#except without the phivellos oops
forwritingjustcause · 2 years
(Disco D - Housecat)
“It's horrid.” 
Mariana half-turned to face her, impish expression smiling bemusedly over her shoulder. Cleo’s companion was stood shortly ahead, proudly grandstanding in front of what might be the creakiest building in The City. It stank of fish and smoke, and only half of the sign was in decent enough shape to light up, turning the already objectionable Widow’s Peak into the even more depressing Wid Pek. 
“What? Too loud?” Mariana flashed a familiar crooked smile at her, “We don’t hafta go inside if you don’t wanna.” 
Cleothonia’s stomach turned at the thought. From outside she could already tell that the number of occupants was easily a fire hazard, that is if the screaming, banging mess that passed for music in these parts didn’t kill them first. It was a tight, cramped deathtrap built for drunk people. That and someone was actively regurgitating the contents of their stomach out onto the front door.
“You wanted to see how I spend my weekends,” Mariana said, “Welp. This is it.” From someone else, it might’ve come across defensive, even ashamed. But the halfling wasn’t easily cowed. In fact, the way she stood with her arms crossed, back to the building was almost challenging. She looked straight at Cleo, unblinking, as if to say, That’s it? Big scary mercenary can’t handle a nightclub?
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m fine! This is just… different.” Cleo blushed, despite herself, “I’m not used to city life yet. Forgive me if I enjoy clean air and quiet.” 
“Do they not have dancing in back in your fancy ass manor?”
“Stop calling it my manor, Mariana. And yes, we did. It was equally unpleasant, I imagine, though for different reasons.” 
Cleo could tell that Mariana’s patience was thinning. The halfing kept drifting her eyes towards people walking past them as she spoke, and the boundless energy she always seemed to be barely able to contain was leaking out through a tapping foot and restless, idle flexing. 
“Whatever you say Eddy,” Mariana rolled her eyes, “You know the way home. I’m gonna enjoy my Saturday.” 
“Stop.” Cleo’s hand shot out with surprising speed, just catching Mariana’s forearm as she began to step away, “I’m going, you twit. And for the last time, don’t call me Eddy.” 
Mariana caught her eyes briefly, a flash of something - was it surprise? - crossing her face for just a moment. Then, she broke into a peal of laughter. 
“Fine. No more Eddy,” She raised her hands up in fake contrition, then extended an upturned palm towards Cleo in a mock bow, “Ahem. Madame Cleothonia Eddel, then, may I ask you to dance?” 
Now it was Cleo’s turn to roll her eyes. She stalked past the idiot’s proffered hand, pushed aside the drunkard still in the midst of soiling the front door, and stepped into the madness.
Oh I want to dance with a stranger/If I fall in Love I'm in danger
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