#except its symphs birthday
symphonxx · 4 months
He woke up, breathless.
Desperately gasping for air, he pulled himself out the trenches of his blanket, his hands shooting up instinctively towards his head. He was doing better. He was getting better. So why were the nightmares back again? He let out a shaky breath, hoping to calm his nerves and head back to bed when a gleam of light caught his finger.
It wasn’t a sniper’s laser, nor was it a bug, it was just his ring. His ring.. He turned his head, his gaze softening slightly at the sight beside him. Akai Shuichi, both the FBI and the Organisation’s greatest sniper, the man whose hands have single handedly taken out multiple people with few injuries, the man whose ring finger was adorned with a similar ring to his, a man whom he married. Whom he loves. He was alive, alive and as peaceful as a man can be with a whole Organisation coming for his head. Well, he’d take whatever he can get.
He gently reached over, his hands carding through Akai’s hair, watching his breath hitch lightly. Even during their time as Bourbon and Rye, Rye was always the light-sleeper. No matter how soft you could be, he would always be the first to check it out.
( He remembered that Hiro had been the one to find that out.
Hiro, who was Scotch at the time, had just come back from a mission, just to be ambushed with a pistol, the muzzle pointing towards his head as Rye snapped the safety off.
Safe to say that Rye had spent a while cleaning the wounds he had gotten in the brawl while Hiro slept. He got a good laugh out of that situation though. )
He chuckled at the memory, although it came out shakily. Shuichi’s head shifted lightly, a telltale sign that he was awake, just wary of his feelings.
He loved that about him. Loved that even in life or death, Akai Shuichi would do anything for him. No matter the situation. But what came with the adoration for that type of care, was the dread and fear that embedded itself deep into his heart.
He did not need to lose more people. Akai was a clever man, ( though not so clever in marrying the man who swore to kill him, even as a cover, i.e. him ), but he had also dived head first to save him from Gin. Almost blew his own cover of being dead, just to save him ( and Kir ) from being found out.
It scared him.
Akai Shuichi scared him. Which was ironic. Rei hated the man so much that he swore to kill him, yet he was scared of him. One could argue that it was because Rei himself respected him, but in truth, he was afraid of being too dependent.
Dependency could cost them their lives, and with their line of work, death was a 50/50 chance.
Shuichi’s head shifted again, and this time, Rei laid back down, pushing his head into the other’s chest.
“ 零くん? ”
“ いや,別に。”
The sunlight shone past the small gap between the curtains, waking him up as Haro nipped at his forearm lightly.
He had been curled up into the warm embrace of his husband, their fingers intertwined and their legs tangled, the two of them completely comfortable despite the hot weather outside. Shifting carefully to not awaken the other, the reflective light from his ring caught his attention once more, causing a light smile to crawl up his face.
To start the day, he had made egg-rolls with rice and a side of miso soup. Light, but flavourful and fulfilling. It was what he usually made. Besides, it reminded him of the times Hiro would make them for him, before actually teaching him the ways of making them.
He missed Hiro. He missed Hiro’s cooking. Missed his teachings. Missed the way Hiro would eat with him, no matter how late it had been. Back at the police force, the two of them had bought a small cooker for the sole purpose of cooking in case either of them were hungry.
Then, there was their time in the Organisation.
Rye had been the last to join their little group. The Whiskey Trio, Scotch had called them at one point. That name had stuck and the other code-named operatives even took it upon themselves to call them that. Vermouth had been a notable one, addressing the three of them with that name in that honeyed voice of hers, no matter the attendance.
At that time, Scotch refrained from cooking, shutting himself in his room and only leaving when he had to. To make sure that Scotch ( and Rye ) wouldn’t die of starvation and lack of nutrients, he took up the role of being the cook. On the rare occasions that they were free of missions, Scotch would teach the two of them how to cook simple meals, with Bourbon successfully mimicking his work and Rye failing miserably.
Then he was gone.
He sucked in a harsh breath, trying to focus on the task, chopping up green onions, at hand— Ah. Oops. He had cut his pointer finger by accident, the blood dripping down onto the cutting board.
He sighed, tossing the knife into the sink. He sprinkled the rest of the green onions onto the already plated egg-rolls and left to wash his hands, wincing when the water touched the wound.
How careless of him. Getting distracted by something so pathetic. It did hurt to think about, having resentment be a replacement for his grievance. Only now did it come to bite him in the ass.
Heavy footsteps came from behind him and an equally strong pair of arms wrapped around his waist, pressing kisses into his neck as he greeted him.
“ G’Morning. ”
“ Go brush your teeth and come eat breakfast. ”
Shuichi let out a soft rumble at that, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Shuichi came back a while later, settling down on one of the chairs as Haro came running into the kitchen, obviously hungry with the way he was barking.
Setting everything down onto the table, they made their respective prayers and ate their meal in comfortable silence. He had been checking the news when Shuichi spoke up.
“ Did you cut yourself? ”
“ Hm? Aa yea, by accident. ”
Shuichi frowned at that. In a second, he had taken hold of his hand, causing his tablet to clatter against the wooden table. He watched as Shuichi pressed a gentle kiss onto his wounded finger, blush rising up the nape of his neck to his face and ears.
“ O-oi! What are you doing?? ”
“ Kissing it better? ”
“ … ”
“ You’re so stupid. ” He grumbled but the barely hidden smile on his face gave away his true meaning.
A few years ago, if someone had told him that he would be married to Akai Shuichi himself, he might’ve taken on the role of Bourbon and shot them dead.
But now,
As he watched his husband ( Husband! ) and his beloved dog play around the living area, looking so oddly domestic for a man whose hands were capable of wielding a shotgun and firing it with one hand, he couldn’t help but smile.
He and his husband would be fine.
Its my birthday today!!! So so, i’ll be posting this here in order to celebrate. I know i said it’ll be a two part, and i promise it is, but it’s still in the works so it’ll be a tumblr exclusive for now until part 2 is done :)
With that being said, i hope you guys enjoyed this silly little fic and again, English is not my first language so feedback is very much appreciated! ( begging yall pls ignore the japanese its a last min decision )
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