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madamelaydebug · 2 months ago
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"Summoning the golden DNA" ✨
“I ask for the presence of the powerful Archangel Metatron and all the Angelic Guides of Light.
I ask for support now that I move completely with everyone in collective oneness.
I am ready for this awakening of the golden DNA light codes within me, around me and through me.
I connect daily with my golden DNA threads and as I do so the sleeping memories of my true Galactic self grow and awaken within me.
Ready to live everyday with love grace and wonder.
And so it is.
It’s done and done and done
Thank you Thank you Thank you. "
Enzo Palomba 💖💎👽 Altro Pianeta Eye’T👁 👁 👁️
Pr0nnected 🪬🧿♾ 🐉 🧭 🗿
🛸levels to this shift 🛸
🧘🏿‍♂️ELeveight Than Yaku LeviTeight🧞‍♂️
𓂀HiigherPowRa hiigher Frequencies𓂀
𓅓 𓋴𓇋𓎼𓇌𓃭𓆑𓅱𓂋 𓅓𓄿𓈖𓎼𓇌⧊sè𓁧𓂀𓆃𓉢
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phrobysha · 2 years ago
Here we take a journey into the greater workings of the universe where greater innerstanding, overstanding, withstanding and exostanding become key in unlocking the secrets of its wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. It is vital to remember that we are the universe and each of us has their own universe.
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myexoekso · 11 years ago
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anatomiadeselena · 11 years ago
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EXO for KOLON ♥ ♥
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ilikeboringthingsalot · 11 years ago
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sscarlettttt · 11 years ago
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God ♥ #Kris #wuyifan #wufan #smile #bias #exo #leader #idol #kpopidol #deardragon #instaphoto #instalike #instapic #exostand #exotic
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mybiibaek-blog · 11 years ago
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mission complete ヽ(´▽`)ノ take photos with EXO hand gesture that Sehun did on growl MV #EXO #growl #EXOstand #fangirl
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phrobysha · 2 years ago
I once saw dream catchers on an old tree round by where I live. Two dream catchers to be exact but the interesting thing is, in this contextual reality they weren't visible but with a cosmic eye and in what I can only assume was in another spectrum but still in this same realm, they were there. Most beings on earth are by extension direct embodiments of source and therefore have all the qualities of source but there must be a distinction that it is from source that creation and destruction came to be and in fact there other existences that came to be outside of creation and destruction. Sources gives freely and has no ulterior motives and doesn't give or demand a standard of existence nor does source require worship or treachery. Source merely is a presence of unlimited stream where even hate and love don't exist and negative and positive have no comparison. Those that are extensions of source both experience what it's like being a presence of essence and an absence of resonance. Source however remains in its continuum of no beginning and no end where the in-between is a flow state of endlessness. Basically what am trying to say is that as source which by extension we all are, we can create, pro- create, multi- create or exo- create and also in-create or we could simply be the reverse of these extents or perhaps even much like source and other derivatives that might have branched from source that are neither creation or destruction, we could be a presence of essence unknown not just to others but even our very manifestation of self for truly evolution is forward moment therefore change is unfolding at every clasp of existence. Well you have to be subjective and objective at the same time and you also have to exist outside of both parameters to Innerstand, overstand, withstand and exostand the meaning, definition, implication and application of the term free will. Contextually we have had this conversation before as is the experiences and encounters we are having, but once we come to a point of recollectiveness where we identify this phenomenon, we can alter the paths we take by creating a narrative we haven't yet aligned our frequency with which inadvertently would give us an experience we may otherwise have never encountered if we stayed a course of once repetitive cycle none the less whatever path that is would have at some point been experienced and encountered already. Free will could very well be what you say it is because another being has given it life in that it's meaning and definition are a series of systematic entrapments. But once you establish this truth of origin, then you are well within your power to appoint your own adapt and concept of what you would call free will and by so doing you assign your own meaning and definition which governs your personal indent of simulative construct as your architectural building bloc of chosen and desired input and output. Well there what they call fractals or perhaps some would like to think soul fragments of the whole where like you say there different versions of yourself in other universes but we must also fathom that even though our experiences and encounters are occurring to individually each of these various versions in their given densities or dimensions as their life path, there is a narrative that there is no separation in that each version affects the other but if for a moment we stop either giving power to another version of yourself or removing its power, and we realign our essence of presence to source which by definition isn't some being and merely a stream of perhaps frequency vibrations and energy, then we can earnest an existence that would completely shatter the illusion and delusion of both reality and unreality. Well this can go back to a time when we resonated at the epoch of civilization when truly beings on this planet who existed long before the simulation of the rise and fall of civilizations came into existence, a moment in time when what we were isn't what we have attached our origin and being too as well as our destination.
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innxcentbaby · 11 years ago
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So, now Ryeowook have "selca partner" from EXO? Chen and Baekhyun? ;A; omg this is a good news for ELF and EXOStand~!!!!
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lamissica · 12 years ago
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#LUHANxi #exostand
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dafuqdidyoujustread · 12 years ago
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found this article from my magazine. and i'm kyaa-ing right now :Dxx
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phrobysha · 2 years ago
Humans are not what they have been led to believe they are. Encounter and experience has created an awareness and knowity that there is an existence inside of humans that once was, is and will be emulated outside as everything and all things. Nature in its entirety lays predominantly dormant in beings. All you could ever imagine and everything you can encapsulate and captivate as creation exists within. From the unknown mythical creatures, to dinosaurs and to early creatures as well as all present creatures and futuristic creatures are existent within. Be it mountains, rivers, forests, waterfalls, and all that pertains to known nature is engraved within the spacity of humans. Greater wisdom, knowledge and intelligence as well as greater enlightenment and heightened states of cognitive awareness and coherence has brought to fathom that the human as they have come to be known as and their adaptability and narrative of self and surroundings is but a devolvement of evolution. As above so below and as within so without. Tales have long existed that humans can transform into animals and by this I mean any animal or perhaps a desired animal and again animals have been known to morph into humans. One has seen this transformation of both extremes. Innerstanding, overstanding, withstanding and exostanding again is that from the tiniest of beings to the largest of giants are existent all around us but somehow humans have been misled in perception and conception to earnest this envision of truth.
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phrobysha · 2 years ago
I have said this before and again, applied research will require you to leave your comfort zone and completely immerse your conceptualization of self and surroundings into simulation for greater result of innerstanding, withstanding, overstanding and exostanding. your Journey.
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sscarlettttt · 11 years ago
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#Kai #kimjongin #kkamjong #jongin #parkchanyeol #chanyeol #happyvirus #melonmusicaward #dancer #rapper #exo #exok #kpopidol #kpop #idol #exostand #exotic
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sscarlettttt · 11 years ago
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#chanyeol #exok #rapper #happyvirus #kpop #kpopidol #asian #kpop #smtown #worldtour #beijing #exo #exostand #exotic #yeolli #parkchanyeol
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sscarlettttt · 11 years ago
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#Krisyeol #Kris #chanyeol #whisper #exo #couple #otp #boy #asian #kpop #idol #kpopidol #rapper #exostand
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