#except Kalim is none of those he’s just Baby
milkteaflorist · 3 years
Hello there! Can I request platonic hcs Chaotic fem!reader who's younger sister figurine with 5 characters you want from Twisted Wonderland? The plot is reader got turned into baby and they have take care of reader.
Author's note: Hi, thank you for your request! I hope you enjoy it! I chose the characters I thought would be funnier~ the age of the reader is between 6 and 8 :)
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Twisted Wonderland characters reacting and taking care of their chaotic younger sister turned into a child.
Frame: during Divus' class, you accidentally used the wrong ingredient in the potion, and now you are a child who doesn't like to hold back.
Characters: Jack Howl, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Rook Hunt, Sebek Zigvolt, fem!reader
Genre: fluff!🌻 and crack(?)
Total words count: 2992
Warnings: mentions of bullying, stalking (Rook's part)
Jack Howl - words count: 508
his first reaction would probably be scolding you
but immediately after that, Jack would take you to Divus or Vil and ask what he can do to make you a teen again
when he found out that he has to wait, and sooner or later the effect will fade away, the guy went pale poor boi
he's just so worried
you always caught yourself in some trouble since you started school, WHAT ABOUT NOW
Jack will be by your side 24/7. No discussions.
you're so small now, and the school can be a dangerous place, in addition, he always cared deeply for his family, and you were no exceptions of course
Jack can't miss his classes though, so he'll ask the teachers or Crowley if you can stay with him during classes. After they have approved his idea, he would tell you at least 50 times to stay quiet during the lessons even if he knows kids' attention span is horrible and you get bored quite easily
he tried to let you walk by his side once, but you got dragged away by the mass of students and started picking a fight with them. So, from now on, Jack carries you on his shoulders so he can watch what you're doing and avoid you get lost again
if he sees someone mistreating or teasing you??? they're done
or worse if they try to hurt you. For him family is the most important thing Dominic Toretto approves, he won't hesitate if someone is hurting you now that you're vulnerable.
luckily, being the eldest sibling of his family, Jack knows how to act when you throw a tantrum or make trouble one after the other
someone might tell him to take action on your personality because of your spontaneity, your great amount of energy and in general, being a troublemaker, but he always tells them that it's none of their business and he loves you just as you are
acts tough, but he can't resist when you look at him with those big eyes of yours when you want something, for example like a sweet at the cafeteria. If you desire it, he'll buy it. But he won't spoil you.
the students are surprised to see this side of Jack, and they melt when they see him watching you with such a soft look
Jack takes care of you by making sure you eat and rest properly. If you don't like veggies, he'll try his best to make them tastier. If you find it difficult falling asleep, he'll make you hot milk with honey, or he'll sleep with you
will always play any sort of games with you, seeing you smile or laugh happily is the best reward he can ask for
probably the best on the list at looking after you
when you become a teen again, he'll feel relieved since he can finally rest a bit. But he won't deny that he felt happy spending more time with his little sister, even if you were a child.
Floyd Leech - words count: 664
he won't probably recognize you at first. Someone had to tell him that you were turned into a child. And still, his reaction would be "... you're even cuter than before!!", and then he would pick you up, holding you with his hands shaking you up and down while he laughs because you're just too cute
he would randomly enter the Monstro Lounge with you as if nothing happened
"Floyd... What have you done this time?"
At that, Floyd will explain nonchalantly that you are a child now and that the effect will vanish by itself sooner or later
Azul is sweating, both you and Floyd are chaotic individuals, and now that you're a child, things will only get worse
Floyd is instead very chill about it, Jade, on the other hand, knows he'll work overtime to fix the disasters you two make
poor Floyd he has no clue on what to do
mostly because you've always been protected by the twins and Azul since you're family, and of course also the other Octavinelle students
Floyd will let you choose what you wish to do during classes. If you want to stay with him, it's fine, if you want to stay at the dorm with a babysitter, it's also fine
if you go with him, he'll let you sit next to him. But he won't pay attention to the teacher and the lesson at all, because he's too busy playing noughts and crosses or doodling on his notebook with you
as I said everyone in the school already knows that they mustn't mess with you, but if someone dares... Well, Floyd is impulsive and strong, some bones will be broken at the end of the day.
if Jack is protective Floyd is something else trust me
if you stay at the dorm, he'll look forward to coming back and play fight with you (he'll be careful don't worry!)
this guy has no ABSOLUTE MEMORY of when you were a kid. He has no idea how to act when you throw a tantrum, or how to recognize your needs. So he'll probably ask Azul and Jade to help him at looking after you.
You might piss him off if you act too childish though, he knows you're a kid, but he really can't stand when you throw a tantrum, and him being moody doesn't help at all
A bonus of being Floyd's little sister is that you make troubles together so at least you aren't alone when you get scolded
Floyd loves picking you up and hugging you! prepared to be spoiled by his cuddles
he also likes buying you sweets and everything you want, the money he uses isn't his, he's like "yeah take whatever you want" Azul doesn't like this post
maybe he's a bit too spoiling, but he doesn't want you being upset so-
the students are more scared of Floyd than ever because they know that if they do even a tiny, small false step to you, they're dead
Floyd takes care of you by entertaining you. Playing games, watching cartoons/films, singing, dancing, painting, swimming doing pranks- say it and he'll do it with you! The merman finds it funny now that you are even more chaotic than before. He's not very good at keeping you in good health though, for example, if you get a bruise while playing, he'll let Jade take care of it. He doesn't do it himself not because he doesn't want to, but because he genuinely doesn't know how to do it.
but besides that, you can bet you'll never feel bored in his presence, and you got someone who doesn't mind all the energy and troubles you have in store, and actually enjoys them
when you become a teen again, Floyd is going to feel a bit sad because he surprisingly liked that tiny and more chaotic version of yourself, but now he can play fight again with you! And in a more serious way
Kalim Al-Asim - words count: 567
at first, he would be so WORRIED. Kalim would immediately run to you right after he heard you turned into a child with Jamil behind him obviously
but when they told him that you're fine, and the potion's effect is going to fade away by itself, he calms down
just to become excited again because you look adorable, and he can't wait to spend some time with you! Jamil already knows he's going to work twice more since you're a toddler now
the prince wishes to skip classes until you're back to normal, but Jamil didn't permit it
so, he asked to attend lessons with him, but also this was the idea was refused by Jamil. The servant knows that Kalim won't be able to focus on the class if you are with him
in the end, they opted for a babysitter
but it didn't go exactly as planned...
you were full of energy ready to conquer the world and the governess became tired after a couple of hours
when Kalim heard that he laughed saying you really are his sister
long story short, he had to hire multiple babysitters just for you
after classes would end, he'll run back to you to spend some time together doing whatever you want
just like Floyd, Kalim has the same amount of energy and tendencies as yours, so your evenings together are always fun
since you don't frequent school, he doesn't have to worry about other people hurting you. But he fears that you might feel lonely staying at the dorm with just the maids, so the prince is determined to make up for it by spoiling you rotten. Food, toys, jewels, cuddles, you name it you'll have it
Jamil scolds him that he's spoiling you too much, but Kalim replies that you soon will be back to normal, so it can't hurt to spoil you a little bit
Kalim has so many siblings, and yet he doesn't know how to take care of you as a child. At home, his brothers and sisters are looked after by maids and butlers, besides playing and spending time with them he doesn't know what to do
He knows the basic things (nap and bath time, food etc.) and trust me Kalim tries his best to look after you by himself, but he'll have to ask for help from time to time. Also, he isn't authoritarian at all. You don't like veggies? Then don't eat them, he'll buy you ice cream instead. You don't want to go to sleep? It's okay, you can stay up as much as you want. Too tired to bathe? You can always do it later
he mirrors your emotions: you cry, he cries. You laugh, he laughs. You are in the mood for curry, he is too.
you two are like a little tornado, not only because wherever you go, you break something, but also because it seems that your energy never runs out
"What do you mean we can't stay up 'till late singing cartoon's theme songs?"
Poor Jamil, you and the prince are so loud he ends up having a headache
Kalim takes care of you by spoiling and spending time with you. Taking the blame for the troubles you two make and always making you laugh when you feel sad.
when you became a teen again, he'll throw a party and treasure those memories.
Rook Hunt - words count: 636
he!! adores!! you!!
you looked astonishingly cute before, now you're even cuter!
someone help him, his heart can't take it-
probably the one who would react better, he's not overly worried and he knows what to do. Pretty chill
the first thing he's going to do is bringing you to Vil
"Look how cute she is!"
"Rook, don't bring that thing near to me."
the hunter will take you with him during classes, and literally everywhere he goes
he'll hold you into his arms when he walks, so he can be sure no one steps on you by accident because if they do, he will step on them instead
if the lessons bore you, he's going to buy a toy which you can use to play with when you don't feel like paying attention
Rook loves your energy, but Vil and the other Pomefiore students don't, consequently, you two will spend the hours of the days playing outside to not make the dorm leader angry
the hunter is quite protective of you, therefore he'll stop his hobbies of hunting and stalking as long as you're a kid
prepare to be spoiled to the bone. Rook would literally buy you anything, but he prefers clothes and cute dresses to make you look like a princess. He knows you won't stay as a child forever, but you're too adorable to not be dressed up. His heart breaks when he sees you've accidentally ripped your dress while playing, but don't worry he'll immediately buy you another one!
rather than toys, he would prefer buying you books, tempera, and musical instruments, but if you want toys to play with then you'll have them
likes to show you off to the whole world!
"Have you seen my little sister? Isn't she the cutest?" while he smiles so happily
unfortunately, he doesn't have the same amount of energy as you, nevertheless, Rook is a good big brother, and he'll take the blame if you make some disasters since he should've known better, or he'll come up with new games and challenges to distract you from causing trouble or hurting yourself
theatre and acting would be a good compromise in his opinion since you can pour all your energy and emotions into it
Rook knows how to care for a toddler: your meals will be perfectly balanced for your age, he'll guarantee you the right amount of nap and playtime to not make you tired even if it's rare due to your energy, he will use only the finest soaps, shampoos, and conditioners for your bath time. He isn't authoritarian, but he knows how he can make you do the things you need. He gets it, vegetables aren't the tastiest and you really want to watch another episode of the cartoon you really enjoy, but it's for your health, he'll give you a reward if you listen to him
the hunter will take many pictures of you, and you can bet he'll treasure them forever
Rook can't tolerate seeing you sad or angry, whatever the cause is. He's going to do his best to make you laugh again, and if your negative emotions are caused by someone, he'll deal with them
also, very loving, and affectionate, gives you a lot of hugs and often pats your head
the hunter takes care of you by always putting you in the first place, spoiling you and acting like a good older brother. You're his precious sister, he'll do anything to keep you happy
when you turn back to normal, he would feel a bit sad because the tiny version of yourself made him remember his childhood and those good old moments. Still, he's happy because you're admitted again to the dorm no matter the hour and he can go back to his stalking habits
Sebek Zigvolt - words count: 619
his first reaction would probably be screaming and scolding you. He won't hide the anxiety and concern he feels, he's really panicked
then Lilia would tell him to calm down since you won't stay in that form forever
still, he has many important duties to attend besides being a student, and now he also has to look after you. He fears he might not have enough time for everything
"If you wish I can take care of y/n instead of y-"
prepare to follow him everywhere. Which is a hard task considering your habit of running when your brother is busy doing something else
once he was talking with other Diasomnia students about the new pillows for Malleus, and when he turned around to see you... POOF! You disappeared!
Sebek spent the following hour screaming out your name while looking for you in every corner of the dorm, only for discovering that you were playing with Malleus' tail
he later begged for forgiveness and said that you should do the same, but Malleus stated that you didn't annoy him, and it was fine Sebek still scolded you though
it was during one night, that he realized that you probably kept running away to do something else because his routine is quite boring and rigid. You were always a chaotic child, loud and with too much energy, without forgetting your being impulsive
so, he asked Lilia for advice. The older fae replied that kids need to be entertained. But Sebek didn't have time for that, so instead, he got you a pet to play with, and I mean, it worked for a bit, but Lilia insisted that it should be Sebek the one to play with you and not a random pet, you were his sister after all
so, they opted for easing his schedule
Sebek spent time with you by walking through the woods, well I mean, he walked while you ran
he doesn't know how to play with you- so he let you do whatever you want as long as you don't get yourself into troubles. At Diasomnia there aren't many things suited for children, so he'll probably buy you toys, books etc., or he'll ask Lilia to play with you
the fae isn't probably the best at keeping you entertained, but he makes sure that you eat and rest well
Sebek might not be the most affectionate when it comes to physical touch, but he'll always dry away your tears and give you reassuring words. He also shows his love with little gestures, for example reading you bedtime stories when going to sleep or adjusting your clothes
if you throw a tantrum, he's going to try his best at staying calm and waiting for you to simmer down as well
when attending classes, he'll walk with your hand in his
needless to say, he'd fight whoever lays a finger or raise their voice at you
Sebek knows you're a little troublemaker, but he can't stop looking at you so softly when you smile or laugh happily
proud of every achievement you make, it can be a drawing, a poem learned by heart, a song you learned to play
Sebek takes care of you by being there when you need him, and by being supportive. He might be too rigid sometimes, but he does it for your best just like a parent
When you became a teen again, he was relieved since he could take care of his duties again. But from this experience, he learned that he needs to spend more time with his little sister, yes duties are important, but so are you
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years
Birthday Belly (LeonaXReader)
I wrote this yesterday for my own birthday. I didn’t really go into this with much of a plan, this story is 99% just me freestyling and whipping out some self-indulgent nonsense involving Leona Kingscholar and his appetite. It came out to about 4000 words, which is relatively short for MY stories on here. XD Hopefully you all will enjoy it.
Living at the Ramshackle Dorm had, you thought, left you almost impervious to surprises. The 999 Happy Haunts who inhabited the old manor house had tried nearly every trick up their capes to spook you and shock you, and after dealing with so many dark mages for so long – facing demigods and fairy princes along the way – you didn’t think much could startle you. Today, you were going to be proven wrong. You sighed with some relief, removing your obligatory birthday sash and letting it drape over the arm-rest of the sofa as he leaned back and closed your eyes. Back in your homeworld, you had never really been much of a party person. You had never much cared for crowds, even among people you knew well; part of the joy of being one of only two (living) beings who called Ravenswood Manor home was that you were able to find privacy and peace fairly easily. However, despite not being a mage, and despite being so lonely there, your friends and the school itself had gone to a great deal of trouble to provide you with a party. You smiled wearily as you eyed the streamers and other decorations strung about your ground floor rooms. A huge banner reading “Happy Birthday…!” and followed by your name was hung over the fireplace, and piled up next to the spot where you’d installed your television and other such things was a stack of presents you had gotten from all your friends.
Ace had given you a set of playing cards and poker chips, winking as he promised to give you a chance to put them to use. Deuce, meanwhile, had been much more sensible, purchasing some cooking apparel he knew you could put to good use. Riddle Rosehearts, meanwhile, brought you some cherry tarts he and Trey had made together. Cater Diamond also appeared, and had bought a new external drive for your laptop computer. “I would have gotten you a new phone,” Cater had smiled. “But I didn’t think you needed one. Speaking of, BIRTHDAY SELFIE! COME ON OVER HERE…!” Idia hadn’t stayed for the party, but his brother Ortho had been happy to pop in. The two had pitched their cash together to buy you a new game system, along with a new game to play on it. Idia had personally sent a birthday card, as well; according to Ortho, his hands had been shaking so much trying to figure out what to write in it, he thought his brother’s fingers might fall off. All Idia had written in the card was, “Have a nice day,” probably because he had freaked out at the thought of saying anything else. Poor dear. Somebody – you weren’t sure who – had very, VERY wisely remembered to invite Malleus Draconia, who came with Silver. Silver spent most of the party sleeping, but Malleus had been kind enough to bestow a gift of his own, in the form of a leatherbound edition of The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Naturally, Kalim had shown up, tugging Jamil along behind him. Each had a different gift to give: Kalim had brought a VERY expensive looking carpet, done in the ornate styling of his homeland. “It’s been in my family for…um…uh…” he had paused to try and count the years on his fingers…and eventually ran out of fingers AND toes to count on. “…A very, very long time! Like…SUPER long! I thought it might look nice in your bedroom or the ballroom or something! It’s, uh…it’s not too much, is it?” Gods bless that Baby Otter. He needed so many hugs. Jamil’s gift had been much more reserved: a mancala game box, which he had presented all while trying not to blush under his black hood. Vil had stopped by for a short while; he’d only stayed briefly, claiming the “decadent atmosphere of your gloomy domicile” would mess up his hairdo. (Go figure.) However, he had kindly brought you a gift in the form of custom-made suit of clothes he had ordered from his own personal tailor: some of the finest and most formal wear you had ever seen in your life. “Now you can actually look halfway presentable, instead of resembling a half-baked potato, next time there’s a big event,” he had smiled, as if he had been doing you a tremendous favor. Well. With clothes like this, you weren’t going to argue or complain. Azul had stopped for a brief “hello and goodbye” visit; he actually wanted to stay longer – Floyd, who had been with him, seemed particularly sad he couldn’t stay and squeeze his favorite “Little Shrimp” half to death all afternoon and evening…and in his case, that phrase was probably literal – but the Mostro Lounge was open that day, and he didn’t want to leave Jade in charge of things alone for TOO long at the office. The octopus man had brought you a bracelet covered in small seashells: simple, but surprisingly sweeter than you had expected. Floyd, meanwhile…he just hugged you. “What’s a better present for Shrimpy than a nice, tight SQUEEZE from their bestest, most favorite eel-person…riiiiiiight?” The safety of your spine and lungs demanded you agree and hug Floyd back. Ruggie and Jack had been among the first to show up. The latter had brought a hastily-wrapped DVD: a movie entitled “The Wolf of Pumpkin Hollow.” “I didn’t get this because I actually care,” he had clarified, looking everywhere but at your face and scratching the back of his white-eared head. “Just…everyone else would have thought it was rude if I didn’t get you something. Not that it matters what they think! Just…didn’t want to have to put up with it.” He was such a puppy. He truly was. Not only was Ruggie one of the first to arrive, he turned out to be THE first to give you your gift: a box of doughnuts. All glazed. “My grandma used to tell me: ‘Ruggie, get people the same kinds of gifts you’d want them to get you.’ Well, I can’t think of much I want more than doughnuts!” he sang out with an innocent smile. “You just wanted to have some to eat yourself, didn’t you?” you couldn’t help but smirk. Ruggie had gasped, seemingly offended…only to eventually ask if he could have some. The four remaining doughnuts – which you had to sneak away while the hyena wasn’t looking – were now on a plate in your fridge. You’d eat them later. Others had come and gone throughout the day; none of them had gifts to bring, but they had been happy to pop in, give well-wishes, and enjoy the party for a while. Now, however, all the guests were gone; even Grim had left, as you had asked him for some alone time that night. He and the gang from Heartslabyul were going to have a sleepover as a result. Despite the smile on your face as you looked over at your gifts, there was a hint of sadness to your expression. The one person whose presence you’d been looking forward to most hadn’t come. You’d asked his dorm-mates if they knew where he was or what he was doing, but none of them told you. Most of them very clearly had no clue…except for Ruggie. You got the feeling he DID know, he just wasn’t telling. Honestly, that didn’t settle your mind much. Your smile faded completely, and you closed your eyes once more, sighing through your nose…this time with a hint of despondency. Had he forgotten it was your birthday? Was he with somebody else right now? Maybe he was sleeping somewhere, like the big, lazy kit he was…some part of you – you couldn’t tell what part – kind of hoped that was all it was. He probably wasn’t hurt or sick…if he had been you’d think Ruggie would have told you… You glanced out the window. Evening was turning into night. You huffed softly through your nostrils, and stretched a bit where you sat. The party had worn you out more than you thought. You shook your head to clear it of your more perturbing thoughts, and began to wonder if you should just get to bed early tonight… A knock came at the door, jolting you to a more attentive state. You stood up from the ouch and headed out through the hall to the foyer. You wondered who it was…had one of the guests left something behind? As you approached the door, you adjusted your pristine white suit – another obligatory item for those celebrating a birthday at Night Raven College – which must have made whoever was on the other side impatient: they knocked again. “One moment, I’m here!” you called out, and opened the door. “Who’s-?” You froze, the word “there” dying before it ever reached your larynx. The first thing your eyes took in was the familiar, dimly-glowing pair of green ones staring back at you, as well as the dark mane and leonine ears and tail that accompanied their owner. A scar was slashed across one of the two eyes. The second thing – and the one that truly made you freeze – was the ENORMOUS, bare belly that was only inches away from you. The skin was tanned and smooth and supple-looking, the organ swollen to the size of a large watermelon, and only slightly less taut. The navel looked like the center of a maelstrom, drawing your attention towards that bloated gut as it let out a deep, burbling rumble…just before a black-clad hand slapped over it, hiding it from sight. At the same time, another hand suddenly scooped itself under your chin…and you found your head being tilted up, your eyes now locking on a pair of perfect-looking, velvety lips…which then parted to reveal a gaping, red mouth, dripping with saliva and framed by two rows of pointed, pearly fangs. You barely had time to take in the view of this glistening, slimy orifice…before your ears rang and your nose crinkled as two words were burped up. Right in your face. “HAAAAPPY…BUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP-DAY!” The belch was followed by a light sigh and a chuckle as Leona Kingscholar patted his stomach proudly. It jiggled at his touch. He smirked as he took in your expression: a loopy, flushed look was on your face. You were swaying so much that if he removed his hand from under your chin at that moment, you might have just toppled over. “Hm-hm-hmmm…did you like that?” he purred, smoothly. You nodded dumbly, still smiling a loopy, dazed smile as the sound reverberated in your ears, and your nose tingled from the lingering odor of the lion’s gut gas: a strong, heady, meaty smell that twined through the pockets of your gray matter, practically putting you in a trance for several long seconds. Finally, you found your voice. “…Where have you been?” “Preparing your present,” Leona said, as if that should have been obvious, and gently nudged you back as he entered the house and swaggered past you. With every step, his hips swung, and you found your blush seemed to be permanent as you watched them rock and sway as he strutted towards the living room. You followed him as if a leash had been tied ‘round your neck, and watched as he flopped onto your couch, gut sloshing with every little motion of his form. He was dressed in his usual clothes, but his gut was so massive it caused his mustard-colored shirt to ride up, exposing his belly to the world. The lion demi growled as he reached down; his waistband was still buttoned up, and clearly it was causing him discomfort. His fingers fumbled for the belt buckle…and he frowned as he couldn’t quite get it to cooperate. “Tch. Figures,” he grumbled. “After that entrance…pain in my ass…” The familiar phrase snapped you out of your stupor, and you chuckled, rolling your eyes. You sat down next to your princely boyfriend, and shooed his hands away. He frowned, growling indignantly, but allowed you to fiddle with his buckle, and finally managed to work it off… POPK! ZZZRRRIIIP! GUHBLORLSH! Leona let out a sound between a sigh and a grunt as – the moment the buckle was released – his trouser button gave up the ghost, popping open as the zipper flew down, the sheer weight and pressure of his belly forcing them open. He sighed as his belly poured into his lap like a mass of mocha-colored dough, wobbling as it noisily burbled. “UUUUUUUURRRRRRRROOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRRRP!” he belted out. “Oof…that felt good…” You blushed bright red, helpless to do anything but nod; you were already starting to tremble at so many…APPEALING things happening all at once. Leona smirked anew as he noticed your expression, leaning back a little further against the sofa cushions as his scarred eye flashed with a superior gleam. “You didn’t think I forgot, did you?” “How much did you eat?” you asked, marveling at the size of his belly as you fingers fidgeted and twitched, looking for something to do. You suddenly felt a little parched… “Mmmmm…not enough,” Leona growled, and grinned wider, revealing his pointed teeth. “I could fit more in there, I’m sure…” He licked his lips in a sultry, almost inviting way. You couldn’t keep yourself from letting out a shaky, shuddering sound as you shivered, a mixture of warmth and cold flickering across your spine. Leona chuckled – his gut bounced with his mirth, and tilted his head back with a sigh. “Ahhhhhh…went to my favorite buffet and helped myself,” he elaborated as he gave his belly a few hearty slaps. “Pure meat, every ounce.” You nodded slowly, dumbly. Leona snorted through his nose, raising an eyebrow as he saw you openly ogle his stomach. “Hmph. Are you just gonna stare at it all night, Herbivore?” he grunted. He waited till you looked up at him before going on: “Go ahead. It’s not gonna rub itself.” Your heartbeat quickened and you smiled widely. Leona grimaced and snarled. “Oi…just rub, don’t gimme those eyes…you look like that brat back home…” You chuckled – it was hard not to giggle, honestly – and gratefully helped yourself to your “present.” Your hands quickly fell over Leona’s bloated gut as he stretched his arms over the back of the couch. You scooted closer, and quivered at the intense warmth of the half-lion’s greedy, globular gut. Your palms and fingers began to lightly run across his girth, stroking his belly, just to get a feel of the texture and temperature. His flesh was silky-smooth, making it so hard to resist just pressing your face against it and nuzzling into his belly… You did resist though. At least for the moment. Instead, your fingers began to knead and massage the belly of your beau, pressing down onto the thick soup you could feel churning away inside his bowels. You prodded experimentally, almost as if trying to distinguish each bit of food from the next…but there was no way you could. Whatever Leona had gobbled up was now little more than a uniform mush being swirled about by his strong stomach muscles. His insides warbled and rumbled, as if in response to your ministrations. Leona sighed, closing his eyes and savoring the way you massaged his distended tanker. In truth, the lazy lion didn’t need much of an excuse to stuff himself…but you didn’t care that much. Whether he did this for himself, or for you, as he claimed, the end result was the same. “Mmmmm…that’s it…keep it up,” he mumbled. “Wasn’t planning on stopping,” you said, more to yourself than him, but he snickered anyway. “Heh heh…good. Prey like you should be happy to have a chance like this,” he said, and playfully patted your cheek, causing your blush to intensify. A spike of ego shot up in you, and you purposefully pressed down harder against his stomach. It let out a HUMONGOUS groan, and Leona’s eyes widened and his cheeks ballooned…before he let out another sloppy, rumbling belch. “BUUUUUUUHHHHHHHUUUUUUUURRRRRRLLLLLLLUUUUUUP! Haaah…oi. Not so rough,” he growled, narrowing his eyes at you, tail lashing and thumping against the sofa cushions. “Sorry,” you smiled innocently. “You had so much hot air in there, it clearly had to be let out.” Leona’s eyes narrowed further. “I could turn you into dust right here and right now,” he said, warningly. “I guess you could,” you said, smoothly, and then traced a finger around the rim of his deep, dark trench of a navel. The effect was instantaneous. Leona tensed up for a second, inhaling sharply through his teeth…then sighed and relaxed, all but melting into his seat, eyes fluttering closed again as he purred louder than ever. You smirked triumphantly, as you stuck your finger into his navel and wiggled it around a bit. “Still want to turn me into dust?” you teased. Leona could only moan. He moaned even louder as you cupped one hand on the underside of his belly: the softest, warmest, most sensitive portion of his abdomen. You gently rubbed your hand against them, and traced your fingers over his sides. You could hear his toes curl in his boots; his tail you could SEE curl into a spiral shape as he bit his lip with pleasure. “I’ll take that as a no,” you observed, a dreamy sort of sigh upon your lips as you were honestly enjoying this just as much as he was, a fact you made clear you when you half-consciously murmured: “You’re so SOFT…” “Mmmm…I’ll be softer once it’s all digested,” Leona mumbled. “Vargas is probably gonna complain…think he’d pester me about that stuff if I ate ‘im?” “I think if you ate Coach Vargas, you’d just get a bellyache,” you said, not wanting to add that someone as egotistical as Leona eating someone as showboating as Vargas probably meant all the weight would to his head… …Cracks like that weren’t funny, and could get you bitten. The second part you didn’t mind as much as one might think, to be fair. …You really needed to see a shrink… Leona just scoffed, unaware of your thoughts as you continued to rub and massage his belly. You gave the side of his belly a few hearty thumps, watching the way his belly shifted and jiggled like a water balloon. His stomach groaned and churned rhythmically, squelches and squeals of liquid being compressed and stirred echoing just beneath the luscious skin of the half-lion prince. It sounded like a huge vat of semi-solid mash being pumped and processed in a factory…a sound some might have considered nauseating, but you just bit your lip, rubbing and kneading more vigorously as you heard pockets of gas being released. As you kneaded and pressed down, Leona would BELCH and BURP periodically. Each was short and low, which only made you rub his gut more vigorously. He gave you a bored sort of look as he realized what you were doing. “Didn’t get enough to drink at your party, did you, you thirsty little Herbivore?” “Not even close,” you responded, without skipping a beat. Leona rolled his eyes, and held up a finger in a “one moment” gesture. He then curled that same finger down, balling that hand into a fist…and pumped his fist against his chest once, twice, thrice…before unleashing a true wall-rattler, which flapped his lips and made him go crosseyed. “GYYYYUUUUUHHHHHEEEEERRRRRWWWOOOOAAAAARRRRRIIIIIPLK!” Leona sighed as the eruption came to an end, and snorted as you squeaked at the sound. “Happy now?” he drawled boredly. “Very,” you peeped, patting his belly thankfully. Leona rolled his eyes as he scratched the side of his gut with his leather-tipped fingers, making it slosh under your palm. You quivered. His lips quirked. “Tch. You’re such a snack,” he muttered. “It’s amazing nobody’s already gobbled you up…” “Just lucky so far, I guess,” you shrugged, and scratched his belly with your own fingers. Leona let out a non-committal rumble…then smirked a bit. “We could fix that, you know,” he purred in a slippery, sly way. You froze, and looked up at him slowly, a little confused and slightly apprehensive. Leona smiled back, eyes half-lidded; the dominant, powerful, but affectionately amused smile that always left you shivering for all the right reasons. Then, one of his his hands lifted, and cupped your cheek. He brushed a thumb against it, and you smiled gently back… …Just before that same hand slid forward, and wrapped around the back of your head. “Here,” he growled, commandingly, as he began to force you downwards. “Listen. Feel.” You didn’t have much choice, and it wasn’t as if you would disobey if you could. You surrendered easily as he eased you down against his belly, pressing your head down and holding it firmly, curling his hand so one of your was right above his navel. You felt your chest flutter as the warmth of his body was now right up against your face, and the deep, thick GRRRROOOOLLLLLLG sounds of his ever-hungry belly echoed in your ear like rolling thunder. You stayed perfectly still; time and place seemed to fade into nothingness. All that mattered was the moment: you were hypnotized by his belly, barely conscious of anything. He started speaking, but it took you a few seconds to realize what he was even saying. “…I’d you’d like it, huh?” were the first words you made out, followed by still more: “I could swallow you alive, Herbivore. You’d slither right down my throat, curl up in my stomach…and never come out. I’d just fall asleep, and let you stay there. It wouldn’t have to hurt: one big burp, and your air would be history. Then, you’d go straight to my hips…my thighs…my ass…even my belly. Every part of me you love most.” He paused, purring as his stomach let out a greedy, longing rumble. “How does that sound for your birthday, Herbivore?” he crooned. “How would you like to spend your birthday – your LAST birthday – turning into more of the body you’re so in love with. To be the snack you’re supposed to be. To spend the rest of eternity as just a part of me.” None of these were spoken as questions. You shivered and let out a whimpering sound – not necessarily one of fear, either – as you heard him lick and smack his lips. He leaned down and sniffed at you, purring in the back of his throat. “Mmmmmmm…I could make that happen. Right here. Right now.” You bit your lip; as his stomach rumbled, you closed your eyes. You could picture yourself inside of there…partially submerged in acid and bubbling goo…embraced on every side by his powerful muscles…hearing him belch with satisfaction above and around you…rubbing over you as you were steadily digestedinside of him… You took longer than most people probably would before speaking. “I know you could,” you said, very softly, then added, “Maybe someday you will.” Leona blinked…then puffed with amusement, his smile growing slightly more affectionate as he ran his fingers through your hair the way a cat might. “Not ready to make this birthday your last, huh?” You opened one eye and carefully shook your head. “If it means next year I could get one as good as this, or better, definitely not,” you responded, without skipping a beat. Leona clucked his tongue, and removed his hand, letting it rest against the back of the sofa. He chuffed as your remained where you were, despite no longer being forced down. “Kinky little morsel,” he mumbled. “Guilty,” you responded in a slightly muffled voice as you freely nuzzled his abdomen, smirking as he purred anew, clearly enjoying it. Leona chuckled, and nudged you, indicating he wanted you to look up at him again. You did…and watched as his cheeks ballooned with gas as he caught a particularly low, gassy burp in his mouth… “HHHHRRRRMMMMLLLLRRRRPH…phoosh.” …Before blowing the residual fumes into your face, almost like a kiss. You nearly fainted dead away. Leona grinned. “Good?” was all he said. “Marry me now.” Leona barked out a laugh and gave your hair a ruffling, then shut his eyes and reclined peacefully once more. “Get back to rubbing, meat,” he growled. “Or I might just swallow you whether you want it or not. Don’t let your gift go to waste.” You smiled and eagerly got back to work, kissing and nuzzling and rubbing his belly worshipfully, without any sign of restraint. Leona’s purring heightened as you pampered his plumpened middle. “Mmmmm…happy birthday, Herbivore,” he growled. “Maybe next year, I’ll add you to my hips…” At the rate things were going…that was starting to sound like a promise more than anything else. If so…you could hardly wait till next year.
 The End
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mugi-chan · 4 years
Hii! How are you? Can I order headcanons of the dormleaders with a s/o who is hyper and very excitable? Male reader prefered but if its easier to write gn thats fine too! Hope you have a great day!
ლ  Content: Dorm leaders have a very excited S/O
ლ  Warnings: None!
ლ Comments: My First request wow! I made them GN just to keep things in the safe zone. I hope that doesn’t bother you!
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You would remind him so much of Ace
You're always excited over everything you see. 
He finds it cute when you get over excited over the hedgehogs
“Riddle! Riddle! Look how cute these hedgehogs are!” 
If he is training and or practicing his magic you would be sitting there in awe. 
Especially if those like a fire attack 
Riddle would forbid you from any sweets as if you go into a sugar rush…
Oh no this poor boy is trying to catch you like Alice trying to catch the white rabbit 
Trey might have to step in and help calm you down, but if Riddle or Trey finds you with Ace and Deuce oh boy it’s over. 
If you ever excited and some random heartslabyul member makes fun of you 
Riddle is red in the face and it’s OFF WITH THEIR HEADS
No one dares to ruin  Riddle’s S/O excitement
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He at first finds you very annoying 
“You sound like a pup yapping over nothing” 
But after hanging out with leona he would grow a soft spot for you
He pretends he doesn’t care about your excitement but if someone dares to make fun of you 
He’s already looming over them and with a threatening vibe. 
He can barely take nap when your around, you keep trying to wake him up over something you saw in his room
You remind him of Cheka a lot 
Always bothering him from his naps to show him something
But he takes pride in when he gives you a gift and your eyes light up and hug him so tight and show everyone the gift he gave you 
He also takes pride in where every time he shows up you are always so excited to see him engulfing him in a hug
Naps with you are impossible 
You would always be moving around on the bed 
Leona may have to just pin you down and force you to stay still so he can have some cuddles. 
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It would be just a quiet day in the mostro lounge and Azul is doing some paperwork then 
Here comes you bursting into his room shoving a book in his face showing the cool new sea creature you learned.
Azul would probably have a heartattack over everything 
Like this poor octopus sometimes can’t handle your excitement and hides away
You never understood that and asked Jade and Floyd why he was hiding
It will take him a while but he will grow use to your excitement and be actually fond over it
You remind him of floyd a bit except the part where floyd passively threatens someone
He would be having a hard time trying to keep up with your excitement but he will never ever bring you down for it
If someone in NRC put water on your flaming excitement Azul would immediately find them and let Jade and Floyd take care of the rest 
This poor octopus is still not used to his human legs and will stumble over if you are dragging him somewhere to show him something exciting. 
Love to spoil you just to see your smile and excitement all over again 
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You two are just right for each other
You two meet each other’s excitement with more excitement
Poor Jamil, he has to deal with two kalims
When he finds something exciting he immediately shows it to you 
You two would be so excited over just a rock that just happens to look like a heart
Scarabia dorm will never be quiet it’s always you two having fun around the dorm and the other dorm members joining in
Kalim can easily keep up with your excitement and can easily up the excitement 
Gift giving is always a joy as both of you are excited over the gift and won’t stop talking about it 
If someone brings your excitement down Kalim would always cheer you up with something he found that you might like
And then boom your excitement is back up baby 
Jamil and Kalim will probably deal with that person who hurt you later but for now Kalim wants you to be happy! 
Parades all the time! 
Seeing the exotic animals is always exciting to see! 
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He can not understand you excitement over everything 
You would always show him everything and anything that got your excited at first he would wave you off 
But once he sees how you slowly stopped showing him things that excited you he gets worried
He later finds out that you didn’t want to bother him with you excitement
He would be offended that you’d think you would bother him
No way on the evil queen will you ever bother him
 He would demand you to keep showing you the things that excites you
He would try his best to understand but he may never understand how these little things excite you
He would give you head pats all the time when you’re excited 
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This poor boy doesn’t know what to do
Your always trying to get his attention 
You drag him around even tho he doesn’t want to leave his room 
You and Ortho would always nag him around and try to make him leave his room
He would have to call up Azul to ask him about how to deal with you 
Sadly azul doesn’t know, Idia is all by himself
Idia would try to understand your hyperness but it seems to fail all the time 
He may or may not have searched up how to deal with a hyperactive and excited s/o 
He wants to understand he truly does but alas it’s just to overwhelming for him to comprehend 
“Idia! Idia! Come here and look at this cool thing I saw online! 
If it was video games he could understand the excitement of seeing a new video game. 
If you bring him a new video game he would love to play with you 
He did a complete 180 he would be just as excited as you with video games 
Would love to play video games with you and will match your excitement. 
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Poor boy just like Idia he doesn’t know what to do
But he loves your excitement 
I think he just loves the attention 
Everyone would be so scared to even approach him 
Having an s/o that just shows him everything that excites you would excite him as well 
He would give you gifts that he thinks you might like
It doesn’t matter what it is you would be over the moon about it
He would see you bouncing about telling him about your day
It never fails to put a smile on his face
Lilia would be happy to have some smile in the normally cold diasomnia dorm
Malleus would be chasing you around the dorm as you run around excited about everything in the dorm
There may be yelling from Sebek but Malleus can just scold him a bit 
Oh if anyone just raises their voice to you Malleus, just like leona, would be looming over said person. 
But just a pat on him would calm him down 
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