#except malleus' horns
egophiliac · 14 hours
So I was doing some math, and I THINK Skully is almost as tall as Malleus without his horns
I think the main reference to his height is Epel being surprised they're the same age because he's taller than Sebek, yes? which I find interesting, considering Jade and Malleus -- two of the tallest guys in the main cast -- are also there. and, since I've never been one to not think waaaay too much about the absolute stupidest minutiae about fictional characters, I see two possibilities:
one is that Epel is extremely good at eyeballing heights (I actually do feel like he could be? like. I'd believe he can estimate someone's height fairly accurately by calculating based on the life stages of an apple tree, or how many apples tall they are, or something else apple-related like that.) and Scully does, perhaps, fall into that narrow margin between Sebek and Jade in height.
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OR two, out of the three certified Tall Guys there, Sebek is Epel's main frame of reference because he's the only one he's had any real interaction with for, let's be fair, pretty obvious reasons.
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SO in conclusion, we still have no concrete answers and will probably have to wait until next year when we get his card profile, alas alas. 😔
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akunya · 18 days
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“a humans touch.”
pairings: malleus draconia x m!reader
summary: you’re curious about malleus’s horns, so he lets you touch them.
tw: frottage (?), dubious consent, touching, implied age diff., size diff, etc. sfw.
notes: some food after a year.. thank you so much for all of the messages you’ve left me in the meantime. i can’t express how happy they’ve made me.
this is sfw, but i promise next fic will be filthy. enjoy!
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“can i.. touch them?”
malleus’s head cocks to the side a little, a bit puzzled over your request. you and him were just lounging around the diasomnia dorm until you spoke up, breaking him out of his reading session.
“touch.. what exactly?” the fae questioned as he watched you moved closer to him, until you were staring at the top of his head. “oh, my horns? is that what you want to touch, child of man?” he couldn’t help but chuckle, closing his book and putting it on the coffee table. you nodded silently. sometimes, you were too adorable (in his eyes) for your own good.
“sorry if it’s a weird thing to ask! they just look so.. intriguing?” your voice trailed, trying to find the right words to describe his horns without offending the prince. “we don’t have many fae or dragons where im from.” malleus smiled fondly. he nodded before leaning down. he was much taller than you, with your little form barely reaching his torso — and he adored it that way. it added onto your undeniable cuteness.
“i don’t mind. i trust that you’ll be gentle with them. touch as much as you like, y/n.” his deep voice made you feel warm, nodding as you sat up straight, a tad guilty that he was straining his neck to appease you.
and so, you started your little examination. your fingers lightly grazed upon the tips of his horns, slowly rubbing up and down. malleus gulped. his brow furrowed for a split second. not wanting to comment on your actions, his fangs digging into his lips to keep quiet. his horns weren’t extremely sensitive, but they did have feeling, and every time you touched — it sent a shiver down his spine.
however, you were too engrossed in his strange anatomy to care. mumbling to yourself, you let your hands travel further down his horns, paying attention to the little crevices and ridges on the sides. “amazing. it almost feels like scales, in a way. it’s a bit.. leathery..?” nails delightfully scraped the faes horns.
he hummed happily, almost purring at the special attention from the boy he liked. other than you shuffling on the couch to reach higher, the room was quiet — except for malleus’s little huffs every now and then. your fingers kept traveling lower, until you gently caressed the skin where his horns had grown from. careful hands followed the scales, eyes widening at the plethora of little ridges that adorned his forehead. “these were here all along..?”
“are you surprised, little human?” the fae chuckled, looking up at you. his cat-like pupils bore into your own, bright green irises making him all the more enticing. it was amazing how other worldly he was: you couldn’t believe that this wasn’t a dream. even with hair slightly disheveled, malleus still carried a powerful yet dreamlike aura to him. the dorm leader looked as if he stepped right out of a fairy tale.
“a little. i wasnt expecting them to be on your forehead, too.” malleus felt the corners of his lips curve into a smile, and before you knew it, he pulled you onto his lap. you gasped in surprise, his strong arms wrapping around your waist and moving you as if you were a feather, until you straddled him properly and looked down towards him. your face was red as the older man chuckled.
“you got to touch wherever you wanted, so surely you’d let me do the same to you, hm?” he laughed at your stuttering, speechless as his hands went lower. claws dug into the thick of your thighs before traveling back up, a careful index finger lightly traced around your crotch. he was teasing you on purpose. malleus would give you everything, but that didn’t mean he disliked being mischevious every once in a while, especially when your reactions were priceless.
“m-malleus—“ you tried to speak up, eyes scrunching shut when sharp nails circled around your crotch again. you were a toy in his hands, and that idea seemed to only spur you on even more. shaky breaths left your lips as he continued to rake and touch your frail frame.
soft lips grazed the shell of your ear before parting to speak. “sshhh, little human. you don’t want anyone to hear us, do you? some diasomnia students might still be around..” malleus chuckled, leaving a small kiss before nuzzling into your neck.
his body hunched over yours, as if he was caging you in his arms as much as he could. a hefty sigh made the fae relax, you scent letting him unwind.
on the contrary, the close proximity only made you feel even more antsy. never have you been this close to the dorm leader. what started as innocent curiosity led to something much more interesting, with you having no choice but to stay still and let him explore your own human body.
“i don’t want to waste any time, so behave, okay? let me really see how a human reacts to touch.”
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etheries1015 · 10 months
Because I have favorism towards the fae myself (And I'm sorry this is suggestive)
Remember Malleus' voice line about touching his hornes? Now, reader just touches them whenever they can be reached (like when Malleus is using their lap as a pillow) or stroking his tail whenever it's wrapped around Reader. Without realizing it's doing things to him.
Oh my gosh. Don't apologize for suggestive content, I love that shit. Feed me more of it. Heuheuheuheu.
Feeding a Faes hidden desires
Featuring: Malleus Draconia <3
General warnings: Gender neutral reader
18+ / suggestive content minors please don't interact~
It was difficult for Malleus Draconia to open up to people, he had to be the face of pure perfection for the sake of his kingdom. Every action he took, every word he said, would reflect upon Briar Valley and put his position as a prince in either light of greatness, or foolishness. The former was not an option for Malleus Draconia. He was given the best of the best when it came to his studies and academics, except, unfortunately, sex ed.
He understood the bare minimum of course, for reproduction was important for keeping the bloodline of the Draconias strong. What he was not well versed in, however, was the feeling of lust that came with reproduction. He never knew it could feel so... dirty.
When he had agreed to allow you to touch his horns when you insisted, he had no clue what kind of...desires this would stir up in him without realizing.
You had asked the draconic fae to touch his horns and his tail, and he spent a few times urging you otherwise in fear of harming you in some way. Yet it did not take him very long to feel curious and begin to imagine how your hands would feel upon his horns and extremities, starting out purely out of curiosity and the desire to be closer to you.
The first time you touched his horns was in the comfort of the lounge, he bent over for you to touch and feel them freely before being interrupted by Sebeks outraged cries of blasphemy. Since the moment your soft fingertips pressed against the roughness of his obsidian horns, he felt his body shudder at the contact, and something in him he decided to ignore screamed in his mind that it was perhaps a...dangerous endeavor. He had managed to suppress himself from such thoughts and desires, even allowing you to (on occasion) touch his horns and tail at your request. Never for too long, for when the thoughts returned he made a quick excuse to end the session. He wanted to respect you and your soft touch- not sully the romantic gesture with lustful thoughts.
He was often searching for your touch in many different ways, in hugs, cuddles, gentle kisses, holding hands...yet a few months and almost a year, he could feel himself become far more greedier. Malleus would notice the slight changes in himself when you would reach up to grab hold of something on a shelf, the way your shirt rode up your stomach ever so slightly, the way your hands would draw circles around the title page to get a feel for the book, he almost felt himself envious of the piece of literature. He told himself not to lose control, to hold himself together like a proper gentlefae, allowing you to only touch his draconic features on the rare occasion he felt he could keep himself properly composed.
Yet now there you were, in your room in Ramshackle dorm, sitting upon the lap of your lover gently caressing his smooth black horns absentmindedly. It was a comfortable atmosphere for you, being held lovingly by your tall fae significant other in silence while pouring your love and affection into your little pets upon his horns. You muttered a "beautiful..." before leaning up slightly...
and placing a kiss upon his horns.
Malleus let out a sudden high-pitched "urgh!" of surprise, his tail squeezing your waist slightly. Your eyebrows raised in shock, pulling away to look at your now flushed lover, feeling a bit of...excitement from down below. He suddenly removed his tail from your waist and seemed to want to move away from you, until you pushed your body on top of his own, straddling his waist and feeling his arousal between your thighs.
"I-i'm-" He gulped and let out a low moan, his hands shaking hesitantly mid air, not certain where he should place them, "I'm sorry- this is incredibly unbecoming of a king-" You hushed him with a rushed kiss and shook your head, the kiss lasting only a moment prior to you pulling away face as flushed as his and forehead pressed against his own.
"It's natural," You comforted him, "Do you...like it when I touch your horns, Mal...?" You hesitated your inquiry, his response a simple and slow nod giving you confidence to move your hands back to his horns and begin to rub them intimately. You felt his body twitch below you and his tail wrapped itself around your thigh, voice trembling. You hadn't seen the fae prince so shaken up before, so uncertain, so vulnerable. Only in front of you would he allow himself to lose such control.
"Are you...are you certain? I haven't any...experience," He muttered against the crook of your neck, arms wrapping around your body and hugging you tightly as if to console himself.
"It's okay," you murmured, hands removing themselves from his horns much to his whining displeasure of the sudden warmth disappearing from them, before shuddering once more as your attention shifted to his tail. Your finger trailed the scales and you felt him twitch between your thighs through his pants as his excitement stirred with every touch you placed upon his extremities.
"I...want it too," You purred.
Malleus's desire gauge was now at 100%
and you had no idea what you had just gotten yourself into.
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harunayuuka2060 · 11 months
MC: Birdman~ I've noticed that I'm the only one without a dorm~.
Crowley: You see, the Dark Mirror refuses to assign you into one after the last incident.
MC: Eh~. It's refusing service~?
MC: I should just break it then.
Crowley: I— You can choose your own dorm, MC.
MC: Really~? Do you have a recommendation, Birdman~?
Crowley: Y-Yes... Oh! There's one abandoned dorm that hasn't been in use for a while. How about you establish it again?
MC: Establish a one, shabby dorm~?
Crowley: Y-Yes? That idea isn't that bad, is it?
MC: *intimidates Crowley with their smile*
Crowley: *gulps* I'll have it renovated.
The housewardens: ...
MC: *smiling at them*
Vil: Headmage, could you explain to us WHY are they here in a housewarden meeting?
Malleus: That is my question too.
Idia: You're present, Malleus.
Malleus: Yes. I was... dragged.
The housewardens: ...
Azul: How?
Kalim: *laughs* I'm guessing Malleus got pulled by his horns.
MC: Eh~ How did you know~? You're really good at guessing, Kalim~
Leona: You... You dragged this lizard by his horns? *laughs*
Malleus: *frowns*
Vil: Now going back to the question.
Crowley: MC is now a housewarden.
Vil and Riddle: WHAT?!
Idia: Congrats.
Leona: Yeah. Congrats, Deranged Herbivore.
Kalim: Welcome to the club, MC!
MC: Thank you~
Azul: No offense, senpai. But for you to become a housewarden, don't you need students to manage as well?
Riddle: That's right. You don't have students. And what is your dorm called anyway?
MC: It's called Ramshackle~ And it's a really nice dorm after Birdman renovated it~.
Crowley: *sniffles*
Idia: Why are you crying?
Crowley: They made me paint the walls...
Leona: *cackles*
Riddle and Vil: ...
Vil: Leona.
Leona: What? It's not very common that someone tortures Crowley.
Crowley: *frowns*
Cater: What's going on? Why does everyone look scared?
Trey: MC is looking for students to manage.
Cater: Oh. Wow. And no one wants to participate?
Trey: Yes. Except Floyd, of course. But Azul doesn't want to let him.
Cater: I mean... I'm definitely not judging, but knowing MC, they would be the worst housewarden in the history of Night Raven College. #HousewardenOfDoom #Beware #RunBeforeYouGetSlayed
MC: *enters the room* Trey~ Cater~
Trey: Hey, what's up?
Cater: 'Sup!
MC: *giggles* I want to show something~
Trey: What is it?
MC: The new member of Ramshackle dorm~. *shows Grim trying to break free*
Cater and Trey: ...
Cater: Isn't that a magical beast?
MC: Yes~. Isn't he cool~? He can blow fire~.
Trey: MC, why don't you let it go and have the headmage to handle it?
MC: Eh~ But I'm the one who caught him~ Besides, if he doesn't stop struggling~
MC: I'll just turn him into a tasty dish~.
Grim: Mryah?!
MC: Trey is a good cook. So~ I'm sure you can handle an ingredient like this~.
Trey: I only know how to make pastries.
Cater: The magical beast stopped struggling. Poor thing, you completely scared him.
Grim: *shaking in fear* I don't want to be food...
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faebaex · 1 year
TWST Characters - Big Spoon or Little Spoon? Ⅱ
author note: Spoon headcanons for the remaining dorms! enjoy (✯◡✯)
characters: Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia
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Kalim Al-Asim
Definitely a little spoon
Literally dives into you when he sees you on the bed
Likes to use your stomach as a pillow with his arms around your waist
He’s the type who takes ages to fall asleep
Like he’ll keep talking and talking and talking
And then suddenly he’ll fall silent and he’s passed right out
Kinda difficult to wiggle free from him ngl
Jamil Viper
Big spoon but that’s bc he needs to be able to get out of bed easily in case he needs to go wrangle Kalim
I feel like he was a front sleeper but he had to adapt for when you share a bed so now he sleeps on his back with an arm wrapped around you
Fairly peaceful sleeper, doesn’t move much
Does mumble in his sleep occasionally though
Like little exasperated sounds and angry mutters
Kalim bothers him in his dreams too ig
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Vil Schoenheit
Big spoon big spoon big spoon
There are RULES when you share a bed with THE Vil Schoenheit
He exclusively sleeps on his back because he needs to protect his skin at all costs
He may allow you to cuddle him, but make sure you’re moisturised!
He MAY make an exception and lay against you but ONLY if your pyjamas are made from the finest mulberry silk
Only the best for his skin
Epel Felmier
Desperately tries to be the big spoon
Literally won’t accept being the little spoon
Thinks its more manly if he is the big spoon
He looks very cute when he sleeps but don’t tell him that
He will never sleep again if you do
Rook Hunt
Tbh this guy is flexible, he’s happy being either the big or little spoon
He can appreciate the benefits of both positions
But like… Probably limit the spooning to your bedroom instead of his
Because his bedroom is a bit… Y’know
Definitely has taken pictures of you whilst you’re sleeping
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Idia Shroud
Little spoon little spoON LITTLE SPOON
Such little spoon energy omg
He’s kinda awkward at first because he’s so touch starved so he was a bit twitchy when you touched him
But as soon as he gets used to it he coils around you like a snake
There is no escape
Sleeps at absolutely awful hours though, has no concept of a bedtime
You may have to physically drag him to bed
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Malleus Draconia
Big spoon but only out of sheer necessity
He can only sleep a certain way because of his horns, y’know?
Oh how he WISHES he could be a little spoon
How he dreams of falling asleep, head cuddled into your chest, listening to your heartbeat…
But alas, he settles for wrapping his arms so tightly around you that you can barely escape
Is grumpy about it but nothing an enthusiastic hug won’t fix
Not through any preference but because he drifts off to sleep at the speed of light so sometimes you just have to climb into bed and spoon him
Other times he will fall asleep on you
He doesn’t mind either way, every time he’ll wake up with a smile on his face
If he finds out you have a preference, he’ll try his best but he is just a sleepy boy
Sebek Zigvolt
Oh jeez
If he finds out that his Waka-sama is a big spoon, then he will proclaim that he is ALSO is a big spoon!
In actuality, he’d secretly love to be a little spoon sometimes
So ironically, he’s closer to his Waka-sama then he realises
He’s an excellent big spoon though
And when the weather is cold, he’ll use huddling for warmth as an excuse just to spoon you
Lilia Vanrouge
A nightmare
Big spoon, little spoon, silly spoon
Likely to try and make you spoon in odd positions
Has tried to convince you to try spooning with him upside down at least three times
Is a good spoon when he takes it seriously though
But he comes to bed at all sorts of odd hours so there really isn’t a routine
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yaksha-lover · 9 months
As Lovers Go
Malleus Draconia x Reader
Summary: It may not be as grand as royalty is used to, but you do your best to plan a special night for Malleus on his birthday.
something short i scrambled together for my best boy, happy birthday malleus 🫶🫶
“Admittedly, it took some help from Trey to convince Riddle, but I like to think I did most of the work,” you say, leading Malleus by hand into the garden. “Okay, you can open your eyes.”
He blinks a couple times, but adjusts quickly to the nighttime lighting, surveying the scene. You’re in the Heartslabyul gardens, surrounded by red rose bushes on all sides. You’ve stopped in a small, clear area of grass where you’ve prepared for the night, a checkered blue picnic blanket laid out.
“Surprise! I know it’s not exactly a party, but hopefully my company will be enough to satisfy you…”
“When you’ve had over a hundred birthdays, parties begin to become monotonous. I much prefer your quiet company, tonight.”
You smile at Malleus. Even when the night’s about him, he always finds a way to make you feel special. “I hope you like the spot I chose. I know it must be hard being away from Briar Valley and your grandmother during the school year, so I thought I’d try to bring a little bit of home to you with the roses.”
“Thank you, truly.” Malleus turns to gaze around the garden, suddenly catching your hand in his own, running his thumb over your knuckles. “I do hope I’ll have a chance to show you my garden at home. I promise, nothing compares to the sight. Except for you, perhaps.”
“You’re too much, sometimes,” you giggle.
“If I am, do you not believe it is you who inspires such feelings in me?” Malleus teases.
The two of you take a seat on the blanket, talking and staring up at the stars as the night continues. The moonlight shines down on Malleus, making his dark hair shimmer and his skin glow. He’s never looked so beautiful.
“So, are you ready to open your gift now?”
He gives you a look. “I believe I mentioned no present was necessary. I only wanted your company.”
“I know, I know, but I wanted to do something.”
“You’re far too gentle with me. I suppose I’ll have to indulge you then.”
You grin and pull a gift bag out of your tote, handing it over to him. He settles it in front of him, pulling purple tissue paper out of the bag until his gift is revealed.
Malleus pulls out a white knit hat. He shifts to turn it around in his hands, smoothing over the fabric until his fingers run into a hole, popping out the other side.
“Oh yeah, it has holes. Y’know, for your horns.”
He stares at you in wide-eyed silence for a few moments. You break eye contact when it finally begins to feel a bit awkward.
“I know it’s not much, sorry.” You look down at your feet. “It’s just, Crowley only gives Grim and I enough for groceries and essentials. And Lilia only told me your birthday was coming up a couple weeks ago, so I begged Azul to let me pick up some shifts at the lounge, and long story short, I really only earned enough to buy some yarn. It’s super nice though, I promise! I made sure to pick yarn that-”
You’re cut off when you’re suddenly pulled firmly into a strong chest, arms squeezing you tightly.
“I will treasure it as I have treasured nothing else. Thank you.”
You smile, despite the fact that you can’t breathe well in his intense grip. You pat on his arms gently so Malleus will loosen up a bit.
“I’m glad you like it.” When he pulls away, you turn toward the cooler you’d set out with all the treats you’d prepared for him. “Now, what would you like to try first? I got Trey’s help with preparing the frozen desserts, since I thought you might like to have a variety. Oh, maybe cake first? You haven’t made a wish yet and the clock is ticking!”
“If it pleases you, then I will try the cake.”
“Great, it’s ice cream cake.”
You take it out of the box, laying it in front of Malleus and removing the container’s lid.
“May I inquire as to why a piece is missing?”
“Well…you said you hate entire cakes, so I took out a piece. Now it’s not an entire cake. Hopefully you’re in the mood to share a bit more with me tonight? I find even the sweetest things are best enjoyed with company,” you wink at him.
“Are you sure you won’t become too spoiled with all these indulgences I allow you?” He picks up a fork and takes a bit of cake, but he doesn’t taste it as you expect.
“No, but feel free to keep trying,” you mumble through the mouthful of cake Malleus feeds you. “Wait, I have candles. You have to make your birthday wish before we have anymore.”
You set three candles in the centre of the cake. It would be ridiculous to have a hundred, as much as you wish to be accurate to his age. You light them with a lighter, insisting on singing ‘happy birthday’ to Malleus before finally allowing him to make his wish.
“Blowing out fire with my breath instead of creating it with my breath. How amusing, you’ll have to teach me even more of these human customs.”
“What did you wish for?”
He tilts his head. “Am I mistaken in believing humans have customs that suggest it’s bad luck to ask?”
“No, but I’m nosy, so tell me anyway.” You tug gently on his sleeve.
“I only wished for things to continue as they are.”
“That’s all? You don’t want anything new?”
“What do I have to wish for? Everything I’ve always wanted, the thing I used to wish for each year - is already in front of me.”
The two of you talk until the sun comes up, upon which Malleus carries your snoring form home to Ramshackle, a smile lingering on his face from the previous night.
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ventique18 · 1 year
Random plot thought
What is Yuu gets isekaid into Twisted Wonderland as usual, meet Malleus as usual, then they scream "What are you doing here?! And what's with the weird horns? Are you cosplaying? Why?" But he just blinks at them in confusion and asks if they've met before.
Then Yuu's shaken and can't really process that their boyfriend is also in this world, but doesn't remember them and is apparently a different person.
Then as time goes on, they get to know him and the two Malleuses are literally the same person except for the horns. That's when they come to a conclusion that this must be the afterlife, and they're probably both dead, and finally lets themselves fall in love all over again.
Then the way to go home to the original world presents itself. And, and the original Malleus is alive and well with zero clue that Yuu was isekaid, because in that world not even a single hour has passed since they disappeared.
Who will Yuu pick? The guy who they spent years loving so tenderly, or this guy who, despite not knowing him as long as the other, they joined in many a tribulation and loved so truly in his most vulnerable of moments? 🤔
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
— summary: malleus studies your body during one of your daily gargoyle research activity
in which a normal discussion about the body anatomies of gargoyles has led to malleus making out with you
— cw: public sex, cloth sex, grinding, vaginal penetration, fingering, reader is described to have big ass (?),
— a/n: making out in school with malleus is so mwah
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"look at this fascinating gargoyle, malleus! it's magnificent claws are crafted in such great details. i bet it feels like real touching it!"
malleus hums in agreement as you continue babbling on about the raven gargoyle's body anatomy. from it's beak, to the wings and body. he was impressed that you could remember everything that he has been telling you. if anything, it just proves that you were listening and paying attention to him.
"it's sturdy body looks so soft to touch." you gazed at the picture of the gargoyle fondly, not noticing that malleus was already standing behind you. his tall frame towers over you with ease, hands grabbing your waist to pull you flush against his body.
you blushed when you felt something hard poking at your ass. turning your head up, you noticed that malleus was staring at you with an unusual gaze. his half lidded eyes staring right at your soul, as if he wants to devour you whole.
"child of man, i was thinking if we should try exploring human anatomy today instead of gargoyles?" malleus nuzzles his head into your neck, his grip on your waist tightened as your face turn into a deeper shade of red upon realising what he meant.
you were having romantic feelings towards malleus for awhile now. you weren’t sure if he feels the same way, but maybe he does? seeing as to how he only invited you to his club activities, walking you home every night and inviting you to diasomnia. there was even once he let you touch his horns - much to everyone’s surprise and sebek’s horror - you thought that it was a test to see if you dare to. instead, malleus leans his head on your shoulder as you trail your fingers on his horns. a sound akin to a growl emitted from him as he buries himself into you. surely, those were the signs that he at least felt something towards you, right?
“malleus, do you like me?” a deep chuckle erupts from malleus, hot breath fanning over your neck. “did it take you that long to figure this out?”
long slender fingers trail down from your waist to your inner thighs, lightly pinching at your soft skin as you press your knees together, trapping his hand between your thighs. “i like you too, malleus.” you confessed, finally letting go of this heavy burden in your heart. malleus smiles, elated that his feelings were returned. placing open kisses on your neck, your squeezed your legs tighter, trying to stop the smell of arousal in your core from spreading. but malleus is no human, he is a descendent of a dark fae, blessed with enormous magic, physical physique and heightened senses. he could smell your arousal before you even knew it was coming.
“shall we do it, my love?” he asked you one final time, the hand that was resting on your inner thigh inches closer to your blossom, thumb stroking up and down in a slow rhythmic movement.
"su-sure." you stuttered, suddenly feeling all shy and embarrassed under malleus's intensive gaze. within a second, a pair of warm lip envelop yours, eagerly kissing and sucking on your lips while his hand that was ghosting over your core finally pushed your panties aside, inserting a finger into your cherry as you moaned at the sudden intrustion.
"open your legs for me, dear." malleus broke the kiss, staring at your plump lips that were covered in his saliva before resuming to his previous activity, except for this time, his free hand pinches on your breast, taking advantage of the small little gasp that you made as he shoves his tongue into your mouth, eager to explore and taste you.
you spread your legs for him like an obedient lamb, allowing malleus to add in another finger and scissor your insides as wide as he can.
"hnng- mal, ah, mo-more-" you tried opening your legs more, hands shooting down to hold onto malleus's thighs as you buck your hips up, grinding onto his fingers like a desperate man. malleus groans when your ass touches onto his cloth cock which was already threatening to burst out of his pants. his free hand cups and fondles with one of your breast, inserting another finger in as your delighted moans and wet sound of your pussy echoes throughout the room.
soon, you came all over on his hand, staining his hand and pants with your essence. you wanted to close your legs and prevent any more mess, but the hand that has been fondling on your breast has landed on your thighs, making sure to keep your legs apart, exposing your pussy on full view (that has became malleus's favourite view). malleus brings up his hand to his lips, licking your essence off as he smirks at your tomato face.
"you taste lovely, i wouldn't mind having you for breakfast, lunch and dinner. also, you might wanna close your mouth. or else, i might put something else in there."
"malleus!" you punched his shoulder weakly, which the dark fae only chuckles in response. he wraps his arms around your waist, leaning in to kiss your temple as he whispers into your ear.
"come on, we are not done right? we haven't get to the best part yet."
that's when you noticed something big and hard poking at your ass. when the look of realization dawned upon your face, you quickly stood up, apologising profusely for neglecting his needs.
it's not your fault that he was really good at fingering you.
"come help me take it out, will you?" malleus gestures to his hardened tent, making you gulp nervously as you unzip his pants slowly and carefully, not wanting to hurt him, but also also unsure if you are suppose to just strip down a fae prince who could strike lightning at you anytime.
the sight in front of you was something you were not prepared for. his member was hard and thick. the prominent veins that were bulging out and adorning on his member only highlights how thick he is. the tip of his mushroom head was in the shade of an angry red as beads of pre cum leaks down to his balls. speaking of his balls, both of it were full and heavy, looking as if it is about to burst any open any moment.
sensing your nervousness, malleus holds your hand and pat on his lap. "it's okay, we will try to make it fit. come and sit down on me, you are the only person that i will permit to do so."
thinking that it was now or never, or rather a rare chance to get dicked down by a rich prince who just so happen to be your lover, you placed both of your legs on either side of his while facing him, adjusting your panties to the side again so that you would be nice and fully expose. you place your hands on his shoulders, steadying and slowly lowering yourself to his dick as malleus grips onto your waist, supporting you.
when the tip of his dick finally enters you, malleus has to resist the urge to buck his hips up and slam the rest of himself into you. didn't he stretch you out just now? why are you still so tight? your pussy was squeezing him so tight, he felt like he could just stay like this forever and not do anything.
"s' big, mal, i don't know if i can-" malleus doesn't answer, instead, he loses control and pulls you down, slamming the rest of his length into you as you yelped loudly. wrapping your arms around his neck, you rest your head on your chest as you tried to calm your heart beat. the sudden stretch was painful, but it soon turn into the desire of wanting more, wanting to feel full and embrace malleus's dick.
and then, you started bouncing on his dick, moaning like a mess as you uses his dick to pleasure the both of you. malleus groans, feeling slightly out of breath as he throws his head back, head feeling slightly cloudy as he let the thought of him making out with his lover is no longer a dream, but a reality. and the best part of it? it felt so good, he didn't want to stop.
"love, hold onto me tightly." malleus instructs you, not giving you any time to respond before roughly thrusting into you at an insane speed. you could only cry as he repeatedly abuse your weak spot, making sure to overstimulate you, turning your brain mushy. he flips up your skirt, staring at the part where his dick disappears into you before reappearing again, except it turns him on even more when more of you fluids coat onto his dick - a dirty reminder to him that he was the one turning you this way.
"fuck." malleus cursed, feeling a tight knot forming in his stomach, a sign that he was about to cum. judging from the way your pussy grip onto him like a vice and desperately fluttering around it, he knows that you are close too. with a few deep final thrust, malleus pulls out, allowing his cum to squirt out into the sexual atmosphere as you orgasmed hard, fluids splashing all over his pants and dick. he rubs your back affectionately, allowing you to calm down from your high as you finally withdraw from his neck to look down at the mess that the both of you made.
his dick was still pulsing and pumping out cum as a hand reaches up to caress your cheek. you look up to see malleus's flushed face, a lazy grin adorning his face.
"it was a good study session. next time, i will cum inside you just to see the changes in your body when bearing my offspring."
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kiame-sama · 28 days
Twisted Wonderland Monsterverse AU?
What monsters do you think each of the characters would be? (With the exception of the Beastmen, Mermen and Fae Characters since they’re technically monsters already)
These are a few ideas on what I think some of the characters might be (You can change these, since I’m mainly guessing)
I can definitely see Jamil as a Naga
Kalim makes me think of an Otter (So cute and adorable that you can forget that Otters are dangerous)
I feel like Vil would probably be a Harpy, specifically a Peacock Harpy (Very pretty, confident and can be aggressive)
Rook would probably also be a Harpy, specifically one of the Birds of Prey (He’s a Hunter after all) like a Peregrine Falcon or a species of Eagle
Idia would a God of Death, the Dead and Ruler of the Underworld and Ortho either being a Soul or Cerberus(?)
I feel like Silver would either be Human, Bear or a Bird, like a Barn Owl (They’re very cute)
Did most characters, some are more than a little obvious (given they are already creatures in Twisted Wonderland anyway).
Divus is a Selkie and is very protective over his fur.
Sam is a Shadow man (we all saw that coming).
Vargas is a minotaur.
Trein is a sphinx.
Crowley is a Crow Fae (obviously).
Ace is a Satyr and thinks playing the pan flute is dumb.
Deuce is a Faun- basically a Satyr with better horns and a stronger sense of justice, known for helping lost travelers.
Cater is a water nymph and is often seen bothering Trey while he is resting in the waters of the lake of Heartslabyul.
Che'nya is a Bakeneko- cat creature that typically symbolizes bad luck. I think he would have two tails or a forked tail.
Trey is a Kelpie centaur and often seen with Riddle as they are good friends, or Cater riding around on his back despite the usual warning that comes with trying to ride a Kelpie.
Riddle is a unicorn centaur and he hates that so many tease him about being a 'girly' creature. Very gifted with magic and extremely proud, his mother was very strict about Riddle being the perfect unicorn growing up.
Jack is a Werewolf.
Ruggie is a Gnoll.
Leona is a Nemean Lion.
Azul is a Cecaelia- basically what he is now, an octo-merman.
Jade and Floyd are Eel Mermen (predictably).
Kalim is a Genie that genuinely wants to help people and grant wishes but always winds up granting wishes that have unfortunate unforseen consequences.
Jamil is definitely a Naga, but he is the Naga that protects Kalim's lamp and treasure since Kalim is a Genie from a long line of powerful Genies.
I agree that Vil is a Peacock Harpy. He loves to preen and make a show of fanning out his tail-feathers, very proud and wickedly smart.
Neige is a mourning dove Harpy.
Rook is a Drider- spider centaur- specifically a Huntsman-Spider Drider who is a master of spinning web traps and even hunting down his prey, as Huntsman-spiders (usually the males) are voracious wandering predators. (I headcannon all Driders can spin webs)
Epel is a wood nymph, specifically of the Apple tree variety.
Idia is a Shinigami. Technically still a death-god and likely a high ranking death-god given he is already descendant of a high ranking family.
Ortho is also a Shinigami, he is still the little brother of Idia despite what happened to him, so I'm saying he is still a Shinigami.
Silver is a Cervitaur- a Deer centaur- and is just starting to get more prongs on his horns, which Lilia is absolutely thrilled with and often teases Silver about.
Lilia is a Bat Fae.
Malleus is Dragon Fae.
Sebek is a Raiju Fae.
Rollo is a Fire Nymph.
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rayroseu · 1 year
looking at Malleus outfit without the cape... I just realised how his whole outfit is a body suit(?) without the cape and gloves akjdja (this is not really confirmed yet so im patiently* waiting for the official design notes for glomas).
Although i think the puffy sleeves belongs to the main outfit as well--
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His horns looks so tall without the hat now😆
NO BUT UH... Thinking of this being an entire one piece of clothing makes me ILL-- Because you know what the back side of this outfit is⁉️⁉️⁉️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️✨✨✨
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Why is he lowkey implied to enjoy wearing clothes that has only one way to be wore on akdjkss
Its like the same occurence on his Dorm Groovy, he isnt wearing anything in exception of the coat and like his outfit on Glorious Masquerade,,,, his dorm uniform literally has only one way to undress from which is the zipper on the left side...✨✨✨🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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so if perchance PERCHANCE we get into the situation where we might want to undress him... then its just in one swift process yk🧎‍♀️✨✨🛐
he is BEATING the allegations of victorian men wears multiple layers and thus difficult to undress--- He truly is the twst character that symbolizes 'Lust'🧎‍♀️💕💖
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yyokkki · 8 months
If They Had Dating Profiles
Format modelled after Bumble So many profiles either disgust me or make me laugh so here it is All characters have been aged up to 18 or above for this btw
Riddle Rosehearts
Pictures: His top pic is his passport photo, he’s wearing the full suit, tie and blazer and his hair is perfect. The rest of the pics follow this pattern.
About Me:
My name is Riddle Rosehearts and I intend to date with the intent of marriage so if you are seeking “something casual”, please swipe left.
I will not tolerate smoking, drinking in non-social settings, an untidy presentation, inappropriate language, or any of that “fwb” nonsense. Thank you.
My Basics: Has every category filled out except for height
Leona Kingscholar
Pictures: Only one photo and the angle is tilted upwards from his chin while he’s lying down, it’s also kinda blurry
About Me:
fwb or chess
My Basics: Mf only has his height filled out
Azul Ashengrotto
Pictures: His top pic is of him cutting the opening ribbon to his restaurant and the rest are perfectly tailored, photoshoot level pics of him doing things like signing papers, wiping his glasses or casually leaning against an expensive car
About Me:
Proud owner of the restaurant, Mostro Lounge, the product of my blood, sweat and tears.
If we have our first date in my restaurant you get a 50% discount on all items 😊.
My Basics: Pretty much everything is filled out
Kalim Al-Asim
Pictures: A  really cute pic of him doing the thing where he’s standing in front of the Eiffel tower and pinching his fingers to make it look like it’s in his fingers, the rest are of him with dorky filters on or more travel pics at famous landmarks
About Me:
HIII, im a hugee extrovert and i love love LOVE going to partyz so if you wanna come too just hmu!! lookin to go on dates but if you wann just hangout i don’t mind either ^^
I LOVE spoiling all my friends and family with gifts so get readyy HEHEHEHE
My Basics: Yup filled out
Vil Schoenheit
Pictures: Literally the best pictures you can find on the site, you probably won’t believe it’s him until you meet him irl, they’re that gorgeous. If Azul’s was photoshoot level, Vil’s is AI generated level
About Me:
Yes, I am the real Vil Schoenheit, if you don’t believe me, the photos I’ve used can’t be found anywhere else on the internet.
My MagiGram is vilschoenheit_real
My Basics: Only a select few are filled out for privacy reasons
Idia Shroud
Pictures: Only one and it’s an anime character
About Me:
hmu on valo lsersss lmaoooo @ is nekurasamurai
pls swpe right if ur a gamer uwu
My Basics: Nothing is filled out but gender and height
Malleus Draconia
Pictures: Black screen with red edges you can tell he accidentally took a pic facing away from him and his finger was in front of the camera
About Me:
is this the text to speech function oh hello child of man i am cooking looking for a suitable spouse that will rule over the valley of horns thorns with me thank you
My Basics: N oth ing
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twistedchatterbox · 2 years
"You are just like her, sweet little briar..."
summary: You are the descendant of a witch, unknown to you, said witch happens to be the most dearest and only friend to the ever-powerful fae, queen of the Briar Valley, Maleficent. tags. no chp7 spoilers, Female Reader, not implied to be Yuu/ramshackle perfect, pre-established relationship (both Malleus and Silver crush on you; Malleus pines & Silver acts), your grandma called Maleficent "Millie", You are Maleficent's new favourite person, Fae are sentimental, Fluff for Silver lovers, mild-ish Malleus angst if you squint, copious use of flashbacks, no beta we overblot like men.
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Wordcount; 1300+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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First meeting for the second time; You could not mistake that silhouette or those tell-tale horns for anyone else, no one could; Maleficent. ...You also couldn't hold back a smile though, it was hard to be intimidated by the queen based on your grandma's favourite villain. Waving, casually and inviting, you hoped, was your smile; and maybe too inviting it turned out to be, making your smile turn a bit nervous when she gasped and nearly ran your direction. Far too fast for your liking, surely. "Ah- Hi?" You said, barely gulping the volume so that you wouldn't choke or worse, yell at royalty by accident. If you had any more of a mind to give thought, you'd curse Sebek out for his disgusting lack of volume filter. And then, gloved hands; nothing could prepare you for the way she cupped your face and smushed your smile between her palms, just like your grandma- untimely comparison, you averted your gaze. "Oh my sevens-" The tiny, silent voice was not what matched her surface appearance as she looked at you as if analyzing you, and you were too scared to find out, not daring to look her back in the eyes. "You are just like her, sweet little briar.." The queen whispered and you were left confused as your eyes snapped back to see teary green hues. You were left as stunned as literally all others in the entrance room, some kneeling, some bowing, except for the second oldest person in that room; Lilia, who decided to take it upon himself to shine light on the situation. while sebek tried not to sneeze too loudly, who was thinking about him? "Your highness, this 'her', do you speak of your human friend?" The ex-general spoke, calm yet playful, mischievous but kind. His gaze softened, "I must admit I can see the similarities." Lilia noted. The queen gave the faintest nod of confirmation before blinking the tears away, unnoticeable, tiny tracks invisible to anyone who wasn't searching for it. "She looks just like her.." Responded the fae. ... "Hm? Ah.. You are a child of man, aren't you?" She asked, yet it was no question. "Do you happen to live here, I will take my leave if so. Uninvited guests are-" "Who said I wouldn't invite you anyway?" was the impulsive response, human witch, green eyes met hers and maleficent crossed her arms with an annoyed huff. The sheer audacity of this child of man. "Who said you would?" which prompted, and honestly she should have expected this one, the answer "I could."
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Ah, you thought, going over everything you have discovered so far; the magic mirror belonged to your grandma, and it was given to her by the Draconia family. That made you wonder, is the other side of the mirror really home?- Your head and heart hurt in confused tandem as you tried to stop the complicated thought process. Well, at least you had roots in this world; planted in the garden of the strongest person in said world. Unable to stop an overly amused huff from escaping your mouth, you sighed and smiled. Sitting upright and correcting your frankly fucked up posture, you must have curled up on yourself without noticing as you were deep in thought. And one thought train arrived just after the other, as you put two and two together. "Her name was Millie" She said, handing you a royally expensive black dress; lace, long, flowly and slim, the dress hugged your form wonderfully. Your grandma gave you another once over before nodding in satisfaction, picking up where she left off "and this dress was supposed to be hers, we found it while on a shopping spree but she decided to buy it for me instead." She laughed, "Now, it's yours". And now, it wasn't you who greeted yourself out the train of thoughts, but the subject of memory; accidentally, you let the cat out of the box. "Millie?- I mean, i-" You stuttered, watching as the grand fae's eyes widened and her expression drifted to that of a fond joy. Once again, the dorm of Diasomnia was left bewildered of you and frankly, you'd side with some of them on this one too. Maleficent blinked with an averted gaze before turning back "She still talks of me, little briar?" she asked with a gentle tone and you caught up to yourself, slowly nodding with a soft smile. "Yeah." You returned eye contact, reaffirming with a more confident nod, trying again "She would always talk about you."
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"She was absolutely correct, this dress does look wonderful on you;" Maleficent said, clasping her hands together, proceeding to shoot a mischievous grin to her boys with a ever-faint sadistic glint in her gaze. "Don't you agree?" asked the fae queen, gesturing to the dorms' big names, who all but scrambled to nod and wobbly voice their agreements, including Malleus Draconia himself. Except... "Mhm.." Silver mumbled, clearing his throat "You look so dreamy.." he voiced his opinion, his tender and near-lovestruck gaze making you more flustered than you'd like to admit. Hiding the most likely dorky grin behind your black-laced hand, you murmured your thanks albeit bashfully; making the fae queen grin, and the fae prince pout. "Those two look very much like a princess and her faithful knight like this, y'know?" Lilia cackled in good nature, elbowing some student to the side as gently as he could, making eye contact with Maleficent who laughed in agreement. Oh now Malleus was getting truly and royally annoyed with his family, not that it showed, they were far too focused on you after all; and he really couldn't comment on that without being a hypocrite. So he crossed him arms and looked your way- As a crack of lightning fell in tandem with his mood somewhere further into campus grounds; his own knight,andbestfriend was kneeling before you, his princess, pressing a gentle kiss to your wrist, then between your knuckles and fingers. The knight's silver hair, fitting the name, moving ever so lightly with the grace of a swan as he lets out a calm, happy laugh; somewhere between a chuckle and a giggle, he figured. "You really do look like a princess" Silver says, looking up to meet your eyes when your fingers curl soft around his hold, taking it as his cue to speak and stealing the air in your lungs and the words from your head; your own heart willingly jumps into his arms already without needing any further coaxing. Somehow, it, your heart also manages to speak for you; soft spoken in tone, "And you look like a prince" you murmur, "though, I certainly wouldn't mind it if you were my knight" a whisper mostly to yourself, too flustered to speak any louder where you stood. Thankfully it reaches the ears of your sleepy knight-prince, painting his cheeks in a beautiful shade of light coral pink; and the ears of a very conflicted prince, looking down at the ground as he silently pondered what he should do. Well, in either path; you certainly had gotten the cream of the crop and the cherry on top, a princess adored by a prince and his knight, even if you were unaware of just how deep those feelings ran in their veins for now. Maleficent couldn't help the bittersweet shake of her head, thinking back to a long, by-gone era of her youth; sure, her beauty endured the lasting test, but humans lives were not known for perseverance against the very same march of time. Yet the ones that shine bright always left their mark, the unforgettable kind; and when the fae queen looked upon you with a grateful gaze, she began counting her very own blessings to have met her best friends family. One as witty, kind, bright and just as special, uniqueness must've run in your blood. Loved. And once again, she stood by; first meetings for the second time, she supposed. Glancing properly to the side for the first time, Maleficent felt like a reflection of the by-gone times of her youth stare back at him. She looked between you and the younger Draconia, and glanced to Lilia who gave her a knowing glance.
You really are just like her, sweet little briar; sought by the crown fae and the ever faithful knight of said fae.
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novellafaire · 1 year
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Just some headcanons on what I think they would be like as boyfriends ♡
Heartslabyul - Savanaclaw - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomefiore - Ignihyde - Diasomnia (here!)
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• this man is a hardcore simp for you
• he admires how you don’t fear him, and that you instead seek him out, treating him as you would anyone else
• given that you’re dating, it means he trusts you wholeheartedly already, and that he plans on maintaining this relationship long term forever
• nightly walks!!
• it’s so peaceful, and the chances of people interrupting you are slim, so he enjoys taking the time to spend with you
• please listen to his rants about gargoyles
• if you do, and can remember what he says about them, he’ll fall even harder for you
• just the fact you’re trying makes him unbelievably happy
• ice cream dates!!
• two things he enjoys at the same time; you, and ice cream
• given that he is a heir apparent to the throne, he will warn you about the responsibilities you’ll have to deal with in the future because you’re dating him
• if you pursue the relationship even after knowing that, he’ll be so happy and relieved
• more possessive than he is jealous
• he is a dragon after all
• he’s more envious of the amount of people you know, and how people aren’t scared to approach you, nonetheless talk to you
• his possessiveness shows when other people are affectionate to you
• is that thunder in the background?—
• he does not appreciate it when people start flirting with you, and he will make his presence known if that happens, which effectively stops the person
• comfort him and shower him in affection when this happens
• he loves your affection so much
• not big on PDA, given his princely status, but in private he is extremely affectionate
• holds you in his arms all the time, which is incredibly comforting given his tall stature
• will let you touch his horns, but they are sensitive so be gentle
• finds your compliments endearing, but if you called him cute or something sweet like that, he may malfunction for a minute
• will want you to get a tamagotchi as well so Roaring Drago can have a friend!!
• you guys take care of them together like they’re your children
• nobody would dare to mess with you. period.
• if they know you’re dating *the* Malleus Draconia, then they know not to bother you unless they have a death wish
• Malleus is protective of you and he makes that very clear
• arguments don’t really happen that much, but if they do it’s not explosive and usually can be resolved easily by just talking it out
• most of the time it’s probably caused by miscommunication
• will often pay you random visits at Ramshackle
• would absolutely MELT if you made sure to invite him to things
• that means the world to him
• Lilia adores you so much, and was very much a wingman in helping you and Malleus get together
• he’ll make sure both of you guys are happy in the relationship and are being treated right
• Silver doesn’t have much of an opinion of your relationship, he trusts Malleus’ judgement
• he will protect you ardently though as well
• Sebek… has very mixed feelings about you
• on one hand, he’s appalled that Malleus would allow himself to love a “lowly human”
• and before you and Malleus began to officially date, Sebek would constantly try to keep you away from Malleus
• except that always backfired and made Malleus irritated
• and so now that you’re officially dating, he’ll actively protect you as well, given that you’re the lover of his Lord
• would definitely show you his dragon form if you wanted him to
• he would bend over backwards to make anything you wished for to come true
• he spoils you
• even if you want something practically impossible, he will somehow make it happen
• would love for you to meet his grandmother, but understands how intimidating it would be for you, so he’s willing to wait until you become more comfortable with the idea of entering a royal family
• loves telling you stories
• and listening to anything you say
• every word that comes out of your mouth he will cherish beyond a doubt
• he will research any of your interests, and actively ask you questions about it so he can hear you talk more about them
• over all, Malleus is the type of boyfriend who will love you deeply and immensely ♡
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• chaotic
• will actively try to jumpscare you because he finds your reactions amusing and adorable
• loves surprises
• would always try to cook you food and give it to you, but thankfully Silver (a literal godsend) will always swoop in and save you from having to eat his father’s cooking
• Upside down kisses!!
• Lilia loves doing those because he gets to catch you off guard while also getting a kiss
• to him it’s perfect
• also loves to pepper your face with kisses
• and pinch your cheeks
• is totally fine if you do it back to him as well
• on that note, he doesn’t mind PDA at all
• also lowkey enjoys how it embarrasses Silver (and Sebek)
• he will sing to you
• if you can’t sleep, you’ll get to hear one of his infamous lullabies
• he will also play pranks on you a lot
• would love it if you gamed with him
• not at all a jealous person
• he’s been alive long enough to understand that he shouldn’t feel that way — he loves you and you love him, and that’s all that matters
• if someone did try to flirt with you, he would be more amused than anything else (unless ofc you were uncomfortable)
• Silver and Sebek are usually the ones to stop anybody else’s advances on you
• he will tell you stories of things he’s been through
• sometimes they’re so far fetched that you doubt he’s being serious, but he always is
• if someone talked bad about you or messes with you, Diasomnia will band together to take care of them
• Lilia would corner the perpetrator, condemn them for their actions/words, and then let Silver and Sebek take over, under the pretense of letting them train their knightly skills
• he would probably teach you at least basic self defense so he knows you can be safe even if he’s not around
• you’re seen as the other parent in Diasomnia… even though chances are you’re significantly younger than them ( at least Malleus and Lilia)
• he’s amazing at comforting you when you’re upset
• his dad instincts kick in and he’s coddling you in his arms, listening to you and then giving his perspective
• headpats!!
• arguments don’t happen much between you guys because Lilia has a lot of experience and he knows how to avoid such issues
• loves floating by you, and teasing you when you can’t reach something
• Malleus is fond of you because Lilia is the person who has been by his side his whole life, so he’s happy that Lilia has found someone he loves
• Sebek respects you greatly because of how much he respects Lilia — he is nothing less than a gentleman when you’re around
• Silver appreciates you greatly
• at first he was unsure of you (because he only wanted the best for his father), but when he saw the way Lilia looked at you
• he knew just how much you meant to him
• so now Silver will do anything he can to protect you as well
• over all, Lilia would be a very fun and chaotic boyfriend ♡
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• such a gentleman
• he’s literally so sweet to you omg
• most of your dates are you guys cuddling, but it’s great because Silver is literally the best cuddled there is
• anytime you sleep by him, it’s the best sleep you’ve ever had
• the fact you don’t judge him for his habit makes him so thankful as well
• the animals that always seem to surround him grow fond of you as well
• he isn’t much of a jealous person because he trusts you immensely
• but that doesn’t mean he likes it when people flirt with you, and so he’ll be by your side in a heartbeat
• sometimes he does get worried though that you might leave him for someone who can always give you their full attention ):
• will teach you how to use a sword if you wanted to
• especially because it helps him feel more comfortable knowing you could defend yourself
• not that he thought you couldn’t before, it just helps reassure him, that’s all
• horseback riding dates!!
• if you’ve never ridden a horse before, that’s okay, he’ll guide you
• he also loves it when you guys ride on one horse together, so you can wrap your arms around his waist with one of his hands resting over yours
• would also love it if you came to watch him in the equestrian club
• if someone talks bad about you or messes with you, they’ll witness one of the rare instances where Silver is genuinely mad
• he will tell them off for how wrong their actions were, and then proceed to make sure you were alright
• on that note, he’s okay at comforting verbally, but amazing at comforting physically
• his hugs are so soft and sweet, and you can feel how much he cares about you
• he doesn’t see the point in PDA, but it’s not uncommon to find you guys napping together out in the open
• his hugs are the best
• always has a soft smile on his face when you’re around or when he talks about you
• Lilia also played wingman for him
• Silver always feels terrible if he fell asleep on accident while you were talking
• but he always reassures you that he was listening to everything you said (which is true)
• will protect you from his father’s cooking
• does everything a gentleman would do
• gives sleepy kisses that are so soft and gentle
• arguments are essentially nonexistent between you two, given that his personality is incredibly calm that it also exudes a sense of calmness to those around him
• that, and you guys make sure to communicate well
• will hold your hand and bring it up to his lips so he can kiss your knuckles
• forehead kisses!!
• he loves it when you play with his hair while he’s sleeping, especially when he can lay his head in your lap
• he will praise you, but not excessively
• Malleus likes you and is happy that you’re simply there for Silver
• Sebek thinks it’s ludicrous for Silver to have a partner when his sole duty should be to protect Malleus
• Sebek will complain about Silver’s lack of dedication to Malleus, but deep down he is glad Silver has found someone he loves
• Lilia absolutely LOVES you
• he’s so happy his son found a person he loves, and is so supportive
• he’s constantly teasing you guys, but he does it out of the goodness of his heart
• will 100% tell embarrassing stories of Silver as a child
• but seriously, he’s happy that Silver has someone else he can rely on
• especially cause he knows Silver’s lifespan isn’t the same as that of the fae…
• he’s glad that he knows Silver will always be happy with you around
• Silver is very happy that you and his father get along
• cause his father means the world to him
• over all, Silver is the sweetest boyfriend you could ever want ♡
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• …
• why
• not going to lie, he probably never thought he would date anyone
• because to him his sole purpose was to protect Malleus
• and to be completely honest, that won’t change. Malleus will forever continue to be his main priority
• buuuut he does genuinely care for you (even if he refuses to admit it)
• he [affectionately] yells at you constantly
• and will lecture to you about how wonderful Malleus is
• but if will also listen to anything you have to say, no matter what it may be
• refuses to admit he’s a jealous person, and will always make up excuses
• the moment someone flirts with you though? he’s right there yelling at them
• arguments happen quite often to be honest
• and most of the time they have to do with his appreciation obsession of Malleus
• they can get pretty explosive as well, given his extreme emotions
• so it’s best to just give each other space before trying to solve the issue
• he loves it when you go to the equestrian club though because it gives him an opportunity to showcase his amazing skills
• will also teach you how to ride a horse, but he’s not exactly the best teacher there is
• he’s trying though
• he’s also not great at comforting people, given his inherently loud nature
• he’ll be very stiff while holding you in his arms, and gets flustered as he tries to think of ways to help you
• not a fan of PDA because he thinks it’s unbecoming of a knight
• ( and totally not because he gets easily flustered by the affection )
• will hold your hand tho, under the pretense of ensuring you don’t get lost
• even if you’re literally in your room
• if someone talked bad about you or bothered you, he would immediately be there to defend your name and honor
• basically he yells at them
• he’ll be extremely happy if you not only listen to his praises of Malleus, but if you also participated in them too (except he may feel the slightest twinge of jealousy)
• Malleus likes you, he just wishes Sebek would give you more attention
• on a similar note, Silver feels bad for you
• he will also roll his eyes at all of Sebek’s antics
• Lilia believes that your presence will help Sebek grow as a person, and is very supportive
• Sebek would love for you to meet his parents, but he would never admit that
• he really admires his mom so her opinion of you would matter quite a bit to him
• he just wants to make sure she also likes you
• with that in mind, Sebek would be a very interesting boyfriend ♡
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You're finally home, master...
And with this, my little Halloween twst 'series' comes to an end.
Also, the ending of this is open to interpretation :)
Warning(s): delusional yandere Malleus
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You had inherited an old, abandoned house from one of your distant relatives. Your relative told you that the original owner of the house died nearly 100 years ago, and that your family has owned the house ever since. Though, no one's ever been inside.
You decided to check out the place, since you didn't really see the harm in it... you're sure nothing bad could happen.
You entered the huge house.
"I knew it... I just knew you wouldn't leave me forever...!"
"Who's there?!" You asked, looking around as the door shut behind you.
"It's been so long, master... but now you're home, you're finally home."
A man wearing silk clothes walked out of the darkness. He had bright green eyes, large horns on his head, and a tail dragging being him.
You were speechless. Who is this man?! Why is he in this house?! Why is he calling you master?!
"Are you well? What's with your face, master?"
"Who are you?" You asked, voice shaking.
"Hm? What do you mean? Master, have you forgotten me? I've been your familiar ever since you were a child, don't you remember?"
"I don't know who you are!" You told him. "I-I've never had a familiar, or whatever you said! And stop calling me master!J-just (Y/N) is more than fine!"
"(Y/N)...?" He asked. "No, that isn't your name. Your name is-"
"My name is (Y/N)! N-now if you'll excuse me, I should probably get going..."
You turned around, and tried to open the door, but... it wouldn't budge. You're stuck in this house with... whoever this is.
"W-why won't the door open?!" You demanded.
"Master, don't you remember what happened last time? You injured youself and commanded me to stay and take care of the house while you made your way to the hospital. You clearly must've gotten lost... you've only just now come home. I simply can't let you leave the house."
"Y-you there, what's your name...?" You asked. You were planning on calling the police, hopefully they can do something about this...
"Master, I'm happy with whatever name you wish to give me."
"Uh... ok... how about Tsunotaro...? Y'know, because of your, um, horns..." You suggested, thinking this man is for sure crazy.
"If you want to call me that I shall allow it."
You pulled out your phone to call the police, but it seemed Tsunotaro noticed that and grabbed your phone away before you could.
"What is this, master?" He asked, observing it. "No matter. Regardless of what this is, it may be harmful to you. I'll be taking this."
"What?! No, give that back! You can't just-"
"Master, my only purpose is to protect you. Until I understand what this thin box is, I will keep it away from you. For your sake." Tsunotaro told you. "For now, it's getting late. I suggest you head upstairs and sleep."
Tsunotaro escorted you upstairs, and shoved you into a bedroom. He shut and locked the door, leaving you comepletely alone in a mansion bedroom.
You decided to look around, not really knowing what else you could do. This man, claiming to be your familiar, won't let you leave this house and has locked you in a bedroom with bars on the windows... not much else to do except look around.
While searching through the bedroom, you found a portrait. A painted portrait, the date signed in the corner showed it was almost 100 years old...
It was a portrait of Tsunotaro, standing beside the original owner of this house.
Someone who looked exactly like you.
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haru-natsuka · 7 months
The Unending Daze Part 3 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola)
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Chapter start from below trailer*
>> Trailer <<
"My darling wife, the joy you have brought me throughout the years is without compare. Our children are fortunate to have been gifted with such a loving and caring mother as you,"
Malleus spoke with affection, his voice like honeyed words that melted the hearts of everyone that heard it. He leaned down to kiss your forehead, his warm breath brushing against your skin.
But just as you were getting used to this blissful scene, your old friend, Ace arrived in an unexpected turn of events. He claimed that he was your husband, which left you perplexed and bewildered.
"Wait a minute, that's not right! I'm your real husband! He's just trying to manipulate you with a dream. Wake up, now! Our children need you! I need you, Y/N!"
You were unsure how to proceed, caught in the middle of a confusing situation. In this situation, you feel conflicted and uncertain about whether your old friend or your darling husband had spoken the truth
>> PART 3 <<
You could not remember anything from the night before. Your eyebrows were furrowed in frustration, and the only memory you can recall is preparing for bed alongside Malleus. However, today, Malleus was nowhere in sight, which is quite strange behavior for him. You began to wonder whether you made a mistake last night. Since morning, you had not even caught sight of him.
"Mama! You got that wrinkle again" Marcellus tried to straighten that wrinkle off your forehead, but as he touched you, you suddenly flinched with a sense of revulsion and horror. The feeling of those wooden hands running against your skin reminded you of the illusion of a puppet. You could not help but imagine your son's face as having a lifeless wooden form with smiley eyes, while you looked at him.
No, why did you even imagine such a thing? This was your youngest son, who always seems so adorable and innocent to you. His skin was just as fair as Malleus's, though his horn was not as sharp as his father's because it was still growing. He was the exact copy of Malleus, except for his eyes, which have your color and shape.
You felt a sudden suffocation as the imagery of your lifeless son flashes through your mind, overwhelming you and causing you feelings of intense guilt and shame. Your son's innocent smile and warm eyes kept on interchange with a cold and lifeless demeanor as it emptily stared at you. You just desired for a moment of escape, to get away from this place and find some peace. You were not a good mother at all.
'Get away from them!'
'They are not your family!'
You heard a dark voice echoing in your mind, warning you to stay away from your son, from everyone in this world. The voice was similar to your voice, almost like it was warning you of a danger lurking near you.
'Run! Be safe! Don't be caught by him anymore! Stop-'
You felt a growing sense of desperation, as your breathing started to quicken and your heart began to race. You wanted these voices to go away, to leave you alone here in your mind. Your mind became filled with this darkening gloom, and you could not seem to shake this unsettling feeling.
"Y/N! Come back to me!"
You heard someone call out to you with a concerned tone of voice. You felt a strong hold on your shoulder as they asked you if you were doing alright, but your mind was preoccupied with the voices that continued to echo within your mind.
You pushed the man away, wanting to escape from his hold and give yourself some space. You looked up to see a red-haired man staring at you with absolute panic and concern in his eyes. Immediately, you felt your eyes tearing up, and a sudden urge to cry came over you.
Despite your efforts to maintain your composure, the tears began to fall. Your heart started to pound with a slight ache, and you were unsure of the reason why. How could your friend, Ace, make you feel this way?
"I'm sorry I'm late Y/N. You have gone through so much" Ace's tone was warm and caring, and there was a hint of sadness and remorse in his voice. He tried to take a step closer to you, but you backed away immediately. You felt uneasy around him, and a sudden sense of familiarity was growing within you as you stared at him.
Your heart beat quicker, and you started to feel a sudden sense of panic and fear as you realised you cannot locate Levan and Marcellus. A sense of desperation grew within you as you looked around, hoping to see them somewhere. Your thoughts were scattered, and your emotions were running high, making it hard to think clearly.
"What are you doing here, Ace? Where are my sons?" You asked in confusion.
"You don't seem to remember me at all, do you, Y/N? I'm your-" Ace said with a sad expression and his voice sounded somewhat hurt when the reality of you not remembering him hit him hard. Before you could focus on him any further, a strong wind blew in and threw him into the trees, his body injured and blood running down his head. 
You could hear Ace whimpering and groaning in pain from where you were standing, and you felt your feet moving towards him, driven by a compassion that was beyond your control. However, before you could take another step, Malleus appeared in front of you, acting as a barrier between you and Ace.
You could hear Ace's pained groans, but you cannot see him anymore. The sight of Malleus, standing protectively in front of you with both Levan and Marcellus in his arms, blocks your view completely.
Malleus's voice is soft and reassuring, and his expression is one of genuine concern. "Are you alright, my dear wife?" He stares at you intently, keeping a protective grip on Levan and Marcellus.
Malleus's gentle voice filled your ears, and his reassuring expression compelled you to draw your full attention to him. The feeling of wanting to help Ace suddenly seemed to dissipate, and you felt yourself compelled to abandon your previous intention, instead immediately rushing towards Malleus, Levan and Marcellus.
However, the look from Malleus's eyes stopped you. His eyes had a look of wanting to destroy your old friend from NRC, which caused you to hesitate. The scene felt a bit familiar and yet you could not recall anything specific as it remained vague.
As you felt the draw and rush towards Malleus, there was a wave of confusion as Malleus's intense gaze fixed upon you, his eyes appearing to radiate hatred towards the wounded Ace.
Your mind struggled to make sense of the intense energy and emotions that you were sensing, and you felt a vague sense of familiarity with the situation. You felt like you should remember something specific about this, but you could not recall anything clear or concise.
'Don't you remember me? Please, don't play around like this.'
'I know I'm not a really good husband, and I admit it but I will be better. Be with me, please'
'I will never stop searching for you, Y/N'
'Y/N. I'm glad you are alright'
Your memories of Ace are still very vague, but his words seemed to have a familiar ring to them. Like you had heard him speak like this before, but you could not recall any concrete details about your relationship with him. Who was he to you? Why did he seem so desperate?
"My dear wife, you are safe now. I will finish the man off. No one should take you away from me." You watched as Malleus sets Levan and Marcellus down beside you, both of your sons appearing frightened and clinging tightly to your skirts with their hands covering their faces.
Your husband turned towards the place where Ace was last seen being thrown at, but there was no sign of him. Malleus's tone was still one of protectiveness and care, but the words had a definite hint of hostility and anger towards the missing Ace.
Later that night, you discovered a pendant sitting neatly upon your study table. Your curiosity compelled you to open the pendant, and a note fell out, scrawled in an unfamiliar hand. You read the words on the note, your breath catching in your throat as you realised the implications.
The note spoke of a desire to rescue you, and your hand trembled slightly as you glanced down at the photo enclosed within the pendant. The photo showed you leaning your head upon Ace's shoulder and your hands gently touching his. Beside the two of you, two young boys are sitting and smiling softly, looking as if they were enjoying the scene.
PART 2 <<, >> PART 4
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ventique18 · 1 year
Edit: this post was made months before Diasomnia release.
- Delusional OC sketches and headcanons: Malleus' mama and papa -
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*seduce, not saduce lmao sorry I'm tired
Malleus Draconia never met his parents, but Lilia could vividly remember them as if he only last saw them yesterday. Malleus' father (whose name also happened to be Malleus) was a student of his and had a consistent air of superiority about him-- he walked and talked with such confidence befitting that of the majestic horns that adorned his head like a crown. In dragon anatomy, you see, large, beautifully sculpted horns are a clear indicator of how fertile and desirable its genes were. So there was never a doubt that this man was a natural attractor for many a woman.
... Except nobody ever stuck with him. The prince had a terrible personality. He went on and on, on and on with prattling about anything and everything under the sun (actually mostly about weapons and griffons and philosophy and geography) to the point that ladies thought he was self-centered and was looking for a mirror to marry, rather than a wife. That was not true however. He was simply an excitable boy.
He had reached a record age of three centuries (still wifeless) when he decided that being stuck in Briar Valley was limiting his viewpoint of the world. He had enrolled at an academia overseas, and that was when he met his future bride: Matilda. Upon meeting eyes with her, he had known that it was love at first sight. (It was not. He merely thought having another dragon fae as queen would benefit his country.) And so, relentlessly, day in and day out, he pursued her in order to win her affection.
The lady simply treated him like furniture, however.
Still, everyday he would sit at her table in the library. He would first attempt to flirt with her, but as he noticed how focused she was in drafting her blueprints, he would give up and eventually become engrossed in whatever he was studying. He would scribble down notes and make commentaries to himself about this and that, and to be honest... She found that quite endearing. He had a frivolous mouth, but he was earnest in his pursuit of developing his country.
She had been secretly watching him, and one fateful day, she accidentally let out a giggle. A secretive acknowledgment of his presence. And of course, sharp as his draconic ears were, he returned her gaze and happened upon her beautiful smile.
That was when he realized that the words he sang to her-- the "you're lovely as blooming flowers in the spring", "your voice is as melodious as a crystal bell in winter"-- were all very, very true. The next words he had uttered were finally taken straight from his heart, and then for the very first time since they met, she had replied to him with lips upturned in an elegant crescent.
The following year, when he returned to Briar Valley for the holidays, his mother Maleficia almost squealed in pleasant surprise that her son had brought home a lovely bride. It was a blur after that. Lilia could recall how the castle seemed to have turned upside down with how lively it had suddenly gotten; secretive dates, a wedding, a coronation, pregnancy woes, and... a sudden despair.
The couple had created life, but paid for it with their lives.
Whenever Lilia was recalling this story to the toddler he was tucking under the covers, he would come to a sudden halt. Little Malleus would ask why, but he would just shake his head and ruffle the boy's hair.
"I was just thinking how great a king and queen your father and mother had been. They were strong, and brave, and kind..."
"Will I grow great like them, too?"
Lilia paused and gazed into the boy's eyes. Then, with a smile, he stroked his tuft of hair and patted him to sleep.
"Of course, dear. Now sleep. A future king needs to be strong and healthy to be great. You won't grow up without sleep!"
They were gone too early. Far too early; they never even saw what their child looked like beneath the shells.
For now, he would burn every moment of this boy's tiny smiles in his memory, so that he could recall in detail every moment of this child's beautiful life when he finally reunites with his old friends.
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