#exhusbands call
angel5ofp0rn · 5 months
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that’s it that’s the whole post
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fictionalmenobsessor · 5 months
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CW: gn reader*, mentions of divorce.
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there is a part 2 in the vault with smut if you guys want it 🫣 (as this story is gender neutral, the daughter can be adopted or surrogated, if you wish to put it that way. but the next part will specify that the reader is afab)*
song for the chapter: intro (end of the world) - Ariana Grande
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husband!Simon, who is gutted but understanding when you say you want a divorce. your relationship had taken a slow but scrutinising turn ever since you had your first kid.
the flame wasn’t there anymore, and you had gone into a depressive state due to the overwhelming pressure of having to take care of your daughter by yourself every time he got deployed to another country, then having to pray he would make it out alive.
ex-husband!Simon, who moves out in a matter of days after the talk, going to a small local motel so you had your space. you are devastated at the loss of warmth on the other side of the bed. although it wouldn’t have been any different if he stayed, as you had both been isolating yourselves for a while.
ex-husband!Simon, who comes around every weeks to check up on you and your child. making sure that everything was okay, which it wasn’t, but you had pulled yourself together to make sure you were there for her.
ex-husband!Simon, who still comes to parent-teacher interviews/conferences, resting a loving hand on your thigh as your daughter’s teacher talks about how much of an amazing student she is.
you expected nothing of it as it could’ve just been a natural instinct from him.
like how he still wore his ring………. every day…
ex-husband!Simon, who helps out in the kitchen one night, after dropping off your daughter at a sleepover; passing dishes back and forth, making sure to add lingering touches, to see if they were reciprocated, or if he should stop. and you just ignored them for the time being, not wanting to give him the time of day due to the state he left you in.
ex-husband!Simon, who is on your door step the night before the divorce is finalised.
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“I’m not signing the papers.” He stated firmly.
Your brows furrowed at the sight of him on your doorstep this late at night; speechless, you just let out a scoff of surprise.
“What?” You asked him confused, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m not signing the papers,” He repeated, “I want to make this work.”
“You don’t get to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Waltz back into my life like it’s nothing,” You answered, “I wanted a divorce for a reason.”
“I’ll be better.” His gaze narrowed, “I’ll prioritise you and our daughter, I didn’t do a good job last time. But now, I’ll be there every step of the way, and support you.”
“I won’t leave you in the dark again. And if you’re lost, I’ll make sure to be the light.”
Your gaze softened as he grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his chest.
“Please,” He whispered, “Can we try again?”
And just like that, the walls that you had built up to make sure you didn’t get hurt again, came crashing down.
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villainofmyownstory · 4 months
next ->
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pairing: exhusband!Captain John Price x fem!Reader
summary: You visit your ex-husband, in your once shared home. The memories are painful. But only for you. Unfortunately, after that one bloody mission, John doesn't remember you. The memory of your life together, blurred in his mind.
tags: afab reader, hurt, ex lovers, ex-husband, recollection of death, loss of memory , ambiguous/open ending
1.6 k words
author's note: Once I wrote some random thoughts about our gorgeous captain. Today I've put it all together. Comments welcome, let me know if it's worth writing another part, because I don't know what to think. I guess I like sad stories…. and can't get the ex-husband plot out of my mind. Sorry not sorry <3
The clock ticked quietly somewhere in the distance, deep in the corridor, steadily, rhythmically. The water in the kitchen tap dripped, quietly reminding you that you need to change the gasket but also to fix some other things in the flat. Even though you moved here a few months ago, you still don't feel at home. You feel uncomfortable. Like a guest in a hotel. All the objects seemed foreign, belonging to someone else. Or maybe nobody's. Everything has been renovated, painted, bought and new. Just for you.
Cat curled up in a ball, lies next to you on a small red sofa. And in front of you on a small, vintage coffee table steams warm coffee. Another one that day. The only meal for many weeks. You rub your eyes, even though no more tears have appeared in them for days. It still burns you and you feel this tingling under your eyelids. Something like fine sand, irritating your eyeballs and hurting the soft delicate flesh of your eyelids. You try to take it in stride. On days like these, weekends, holidays, when you are left alone in a small flat. You fall apart into millions of pieces. Alone. The pain under your ribs, the pressure in your sternum, your throat squeezed like in a vice. Memories haunt you at every step. A constant battle with the past, something you beg for every sleepless night to finally go away. To be finally erased. You should burn the photos, throw away the gifts. Bury the past at last. To move on. After all, this is what you wanted. A lot of time fighting, trying. Days of sweat shed, of anger, of trying again and again. And in the end, powerlessness.
Sunk in your thoughts, you stare, with heavy eyelids, at the empty space under the TV. Once, in another warm home, the shelf was filled with DVDs of one's favourite films. Classic.
A familiar sound interrupts your gloomy rush of thoughts. Looking at the phone screen, you smile slightly. Your boys have been calling every day. ‘Hi Johnny’ You say with a grunt, trying to chase away the sad thoughts, not letting him know that you are tormenting yourself with the past again.
You should not agree. The paperwork you signed, and the arrangements in the documents, were approved, many months ago. That was not the deal. This is not how you discussed the contract. This is not why you are sitting here now. Yet, you can't say no to them. Not after all they've given up their lives, made sacrifices and…
Sitting in an old rusty cheap car. In your familiar driveway, in this new, friendly neighbourhood. You hesitate to get out. Your hands are sweaty, in a firm grip on the worn-out steering wheel. So you give yourself a few minutes to calm down. You never wanted to show them, him, that you were continuing to suffer badly. That you haven't really moved on.
You have to be tough.
As the door finally slams shut behind you with a quiet click, the same scent reaches your nostrils once again. Earthy and heavy from the cigars and the cherry wood burning in the fireplace, a slightly sweet smoke with a subtle fruity aftertaste, with a slight bitter note. A scent so familiar, so close. But it's not your scent. The resignation has been signed. The decision had been made. There was no going back. Johnny stands in front of you looking at you apologetically. ‘Sure I understand. Duty calls.’ You say gently squeezing his shoulder in a gesture of understanding. Or maybe you want to convince yourself that you're not angry. There's no problem. Some kind of confirmation that it's not their fault you have to be here again. That you are standing in this big modern house, from a dream project . In the place that was supposed to be your home.
Of course boys hired 24/7 nursing. But also they themselves, his squad soldiers, alternated days and nights here. They practically lived here. So if the medical caretaker went for a few days' holiday and the three men had to go on a sudden urgent mission for a few days. It was your job to be here and help. You couldn't let them down. You could not say no. You could not answer the phone. Pretend it doesn't concern you. You had to be here. You had to be strong. For him.
When you are finally left alone in the hallway and the big car disappears around the corner. You feel that hole in your heart, opening up again. Those missing pieces to fill it. They are just behind a thin, wall. A couple of steps. A few seconds.
When you finally stand in the large room, as usual, dark curtains hang from the ceiling to the floor, covering the terraced windows. The semi-darkness of the room has always accompanied him when he watches movies. You stare at his profile illuminated by artificial television light. Despite the years spent in the army, the many litres of blood shed, the many scars on his body. He continued to watch the same films. War movies, classics. The screams and gunshots accompanied him since he opened his eyes and when he closed them. It was already burned into his mind. Written into his gut. It's just a shame that this one fucking wound, made him forget. He forgot about you. ‘Hi.’ You say uncertainly standing in the corner of the couch. You can't look at him.
You don't want to see the ocean blue of his irises, the wrinkles around his eyes. The slightly grey hair. The little freckle on his nose. The fidgety trimmed beard - which his boys were now taking care of. ‘Oh, mornin’ ‘ His voice seems even deeper to you, slightly hoarse. Perhaps already stranger. ‘How are you feeling today. Captain?’ You spit out the last word like a poisonous snake. You want to say something completely different. To shout what you said to him every night. Every morning intertwined when you were here, together. Alone. ‘You don't have to be so official, ma'am. I'm out of the army.’ John is gallant as ever. It's the same every damn time. Ma'am, lady. Miss. He's never said your name since that day. Forgotten. That hole in your heart, never to be filled by his pieces again.
The conversation goes on as usual, John again thinking you are just another medical assistant employed by his former teammates. Brothers in arms. Brothers in war. Brothers in the last of the battles. You want to shout to him how much you hate him, how much you despise him. How much it aches you. How much it hurts you that he doesn't remember anything. A bloody mission. Yet, as usual, you sit and listen once again to the same questions, the stories. As if you've turned on that worst episode of your favourite show again. The last one.
Every time he leaves. During every time he was away. On every such occasion. You were ready for the funeral. The black dress continued to hang in that wardrobe, a few rooms away.
Perhaps it would have been better if it had simply been buried six feet underground. In an oak dark box. Cold and with an equally empty head about you. Maybe it would be easier for you that way. You've already said goodbye to one light casket with his last name on it. Because that hole in your heart was much bigger than the missing fragments of your husband, ex-husband.
For a longer monologue, more memories, of his past work. Of his previous life. What you counted as ‘before’. Because what was ‘after’ was a blur. No matter. John stares at you, finally taking his eyes off the TV. The end credits move lazily across the large TV screen. You smile slightly when your gazes finally meet. He is handsome still. Maybe even more beautiful than you remembered him. It would seem that the man's calm face does not hide his wounded, hollow mind.
Physically he looks maybe even better than during his time in the army. In fact, better than at the time of your marriage. Unwittingly the corners of your mouth gently lift up. Doubtless Simon has been training with him, the hard workouts and the proper diet prepared by the new Captain are yielding great results. A well-deserved successor. A plain red t-shirt lightly framed John's broad, muscular shoulders. Grey casual sweatpants once too loose were now gently stretched around his massive thighs.
You don't have the strength to explain to him once again who you are. So when he once again addresses you as a total stranger you don't react. You wanted so badly to climb on his thighs, to punch him in the chest, maybe even scratch him. To make him feel some kind of pain at least for a moment, that thing you feel non-stop, something to bring you two together again. Feel his heart beat faster, and enter his mind, scratch out every shadowy particle. To brighten and put your memories there. Ours.
Nothing in this house resembles that life anymore. There are no pictures here. There are no flowers. There is no more laughter and joyful banter. No more singing and quiet murmurs of delight. The three of you are gone.
Finally, as you lower your gaze to his hands, which hesitantly stroke the fabric of the armchair. The image is blurred. Finally, tears well up in your eyes. You can no longer see a trace of the ring. No lighter stripe stands out on the slightly tanned skin. There is no faint hollow in the fleshy part of his worked-up ring finger. Although everything is a blur. The gold glistens gently reflecting the soft light of the television. The object that was such an important symbol. A vow. A promise. As if playfully winking at you.
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evilgwrl · 2 months
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Read more: You Want A Divorce? One
ExHusband!Simon Riley acting as if he didn’t care a year ago when you handed him the divorce papers
ExHusband!Simon Riley going back to base and practically beating up a rookie during training
ExHusband!Simon Riley trying to fill the void one night by sleeping with someone but accidentally calls them your name
ExHusband!Simon Riley feeling furious when he picks your two kids up and your daughter blurts that you have a date later
ExHusband!Simon Riley breaking into your house (using the spare key he had stolen) and kicking your date out of your bed
ExHusband!Simon Riley getting into a screaming match with you because he wants to mend your family and you’re fucking someone else. Silly girl, you have him to do that
ExHusband!Simon Riley eating you out until he makes you cum the amount of months you’ve been divorced for (*cough* 8 months)
ExHusband!Simon Riley breaking you open on his cock and then cumming inside you in hopes you’ll get pregnant
ExHusband!Simon Riley absolutely ecstatic when you are and slowly coercing you into being a family again… yknow… for the baby
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emjiroki · 1 year
Just found a Gojo edit that has me losing my mind
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luvsupa · 6 days
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tags: exhusband!toji x fem!reader, businessman toji (guys pls he’s rich in this </3), petnames, smut (p in v), unprotected, mentions of reader being a mother again, etc. mdni.
w.c: 1.4k
a/n: sawryy been kinda ia bc of uni </33
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you step into the crowded venue alone, the air thick with chatter and the lively notes of a string quartet filling the beautifully decorated hall. everyone around you is dressed elegantly for your ex-husband’s extravagant charity event. you hadn’t wanted to show support for him, but after much convincing from your friends and children, you reluctantly gave in, promising yourself you’d only stay for an hour.
as you navigate through the crowds of familiar faces, many of your old friends greet you, their compliments on your long, black, sparkly dress feeling insincere. awkwardly making small talk, you realize how distant you’ve become from these people since your divorce from toji.
“how are your children, mrs. fushiguro?” a married woman asks, her arm linked tightly with her husband’s—who, as you know, is traveling abroad to cheat on her.
“i’d prefer if you didn’t call me fushiguro; we’re not married anymore, remember?” you respond, lifting your empty ring finger to emphasize your point. gasps of shock ripple through the group at your “rudeness.”
“oh, darling, I completely understand your desire to drop the fushiguro name. it’s not like you have the charm or elegance to carry it anyway,” another married woman chimes in, laughter erupting around you, igniting a fiery rage in your chest.
“honestly, if toji were with someone like me, I’d take care of his every need in ways you can only dream of. I know how to keep a man satisfied, which is clearly something you’re not equipped for,” a third woman interjects, pushing your anger to its peak. the background chatter fades away as your breathing becomes heavy and your vision narrows.
“well, it’s a shame you think you’re so special because, from what I hear, your husbands are cheating on you. I guess when you can’t satisfy them, they go looking elsewhere—”
before you can finish, toji strides in from behind you. his large hand snakes around your waist, pulling you closer to his broad chest as he leans down to your ear. “easy, brat. I can’t let you go on with that mouth of yours,” he scolds, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. you can’t help but hitch your breath at the intoxicating scent of his cologne.
the expressions of the married women shift, their eyes darting to their husbands, who stammer awkwardly at their words. you suppress a giggle as chaos erupts around you, arguments bubbling up as they turn on their partners. with everyone distracted, you push toji’s hand away from your waist and turn to scoff at him. but fuck, he looks good. his black, luxurious suit hugs his frame perfectly, the white button-up shirt undone just enough to reveal a hint of his toned chest. toji smirks, the scar on the corner of his lips rising as he notices how you scan him.
you push past the crowd, making your way up the large spiral staircase while exchanging polite greetings with those you pass. you can feel his eyes boring into your back—an almost burning sensation—as you glance over your shoulder to catch him in the sea of wealthy businessmen, sipping on champagne. your heart races when you see him flaunting the matching wedding ring you once shared, its brilliance shining in the bright venue.
hastily, you rush up the steps, opening door after door in search of an unoccupied washroom. frustration mounts with each locked door, but hope reignites when you spot double doors at the end of the hall. as if your prayers have been answered, the doors swing open to reveal the most beautiful room you’ve ever seen—a private lounge. your eyes sparkle as you take in the elegant decor, complete with a private kitchen and balcony.
your heels clack against the polished marble floor as you place your clutch on the large island table, relief washing over you as you settle into the quiet space, far removed from the pretentious crowd downstairs.
“trying to slip away? don’t pretend you’re not enjoying the chase; I know you’d miss me way too much,”
a low voice booms in the serene atmosphere, startling you. you turn to see toji standing there with his hands in his pockets, slowly striding toward you until he’s right in front of you, looking down at you with a smirk.
“you look so good, doll,” he says, his voice low as he leans against the island table, biting his lower lip as he admires your figure in the elegant dress.
and you really—really tried to resist him.
but it was impossible to think straight with the way he was pounding into you, hitting every perfect angle and reaching the deepest parts of your throbbing hole. your slick walls clenched around his thick shaft, making it all the more maddening. toji had you bent over the island table, your dress bunched up around your waist, leaving your bare ass exposed in the private lounge. your eyes rolled back as his relentless thrusts sent waves of pleasure crashing through you, his grip on your hips nearly bruising. the room filled with the sinful sounds of skin slapping and the broken melodies of your moans mingling with his low groans.
“my. . . pretty. . fuckin’. . wife.” toji growled, each word punctuated by a deep, punishing thrust that slammed into your sweet spot, sending jolts of pleasure through your trembling body. his hand shot up, tangling in your hair as he yanked your head back, forcing your back to arch while he relentlessly pounded into you.
“t-toj’—” you stammered, your voice barely coherent between breathless moans, your body jerking with each rough thrust. “’s too m-much…” your words trailed off into high-pitched whines, your mind too hazy to form anything more than desperate pleas.
leaning down, his lips brushed against your ear, his hot breath igniting every nerve in your body. “you can take it, you’re a big girl,” he rasped, nibbling on your earlobe, his voice dripping with dominance. “look at you, babbling for me.”
the wet, obscene sound of your cunt squelching around him only fueled his pace, your moans intertwining with the sinful symphony as he continued driving into you without mercy, pulling more helpless words from your lips.
in a swift motion, toji hoisted your leg up, his grip firm and unrelenting, holding it in place as his hips snapped forward at a brutal, faster pace. the new angle sent shockwaves through you as his thick tip pressed deeper, practically rearranging your insides. the intense sensation made you crumble, barely able to hold yourself together as he drove you closer to the edge with every thrust.
“gonna make you a pretty mama again, mmm? all filled up.” toji rasped in your ear, his voice low and teasing as you sobbed loudly, tears spilling down your cheeks, nearly drooling at the thought of being filled to the brim. a smirk tugged at his lips when he felt you clench around him,
so fuckin’ nasty, he thought.
he snaked the hand on your neck down to your sensitive nub, pinching your clit between his fingers and sending jolts of pleasure coursing through you as your leg began to shake.
“i can feel it—hahh— you in my tummy,” you whimpered, the realization igniting a rush of pleasure and desperation within you. toji lost it at your words, his breath hitching as he looked down, watching the outline of your stomach stretch against the fabric of your dress, the bulge unmistakably visible.
the sight drove him absolutely feral, a primal hunger surging through him. “hn, f-fuck, baby,” he whimpered, the words slipping from his lips as he struck even harder, each powerful stroke pushing you closer to your limits.
“mr. fushiguro, i-it’s time for your speech.”
your heart dropped at the sound of a female voice behind the doors, a stark reminder of the world waiting just outside. but toji—oh, toji—his primal instincts kicked in, and the thought of being interrupted only fuelling his desire to finish inside you. nothing would stop him from pleasing his baby.
“t-toj’… you— ngh— you have to go…” you squeaked, desperation lacing your voice as he harshly slapped your slick, throbbing cunt, the sound echoing in the otherwise silent room. your thighs sticky as cobwebs of your arousal clung to his fingers, causing you to tremble uncontrollably.
“upp we go,” a smirk spread across toji’s face as he stepped back, maintaining his cock snug against your gummy walls. with a firm grip, he lifted both of your legs, carrying you as he approached the doors leading to the balcony where the majority of the guests awaited his speech.
“just a little longer, baby,” he growled, his voice dripping with satisfaction. “i want them all to know you belong to me.”
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I see Ignorant People, but I like to call them DUMB, but the word is wrong. TRIGGER WARNING: Domestic Violence.
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I have trouble translating my mind into different dialects of intelligence. After obtaining my TBI, my brain has been stuck in dumb down mode. But I suspect if I go back to reading 8 books a day I can easily change that.
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The only issue I have is...after reading 3500 books while i was Deployed to IRAQ...i have no interest in reading anymore.
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Reading was my addiction and I used it to save me from life. I want to live life now. I want to SPEAK. which is making writing rather difficult.
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I had stopped writing because my EX fuq head was JEALOUS of me and threatened my existence, broke my computer, and tried to murder me over his jealousy of my characters experiences versus me.
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Him, beating me with an inch of my life. Left a HOLE. It made me plug a hole...with a mask. That mask has finally been lifted. I am able to write again. But instead of writing fiction... I am writing about me.
I can write about SEX. He wanted Sex.
But he married me knowing I was ASEXUAL.
He got mad I could write about it, but not put out. Even though during the relationship he understood. He unmasked the moment he trapped me into a marriage I thought was equal partnership.
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PLEASE, if you ever get into a situation like I was...
REACH OUT, GET OUT, DON'T LOOK BACK. Don't wait...for them to get better. It will only get worse. Don't think they will change, they will not. Don't even think. Just RUN, drop everything, pack your bags, reach out to anyone and you will be surprised who will help you.
I know it's scary to rely on strangers. But I am telling you, RELY on them. Go to public spaces seek out someone you feel safe and tell them everything, and have them help you come up with a plan.
I didn't do that. But I do help people get out of these jams now. When i here, feel them from strangers who approach me.
I have reached out and done that for 3 people I met when I worked at a gas station. Stop being silent. When you see violence do something. Even if it's to call the cops, or pretend you are there friend and take them by the arm, and lead them away from it.
You acting like their mom, or grand daughter. Could deescalate the situation.
The homeless woman, I helped came back months later after i helped her and thanked me for the words I shared on how to get to safe place.
Please, dont be complacent. If you have the compacity to help. do it.
Sometimes these people just need someone to step in, and jog them into doing their own work.
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number1mingyustan · 3 months
exhusband!jeonghan headcannons
exhusband!jeonghan who was extremely possessive and protective over you when you were together, but seemingly more than ever since you ended things
exhusband!jeonghan who is dreading this whole co-parenting thing because he can’t be with his two favorite girls anymore
exhusband!jeonghan whose knuckles turn white against the steering wheel when his daughter mentions ‘mommy’s new boyfriend’ after he picks her up from school one day
exhusband!jeonghan who loses sleep over the thoughts racing in his mind about you
exhusband!jeonghan who has so much love for you but for the life of him just cannot communicate
exhusband!jeonghan who struggles to concentrate and go about his regular life because of there mere thought that he's not only lost you, but you now belong to someone else who'll never love you the way he does
exhusband!jeonghan who shows up at your apartment one night after dropping your daughter off at his parents house for the weekend
exhusband!jeonghan who calls you baby despite your protests because it's muscle memory and you'll always be his baby
exhusband!jeonghan who smells so fucking good and familiar when he leaves little distance between you two
exhusband!jeonghan who is quick to question you about your ‘new boyfriend’
exhusband!jeonghan who doesn't really want to hear what you have to say and doesn’t give you a proper chance you answer because his lips are on yours before you can respond
exhusband!jeonghan who stops himself when he realizes this behavior is part of why you aren’t together anymore
exhusband!jeonghan who has you begging and aching for him touch seconds later and can’t help but give in
exhusband!jeonghan who knows your body inside and out and relieves all the tension in your body when he touches you
exhusband!jeonghan who manhandles you and bends you over the kitchen counter
exhusband!jeonghan who drops to his knees and pushes his head between your thighs
exhusband!jeonghan who has a tight grip on your shaky legs as he uses his tongue to show you how much he misses you
exhusband!jeonghan whose eyes are dark and lustful, burning with passion for you and only you as he stands to his feet
exhusband!jeonghan who teases you about how “your little boyfriend can’t be doing it right if you’re still this damn tight” when he slips his cock into you
exhusband!jeonghan who teases you at first, then suddenly thrusts his cock into you with force and speed, knocking the wind out of you
exhusband!jeonghan who fucks you dumb, making it hard for you to form a proper sentence
exhusband!jeonghan who chastises you for being “so fucking stupid to leave him” as he fucks you from behind
exhusband!jeonghan who cums inside of you with a loud groan, uncaring about the risks and possible consequences
exhusband!jeonghan who kisses you sloppily when you're coming down and have hardly caught your breath and holds you up as your legs shake
exhusband!jeonghan who tells you this is a reminder that you'll always be his as his fingers press against the ring you still have on your finger
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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guinevereweepy · 2 years
Chinese audio dramas recommendation part 1(?)
My recent obsession: audio dramas! It’s seriously the best form of entertainment when I’m working and since working days take up 5 out of 7 days, I source for audio dramas so much it’s taking up a lot of my working hours.
1. Mr Dior (2 seasons, completed)
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My comfort audio drama. The number of times I’ve re-listened to this one is uncountable.  Synopsis: No matter what script is it today, you are always the lead in my memory.  7 years into their marriage, Zhang Dadiao/Zhang Chengfei (top) got into an accident one day. Even without any serious physical injuries, the impact of the accident caused his brain’s perception turning into the novels that were stored in his Smart Watch. As a result, it caused him to think he was different characters of different kinds of script each time, but one thing stayed constant: his wife, Jiao Qi, will always be his priority. Thanks to that, Jiao Qi had to put up his husband’s weird actions but also, learned new secrets his husband apparently had been keeping from him. 
I really enjoyed the laughs and the tears from this story. Though I’ve been meaning to read the original novel but... it’s on hold for numerous reasons... And the manhua is still ongoing now. But nonetheless, each script has its countless funny moments, and the couple never fail to prove to us love does exist. And CEO Zhang loves his wife no matter what happens. Adding on, the voice actors, Jing Xiang Shui Yi (Zhang Chengfei) and Yang Zai (Jiao Qi) had incredible chemistry together for this was their 2nd project together. Their voices do fit the characters well and did excellent jobs in conveying the emotions just by their voices. They made the characters come to life and made listeners fall in love with them too.
2. Accidentally Married a Man full of Vinegar (1 season, completed)
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Another comfort audio drama. Too many re-listens. 
Synopsis: While drinking his sorrows away in a bar one night, Chu Yi picks up his future husband then and there, drunk, and after doing the unimaginable. After that, a handsome customer appeared in his design studio, asking, “Mr Chu, have you forgotten me?” “Excuse me, but you are...?”  “Qin Yiheng. Are you looking to get married this year? Because I do, and I think we’re compatible.” With the growing pressure from both parents, they decided to get married when all they knew were each other’s names, and their skills on bed...? But as the saying goes, time reveals a person’s heart - for Chu Yi, he did realise how much jealousy his husband had in him, and for Qin Yiheng, how much he actually cared for his new husband. While others date first before getting married, this couple got married first before they started to date. Qin Yiheng was someone new to the relationship stuff and all. It was cute that he didn’t understand why Chu Yi asked for certain things, or why would his assistant suggested him to do certain things because he was married. But of course he was a fast learner and soon enough, he captured his husband’s heart. The 15 episode audio drama captured their journey together, as they finally became a real married couple. And of course, Qin Yiheng’s growth as a lover as well.  Additionally, the voice actors too, Hu Liang Wei (Chu Yi) and Jiang Xu (Qin Yiheng) had incredible chemistry as well. Their voices were really soothing too for such a sweet drama. 
3. Your distance (1 season, completed)
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Synopsis: Distance is a social platform that displays the distance between parties. To prevent the chances of bumping into the person he wants to flirt with in real life, Ting Shuang chose to match with someone 287km away. Everything was going well, other than his ex-boyfriend who cheated on him pestering to reconcile. But things got worse when he realise Cycle, the guy he called “darling” to get rid of his annoying ex, was 4.8km away from him?! Slowly, the distance decreased to 3m when he was in school. Which means...?! After much denial, Ting Shuang finally admitted that his hellish professor, Bai Changyi, was Cycle that he matched with. Despite the 12-years age difference, they started their life as a couple. I enjoyed the drama as with the age difference, the two guys were from different generations. And Ting Shuang would not let Bai Changyi live (more like he didn’t let him forget how old he actually was). But what I enjoyed the most was how Professor Bai was really mature and exerted that in their relationship. When Ting Shuang was being immature and refusing to communicate, Professor Bai would use his ways to deal with that, not allowing the miscomm trope to even take place. And how they dealt with problems were different and refreshing to see. 
The voice actors, Yang Zai (Ting Shuang) and Zheng Xi (Bai Changyi), were great with their characters. Zheng Xi had the voice to show the stableness of Professor Bai and Yang Zia’s voice, in contrary with his partner’s, showed the difference in their maturity. And that helped with the drama and plot a lot. 
4. Ex-husband’s call (1 season, completed)
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Synopsis: After being set up with a handsome police officer with a great body, Tong Qiu, a school teacher with a uniform fetish, started dating him with the consideration of marriage in mind. And after 3 months, they got married with the agreement that if Tong Qiu wanted a divorce in a year, Huo Zhixing would agree to it wholeheartedly.  Fast forward to a year later, Tong Qiu: “Huo Zhixing, let’s file for a divorce.” But that didn’t mean it was the end to Huo Zhixing. No matter how much Tong Qiu had to remind his friends that that was his ex-husband, everyone could tell Police Officer Huo had other plans. And that kicked off the courtship from Huo Zhixing. 
I felt that this audio drama had simply taught us that in a relationship, never hide your true self as that’ll be what keep a relationship strong. I’m not going to spoil much here as I really do encourage people to go listen to this, it’s a really heart-warming drama and I thoroughly enjoyed it and was really happy I found it. The small actions from Huo Zhixing were really obvious actually and was really cute when sometimes it got Tong Qiu questioning himself. And slowly seeing Tong Qiu looking over the uniform and at the police officer himself was a nice journey to follow on. And of course there was a tad bit of angst but it was definitely for character growth.
As for the voice actors, Dao Diao Nan (Huo Zhixing) and Tang Cu Pai Gu (Tong Qiu), I felt that TCPG had some moments in the drama that... his voice was a little off for the character in a way I can’t really describe. But nonetheless he did a great job for this character who is a teacher and had hid his different sides. Dao Diao Nan also did an excellent job where there were definitely moments in which you could tell his voice had much more to say beyond the script, and it was amazing. 
Trigger warning for this one as a very side character committed s**cide.
Please feel free to drop any recommendations! I would appreciate them! And I guess from my recommendations it’s quite easy to tell I’m one that goes for lighthearted dramas haha so please don’t hold back anything you wanna share!
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angel5ofp0rn · 5 months
♡ part one ♡
ExHusband!Price x f!reader
been thinking ab this post 4ever and need to get it out tbh.
**I’ve never done something like this b4 and I haven’t proofread so pls be nice 2 me ._. **
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You have been divorced from your ex husband John Price for two years. Still, he comes over and shovels your driveway for you every time it snows.
He’s come inside and warmed up in the mudroom nearly every 15-20 minutes, puffing hot breath into his hands and rubbing them together for warmth before stepping back out and shoveling again.
You meet him in the mudroom for his fourth warm-up break and hand him a mug of hot coffee. Dash of cream, one sugar.
“Still how you take your coffee, right?” You offer a small smile, hugging your arms around yourself as John takes a sip from the mug.
“Still the same.” He nods before he takes another sip, the small smile that had appeared at the corner of his mouth quickly fading.
He leans up against the doorframe, the shovel leaning against the wall next to him. He peers out of the door's window, checking over his work.
“I'll get goin' soon enough. It ain't snowing right now, the drive's nearly clear.”
You thank him again, even though you never asked him to do this in the first place. You can’t help but look up at him, meeting his blue eyes for just a moment.
Before he could reply, your two children came running around the corner cheering and squealing when they saw their dad.
John's smile brightens at their presence, his body language immediately softening as he squatted down to their level.
“Hey, my little monkeys. Come give yer ol’ dad a hug.” He opens his arms out wide, inviting both of them to come to him. It doesn't take long before they both go crashing into him, squealing, smiling. Their giggles filled the small room.
You just smile. Even if you and John aren’t always on the best of terms, you can’t deny that he’s a great father.
“Daddy’s cold.” Your youngest shivers a bit from hugging their dad, who still had snow on his clothes and frost on his beard from shoveling.
John tries to shrug it off, but you ask him to stay and warm up for a while.
For the kids, of course.
Plus dinner is nearly ready, and you definitely made too much for just you and the kids, anyway.
More cheering, more squealing, more giggling as John finally agrees and kicks his boots off, hanging his coat on the hook.
John’s blue eyes scan the new decor and different paintings on the wall, but he doesn’t comment on how much the place has changed since he moved out.
After dinner, the two of you stand in the doorway as you watch the kids play together in their playroom, that used to be John’s “man cave”.
“They're gonna make you tuck them in.” You mention, sipping your glass of wine.
John smiles, a casual shrug of his shoulders.
“Maybe you can convince them to go up and brush their teeth?” You lower your wineglass and offer a fake, pleading pout.
He looks down for a moment, pretending not to see the gesture. Instead, he looks back to the children.
“Right then, you two little monkeys. It’s gettin’ late. Go on up and brush your teeth. I’ll come tuck you in.”
Both children protest for a while, but eventually give in without too much of a fight. That’s a new one.
John lets out a chuckle as the children roll their eyes and go up the stairs. He watches them disappear from view before turning and meeting your eyes again, still smiling for this small victory.
As if he had just realized he was staring, John’s eyes darted down into his now empty mug.
"Let me take that." You reach for his mug but he shakes his head.
"I haven’t forgotten where the kitchen is," He smiles a bit. "'ll clean up and then tuck the kids in."
John makes his way over to the kitchen, placing it in the sink and starting water. You follow, and notice that he was also washing the dishes from dinner as well.
“John, you don’t have to-“
“I know.”
And that’s that.
You chew your bottom lip. This looked too familiar. It felt too familiar.
"I'm... gonna go check on them and get them in their pj's." You gesture to the stairs in the hall.
He looks up at you briefly and nods; "Be up in a bit, love.”
Once the water is emptied from the sink, he starts loading the dishes into the dishwasher. Once completed, he starts to wipe down the counters and stovetop, wanting to make sure he left no mess behind. Then he trekked back up the stairs to tuck in the kids.
You’re downstairs again, on the living room sofa. You wanted to let John have a moment alone with the kiddos before he left again.
He makes his way down the stairs and sees you sitting there in the dim lighting. He clears his throat a bit as he walks through the living room and back into the mudroom.
“They're tucked in. Not a whisper from ‘em.” He mentions casually as he gets his snow boots back on.
You thank him, turning to watch him leave, but notice him looking out of the door window and pause. So you make your way over to the door to see what he’s seeing.
It's started snowing and the driveway is completely covered again. It looks like he hasn't even shoveled.
John lets out a grunt of disbelief and sighs, pulling on his beanie and reaching for the shovel once again.
“Don't-“ You shake your head, placing your hand on the shovel. “It's snowing hard, there's no point in shoveling it all up just for it to be covered again. Why don't you... stay on the couch or something tonight.”
He stares down at the shovel for a moment, debating it. After a beat, he sighs a bit, nodding.
“I... could do that.”
You go upstairs to the bedroom and bring John some extra pillows and blankets to make a bed on the couch with.
You set everything on the coffee table and the two of you sit on the couch for a moment, just catching up and chatting about the kids.
“The kids both want to do soccer in the spring.” You mention, your cheeks a bit rosy from the wine you had with dinner.
“Football.” He corrects with a small smirk. You roll your eyes.
“Let me pay for the lessons.” He says; not asking.
Of course you refuse.
Of course he insists.
You settle on splitting it.
Then it happens again. Your eyes meet his. Neither one of you speaks. Suddenly you’re transported back to the first night you met; you were newly 21 and already tipsy when your eyes met those of an older man in his fatigues as he sat at the bar. You remember drunkly telling the older man that he had the prettiest blue eyes, and that you wanted a hundred of his babies that looked just. like. him.
You have two, at least.
“Oh!” You sit up a bit straighter, snapping out of your daydream. “I was going to ask you to look at something on my laptop. It's doing that thing again. It's upstairs.” You get up and head to your home office, John right behind you.
You open your laptop and hand it to John. He knew how to fix it last time, so it should take him no time.
He sits in your office chair and you step away into your bedroom across the hall to get into a pair of pajama shorts and a hoodie, since it's getting late.
The laptop whirred softly before he got it running again. Only took a minute. He sets it on the desk, leaning back in your chair with his hands behind his head as he looks up through the open door where you can be found, changing in the bedroom.
You were his wife at one point, anyway. Isn’t something he hasn’t seen before…
After you’ve changed, you lay on your bed, scrolling through your phone as you wait for John to fix the issue with your laptop, unaware that he was watching. Unaware that the laptop has been fixed for a while now, and he was just wasting time.
Eventually, his voice wafts through the doorway.
“Think I got it, love-“ He pauses for a moment. “Er, Y/N.”
“Ugh, thank you.” You sigh and sit up, taking the laptop from him and setting it on your nightstand. “Stupid thing always acting up.”
John sits on the edge of your bed as you take the laptop back from him.
“Not a problem. It was a quick fix.” He offers a small smile, rubbing the back of his head.
He takes a glance at you, noticing the pajamas you had put on.
"...Is that my sweatshirt?"
You blush a bit sheepishly, looking down at the oversized, grey 2XL Special Air Service hoodie you’re wearing. "Um..."
Another small chuckle escapes his lips. He shakes his head a bit, trying to contain his amusement.
“S’what I thought. You look... comfy." He reaches his hand out towards your leg, running his hand lightly over your bare legs, exposed by the shorts you were wearing.
Without realizing what he's doing, he has his hand on your thigh, and he gives it a light squeeze.
Eventually his hand travels higher to rest on your sex over your pajama shorts.
Usually, you'd tell him off. Monologue about how this isn't how things work because it complicated things and you both need to set boundaries.
But tonight you don't.
Maybe it's because you had two heavy-handed pours of your favorite wine with dinner. Maybe it was seeing him with your kids again. Maybe it had just been too long since you'd felt anything other than a cheap bullet vibrator.
So you let him slip his hand down your panties.
But it's a bit jarring to feel his wedding band still on his finger.
You look down at his hand for a beat when you feel it.
You look back up and place your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in and crashing your lips together.
John wastes no time in laying you back on your bed and tugging your shorts and panties off, tossing them somewhere behind him.
His lips are on your neck, his hands spreading your soft thighs apart. You can smell the musky scent of himself on him, mixed with that familiar cologne of his, and you breathe a sigh.
“Take this off f’r me.” He mumbles against your skin, sliding your his hoodie up your body.
Your body aches for this to continue, and John doesn't plan to disappoint, but he takes a moment to admire what's sprawled out in front of him. He lets out a satisfied smirk as he pulls you closer by your thighs. He's undone his belt and shrugged out of his jeans in no time.
You pull his shirt off over his head before you close your eyes and tilt your head to give him easier access to kiss your neck.
His scruffy beard tickles your neck, his calloused hands gripping your thigh and rubbing your slick, dripping pussy.
“So needy.” John observed as your back arched and your body squirmed at his touch. "Poor thing... No one's been keepin’ you satisfied, hm?”
You shake your head a bit. You hate that he’s right. You hate that he can tell. That he knows you too well.
But he’s right; no random Tinder hookup and no blind date that your friends have set you up with could ever compare to your ex husband.
“Should’a told me...” He murmurs as he leans lower, positioning his head in between your thighs, pressing desperate kisses to your aching clit.
He’s got you figured out completely. He’s always been good at that.
A smile forms as his hands move to grip your thighs. He lets out a quiet groan as your legs instinctively clamp around his head. The look of his veiny hands gripping your plushy thighs with that damn wedding band still around his finger is doing things to you.
His tongue slowly plays in circular motions, teasing you, loving the game. He takes his time, enjoying himself, as you continue to squeeze your thighs against his head. Hell, he’d let you suffocate him if it meant he could eat your pussy this one last time.
You try not to, but you let out a desperate moan of pleasure. He knew exactly what you like, exactly where to lick, exactly where to kiss, exactly where to nibble.
Damn him.
“You sound s’pretty, lovey. S’pretty f’r me.” He pants, his praise ending with a whimper.
Your eyes roll back. Fuck, he has you. He knows he has you. Your moans and whimpers are uncontrollable as he picks up the pace, all but slamming his thick cock into your pretty little hole.
You’re his, and he knows it, and in the moment, it’s true. Just him. Just you. The rest doesn’t matter right now.
John pulls out for just a moment while he swiftly flips you over, roughly gripping your hips and pulling your backside into him. He’s got the angle just right now, and your breath catches in your throat, followed by a needy whimper.
“Mine… All mine… Isn’t that right?” He whispers, more of a command than a question.
Your face is pressed against the mattress as John’s grip on your hips tighten. This angle, this position, John is so familiar with it. He knows what it does to you. He knows the way it makes you respond.
John lets out a loud groan as your whimpers and moans get more needy, desperate. He knows that you’re about to come.
He finishes right then and there, along with you.
You gasp a bit, surprised by the synchronization. Should you really be surprised, though? Only he would know your body like that. You’re his. He’s yours.
John slowly pulls his softening cock out of you, lying on the bed and pulling you into his chest. His hand grabs your thigh, draping your leg around his waist in an attempt to hold you closer.
He lets out a few deep breaths, letting the adrenaline and endorphins just fade away. Neither of you wants to move right now, both just content being in each other’s arms. Both content feeling the heat of each other’s bodies, just listening to each other breathing.
“Better than I remembered it.” John murmurs, his voice laced with a smirk.
You catch John’s left hand after he reached up to push your sweaty hair from your forehead. You hold it in yours, playing a bit with the wedding band.
next >>
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fictionalmenobsessor · 5 months
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CW: !!!NSFW MDNI!!!, afab reader, cowgirl, bulge kink, breeding kink, baby trapping.
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this is part 2, to part one 😘
song for the chapter: Leave Me Lonely - Ariana Grande
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ex-husband?!Simon, who eventually convinces you to let him come inside to talk once he finds out that your daughter isn’t home, and is actually at her grandparents for the night.
ex-husband?!Simon, who listens to all of your concerns when you are on the couch together; holding your hand in his with devoted eyes, thinking to himself that you were as beautiful as the day he lost you, possibly even more so.
ex-husband?!Simon, who rubs his thumb up and down the back of your palm trying to soothe you as you choke up into tears.
ex-husband?!Simon, who brings you into his lap, engulfing you in a hug with his big burly arms. stroking your hair as you sobbed into his shoulder, letting all of the pain you’ve accumulated wash over you in one fell swoop.
ex-husband?!Simon, who brings your head back so you can see him after you’ve calmed down. wiping away the tears and snot on your face, before giving you a kiss on the forehead.
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ex-husband?!Simon, who presses back when you suddenly kiss him, cupping both sides of your face with his calloused hands; tugging down on your lip with his teeth to force his tongue through.
ex-husband?!Simon, who ran his hands up and down your body, before landing on your hips. gently squeezing the soft, plush fat surrounding them as he brought you higher up on his lap.
ex-husband?!Simon, who lets out a string of groans as you start to rock your hips over the growing bulge beneath your thinly clothed cunt; slick and throbbing, you try to soothe the increasingly hot ache between your thighs.
ex-husband?!Simon, who hikes up the lacy hem of your nightdress, and roughly tugs aside your panties, like they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
ex-husband?!Simon, who glides the pad of his thumb over the pearly nub on your clit, going in motions that has you writhing and begging for him to at least use one finger against your velvet walls.
ex-husband?!Simon, who eventually gives in, gliding his ring finger into your sopping cunt, watching the way your juices collected on the silver band.
ex-husband?!Simon, who pulled out his digit before you reached your impending orgasm, because according to him:
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“The only thing that you’re going to be coming on is my cock. Okay, sweetheart?”
You fumbled with his belt buckle, your mind still fogged from the rejection of what you desperately craved. No needed.
He lifted his hips so you could tug down his jeans and boxers. His strained cock hit his lower abdomen, angry red tip leaking with beads of pre-cum.
With your panties still pushed to the side haphazardly, you grab ahold of Simon’s broad shoulders for stability; watching as he grabs his thick, leaky cock and align himself with your entrance.
Slowly sinking down, you fold your bottom lip into your mouth to force back a moan, teeth digging into the flesh severely. As much as you loved. Love? No. Loved, Simon, you couldn’t let him know that he still had an effect on you after all this time.
After a few moments of adjusting to his size, pussy fluttering around him to accommodate his size you started to roll your hips, gathering a rhythm that left you both short for air.
Gaining a bit more confidence, you bounce up and down on his cock. Simon’s dick hitting the gummy bundle of nerves tucked away inside you that made your toes curl; thighs trembling as your orgasm attempts to wash over you.
A deep, desperate groan echoed through your ears, “Fuck." He panted, pawing at your ass, "I've missed this pretty pussy so much. And I bet she's missed me too, yeah?"
Nodding your head feverously, you tried to focus on the euphoria you were about to experience in the horizon. Just as you were teetering on the edge, he must've felt a change; grabbing your hips, he flipped you over, denying your orgasm once more.
"You fucking asshole!" You seethed, hitting him on the chest.
"Don't." He snatched your wrists, flashing you a harsh glare. "Now you're going to behave and come on my cock when I tell you to, because I can stop all of this in a heartbeat."
In all honesty, you would’ve done anything for him. With a small nod of your head, he hoisted your legs over his shoulders, burying his throbbing cock deeper into your velvet walls; desperate with the need to come, he clenched his jaw and started his onslaught. He wasn't done with you; not yet.
Pursuing fuller strokes, he looked down at your lower abdomen, waiting to see the bump of his tip on the outside of your precious, fertile, vacant womb.
Your jaw slacked from being stuffed full of his cock. A distorted whine clawed up your throat as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“Good girl, you’re takin’ my cock s’well.” He smirked, now looking back up at you, and driving his hips faster. Your heels dug into his shoulders, pussy clenching him like a vice.
“Please, Si.” You whispered, clinging onto his chest like you clung onto your destined euphoria.
“Please wha’?” He mocked, looking down at you condescendingly; mixing his strokes with either quick and short jabs, or long and heavy thrusts. Only because he wanted to be an asshole and make you choke on your words as you tried to answer him.
You tried to form sentences, you really did, but it only came out as incomprehensible garble.
Pulling yourself together, you forced out, “Please let me cum, Si.”
“It’s cute y’think y’had a choice.” He teased. His pelvis snapped up faster, turning the coil in your stomach faster in doing so.
"Please, Si. I-" You cut yourself by an annoyed whine; not wanting to hold on any longer, and release the overstimulation consuming your body, "-I can't anymore."
"S’okay." He mumbled, stroking a piece of hair out of your face, looking into your teary, glistening cockdrunk eyes. “Cum aroun’ my cock jus’ like that. I’ve got you.”
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ex-husband?!Simon, who promises to pump your pussy full of his milky seed; fucking it inside your womb over, and over again, to ensure you’re round with all of his future kids.
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please don’t be too harsh this is my first time writing smut which is why it took so long to post 😔
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sluttsumu · 10 months
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ CASE OF THE EX
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ೃ࿐ feat. gojo satoru
in which: you run into your ex husband just when he realizes he needs you back.
contains: nsfw, smut, exhusband!gojo, dubcon, infidelity, intoxicated sex (alcohol), breeding, gojo calls reader wifey, exhibitionism if you squint. wc: 1.3k
ೃ࿐ ki’s note: this was supposedly to be a drabble and ended up being way longer than expected. i’m also trying out a diff writing style lmk whatcha think!
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it’s freezing, as it normally is in december, but this was a different type of cold.
the standing on your ex husband’s porch, four glasses of wine deep, kind of cold. you’ve been standing outside for borderline five minutes, but you know he’s home.
“satoru..” the door creaks open to a very tipsy gojo standing on the other side. he’s quick to pull you in without another word because, ��it’s freezing, why are you here this late?”
locking the door behind you he winces, rubbing his eyes trying to remember what day of the week it is. “is it my weekend to have her?”
her being your daughter, satoru’s beloved angel — the only other girl he’s ever loved besides you.
loved. past tense.
he swears he’s still inlove with you but you never believed it. you hated gojo satoru, but that’s just what you wanted yourself to think. he’s been trying to break down this wall of resentment for months, after all it’s been almost a year since you two split.
“she’s at your mothers house, i dropped her off last night.”
gojo could breathe easy knowing his daughter isn’t here, he didn’t want her to him like this; drunk, that is.
you watched as he disappears into the kitchen, taking your coat and shoes off, leaving them in familiar places.
you don’t why you’re here, back in this house, with him. it’s almost as if you were on autopilot directing yourself to a common place with no intention just…there.
he comes back with a bottle in one hand and two crystal glasses in the other, staring blankly before asking again, “why are you here?”
the silence was loud enough, it was actually the most you two have spoken in the past year.
“do you miss me?” smirking with the tilt of his head he rests his head in his palm, eyes flickering between you and the full shot in front of you. the two of you playing a variation of truth or drink.
“satoru…don’t do this to me.” you face palm.
“i know you do, but if your ego is too big to admit it then take it.” slender fingers slide the glass your way, you could see your reflection in the liquid, and god, you look guilty.
speaking of looks, if they could kill you’d be a dead woman. the way he looks back at you across the table reminds you of all of the reasons you crave gojo satoru.
you took the shot, quickly too. it burned going down almost lighting your body on fire in a self-sabotaging way. he found pleasure in watching you not admitting the blatant fact.
“you deny it but it’s true,” standing, he downs the contents of his glass mid-sentence, making you both somewhat even in intoxication.
the ‘clink’ of him setting his glass down next to yours echos as he’s now moved from sitting across to standing in front of you.
“ ‘m sure there a lot you miss about me, hmm?” his hands slide between your hair and skin, four out of five digits resting on the nape of your neck, his thumbs brushing against your cheek.
from gojo’s pov he couldn’t have you in a better place, literally in the palm of his hand. as crazy as it sounds he had to do this, he loves you, and love makes you do some…not nice things.
to be fair, manipulation and persuasion are not the same to him. he never told you to come over, but then again he could’ve called you an uber and sent you back home…that would’ve been the ‘right’ thing to do.
unfortunately for you everything that comes to mind in the head of gojo satoru is right.
you nod shyly, listening to each saccharine word that leaves his lips.
“c’mon wifey, it’s been so long” the nickname filled your chest, heavy. suddenly it was impossible to move from where you sat. “i’m seeing someone..” a hand, on his chest as a half-assed attempt to defy him.
“s-satoru!” you sound so cute under him, clawing at his sheets. that little confession did something to him, made him want to punish you in the most primal way.
seeing someone? oh that’s not happening, not as long as he’s breathing will you ever be with another man. you’ll always be his pretty, little, obedient wife, who spreads her legs for him any time he pleases.
after all you’re still legally married. gojo refused to sign the divorce papers you sent him and eventually you stopped trying.
you could feel a vibrating pulse within the sheets, it was your phone ringing at a time like this.
“hello?” he answers the phone mid-fuck. “oh well if it isn’t your little boyfriend? i’m in the middle of fucking your girl silly, clearly you haven’t been doing it right..”
his pace increases to a gruelling speed, each thrust clapping against your ass, and it was fucking loud. “fuck! satoru please—! hang uuuuuup.” your begging only fuelled the fire, you needed to know who you belong to and so did your boy toy on the other line.
gojo can’t help but chuckle pridefully, watching you impaled on his cock, but he needed to hear it. no, the sounds of you practically crying while he fucked you wasn’t enough. he wants to hear you beg for him, praise him even. like a god.
“let him hear it wifey ♡︎” he frees a hand by placing the phone next to your head.
“tell him how much,” thrust. “you need your husband’s cock.” thrust. “i fuck so much better than him don’t i ?” thrust. “awe.. you cryin’?”
“need it—! want it satoru! you’re so— hahh! —good!” he was made to torture you like this, fucking you dumb into his mattress while making you spew naughty things for him.
you could feel his speed getting aggressive. beads of sweat falling down his toned tummy to his v-line, the two of you making a sticky mess from being skin to skin. you couldn’t think, mind hazy and full of him.
“fuuuuuck, how about i stuff you full? maybe i should give you another baby, ‘nother reason to be attached to me.” the hypnosis in his voice casts you further under his spell as he grunts sweet nothings into you ear while he pounded your pussy.
“love it,” you growl into his pillows. “i love you satoru! cumming…i’m cumming, please let me cum—” you could only focus on the high washing over your body as your legs begin trembling, muscles spazzing at your arousal tipping over the edge.
your desperation is music to his ears, his lust turning uncontrollable as he assaults your cunt fucking you hard, and deep. at this rate he’ll get you pregnant.
“cum for me, cum with me— shit!” he drawls, gritted through his teeth, bottoming out in his favourite fucking pussy. this feeling will never get old, fucking you will never not be his favourite pastime.
meanwhile the overstimulation teasing your cunt made you that much wetter, and tighter for him. you couldn’t take it anymore, you need it — need his seed sopping out of you. you didn’t even care about your boyfriend who was still listening to this live porn. gojo’s rewired that wondering brain of yours. back to him, in this house, on his bed, fucking his cock.
you might just even take him back.
his pleasure builds as he pumps into your cunt a few more times, before emptying inside of you. you could feel it, cunt full of him. his body collapses on top of yours, fingers intertwining on your hands while you both catch your breath.
“she’s not coming home.” the line cuts.
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© SLUTTSUMU 2023 - please refrain from copying, reposting or translating.
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villainofmyownstory · 4 months
Part 2
part 1 | 1.2 | part 3
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pairing: exhusband!Captain John Price x fem!Reader
summary: You visit your ex-husband, in your once shared home. The memories are painful. But only for you. Unfortunately, after that one bloody mission, John doesn't remember you. The memory of your life together, blurred in his mind.
tags: afab reader, hurt, ex lovers, ex-husband, recollection of death, loss of memory, ambiguous/open ending
2.5k words
author's note: @blackhawkfanatic @who-needs-to-sleep @rafaelacallinybbay because you asked about part 2 <3
If anyone wants to be added or removed from the taglist - let me know.
Something inside you has broken.
It seems that for a long time, you were pieces that were temporarily glued together.
In the end, pretending was a good thing.
After all, the one who laughs the loudest internally cries the hardest. 
Since those three days, weeks have passed. And somehow you couldn't move on. Maybe you should ask about that ring on his finger that unexpectedly appeared. Or maybe you should forget, finally move on, start living your life as before and never look back.
And of course, the phone rang every day. The boys, as usual, cared about you, not just him. After all, the captain's orders were to take care of you, too.
Even if he said those words so long ago. Before.
Do you think these waters will ever be shallower? That the current of the river, will carry you away and let you swim inertly to another shore? Or will you drown in the mud and your body sink inertly to the bottom. Forgotten. Left until your flesh rots, disintegrates eaten by river creatures.
His warm hands gently hold your waist. Keeping you from falling off the chair. Even though this is November outside it's already exceptionally cold. It even snowed lightly today. However, there was no longer any sign of it now.
You try to concentrate on decorating the tree, but the presence of a man in your flat is slightly overwhelming.
You let him. You accepted it all. Feeling inside, somewhere deep under your ribs, that this is madness. But despite everything, this discomfort, the smile doesn't leave your face.
You look down at him, his hands still holding your hips. Maybe you can stay like this for a while longer. You feel safe. Wanted. Needed. Belonged to someone.
”I'll turn on the lights”
he says finally helping you off the chair. You take a few steps away to get a better view.
Your first Christmas together. Never mind that it's just the two of you. And you don't mind that it's November.
What matters is that someone finally put your broken pieces together.
He was just yours.
In a few days he had to go on a mission. For unknown amount of time.
So this year Christmas came sooner. And you glance at him as he looks at the decorated Christmas tree with pride written on his face. To turn his gaze to you with the same delight.
”Somethin' wrong?”
You don't answer, blushing slightly. No one has ever looked at you like that.
you mumble embarrassed
”You look nice in that Christmas sweater” you reply and reluctantly glance back at tree.
”Do you like snowmen, dove?”
The phone rings. It rings nonstop. A familiar picture appears on the screen.
That's right, today is Wednesday.
You allow yourself not to answer.
Several times.
Finally, you slide your finger across the screen.
"Everythin’ okay?"
Kyle, as usual without greeting, gets straight to the point
"I've been waiting for an hour and you're not here. Do you want me to come get you?"
"Or maybe I should call Simon?"
That will do.
"I'll be there in half an hour."
You sigh, slowly letting the air out, as if you've been holding it in your lungs for the last few minutes. You quickly take the keys and leave the cold apartment.
You let him hold your hand. Maybe it's weakness. Maybe longing. Or maybe selfishness.
When the therapy is over and you're sitting in his car, you see a Tupperware container in the back seat. You know very well what it means.
"Jessica thought you'd be hungry. You know how she is.  She always cooks too much, and Captain won't eat it all himself” Kyle hands you a heavy container and a spoon
"How long?"
You don't dare raise your eyes, heavy eyelids close for a moment. The world starts spinning again. You don't want to hear that she is there again. Why is she there. After all, it was your home too. Never hers.
But of whom you want to make a fool, you know very well the reason.
"Two weeks." Kyle looks through the windshield, nervously tapping his fingers on the steering wheel
"Friday will be three years from-"
You speak quickly and dryly. You don't want to hear it. You know perfectly well that Friday is the anniversary of the accident.
You should be the one standing in the kitchen. It should be you. There.
"Should I drive you back to your apartment? One of the guys will drive the car back later."
You don't answer, your eyelids are heavy. It's as if they've stuck together and don't want to give you even a hint of light. Any comfort of a still bright day.
Drowning. To sink into the darkness. In an abyss of pain. Rot and suffer. This is your destiny. Forgotten.
"Hey, do you want to talk? Maybe someone should stay with you for the next few days?"
Kyle looks at you, sees your gray, tired face. The dark circles under your eyes. Hair that hasn't been cared for by a stylist in years. Fallen cheeks and chapped lips. Someone else is sitting in that car. It's not you anymore.
When you finally get back to your place, you toss the food container into the trash can and, still in your coat and shoes, lie down on the couch, in the living room. You stare dully at the blank wall, hoping that maybe sleep will come now.
It was better with you before, you were already walking on that straight path. Without stumbling, colors appeared on the sides. The sun was rising more and more for you. But again, a shadow that hid somewhere behind you covered your silhouette. Leaning heavily on your shoulders.
Late in the afternoon, when night slowly replaced day, and red and pink colours dance on the walls in the room, you finally fall asleep.
And again, a nightmare comes. You wish you could wake up and stay awake, stare at the ceiling and not have to relive it all over again. Maybe insomnia was some kind of cure for you. An escape.
And here you are in this place. Another broken promise. Once again you are doing something against yourself. You're sitting in the guest room on fresh evenly laid sheets.
In his home.
But when the phone rang in the middle of the night and on the other end you heard from, none other than Ghost (not to be confused with Simon, at that moment he is speaking to you as a soldier, the Captain). So it wasn't even a request. Just a command. Since John's memory had improved considerably since your last visit, along with the doctors, Ghost decided that you would stay with him this time for longer. Due to the fact that Johnny was injured and needed time to rest. Ghost and Gaz went on missions together. This time, to your misfortune, for a few weeks. And Jessica with kids couldn't stay for longer. Everyone had their own responsibilities. So you were chosen. The last option.
When you arrived, John wasn't there yet, he was going to rehab on Thursdays. So you got a few more hours of freedom before he returned. However, something paralyzed you to leave the room. The suitcase stood next to the bed, still unpacked.
The smell in the house, despite such a long time and so many different people who came in every now and then, remained the same. Cigars and burning wood from the fireplace.
Overwhelming. Now suffocating.
And those damn beige walls. Boring, nauseating. But eventually, it had to be repainted, three years ago these four walls witnessed your darkest moments in life.
Maybe it's better to sleep downstairs in the living room.
When John returns and enters the house, everything happens as if you were a different person - a spectator sitting in the front row, watching with bated breath the scene being played out. A scene from the movie called your life.
John puts his keys down on the dresser in the hallway, walks into the living room looks at the already made-up couch and turns in your direction with surprise. And you stand still with a wooden spoon in your hand, not even blinking.
"Oh there you are darling. Are we supposed to have guests tonight?"
You answer absolutely nothing, still standing motionless at the kitchen island, dismayed to see him slowly walk towards you.
And as if nothing ever happened, he grabs you lightly, squeezing your hip, and leans down to kiss your forehead. The kiss seems to last an eternity. It's almost like he's been kissed you for the first time.
He always did that when he came back to you.
But that was then. It was never - after.
"Somethin' wrong?"
He moves away from you and smiles gently, tilting his head, waiting for an answer.
You finally gain some strength in yourself and despite the unreality of the whole situation, which seems as if your brain is playing with you and replaying a scene from the past.
You finally nod slowly, in denial.
"I'll change and help you, I'm exhausted after today's new exercises. But I'm pretty flexible considering my age."
Saying this he smiles wider.
"And how was your day, at work?"
The wooden spoon fell to the countertop with a bang. Echoing in the room.
Mumbling apologetic words, you quickly evade him. You say something about a forgotten business, about making an urgent phone call.
You don't know who to call. Your hands are shaking and wet with sweat. ''It didn't happen.'' you mumble to yourself. Someone who was in charge of your life was a fucking prankster . Every time it seemed like nothing was going to happen, a new unknown and unannounced thing popped up from around the corner. A bloody joke.
Finally deciding to call Johnny, even though he was recently injured and supposed to be resting, you had to hear someone's familiar voice. Something that confirms that you have your feet on the ground. Something that makes you reassure yourself that you're not crazy.
After two signals he picks up and when he hears your frightened voice when you tell him about the situation from a moment ago.  Johnny will be here in two hours.
It's nothing that the wound on his thigh hasn't healed yet. Because if his Captain has finally regained his memory. He would, even if he had to walk 1,000 miles barefoot. He would do it without hesitation.
Just to have him back.
So you had to face John somehow, waiting for those two hours. And that seemed to be no easy thing to do. Because you no longer knew what awaited you on the other side of the beige bedroom. Who was the man who just a few weeks ago, every time he saw you, didn't recognize you and asked the same questions.
Was this the old, kindest John, the one you fell in love with many years ago.Was it even still possible, or was what you heard a few minutes ago some kind of error in his hollow, broken memory.
And again, the same scenery. How many times will it all be the same almost so familiar, and in truth so distant and foreign.
John's already dressed in more comfortable clothes, a plain plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and comfortable old, slightly rubbed jeans.
You stand in the threshold of the kitchen nervously clutching the phone, holding it as if it were some sort of lifeline, a connection to something that will save you. Well, from what, exactly? From a man who acts as if the last years, that tragedy never happened, and your marriage continued uninterrupted. Happily.
"Why don't we eat on the terrace? It's a really nice afternoon today."
John is standing at the countertop, his back turned to you cheerfully humming tunes known only to himself.
And you, you stand praying that by some miracle Johnny will get here sooner.
Despite your fatigue after a day's work, you cheerfully bustle around the kitchen, preparing a late supper. John was supposed to come back today, even though it had only been a week. The longing for him was great. Especially since just 3 weeks ago you had written in the documents, different name. Now, you proudly looked at your finger many times a day, seeing no longer an engagement ring. But something much more important.
A gold wedding ring.
Mrs. Price.
Not only was his return a cause for celebration, there was something else.
Once dinner is ready, the table is a bit over-decorated. The room, and practically the whole house, is illuminated only by the candles that have been set up. You stand nervously in the kitchen in your hands holding a small gift bag.
The dress is rather too elegant, as well. But you want this moment to be special, unique. Unforgettable.
Finally, this long-listened-for sound is interrupted by the only oddity you hear - the beating of your own heart.
John stands in the threshold with astonishment
"Honey? What's-?"
Slowly you hear his heavy footsteps, and after a moment you see him. A tired face, this time with longer facial stubble than usual. He is still dressed in a dirty tactical uniform. You don't even want to know what he witnessed in his absence.
He walks up to you and, as usual, one hand rests on your hip gently squeezing it and a warm kiss lands on your forehead.
"Some celebration? don't tell me I forgot about some important anniversary."
John looks up at you, despite his fatigue, his eyes shining happily illuminated by the candlelight.
"No, you haven't forgotten anything. It's something else."
Speaking, you grab a colorful bag and hand it to him
"A gift? oh, that means it is some positive occasion for me. For us?"
You smile nervously waiting for him to see what's inside.
Definitely a very positive news.
Time passes slowly. It's as if someone has pressed the slow motion button on the remote control to see the details better.
John, still in a good mood, finishes preparing the meal and finally turns in your direction and looks at you
"White or red?"
You bite your lower lip, feeling a coppery aftertaste in your mouth.
"Why are you doing this, John? Why is this happening again?"
Slowly saying these words, you look at his hands, which he wipes inattentively.
"But, what's the matter? I wanted to help you with dinner, dove. And I asked what kind of wine you wanted to drink. That's all."
With each step he takes toward you, you back away until you hit the wall.
"Tomorrow you will forget everything again, I don't have the strength anymore. I shouldn't have agreed to this. Again."
John stands close, much too close.
"How could I forget my biggest sweetheart? My beautiful wife? There's no way I'll ever forget you."
You finally lift your gaze, and look into his eyes. Hoping to see the same spark he once had, long ago.
However, all you see is emptiness. A faded blue.
And the only thought in your mind is for Johnny to hurry up and rescue you from this nightmare.
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evilgwrl · 2 months
ExHusband!Simon x Reader
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You Want a Divorce? (One)
Note: I'm having the WORST writer's block now so pls excuse my lack of proper writing... I'm currently sitting in front of a beach writing in hopes that ill gain inspo
CW: Angst, mentions of sex, jealous/possessive Simon, PLS DONT LEAVE YOUR KIDS IN THE CAR !!! Or break into someone’s house
Inspired by: Ex!Husband Simon
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Simon stared at you. The shades of his eyes simmering into endless voids of obsidian, blonde lashes moulded against his greased lids, the residue of the perpetual torture his body had succumbed to during deployment.
“You want a divorce?” He spoke, voice deep as he flickered between your shaking heads, sweat soiling into the papers gripped firmly and your swollen face, cheeks feverish with a red hue, eyes even more so.
You held back a rough sob, throat stripped of all moisture evident in your hoarse voice as you spoke, “Yes, Simon. I think it would be best for our family… for us.”
He scoffed. “You think the best thing for our family is to separate?”
“We already pretty much are. You’re away for days, weeks, months at a time. We’re hardly a family and it’s difficult to explain to the children why I’m crying.”
“Ok then.”
That was it. You would admit, it stung. His lacklustre tone felt like a stab in the gut, the blade drenched with anthrax as it reared blistering sores internally, the effects having shown through your putrid complexion. Your skin was dull, practically lifeless, the only living form of you grew day by day through the darkening of eyebags that almost made you look apocalyptic.
It had been 12 months of separation, officially 8 being legally divorced. You kept his last name, the permanent burn of hearing Mrs Riley still searing through you with every syllable, yet you feel it would only hurt you more if they said Ms.
Simon was often away now, and the minimal family time he used to get felt pointless as the shabby apartment he moved into after the sudden interference of your mind-boggling news barely fit the two kids you shared. His body felt more relentless on him, the taunting of his mind fulgurated the inoperative reality that he would come home to you, to his family.
His voice, almost like it dropped an octave had grown richer in aggression, tormenting those he deemed suitable, both with his tongue and with his bruised knuckles, an oil painting of blue and purple hues radiating across the pale flesh as he shrugged it off to his team as “pushing himself and others to do better”.
Couldn’t you realise your mistake? Wouldn’t you prefer crying in his arms about his absence than never having it fulfilled again?
As he looked around the bleak environment, tan stained walls revolting the creaking mattress he had brought someone home to, someone who wasn’t you. It made him feel sick like a viral infection had slunk its way into his bloodstream as he laid next to a woman that failed to make his cock throb, endless images of you sprawled out under him flickering. No wonder he called out your name instead.
You felt the familiar shake of your hands every time your phone dinged; Simon’s dreary tone was evident through his dry “On the way” text. You ushered a day of your children’s life into their cartoon-themed backpacks, innocent smiles adorning their skin, doe-like eyes of brown, far too familiar to Simon’s staring up at you.
The sound of his car scraping into your paved driveway almost made you feel like throwing up, the nerves of seeing him combined with the already present pit of anxiety due to your date later turning you into one big shaky mess as you brushed it off as “too much caffeine”.
The echo of his car door slamming shut rung through your ears, staining you with the reiteration that your ex-husband was now at your door, heavy fists knocking upon the wood. The image you saw of him in your mind morphed back to reality as you stared at him, a blank expression on your face.
“Hi, love.”
“Hi, Simon.”
Your frown was clear, the pet name you were so used to becoming a distant memory in the past few months. It was a hole you were attempting to fill, to clear yourself away from his teasing tongue and faux impression of a healthy relationship. You were divorced for a reason, you knew that, but as you gazed upon the lack of life in his skin, it was almost like he was holding a mirror up to you.
“Daddy!” You watched as your 5-year-old, Ella, practically leapt into his hefty frame, his hands coiling around her like second nature. You could feel his warmth, the heat that would build in your stomach when you felt those same digits touch you.
“Hi sweetheart,” his voice gruff, yet tone lighter as he placed a delicate kiss on the skin of her forehead, “You miss me?”
She nodded, her face buried in the hem of his neck as your other child cooed from the bouncy chair, tubby legs attempting to wheel himself to the door.
“There’s my boy,” Simon practically cooed as he placed Ella down, bounding inside as he lifted the toddler out, grabby arms reaching out to pull at Simon’s locks, gentle tugs causing you to laugh.
Your voice cut through the scene like glass. Why would you want to destroy such a happy moment? Weren’t you supposed to be reuniting? Just say it, tell Simon you want him to come home, that you need him.
“This is Ella’s bag,” you speak, holding up the pink Minnie Mouse bag, “And this is Toby’s.” Your son giggled as he muffled out the words, “Transformers”.
Simon nodded, “Are you doing anything tonight?”
Ella practically screeched, “Mummy’s going on a date!” The thrill of her laughter that followed only seemed to make the situation more awkward.
“A date?” Simon’s voice was deadly, the hair raising on your arms as you shook your head, a tight smile on your suddenly dry lips.
“No, no, nothing like that. Just catching up with an old colleague of mine.”
“But he’s a boy, Mummy,” Ella giggled. Who was raising your daughter to be such a big mouth? Your face formed an annoyed look, eyebrows raising as a line of wrinkles crinkled against your forehead, your pointer fingers massaging your temples.
“An old colleague?” Simon practically gasped. Had he met him at your old work Xmas parties?
“Let’s get you guys in the car.” You fumbled with Toby’s car seat as you strapped him in, your nimble fingers shaking with anxiety before you shut the door, pressing a kiss against the window before wiping away the minimal residue of dirt. Gross.
“Who is he?” His tone was acerbic like he was looking for an argument. How dare you try and replace him? He was your husband, the father of your two kids? Have you seen this random man before? Had he fucked you?
“God, Simon-“
“Who is he?” Simon was relentless, bullying his way into getting the answers as his arms folded across his chest, tattoos practically screaming at you too.
“His name’s Andrew. I ran into him at a coffee shop a few weeks back and he just wanted to catch up. That’s it.”
A loud scoff sounded in the air. “You mean that geezer from that corporate job you hated? The one who didn’t know it was weird to blatantly stare down your dress when you were standing next to your fucking husband?”
“He didn’t stare down my dress! You’re not my husband anymore, Simon. I can see who I want.”
“I don’t want our children to grow up thinking they have multiple dads.”
You’ll admit, that stung.
“Multiple dads? You’re out of your mind. The only reason they would ever believe they have multiple dads is if their real one stopped showing up. And where have you been, Simon? When have you shown up?”
Simon held his tongue, the warmth of the metallic taste gashing through his teeth as he practically snarled past you. “I’ll bring them back tomorrow.”
The dress you wore was practically suffocating you as you tucked your stomach in. Simon never minded the change in your figure after motherhood, he found himself liking it even more. He loved knowing that his seed put you through that, that he made you swell with his children, and he brought out the glow in your cheeks and the delicate stretch marks that laced your hips.
Andrew was nice. His tone was comforting as he walked to your door, ushering you to his car as he insisted you could order whatever you wanted. He was handsome, the salt and pepper hues of his hair settling your insecurity.
“We’ll take the Pinot Noir,” he spoke, looking at you with an almost arrogant sheer in his blue eyes. You only liked white. Simon knew that just like he knew everything about y-
You’re not with Simon anymore. You had to realise that. Maybe that’s why you brought Andrew home, let him shove his cock (that was a lot smaller than what you were used to) inside your heat, as you let out moans you had mimicked from the porn you watched with the actor that resembled far too much of your ex-husband.
Simon's fingers gripped the steering wheel early the next morning, your two children snuggled up in the backseat as he drove back to his old house, your old home. He wasn’t a man who gave up easy, he would show you, prove to you that you made a mistake. You needed each other.
Hold on. You don’t drive a red car?
His car lurched into the entrance of your home, nearly ramming into the garage as he shoved it in park, rolling down the two back windows slightly for air as he dug around in the small side compartment of his car.
The familiar gold key he had stolen from you the night he packed up all his stuff stared back at him, practically egging him on. Go on Simon, march in there. So he did. His hand rattled against the door knob, glancing back to peak into the car for a second before he slammed the door shut.
Your body froze. Were you being robbed? No. It was only Simon. A very angry-looking Simon. You stood, the white sheet barely shielding your naked body as he took in the sight of the man next to you, his hands wrapping around his shoulders as he practically ripped him out of bed, flinging him onto the floor as he grunted, eyes reared with hatred.
“Simon, what the fuck are you doing? WHERE ARE THE KIDS?”
Andrew groaned, on the floor, covering his groin as Simon chucked the masculine clothes at his head, the thin boxers soiled across the man’s scalp as he trembled.
“Our kids are asleep in the car, waiting for their Mummy to come to the zoo with them.” Simon’s words were despicable, laced with an acrimonious tone, small particles of spit seething through his lips as stared at you.
He turned to the man, a giant frame staggering over the top of him. “Get the fuck out, and if you wake up our kids when you go past, I will personally put a bullet straight in the middle of your skull,” he said, pushing a thick digit against his forehead as Andrew rushed out, clothes barely on before you felt the front door shut, a cry of apologises leaving your lips as you tried to assist him but Simon only held you back, a tight grip coiling around your arm.
“What the fuck was that? How’d you get in?” You couldn’t even place the words to say, humiliation roaring through you as you snuggled the sheet closer to you, away from his peering eyes.
“It’s time to be a family again, don’t you think love?”
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vapekingg · 3 months
Exhusband!Eddie that uses your Ring doorbell to say “Love you! Tell Junior I’ll see them tomorrow!” After dropping your kid off from school. You’ve literally been divorced for five years.
Exhusband!Rockstar!Eddie that still brings you and your kid on tour because he’s not missing out on having a family.
Exhusband!Eddie that didn’t tell his friends the two of you had split for MONTHS because he didn’t want any of them moving in on you. None of them noticed because nothing had changed.
Exhusband!Eddie that comes over every month to make your car is running smoothly.
Exhusband!Eddie that keeps your kid even on nights that aren’t his just so you can date around. When you get home late, he’s always eager to hear how it went, even if it sometimes breaks his heart.
Exhusband!Eddie that still has you as his Emergency Contact with your old married name, so whenever he gets himself hurt or in trouble you get the phone call asking, “Is this Mrs./Mr./Mx. Munson?”
Exhusband!Eddie that insists he hunker down at your place during particularly bad storms. The trailer park isn’t safe during tornado season and he’s not letting his kid grow up without a dad.
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margotw10bis · 10 months
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Latest: The Place Before The Darkness.JJK Part 1 (read here)
Soon: The Place Before The Darkness.JJK Part 2
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Boss Me Around (read here)
One-Shot; boss!Namjoon x assistant!reader; office romance; smut
You have been Namjoon's assistant for four years but something changes the day Namjoon tells you he is going to get married.
Pretty Baby (short series)
1 → 2 → 3 (Bonus : Memories - Doubts & Possibilities) Complete
Short Series; sugardaddy!Namjoon x sugarbaby!reader; smut
Namjoon is your sugar daddy. However, you can’t deny how your heart is jumping in your chest when he calls you his “pretty baby"…
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Baby (drabble series)
Drabble Series; boyfriend!taehyung x reader; smut; fluff
Taehyung is obsessed with the idea of having kids with you and he is ready to do anything that you ask for you to agree.
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Friendly Marriage (read here)
One-shot; smut; romance; bestfriend!Jungkook, babydaddy/exhusband!Jungkook (non-idol Jungkook)
No one can really understand your relationship with your best friend. You are not in love but you did get married and you did have a son. It was just a friendly marriage, wasn't it?
Drabble 1 "Steal My Girl"
Blank Pages (read here)
One-shot; smut; romance; bestfriend!Jungkook (non-idol Jungkook); f2l
You have a secret: you're a popular writer on Wattpad. The worst thing that could happen is your best friend Jungkook to discover that your erotic novels are about him…
Champagne Confetti (read here)
Drabble; smut; boyfriend!Jungkook x camgirl!reader
Your boyfriend loves watching you on live but his whole mood changes when he reads one specific comment from one of your fans
Crashing On Crush (series)
1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 6 → 7 → 8 → 9 → 10 → on going
crush!jungkook; smut; romance; angst
What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Cold Hearted (read here)
One-shot; smut; e2l; hockeyplayer!Jungkook x figureskater!reader
It's no secret that you absolutely hate Jeon Jungkook. And even more when you have to share the ice rink with the hockey captain.
Better Than Him (read here)
One-shot; fake dating; romance; smut; roommate!Jungkook x reader
When your boyfriend cheats on you and decides to bring his lover to the wedding you invited him to, you take vengeance by pretending you have a new boyfriend: your hot roommate.
Welcome Back (read here)
Drabble; smut; bestfriend!Jungkook x reader
1 (read here) After almost two years of military service, you finally meet your best friend again. While you have planned a cosy night, his plans are a little bit on the physical side.
2 (read here) Things are back to normal with your best friend, except that Jungkook is now guiding you to the restroom of the restaurant to fuck you.
The Place Before The Darkness
Two-shot; smut; angst; suspense; husband!Jungkook x reader
Part 1
It was love at first sight with your husband but when you find a secret phone in Jungkook's office, everything shatters as you suspect him to have an affair. However, maybe he has deeper secrets...
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Confessing to Jungkook (read here)
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