#except Kass who only ever really calls him Jamie
ow-anteater · 2 years
🥺 you wanna hear about them 🥺🥺🥺
Okay so Vermont and Kass are weird in that they started as kind of a joke inspired by two of my dragons on the petsim Flight Rising. And then they kind of crawled into my brain and became - first of all became people I guess - and also got full personalities and also a story I’d like to write for them. Homegrown blorbos with the weirdest meta story basically
So Vermont is the longhaired one, full name is Vermont James and he … he started as a spoof on Indiana Jones? He’s a chronically overworked historian on the good days and a weird lumberjack hermit in the bad periods. Funny and sly with a very strong loner streak, worse with his words than he’d like to believe and a tad prone to falling into an us vs them mentality if the people close to him are mildly inconvenienced threatened
Kass’ is short for Kassem and he doesn’t really have a last name atm. Decidedly bookish, has written a bunch of children’s books and a lot of longer adult very poetic scripts he’s never had the guts to pursue publishing for. Generally shy but very sharp when he wants to be and unendingly curious. Suffers from a bit of a restless heart if he’s stayed too long in the same place and can thus be a little flighty to be around
In universe they’re something akin to elementals, Vern is fire with strong ties to the sun and Kass is water and the moon. The world is basically magical realism and a couple hundred years ago they did partake in like your full out ‘grand battle for good and evil’ that wrecked and splintered the magical world. Since then, every time their own power has recuperated enough for powerful factions in their world to start paying attention to them again, Vermont wipes their magic away, basically uses it all up in a single surging ritual that leaves them borderline mortal the first couple of years and also keeps them out of all magical conflict. All of this is technically a spoiler since these resets also deletes most of both their memories
It’s about fleeing, it’s about responsibility, it’s about loving people enough to make decisions for them that really aren’t yours to make, it’s about being soulmates partly out of necessity and I think so much about them and write none of this fucking book I could be writing dnndndjsjdksk
Also very much considering just setting up an OC blog at this point hdhdjjks
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