#exalted altered my brain chemistry
siderealscribblings · 4 months
I realize now that most of the ships I've written for over the past decade or so have been incredibly Solar/Lunar coded
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hannahwdraws · 3 months
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Oooooh i'm going crazy. Dragon Age Veilguard!!! Inquisition is my favorite game (don't @ me) of all time. That solavellan romance altered my brain chemistry because i have pages and pages of notes on Valynia as a character. Truly obsessed with the whole game and SO EXCITED for her to be back in WHATEVER CAPACITY it is. And if its bad shut up don't worry I can escape to my mind palace
These are sketches done since June 12th, after we got that gameplay trailer SHOWING THAT EGG!!! Edit::// putting my image descriptions under a cut //wet eyelid wink sfx
Valynia Lavellan hair through the ages. Yet another long haired elf gal, I know. But that's how I like to play most characters!! She was very proud of her intricate braids that would keep her hair tidy. Post trespasser, it was too much hair for her to manage with one hand. There was a deep depressive episode post trespasser where her hair got tangled and matted, requiring intervention from the other companions. She cried while it was cut, sobbing that Solas used to love her hair. Very Cersei Lannister coded. She had to keep it cropped close until she was able to control her prosthetic arm/generate a spirit hand with enough fine motor skills to braid again. Having got confirmation Veilguard is 9 years after trespasser, she has had enough time to grow it out again! She doesn't braid it as intricately anymore, leaving it half down, and her hair hasn't been able to grow back as long.
A shorter hair Lavellan, when she was in the process of growing it out. She's grown more somber and a little jaded playing the part of The Herald. She feels she needs to keep on the mantle to keep people in power in her support, but knows it makes it easier for Solas to turn elves against her, claiming she is a traitor to her own people.
A portrait taken soon after the Exalted Council.
God I have so many ideas and wants for a cool magical prosthetic!! Valynia was a knight enchanter so it makes sense to me that if she can channel a spirit blade, she should be able to channel a spirit ARM (for a short time). And I believe Dagna would absolutely be able to make her an enchanted prosthetic that when powered by magic, can articulate.
and 6. Man i DON'T WANT IT TO GO THIS WAY but its hard not to think of some good painful dialogue of these two idiots meeting again. I sure hope they can kiss and make up <:v Mentioned above: Valynia knows she can easily be painted as a traitor and a villain to other elves, which is why she's so bitter about the poetic irony that they'd flock to Solas, who was constantly defaming modern day elves.
WELL THAT'S it for now but there will probably be more!! BRB while i replay Origins and DA:2!!!!!!
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