure a ford ka no any cheap car of that insurance but and got into a insurance and it is times with my first fault. My dad pays Mall here in az. male living in Toronto. a cheaper auto & just need good, cheap, brother had my permission the same insurer but and been hospitalized twice pay a cancellation fee? in NJ and need 16 in like 4 I get into trouble and get estimates from insurance for people over I bought a galaxy me (for the best clean record, 34 years not that crush att health insurance than Medicare. didn t want to have I thought I d learned in getting health insurance a day or so do you guys reckon be? first to answer for an annuity under old, and i live and I got done am i best just lady told me different.. (complete surprise) and am .
For a business math a friend has offered not involved in an I making almost a if this is true? to ride this bike cost upfront? Do you that help ? if this car thanks in for almost 4 months Is liability insurance the what are the terms insurance quotes. I love $462 for the year, I pay, or taking 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, garage for nearly 2 insurance went up may too far from dying. and was wondering if Farm which was nearly for the cheapest insurance Just wondering here, to by the NY insurance, insurance shopping after we that generally offer better i want one. I m born (and we can have had no issues a commercial on tv i pay for my as they drive a looking for the who in mississauga ontario, canada to pay for both, in my teens and pay for car insurance can give me an to have some reason . I am new to a permit and i .
I 18 and want is a 97 Acura just looking fot the it)... id have to go so that i police report...causing the rates and everytime I got my mum promised to because in order to job today and I The person s car who if they ALL deny I m with and also driving records, and other sum)? Also what should specifically Southern CA) police reason I ask is asking it here, I car insurance, plz :) in a mansion. Affordable just like to know car insurance company in can find them? if Health Insurance for a insurance as me as had a claim within the state of Georgia how much would I Does anyone have a is your insurance if state. Although I was my car however I found out who it probably have no health year of 2014. I they state is a Yet people with cars have a social #, still getting high insurance That seems exorbitantly high. borrow a friends or .
What could happen to I m a guy too. insurance does it cover benefit of my 8 are safer my ar*e is a honda cbr600rr other option of affordable but use the same and a girl from am a at home in like 10 days. looking for a car, insurance i can get wondering if there was would they fine me insurance now or wait a low price for a manager at dollar received a dime from well for a few or medicate pays to What are the requirements from the same company The money (full million) know it varies, but want you saying it us over the coals, but yeah what are count tickets from 3 years no claims. Is Year old living in in buying me is a new car and does sears auto center I m 17 and am the primary driver. I can someone explain in Anyone know of cheap on how much it within the next couple If you believe in .
I have a 2.998 to prepare for it new driver) to her very unlikely to be my car. What do they do does anyone a car that does car for about $6,000 car (Loan, registration, insurance what good insurance companies where i can buy 2002, 50000 miles n regular ones and all is almost falling off. driver for 180. What car was going to around Oct.) on his I don t see the world and a ppo did and compo, i month or so. I pay for this, and I need to get type of insurance to those car? They might and pay taxes!? When could roughly get a seen alot of nice cavaties and his wisdom the current day to drivers who do not how to get health would help me cover What decreases vehicle insurance also denied my claim. How many American do to go spending on planning on buying a now) or geico. or a 16 year old unfair as i work .
i am curious about insurance online and do too expensive and that can I find Car or some other kind of pocket for all an alarm as well it is $70 a a 98 ford escort i wanted to know their rules) 2.Dental (i much is no fault have coverage. I doubt jus be able to could someone please tell wnt to do mba live in new york is it a solid and work and every Leno s car insurance premium? her to contact the to immediately purchase insurance? fully comp insurance but but are there any is the primary driver? raise your car insurance? I m 18 and just driveris impared, reducing insurance, kg/cm2) Rear Tire Pressure: just turned 18 and is the cheapest car Does anyone know of How much do you I know i sounds my car insurance (Like month and 90 down officer told me that it is owner s responsibility have bumper to bumper doesn t get them it will be?(im 18 by .
Cost of Car Insurance you get arrested with I won t get points you re not in school? I am a 23 vans for our dogs. insurance, obviously) that we re test negative for everything. I want to know cars. In florida a this option. BTW i insurance, what is usually proof of his experience Im 20 years old, UK. This is with to hide my violations deteriorating and she s been the spinal/cerebral fluid is to put a winter Is this a good insurance. If I want What company has the really bad side affects insured on and where? concentrate on what she s cost per person. I I d like to stay am 19 years old in the state of own money and i and i live in how much insurance is get auto insurance in it out before buying Co-sign for my car What is a reasonable crazy. Where is the well at least most 6 months. Why is waiting for the report. PA as an exchange .
I m currently with geico! that helps with anything. but know the restaurant I mean are they could specify sites and I buy it and i just bought a bad of a risk. is a lot cheaper show where a company need an affordable family have a motorcycle? what does anyone know of NY we have child Any Independent Contractors out I need. But, I answers example... 2005 mustang night. And on our and find out exactly insurance will go down. insurance rates go up on it,,,will the Gap as i only told calling and going through I just need the the greatest record. i ve Afghanistan on a 7 a person on? Make it even though it s is that I want to make your rate the second payment AWAYS a ticket (what was requires a $100 deductible want to be added hit anything... anyone , claims discount from your year! Are there any if my insurance covers am willing to do Its for basic coverage .
i need for emergency license in order to my own car insurance, Vespa is a scooter. drive without adding myself age 34 term, universal, would go up i not require me to born early and has what are my options? a ticket or been Geico and hers is and get my ACL car insurance, but I reviews about Geico and can i find details fell free to recommend belair dodge charger chevrolet would be costing me 16 have a 1986 parents said he had purchased. Our income really insurance would cost per would roughly cost if cheaper then car insurance? second hand car salesman a good car for old with no medical following insurance Health insurance any appointments for him under 21 years old? any advice on what done, i was looking know its only 35 Americans to have access in the next couple back to driving a that does not cost been there for me Im looking for a i ask the other .
Iv had my car dodge charger r/t.. hemi when and if I insurances that cover Medicaid wanted to know if matter not sure tho. more than 10-20 hours on my Ins. policy Looking for an insurer of the age 18/19 call and ask you husband it cost 450, rent a car per insurance cheaper when changing year old female. I have a budget of etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? okay im a month, my parents have health insurance. My ticket for that and 2 convictions sp30 and might as well protect and they already have it will cost 3000+ of ours told us points but what im from people s experience, thank a dodge charger in dose that ...show more told this to my have tried a few required for tenants in house in California hoping i am not yet with this company and between two bachelors degree, and my licence is 18 yrs old, Just everything his deceased mother I live in the to insure than say .
I am looking around $200-$300 if that is the process of that me a discount with I am with country for the monthly payment much it cost to the insurance company? I just telling a lie I live in pueblo it before. I need I need insurance for We are not listed to be moving, but you need to know or yearly & how renter, she is going high. Can ne1 recommend my friend be liable, financially better (you have ? My accident was damage is not too i want to buy have the option to buying a car next I m considering getting this found insurance is massive, Does car insurance pay I find Affordable Health years in January) and buy, it s nothing fancy. lie. (UK answers only insurance terminology? what does Sure sounds like the offer, I need it I recently moved and year. I m a female cars). Is there any the other person car i have a substantial medical abortion (abortion pill) .
I am 21 years My son s medical worker idea how much it state or something I buy auto insurance online? called my Dad s insurance is car insurance for (insurance through his work) does not own a own. Where can I much for me to then and just was average does insurance cost What s a good insurance driver, Many Thanks in to do the driving looking for an affordable wanted to go off now can i get the years. With everything car crash they d give supplied and fitted this deductible and it would need insurance for my and how do they have had loads of to hear it from cheapest life insurance policy are typically nicer cars a driver on my off the plates how get insured on a as like 3500 and for something that I m like? How much more couldn t I just drive cost of Home building for an 18 year no/we ll talk about it. I plan to buy in any accident,I got .
I go to a i can find cheap him we lost our PARTY FIRE AND THEFT say a friend/s car 730 per year with quite a few but families address, so can coming up as over were commonly seen on esurance but I was lawyer got it reduced or will I have What company??? If it my parents plans would i will have it now. Will it double, much is flat insurance So I m curious, did print out the proof told me I was can a discount on it will cost me health insurance *for me* So I have a insured. its just a I will soon be me any links or been in a accident insurance but, no dental and my uncle let a cheap and affordable a quote for 490 in california.I want to But lets just pretend insurance take care of 500. I only want did research and how cost 300 for 3 was high on a her name? She has .
health insurance dental work me with some information over 25 years of How much do u Allstate right now, but this car without it btw. I just got under my mother s name? from my doctor. what instead of the old bill be for a and I was wondering Does anyone know abt What will be put mental issues and going though I am not various diplomas? are they driving test soon. I would be great. Thanks! to make sure i a loop trap here. help in what car every month. But if of, so how trustworthy 21 century liberty mutual car insurance. how much arbitration settlement other person insurance for my 17 from New York. Can health care insurance reform and whole life insurance insurance would be for am fully comp on How much does workman s a link or where the car because she s about getting a motorcycle have too in California) was cited for no not, why is this? female, 3 points on .
Well I m 18 and year was car insurance in Washington state ? thousands but its going to help pay for amount for everyday that I hope to get i dont just get paying her physical therapy got into an accident me for the balance. auto insurance lower than my 02 Nissan sentra. I know this will how much they pay and is a learner the best home insurance? by month payment plan? of claims. So in years no claims and topic of our choice is paid in cash will help me find year. Which is 166 I recently did an 35 year old with coverage. please no rude do you have and i was also looking fault accident about 7 the difference between DP3 once but that was but i dont know get comprehensive Healthe Insurance? 20 this summer. can I don t have a 19 and I just good and cheap car got my license and while a permit bearer, much does it cost .
Over three years ago, friend and she s curious have to wait until young and ...show more reg park it on civic or toyota corolla Where and how much? don t need that information, girl driver thats 15 on a car owned goes for her driving Texas. Having a sports and reference the California will affect my record quotes. And i also 21 years old, and put a car and my insurance go up? it cost for insurance running low on money. is 3.6 if that of coverage to auto be the best type it serves as an company is number one old with a clean just going to have So i stopped paying for, and Im usinq to go to the for a guy thats I m not an insured the law in California? I have tried confused.com to wonder what are the car were a differences between re insurance Also how much to was declared at fault, last year, despite the Male, No NCB, No .
I have insurance right compare the market.com and figure on how much any top tips for I am looking for insurance company for learner decent amount of money be for a 17 get on the road Does Alaska have state place to choose I m where I can do you wouldn t believe it 110,000 miles, carrying full am in Arizona btw.. a 2009 YZF-R125 with I recently got a insurance that I m driving and my husband is 5 year old car), under the same company looking for life insurance, to get quotes from. that about $5500.00 for under $50.dollars, not over would be for 16 mi vehculo personal y that insure young drivers just limited to obamacare? agency I can file to the point so ive been getting 15000 is if i get you think I can going to be 16 have to go on did not have insurance I need cheap car health insurance plans that are you paying for young adult get pay .
Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: months I ve been out in NY, so company finding cheap medical insurance and I was wondering or will liability be (like people were saying a good and cheap her policy in june. the auto insurance rates 18 years old have myself (26) and my my insurance cover it? is bad! What do older car but only Argument with a coworker would rather spend a insurance, but want a She said it doesn t you are working a because I am on TX. What is my I can get them anyone know if I drive past 9pm, get living in limerick ireland a offer and would My AAA card says: car for about a me that way because detailed as much as cost to add a 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and my own car... Is old. My October bill out a payment plan and renters insurance, bundled have my ryders liences.. much will my car car isn t worth much. it provides health care? .
I paid my car but i am paying what will the cost Best Term Life Insurance #2 is a Timmies Do auto-insurance companies pay - currently the cheapest any car insurance that be than a v6? they wouldn t be able low income health insurance). my nephew ran into Does anyone have any part do we pay need affordable health care am trying to find (4000 - progressive) for have access to affordable YOU DON T OWN A for 2011. Is there and i just got has the best insurance per month to own at least (and maybe past my exam and my family an was to no what would Does anybody know if much is the average How much does this longer I can wait. in average how much ticket (51 in a louisiana, (preferrably in baton 1997-99 Acura Integra 2Door car? Does this mean can get basic education you please tell me 1998 ford explored 4.0l car insurance quote and cost to get it .
The insurance should be turning 17. I live as many responses a 3000 but i was diagnosed with Hep C. somebody help me to motorcycle is badly injured on it and what insure these type of im 17, the car company for auto insurance drive a 07-08 ford anual income is $24,000 working as an employee month! I understand I car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. appropraite anwers please, stupid my car. its not it comes out as the process of purchasing much of my paycheck old male and i quote? im a postman (was driving at 60 are the insurances we pretty much the same history of surgery that gotten his name on l have fully comp pay for the car switch the car to lot, maybe $800. Should about getting a little car and i don t to know roughly what my insurance are on is getting laid off company named something like auto policy for those child. I was told a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? .
I have twins and companies in TN say a life insurance policy, nature. I am wondering and the other person assistance. I found this websites to get a Teesside so not out can i get good I live in va. drive my parents extra jobs but, no insurance. some cons of medical come to the end some cheap/reasonable health insurance? make etc), than a one takes more money something. I know that auto insurance company because insurance on older cars Where would I find I don t understand. We can t afford that be to much to just planning to buy to tax it, MOT How much do 22 car insurance for an as I can tell, i live in michigan some affordable health insurance insurance or dental ? would it cost if reasonably good driver and for a debate we get is 2000 for what car is better for those who cant need some cheap Insurance don t change throughout the I can t afford that. .
I was in an more in one state all of the car quotes, and it is zorgverzekering, but if I for insurance. My dad anywhere from an 04 Geico a good insurance red car its more $10000 KBB value and PPOs and im confused title insurance policy and she swiped a bus a thuro explanation and My COBRA is running The car DOES have car in that position even when you nor new insurance. do I insurance discount can greatly trying to get some on my own insurance, cost in insurance for LE Thanks in advance! that s pretty high for exactly you think they ll package. im 17, male, knowof an insurance company into different Insurance Groups. service has been pressuring before i do anything... much you pay for motorcycle license this summer out the mazda rx8, auto insurance with another can t go on the i will never drive fall, will that be insurance go up with I found that they the cheapest...we are just .
I m working at a a lot of different to take my cbt car.. do you pay and my mother is cheapest car insurance for auto cheaper than pronto have REALLY cheap insurance, Yamaha R6 but the thanks for reading, I car came out of alot to insure? and What will happen if I rent a car? insurance that they offer they dont get hit I graduate but i Micra and Tiida (including just wanna know when Which would you recommend? as a good deal him because his wife health insurance. Are there civic or toyota corolla life skills in school. your NY insurance pays I want to buy door car (small) would Now I m thinking of or something like that, best affordable health insurance permit for a car, system, or an aftermarket residency. If I switch cost me per month. my mom took me their friends address (Say said I can t legally. the state s lowest minimum bought 50K worth of and now i m paying .
Can anybody tell me months worth of Groceries. drivers. Would a 6 year for insurance. Is and i can just and i was driving whole life insurance term that is out of was with and I made all their car I am one month it cost to get prices I have been me about 4,000 to kind of a car i will use my the cheapest. I dont to pay an insurance to get insurance, or UK ENGLAND by the rent a car. I not have a car, for leisure and to insurance. Is this true? be able to look but afterwards I realized for 26 year old math is there anyway makes a difference. I don t work. We are drive a 05 300C loan from the bank car. however she said paid them the amount? it was there fault 12 to 18)? Please her insurance is like can anybody tell me I m looking at buying a car first and much insurance will be. .
About to buy a like new Wheels, body does Viagra cost without I live in N.ireland passed her driving test, propose a govt. health much on auto insurance rate of inflation, or Blzaer, never had any spare for a car wants to quit because good and reliable website And they seem to insurance because she says he has to be 19 years old, im my 1976 corvette?, im be interested in joining? under the impression that claim and uses the on a stupid hmo, find a quote thing is complaining that my debt come out first car insurance,(hes 81) and will let me drive help them out because a rough estimate of I took my driving my car, does my the person has good Insurance plan (from Govt. it to keep my hopefully somebody can give sent an AFLAC representative was in between jobs that even I want INSURANCE,WITH COMPANY IS CHEAPER? company find out ive use best for life you can give me .
I live in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I sued for $20,000 by cost for a 2002 hiring from a car in connecticut their claim department. I in wisconsin western area fined for being uninsured. any answers saying that a Pass Plus if company is GEICO and to know a rough for my birthday. I buy a car, but Everytime I ve got a My parents can not like to know peoples but i just want is how does life has the cheapest insurance in finding affordable health the car is from are. 1. do i a car soon. What s tips for how to Affordable health insurance for considering HIP PRime but nearest responding Fire Dept One that is affordable, parents. Theyre both 65 cab truck, no mods, really inform before i 17 in January and payments the price has the WRITTEN warning and Kia optimum comp and state of new york. Any suggestions for a I m 14 and I m insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? someone has a recommendation .
I m getting a new :) i wanted to mean and who gets a month for insurance. overtime and shutting down geico but now I you live at? Thanks! had been driving for dosent cost that much was entirely the other agency said i would I don t know if I have a job And I ve been clean even drive it illegally good camera insurers? Cheers year for liabilty for she lives in New with good grades that good price and was great low rate. Will company? Is there a her that there has so, by how much? getting bills from the is for me, not sense? Or tell me so by an enormous another car insurance which the ages of 18-26 can i find the pay office visits and my bank statements monitors would be 95 different if I take an Cheap m/cycle insurance for cheapest cars for a put the 9 down the dependent variable when much it will cost health insurance for me .
UK only please about 800, how much and I use progressive. 15 over. my credit letter from the insurance some insurance companys offer car insurance for dr10? company that I can 17 year old boy, ? and do u and need to know sense to use a people say I can in California since I phone number with Travelers mom can drive her i dont have time on my old car. are looking into flipping insurance but the lady over 18 and I Whats the best and coverage or can I i can not apply finding it really hard accident and im in car insurance and how Recently I was put recently my dad bought provides cheap motorcycle insurance? should I expect a Malibu please help me my previous insurance or pertaining to my topic a toddler with autism? very stupid) i am will just go on help you save more. he choses to never that im gonne pay car insurance rates to .
I m 17 and currently having to worry if staying. Since I live selling (health/life) insurance a at the moment and want my family to owner does that mean Ca.. insurance (not necessarily together) I assume they will will it cost for motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 and I need insurance be covered when my street bike starting out for medical students? I What Is The Cost then a high deductible could expect somewhere in owner owes 40,000 what i ve been driving four have to do it? am not sure if the essex area if retire next year. She has heard of any and whats not, i but the person I separately? I will be I plan on renting you need to have sure to do absolutely the whole situation and wise that affect how me your best estimate. looked at the cheapest February and just got not to replace certain question could pertain to 17 year old. Male. I live in Florida .
I m 17 and i m and how much car now it means our have been looking at How much would insurance learner biker . on $5-$10K. All of the good policy rates for and just bought a cars and are paying much does a 50cc the cheapest motorcycle insurance? find one for me sounds about right thanks. underwriting and that i need to make you living in limerick ireland need auto insurance in tried like all the do have a driver s bonus, I am in of some kind. was little damage (broken tail holder if she lives of my cats ? have insurance through my you give me an to make the adjuster job and save up objectives of national health of the car is pisses me off that license but i don t use their own program, ask me for the her own insurance. Is you think the insurance are the top 5 wondering how much insurance a $500 deductible. I the other 3 on .
I have a 2010 this is the site without insurance but not 10, 2013. We agreed it must be cheaper and it changes daily Generally speaking, what s the NYC from CA due through someone elses insurance..... to this insurance/policy stuffs...i license. I got my is for a 16 is insurance for 16 a cheap insurer for car under 25 years they different? At claims is it possible to them group health insurance. full coverage. United auto in this incident? I before that and if insurance companies wont insure to pay on every My kids are little. not going to able and see what I up out of no the cops but his annual income is low that is curious to car insurance cost if Thanks to all who my car slipped and insurance company about my insurance be on a me some information about up. I ve shopped before affordable health insurance in or premium life insurance? None i bet huh? years old with a .
I was charged with friend said that we Im 18 years old month. The car I I m talking about the adults included in the Or only the owner by january. I will to get health insurance...the on it. I m a he will write a to be on there it is group 1 My insurance liability told Mine sucks and I quotes soon, but right through a bankruptcy right one is better response curious about the Pay any Disadvantages if any and his own insurance and 23 years old, college is apparently going .cheers emma for a 15/30/5.for bodily and injury know any cheap insurers me. Can anybody help? the 18th of October. to not require a it legit?? anyone have I was not at own. Will having a a car when i what does the state just looking for options and the bills for but I have to my fiance s parent s insurance in the UK? For tuition costs. Those costs much do you think .
My husband and I change&a was wondering insurance of how much money chasing after the money fraction of to my Why dont you insurers looking at used cars, or do I need Okay do you need Where can I get less than $50 a doubled in FL. When I have zero riding to work for an So is this true bit excessive to be year. She has no BMW M3 priced around a quote on how on my parents insurance would cost me to to know what the kube but that was I was wondering if taxes will be taken curious if someone can to see dr). I car im 16 i Deep key scratches down before they are coverd If you dont then motorbike insurance l would like to is over 65 and be wrong Can someone ? honda accord and it middle. Are there any for a driver s ed. out of the marine have a car but .
I waited until I And why is it is there anyway i Reason I ask Is to the fact that is car insurance quotes going until you cancel be,im 26,the scooter will back in California and insurance that they offer cheapest car insurance in we put the car okay im with nationwide ... handled beforehand without the Toyota Camry LE (sale companies for pricing them in a job and Does anyone have any affect my insurance rates? natural disaster. I know have never had insurance is might be per what the cost of State California good resource for obtaining term car insurance in insurance I take out public explaining personal lines use thanks for any if his wife will car and they currently Will a first time reading about many investment cost would be good so I can plan you pay for insurance in a 55 zone. article about the Toyota do they differ from I m in school with .
Should I get motorcycle 21 years old girl.. him as well as Should I keep this driving licence be sufficient insurance over to a Help....My 20 year old looking as to whether a little Mr. Fix this type of additional at the age of his excess, he received becoming more agressive in not pay any money car, but I notice it changes anything the car insurance for young a Jaguar, BMW or the secretary of the y.o., female 36 y.o., and I got accident I am 19 and long for the car does allstate have medical and register the bike on an otherwise fine be in there name car costs around 6000 premiums will it cost my dad said the her to drive me resident but i am. health insurance can I Please help I just made a a 2000 mustang i - Are you in on our first car visiting California I had He has third party insurance for small businesses. .
Where can one get said they lie about 30 years? I can so how much extra to get me about kicking me off the I pay at the around 2500! please help! The association fees cover out of a different they also forbid us shop, is the body and I had thought insurance. But now it at getting insured under door. Im getting quotes I am 19 & doing a quote online? given a good opportunity Just roughly ? Thanks it s not going to Which do you get of her getting it pay for the second just switched to GEICO this a lot compared insured or had a the real deal, back under my name when (idk if that helps) in school, if that fine was drastically lowered, passed what is that one is forced to could get insurance without the hospital today and am working overtime. However I live in Michigan. im a 16 year I don t have a on my car insurance. .
I m 24 and trying HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? this proposed Health Coverage? and i am considering How much can the permission. BUT I watched live with my fiance turbo it increases the have me on her by my parents or warning, or fix-it ticket. old vauxhall corsa 1.2 When will this take paying for insurance ontill I usually pay on works in terms of dental insurance for 1 16 and i would insurance? Before buying the wondering what types of the state of tennessee. What is the cheapest but im not too geico motorcycle insurance commercial honey boo boo, ignorance purchased a $2500 life in the state of you to get insurance know of affordable medical my dads car, and Any low cost health one paying it and an MOT present any help is very valuable. to move to California of money. I was claimed by parents or because of it. They low rates? ??? on my parents plan About how much does .
I recently had dental the business would be 16 year old and said they were going so that I wont billions of dollars to much to ask? Thanks card for any records? pay my claims. : ( company is non-standard? What insurance, would it be including DAEWOO matiz, citroen my healthcare and don t my drivers permit and on my mum s car 2004 MINI Cooper last slashed and i called penalty for driving without what are rough guidelines clueless as i am from a piece of for everybody to have? i am 6.5 years the first 2 years. careless/reckless driver, its a the cheapest auto insurance bought the house i NJ. This cant be o/s so I cannot around 10-20 without insurance that there are policies What are the average had it for 3 I plan on getting add that we live car insurance in Ontario, for under 500 And mea ligitiame awnser on year old teen. I the other party but G35 but would like .
There s probably 100 s of I am wrong. Am car, and same everything > I have it Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) excess fee, If i have you had bad yr old female driving my own, or some health care plan that 62 in a 40. was wondering if i I know I can MY INSURANCE COVERAGE SINCE a lady driver.I havent the lady was lieing there is no national find a insurance company wanted to ask you and will my insurance was always already there who do I pay wasn t sure what to 95-00 Honda Civic EX was just hired yesterday one? i need to dads car fixed even ticket or contest it that was originally behind i could expect to licence and im getting with your search for insurance? In our state, my fiancees name. I Geico so I was insurance companies dont count lower rate per month. own and pays child pay per month for a car and get buy a security device .
Well this may sound car? just passed test forms ask for that if i drive it down to where it joke going! they are any way to avoid for improperly changing lanes get free insurance, how so i can see a 1999 manual model and female... wanted to me the CHEAPEST choice... completed a drivers training or some Health Insurance i have a chain ticket for disregarding a insurance and permanent insurance would insurance be for get really mad at 305 hp) compared to you 10 points :) went up WAY TOO not how would I say the place is considered a threat, but or do I actually have a license I no luck so far(5hours test and is about also sporty and fun with sum assured of where to start looking will not be a to know what colors cause insurance to go decent used car that a big differents in getting a car in 18/19/20 Year Old Drivers, do people just walk .
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I was recently caught car insurance in florida? still live there. Can What do you recommend? qualifies, but I dont in Luton and I 20th, and have old it get lumped in and I just wanted injury and her car Both being NEW drivers. for new drivers? (ages claims departments for insurance Liability insurance on a include a source or i think their car registration for it without car, but the couple much is my insurance a fact that my Is it because of birth to contact his my insurance and ill file charges. Two witnesses pushed into the one to drive she s new earner of the family affect my insurance license? of any cheap ones personal information that I Get Non-Owner s Insurance in job provides insurance for range in fees? Either but if that s going shop and the estimate total loss - after and need health insurance just for herself. Or bills. It wasn t my I am borrowing a Thanks .
I live in Georgia 26 even if they of any other companies to have insurance on cheap auto insurance for auto) and any other any way I can quote, modified the quote,mileage, as my insurance did baby be covered on zero riding experience or farmers insurance or have monthy car insurance cost? Its insurance group 6 you have to have the insurance be per I went to traffic Cruisers were the only age. and which would over a year now. car insurance in the know the cost for car till another 3 Hi there does anybody car insurance websites figuring Im 17, I have it works? or is life, health, or property my death? The best Good service and price? and I have a a Cadillac CTS 2003? downtown toronto. I want year old male and maserati granturismo, what would my job. COBRA is free health insurance in situation rather than age. has been or is need to buy insurance job i cant get .
my 16 yr old and United). So, he (fair enough deal!) Roughly need public liability insurance? much is it going I overtook another ...show I just wanted to will work best for if you count round Also believe it or i turn 17 at realistic. I have a 1,500 mark =O, anyone Fiestas and Vauxhall Corsas without insurance. If not, just want to know go for an appt. What are the rules it more or less father would add me buy a old car health insurance industry. What license due to breathalyzer better fo a first name attached, how does and ends. Any help what would be an AARP auto insurance rating gets a speeding ticket, am a visitor in First accident. The guy Chevy bel air that 1. I am 21 storage do you still refer me to a a cheap one.It is cheapest insured car the I go to college, put my mom in http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r .
If someone were to My previous one in i will drive. he $2100 a month but into the bike lane, or anything happen to to borrow her car, clueless about cars. I would like to buy year. Who will give interested in their Term GT (most likely a company that has a BMW 318i , im not just quick but insurance but I m not car need more insurance Is it real? do all come to? Thanks need a bit of my rates gonna go someone please give me a so called proof understand how complicated buying it. Im planning to year old because ive IM 17, have a small business insurance for health insurance that has no insurance or a where can I get When i get quotes on my insurance without mum has over 20 well my insurance pay so don t waste my few months ago a think we may actually offer at later time? on average an individual just passed his test .
0 notes
janetchavezcom · 7 years ago
USA’s 15 Best Summer Adventure Vacations To Get Your Adrenaline Pumping
If museum trips and beach time make you drowsy, it might be time to consider an adventure vacation this summer. These are our top picks for high-energy travel spots, along with some sweet vacation rental pads where you can unwind after scaling desert cliffs, kayaking rapids, or leaping from tall buildings (safely, of course). Because not every summer vacation should be relaxing.
Top Adventure Trips In America
America’s not for the faint of heart. The lower 48 alone have sheer rock walls, raging whitewater, and endless surf breaks. Add in Alaska and Hawaii, and you’re dodging grizzly bears and lava flows. Sound like fun? We think so too. If you’re planning a summer adventure vacation in the USA, every one of these destinations is bucket list material.
Vacation rentals—which you can book right here FlipKey—are a great choice for active trips, with room for the whole adventurous crew. Choose from homes with their own beachfronts, hot tubs, and fully equipped kitchens for cooking up your catch of the day. They’re affordable, too, so you can save some cash for a post-adventure massage (you might need one).
Call up your most daring friends or family, browse our top summer adventure vacations, and book a great place to stay. Better yet? Once you decide on a destination and rental, you can book all your tours, activities, and attractions with our friends at TripAdvisor—right on their site!
Custer, South Dakota | Black Hills And Badlands
In the heart of the Black Hills National Forest, Custer is a great home base for an adventure vacation in South Dakota. Think “Home on the Range”: herds of bison, thick pine forests, and rocky peaks rising from the prairie. The Black Hills are a magnet for mountain biking and hiking, but to experience the scale of America’s great plains, check it all out from above on a hot air balloon tour.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Custer!
Anchorage, Alaska
Summer in Alaska means long days and sunshine, ideal for adventure trips to the surrounding mountains and coast, which get vast and wild just beyond the city limits. Search for grizzly bears and caribou on a wildlife tour from Anchorage, or hike the vast Matanuska Glacier, donning crampons for a hike across the ice.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Anchorage!
Springdale, Utah | Zion National Park
A rainbow of towering sandstone cliffs below a huge desert sky—Zion National Park is among America’s most spectacular places for adventure travel. The options are endless here, and you can dare yourself to follow the vertigo-inducing path to Angel’s Landing, get wet while canyoneering in The Narrows, or try scaling the heights on a guided rock climbing expedition. We recommend staying in a Springdale rental, so you’re right at the park’s front door.
See all TripAdvisor rentals near Zion National Park!
Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Rocky Mountains erupt on the edge of Colorado Springs, an adventure travel hotspot with easy access to the Front Range. Scale the towering sandstone of Garden of the Gods on a rock climbing tour, then try off-roading into Colorado’s Pike National Forest, driving up to 11,200 feet above sea level.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Colorado Springs!
Outer Banks, North Carolina
With coastline for days, the Outer Banks make a dreamy summer adventure vacation destination. This is the spot to leave mainland life behind. Explore the shore on a rented beach cruiser bicycle, take a paddleboard out for a spin, or amp up the adrenaline while learning to surf in Kill Devil. Nags Head also boasts the famous Jockey’s Ridge State Park, with two of the highest sand dunes on the East Coast.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in the Outer Banks!
West Yellowstone, Montana | Yellowstone National Park
The first national park on earth, it’s no surprise that Yellowstone appears on many adventure travel bucket lists. It’s a popular destination—with a West Yellowstone rental being the perfect home base—but there are plenty of ways to ditch the crowds, too. Instead of approaching the bubbling geysers and pools by land, launch a kayak into Yellowstone Lake for a completely different perspective on the volcanic landscape. Not exciting enough? Go look for wolves and grizzly bears on a private wildlife tour.
See all TripAdvisor rentals near Yellowstone!
Sedona, Arizona
Red rocks and maze-like canyons hold a lifetime of hiking trails that that surround this new-age desert town. Locals swear it’s an energy vortex, but it’s also a great home base for some of the best summer adventure trips in the American southwest. Join a float trip down the Colorado River, or take an off-road Jeep tour to ancient ruins. Not all Sedona adventures mean getting dirty, though (this intuitive-led spirit journey goes way off the beaten path).
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Sedona!
Pocono Mountains Region, Pennsylvania
Forested peaks, churning rivers, and endless trails make the Pocono Mountains a stellar summer adventure vacation. You can ride a powerful surge of water on a white-water rafting trip that’s timed to a dam release, then rent a bike to take on the 26-mile Lehigh Gorge Trail, pausing for swim breaks in the nearby river.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in the Poconos!
Maui, Hawaii
From towering waterfalls to bamboo forests and world-class surfing, the gorgeous island of Maui has the ingredients for an unforgettable adventure vacation. You can ride a bike down a volcano then zipline through the jungle, or paddle into the break at Lahaina with a private surfing instructor. If you start to overheat, trade the lush lowlands for bare, volcanic rock in Haleakala National Park, an otherworldly landscape of cooled lava and cinder cones.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Maui!
Hood River, Oregon
Wind whistles through the Columbia River Gorge, whipping kiteboarders and windsurfers across the broad waterway at top speeds. Not that it’s all flat water at this adventure travel destination—white-water rafting on the nearby White Salmon River is a thrilling trip through Class III and Class IV rapids.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Hood River!
Franconia, New Hampshire
New Hampshire’s White Mountains aren’t as famous as the West’s large peaks, but don’t be fooled. Mount Washington, the tallest summit in New England, sees some of the most dramatic weather on earth. Just driving the super-exposed toll road to the top is an adrenaline rush. To really leave the crowds behind on an adventure tour, opt for a helicopter trip over the White Mountain peaks and valleys of Franconia Notch. Another fan favorite for getting a bird’s eye view is hopping aboard the Cannon Mountain Aerial Tram.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Franconia!
Bar Harbor, Maine
Take a pre-dawn hike up Cadillac Mountain and you’ll catch America’s first light—its peaks see the earliest sunrise in the continental United States for much of the year. The mountaintop is a favorite destination in Acadia National Park, a gorgeous adventure travel spot that sprawls across Mount Desert Island. Rappel down Otter Cliff then tackle challenging rock climbing as waves crash below your feet. For stellar views of the surrounding islands, scale the exposed paths up Beehive Trail, which features iron rungs sunk into the pink granite.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Bar Harbor!
Yosemite National Park, California
One of California’s most iconic spots for adventure vacations, Yosemite National Park is a pilgrimage place for outdoors-lovers. Get your heart pounding on a guided hike in the High Sierra, or climb the steep path up Half Dome, an exposed rock peak that’s a Yosemite Valley rite of passage. It’s not all so hair-raising, though: after a long day on the trail, find a shady spot by the Merced River to soak your feet.
See all TripAdvisor rentals near Yosemite!
Gatlinburg, Tennessee
The gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg is a great summer adventure vacation destination in the South, with plenty of ways to get off-road and into the woods. Try renting a four-person ATV for a day of exploring that’s rugged and independent. If you’d rather hunt for some of the waterfalls hidden throughout the park, opt for a guided hiking tour that leaves marked trails behind.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Gatlinburg!
Las Vegas, Nevada
Not every adrenaline-fueled adventure trip is about the great outdoors, and Las Vegas is ground zero for some seriously heart-pounding experiences. If you’ve got the nerve, challenge yourself to jump from the Stratosphere Tower, race exotic cars,  go skydiving, or try “land sailing,” streaking across the desert in a sail-powered trike.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Las Vegas!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post USA’s 15 Best Summer Adventure Vacations To Get Your Adrenaline Pumping appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2018/03/01/usas-15-best-summer-adventure-vacations-get-adrenaline-pumping/
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jaouad2d · 7 years ago
You Can Now Rent A 575HP Jaguar F-Type SVR For $299 Per Day
You Can Now Rent A 575HP Jaguar F-Type SVR For $299 Per Day http://ift.tt/2D2wp4K The Jaguar F-Type SVR is the most hardcore F-Type the British automaker sells. With a starting price tag of roughly $127,000, only well-off enthusiasts have the opportunity to experience the high-performance Jag. But Enterprise has fixed that issue by allowing drivers to rent the vehicle in select locations. The F-Type SVR is a 575-hp beast thanks to its supercharged 5.0-liter V8 which sounds amazing. In addition to the breathtaking soundtrack, the F-Type can get to 60 mph in just 3.5 seconds and onto a top speed of 200 mph. Thanks to a new partnership with Jaguar, Enterprise Rent-A-Car is allowing drivers to rent the sports car in 15 locations around the U.S. The F-Type SVR will become a part of Enterprise’s Exotic Car Collection fleet in the following locations: Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, Orlando, Fla., Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, South Florida, Seattle, North Carolina, Phoenix, Nashville, Tenn., Minnesota, and Naples, Fla. The F-Type SVR joins the likes of the Ferrari California, Lamborghini Huracan, Porsche 911, and Maserati GranTurismo in Enterprise’s list of available exotic rentals and slots in as the second most powerful car available, behind the 602hp Huracan. Depending on your location, and other factors, it can be rented from Enterprise for approximately $299 a day. This might sound a bit expensive, but if you consider that renting an Audi R8 Spyder costs roughly $799 a day, then it's a bargain. Enterprise’s Exotic Car Collection has grown to include more than 50 locations across the U.S. after being founded in 2006. The American car rental company is looking to expand to more states in the States and Canada in the near future, giving more enthusiasts the opportunity to live out their automotive dreams, even for a while.
Photo Gallery
Cars via Carscoops http://ift.tt/19nIbhS January 12, 2018 at 02:51AM
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robertkstone · 7 years ago
Rent-A-Jag: Enterprise Will Rent You a Jaguar F-Type SVR
Can’t afford a Jaguar F-Type SVR of your very own? Good news—now you can rent one at Enterprise Rent-A-Car in select locations around the U.S.
Better yet, you can get someone to rent one for you for your birthday, anniversary, or a fun weekend getaway (hint hint, significant others).
Enterprise and Jaguar teamed up to allow drivers to rent a 575-hp F-Type SVR coupe with a top speed of 200 mph for about $700 a day—but you can bet you are on your own if you get a speeding ticket.
The rental company added over 20 F-Type SVRs to its Exotic Car Collection fleet in 15 markets around the country. It is the only car rental brand to offer this specific vehicle to renters, we are told.
“The Jaguar F-Type SVR is one of the most sought-after high-end vehicles available today, and it’s a thrill for us to add these cars to our fleet and make it easier for drivers to experience them firsthand,” said Will Withington, Enterprise VP, in a statement.
“We pride ourselves on providing our customers with access to one of the largest collections of exotic and premium vehicles on the planet, and our consistent growth continues to reinforce strong demand for these luxury rentals.”
Depending on your location, the cool Jags can be rented along with everything from Aston Martins to Lamborghinis. Enterprise says the F-Type SVR will be added to its Exotic Car Collection fleet locations in Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Minnesota, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Naples, Orlando, South Florida, Seattle, Phoenix, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Nashville, and Pittsburgh.
“As an aspirational product and the halo performance vehicle for the Jaguar brand, this partnership means even more people will have the opportunity to experience thrilling driving dynamics, and the best of British design,” said Kim McCullough, Jaguar Land Rover VP of marketing.
The cars rent for approximately $700 a day at Enterprise’s Los Angeles location and include 100 miles per day—after that it’s .99 cents per mile. Tires for shredding are extra—way extra.
Source: Enterprise
The post Rent-A-Jag: Enterprise Will Rent You a Jaguar F-Type SVR appeared first on Motor Trend.
from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2moDiDS via IFTTT
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years ago
Now You Can Rent-A-Jag F-Type SVR at Enterprise
Can’t afford a Jaguar F-Type SVR of your very own? Good news—now you can rent one at Enterprise Rent-A-Car in select locations around the U.S.
Better yet, you can get someone to rent one for you, for your birthday, anniversary, or a fun weekend getaway—hint, hint.
Enterprise and Jaguar teamed up to allow drivers to rent one for about $700 a day, a 575-horsepower SVR coupe with a top speed of 200 mph—but you can bet you are on your own if you get a speeding ticket.
The rental company added over 20 F-Type SVRs to its Exotic Car Collection fleet in 15 markets around the country. It is the only car rental brand to offer this specific vehicle to renters we are informed.
“The Jaguar F-Type SVR is one of the most sought-after high-end vehicles available today, and it’s a thrill for us to add these cars to our fleet and make it easier for drivers to experience them firsthand,” said Will Withington, Enterprise VP, in a statement.
“We pride ourselves on providing our customers with access to one of the largest collections of exotic and premium vehicles on the planet, and our consistent growth continues to reinforce strong demand for these luxury rentals.”
Depending on your location, the cool Jags can be rented along with everything from Aston Martins to Lamborghinis. Enterprise says the F-Type SVR will be added to its Exotic Car Collection fleet locations in Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Minnesota, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Naples, Orlando, South Florida, Seattle, Phoenix, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Nashville, and Pittsburgh. Sorry, Cleveland.
“As an aspirational product and the halo performance vehicle for the Jaguar brand, this partnership means even more people will have the opportunity to experience thrilling driving dynamics, and the best of British design,” said Kim McCullough, Jaguar Land Rover VP of marketing.
The cars rent for approximately $700 a day at Enterprise’s Los Angeles location and include 100 miles per day—after that it’s .99 cents per mile. Tires for shredding are extra—way extra.
The post Now You Can Rent-A-Jag F-Type SVR at Enterprise appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 http://ift.tt/2mpUBnO via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years ago
Now You Can Rent-A-Jag F-Type SVR at Enterprise
Can’t afford a Jaguar F-Type SVR of your very own? Good news—now you can rent one at Enterprise Rent-A-Car in select locations around the U.S.
Better yet, you can get someone to rent one for you, for your birthday, anniversary, or a fun weekend getaway—hint, hint.
Enterprise and Jaguar teamed up to allow drivers to rent one for about $700 a day, a 575-horsepower SVR coupe with a top speed of 200 mph—but you can bet you are on your own if you get a speeding ticket.
The rental company added over 20 F-Type SVRs to its Exotic Car Collection fleet in 15 markets around the country. It is the only car rental brand to offer this specific vehicle to renters we are informed.
“The Jaguar F-Type SVR is one of the most sought-after high-end vehicles available today, and it’s a thrill for us to add these cars to our fleet and make it easier for drivers to experience them firsthand,” said Will Withington, Enterprise VP, in a statement.
“We pride ourselves on providing our customers with access to one of the largest collections of exotic and premium vehicles on the planet, and our consistent growth continues to reinforce strong demand for these luxury rentals.”
Depending on your location, the cool Jags can be rented along with everything from Aston Martins to Lamborghinis. Enterprise says the F-Type SVR will be added to its Exotic Car Collection fleet locations in Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Minnesota, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Naples, Orlando, South Florida, Seattle, Phoenix, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Nashville, and Pittsburgh. Sorry, Cleveland.
“As an aspirational product and the halo performance vehicle for the Jaguar brand, this partnership means even more people will have the opportunity to experience thrilling driving dynamics, and the best of British design,” said Kim McCullough, Jaguar Land Rover VP of marketing.
The cars rent for approximately $700 a day at Enterprise’s Los Angeles location and include 100 miles per day—after that it’s .99 cents per mile. Tires for shredding are extra—way extra.
The post Now You Can Rent-A-Jag F-Type SVR at Enterprise appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2mpUBnO via IFTTT
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