justaghostingon · 19 days
The Cult of the Fox
A Genshin Au based off a dream i had
In an alternate reality where the forest rangers don’t exist - they did once but the acdemia shut them down for one reason or another
Tighnari is being primed to be the next grand sage after his master Nephis can finally retire
Unfortunately for him, Tighnari suffers an excistencial crisis when he realizes this isn’t what he wants to do with his life, and decides to ditch the academia and run off into the forest to live as a hermit
Life as a hermit is pretty good, Tighnari finally gets to interact with the ecosystem he’s been studying, taking notes of how it all works and how the withering has been affecting it
But the problem is this: the people traveling theough it are all idiots who are disrupting everything!
Tighnari keeps having to rescue them, then lecture them on proper forest safety. It should not be this hard to tell mushrooms apart!
What’s worse is that Tighnari’s charisma and common sense leaves such a deep impression that people start seeking him out, getting into more danger just so he can rescue them and give them advice
It seems even in the forest, Tighnari cannot escape his popularity
Naturally this concerns Cyno, whose experience with people living off the grid is almost exclusively the criminals trying to hide from him
So he too seeks tighnari out, only to spend the entire time getting lectured about proper footwear in the rainforest as tighnari makes him makeshift shoes
Cyno leaves, very confused with a new pair of boots
Clearly this man is a master at misdirection. He needs to be better prepared
So he researches Tighnari again, and once again notes that no, he didn’t break a rule, and no, he nephis doesn’t know what happened, no, tighnari didn’t have any kind of concening medical record to explain why when he suddenly up and left.
All in all, he’s back to square one.
Meanwhile, Tighnari has discovered he has neighbors. Now he can’t see these neighbors, but he can see proof that they were there. It appears aranara are real after all
He mentions this to one of his most common rescuees, (a man whose returned to thr jungle no less than 25 times, and always makes the stupidest mistakes, tighnari didn’t even know there were 25 crocodile pits a man could step in) who instantly takes it as truth
Thus this rescuee, and head of the hermit tighnari fanclub, takes this news to the other fans, and they all start spreading it around as gospel
People start leaving things for aranara like they used to whne they were kids, it becomes a whole spiritual movement, focusing on faith, nature conservation, and crutially, a rejection of the acdemia’s rigid way of thinking
The academia does not like this, and so punt Cyno at the problem again like he’s a pokie ball.
Cyno is conciderably alarmed by the “cult” but he still can’t find anything damning on tighnari. If anything he seems more like an oblivious figurehead. A very handsome, and charming figurhead.
A charming figurehead thst happily goes on and on about his discoveries about thr withering and aranara…and oh no. He’s falling for the trap isn’t he?
Regaining his senses, Cyno confronts tighnari, and upon his confusion, deems him completely innocent, and warns him about people using him
He also leaves promising to come visit and play TCG, cause Tighnari’s had no one to play with and that is a crime
Concerned about what his so called fan club have been doing, Tighnari leaves his forest to head to their headquarters in the nearest village hoping to smooth things over and put a stop to all this nonsence
A huge crowd comes to hear him speak
Tighnari gives them all a lecture about following others blindly, deliberately walking into dangerous areas without protection, and…did they ever think about bow their actions were affecting the environment?
He leaves the meeting thinking he’s solved the whole thing, but in reality he’s just made it worse.
Because now the fan club has a goal: a goal to preserve their beloved hermit’s forest at all costs
Tighnari wakes up from his hut to find s whole crowd of eager people begging him to teach them how to properly takr care of the forest
And its not like tighnari can refuse that right? Teaching is one of the few things he misses from the academia.
Thus does Tighnari’s cult become the next generation of forest rangers, to the great confusion of the academia and sumeru as a whole
Tighnari doesn’t mind. He likes this way better than being a sage
The end
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26 de Julio del 2022
Día 366
Necesito de alguien que me motive
Me denote que de su lado todo estará bien
Me demuestre que la intimidad es solo de dos
Y sin necesidad de motivos me bese apasionadamente.
Lo único que me ha mostrado el cosmos es que además de estar en la responsabilidad de cuidar a un par de ancianos que porque se les vino en gana me dieron vida, debo buscar personas a las que yo les importe din comentarles mi recorrido médico... Me spero un buen atraco cargado de unas buenas ganas de violarme terminado con mi vida por medio de un arma de fuego...
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Tenemos que hablar.
Tenemos que hablar o más bien debía hablarme a mi misma,y no encuentro otra manera de hacerlo que... escribirme una carta.Que me hace sentir aún más patética.Pero eso no importa por qué lo único que quiero es sacarlo de alguna manera.
Me llamo _______ BM ,tengo 20 años,en unos 9 meses cumpliré 21.en este momento no estoy trabajando pero tampoco estudiando.odio estar en mi casa y sentir una mirada de desprecio y de desilusión de mis padres.Quiero tanto trabajar,como quiero tanto estudiar.me gustaría enserio tanto poder depender sólo de mi.pero por ahora mi situación simplemente no es buena.Y es que quiero hacer todo en esta vida,como no quiero hacer nada,creo que en parte es por temor a fracasar y quizá en parte también es por qué sólo me he hecho muy floja. Pero es que quiero aprender tantos idiomas,hacer tantas cosas,estudiar tantas cosas,practicar tantas cosas,que mi cabeza no acaba de concretar una idea cuando esta siendo presionada para planificar 10 Más,y de esas 11 ideas no concretó ni la mitad de una,por pereza,y temor.Quiero trabajar pero no se cualquier cosas por qué hasta en eso soy extremadamente remilgosa Pero saben no es como que pueda ponerme exigente ¿verdad? Y menos cuando sólo e tenido dos empleas y ninguno a sido de más de 6 meses.por que... esta la situación de mi familia que no vive aquí y siempre que podemos visitarlos intentamos hacerlo y por eso y por pretextos dejo mis trabajos.Si quizá no eran los mejores ni en la pagan ni en ambiente y quizá no me gustaban del todo,pero es divertido tener uno su propio dinero.
Me siento triste por qué siento que no tengo amigos,y ya no se si es por qué ellos se alejan,por que yo los Alejo o quizá por qué ellos simplemente se han artado de mi por qué a algunos les e dado todo de mi y a otros sólo,los he dejado solos.
E sentido tantas ganas de llorar y de gritar a cada maldita noche me desveló pensando en que hacer,que hacer para después no hacer nada.
Empiezo a desesperarme por qué juro que asi soy yo,por que todo me empieza a agobiar y me empiezo a sentir que no se que hacer que quiero todo y la ves Nada,que quiero estar con todos y a la vez con nadie,que quiero un novio y a la vez no.por que siendo sincera se que tengo muchos problemas y ya los e acallado tanto tiempo que simplemente espero el momento en que algo me haga explotar Me pregunto cómo será ¿Me reiré,llorare o quizá gritare? Pero como sea,no se que tan bueno o malo sea que eso pase por qué e tenido traumas desde hace tantos años guardados que... Empiezo a agobiarme.
No se que hacer,y el problema es que ni mis palabras ni mi cabeza ni mi tristeza y dolor al escribir esto pueden reflejar al cien Como es que me siento.por que como ya lo dije en mi cabeza vuelan miles de ideas haciendo que nonpueda concretar quizá más que unas cuantas y no concretando más que una si no es que ninguna.
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amacial · 7 years
I was taking the 16 personality test and this question came up. I thought of Dan.
You often contemplate the reasons for human existence. @danielhowell
    AGREE O o . 0 . o O  DISAGREE
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bennedict · 4 years
Y’all I cannot express how DESPERATELY I wish I was a worm. Like.... just eating dirt all day? Worming around in the darkness? Being able to grow your body back if you get chopped? Literally such a vibe. I could never
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oscarbewildinbitch · 3 years
Everyone’s is like “Mobius is going to betray Loki” or “Mobius will side with the TVA”, but to me Mobius is the type of character that believes fiercely in something (the TVA) and then finds out it’s all a lie and has this big excistencial crisis and ends up helping the main character (Loki).
If I’m not right I will actually cry.
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fanfrikisinrumbo · 2 years
Me acabo de acordar y tremensa duda excistencial, pero
Tendré 16 y cuando empezo tpdo fue cuando tenía 13....
Waouh yo todavía no se vivir
Y ni sirvo para eso, pero que sesupone que haré?
Yo no quería ni quiero ser mayor o adulta
Me da miedo
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rauhallinen-hauki · 3 years
hey uuuh just wanted to write thanks to anyone who has left nice comments in the tags about my art or just been positive i apreciate it really
also sorry for the uploading inconsistency to anyone still following this blog im either super motivated and active or tired as hell and having an excistencial crisis lmao
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cityzun · 4 years
La noche comienza cuando tus viejos amigos Soledad y Depresión llegan para armar una mega Crisis excistencial .
Quien ahora?.
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new-love-forever · 4 years
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Humans are so fragile it's scary
Like, seriously, one wrong pairing in yo DNA en you're fucked
Your immune system can overreact and put you in a coma to so many fucking things
Just so many squishy bits..
I'm just fucking not okay atm
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Right now i’m having and excistencial crisis writting my cullavellan fanfic. I’m literally writting romance based out from what i have read and not from experience. I lack experience. That’s sad.
And i’m really trying to improve the little mermaid tale by not making the romance the only important thing, like if Evaneil doesn’t get Cullen it won’t make her regret her choice of becoming human. Idk she has other dreams to follow.
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crystal-lions · 8 years
Excistencial crisis stopped!
I've started writing a book and stayed with friends all day, seemed to do the trick (Distract until you die; best option)
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adiccionesadquiridas · 10 years
Es mi segunda pluma en el mes y aun no siento que sean suficientes palabras.
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