#except people were like really nice on there today and aaaahhh
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 2 years ago
umm so fun thing- an anon was mean again, but this one affected me more than normal for some reason, sooo I shall post less ✨personality✨ here bc pain, soooo pls follow @the-curators-bullshit for hhof personality. thank you and goodnight lol
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violet-moth · 5 years ago
An Angel who Fell, but Not Quite Far Enough - Part One
*A gender-neutral, Good Omens reader-insert in which you are an angel with very bad—er, well nonexistent memory who fell, but not quite far enough...
[ Insert Guide: [Y/N]=“Your Name,” [F/N]=“First Name,” [L/N]=“Last Name,” [F/C]=“Favorite Color” ]
Amnesia wasn't all bad—well, it was, but also...it wasn't? For all [Y/N] knew they could have been a serial killer before forgetting it all, which was most certainly bad. However, whatever they had been before, it didn't weigh them down. There was no baggage, no anxiety-inducing past trauma. They lived whatever life they wanted to. For some reason, they'd never really felt the desire to find out who they were, anyway.
[Y/N]’s first memory consisted of waking up in a dark and dirty alleyway. They later discovered it was London and were very quickly transported to a hospital after a few odd conversations with strangers had prompted someone reporting them to authorities.
No doctor could explain it, nor England's best neuroscientist for that matter—[Y/N]’s brain was functioning entirely normally, they just simply couldn't remember who they were. They had basic knowledge about the world, but when it came to personal knowledge concerning their identity? They simply blanked. At first, they were accused of lying, but after numerous interviews, evaluations, counseling, medications, and even a couple of polygraph tests, there was no choice but to believe them.
Their story inspired a news article or two with headlines like "DOCTORS ASTOUNDED BY PECULIAR AMNESIA PATIENT" and, naturally, internet conspiracy theorists proposed the most outlandish ideas—like perhaps they were a time traveler or an alien or an experimental clone released into society by the government. None of them got anywhere near the truth of the matter. All the buzz even lead to them meeting the Prime Minister once. But, eventually, as with all media, the hyper fixation slowly died away and they were old news. And old news gradually became forgotten news.
After being unsuccessful in their search for their origins, the police and medical personnel eventually agreed to help integrate them into society. They got to choose a name for themselves, which they were rather keen on. After searching the internet for hours, they finally settled on [F/N] [L/N]. It just seemed right.
The doctors had projected that they were in their early twenties, so [Y/N] decided to take advantage of the government funding they were offered and enrolled in University. It seemed they had quite the aptitude for just about any topic they set their mind to; it was strange not really knowing anything and yet knowledge coming so naturally to them—as if, perhaps, they were only remembering what they had forgotten but...not really. Their topic of choice, however, centered on Theology.
They lived quite cozily in their private dorm room, which was kept quite tidy to the extent that they really didn't have many belongings.
One of [Y/N]'s favorite pastimes involved wandering around London, discovering practically everything for the first time. Today was quite rainy, more than usual, but it didn't deter them. They walked on, splashing with each step and gripping tight to their [F/C] umbrella, which was embellished with a pattern of little, silver feathers. A rather strong gush of wind threatened to carry their umbrella away and, so, [Y/N] wandered into the nearest and coziest looking building.
They really hadn't paid attention to what the building was past acknowledging the little 'OPEN' sign, but upon entering they were immediately struck with the inviting warmth that hit them—contrasting so harshly with the cold storm outside. It was like slipping into an entirely opposite dimension. Next, they noticed the scent of old parchment and glue, which reminded them of the University Library except for the fact that there was a sweet undertone to it—was that hot chocolate they were detected? [Y/N] couldn't be sure; they couldn't remember ever having it, but they must have before because they recognized the scent.
Whatever it was, [Y/N] immediately felt guilty for entering a bookshop dripping wet and so they did their very best to dry off before daring to take another step inside. They closed their umbrella tightly and left it by the door along with their raincoat to avoid scattering water any worse than they already had. They sighed, content with the respite they'd found from the storm.
Their eyes grazed over the piles and shelves of books—all old and well-cared for, they could tell. It seemed more like someone's personal collection than a shop, really. They dared to wander over to a shelf to examine the book titles, but before they could comprehend the ornate lettering on one particular book's spine, [Y/N] was alerted by the hasty shuffling of feet.
"Aaaahhh! I do apologize, but we are just about to close," they registered the warm, posh voice before they did the man generating it. [Y/N] immediately tore their eyes away from the shelf and toward him.
The moment they saw him, they were struck with a sense of warmth similar to the bookshop itself—almost as if he were the very heart of it. He had the most brilliant glow about him (an aura, they’d learned to call it from their classes); they had always been able to see them as far as they could recall. There was something familiar about the man. It wasn't his face or his voice or anything like that; it was his energy, his being. At any rate, [Y/N] couldn't exactly pinpoint the strange feeling, but it was there nonetheless.
They smiled apologetically, "Ah, I'm sorry...there weren't any hours posted and, well, with the storm and all, the place looked so inviting...-I'll go," but before [Y/N] could make way to leave, another man rounded the corner. His presence, too, was familiar, but in a much less pleasant way. He didn't frighten them, but rather they felt a sense of unease, almost distrust. His aura was strangely concealed and deceptive, but they could see a slight tinge of darkness surrounding his being--however, it was almost as if that darkness was concealing something else, something more. The smile unconsciously faded from their lips. It was like the two were polar opposites and it wasn't simply because of the way they made [Y/N] feel, but in the way, they dressed and acted as well.
"Forgot to flip the sign to closed again, angel?" The man clad in dark clothes leaned nonchalantly against the shelf and crossed his arms, appearing amused.
The bookkeep's attention seemed to have drifted to the window, seeming somewhat guilty. "Well, it certainly is bucketing down out there, isn't it...?"
"...nice weather...for ducksss," the other man commented under his breath with a shrug and [Y/N] was almost sure, but not definitively, that they detected a hiss in the man’s tone.
"Well, I suppose I'm lucky I enjoy the rain then," [Y/N] broke their silence, feeling a bit embarrassed for having bothered the two when the shop was intended to be closed. "I'll be going, then...," they noted as they made way to retrieve their rain jacket just as a burst of lighting illuminated the shop's window. [Y/N] didn't seem at all bothered—the man on their other hand...
Oh, curse him for forgetting that blasted ‘OPEN’ sign. After all the centuries keeping the shop, you'd think he'd remember a thing like that. Aziraphale bit the inside of his lip as he watched the stranger slip on their coat, feeling Crowley's watchful eyes on him. The sudden flash of lightning only solidified his guilt. Often, the people he rushed out of his shop were argumentative and rude, but this stranger had simply accepted it graciously. Ah, what kind of angel would he be if he let them go out in a storm like that? What if they got hurt? Wouldn't that be his fault for sending them away?
"Aahh, I trust you haven't very far to walk...?" The angel finally piped up.
"...-well, actually...I'll be heading back to the University. I wandered a bit further than I probably should have. It's my own fault for ignoring the weather forecast," they shrugged, still not a care in the world, as they buttoned up their coat. "I am sorry, again, for disturbing you. It's...-you have a really lovely place here." They compliment with a smile.
Blast. They were a kind heart and he was relenting, "My dear, you cannot possibly walk all that way in this weather. It would be quite certainly treacherous."
Crowley perked up a bit, his attention having drifted elsewhere until this moment. He saw where this was going and he knew he wasn't going to like it.
"Oh...," the stranger took a look out the window as if they had only just realized how bad the storm actually was. "But I did walk all the way here just fine...-I'm sure it will be alright." They sent him a smile, grateful for his concern.
Aziraphale jumped into action, nervous as the stranger began to open the door. "W-well, what if we offered you a ride?"
And there it was; Crowley groaned as Aziraphale turned to him with a pleading look. Those big, blue puppy-dog eyes. How many times had he given in to those? "No, no absolutely not. You heard 'em. Said they got here just fine in the first place."
The stranger paused, contemplating this. They thought about accepting until the other man piped up. “I wouldn’t want to intrude more than I already have...”
He wasn’t going to give in. He wasn’t. Those angelic eyes wouldn’t win this tim—Crowley groaned, “Oh, for somebody’s sake...-Fine. But you owe me for this one, angel.”
Aziraphale grinned, the angel pleased to get his way but playing innocent as though he’d never been begging in the first place. Spoiled angel. “Oh, thank you~”
“W-well, then. I would really appreciate the lift...,” the stranger concluded, “...-if that’s really alright...”
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kpopfanficsforthesoul · 8 years ago
That’s Mine- Baekhyun (EXO)
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Genre: Comedy
Author’s Note: I came across this concept while browsing through AU ideas… I hope someone enjoys it
Eating alone is something that most people can’t imagine doing. To you, it’s an everyday reality. 
You take late night classes at the university, plus you also work late to pay off college debt, rent, and other hum drum necessities of adult life. So, without much time to eat a proper meal during the day, you usually ended up at your favorite restaurant almost every night. The food was delicious, and the staff treated you like family. 
“I’ll have the rice cake soup, please.” you told the waitress with a smile. She nodded, took your menu and walked away. Since it would take a few minutes, and the restaurant was empty except for you, you decided to take a quick trip to the restroom.
After coming back into the dining area, you saw a table with your dish, rice cake soup, on it, with kimbap and kimchi on the side. Seeing this as your table, you sat back down. 
It felt so good to actually enjoy a meal. You were used to shoving a granola bar into your mouth before classes or scarfing down a bag of chips before the night shift, that during the day you almost forgot what it felt like to eat something that someone actually took the time to cook for you. Indulging in your soup, you took into consideration the joy of eating- so blissful, so blessing, so peaceful, so-
“YAH!” a voice shrieked in your direction. 
Oh great who’s gonna try me right now. You thought as you turned around in your seat. You saw a man about your age staring at you like you just stole his wallet. He wasn’t tall, but he wasn’t too short. He looked tired. You noticed that he was super cute, but didn’t think much of it. After all, this guy did come between you and your soup. 
“Why are you eating my food?” he asked you. 
“Your food?” you inquired. “This is mine!”
“No, that’s mine.” he retorted. “That’s my order!”
Suddenly, you looked up a few tables in front of you and saw your waitress bringing a soup to a table that had a bag on it. That bag was yours.
“Oh… I’m sorry, I thought this was my table. I think we ordered the same thing.”
“How do I know you weren’t trying to steal my food?” he impended.
You rolled your eyes. What was with this guy? “Because, I ordered the rice cake soup!”
“Aha!” he announced, pointing his finger at you. “I ordered the rice cake stew! Clearly, it’s sabotage!”
“Sabotage?” you exclaimed. “It was only an accident!”
“You took my only food!” he whined. “Now I’m gonna starve! I can’t believe someone would do this! I would never…”
“Don’t even compare yourself to me!” you retorted, looking right at him. Suddenly, the man dropped his finger and started laughing. It started out as just a little snicker, but soon it evolved into a huge fit of doubling over and laughing. 
“What’s so funny?” you asked, confused.
“Oh nothing!” he managed to get out, wiping a tear away from his eye. “You just reminded me of someone.” His breathing returned to normal, and he sat down at the other side of you. “You should bring your food over here.”
“Why?” you asked. 
“Well, it’s two in the morning, we’re the only two people in the restaurant. I don’t want to eat alone, and it’d be pretty awkward if throughout the rest of our meals we sat across the room looking at each other with shifty eyes with the lingering conflict of stew theft in the air.” he told you.
Okay. You knew it was dumb, but he had put all that effort into that conversation, and you were tired. You just wanted to eat your soup. “Why the heck not.” you shrugged, getting up to get your food. You soon sat down with him again.
“I’m Baekhyun by the way. You?”
“Y/N.” you told him, stuffing your face with kimbap. 
“What do you do for a living?” he asked, inspecting his bowl.
“I work at the mall. I’m an assistant manager.” you said, gesturing to your uniform. 
“Ooo, impressive!” he said with a cute smile. “Is that why you’re out so late?”
You nodded, smiling at his compliment. “What about you? Why are you out accusing people of stew theft after midnight?”
Baekhyun chuckled before responding. “I was recording a new song.”
“Oh, you’re a musician?” you inquired.
He nodded. “I’m a singer. I also play pian- AAAAHHH!”
“What?! What happened?” you exclaimed, concerned.
“They put cucumber in my kimbap!” he complained, poking at it with his chopstick. 
You breathed a sigh of relief. “Gosh, don’t yell like that, you made it sound like you hurt yourself!” 
“Well, I’m fine, but it means a lot that you care.” he smiled, poking though his soup again. “Gah, they put it in my soup too!” He sighed in frustration. “I can’t eat this…” 
You swallowed the last bit of your soup. “I’ll take it.” 
“Can you really eat all of it? You just ate a whole meal…” he asked, pushing his bowl and plate over to you. 
“Heck yeah! When you’re a broke college student, you eat good food whenever you can!” you exclaimed, stuffing one of his rejected kimbap into your mouth.
“You’re a student too?” he said, widening his eyes. “You must be super hard working. What do you study?”
“Creative writing and journalism.” you told him. “I want to be a reporter someday. This pathetic mall job is just to pay the bills until I can get an actual job.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call an assistant managing position pathetic.” he told you with an encouraging smile. 
“Thank you.” you said with a slight blush. Okay, now that he wasn’t accusing you of taking his stew, you thought he was a nice guy. And he was even cuter now too!
Shortly after you took your last bite, the waitress came over to your table. “Oh, you two have met!” she said excitedly. “You both eat here so much I was hoping you would!” You and Baekhyun laughed. “Here’s your bill sir, and here’s yours miss!” 
“I’ll pay them both.” Baekhyun told the waitress.
“No, it’s fine! I just got payed today.” you told him. 
“No, I want to!” he said with a reassuring smile.
After the bill was payed, you both exited the building and stood outside in the night air. 
“Well Baekhyun, thank you for keeping me company. And for paying for my food!” you smiled.
“Well, thanks for stealing my stew.” he said.
“How is that something to be thankful for?” You asked, confused.
“Because I got to befriend you.” he told you. You blushed. “Look, the only reason I made a big deal out of it was because I wanted to start a conversation with you… you looked so cute, sleepily shoveling food in your mouth… it sounds dumb, but after talking to you, I’m even more glad that you sat at my table on accident.”
You chuckled. “Well, I’m very thankful that you payed for both stolen soups. I’d feel bad not returning the favor. I don’t have work tomorrow… same place same time?”
He playfully scoffed. “You expect me to come here at two in the morning to eat soup with you?”
“No, but I want you to!” You giggled. “See you then!”
Author’s Note: Ah, I love Baekhyun. I had a lot of fun writing this. Thank you to whoever posted the prompt I wrote this off of. I hope you all enjoyed it!
-Marie 💗
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himbowelsh · 8 years ago
51. “Those things you said yesterday.. did you really mean them?” + chuckler + leckie
time for some prompts   (NO LONGER ACCEPTING)
AN: aaaahhh, this is the first thing i’ve ever written for the pacific! i’m still only on episode eight (i’m a spaz i know) so i’m gonna do my best. hopefully ive read enough fanfic to fill any gaps in characterization, but i’m still going with modern au just to be safe.
Until the blinds are suddenly thrown open with all the violence of an exploding sun, Leckie hadn’t even realized he wasn’t alone in the apartment.
Sure, it’s not like he’s been awake, but at least he was conscious enough to know that it’s past noon. The quiet hanging over their rarely-silent flat led him to believe that his roommates were all out for the morning – at class, work, or doing whatever responsible people are supposed to do when they aren’t recovering from the aftereffects of several jäger and tequila cocktails.“Good morning,” chimes a far-too-perky voice, and Leckie cringes away as the sun blinds him. Hiding in his pillow gives him little refuge. It isn’t long before even that small sanctuary is shattered as he feels Chuckler’s weight settle on the edge of his bed.
“You look terrible!” his friend proclaims; then, in a slightly softer voice, asks, “How are you feeling?”“Like hell frozen over,” Leckie croaks, and buries his head in his pillow again when his head reverberates with pain.Whose idea was it to break out the tequila again? Instinct wants to tell him it was Hoosier, but then he remembers that Hoosier can’t stand the stuff. Maybe it was that demented Snafu kid who follows Eugene Sledge around like he’s the next messiah – Leckie doesn’t know where Snafu would get his alcohol, but he wishes he thought to consider it before letting him in their house.Now he’s pretty sure he’s been poisoned, and the worst part is he has no one to blame but himself. “Oh god,” he hisses, and muffles a groan behind a hand clapped over his mouth. Sitting up takes more effort than it’s worth; he manages to get halfway there before collapsing back down across Chuckler’s knees.The man staring down at him looks impossibly bright eyed for someone Leckie remembers chugging jäger like water not twelve hours ago. He glares up at Chuckler, who just grins and combs through his curls with one of his broad hands. On any good day Leckie would resent being treated like a cat, but he’s miserable enough today that it almost feels nice.“Where are the others?” he manages after a moment. More than anything, he’s curious whether any party stragglers still remain in the house, passed out in places they should not be. A foggy image flashes through his mind of Sid Phillips sprawled across the kitchen counter out cold, and he winces in sympathy for the poor person who had to peel him off. At least he was fortunate to make it to his own bed last night – actually, he doesn’t remember how he made it to bed.“They’re all gone,” Chuckler says, keeping his voice low for Leckie’s benefit. “It’s just you and me. I even kicked Hoosier out, or else I’m sure he would have missed his eleven-thirty lecture.”Hoosier really can’t afford to miss any more classes; it figures that Chuckler would be the one to step up to the plate. “Good,” he mutters, and squeezes his eyes shut again. “But I don’t have class today.”
“I know. Just wanted to check on you. I know you hate sleeping in late.”
Once again – typical Chuckler. His friend’s fingers hit a sweet spot on his scalp and Leckie can’t help but keen, leaning into his touch. It would be embarrassing if he had any dignity, but half his face is crusted with his own drool and his bedhead can be considered it’s own lifeform, so he thinks he’s past that. (He also has vague memories of hanging off of Chuckler’s neck last night and proclaiming, “your hair is curly like… curls. Like spaghetti! But mine’s curlier!” Yeah, dignity has already taken its walk of shame.)
It’s a long moment before he feels ready to even open his eyes. When he does, he is surprised by the sight of Chuckler above him. Dark blue eyes are wide, gaze unusually rapt as he stares down at the man sprawled in his lap. Leckie blinks up at him, feeling hazy. He has the distinct sense that he’s missing something, but he has no clue what – it’s a maddening sensation.
“What?” he finally asks, wincing at the bitter taste in his mouth. If Chuckler is bothered by his nightmarish morning breath, he gives no indication. Instead, he leans just a bit closer, unashamed in his scrutiny.
“Did you,” he starts, then hesitates. His jaw shifts as if he is not sure of his next words, and when he speaks again it is with careful deliberation. “Those things you said last night… did you really mean them?”
Oh, thinks Leckie, understanding dawning on him at last. Then he realizes the full reality of the situation – he has no idea what happened last night – and another, far more dismayed oh follows. Oh no. Oh Jesus. Drunk Bob is Sober Bob’s greatest enemy – he has next to no filter, no shame, and inevitably does something Leckie comes to regret in the morning.
He must have said a lot of things to Chuckler last night, but he can’t remember a single word.
(Except for the hair thing. He’s trying very hard not to think about the hair thing.)
“I…” He doesn’t know. He really doesn’t, and Chuckler looks so hopeful that it’s making him nauseous. What on earth could he have said? Deciding to play it safe, he goes down the line of innocent questioning. “The things I said when?”
“After you vomited the peach daiquiris all over Runner’s shirt and passed out in the shower,” Chuckler says, and Leckie’s brain utters another, much fainter oh.
“Right. I remember now.” He remembers none of this. “I was… horrifically drunk.”
“I know.” Chuckler’s lips twitch, because this was obvious, but then he’s sober once more. “But did you mean it?”
“I… may have been sincere at the time.”
“But are you now?” Chuckled leans in even closer; for some reason it seems terribly urgent that he ascertains whether or not Leckie meant whatever he said last night. He looks as if his entire day – no, his entire year – is riding on this answer. Leckie doesn’t have the heart to let him down.
Instead, he says what he thinks Chuckler wants to hear and prays that he’s not wrong. “Yes. I am. I meant what I said then as much as I do now.”
And he must have said something right, because Chuckler’s face breaks into a grin – the broadest, brightest, most blinding smile Leckie has ever seen on his face, and this is Chuckler. It causes his aching head to spin. He is barely aware of his friend’s hand coming up to cup his face, because the next thing he knows Chuckler has leaned in the rest of the way and his lips are pressed against his and oh –
In the rush of euphoria that follows, Leckie is assaulted by the echo of a memory, intangible and whispered in the back of his mind. Strong hands on him, guiding him down the hallway, tucking him into bed; his arms wrapped around broad shoulders, face buried in a sweet-smelling neck; “I’m in love with you, you’re so amazing, and gorgeous, and you just care so much, I want to kiss you all the time…”
Oh, thinks Leckie a final time, and gives himself up to the sweet pressure of Chuckler’s lips.
It’s far from ideal, and not the way he’d have preferred to confess his long-standing attraction to one of his closest friends. However, thinks Leckie as Chuckler’s large hand comes up to cup the back of his neck, this isn’t the worst thing in the world. For the first time in his life, his drunk self might have done him a favor.
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atomickrakatoa · 7 years ago
Episode 6 - "It is then that I realize all those years of buying him chicken nuggets has paid off." - Trixie
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OMG NO NOT NIC WHY Literally the only person I actually trusted from the original villains tribe and he's gone fuck. Now I gotta find new allies. I'm gonna start working on Liana more and also talk more to Bryce. He's really nice and we bonded during immunity. I also am gonna keep my ties to the giant Nicholas/Dana/Trixie/blah/blah/blah premade just to keep myself safe. I don't want to go far with them by any means but they're good to keep around because they will keep me safe as long as they can I think. Also fuck Survivor Jeopardy. I love jeopardy but fuck survivor. That is all. Goodnight. 
Ok so that vote went perfectly! I didn’t have to use my idol. There were no votes cast against me as well! Poor Willa is gonna wake up and think wtf happened. Trixie is now a close ally to me and Christian as well! I’m still keeping my eye on her tho. She is a very good player so I will not be letting my guard down. Hopefully our tribe will win immunity tho! 
VL DR: tribal jeopardy is darksided and that is the truth and nothing but the truth 
I villain just got taken out on a tribe with minority heroes, woo! It gives me hope for me and Bryce if we ever have to face a tribal with our tribe. I'm excited for jeopardy, but worried that if I play and lose it for my team (big possibility) I could be in danger, so I might not volunteer to play, but I'm excited to watch either way, I'm sure it's going to be a great comp! 
I haven't found anything useful since I found that senja idol that one time BUT! Your fave gay just found a cute, fashionable, one-of-a-kind accessory! I found this cute ass shell in the east lagoon and I'm gonna wear it as a necklace for the rest the season uwu. It does nothing but look cute. Kinda like me. yeah that just sums up how exciting my game has been the past few rounds. bye.
quillynn von ghina is the WORST DRAG QUEEN EVER!!!
**Senja and Malam win immunity**
Well that sure was something huh? Anyways. AAAAHHH THESE LAGOON SEARCHES ARE FINALLY MAKING SENSE! I FIGURED OUT THE ROCKS! I just hope I’m right about the loud noise being the mountain and not something else and having to search for that then. 
Losing immunity is always rough but we gave it our best shot! Somehow I think Zachary Rae should go home :/ !! But I think my current plan is to work with Quillynn and Nicholas and just survive this round. Me and Quillynn are basically trying to find anyone to be a 3rd and give us majority lol so I hope it will pay off. Ive barely spoken to anyone tho so its awk I didnt even message Liana until yesterday. But I feel confident in surviving a little bit I guess
So we ended up losing immunity and lbr it was my terrible jeopardy skills that caused that so um yikes!! I think i'm definitely in danger of going home, I'm one of two heroes and I lost the challenge for our tribe also, have never messaged Liana yet so.. thats not good! Nicholas is my friend, but he's also a villain and a snake so putting faith in him to vote to keep me? not a cute look! Also I love Bryce, but I can see him voting me out just to save himself, I mean I hope he wouldn't do it, but I understand that he potentially could. I know I'm going to feel awful if I go home this round and I just really hope that doesn't happen.
Alright, so we had an auction where I was hoping to win Chips and Dip because it is a reference to my name. And that's cute - also they can be tasty depending on the kind of dip. I like to eat salsa or cheese dip. Not really so much guacamole because usually they mix it with onions and I have super negative reactions to onion like getting migraines and tossing my cookies. They wouldn't let up in bidding all of their money on the chips and dip so I ended up with running shoes instead. I am glad to replace my shoes with the one that were given to me by production because they were getting raggedy with me running around the island looking for stuff... even though I never do. They're raggedy anyway. So the auction was also a trick of sorts where they assigned the items you could win to tribes so that whatever you won equaled a new tribe for a swap. And so I got swapped onto the tribe that I was already inhabiting - making me solidly the role of a hero^2. https://78.media.tumblr.com/7d1a5d1c5e57899b572bc46a1f20d7ce/tumblr_ohi0x1vidX1vn1j1jo3_250.gif Swapping onto my tribe are Zach and Dana! And staying with me are Jay and Kelsey. Here's the rundown of how I feel about this - I'd like to work with Zach or Dana but they are likely already working together and if they weren't then this swap will make it more likely in that they are two villains amongst three heroes. I need to decide whether to try and scoop them up with Jay or Kelsey or to join with Jay and Kelsey in voting one of them off. I'm not sure at the moment which direction I want to go so I'm just socializing with everyone and keeping my options open. https://m.popkey.co/4bc560/QLJpy_s-200x150.gif So the next challenge was the stay up forever challenge where you shoot darts at people and me and Zach were the last standing of our tribe! Which I think hopefully makes me look like a good contributor and worth working in the game with? I dunno - I hope that's true... at any rate we didn't lose and the other tribe did with their player getting bored/tired/accepting their fate. That player was Nic and he got voted out at the following tribal council so it's kind of an awful position for him to be in. I mean, being the last around whenever no one else was there to pull it out for him! Anyway... that's all I have to say about that, because that's all there is. http://31.media.tumblr.com/d5a54fcf6460728f38b397226b628289/tumblr_mmd9ltjQs11r6xbv8o1_250.gif --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next round we have to play Jeopardy and then Logan did this thing where he scheduled it at times where I can't play so I get to do the fun thing where I can't show up and can't bond with all of my new friends... which is okay, but also sad. We won immunity by blowing the other teams out of the water which is surprising because I swear Jeopardy is usually very close... Hm? At any rate! I love immunity so I don't have to worry about who to vote out! https://media.giphy.com/media/4bWWKmUnn5E4/giphy.gif Guess I need to go back to socializing. Or also search since I still need to use my extra run with my shoes.
If we lose immunity and Trixie votes me off I've been a victim of cyber bullying 
ok so obv us going to tribal isn't.... ideal.... but Survivor is about adaptability!!! I can make it work. I got a plan. So I think on my tribe I like Bryce the most. I get good vibes from him, he has Dua Lipa as a pfp, whats not to like. SO I wanna set an alliance type thing with him into motion. I think the obvious plan on our tribe is going to be voting out Liana. But I don't wanna do that. She was close to Nic, I was close to Nic, and she makes an excellent goat. Merge is probably in the next 2 or 3 rounds, and having another number around is essential. That leaves two potential targets for me. Quil and Nicholas. This is gonna sound crazy but hear me out. They're part of the huge premade that I mention all the time, and every member of that premade is still in. And merge is comin' soon!! That's gonna be a nearly unstoppable force if it's still intact during the merge. It's too late in the game to take out easy targets. We gotta think bigger!! I'll update y'all as soon as I can xoxo
okay so y'all know how I can never keep my god damn mouth shut right? WELL THAT JUST ACTUALLY WORKED OUT FOR ME FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. I was talking to Quil about the vote and then??? he brings up the possibility of voting out Nich??? and bitch im SHOOK. So I start talking to him  and it turns out he doesn't wanna be associated with that friend group at all and he is 100% down for tearing down the premade. WHEW, this is honestly perfect. It's a backup in case Bryce isn't on board, and if leaves less room for bad blood for when Nicholas is taken out tonight. I'm so so so happy this worked out whew. That's one less premade member for when the merge hits, and one more ally for me. I really respect Quil for being able to play on his own, and I feel like after just that small conversation I trust him a million percent. Tonight is gonna be fun ladies!
yeah i won immunity.. that's right. all me. im also bitter that my idol i found today was not for my tribe. wtf??? rude! leaving me to DIE WITHOUT TWO IDOLS? what kind of sorcery. anyway i gave it to trixie for obvious reasons, and ideally idk what to do now. i dont trust dana.
Trixie’s Almost-Tragic Tribal Council: So once we swapped, I suggested to nic that since villains have majority we should make an alliance, and nic set up a group with willa and i. Then, we lost the challenge and everything went to YIKES.

Willa and nic were saying to vote christian, which was fine by me, except I had a sneaking suspicion that nic was going to flip with the heroes and take me out. I went to willa and he didn’t seem to care/believe me: cue my freakout. I called bryan and he confirmed that nic had went to him with everything, and that I was the target because I had “friends on the other tribes”. 

So, I knew immediately I had to call the pest control because we got ourselves a snake problem! I talked to christian and said that nic would be the better vote because he’s super shady, and she agreed. I also dropped some stuff that hopefully she would tell bryan cus I knew they were aligned, like how much i trust him, and how nic is just trying to play both sides.

Moral of the story: anybody with the name and or variant of “nic” is a snake. Bye.
So i’ve been looking for this idol for DAYS. I got chased by a beastly komodo dragon that kind of looked like dana, except a lot cuter and less flaky scaly skin. Anyway, I was really feeling this idol search desperation last tribal but I managed to flip the target from me to nic. But I almost exhausted all possible searches in the east lagoon and then suddenly, I get a message.

A message from the heavenly gods up in the clouds. I remember it clearly: the sun is a beautiful shining rae, the fluffy white clouds part to reveal an angel descending from the skies, holding the most magical item in the world. I am on the ground, a meekly dumb furby staring up stupidly to the skies, watching this divine being. He gifts me an idol and I know now that the angel is zachary rae. It is then that I realize all those years of buying him chicken nuggets has paid off. Thanks filmy lav you xx.
Well good golly Miss Molly, safety first~! It feels great to have immunity once again on this island. Top ten is slowly and slowly becoming more and more real and...it just...I can't believe I'm so close! Back in the reunion of my old season, I remember Jackson saying he underestimated me and I remember telling him to BUG OFF, but now...now, if this keeps up, I may be a true contender to snatch the crown~! I just have to keep PRAYING that these challenges will rely on those with strong physical acumen because if there are ever one on one face offs again, I'm not too sure that can take me to the end. In terms of voting off hookers, I...am still rather nervous about going to a tribal. I still haven't been able to get Chips and Jay in the same room as each other and time's running short because I can just FEEL we're going to have to vote someone eventually. I could always try and throw my lot with Dana and Zachary, but who's to say those two are on good terms? Even more so, what if there's one of each tribe speaking with another? It would be entirely and utterly scary and...I don't even know where to begin in terms of sifting out who is who. I just hope i make it further, goodness KNOWS I deserve it! And THAT'S all there is to it~! Stream Reputation on Spotify Now! -Kelsey V Mikaelson #TeamIBelieveInYall #TeamBEES
Thank god trixie won the 5% challenge advantage, because I really wasn't looking forward going to tribal again. I think her and I are pretty solid. So if we did have to attend another tribal, her, Bryan, and I would vote Willa out. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me lol, unless I'm reading it wrong. 
It took too long to get on a tribe with Chris and I'm tired so I'm probably getting voted out because I'd rather sleep than talk to strangers.
So Dana and I straight up crush Jeopardy lol we got 3k and the others got 600. Not to brag but im kinda awesome at trivia :)
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