#except in water cuz homie can’t swim
smilesrobotlover · 2 years
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Ok you guys are gonna have to bear with me cuz I’m gonna ramble y’all’s ears off
Ok so for the first one… Link didn’t know that Linebeck was gonna stay with him right? He didn’t know if he was even from the same world. So when they all had to say goodbye, Link probably just accepted that Linebeck and Ciela were people he would have to say goodbye to again. And since he seems to always lose father figures it’s probably super hard for him to say goodbye to Linebeck. But he has to and he just has to move on with his life and UGH. He thinks that he can never find someone he can look up to but we all know what happens in the end and Linebeck does get to stay and GOSH DANG IT these characters kill me
And with the second one I’m gonna ramble some more under the cut regarding the Wind Fish and the ocean king
So I find it interesting how the ocean king was able to bring back everyone from Mercay to Link’s world. I mean, if you look at Spirit tracks, the people in that world were real and you can see some descendants in ST like with Jolene and the Anouki and stuff. So clearly they didn’t disappear along with Oshus and the spirits. So how come they were fine but the wind fish couldn’t have the same power with Koholint? I made that meme for the laughs but I honestly think that it’s the obvious answer. The Ocean King is just more powerful. I mean he’s the Ocean King, he probably has so much power that he was able to allow the people on Mercay and stuff to keep living in the Great sea. Or they were regular people who were sucked into Oshus’s dream. Who knows. But I think because Oshus is a king, he has more power than the Wind fish. It’s sad but that’s how it be I suppose. I thought that Linebeck was just a lucky one who made it out but no, the existence of characters in ST proves that Mercay was not the same case as Koholint. It’s just an interesting thing to think about
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