#except for zera maKING BAD DECISIONS probs
zahariel · 8 years
@corruptedfirst / ♥
        his tone lacked the venom that rightfully should’ve been there, his posture the hostility that normally resulted from a meeting of their kinds. he should be readying to go on the attack, fluffing his feathers in a sign of aggression or reaching for some sort of weapon -- anything but just standing there, watching the other. instead of venomous tones and hands creeping towards blades, the demon gets a (perhaps slightly rude) greeting spoken in a soft voice and a curious, although wary, look.
        zerachiel’s confident that he can defend himself if need be. he was a fighter once, a warrior of HEAVEN, but time has made him soft. he’s spent so long comforting mortals and guiding them back to the right path that it’s hard to for him to immediately go on the offensive. curiosity and compassion have chipped away at his natural instincts, and while he remains wary of the other, for now he is content to watch rather than attack.
                        “it would seem one of us has wandered a bit far from home, hm?”
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