#excuse the shitty lighting i just wanted to snap a pic and show off the fact i made these for some reason
trashmuis · 11 months
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Made some Sawyer brother bracelets bc why not 💀
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zeltricstudio · 3 years
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“What is this shit?” Tony said as he slapped a few polaroids onto the table. The pictures were of a blurry figure in the woods at night
“Proof” Johnny replied as he lit a cigarette
“This isn’t proof. This is blurry nonsense”
“No it’s not, it’s an unknown creature in the woods” Johnny said, not paying as he continued smoking
Tony took the cigarette from Johnny’s mouth and put it out.
“Hey! I was up in the woods till 2 am trying to get you these photos, that’s gotta be worth something” Johnny said, sitting upright
“I have been very patient with you Johnny. I covered for you when you missed deadlines, showed up reeking of alcohol and even when you feel asleep in the bathroom but this is one incident too many” Tony said, rubbing his temples in frustration
“Come on, you know how hard I work-“ Johnny began to talk but was cut off
“Oh I know. All you do is fuck all, and taking shitty pictures. If I wanted shitty pictures I would do it myself”
“Please, give me one more chance, I promise I’ll fix up my act” Johnny begged
“Okay” Tony took in a very deep sigh “I’ll give you one more chance, but if you fuck this up I am done with you” Tony said sternly
“Okay thank you, I promise I won’t mess this up”
“Stop with the false promises, just actually do it. If I don’t see some goddamn proof of something in those fucking woods you’re getting the boot. Now get out of my office!” Tony yelled.
“Thank you once again, I promise not to let you down” Johnny said as he quickly got out of the room. He knew better than to push his luck when Tony got angry with him.
“Fucking prick” Johnny said once he was out of the room and the door was closed. Johnny lit another cigarette and proceeded to make his way out of the building.
Johnny was a competent photographer working for the Happyvile Paper but it didn’t take long before his charm would wear off and people began noticing he was not as good as he claimed to be. At first his excuses could past but now his boss was beginning to get annoyed with how bad he was. Johnny knew if he wanted to keep his job, he was going to need something good to show his boss. Johnny returned to his apartment and once inside, he put his equipment onto the ground and immediately fell onto his sofa, not bothering to change out of his work clothes as he went to bed.
A few hours later, around 7 pm he was woken up by some loud banging.
“Who the fuck is that?!” he shouted out, still laying on the couch
“It’s Ella”
“Oh shit” Johnny whispered to himself as he immediately sat upright and tried to make himself look presentable. “One moment” he said as he straightened his jacket and pants. Johnny slicked his hair back and opened the door.
“Hello love-“
“You’re a piece of shit” Ella said as she pushed herself past Johnny into the apartment.
“Come on it” Johnny said and closed the door
“I can’t believe you forgot” Ella said with a pissed off tone in her voice
“I didn’t forget, I just took a nap is all. I was going to call you”
“Oh yeah, where are we eating?”
“Uh- well um- there’s- there’s this uh” Johnny began stuttering, trying to think of someplace
“God, I can’t believe you!”
“I’m sorry, I’ve just been caught up in work is all”
“With work? Getting drunk in the woods and taking pictures of trees isn’t work at all”
“Babe please-“
“Take your ‘babe please’ and shove it. I feel like I’m the only one trying to put in any real effort into this relationship”
“I put plenty effort into this relationship, okay? Sorry if I forgot this one time”
“I’ve made dinner plans the past 7 times! I’m the one who is constantly changing my schedule to suit yours! The amount of times we’ve had to go to the pub because you ‘forgot’ fucking hurts” Ella said, using her fingers to make air quotes for the word ‘forgot’
“Look, I’m having a really bad string of luck, just please, let me deal with work first and I’ll focus on us okay? If I do this next assignment well, I promise to take you out to a fancy dinner. I’ll make plans and everything”
Ella stood there in silence, angrily fuming as Johnny patiently waited, giving her sad eyes to gain sympathy
“You promise?” Ella asked
“Yes, 100% I promise” Johnny said with sincerity in his voice
“Okay, but I’m serious if you forget we. Are. Over!” Ella said and began leaving the apartment
“Thank you babe, I love you so much-“
“Go fuck yourself” Ella said as she slammed the door shut on her way out.
“Fucking hell” Johnny said once she was out and laid back onto the couch. After a few minutes, Johnny sat back up and lit another cigarette, before taking his laptop out of his bag and turning it on. Johnny searched “creature sightings in Sunshine” and began looking through various links. Most were obvious clickbait headlines, but one caught his attention. “The Dawn Animal Study Group”. Johnny began reading it and this was the ticket he needed. Lots of discussions about various creature sightings in Dawn and a few more images of possible creatures, but none with enough clarity. Johnny saw a number to one of the members and called them.
“Hello?” the voice on the other end spoke
“Hey mate, this is uh Jim calling about your latest photo in the study group animal thing”
“Well hello Jim, the name’s Zac. I’m glad you’re interested in our study group”
“Very interested. I’m a photographer and I love exploring wildlife and all that” Johnny said, trying to fake his enthusiasm
“I agree. Was there something you called about specifically?”
“Yeah, I was wondering if you might know of any good spots to take pictures. I tried in Happyvile but there is just nothing here”
“Happyvile? That is quite far away, are you sure?”
“Oh definitely. Got the weekend free, I am prepared to just get out there and spend the weekend taking pictures”
“Well that’s wonderful to hear. If you’re serious I might know a few spots you could head to”
“Great, that works”
“We all are exploring different parts, I’ll give you an unmarked area to explore. Who knows, you might be the first in finding something new. If you drive out to Camp Star National, you can park your car their and go venturing into the woods. It’s near a trail so if you get lost you can find your way back”
“Cheers mate, you’ve been a great help”
“Anytime. Take care”
“Take care”
Later that night, Johnny began researching about the trail and how to get there. Thankfully he was a frequent camper so he had all the gear ready to go. Johnny called Ella to let her know where he was going.
“I’m not here at the moment, please leave a name and number and I’ll get back to you *BEEP*”
“Hey babe, I’m going to be heading into Dawn tomorrow for my assignment. Normally I would ask you but I know you’re mad so I’ll just give you some space. I promise when I get back, I’ll get to work on making those dinner arrangements” Johnny hung up the phone and went to bed.
The next morning, Johnny woke up early at 5 am and began making his drive. After 2 hours of driving, Johnny arrived at Camp Star National. Johnny went to the Ranger’s Station to report in.
“Name?” The Ranger asked as he clicked his pen
“Johnny Finn” Johnny replied
“How long will you be camping?”
“2, 3 days”
“Have you been camping before?”
“Yes, plenty of times”
“Okay, I know you know the basic rules but I got to go over them”
“Yeah I know” Johnny said as he began lighting a cigarette
“1. No littering of any kind. This includes clothing, camp gear and other item, especially cigarettes.” He said and eyed Johnny, who stopped himself and put the packet back into his pocket
“Whatever you bring with you, you take back with you.
2. No hunting or disturbing the wildlife.
3. If you have animals, make sure to clean up after them.
And 4. No going beyond the yellow tape”
“Yellow tape” Johnny asked, curiously
“We are still exploring the area and making a trail. Anything past the yellow tape is unexplored and most likely not safe to go through”
“Ah right”
“Yep. Please sign this to acknowledged you heard the rules and agree to them. Failure to comply can result in a fine”
Johnny signed the paper and he began setting out to explore. Johnny ventured off the main path and continued walking through the dense woods. The further Johnny went, the less he saw people camping and eventually he was all alone until he came across the yellow tape. Johnny thought for a few seconds and thought ‘fuck it’ and went anyways. He most likely would be returning the next morning and figured he couldn’t get lost easily. Johnny ducked under the tape and went off.
After a few hours of walking it began to get dark. Johnny was prepared to set-up camp until he noticed something in the distance. Johnny saw what looked to be train tracks that were still intact. Johnny followed the tracks for a bit and that’s when he noticed there was movement ahead. There was a group of men in black clothing moving what looked to be a metal box on wheels. The box was strapped down with chains and was shaking violently as whatever inside was trying to get out. Johnny would’ve turned away but he needed something and this was the best he was going to get. Johnny put his equipment down and took his camera with him as he slowly trailed behind the men, sticking to the trees.
As Johnny trailed behind, he began silently snapping a few more pics. The tracks lead to what appeared to be a tunnel. The entrance to the tunnel was closed off by security fences with a sign on them saying “NO TRESSPASSING”. The men removed the fence and wheeled the metal box through before closing it. Once the men began descending, Johnny waited and looked around and once the coast was clear, he climbed the fence over and began his descent. Soon it began to get darker and darker and Johnny took out his lighter to light the path. The closer Johnny got, the more the rotten smell began to intensify. It was putrid, so Johnny hiked his shirt up over his noise to try and block out the smell. Johnny reached the bottom of the hill and contemplated if he should venture further into the tunnel.
“Fuck, fuck” he said quietly to himself, debating his actions. “Come on Johnny, you’ve come this far, don’t pussy out now” he reminded himself and continued walking into the tunnel. The tunnel was very wide, with 4 tracks running through. Some were still intact and others had been stripped and removed. The eerie silence and darkness didn’t help Johnny as his heart began beating faster. The sound of his feet and the flickering of his lighter were amplified in the tunnel and sounded much louder than they were. After a few minutes of wondering in the darkness, Johnny noticed a light in the distance. As Johnny got closer, he noticed a small living area had been set up. There were train carts that had been stripped of their wheels and some couches and folding chairs in poor condition strew around several barrels on fire, lighting up most of the area. Johnny could hear the men up ahead and went into a train car and hid in the darkness to peak on them.
“Okay, easy now” one of the men said as he and another man were setting down the metal box onto the ground and removing the chains.
One of the men from a side room walked into view, dragging a man who had been bound and gagged, viciously struggling against him.
“Relax pal, quit squirming” the man in black said before gut punching the bound man, making him double over and fall to the ground, curling up
“Okay we ready?” one of the men said
“Yeah” the others all agreed and all of the men left the area and went into the backroom. One of the men took out a small knife and stabbed the bound man in the arm.
“MMMMMM” the bound man tried screaming, but his gag prevented it.
The last man ran into the backroom and shut the door. The metal cage began beating faster and faster. Johnny was horrified but he still continued taking pictures, making a mental note to alert the Ranger to what was happening. The metal box began to break, first the hinges popped and then the chain surrounding the door broke free. The door popped open and a creature came tumbling out. The creature was the most horrific thing Johnny had seen. He appeared to be a humanoid figure, with most of the skin stitched together, giving the appearance of a melted man. His arms were massive and building out, as if there were about to pop. It’s head was covered in giant bubbles of flesh, obstructing his face. The creature got up and began walking over to the bound man, who tried to wiggle away but the pain was too much for him to push past. The creature grabbed the bound man by his neck and easily lifted him a few feet into the air, strangling him. The creature then grabbed his shoulder and began pulling the head apart. With a single motion, the creature tore the head off the man, spraying blood all over the area.
Johnny was in completely shock and nearly vomited, horrified at what he just witnessed. The creature was about to continue ripping apart the man, until he stopped and stared directly at Johnny. The sudden stare made Johnny stumble, giving away his location. The creature threw the man’s body at the wall, making a sickening splat noise as it hit the concrete with intense force. Johnny quickly got back up and began running to the exit as the creature began running. The creature’s footsteps were extremely heavy, making loud thuds as it slowly began closing in on Johnny. The darkness of the tunnel were suddenly illuminated by red lights that filled the entire room. With the entire tunnel lit up, Johnny began noticing all the dead bodies slumped against the walls. All of them were torn or destroyed, with their guts sprayed out and stretched across the walls. Johnny didn’t have time to stop as he heard the sound of mechanisms activating. Near the hill leading up, a giant metal gate dropped down and made an extremely thunderous slam as it fell to the ground.
“No no no no!” Johnny began screaming as he reached the gate. The bars were too tight together, not allowing enough room to squeeze past. Johnny turned around and saw the creature running towards him, followed by several more creatures rushing to him.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Johnny kept screaming to himself, as the creatures surrounded him and charged at him. The first creature gripped Johnny by his throat and lifted him into the air silencing him as he began choking. Another creature grabbed Johnny by his arm and began tugging him. More and more creatures began grabbing Johnny’s limbs and began pulling. Almost simultaneously, all of Johnny’s limbs were ripped off, their blood spraying all over the gate and walls. Johnny’s head was detached from his body and thrown away. The creatures threw the body parts away from them, some hitting the walls and others hitting the gates. The creatures left the gate and returned to the tunnels.
“*BEEP* You have 2 new messages *BEEP*”
“Don’t bother coming into work today, you’re dead to me. If you show up, I’m calling the cops on you. You are officially fired!” Tony screamed and hung up.
“I really thought you changed Johnny, I really hoped you did. But no calls, you’re not picking up. I’m done with you. Don’t bother calling me, I don’t ever want to see or hear from you again” Ella said and hung up.
“We got anything?” A man in black asked as he put the phone down
“Nothing. Aside from a phone call to girlfriend and some guy named Zac, Johnny only told them he went to Dawn” Another man in black responded as he continued searching through Johnny’s apartment.
“Guess we’re done here”
The man in black pulled out a phone and called someone.
“We’re clean here. Johnny Finn died after being mauled to death by an angry animal. He shouldn’t have crossed the yellow tape”
“Understood” the man on the other end responded.
The man in black hanged up the phone and the two of them left the apartment.
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