#exo as wolves
groundrunner100 · 5 months
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jongupscrookedteeth · 3 months
EXO, Kai -
werewolf super power
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Please note that I created the collage but the photos are not mine credit to original owners.
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z-raven · 19 days
Might as well post the descriptions of various Timesplitters 2 characters
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The child of a reclusive aristocratic Countessa, Viola assumes the guise of a traveling troubadour as a cover for her true mission- to destroy evil wherever it bares its ugliness.
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Ramona Sosa
Ramona came over the border hoping for a peaceful life, but with her fiery temper and quick reflexes she quickly fell into work as a law enforcer. When things began turning sour in Little Prospect she sent a wire out to her old friend Elijah Jones for backup...
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So innocent and so pure, the Maiden is the perfect sacrifice...
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Lady Jane
This hot-blooded socialite skipped Swiss finishing school to set up her own Private Investigation Agency in Chicago. A stickler for fashion you'll never catch her with anything but the latest in haute couture and semi automatic weapons.
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Kitten Celeste
Sometimes things get a little too hot under the collar for Harry and he needs some manual assistance from his slinky sidekick, Miss Celeste. Go get 'em tiger! Grrrrrrrr!
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Jungle Queen
Raised in the jungle by wolves, the Jungle Queen's sharp intellect is only hampered by her tight thong and lack of language. Captain Ash has promised to make her a duchess if she comes back to Blighty with him.
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Ilsa Nadir
The daughter of Dr. Katje Nadir, Ilsa knows no fear and will gladly undertake the most dangerous search and destroy missions. Few men can come close to matching her superb fighting and infiltration skills
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Gretel Mk II
Gretel II is a second generation precision killing machine, programmed with stealth and martial arts techniques from around the galaxy. Together with R-109 she has been sent to destroy the Machinist's robot army.
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Corporal Hart
Not just an excellent soldier, Corporal Hart is also an expert with all kinds of mechanical and computer technology. She has found her servo-enhanced Tritium Exo-Arm to be a very useful aid in battle situations.
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Candi Skyler
Candi graduated from cadet training just two weeks ago. Although there's been cheap talk around the Academy that she failed Astronavigation but got a dispensation because she has a cute butt.
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Chinese Chef
Still the best in the business. They say his recipe for slow braised TimeSplitter in black bean sauce is out of this world!
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Chasity Detroit
Before becoming a highly decorated officer in the LAPD, Chastity ran with the gangs in the back streets of Neo Tokyo. She has vowed to help Ghost clear his name and regain his honor.
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Female Trooper
The Marine Troopers have borne the brunt of the TimeSplitters onslaught against humanity.
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kiiyome-art · 4 months
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Newest vidoc reveled each card part of the new arsenal has a person who has influenced cayde on it!
We know Ikora (king of diamonds), Zavala (king of hearts), Maya Sundaresh/Lakshmi (queen of hearts), and possibly Elsie (king of clubs).
What is confusing, is that the top row completely eludes me. At first, I thought Shiro might have been represented by the queen of spades, indicated by the iron lord wolves that accompany the card, but im not quite sure the exo looks enough like Shiro.
My first thoughts about the warlock, hunter, and titan, was just significant experiences with each class as his time as vanguard. But given who these other cards are about? Im not so sure about that theory, they all seem to be relating closely to who Cayde is.
Elsie sort of makes sense, if that's actually her, given that the time loop she's stuck in starts EVERY TIME with Cayde becoming vanguard. But honestly, that's really all that comes to mind.
One thing that stands out to me, is there is one, significant person missing. Where is Andal?? Unless he is represented by the hunter with the helmet, I am thoroughly shocked, and honestly a little disappointed. With how big a role Andal plays in Cayde's story, I would have expected him to make an appearance.
Id love to hear your thoughts and theories on these cards and what they represent further, so please feel free to elaborate!
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curiousitycollective · 4 months
Fuck it I guess we're just starting the conversation ourselves. We're traumagenic and have OCD and schizophrenia and the trauma that comes directly from experiencing intrusive thoughts and psychosis is inseperable from our origins and how we function.
Its extremely likely given both our roles and relative ages that smile and I were both some of the earliest splits and also splits entirely due to the trauma associated with our OCD and psychosis.
One of the most common type of intrusive thought we get is violent ones, the best way to describe them is imagine something like House of 1000 Corpses or a Gore Horror film staring the people closest to you.
Constantly every day no matter what we did we saw the most graphic and horrifying stuff you could imagine. Sometimes it was done by others sometimes we were the ones doing it. We had no safe space from it and were near constantly in fight or flight mode.
I am an introject of War from Good Omens*, a large part of what I did and do is deal with the intrusive thoughts because the violence does not bother me in the same way as the others. I don't experience the shock or guilt associated with intrusive thoughts and while others have been able to learn coping skills via therapy that was a years long effort and isn't an innate skill.
My ability to do what I do was essential to our survival as a child and teen because if we didn't have anyone who could deal with our intrusive thoughts we'd have been dead years before we entered therapy.
smile holds most of the symptoms of our schizophrenia, and while we didn't experience the full disorder until our later teens we have dealt with hallucinations and delusions on and off since childhood. The ones that disturbed us the most as a child were two different somatic delusions**. One that we are dead and rotting and another that we are a void in existence.
smile's identity is both extremely linked to the concept of death and it itself is a void. it fronted during those episodes because it was much less bothered by said delusions. In the same way that my existence allowed us to survive our OCD smile allowed us to deal with our psychosis.
Both of us are the oldest active members and have some of the steadiest and longest running roles. Our experiences with trauma afyer affected us but our OCD and schizophrenia are inseparable from our being a system and how we function.
Traumagenic spaces are often extremely difficult to navigate for us because much of our trauma and how we function is innately tied to the trauma the came directly from our brain. We did experience trauma outside of that but what drove our formation and functions was OCD and schizophrenia.
That's extremely difficult to speak about when whenever exo/psuedomemories come up the main thing that gets said is that you can't have trauma from something your brain came up with on its own.
We get that our experience isn't the most common but we are not the only system with OCD, schizophrenia, or other psychotic disorders and the traumagenic community is failing those of us with these disorders.
As usual tangents are below the cut for length
*Before anyone asks how I could be one of the earliest and from Good Omens, I'm from the book not the TV show. I'm well over a decade older then the TV show.
** We also have a lot of shadow and void based hallucinations. smile's existence in our collective has helped with the anxiety associated with those. The shadow people and wolves are less terrifying when you have the void of all things in your head hanging out.
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
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Omg I love this side of Kyungsoo 😆 It was 2am in Korea when he shared this story. And maybe he's a lil tipsy ! I love him for celebrating his Freedom and departure savagely. He slayed!
Ps: To dumb Akgaes Dandanies whom I hate so much, don't Mistake Ksoo's dislike to SM to him hating his members!!!
Stop hating on the members! He clearly loves them and doesn't blame or condemn them for anything?! the fuck is wrong with y'all bashing them like They have any link to his beef with SM?? The X app is full of Dandans being psycho haters attacking Exo and ExoL like hungry wolves. The other members are also going through their own shit and sabotage from SM and you saw it with Chanyeol and CBX and Jongdae! Why are you only saying SM was bad to Ksoo only and that they were favoring other members over him??! Bitch where?
Sehun sang like 15 lines in all Exo songs since debut, has no solo album 0 reality shows or Variety attendance, 0 Sechan promotions from SM.
Jongdae was being canceled, threatened with Death him and his daughters and went on hiatus for 3years because he decided to have a family and SM didn't even support him or sued the fans who boycotted him or sent him death threats.
Suho, who works so hard on his albums and musicals, and has 0 promotions from SM, no appreciation, 0 variety/reality shows attendance!
Chanyeol who paid with his own money to print and promote his albums with Sehun ?? He said he wants a unit and make an album with Sehun he said he has the lyrics and composed everything himself he just needed the funds for making MVs and printing albums and promoting his debut and comebacks, SM said "Your unit your problem"??? Or the fact that SM was the one that spread that 10 gfs scandal and ruined him few months before going to military because he was being a Rebel! And there's notbing worse than going on military hiatus with a scandal , because once your back people will forget you by choice and with time also! And SM didn't even take any legal measures to protect him like they did with all their idols in that shithole pink company!
Or Jongin and Baekhyun &, Ksoo whom are called the money makers of SM who got overworked by SM, with no rest They put them in show after show after show after project after schedule, going from filming directly to another filming with no rest or a proper meal or sleep, and make them debut 4 times in units and a whole other band (SuperM)?
And Please don't get me started on Minseok/Xiumin, that Man as if he doesn't even exist to SM. He's the most underrated most mistreated member of all times NOT ONLY from his company but sadly from HIS OWN FANS who give 0 fucks about what he does, his albums and projects, I dare anyone here to tell me three songs from his album. And because he's not supported by his own fans that SM refuses to "Waste money" on him promoting him which is sad it's how business works, if you can't produce you can't consume. Like that he'll never have anything even if he begs for it, SM would say "No! We can't give you an album because have you seen your last album it barely got us any revenue 0 profit sorry" . In companies if you can't sell you can't ask for solo projects! Not even a birthday party for your own self with your fans. And if you wanna promote yourself you gotta pay for your Promotions like how Sechan did with their albums.
Sad but facts.
Anyway Ksoo has cute Toes UWU
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liu-yu-xin · 4 months
she a wolf is a song name from the new wayv mini bhsksnskle ok starting a boy group song with the word wolf in it playlist. Its that song and wolf by exo and wolves by one direction anyone else know another one
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
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justadestiny2titan · 5 months
I'm gonna start with my guardians!
So there's Taurus-5, Catherine-1 and Alita-27! (I also have some more but I don't have names for them yet)
Taurus is a titan who was ressed shortly before the whole Moon problem where Crota killed the original raid team. He and Catherine are basically Guardian twins, ressed same day!
Taurus is a thick headed man who is rather book smart, but navigates social situations like a brick. He is incredibly blunt, crass, endearing, and oh so genuine when he talks!
He has a major respect and fascination with the Eliksni of various houses (Winters and Wolves being his favourites!), he would take mercenary bounties here and there for them to learn more about how houses worked, he's even learned how to repair a ketch's engines!
He is absolutely in love with Uluran, he finds their war machines and modem operandi beyond enchanting. He has, on multiple occasions, fought in gladiator arenas just for the chance to talk with even a Val.
We don't talk about what he did to Crota's remaining brood and other hive.
He feels incredible sorrow for the Scorn, but not for the plight of the scorn other than Fikrul, but for the loss of House of Kings cultural practices. He doesn't fully see the scorn as conscious beings, only seeing the larger scorn as conscious and deserving of some respect.
And he doesn't really hold an opinion on the Taken and Vex other than, they're there ig.
Then there's Catherine-1 who was resurrected at the same time as Taurus. She is quite smart and silver tongued, but has a tendency to go too far with either explanations or conversations! And I head canon her as autistic!
She is rather intrigued by the Vex, how they work and operate, and how they intertwine with concepts she's familiar with, such as the Hezen Collective fucking with time (she believes it to be an odd spin on string theory!)
She truely, truely, truely hates Taken, she finds the very concept of the Taken to be very horrifying.
She feels great sympathy for the remaining Eliksni houses, Salvation in particular, she feels like they've been backed into a corner by the Vanguard with no other choice than to join or be destroyed.
And she's incredibly fascinated by the Hive and their magic. She's even managed to cast a few spells before, although weak and basic (though one time she tore the worm from a knight, leaving them alive after the process.)
She has no strong feelings toward Uluran and Scorn.
And finally Alita, she was resurrected a long while after Taurus and Catherine, she was ressed in the ADZ (Asian dead zone), as she was an Exo who managed to survive the collapse before being killed by a Warlord for trying to fight back against him.
She is sunshine and rainbows, not a single coherent thought behind her eyes other than to help people and look cool while doing it.
She loves all the factions in the system, seeing good in all of them (except Taken, she's even less tolerant than Catherine.) She has joined up with at least all the factions at one point or another (including Vex! Don't ask how.)
And she has a cat called Dracula!
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justalilguyoops · 4 months
8. What was the first Fandom you wrote for?
8. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
SO. I kinda. Can't remember? But I have a few options that are possibly true, I just can't remember which came first.
I definitely did an Ouran High School Host Club fic at some point, Mori and Haruhi. I also did a Warrior cats fanfic, but I don't remember ANY details. I think I get so mixed up because I was also a roleplayer lol of like...Anime, wolves, and lions (i can't believe i'm admitting to all of this)
BUT what I was really ever "big" for was kpop rpf when i was a teenager 💀 there was one about the members of Block B and then....I did a Y/N reverse harem with every member of EXO (back when it was EXO-K and EXO-M) because I saw that it was popular. and I wanted to be popular. It was popular.
thank you for your ask, eggy <3 (it's on sight)
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insolitus-academy · 5 months
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♚ //  Face Claim
Full name Face Claim: Christopher Bahng
Group/Band/Occupation: Stray Kids
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim age: 25
  ♚ // Character ;  Basic information
  Quote: In the calm, deep waters of the mind, the wolf waits. F.T. McKinstry
  Full name character: Chan Awoo Lykos
Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Korean
Age: 25
Date of Birth:October 3 1997
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Werewolf
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Expert
♚ // Character ; Appearance
  Skin Color: Pale
Eye color: Mixed eyes, right eye dark blue iris, left black iris
Scars: Cut along his eye right, faint fighting scars on his body, one long scar down the spine of his back that is covered with a tattoo of the phases of the moon. 
Piercings: Nose stud, both ears, and helix 
Tattoos: Spine tattoo, duck behind left arm above elbow
Hair color: Black
Transformed form: Midnight black wolf
  ♚ // Character ; Personality
  Six personality traits: Protective,Sociable, Absentminded, Earthy, Mellow, Trusting
Working out
Being Alone
Being inside for too long
Animal haters
Hunters (Animal Hunters)
  Manias: Working out
Phobias: Being alone
Animal: Dog
Religion: No
Favorite song: EXO 엑소 ‘늑대와 미녀 (Wolf)’ MV (Korean Ver.) 
Vice: Sloth
Virtue: Charity
  Personality Description:
Lykos is a happy pup. He loved nature and living amongst his pack and other animals. He was a tree hugger like any other animal. He loved listening to the sounds around him while simply lying on the ground. 
  Lykos wasn’t the smartest crayon in the box. His mindset was very animalist at all times, hunt, eat, play, love, and protect. Which is still strong on his mind even in adulthood. On a day-to-day, his wolf resides in a plane in his mind even when he’s in human form only taking over during the full moon. He didn’t like giving his wolf full control over his mind or body but they happily coexist.
  Spending so much time in the forest Lykos picked up many hobbies, his mom called him a bull in a china shop because he loved crafting miniature things. He taught himself how to whittle wood and make jewelry out of the things he found in the woods, and how to hunt gems from the river rocks. He is also naturally athletic, running and hunting come easy to him and his wolf. He trust people easily and tries to see the best in them. 
  He like to think running can help anyone mood, he like to run his problems away. He thought he had to become stronger being a gym bro also took over his personality, he had to be strong, lift the most weight, do the most pushups, run the fastest, and hunt the most deer. Two complete opposites but while he loved crafting he learned to love strength training. 
  ♚ // Character ; Powers
  Magical Powers: 
  -Increased strength 
-Increased senses (smell, sight)
  Non-magical Powers:
  -Crafting (Woodwork, Jewelry making)
-Shifting - After the full moon he becomes weak and energy is totally drained 
-His animal instincts
  ♚ // Character ; The Teacher / Staff
Class they teach: Sexual Health Education, Run 101
Teaching style: Laid Back
Previous teaching experience: First time teaching 
  ♚ // Character ; The Past
  Date of Birth: October 3 1997
  Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past?
  Deep in the woods of the Jeji islands, where it was mostly inhabited lived a pack of wolves. A small pack that has lived on the island for generations, living off the land with very little contact to the ‘outside world’. Hunting for meat, building their own homes, and skinning animals to make their clothes. A very primal bunch. That was until a couple of years ago with the deforestation of the land revealed the pack to the more modern society. The elders of the pack stayed back in what was left of their wolf-built villages while the children were whisked off to school due to societal laws.  
  Lykos had an easy life, living in the woods where to him nothing but nature and his family meant something to him. He grew up in a metaphorically white picket fence house. A mom and dad who loved each other until what would seem like the end of time. They loved each other so much they popped out a whopping 9 kids and Lykos was lucky number 5. 
  Living with his family in the Lykos never left the watchful eyes of his parents or brothers and sisters. With 4 brothers and 4 sisters, Lykos was well-loved. His family had a normal pack dynamic, with Dad being the head of the household and his mom the gatherer taking care of all the pups while the men hunted for food and of course the breadwinner. 
  They weren’t rich by any means but they had what they needed.
  But Lykos was different growing up he was smaller than the other pups, as a male he should have been bigger than the women in his life but he just wasn’t. Lykos and his wolf grew at a slower rate than everyone he knew. It didn’t fly with his dad at all. That’s when Lykos began to hate his body. “How can you  protect your family if you’re tiny? A real wolf should stand tall against other wolves around him” Words swirled around his brain of his thoughts that came from his father and mother. 
  Then came his obsession with the gym, day in and day out he would spend any time he wasn’t at at the gym lifting weights or running in the forest. The older he got the more his body changed, the muscles filling out his body. He could see how proud his parents were in their eyes but even being bigger and stronger didn’t help Lykos, he should be bigger, stronger. He thought getting bigger would help his ego, being stronger would make him a stronger leader of his family. While it helped him physically, it wasn’t who he was. 
  As a teenager Lykos knew he liked men, he worried about telling his parents but mostly his dad. But they were close so he knew he could go to them and talk to them about anything. So that’s exactly what he did, they were surprisingly understanding. They didn’t care who he pined for but without missing a beat his mother gently reminded Lykos that he was still to marry a she-wolf and have pups. 
  That’s the moment Lykos became scared. Being a werewolf was sacred and closed society, they see themselves as superior beings. They had to keep their bloodline pure. The most important thing in his family was to continue on the generations no matter what, his family tree while sometimes resembling a spider web was still easily followed because of the sacred lineage. It went as far as wolf siblings matting together to keep the bloodline pure. His older sister and brother were married off together and so far had 2 pups. It had nothing to do with love (although they did love each other as siblings) but more about procreation. His own mother’s first husband was her brother who sadly passed to a hunter before she was able to have a pup. His mom was then married off to Lykos father and they continued to have kids together. 
  Lykos was to be married off to a she-wolf from another pack because they were similar ages back in his mom’s hometown Jeoluml South Korea. He couldn’t even disagree or leave kicking and screaming no matter how much he wanted to. He knew it was what he had to do, it was like a business transaction. It was his first time away from his family. So off he went to meet his betrothed she-wolf ‘Hei’. She was pretty and he thought she was sweet, that was until she found out that Lykos liked men. He assumed she would be just as understanding as his parents but he was deathly wrong, Hei was disgusted, he was thrown out like a wet dog with insults hurled at him. 
  Back home his parents were not happy. He should have kept that part of him a secret but they promised to find him a more understanding wife, maybe even a lesbian. But he didn’t want that, he wanted to be with someone he loved, even if it wasn’t another wolf. Voicing his opinion was the worst idea, they demanded Lykos come back home where they could knock that idea out of his head. 
  Lykos didn’t want to go back home there was no way, no matter how much it hurt being away from his pack he couldn’t do it. So he stayed but he had nowhere to go, he wasn’t welcomed in Hei’s pack. He was a stray. 
  If he didn’t come back the elders of the pack threatened to ban him. He didn’t want to be controlled by other people, he didn’t care about the werewolf race and continuing the lineage. So he refused to return, and yapped about creating a new life for himself. He was free. 
  At the begining he stayed in the forest not sure where to go or what to do. It wasn’t until he heard a group of people running towards him. On high alert he was ready to attack only to realize it was a group of runners on a ‘scenic run’. like a dog who’s owners just came home Lykos got excited and joined in on the run. 
  Lykos wanted to join the running team so he followed them, all the way back to the university. He easily passed for a student and started going to classes. It didn’t take the school long to find out about him being a stowaway but he convinced the headmaster that he could bring the track team all the gold metals which is exactly what he did. 
  After enrolling in college and picking his major as well as his classes…the whole time what he thought was bodybuilding was actually Body 101. It wasn’t until halfway through the semester and hand raised question of ‘why aren’t we lifting any weights?” did he realized -only after he was told- that body 101 isn’t about working out but in fact general health of the body.
  He enjoyed the classes anyways and continue until he got a degree. But it still wasn’t enough for him, he felt alone and Lykos was never one to be a loner.  He soon met a friendly elder who understood what Lykos was going through. The elder told him about a forest near a grand academy that might have a pack that would take him in. So again off he went. 
  ♚ // Roleplayer
[ optional ]
  Time zone: GMT-5
  OOC! Triggers: Writing about parents passing
  Themes/genres you like writing the most?: All
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jongupscrookedteeth · 3 months
EXO, Baekhyun -
werewolf super power moodboard
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Please note that I created the collage but the photos are not mine credit to original owners.
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l3rking · 1 year
Guess who’s got a new OC they’re gonna be not normal about? 
I finally got the hat from Spire so ofc I gotta come up with a whole new persona to justify the fashion. 
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This is Dutch and his ghost Warden. Dutch is an Exo who doesn’t remember his name or reset number. His chosen name was picked out by Warden. Early risen. His trademark weapon is a pre-city version of the Trust handcannon he found on the body of a warlord and a long rifle he built himself. Bounty hunter. Asset to the Awoken and later Spider (and back to the Awoken). One of the few guardians to run jobs in the Reef prior to the Black Garden Incident. Ran in similar circles to Caliban and Shiro. Befriended House Wolves while under Awoken allyship and some House-less Eliksni clans who later joined House Dusk and Light. Strike dad. Keeps an eye out for New Lights in the Cosmodrome and EDZ. Likes running Gambit because “He [Drifter] might be a slime ball. But he’s a slime ball that pays well.” 
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aelloblu · 1 year
Itchy Fingers
Heya everyone. One of my favourite things is helping others develop their own Sailor Moon OCs. I have always enjoyed the mythological inspirations of Sailor Moon and think they're rich in inspiration.
While researching I've discovered these little guys. "Apsara" also called sky dancers, are basically cloud fairies!
If you have ever wanted to dip your toe in otaku senshi creation but didn't know where to start... perhaps I can help you develop these guys into your own Exo-Senshi team.....
Mythology is cool....
Addendum.... also cool concepts....
Stuff It…..Cool Sailor Moon OC Concepts List
In that same vein as my previous post, things I think would be cool to see
The Three Hares symbol so if you want a team based on Hares, Hermaphrodites and Protection, this is for you!
Three Wise Monkeys! You know them, now RP them! Sailor Mizaru, Sailor Kikazaru and Sailor Iwazara. Bonus points if their civilian forms are blind, deaf and mute.
I personally believe the Starlights are based on the Hindu concept of Trimurti, Shiva’s forms of creation, preservation and destruction but did you know that their opposite is the female counterparts the Tridevi? They represent learning, glory and power? There’s your extra Starlight OCs right there!
Two Wolves Concept Ever wanted a Wolf OC? What about two, the story of black and white wolves.
Angels. There are an unlimited list of cool angel names with realms of influence right there for a team!
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mybiasisexo · 6 months
Thanks for humoring my rant lol.
Tho, it rly is so confusing. Like where was this energy when ppl were literally sitting outside SME protesting to have Jongdae removed from the group, simply because he was married? Or when Chanyeol had his scandal back in 2020? (Tbh that scandal was just ridiculous, the “evidence” was just laughable 😅.)
SM is just the worst when it comes to pr and management. Like rly they are. At a point, they just let the clout from their groups do all the work and just sit there and watch. I seriously believe that exo could’ve even more successful than they are now. Like doing the Olympic closing ceremony and then a possible invitation to perform at Coachella? That was the perfect recipe for a westward expansion! (Tho we would have fix the weird gaps b/w Countdown and DMUMT, and then obsession ofc)
Maybe it was because sm had tried with both BoA and SNSD (their two biggest acts at the time) to break into the western markets and both didn’t pan out like they wanted, so they gave up on the idea. But when they realized the time was right, exo was about to their military service, so they moved onto NCT 127 and then SuperM. Tho, I’m probably giving them way too much credit lmao. 🤣
If you’re interested, I may or may not made an alternative version of exos career if things went (nearly) perfectly for them, esp without military enlistments and political tensions in the way. Lmk, and I’ll send u the link!
yeah they were SILENT for both of those. just threw our boys right into the wolves den smh. and those werent even like serious allegations 😭😭 not to mention both chen and chanyeol are still dealing with the aftermath of those!!! knetz cant stand their asses 😀🔪
i think sm really just didnt want exo in the west. theyre target was always asia, so theyve put more focus in china and japan with them. which is a shame bc, well, im in america!!!!! its true tho that if sm had nurtured it, they wouldve been huge in the west, they already had the demand and the clout. i remember them going toe-to-toe with one direction back in '13. ONE DIRECTION!!!! and it was neck and neck, like they really couldve been as big as b*s here. but honestly??? im glad that didnt happen. cause idk if i could handle this fandom if it were at that level lol. tho omggg if they had gone to coachella i wouldve acted a straight FOOL. again, a crisis averted for me 😇. tho ill never forgive them for never coming back to the states. esp bc they stopped coming when i told myself i was going to go no matter what hahahHA....😭
ooh! i would love that link thank you! i wanna see what you think wouldve happened bc i too am curious of the trajectory of their career had their company not gotten in their way
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poorlytunedukulele · 2 years
Destinytober - New Mission
August 09, 2877; Crew's Camp, Loch Ryan, Old Scotland, Earth
Azra is shaken awake roughly. She reaches for her knife for a moment before realizing that the person doing the shaking is Shiro.
"Gear up," the Exo orders. "We're heading out. Distress signal popped off not two hundred klicks from here."
Azra gets to her feet groggily, a bit of adrenaline giving her enough energy to shake off the urge to go back to sleep. It's still dark out, very early in the morning. The stars are blocked by clouds- the only sources of light are the dim coals of the fire and a camp lantern someone has set on an ammo crate. The scene has a weird dreamlike quality as her half-conscious mind tries to make sense out of what it's been given. The night air is startlingly cold and the strange light isn't making any of this seem more real.
Muscle memory keeps her from just standing there- Shiro's businesslike urgency has instilled a need for action in her. Andal and Tevis are already up, strapping on armor and talking in low voices. Azra notes the level of gear they are putting on, the rocket launcher Andal has leaned against a nearby tree, and knows it is serious. She begins her own preparations as Shiro moves on to rouse Cayde.
Armor, first. There isn't time for anything fancy. She slips into a fresh base layer and begins hastily throwing on her strike gear. Legs first, then the vest. Tighten the laces on the boots and tuck the loose ends inside. Gloves, then the armguards over top, while Spark sorts out what guns and holsters will be necessary. Tighten any straps, make sure everything fits snug, then settle the cloak on top of all. The helmet stays in storage until it's go time- instead Azra spends a few seconds arranging her knives and guns so that everything sits easy.
Cayde is the last one, grumbling as he gets his own gear in order. It's not the first time an emergency call has come in during the middle of the night like this. All of their usual pre-mission routines are thrown out the window. There's no time for any kind of breakfast- Azra sips on some water as Andal gives a debrief.
"Something bad is going down near Old Dublin," the Gunslinger announces. "I don't know too many details, but it seems a House of Wolves contingent has caught a research party unawares. The emergency ping says they've been trapped in an old library with at least a hundred Fallen outside screamin' for blood."
"A hundred?" Tevis says. "That's not a 'contingent', that's an army."
Andal shrugs. "Whatever it is the Fallen want, that research party isn't making it out of there, not alive."
"Not without help," Shiro vows.
Andal picks up his rocket launcher. "We'll talk strategy on the way over. No time for subtlety on this one- we take a Jumpship, get in there fast, get out fast."
"I'll drive," Shiro offers, already holding a hand out for his Ghost.
Azra stands, stretching the last of the sleep-stiffness from her muscles. It's kind of funny, she thinks to herself. It's not even a question that they're going to go throw themselves at a Fallen army. Someone needs help so they're going, just like that. Not even a second was taken to weigh odds and rewards. The ping goes out and they're all hauling their butts up at two thirty am, skipping breakfast and throwing on armor so hasty half of Cayde's buckles are still unfastened.
It gives her a warm moment of pride before Andal's call cuts through her thoughts. Let's get moving, Spark urges.
AO3 Linky!
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