nikanndros · 6 years
Are you on Twitter?
Lots of people are asking so I just made one here. Everyone who uses twitter for capri should hit me up with their usernames so I can follow you and also try to learn how twitter works. 
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laurent-ofvere · 7 years
@exalted-majestyy replied to your post: I feel exactly the same way about Pet....
Pacat SAID that TAOC was the last one and that PET was just a bonus because she couldn’t get Ancel out of her head
omg ok i genuinely don't mean this combatively so please don't take it that way but i know, I've heard this so many times and i know, and i don't really see how that answers my question of it being released last. if ancel was an itch she wanted to scratch then i get that, what i don't get is why she released it last when it makes no chronological sense. she was already saying there were 4 shorts when i joined the fandom and gbfas was already out so at the very least it could have been second, but whaaaatever I'm going in circles with this topic and it is what it is and damen and laurent are in love 
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nikanndros · 6 years
I know you’ve probably given up on you Neighbor AU but I just wanted to say that it’s probably one of my most favorite modern AUs ever. It makes my heart feel so light
Ahahahaha the neighbour AU is my least favourite of my capri stories, that’s why I gave up on it. I think the characterisation got away from me a bit a lot.
But In the spirit of fairness, I’ll give you the future scenes I wrote, and tell you how it would have ended.
Alright, so we left off with the boys in Italy, going on Jokaste’s dream trip which is actually boring as fuck for them hahaha. Damen has revealed that it’s his birthday tomorrow, and Laurent decides to make plans for them.
“Wake up,” Laurent says, throwing a change of clothes onto Damen’s chest. “We have a plane to catch.”
“What?” Damen replies, voice sleep-rough.
“Happy Birthday,” Laurent tells him. “Now get dressed.”
Damen laughs. “Where are we going?”
“Athens. I booked us tickets last night. They were last minute and very expensive, so we can’t be late.”
Damen sits up, shocked into wakefulness. “Athens?”
“You’re Greek, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Damen says. Then, “Laurent.”
His face is all lit up with a smile. “Thank you.”
It’s not a big deal, he wants to say. Or, it’s obvious that this was where Jokaste wanted to go, not him. Something to deflect that he’d stayed up for quite some time while Damen had slept, trying to think of something perfect for him. “Carpe Diem,” he says. “Let’s get out of here.”
Next would come some stuff about them having a great time in Greece, bc Laurent is hella thoughtful and Damen has been there before.  They continue with the “say yes to every opportunity” thing that they have going on, and get up to heaps of shenanigans. It pretty much turns into a contest for trying to get the other guy to be the one to say no first.
Then it gets to dinner time and they hit up a restaurant.
They discuss what Damen thought his life would be like right now
By the time dinner is done with and they’ve shared a piece of tiramisu, they’re into their second bottle of wine.
“Happy Birthday,” Laurent says, tapping his wine glass against Damen’s. “Next time give me more notice for important life events please.”
“If this is you on short notice,” Damen says, “I’m almost afraid to see your competency with more time.”
Laurent smiles at him. Damen smiles back. It’s been a good day. Laurent wishes he could freeze this very moment to live in: the restaurant they’re in is candlelit and intimate, and Damen is managing to look both debonair and effortless. Someone is playing violin. It’s possibly the most romantic moment of Laurent’s life.
“So,” Laurent says. “We’ve still got” - he checks his watch - “about four hours left until the day is over. Auguste and I usually tell each other everything we planned to have done by now and use the leftover time to complete as much as we can.”
“That sounds fun,” Damen says.
“It is,” Laurent replies. “Where did you think you’d be by this point?”
“Nowhere as good as this,” Damen says. He’s such an embarrassing idiot. They barely know each other. Laurent’s already been thinking about suggesting they move in together when they get back. Jokaste will have moved out of the building. Or they could get a new place and start fresh.
“But really,” Laurent prompts.
“Okay. Let me think.” Damen sits back in his seat and takes a sip of wine. “I wanted to quit the family business and start making my own life. I wanted to be engaged. To have a big house out of the city. The commute would be hell but-”
“A dog,” Laurent says impulsively, and Damen grins. “You’re a dog person, aren’t you? You’ll need a yard for that.”
“Exactly. And for any future children.”
“You’re like one of those wholesome family movies.”
Damen shrugs. “I’ve always known I wanted a big family. What about you? Do you want kids?”
“I don’t think anyone will let us adopt one in the next four hours.”
Damen laughs. “Not immediately,” he says. “But in the future.”
Laurent swirls his chardonnay. “I don’t know,” he says. “I haven’t really thought about. I’ve never even thought of myself as the sort of person who…”
“Falls in love?” Damen suggest.
“Is fallen in love with,” he admits, rarely honest.
“You are,” Damen says.
“Are you going to quit your job then?” Laurent says. He takes another sip of wine. He can feel his heart beating, thrumming with a sudden anxiety.
“I called my father this morning.”
“Congratulations,” Laurent says. He finishes his glass and sets it on the table.
“Thank you,” Damen replies. The candle light flatters his dark skin like nothing else. He’s resplendent.
After that, Damen is like, “I think that’s good enough, I mean I’m not engaged with a house, but I’m also not doing that badly.”
And Laurent goes, “We’re still doing the say yes to everything thing right?”
“Great. I can’t buy you a house, but...”
And then Laurent very dramatically takes off his mother’s ring that he wears, and proposes to Damen in front of the entire restaurant. Damen has to say yes, hahaha. Laurent is satisfied.
Someone at a nearby table buys them champagne as congratulations, and they start talking to the lady. It turns out Laurent’s heartfelt speech, (”I’d marry you now if I could”) is taken too seriously, and the lady knows a guy who’d totally be willing to marry them like tomorrow (bc gay marriage is legal everywhere in my stories, thanks).
Neither of them can say no.
Damen is like “Well I’D totally go for that, but Laurent probably wants his brother at the wedding, s o i g u e s s w e c a n t”
Laurent’s like, “Auguste would understand! It’s your family I’m worried about!”
The lady is like “Great, so you’re both happy to get married tomorrow, let’s do this”
and they pretty much have to marry each other bc they’re too proud to chicken out :’)))). Laurent brings up the option of an annulment/divorce when they’re at the airport going home though, and Damen is like “actually I’m in love with you, and Im happy to try and make it work” and Laurent agrees.
Then would be the epilogue, which is Laurent introducing Damen to Auguste as his husband and Auguste is like “haha this is payback for saying you’re not impulsive” and Laurent is like, “no, we’re legally married. this isn’t a joke”, 
Auguste: “You’ve been together three weeks! That’s shorter than a season of The Bachelor!”
Laurent: “Fortunately, I didn’t need to date twenty men simultaneously to figure out who I wanted.”
and Damen gets a very stern talking to but in the end Auguste accepts that it’s genuinely impossible to control any of Laurent’s actions so whatever. Then Laurent and Damen leave, they are cute, Laurent is like: “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” and Damen’s like “yeah! I’m just worried about you meeting my family. I have like twenty cousins, and aunts and uncles that are all going to want to meet you!! My mum will cry.” And Laurent is like, “oh fuckkkk”.
The End.
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nikanndros · 7 years
Ahhh I’ll have to write more asap then, for the sake of your clear skin :’)
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