#ex fbi agent who got kicked out cause he wanted to marry a black man???
bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
name a minor doctor who character more iconic than canton everett delaware the third i’ll wait
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New Beginnings
Part one: Dean’s big move
(Au series Fbi agent Dean Winchester Teacher human Cas and Ghost hunter Sam) ~warnings cussing sadness fluff mentions of sex mentions of death Dean as an Ex Fbi agent troubled past~ Dean looked at all his bags he packed in the trunk of car. After being a hell of an agent for a number of years he was forced into retirement at the age of 38. He was on a special assignment taking down a drug ring he found out the leader of the ring was the only man he ever loved. He busted up the drug ring but not before Deans ex shot him in the hip. Dean spent months recovering now he walks with a permanent limp. His Ex was sentience to life in prison. “Damn it all after all the time I spent on the fucking force all I have to show for it is a limp and a gold watch. At least I’m still alive and I still have you baby. You can be the only love in my life. Well besides my baby brother.” He said as he ran his hand over the cars hood. Baby would be just an old car to some but to Dean she was his pride and joy. She was a black 1967 four door hardtop Chevy Impala. Beautiful to look at and fast too. She got him out of all kinds of bad scrapes. She got Dean and many Witnesses away from the bad guys. Dean drunk his morning coffee and ate a piece of pie as he drove down the road. He turned the radio on as Carry On My Wayward Son started to play. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. Dean always did love classic rock. “ well baby will be in New Jersey soon I just hope that they all have a nice parking place for you. I know you’ve got me out of so many rough spots.” Dean said stopping at a red light. Secretly Dean longed to find love. Be it man or woman just someone who’d love him for him. He thought he found it with Crowley. He was charming sweet but also so badassed. He seemed so perfect but it was all a lie. The man of his dreams was a drug king pin. Dean shook his head clearing out his thoughts of the past. The light turned green he could see a small run down apartment building. He sighed a little as he pulled in. “Well baby welcome home.” Dean said as he saw a handsome man in a multi-colored turtleneck put his trash in a dumpster. Dean just watched him as he bent down to tie his shoe. Dean had no idea why he was so fascinated by this man. He was kind of an odd duck was that why he couldn’t take his eyes off. One thing Dean did know or at least he thought he knew. It couldn’t be love he was done with love. The strange man in the multicolored sweater walked towards the doors. “Hey Cas the ass how bout changing my F to an A?“ Asked a very tall well built young man as he jumped out of the bushes right in front of the man in the multi-colored sweater. “How bout no way in hell Scott. One you can call me Castile or professor only my friends can call me Cas. Two you get the grade you earn I don’t care if you are a football player who needs to pass my class in order to play next season. If you have tried talking to me Scott I may have helped you now stop being an assault and get out of my way.“ Cas growls as he tries to walk pass Scott. “ I thought you’d say that’s why I brought a few friends with me Cas the ass!!!” Scott shouted as he whistled five more tall guys ran out. They all jumped Cas and started to beat the shot out of him. One even kicked him in the head. Cas being bout half conscious tries to get away Scott pulls out a gun shoots Cas twice in the right side. Everything happened so fast Dean didn’t know for sure what was going on. He ran out of baby as fast as he could when he realized what was happening. His hip didn’t even bother him mostly because he didn’t have time to think about it. Dean took out his gun shot it in the air. “Get the Fuck out of here and leave that man alone. Unless you want shot in the fucking head!!!” Dean shouted as he leaned down to check Cas out. “Fuck you bitch I ain’t scared. My beef is with Cas the ass not you little bitch.” Scott said to Dean glaring at him. Dean shot right above his head and Scott ran off like striped assed ape. Dean checks for a pulse and finds a pretty strong one. He carefully picks Cas up and wishpers in his ear. “Cas I don’t know who you are but, you’re gonna be ok. I promise you and I won’t leave you till I’m sure your ok.” Dean said as he put Cas in the front passenger seat next to him. Dean didn’t know why he felt a connection to him but, he did know what happened to Cas wasn’t right. So he was goanna do everything he to make sure he was goanna be ok. One thing Dean knew for sure he wasn’t falling in love. Well at least that what he told himself. Dean floored baby and drove her like a bat out of hell . Cas was awake but he was in so much pain he was out of it. “ I gotta go to work tomorrow. If I don’t go to school they’ll pass him I just know it. I got leave ow I can’t go to the hospital.“ Cas panted out nearly above a whisper as he reached for the door handle. “Cas I’m Dean and you’ll be ok. You just need relax. I don’t think you’ll be going to school tomorrow you’ll be in the hospital. Look man you’ve been beat up badly and shot in the side twice. We’ll figure out something bout that punk who shot you. You need to relax cause your lucky to be awake right now.“ Dean said in a concerned tone. “But if i can’t make it in tomorrow they’ll pass him. Cause they’re won’t be time to ow find a sub. The principal would be the substitute teacher and he’s a big jock with no pride in ethics. Maybe I shouldn’t be a teacher because I care too much. Maybe I should of just changed his grade but, but then that would have been fair to all the other students who earned their grade. Oh I’ve never been in so much pain in my life and I feel so sleepy.” Cas said trying to keep his eyes open. “ Cas I haven’t known you for very long but I can tell you’re a damn good teacher. That you really care about kids and that’s good. It’s oh so good that you care a lot about you just need can learn to defend yourself. Please try to stay awake I know it hurts if you’ll be okay. Just stay awake please stay awake.” Dean said as he neared the hospital still driving fast. Dean pulled into the hospital just as Cas passed out from the pain. Dean picked him up carefully and ran him into the hospital. A couple of doctors took him from Dean. They rushed Cas back to surgery. Told Dean to wait in the waiting room. So Dean let out a sigh the waiting room wasn’t packed it was almost empty. Maybe if it was packed Dean would be more at ease. Dean sunk down in his seat he closed his eyes. Dean let his mind drift back to when he and Sam where kids. When Dean was 16 and Sam was 12 their mother Marry and father John were attacked and killed by a pack of werewolves. From that point on Dean tried to make sure his brother was well taken care when they were short on money and low on food Dean always made sure his baby brother had enough to eat even if that met not eating himself. Dean when he got older he became a Fbi agent to help people and Sam decided to hunt ghost werewolves and other supernatural creatures. Dean helps support Sam all he can with his business. Dean’s thoughts came crashing back to the present when Dean looked at his watch. It’s been a couple hours and Cas was still in surgery. “What the hell is wrong with me i don’t even know him. Let alone love him I could never love anyone again.“ He said low to himself. Dean got up and started to pace he rubbed his cell phone. Maybe he should call his brother Sammy. Sammy always knew what to say to calm Dean down. So he dialed Sam’s number and waited. “Hey big bro what’s up?” Sam answered with a yawn. “Not much im in the hospital but don’t panic I brought some one in a few hours ago.” Dean said still pacing. “Ok one stop pacing two I have to worry because if you spent that much time with him in the hospital it has to be a friend of ours. Because I knew you you don’t spend that much time in the hospital with someone you just brought there. Is he maybe your new love?” Asked Sam with a giggle. “No I just met him today he seems nice. Odd but nice he was ambushed by his students he’s been shot I don’t know. I guess I feel sorry for him.” Dean said finally sitting back down. A Dr came out “Mr Castile is awake and asking for you follow me.” “Sam I gotta go call you later.” Dean hung up and took a deep breath not knowing what to expect. To be continued…… ———-A/n———————————————— Feed back is extremely appreciated this is my frist Au fic ever special thanks to: @mishacrazyworld @pie-not-cake-you-assbutt @sofreddie @wayward-oneshots @waywardmoeyy @jhoomwrites @just-another-busy-fangirl @foodiestiel @feathered-winchester @fanforfanatic @supernatural-jackles @supernaturalfreewill @because-sam-winchester @winchesters-favorite-girl
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