Ruins of Vaishali - From Vriji Republic to Basarh
Ruins of Vaishali – From Vriji Republic to Basarh
**This post is a continuation of an earlier post titled ‘Ruins of Vaishali’. Over time, due to growth of power in Magadh, the prominence of Vaisali started to diminish but it was still an eyesore for the kings of Magadh. Ajatshatru, the son and successor of Bimbisara of Haryanaka dynasty and a contemporary of Mahavira and Buddha, waged a war on Lichchhavis in between 484 – 468 BCE. While the…
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Ruins of Vaishali
**Unlike the previous posts, the story of Vaishali will be narrated in two parts. I tried my best to fit all the information in one post but I realized that I would not be doing justice to the rich historical narrative that this place holds and hence here is the first part. Happy Reading!!! The word ‘home’ has a unique meaning for every one of us; it might be a place, a person, or just a…
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