#except I'm going to mess up his armor paint because I say I can
omaano · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
Was tagged by @insertmeaningfulusername @cacodaemonia @loverboy-havocboy @whiskygoldwings and @bilbosmom-belladonna …. Hooo boy, has it been a while since I checked my mentions… and because it’s been forever since all you lovely people tagged me, consider yourselves reverse UNO tagged as well ❤️
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
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The last line was that miserably misshapen handprint on Echo because I almost forgot about it 😅😅 I promised these guys for the next August update for the Hades AU, so here they are in the works! I guess, if I don’t make any progress with anything else I could likely finish them by the time for the new post? 🤔
No pressure tagging: @nicolabarth @ominouspuff @ghosts-of-rishi @frostbitebakery @lesquatrechevrons @rooksunday @elwinged
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pedropascalssimp · 4 years
The beauty in everything.
Boba fett x reader
Request: A thought about a one shot where Boba would show his face for the first time to his mate. Like, he has been with her for a long while but he was terrified to loose her because of his appearance (because he's older than her and because of what the Saarlac did to him) (We're post-Mandalorian)
Warnings: mild language. Slight angst. Fluff.
Tags: @anilynworlds
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The sun's setting was always something you admired about tatooine, the way the blue sky would turn orange and pink, the beautiful twin sun's touching the horizon while coloring the sky in beautiful hues. It was calming to watch, something most people overlooked about the horrid planet was its beauty. They saw tatooine as a place full of sand and thugs and creatures who either scurried away or tried to kill you. People saw tatooine for its rough exterior, how it could sometimes be unfair or cruel. But You saw tatooine for what it really was, another planet with a beautiful nature. Sure it was hot and did attract horrid people, but it's sunsets was always the most beautiful of any other planet, the night sky as well.
It was always so clear, showing off the stars and planet's above more vibrantly and more brighter then most systems. But like said before, most people over looked this about the planet making them think it was horrid and just another unbearable planet. But you liked it, so much that you even found a home here with the love of your life, boba fett.
Perhaps your love for watching the sun's set is how boba knew how to find you, that and he's known for being the best bounty hunter. You've known boba for years, he drifted into your town on your home planet one afternoon looking for a bounty, his beskar turning heads and keeping people at bay. No doubt out of fear, for the green beskar harbored many weapons and the man wearing it was more then skilled when it came to fighting. But as everyone saw a dangerous mandalorian who could kill a man with a glare, you saw beauty in the way he held himself with grace. And whenever you heard him speak? You was drawn to the modulated accent. It was deep and addictive, once you heard it you never wanted words to stop rolling off his tongue, whether it be threats to someone who got on his nerves or simple small talk. Anyway you was happy to hear him speak. And luckily for you he found you to be the most gorgeous woman in the galaxy.
Needless to say after attending the once stranger's injury during a brawl and late night talks in your former home, you and the mandalorian in green armor formed a bond, one that brought you two closer, love blooming between you two.
"of course I find you out here admiring this place" a slight teasing tone was heard to the voice you've grown to never get enough of. Turning your gaze from the setting twin sun's you look over your shoulder from where you stood on the stone balcony to look at boba. His armor on.
"I didn't expect you to be back this early? I thought you and Fennec wouldn't be back until midnight?" you say as he walks over to lean on the railing as you do, his warm gloved hand resting on the small of your back. His touch sending a warmth through your body making you feel content.
Smiling up at him, looking into the t-shaped visor always void. "we managed to make business short, I wanted to spend more time with you I suppose" boba watches with a fond grin as a smile blooms on your face at his words. Although the man wasn't good with showing much affection, he always tried for you. Because you deserved the galaxy, your heart made of gold making even the bounty hunter feel soft around you. You was such a loving creature and it was only right you got love back.
"you suppose? We both know you've missed me" you poke at his tummy, not surprised when he doesn't even move a muscle. "I missed you" you add softly and decided to watch the last of the sun's set. The dark blue mixing in with the remaining orange, you smile softly at the sight.
Boba admires you, heart feeling funny in a unfamiliar way. Boba knew it was something to do with the way you made him feel, loved. But it became a unfamiliar feeling after the only person he loved was killed. But you managed to make this dark hole in boba fett brighter each day with your smiles, giggles and jokes he never really found amusing but still laughed.
"I missed you too princess" he said, his face falling a bit behind the helmet.
You was so beautiful, the way your y/c/e's sparkle when admiring something - even him. Yet... You was also so... Young. Boba was a hardened man who killed more people then he could count. Some for credits others in cold blood, he has definitely seen some things in his days, yet... Here you was. A beautiful sight for sore eye's, an angel among the sands of tatooine standing by his said and sleeping in his arms at night. Boba didn't deserve you, someone so beautiful and still so young. Boba was known for being many things, but insecure wasn't one of them. Not until he met you. Boba thought that he wasn't good enough, his scarred face enough to scare a grown man, which is why boba never let you see his face. And he was older, something he lacked to tell you. He always thought that a young beautiful soul like yourself didn't deserve to be with a old rugged man like himself.
But he didn't know that you knew that he was older, you could tell. The man told so many stories about his past that you could easily pick up he was older, his beskar scarred yet freshly painted and you knew it must have seen long years among its journey. But you didn't care about his age, you loved him for who he was, a tough grumpy affectionate man. A tender lover with a gentle touch. Boba was everything you could ever want, he was the only soul in the galaxy that could ever own your heart.
"are you okay?" you ask, his silence and stiff muscles enough to make you concerned. Your eyes landing on him, his visor already trained on you. "boba?..." you softly say and press a palm against his helmet, where you'd think his cheek would be.
"how come you've never asked to see my face?" he asks abruptly, almost sounding angry. You stare at him with wide eye's at his sudden question. A little furrow in your brows as you give him a little smile.
"because I see how hesitant you are about letting me see you... I don't want to pressure you into something you don't want to do" you say and watch how he leans into your touch. "besides, I don't have to see you're face boba to love you... I already know that under all this beskar is a beautiful man" you muttered with a calm expression, voice truthful.
And with how you looked at him with those eyes, boba knew that your words was nothing but true. You gazed at him as if he was something as beautiful as the stars above, it sent his heart into a content flutter of love. Something he'd never admit to anyone but you.
"I'm afraid that if you see what hides under it you'd think otherwise..." he spoke with emotion, fear, vulnerability. Something you've never heard laced in his voice, and you then grab his helmet in both hands and give him the most loving look you could muster.
"boba my love... I could never think otherwise, you're so beautiful to me. Everything about you has me drawn to you... You're voice, you're rare humor and snarky comments" you laugh a little and it tugs at the man's heart, "I love how even though you're known for being the galaxies most feared bounty hunter you're such a tender lover, how deeply you care about those you love....You're beautiful to me no matter what" you felt tears fill your eyes at the realization that boba hid himself from you because he feared you'd leave him if you didn't like his physical appearance.
"even if I'm scarred?" his voice came out quiet and barely audible, but you heard and offer him a genuine smile. Nodding at him while his hands grasp your wrists resting on his helmet.
"I'll love you no matter what" you tell him.
"even if I'm older -
"even if you was 90 years old and looked like a fury bantha!" you laugh at the thought and his chuckle makes you feel triumphant.
"you can take it off... But I'm not beautiful" he whispers, letting go of your hands that rest against his helmet. Heart skipping a beat at his offer you only gape at him, this makes him sigh, "please princess... I want you to see The man you love... The one you claim to be beautiful" he nearly spat the last part out.
Smile gone at how he degrades himself you gently lift the helmet, moon out as the sun's descended the sky. You slowly lift the beskar, heart beating in anticipation. once it's lifted you feel your heart flutter, eye's adoringly admiring his face. Landing on his dark brown eyes before roaming his scar's, his adorable nose and slightly chapped yet gorgeous lips. You dropped the helmet and let it hit the stone floor of the balcony as you rest both palms on his soft cheeks. His eye's locked on yours with slight shock.
Boba saw that sparkle, the sparkle you get in your eyes when you admire the twin sunset. The sun's beauty always captivating you, and that look was in your eyes as you looked at him.
"boba...You're eye's are so pretty. You're beautiful, more then I could ever imagine - you're so handsome" you gush over the man before you, his dark brown eye's locked on yours.
"you're eye's most not be working properly girl, you find beauty in everything you look at" boba tried brushing your compliments off, stubborn as always and not wanting to except your truthful words.
"they work just fine all have you know -
His lips on yours cut your words short, your lips moving together in a slow languid dance. Unhurried and peaceful, as if time stood still. You wrap one arm around his neck as your other still cups his cheek, his arms wrapped around your waist. Minutes felt like hours as he pulled away, a small smile on his lips. Yours wide.
"I love you y/n..." he muttered with his accent coming out unhidden. It sends your heart into a fluttering mess, not only because his natural voice, but because that was the first time he uttered those words.
You felt tears of joy sting your eyes. "I love you too boba... My beautiful bounty hunter" you say with a fond smile. He chuckles and placed his forehead against yours, swaying you both in the moons light.
As you and boba stood in each other's arms, staring at one another with pure love. It was then boba realized that he truly did love you...
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Just for Kix
Previous | Masterlist
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"Hey, look who finally decided to show up!" a friendly voice called out as Kix walked into the GAR's main medbay.
"Curl, you di'kut, there's no one else here," Kix complained, though the grin on his face took the sting out of the insult he tossed to his fellow medic.
"Yeah, but the others are on their way," Curl said defensively, gripping Kix's forearm in greeting. Kix squeezed Curl's 104th-gray vambrace in return before helping to gather some of the medbay's most comfortable chairs.
'The others' were the other medics of various battalions. Every few months, the GAR brought some of the older medics back to Coruscant to be recertified. This class was going to be great or terrible, Kix hadn't decided. With some of the brothers he heard were scheduled to be here, it could go either way, but it was sure to be memorable.
Still, it would be good to see everyone again. They had decided to meet here as soon as everyone's transports arrived. Classes didn't start until the next morning, but everyone needed a chance to complain about the idiots they were in charge of.
"Are all the transports here?" Kix asked.
Curl started to say something, but he was cut off by heavy footsteps approaching the medbay door. A large trooper stepped in, his sheer size and the weight of his heavy muscle making the floor reverberate a little with every step. His armor, altered to fit his increased muscle mass, was painted with swirls of 327th yellow.
When he caught sight of them, he bobbed his head and removed his helmet. "Kix, Curl," he said in greeting, his low voice rumbling through the room like thunder.
"Limit," Kix returned.
"Well, if it isn't the most popular medic in the GAR," Curl joked, beaming at the man. "Heard you couldn't keep the females away last time you were at 79's, vod."
Limit's face flushed. "Stop it, Cu- Curl. I get enough of that from my- my own men."
"Leave him alone," Kix chided, shoving at Curl's shoulder. "Keep it up and I'll tell Wolffe you were bullying Limit."
Curl was irreverent, but Kix thought that threatening to go to his commanding officer would make him back off - especially with a CO as ill-tempered as Wolffe. Curl seemed unphased, however.
"Oh, yeah?" Curl challenged. "Maybe I'll tell him you were messing with Limit. He's still mad at you for joking about his cybernetic eye."
"You j-joked about Commander Wolffe's eye?" Limit asked, looking shocked and a bit horrified.
Kix felt an uncharacteristic surge of guilt. Limit was everyone's favorite brother. Disappointing him was like hitting a youngling.
"You didn't have to see how bad it was, Limit!" he defended. "I was scraping black goo out of it. He's lucky it didn't catch fire, and Curl is lucky he didn't have to deal with it!"
"Yeah, but I had to treat your general that one time," Curl tossed back.
"And I'm sure it was terrible for you," Kix said dryly.
The one time General Skywalker had been injured and admitted he needed a medic, Curl had been the one to treat him. Kix had spent his entire career dragging his general into the medbay for every injury, but Skywalker came and asked Curl to all but perform a battlefield surgery!
Curl had been insufferable after that.
"You know better than to make fun of someone who came to you- to you for treatment, Kix," Limit told him, deep voice saddened.
"Yeah, Kix," Curl gloated, beaming from behind Limit's impossibly broad shoulder.
"Come over here, Curl," Kix invited. "I want to show you this new method of spinal adjustment I learned. Only a mild chance of paralysis."
The door opened once again, this time admitting a trooper who wore Coruscant Guard crimson even out of uniform.
"Wow, Ink," Curl commented. "Didn't even bother to dress up, huh?"
"Got off duty an hour ago," Ink grunted. "Didn't want to be in my armor longer than I had to."
True enough, the trooper wore a crimson shirt with sleeves that barely reached his elbows. Wearing civvies to a medic meeting, even one that wasn't GAR-official, was a bold move. Everyone's civilian clothing was open to mocking, and Ink was no exception.
Of course, Curl didn't limit himself to Ink's clothing.
"What happened to your arms, vod?" he asked, seeming to fight a grin.
Ink was known among troopers for his tattoos. Intricate, Mandalorian-inspired patterns traced along the entirety of his back, shoulders, and arms. Ink had been expanding the maze of tattoos lately, and they had now spread down his forearms almost to his wrists. Of course, Curl was probably talking about the spots where messy splotches of color filled the precise outlines of the pattern.
At Curl's question, Ink glanced down at his forearms and shrugged. "The Guard had to investigate a fire on one of the lower levels. There were some younglings there."
He said it like it was a full explanation and - from him - it was. Ink melted around younglings of every species, despite how much he scared their parents.
Kix hid a smile of his own. "How's life with the Corrie Guard treating you?"
"He shou-should be the one doing the treating," Limit joked.
"Hilarious," Ink deadpanned. "Guard life is good. Treated a sprained ankle last week. Di'kut jumped down a level and a half without a jetpack."
"Hey, you know the rules," Curl objected. "No med talk until everyone is here."
"Who are we waiting on?" Kix asked.
"Heeeeeyyyyyyyy!" Shatter cheered, bursting through the door like he had been waiting for an introduction. Sprain followed close behind, throwing his arms outward like he was accepting applause.
"You didn't start without us, did you?" Sprain asked when Shatter finally paused to breathe.
"Just a short story about Wolffe," Limit admitted, looking guilty. "Sorry."
"Nothing to apologize for, Limit," Shatter forgave easily, gripping Limit's forearm in a quick warrior's greeting.
"Besides, we've all heard about Wolffe's eye," Sprain added. "Kix has been complaining about it for months."
"Was I supposed to stop?" Kix asked, mildly affronted. "I can still smell it!"
"Gross," Ink contributed.
"Gross? I'm gonna assume you're talking about that sad excuse for civvies," Shatter jabbed. "I mean, I wasn't gonna say anything, but it looks like something a Weequay would wear."
Ink snorted. "At least they didn't run out of dye for my shirt like they did with your hair."
Everyone else in the room chuckled at that - except Sprain, who had a single streak of dye up the back of his hair to match his brother. Shatter's was 212th gold, of course, while Sprain's was 41st Elite Corps green.
"I would be more offended by that if we weren't talking to the unanimously-voted best medic in the GAR," Sprain said, grinning.
"Is it true you actually got Fox to sleep more than five hours straight?" Shatter asked.
Kix perked up. This was new information… Fox was infamous for his lack of regular sleep, and infamously stubborn when it came to setting professional limits for sake of his health.
Ink leaned back in his chair and crossed his color-swatched arms over his chest. "I can neither confirm nor deny that story. Medic-patient privilege."
"C'mon, Ink," Curl wheedled. "No one's ever gotten Fox to sleep that long, especially not an almost-shiny like you."
Ink shot a glare in Curl's direction.
"However you d-did it, good job," Limit congratulated sincerely. "The Commander needs to take better care of- care of himself."
"We're here to learn new stuff to use on the field, right?" Kix mused slowly. "Well, I have a general who likes to avoid sleep. Can you give me some tips, Ink?"
Curl snorted. "Maybe another medic just has to ask."
Sprain, having heard the Curl-treating-Skywalker story before, just elbowed Curl. "Yeah, Ink, help Kix out. Of course, I don't need any help at all, since General Unduli believes in living a life of balance..."
"Shut up, Sprain," Shatter told his brother. "We get it; your general actually takes care of herself. Ink, if the circles under Kenobi's eyes get any darker, I'm going to get called in for dereliction of duty. Help a vod avoid a court-martial, would you?"
Ink sighed. "I can't be specific, but… did you know that certain Coruscant businesses will package unflavored protein powder in stim packages?"
Shouts of laughter greeted his carefully worded advice.
"Is that ethical?" Limit asked, sounding a bit troubled by the idea of deceiving a patient.
With a shrug, Ink told him, "More ethical than letting the Head Commander catch a plasma bolt in his shebs because he's too tired to function when his overlapping stims wear off."
Limit still looked doubtful, but Kix made a mental note of the trick. The general and commander didn't use stims except in dire circumstances - claiming that the Force sustained them - but the captain was known to be more reliant on non-sleep methods than Kix would prefer. And don't even get him started on Fives and Echo. When the ARCs were attached to the 501st, Kix could feel his heart working overtime.
"Speaking of catching a bolt, is it true you threatened to shoot one of your troopers, Curl?" Kix asked, relishing the looks of shock on the faces of the other medics. He had waited until everyone was present to drop that particular bit of news.
Curl looked surprised, for once. "How did you hear about that?"
"I have my ways," Kix said mysteriously. It paid to be friends with officers from other battalions, and his friendship with Sinker had proven it on multiple occasions.
Looking murderous, Limit drew himself up to full height. "You what?"
Curl knew when to get out of the line of fire and took a few steps away from the mass of muscle that was Limit. "It's not as bad as it sounds! Some of the members of the Wolfpack were experimenting with their jetpacks. I overheard a plan to drop a trooper from cruising altitude and have the other men catch him on the way down. I told them that they wouldn't have to worry about the enemy if they tried it."
Shatter blew out a breath. "Your battalion is something else, Curl."
That was the general consensus, if the nods and grunts around the room were any sign.
"So? Am I forgiven, Limit?" Curl asked, his eyes dancing.
Limit clenched his jaw. "I just don't think there is any- any cause to threaten one of your own troopers. Their safety is your concern, and they get enough threats from outsiders."
Sprain looked curious. "And what do you do when one of your troopers refuses to consider his own safety?"
"I talk to him," Limit answered simply. "Last miss- mission, Lieutenant Galle tried to hide an injury from me. When I found out about it, I treated- treated him and we had a talk about the responsibility of command and the importance of being at your- at your best when the lives of your vode are at risk."
"How did he take that talk?" Kix asked. Galle was notoriously stubborn and took criticism extremely poorly.
"He cried and admitted that I was right."
Surprised laughter met that pronouncement.
"Psychological warfare is the worst kind," Ink told him. "I'd rather someone just shoot at me."
"You don't mean that," Curl said, though his voice made it a question.
Shatter raised his eyebrows. "Would you rather get shot at or have Limit tell you that your life choices were bad?"
With a long look in Limit's direction, Sprain shrugged. "I'd go under fire any day."
"And I sup-suppose you all just threaten your men?"
"Sometimes, you can bribe them instead," Curl countered, keeping a steady distance between Limit and himself.
Any attempt at coherent conversation disintegrated from there, as the medics fell into arguments about the best way to handle stubborn patients. Kix fought a grin as he listened to them all. With medics like these fighting for the Republic, the CIS didn't stand a chance.
A/N - As a note, stims are canonically injected, but this is a theoretical powdered version. (Go with it.) I know some of you have told me your hopes for a happy ending for Kix. While I'm sure he continues to help where he can in his current timeline, the sequel era just doesn't inspire me enough to write a sequel-based happy ending for him. However, the idea of a medic group chat is one that has stuck with me throughout this series, and I wanted to include it in part here! You already know Curl, Shatter, and Sprain. Limit was introduced in the Bly chapter of Nobody Listens to Kix. Ink is new and got his name from his tattoos (not because of my username, I promise!). I hope it provided a lighthearted end to this particular fic.
Unfortunately, this is the last chapter of this story at this point. Unless I get some new ideas or surrender to my urge to write more about these OCs, this is the end of this particular story. If anyone has interest in a different work about several members of the Coruscant Guard, I have one I'm publishing as my new weekly-updated story (found on my masterlist). If not, no worries! It has been an absolute joy writing for you! Thank you, as always, for reading! Have a wonderful day!
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lokislittlecorner · 4 years
It's Beautiful
Request :
By: @marvel-madness
Hi! Could u do a one-shot where Loki as a teen is super shy and just super sweet and soft. The reader is super quirky and is an artist and she has a really big crush on him and one day he finds out she painted a really big portrait of him?
Alright, I wasn't sure if this was meant to be a high school AU! I'm sorry if it was. I let the events happen in Asgard if you meant for it to be different please feel free to send in another request, also thank you so much for your patience I'm so so sorry that it took me so long ❤
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Pure fluff!
Word count: 1300
"Loki!” you screamed joyfully to get his attention drawn to you as you walked happily towards him. You saw how he slightly jumped in surprise as a smile crept up on the edges of his mouth Thor standing beside him. " How are you today?" You asked with the smile you always had on your lips. He nervously shifted bringing out a shy "good" you giggled, you loved how he was always so shy and quiet the complete opposite of you, Loud, bubbly, and always happy. Thor just gave you a small nod since your complete attention was on Loki anyway.
"Are we still meeting up later? I picked up a few books for us to read!" Loki just nodded feeling the heat reach his cheeks as he slightly blushed. "Great! I can't wait!" And with that, you were gone heading back to your room to arrange everything
Finally, Loki felt that he could breathe out again, he didn't even notice how he held his breath under your gaze but he apparently did. Thor turned to him with a big smile on his face "when are you going to tell her?" He was a bit confused at his words "what do you mean?" Thor rolled his eyes crossing his arms "That you love her?" Suddenly he was red as a tomato looking at the ground like a little boy "I don't know" he bit down on his lip thinking for a little moment "I don't think I will at all"
"Why not?" Thor looked at him curious awaiting his answer. "She's way too good for me, I mean look at her, she's beautiful and kind...she's just not like me" Thor gave Loki a big pat on the back, that made him jump a bit. "Oh, brother you really don't know about her feelings?" Loki looked up to him in shock trying to process what he just said. He let out a scoff looking at Thor "Don't be a ridiculous brother! She would never have such an interest in me!" He turned on his heels slowly walking away. He heard how Thor shouted something after him but he was already too far away.
You stood in front of the huge painting, it was almost done, you only needed to do a bit more shading, brush in one hand, and your palette in the other looking over it checking for any mistakes. You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought of him seeing it, a painting of himself, Loki. The painting took several days and you actually thought about giving up on it a few times but you pushed yourself to continue. You let out a quiet sigh putting the brush and the palette away cleaning your hands with a paint-covered towel, you had used it many times before and it showed. Looking behind you saw the books you picked out for today you loved it when the both of you just sat there reading, enjoying the silence. You picked up the big cloth covering up the painting hiding it away so no one knew your little secret. You could barely hide the huge crush you had on Loki but you were glad that he didn't notice it until now you didn't want your friendship to break apart because of it.
You heard a soft knock on your door that made you smile you already knew who it was, opening the door you were greeted with a smile from Loki "Good afternoon Loki' You said happily opening the door a little more so he could enter. "Good afternoon to you too (Y/N)" He walked past you into your room, you took a deep breathtaking in his scent, it smelled like rainy days and the forest it was hypnotizing. You quickly walked over to the books a sparkle in your eyes as you looked back at Loki "I picked up different kind of books today, heavy romances thriller, as well as philosophy and history books.
He couldn't believe how sweet you could be. You must at least took three trips to the library and back just for all those books. "You didn't have to bring so many" A chuckle left his chest, reaching out to grab one, looking at it closely. She jumped up in excitement "We can read them over the next several days. I love this one I read it before but it's been a while and I definitely have to reread it and" she took a deep breath sometimes she forgets to do that overall the talking. Normally Loki hated too much talking, she was the exception he could listen to her voice for hours without getting annoyed in the slightest. He looked around the room he loved her paintings they were hung up all over the walls beautiful colors put together to create something even more beautiful.
"What are you working on right now?" He made his way over to the painting hidden underneath the big cloth "Ah no no no, you can't look at that one!" She blushed deeply, rushing to stand in between him and the painting. He arched a brow a confused look on his face normally she always showed him all of her works. "What's so special about it?" She shifted a bit nervous looking to the ground "It's not for your eyes" as soon as the words left her mouth she realized what she just said. "I understand" Loki turned away to hear something like that definitely hurt. "Loki I didn't mean it like that!" She grabbed his shoulder turning him around again she was clearly embarrassed about it all that much he could see. "I - I'll show you but please don't laugh at me?"
He arched a brow what was so special about that painting? "I would never laugh at you, you should know that (Y/N)"She nodded grabbing the corner of the cloth dragging it down, she looked at him shifting nervously. It was beautiful, to say at least. It was a painting of him, in his golden armor. "It's absolutely stunning (Y/N), why would I laugh at it?" He looked over it completely amazed smiling, blushing a bit, it probably took her days to paint that. "I actually wanted to tell you something when I showed to you, It's not done yet." She looked down playing with the corner of the cloth. "And what would that be?" He was a bit confused about why she acted like that it wasn't in her nature to be so secretive. "You know I" she sighed pacing through the room. "I don't know how to tell you" And at that sentence, something clicked in Loki's head he remembered what Thor said and he made his way over to her.
You didn't know how to tell him, he was so kind, handsome and a prince too! You were nothing more than a normal warrior. You looked up and he was coming right at you, you panicked a bit. Did he know? Was he about to tell you to stay away? You couldn't even finish your chain of thoughts as you felt his soft lips press against yours, his hand resting on each side of your hips. Was this really happening? Was he kissing you? You stopped thinking closed your eyes and returned the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer. You felt him smile against your lips glad that he could finally have you.
He softly pulled away both of you were a panting mess, you let out a small chuckle, placing your forehead against his. "I've waited so long to do this" He admitted, his cheeks reddened. As an answer, you just nodded, smiled and pulled him into another kiss.
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toonytoodles · 3 years
Random fun fact time! Ft. OCs! (Repost because I added more/ edited a lot of stuff)
Avery -
- Sneezes like a kitten, and most of the time she accidentally uses her fire breathe when she sneezes, so watch out
- Sleeps on a rock
- Is made uncomfortable by actual dragons, it's just... too weird for her...
- Has a strange and inexplicable extreme fear of eels
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- Reacts to fear by singing/humming/speaking very loudly, and also by running and screaming (basically, how markilpler acts when playing horror games? yeah that)
- At least once a week her dad has to help her brush through her hair, he says they should get it cut but she absolutely refuses
- Owns a few pairs of gloves- most of which look nearly identical. Some are for different days, some pairs are for bedtime, and some are for special occasions, but she also has some different types and styles of gloves for different events
- Loves the holidays, dislikes the weather that comes with it
- Absolutely hates people touching/messing with her tail, even if it's by accident she gets kinda mad. That's hers- don't touch it. (Emma's the only exception to this simply because it can't be avoided- although Emma does try to touch it as little as possible)
- Slightly allergic to pollen
- She has a clicking-like purr
- If you scratch under her chin she'll purr and relax, but if scratch a certain spot on her neck she'll sleepily fall over
Tumblr media
- Adopted as an egg and raised by her human father and fairy mother
- Has a Scottish accent 
- Works as a Glazier (glass blower) and makes potion bottles, also helps with making the potions, and occasionally costumer service and boring stuff like stocking/inventory
Emma -
- Plays with hoodie strings and/or hair when upset or nervous (it happens often, her hoodie strings are sorta worn out)
- She's a big fan of animals! Especially bears, puppies, and unicorns, she thinks they're adorable! When she was younger she used to like dragons quite a bit too
- She's a protective friend and big sister, and she's a little over protective over people she cares about
- Tends to read into things; if your tone or demeanor is slightly different she begins worrying that something's wrong or that she did something. She also tends to believe that no one actually wants to be her friend or wants to be nice to her, but that they're only being nice because they're afraid of her or pity her.
- LOVES HUGS!!! Absolutely loves them, hugging other giants, hugging people smaller than her, getting hugs, giving hugs, she loves hugs
- Once accidentally ate a fake candy cane decoration, off someone's front lawn, because she thought it was real gigantic candy, left out for giants (she was like four, so it made sense to her then, but she still gets made fun for it a bit by her family)
- Loves snow and winter
- Her favorite color is probably blue
- Is surprisingly good at sneaking up on people, for someone 30ft tall she's quiter than most borrowers
- Is the second oldest of five kids, her older brother Rory is 23, her younger brother Richard is 15, and her youngest sisters Aroura and Tiana are 6 and 8, and they're all pretty close
- Her dad is a size shifter, and so are Richard and Tiana, the rest of the family are giants
- She's ambidextrous
- Very cautious of her surroundings
- Hates surprises/being scared
- Bi-romantic and ace
Sofia -
- Can write without looking at what she's doing
- Only wears slip on shoes or shoes with Velcro/zippers, she never learned how to tie them, she couldn't figure out what to do with her head or look at what she was doing
- She's an artist! She likes to paint!
- Has a hard time saying "no," so when she says it, she means it
- Hates surprises and people sneaking up on her
- Has a pet python named Albert
- Probably the only person on the planet who has worse anxiety than Emma
- Don't call her "Soph" or "Sophie," and she gets mildly annoyed when her name is misspelled
- Typically uses right arm to carry head and left hand for everything else
- Has a weird sense of humor
- Has a million stuffed animals, has like 20 on her bed, but Rupert the blue bunny is her favorite
- She has an enchanted scarf that allows her to wear her head when needed, she doesn't usually use it because she's not used to it & it gives her anxiety (she's scared of the scarf falling off/being taken off unexpectedly) but she has it and uses it on occasion, mostly at home
- She doesn't let anyone else hold her head, it seriously freaks her out, her dad is the only exception, but Avery held her once for a group photo (her body took the picture)
-She loves singing and has a soft beautiful voice but is too shy to sing around anyone 🎶
- She was bullied when she was younger and doesn't like to talk about it, she already gets emotional easily and those memories hurt
- She loves Avery's jokes and has a bit of a weird sense of humor
- She's adopted, she lives with her human father (another fun fact, her dad is one of Avery's parents best friends!)
- Unlike Avery, she wasn't adopted as a baby, she was about 6-7ish when she was adopted
- Loves vegetables
- Gets embarrassed easily
- Doesn't go out of her comfort zone, she only does stuff when Avery basically forces her to
- She really likes Emma, but is also sorta scared of her sometimes, she's just scared of people and being looked at, so she can be a little overwhelming without meaning to be, it's nothing personal and she knows Emma wouldn't hurt a fly, she's just scared of people and sometimes Emma is a lot of person
- Doesn't want Emma to hold her (Emma respects it, although sometimes they work it out to where Emma can give her a gentle hug)
-Her favorite season is fall
-She loves rabbits and frogs, but won't admit she loves horses (there's a stereotype that all dullahans love horses, she won't give in)
-Hates confrontation
-Loves vanilla cake
-Hates strangers and people she's not comfortable around being anywhere near her
- Pansexual
- Sorta has a voice claim, but it's weird and sorta difficult to explain?
Andie -
- Has a French accent (picked it up from dad)
- One of my only OCs to have a voice claim
- Plays the flute
- Mean, selfish, and self centered, but somehow also a good person
- Sings sentences sometimes
- Scared of turtles
- Works as a bard/waitress at the family tavern
- Unfortunately she is heterosexual
Andy -
- Somehow didn't pick up their fathers accent
- One of my only OCs to have a voice claim
- Plates the lute
- Genuine and kind hearted, but also a bumbling moron
- Dreams of being a song writer, wants to be a professional musician
- Works as a bard/waiter at the family tavern
- Bi, but prefers women
Clementine -
- A book worm
- Likes to sing
- Practices magic, knows a few interesting spells
- Sometimes her and Avery fight over magic usage vs. potion usage (they know it's a dumb fight, but they don't care, at this point it's a joke)
- She's a white tailed deer
- She has great hearing, and is usually very aware of her surroundings
- She wants to be a magic professor as an adult
- Demisexual, pan, but prefers men
- Elementals don't really have gender, she chooses to present as female and use female pronouns
- Can't "see," but rather senses vibrations, since she's made out of water she doesn't have eyes, but based on other senses she can get around just fine
- She can't smell either
- Doesn't care for romance
- Has 4 pet fish she keeps with her, named Karl, Frank, Phillip, and Fish
- She has a baby sister, Brook
- She's odd and can be off putting unless you know her pretty well, then her weirdness is sort of endearing
- She can tell her friends apart by the way they walk and their gestures, and of course their voices, but really has no idea what any of them look like, she knows their species and the normal traits of those species, but not much outside that
- She doesn't eat or drink
- Smart, but sorta reckless
- Sorta hard to hug :( but the others still try
Sapphire -
- Has minimal size shifting abilities, but prefers to be her true size, she loves sitting on her husband's shoulders or in his pockets (She's about 5ft in her bigger form)
- Used to be an adventurer, at one point she was a pirate
- Met her husband on one of her adventures
- Has a Scottish accent
- She has a sword her size (no it's not a toothpick or a toy or anything, she has an actual tiny sword) 🗡
- Makes potions for the shop and deals with customers
- Grew up outside of Tradeskeep, her and Kal retired from their adventuring career and settled down there
Kalvin -
- Used to be an adventurer/ mercenary
- Huge, ripped, has all kinds of scars, but his 4" tall wife is scarier than he his, he's basically a teddy bear
- Makes potions, does restocking, inventory, and doesn't as much anymore, but makes potion bottles
- Has scars/tattoos from various adventures
- Used to have dragon scale armor, he once saved a village from a dragon, but has sold it and no longer tells the story, he now claims it was a bear
- He's a great dad ❤
- Loves ale & meat, but not as much as his girls
- I cannot overstate how much he loves his family, he LOVES his wife and daughter, like a LOT, it pretty much defines who he is, he's a family man
- Met his wife while on a quest
- He used to be a nomad while adventuring and getting paid for jobs, he'd wander from town to town, until he settled at Tradeskeep and put up a shop
Ok so i know that's a lot, but it's there for anyone who's interested in all that ❤ I have other facts too, so if you wanna know any more just look around on my blog or send an ask, Q&A for OCs are open, and I'm open to art/writing requests/ideas! ❤
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thesummerstorms · 5 years
I'm starting to write a fanfiction for repcomm, how would you describe Darman POV?
Okay, um... this is a very broad question, so this is a very BROAD and extremely lengthy answer (sorry but I couldn’t not include text evidence.)
But in general? Darman...
1. often looks externally calm, even to his brothers, and is very good at hiding resentment or anger. people mistake him as calm or level several times in the series when he’s actually having a hard time in his thoughts. Eventually he reaches the point in 501st where it can no longer be hidden, but I think he’s been feeling it for a lot longer than anyone realized.
“He’d been alive for eleven standard years, coming up on twelve. He was twenty-three or twenty-four the manual said. It wasn’t enough time to live.
Sergeant Kal said we’d been robbed.
Fierfek, I hope Etain can’t feel me getting angry.
“I wish I could just sit and relax like you, Dar,” Atin said. “How’d you get to be so calm? You didn’t learn it from Kal, that’s for sure.”
There’s just Sergeant Kal and Etain and my brothers. Oh, and Jusik. General Jusik’s one of us. No one else really cares.
“I’ve got a clean conscience,” Darman said. It had come as a surprise to him after years of cloistered training on Kamino that many cultures in the galaxy regarded him as a killer, something immoral. “That or I’m too tired to worry.” 
(True Colors, Chapter 1, page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
2. Isn’t always up front with his emotions when he feels they’d be burdensome on a loved one and wants to be outwardly positive. See the above conversation with Atin, or his hesitance to call Etain a few chapters after Fi’s injury. 
Notably in the scene above he does make mention of talking over serious things with Etain, like what would happen to the clones after the war, but I feel like he hides some of his more in-the-moment feelings and people don’t expect it because on the surface he seems like the uncomplicated one,
Brain-dead people sometimes regained consciousness and then reported what they’d heard during the coma, and Darman could think of nothing more awful in that moment than Fi being in some terrible paralysis but feeling everything. Dead was better. He wanted a cleaner end than Fi.
“Call Etain,” Niner suggested, “She always cheers you up.”
But Darman didn’t want to call her just to rage about how unfair things were. He settled down with a holozine so no one would talk to him for a while, and the others played blades, throwing knives into a target board divided into rings and quardrants. When he’d come to terms with this, he’d have something more positive to say to her. They could talk about where they’d go when they got some leave together.
I can’t imagine a mission without Fi now.
True Colors, Chapter 16, page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
3. it’s a case by case basis though. like any human being, Dar is complicated. It really depends on the in the moment situation. Notably above, his reluctance to call and be a burden was for a situation that had been happening for a while, while in the immediate aftermath he called Etain pretty immediately.
Fi didn’t react, but then Darman knew he wouldn’t . The point was he’d said it, and that meant he’d do it. Reluctantly, he followed Niner back to the mess deck, and found a quiet corner to pour his heart out in a message to Etain.
He could have unburdened himself on his brothers, but they all knew what he was thinking anyway.
(True Colors, Chapter 14, page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
4. He notices a lot of little details. Even more specifically, he notices and is intensely focused on small changes or signals in the people he cares about. He also very much wants to provide emotional support and is watching for the cues that it’s needed, especially in Etain. 
 You can see it with Dar noticing Fi and his music, or when he goes after Etain in Triple Zero, or at the end of True Colors when he’s intensely aware of Etain’s body language radiating distress and mentally immediately tries to figure out why she’s upset and put her at ease.
Darman cut into Fi’s personal circut to speak but was instantly deafened by the volume of the music. That was how Fi dealt with things: a thick wall of noise and chatter to shut out the next moment. (True Colors, Chapter 1,  page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
He caught a note in her voice that said she was holding back; maybe there was someone with her. The holovids showed clandestine love affairs as exciting, but Darman just found the secrecy miserable. (True Colors, Chapter 10,  page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
Etain had that same expression he’d just seen on Skirata’s face. He knew he must have said something wrong, but wasn’t sure what. He unfolded her arms with a little gentle pressure and took her hand. (True Colors, Chapter 19,  page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
“The baby’s upset you somehow, hasn’t it? he said. Of course; being a Jedi, Etain would have never known her parents. Does it remind you of being taken from your family?”  (True Colors, Chapter 19,  page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
There. He’d said it, and she would feel better now, let off the hook. There was no point dwelling on his shortened life span. Neither of them knew what was around the corner. He’d take the pressure off her, because it was the responsible thing to do.
(True Colors, Chapter 19,  page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
The Skydome gardens were just as beautiful and fascinating as Etain had promised. He could tell she was trying to be cheerful and enthusiastic about them, but there was something sad and wondered about her that he didn’t know how to make better. 
Evacuating Qiilura must have been worse than she let on. But she tell him in her own good time. 
(True Colors, Chapter 19,  page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
5. He’s pretty intensely protective, and not in an entirely healthy way? It never manifests as a doubt about his loved ones’ competency so much as a desire to jump someone else for disrespecting them. He is a worrier, but it’s not in a “no, they can’t do this” kind of way that too many shitty male romance leads get stuck in. He’s defensive of his relationships in a way that exceeds normal not-fooling-around.
 Wherever it was they were sending her, she could tell him, couldn’t she? Maybe she didn’t want to worry him. Of course I’m worried. I’m always worried. (True Colors, Chapter 10,  page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
Darman swallowed a sudden an unexpected desire to tell  Fi to lay off Etain, and in no uncertain terms. Fi knew nothing about her, nothing. Darman was ambushed by a split moment of protectiveness, and was immediately embarrassed by it. (Hard Contact, Pg. 222.) [ Idk why this one has page numbers and not the others.]
“Open up, or stand away from the door,” Etain yelled. She had no concept of cover, but she was a Jedi and had her own early-warning system. Darman was watching her back anyway. He’d smack Sev for the wisecracks later.” (Order 66, Pg. 167.) [ Also don’t know why this one has page numbers and not hard Contact.]
“Where’s the General?” Fi said.
Darman interrupted. “Saying goodbye to Gett.” He seemed to be taking an intense interest in Etain’s whereabouts. “Can you see Sergeant Kal? She said he was meeting us.”
“So… you’ve been ordered about by a geriatric and a child, have you?”
Darman’s voice frosted over. “Scorch, do you like medcenter food?” (Triple Zero, Pg. 119.) [Seriously, Kindle just fucking hates True Colors.] 
“I think it’s kind of encouraging.” Scorch chuckled. “Atin gets a cute Twi’lek girlfriend, Dar gets his very own general-”
“-and Scorch gets a thick ear if he doesn’t shut it right now.”
The comlink was suddenly silent, except for the occasional sound of swallowing. Darman wasn’t in a joking mood when it came to Etain. He never had been, not even on Qiilura, when there hadn’t been anything between them. (Triple Zero, Pg. 245.)
“Why did he need Etain then?”
“Maybe to show her how it’s done.”
Fi watched Darman bristle. (Triple Zero, Pg. 176.)
Atin hadn’t seen Laseema since the start of the siege, and just chatted with her in snatched moments by comlink. Darman couldn’t even talk to Etain until she dropped out of hyperspace; Enacca was taking her time. He checked his comlink, saw no message, and reminded himself that Etain was fine. (Order 66, pg. 371)
6. Darman is captivated by very small things/small details/small moments of beauty.
It was definitely autumn .A mist had blanketed the countryside like a sea. A puddle had formed in the sheeting stretched over the shelter, and Darman went to scoop it out but stopped.
“What are those things?” he asked, “I saw them on the river, too.”
Ruby and sapphire colored insects were dancing above the surface of the puddle. “Daywings,” Etain said.
“I’ve never seen colors like it….”
…”They’re amazing,” he said, completely absorbed by the spectacle. (Hard Contact, Pg. 182.)
7. Like most of the clones, he starts more naive/optimistic and then becomes more and more disillusioned the further in the series you go.
It was still tough to stand back and let the convoy take it. Darman itched for an excuse to open fire. He’d gone charging to the rescue before on Qiilura, breaking cover to save civilians, but he’d been a kid then on his second deployment.  The longer you spent fighting, the more cautious you became.(Order 66,  Pg. 65.)
8. Arguably all of the above paints a little bit harsher a picture than it should. I also generally see Darman as very genuinely soft and caring with his loved ones. He’s also considerate and generous. One of his love languages is food/small gifts & gestures; I swear it.
“It’s getting light,” Darman said. He sat down cross-legged in the hide, armor plates clacking against something. “You look cold. Need any more pain-killers?”
Etain had achieved a consistent level of dampness and pain that she could live with.She was too tired to think of anything else. She’d even stopped noticing the persistent odor of wet merlie wool. “I’m okay.”
“If we light a fire, we’ll be a magnet for half the Separatist army.” He rummaged in his belt and held out a ration cube to her, still that incongruous amalgam of fresh naivete and utterly clinical killer. She shook her head. He pulled out a bag. “Dried kuvara?”
She realized from the way he had put the fruit carefully in his belt and not his pack that he prized it. He lived on rations with all the taste appeal of rancid mott hide. The sacrifice was rather touching.
 (Hard Contact, pg. 175-178 ish)
Darman leaned against the wall, all concern. “Do you want something to eat? We’re going to risk Qibbu’s nerf in glockaw sauce. Scorch reckons it’s probably armored rat.”
“I’m not sure I can face crowds right now.”
“You might be overestimating the popularity of Qibbu’s cuisine.” He shrugged. “I could probably get the cook to stun the thing with my Deecee and send it up by room service.” …
“Only if you keep me company.”
“Yeah, eating armored rat alone is probably asking for it.” He grinned suddenly, and she felt illuminated by it. “You might need first aid.”
(Triple Zero, pg. 175-178 ish)
Darman thought it was time they got on making friends with the Marits. He stood up and wandered over to the lizards, wondering if there might be anything in Eyat that he could acquire for Etain. It was hard to think of anything a Jedi might want. They avoided possessions. (True Colors, Chapter 2, page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
9. He does have a light-hearted side; it’s not all just ruminating.
She was suddenly aware of Darman looking up at her, grinning, and if it wasn’t for his surroundings, he could have been any young man showing off his prowess to a woman. (Triple Zero pg. 182 ish)
Even Darman had fallen happily into it. He was engrossed in the game, shoulder-charging Boss and knocking Jusik flat. (Triple Zero, pg. 158)
10. He’s just as much a romantic as Etain is.
“I never stopped thinking about you, either,” Darman said, “Not for a moment.” (Triple Zero, pg. 186)
All he wanted at the end of it was some time with Etain. (True Colors, Chapter 1, page number unknown because Kindle is an ass.)
He couldn’t even recall putting on his plates. His mind was on Etain.  (True Colors, Chapter 10, page number unknown because Kindle is an ass)
Darman was working up the nerve to say that he loved her, too, when the link closed from her end of the channel and the moment was gone. he took a deep breath before yanking the door open, broken-hearted he might never get the chance to tell her. (True Colors, Chapter 10, page number unknown because Kindle is an ass)
He was fed up finding things in common with insects. he was a man, and he missed his girl. He wanted to go home- and he realized he had no idea where home was.
Fi said it was Mandalore. Darman decided it would be wherever Etain wanted it to be.  (Order 66, pg 53 ish)
Darman was twenty meters from Etain now.He looked through the sea of strangers, and could see just one being out of all of them- Et’ika. (Order 66, pg 400 ish)
There’s honestly also plenty to be said about Dar not wanting to upset the equilibrium in his squad- he doesn’t want special treatment, or to have more than his brothers. That’s...pretty standard for this series though?
Also Darman really doesn’t react well to secrets post Venku reveal, but lbr, I’m not crawling through 501st for quotes.
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